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Offline Jr1991

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Re: Eye Doctor
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2022, 10:20:35 PM »
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  • There's nothing intrinsically immoral about wearing a mask.  If you need to put on a mask to get medical care, then just put on the mask.

    Technically a business could say, "we won't serve you unless you show up wearing a bowtie".  I reject govenment mandates, but businesses are free to impose whatever restrictions they want to or else refuse service.  You know the old "no shirt, no shoes, no service."  Or a restaurant might required formal dress to eat there.  I think you're giving this too much thought.

    I agree with Lads. You need to know when to pick your fights. Next week, I have to go to the eye doctor to renew my driver's license, and if I have to wear a mask to get this over with, I will.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #16 on: February 04, 2022, 11:01:54 PM »
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  • Being required to wear a mask is NOT the same thing as being required to wear a shirt.  Can a supermarket owner require you to take off all your clothes (or worse) in order to buy food?  No, of course not!  He would go to jail for that.  Requirements have to have some kind of reasonable basis.  Requiring people to wear a shirt is reasonable and appropriate for our culture.  Wearing a mask is not.  A mask could be appropriate in certain situations but as a general requirement it is onerous, counter-productive, damaging to the mental health of not only the one wearing it but also to the health of those nearby who understandably are subject to fear.  It also is responsible for a huge increase in delayed development of children.  So it is not a reasonable request.  It is a tool of communists who want to control the public.  If more people refused to wear masks (like the Canadian truckers), this pandemic would be over in a flash.  The first thing you can try is to make the appointment with the local eye doctor, and then show up without the mask and refuse to wear one.  If he throws you out of the office, just walk out, don't argue or cause a scene.  Try a few other local doctors.  Sooner or later, you'll find one that isn't a lunatic.

    Offline ultrarigorist

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #17 on: February 05, 2022, 06:50:27 AM »
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  • We've observed that muzzle-wearing on rare occasions isn't problematic so long as however you do it makes an UNAMBIGUOUS MOCKERY of the compliance exercise. For example, we've been doing what another poster here suggested since the "beginning", which is to cut out the back layer and middle paper from those cheap blue muzzles, with which people can clearly see your features through..
    Mine also have clearly written with a sharpie:
    (If you do the inscription, pull open the folds so it lays flat)
    In fact, this often has had a much more profound effect than altercation (especially when children see it), and believe me, I've done both- Frequently. 

    Offline Anne Evergreen

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #18 on: February 05, 2022, 12:19:14 PM »
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  • Being required to wear a mask is NOT the same thing as being required to wear a shirt.  Can a supermarket owner require you to take off all your clothes (or worse) in order to buy food?  No, of course not!  He would go to jail for that.  Requirements have to have some kind of reasonable basis.  Requiring people to wear a shirt is reasonable and appropriate for our culture.  Wearing a mask is not.  A mask could be appropriate in certain situations but as a general requirement it is onerous, counter-productive, damaging to the mental health of not only the one wearing it but also to the health of those nearby who understandably are subject to fear.  It also is responsible for a huge increase in delayed development of children.  So it is not a reasonable request.  It is a tool of communists who want to control the public.  If more people refused to wear masks (like the Canadian truckers), this pandemic would be over in a flash.  The first thing you can try is to make the appointment with the local eye doctor, and then show up without the mask and refuse to wear one.  If he throws you out of the office, just walk out, don't argue or cause a scene.  Try a few other local doctors.  Sooner or later, you'll find one that isn't a lunatic.
    You, and others here may not be aware of what are called "Regulated" or "Legislated" Professions in Healthcare. These are covered by State, or Federal Levels of Government in the USA and Provincial and Federal Levels of Government in Canada. These help ensure consistent and minimum Standards of Care are met, and that not just anyone can call themselves an "Optometrist" or "Eye Doctor" etc. Titles are protected by law.

    Wearing a mask to an eye doctor or optometrist is perfectly reasonable.

    Have you ever had to make an appointment with a professional such as a Medical Doctor? Have you been made aware of their cancellation and no-show policies? Do you show up on time, or do you just manipulate things according to whatever mood you are in?

    Fortunately, the great majority of "appointment-based" service providers are aware of such terrible advice and time-wasters like you and are smart enough to either get a credit card to hold the appointment, or get insurance information before hand to prevent such scenarios as what you are trying to encourage.

    So not only are you giving terrible advice, but you are showing that you don't value other people's time. With such high integrity, it won't be long before you and the fellow in the OP would blow through all the Eyecare professionals in WVA and beyond, and you both WILL have to drive to Florida to find anyone dumb enough to accomodate either of you. The only lunatic here is you and your lunatic advice.

    "The world is thy ship, and not thy home."--The Little Flower

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #19 on: February 05, 2022, 12:45:28 PM »
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  • Well, under the law of our land people currently do not have to consent to any kind of medical experiments, including masking, testing or shots to access business services.

