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Offline Mark 79

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Re: Eye Doctor
« Reply #45 on: February 06, 2022, 12:05:13 PM »
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  • Anne, there are over 50 peer reviewed studies …

    …that docuмent the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus:

    …but the issue here is whether or not PRIVATE eye doctors should be FORCED to do what YOU want AGAINST their will.

    You want to cite peer-reviewed studies about masks, but blind yourself to peer-reviewed studies contradicting your crackpot theories? Start a "blind in one eye, can't see out of the other" thread.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #46 on: February 06, 2022, 12:07:46 PM »
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  • More than a little irony in 2022 :facepalm:

    Find some "patients" for all these ventilators we have on hand...

    She found me. I was on a ventilator for 4 months. And there are dozens like me in the waiting room of my "long haul" COVID specialist.

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #47 on: February 06, 2022, 04:31:57 PM »
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  • …that docuмent the isolation of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus:

    …but the issue here is whether or not PRIVATE eye doctors should be FORCED to do what YOU want AGAINST their will.

    You want to cite peer-reviewed studies about masks, but blind yourself to peer-reviewed studies contradicting your crackpot theories? Start a "blind in one eye, can't see out of the other" thread.

    It's well established that Koch's postulates have not been met:
     (1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally (4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism.

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #48 on: February 06, 2022, 04:33:26 PM »
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  • She found me. I was on a ventilator for 4 months. And there are dozens like me in the waiting room of my "long haul" COVID specialist.

    I'm vert sorry you were on a ventilator. Unfortunately it doesn't prove that you had something called "Covid 19". 

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #49 on: February 06, 2022, 05:11:18 PM »
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  • I take it that Mark and Ladislaus don't agree that a mask mandate is a crime (and should be recognized as such in our laws).

    No, I don't believe that the mask mandate is a crime per se.  It's an unjust law given that 1) the plandemic is fake and 2) the masks don't work at all.  But given a real plague and an effective mask, I don't think it would be a crime at all.  In fact, those who would refuse under the circuмstances (1 and 2) stated would be committing a sin by refusing to comply, endangering the lives of others.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #50 on: February 06, 2022, 05:20:07 PM »
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  • It's well established that Koch's postulates have not been met:
     (1) The microorganism must be found in diseased but not healthy individuals; (2) The microorganism must be cultured from the diseased individual; (3) Inoculation of a healthy individual with the cultured microorganism must recapitulated the disease; and finally (4) The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased individual and matched to the original microorganism.


    Koch's Postulates have been met. Read the literature to which I have linked.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #51 on: February 06, 2022, 05:21:30 PM »
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  • Does anyone know where in NW Virginia or anywhere closer to that than Florida their might be an eye doctor who will see us if we refuse to suffocate ourselves.

    Unless I missed it, so far the posts seem to be telling LOT to go to a doctor even if he/she requires a mask.  I happen to agree with that, but that is not what he's asking. He's asking for names of eye doctors closer to him that won't require a mask.  He's already made his decision that he is not wearing a mask.   
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #52 on: February 06, 2022, 05:41:01 PM »
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  • Unless I missed it, so far the posts seem to be telling LOT to go to a doctor even if he/she requires a mask.  I happen to agree with that, but that is not what he's asking. He's asking for names of eye doctors closer to him that won't require a mask.  He's already made his decision that he is not wearing a mask. 

    It's an indirect answer.  Instead of financially strapping your family and putting them through the hardshp of an 11-hour drive, contacting lawers, just put on the damn mask.  There's nothing immoral about a mask PER SE, and one commits no sin by complying in order to get medical care.  Sure, it would be a noble thing to endure hardship for a real moral issue, but this is excessive.

    Depending of what you need done, there's always Google:  "online eye doctor exam".  There's more and more telemedicine available these days.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #53 on: February 06, 2022, 05:43:39 PM »
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  • I think people need to stop blending political issues with moral ones.

    Unless what you're being asked to do is sinful and immoral, there's no sin even in complying with an unjust law.  Let's say a tyrant imposed a 10 MPH speed limit on the highways.  Unjust law.  But there's no sin, if you need to go somewhere, to simply drive under the 10MPH, as there's nothing inherently evil about driving slow.  

    Surgeons are required to wear masks in order to operate on patients.  Workers sometimes are required to wear masks (e.g. if they're working with asbestos or something).

    Our entire banking system is corrupt and unjust, but unless you go through it, you're not going to be able to buy a house or a car or a lot of other things you may need.

    Just give it a rest and get your eyes examined, and then go home and call your local politicians to object, or picket in front of the Dr.'s office against the mask.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #54 on: February 06, 2022, 05:57:20 PM »
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  • I'm vert sorry you were on a ventilator. Unfortunately it doesn't prove that you had something called "Covid 19".

    Correct, a ventilator alone doesn't cinch the diagnosis in my or other cases. The diagnosis of my COVID-19, like many diagnoses, follows a pattern, a diagnosis cinched by:

    • acute and convalescent antibody titers
    cytokine profile
    symptom profile, physical, imaging findings,
    acute and convalescent clinical course

    that in aggregate are quite unlike any "sniffles" or "flu" that I have ever had.

    Just as red bumps on your skin are not always "acne," the diagnosis of a rash depends on the pattern, exposure, and time course. Sometimes the red bumps are measles, poison oak, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, or Ebola.