    If people want to acquiesce to medical experiments that are known to be harmful and not helpful to ones health they are free to do so or they can legally refuse such inhumane treatment.
    Look. I am totally on-board with all the above.

    (1) Don't patronize those to whom you object (even eye doctors)
    (2) End ZOG's occupation of .gov.

    (3) Don't force other private people to serve your demands

    EXCEPT: the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan that demonstrably must be controlled as any and all criminals need to be restrained and controlled.

    Offline Aleah

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #20 on: February 05, 2022, 03:18:06 PM »
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  • I'm sorry if this is off topic but I am trying to find help where I can get it.  We don't mask and we cannot find an eye doctor that will take us.  We have actually called down to Jacksonville Florida to see if they would take us and they would.  It would be an 11 hour drive, non-stop, a stay at a hotel, appointment the next day, stay at the hotel and an 11 hour drive back plus the stops for eating and restroom, on a single income from a peon who could lose his job at any time because he won't get the inoculation.

    Does anyone know where in NW Virginia or anywhere closer to that than Florida their might be an eye doctor who will see us if we refuse to suffocate ourselves.

    I'm even open to getting a lawyer to help us if we can find one.  Any advise, regarding eye doctors or lawyers would be very much appreciated.
    I can give you an eye doctor closer to you that doesn't require a mask but it will still be a good drive. Send me a personal message and we can discuss.
    I am He who is- you are she who is not.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #21 on: February 05, 2022, 03:34:48 PM »
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  • Being required to wear a mask is NOT the same thing as being required to wear a shirt.  Can a supermarket owner require you to take off all your clothes (or worse) in order to buy food?  No, of course not!  He would go to jail for that.

    Well, theoretically he could.  If you don't want to take your clothes off, then you don't go to that particular grocery store.  I'm sure there are many perverse types of businesses out there.  Not that these are acceptable in a Christian / Catholic society.  There are all kinds of gimmick businesses out there.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #22 on: February 05, 2022, 03:42:37 PM »
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  • When I've had contractors come over to do work on my house (plumbers, HVAC, etc.) when they show up wearing a mask I tell them they don't have to wear one if they don't want to.  Most of them are relieved and immediately take them off.  One HVAC guy said there was an old lady who insisted he wear a mask while fixing her AC unit OUTDOORS (while she was indoors).  She watched him out he window to make sure he didn't take the mask off.  Says he almost passed out from the heat.  He was incredibly grateful that I told him he didn't have to wear one.  Then I explain to them that the masks are useless.  But I also tell them that if it makes them uncomfortable I would put on a mask.  Some people are legitimately scared of COVID and think they are being subjected to a life-threatening situation.  I'm not going to force that on them either from my bull pulpit.  I'll take the opportunity to try to educate them, but I'm not going to subject them to mortal terror either simply because I have some "principle" to uphold.

    There were a couple times that this led to conversations where we found out that we both had the same views about COVID being a hoax and I made friends with the handyman.

    Unlike jabs, the masks are not inherently a moral issue.  If there were a Catholic monarch who ordred that people wear masks because there was a real pandemic going around, I'd feel obligated to wear a mask.  We have to be careful too much not to buy too much into the idea that we have all these "freedoms" and "rights" ... even if we use those as weapons to attck the evildoers.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #23 on: February 05, 2022, 07:28:25 PM »
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  • Wearing a mask to an eye doctor or optometrist is perfectly reasonable.

    No, it is not reasonable for the reasons I outlined in my previous post.  Maybe if you backed your assertion up with some facts, you might be able to change minds.

    But in case you think it is just a few crazy trads who are opposed to mask mandates, you might want to read the following:

    Again, mask mandates, whether implemented by governments or by private businesses are not reasonable requests.  And those who refuse to comply with unreasonable requests are not the ones who are wasting people's valuable time.  It is the one's imposing unreasonable, dangerous and unhealthy requirements on the rest of us who are guilty.

    Also, someone above implied that a business owner could require people to take all the clothes off in order to buy groceries.  No, you are wrong.  If you tried something like that you would be arrested.  We don't live in a libertarian or anarchist society.  We have community standards.  Requiring people to strip for groceries is very blatant and no one would tolerate that.  But masks are obviously not as blatant.  But it is still unreasonable to require masks.  In fact, for some people, mask wearing is extremely dangerous even risking death.  But even for those of us who could tolerate wearing a mask, it is still risky.  It might be less risky than say breathing in toxic dust but if you aren't in a dangerous environment, mask wearing should not be done.  But the current mask requirements have an additional angle that no one has discussed so far.  They are symbolic of submission to the communist regime.  Some of us are very sensitive to that aspect of it.  Personally, I would rather undergo great suffering than submit to a communist regime.  So there's that too.  LoT can make his own decisions.  No one is going to judge him if he wears a mask to get his eyes checked out.  But he has every right to make an appointment and not expect that the doctor is going to require him to wear a mask that doesn't even achieve its stated purpose.