    Sure, people get fever, cough, and "ground glass" opacities on Chest CT from "flu." Some people even get quadriplegia from post-"flu" Guillain-Barre Syndrome… BUT my quadriplegia was not the "ascending" (toes first then extending upwards) pattern of Guillain-Barre. Who have you ever met who 1-2 years after "flu" continues to have chest pain, severe exertional intolerance, and profound fatigue? Do you personally know of anyone who lost their hearing, taste, and smell, have permanent whole body neuropathy, or lost 70% of lung capillaries from "flu"?

    Admittedly there were numerous reports of bogus diagnoses of COVID, e.g., gun-shot wounds with COVID death certificates, "cases" pf papayas with PCR + results.  Admittedly, every faction is vested in which data to believe and disbelieve, BUT COVID exists. Most get well without permanent damage (long term, who knows? Maybe there will be delayed consequences, as Parkinsonism following "Spanish flu."), but millions died and millions more are seriously messed up unlike any "flu."

    I have no onus to prove the cause of my illness to you or anyone, but I think you do a disservice with your sweeping generalizations and a greater disservice with your discredited claims ("never isolated"), but you can believe any damn thing you choose.

    Lastly, there is the matter of my wager… Talk is cheap.…

    I wager that any random FLCCCA member, bar none, has helped more people than you have.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #55 on: February 06, 2022, 06:37:55 PM »
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  • …but the issue here is whether or not PRIVATE eye doctors should be FORCED to do what YOU want AGAINST their will.
    No, the issue is whether or not PRIVATE eye doctors are allowed to FORCE YOU to do something(*) AGAINST your will.

    * where the something is unrelated to the service they are providing and is an onerous imposition of a dangerous procedure.  If the doctor wants to wear a mask and a face shield and/or a respirator and/or a positive pressure protective suit, he is free to do that.  But he ought not be free to force his patients to undergo what amounts to a dangerous medical procedure without patient consent and without any reasonable purpose.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #56 on: February 06, 2022, 06:53:11 PM »
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  • No, the issue is whether or not PRIVATE eye doctors are allowed to FORCE YOU to do something(*) AGAINST your will.

    * where the something is unrelated to the service they are providing and is an onerous imposition of a dangerous procedure.  If the doctor wants to wear a mask and a face shield and/or a respirator and/or a positive pressure protective suit, he is free to do that.  But he ought not be free to force his patients to undergo what amounts to a dangerous medical procedure without patient consent and without any reasonable purpose.


    You can exercise your free will choice to enter or not enter HIS property, yet you pretend you are justified in telling him under what circuмstances you will be allowed to enter HIS property.

    Who the bloody hell do you think you are?

    Do you think you can come in our home and tell us under what circuмstances you may enter?

    Try it! You'll be making scratch marks on the prison walls to mark the days… if you are lucky.

    What Marxist horse pookey!

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #57 on: February 06, 2022, 06:53:47 PM »
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  • I think people need to stop blending political issues with moral ones.

    Unless what you're being asked to do is sinful and immoral, there's no sin even in complying with an unjust law.  Let's say a tyrant imposed a 10 MPH speed limit on the highways.  Unjust law.  But there's no sin, if you need to go somewhere, to simply drive under the 10MPH, as there's nothing inherently evil about driving slow. 

    Surgeons are required to wear masks in order to operate on patients.  Workers sometimes are required to wear masks (e.g. if they're working with asbestos or something).

    Our entire banking system is corrupt and unjust, but unless you go through it, you're not going to be able to buy a house or a car or a lot of other things you may need.

    Just give it a rest and get your eyes examined, and then go home and call your local politicians to object, or picket in front of the Dr.'s office against the mask.
    It's not just a political issue.  It is a political issue but that's not the end of it.  Bottom line is that it is immoral (and should be a crime) to coerce people into endangering their health for no reason.

    Mark admitted that property owners don't have the right to criminally coerce customers/patients.  And both you and he agree that mandating masks is immoral.  So the only point of disagreement is whether or not it should be classified as a crime.  I think it should be at least a misdemeanor.  And if someone dies because of the mandate, it should be a felony manslaughter.  There is a video of a guy in Australia having a terrible asthma attack because he was forced to wear a mask by the cops.  He could have died.  Eye doctors can't be allowed to risk lives just because they are "woke".

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #58 on: February 06, 2022, 07:06:42 PM »
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  • It's not just a political issue.  It is a political issue but that's not the end of it.  Bottom line is that it is immoral (and should be a crime) to coerce people into endangering their health for no reason.

    Mark admitted that property owners don't have the right to criminally coerce customers/patients.  And both you and he agree that mandating masks is immoral.  So the only point of disagreement is whether or not it should be classified as a crime.  I think it should be at least a misdemeanor.  And if someone dies because of the mandate, it should be a felony manslaughter.  There is a video of a guy in Australia having a terrible asthma attack because he was forced to wear a mask by the cops.  He could have died.  Eye doctors can't be allowed to risk lives just because they are "woke".


    Try to enter our property under your conditions.


    Offline Marion

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #59 on: February 06, 2022, 07:45:14 PM »
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  • I think you're right Mark 79, while Clemens Maria defends socialist/communist/nanny state ideas.
    That meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once been declared by holy mother church. (Dei Filius)