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #24 on: February 05, 2022, 07:57:45 PM »
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  • No, it is not reasonable for the reasons I outlined in my previous post.  Maybe if you backed your assertion up with some facts, you might be able to change minds.

    But in case you think it is just a few crazy trads who are opposed to mask mandates, you might want to read the following:

    Again, mask mandates, whether implemented by governments or by private businesses are not reasonable requests.  And those who refuse to comply with unreasonable requests are not the ones who are wasting people's valuable time.  It is the one's imposing unreasonable, dangerous and unhealthy requirements on the rest of us who are guilty.

    Also, someone above implied that a business owner could require people to take all the clothes off in order to buy groceries.  No, you are wrong.  If you tried something like that you would be arrested.  We don't live in a libertarian or anarchist society.  We have community standards.  Requiring people to strip for groceries is very blatant and no one would tolerate that.  But masks are obviously not as blatant.  But it is still unreasonable to require masks.  In fact, for some people, mask wearing is extremely dangerous even risking death.  But even for those of us who could tolerate wearing a mask, it is still risky.  It might be less risky than say breathing in toxic dust but if you aren't in a dangerous environment, mask wearing should not be done.  But the current mask requirements have an additional angle that no one has discussed so far. They are symbolic of submission to the communist regime.  Some of us are very sensitive to that aspect of it.  Personally, I would rather undergo great suffering than submit to a communist regime.  So there's that too.  LoT can make his own decisions.  No one is going to judge him if he wears a mask to get his eyes checked out.  But he has every right to make an appointment and not expect that the doctor is going to require him to wear a mask that doesn't even achieve its stated purpose.
    Yes! to what I highlighted in your post above!

    There is no medical reason for masks.

    Just like in Islam they are a symbol.

    They symbolize SUBMISSION.

    They are a humiliation ritual.

    They are a part of mass psychosis.

    "Well, if they make somebody else feel better."

    Somebody who is delusional feels better if I wear something?

    So I should play along and pretend?

    I should cover the image of God given to me to make them feel better?

    Do children feel better living in a world where everyone pretends they'll die a sudden, horrible death if you don't wear a mask?

    Certainly not.  The psychological damage being done to them is a horror!

    They are being led to believe that simply breathing is some kind of mortal sin!

    Should I also call men "women"?

    Some people are distressed and feel bad if I don't.

    They want me to use their pronouns.

    Should I call two men "married"?

    Some hospitals require staff to wear rainbow pins for pride month.

    Should they go along to make people feel better?

    It could cost them their job.

    Some people want me to call them a dog or a cat and "woof" or "meow" at them.

    Should I refuse or go along to get along?

    This is how communism works, Folks.

    Choose your own line in the sand but don't dis those who refuse to comply and are willing to suffer for it.

    Maybe you can't do it in your particular circuмstances but we should be grateful to those who have fought back and won.

    Good for them!

    Your line in the sand is coming right around the corner.

    After all,

    if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything.

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #25 on: February 05, 2022, 09:50:40 PM »
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  • Again, mask mandates, whether implemented by governments or by private businesses are not reasonable requests.  …

    It is not reasonable to expect any person to submit to your opinions.*

    You can't "opt out" of .gov/.zog (yet!), so you only have two choices, submit or fight.  I'm in favor of that fight and so I am fighting mandates and supporting FLCCCA.

    You can "opt out" of private businesses. "Shop" elsewhere. No need to be a control freak and bend everyone to your will.  If a businessman insists you wear mismatched Argyle socks or honk a clown horn to patronize his business, that his prerogative, not yours.  It's not your business.

    I would rather undergo great suffering than submit to a communist regime.

    At the risk of being blunt, your insistence on bending private businesses to be controlled by your opinions is emblematic of communism. Your enraged control-freak approach (sorry to be blunt again) is antithetical to private property rights. Your insistence on controlling another man's private business epitomizes (((communism))).

    *Your children or wife must submit to your orders, but you can not actually force them to submit to your opinions. You have no "right" to deny another's free will.

    So I should play along and pretend?

    No. Shop elsewhere.

    Three of my specialists annoyed me about COVID and other vaccines. I cited the research against their nonsense firmly and politely (surprised, eh?) and never went back. I replaced those three specialists with three excellent doctors. Easy-peasey and I violated nobody's private property rights. I violated nobody's rights to be idiots.

    As I said, there are hills to die on.   Destroying private property rights like some Jєω Marxist should not be a Catholic's cause.

    Fight .gov/.zog AND don't shop with idiots.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #26 on: February 05, 2022, 10:24:03 PM »
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  • Don't be like the fαɢɢօts who force private businesses to bake them cakes.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #27 on: February 05, 2022, 10:26:38 PM »
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  • You can "opt out" of private businesses. "Shop" elsewhere. No need to be a control freak and bend everyone to your will.  If a businessman insists you wear mismatched Argyle socks or honk a clown horn to patronize his business, that his prerogative, not yours.  It's not your business.

    This isn't an anarchist country.  We don't allow people absolute self-determination.  So you are correct that I can't impose my arbitrary opinions on others.  But that's not what we are talking about here.  We are talking about the doctor imposing his arbitrary opinions on us as a condition of providing service.  He does have the right to impose reasonable conditions on us.  And he has fairly wide latitude in that regard.  But he doesn't have an absolute right to impose any condition whatsoever that he fancies.  The example I gave was requiring stripping clothes off.  That actually could be reasonable if he is a GP or a dermatologist and he needs to examine your body to identify health issues.  But an eye doctor couldn't have a general requirement for all patients to take off their clothes.  We call that perversion and people will go to jail for that kind of behavior.  Mask mandates are not that blatant.  But they are still unreasonable.  No one should be allowed to coerce us into covering up our faces for no good reason.  So I'm pretty sure you are not advocating for decriminalizing perverse behavior (or what little of it is still considered criminal).  But you apparently think that mask mandates by private individuals are fair game.  I disagree.  I don't care if the communist is a government or an individual.

    At the risk of being blunt, your insistence on bending private businesses to be controlled by your opinions is emblematic of communism. Your enraged control-freak approach (sorry to be blunt again) is antithetical to private property rights. Your insistence on controlling another man's private business epitomizes (((communism))).

    Three of my specialists annoyed me about COVID and other vaccines. I cited the research against their nonsense firmly and politely (surprised, eh?) and never went back. I replaced those three specialists with three excellent doctors. Easy-peasey and I violated nobody's private property rights. I violated nobody's rights to be idiots.

    I see why Marion likes to get your goat.  You like to build up straw men and then slay them.  Good for you.

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #28 on: February 05, 2022, 11:10:01 PM »
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  • It is not reasonable to expect any person to submit to your opinions.*

    You can't "opt out" of .gov/.zog (yet!), so you only have two choices, submit or fight.  I'm in favor of that fight and so I am fighting mandates and supporting FLCCCA.

    You can "opt out" of private businesses. "Shop" elsewhere. No need to be a control freak and bend everyone to your will.  If a businessman insists you wear mismatched Argyle socks or honk a clown horn to patronize his business, that his prerogative, not yours.  It's not your business.

    At the risk of being blunt, your insistence on bending private businesses to be controlled by your opinions is emblematic of communism. Your enraged control-freak approach (sorry to be blunt again) is antithetical to private property rights. Your insistence on controlling another man's private business epitomizes (((communism))).

    *Your children or wife must submit to your orders, but you can not actually force them to submit to your opinions. You have no "right" to deny another's free will.

    No. Shop elsewhere.

    Three of my specialists annoyed me about COVID and other vaccines. I cited the research against their nonsense firmly and politely (surprised, eh?) and never went back. I replaced those three specialists with three excellent doctors. Easy-peasey and I violated nobody's private property rights. I violated nobody's rights to be idiots.

    As I said, there are hills to die on.  Destroying private property rights like some Jєω Marxist should not be a Catholic's cause.

    Fight .gov/.zog AND don't shop with idiots.

    This is why the WEF controllers are establishing a "public-private partnership" so they can have it both ways.  It's not really traditional communism but Stakeholder Capitalism.  It's stealthy and incremental.  Death by a thousand cuts.

    They are incrementally imposing fake government mandates and then back off and come at us through the private sector by providing financial incentives and fines to businesses to entice them to comply.  Back and forth they will go, throttling the masses to comply.

    Either way we are facing unjust laws, "mandates", "rules", "policies" etc. to conduct necessary business (BUY FOOD and GET MEDICAL CARE) in order to survive. 

    Private property rights are important but they do not trump all other rights with carte blanche for every kind of injustice in society.

    As for the FLCCC they are anti science.

    They are promoting the wearing of masks, social distancing, and early treatment for "Covid 19".  What exactly is Covid 19?  WHO THE HELL KNOWS?  No one can say.

    They have protocols for "Post Covid 19 exposure".


    Someone tested positive for something that has never been isolated and identified and you were around them???

    There is no test.  There is no identified virus.

    Is it a cold, the flu, radiation from a 5G tower, graphene in the lungs from wearing a mask or taking a test up the nose or spraying the skies, the Omnicron, the MU, the son of MU.....join in the fun and the delusion! 

    One thing we know for sure-----it ain't a virus that anyone can identify!

    Matthew has been posting about the people who go along with delusional practices because everyone else is doing it.  Masks, "social distancing" and the diagnoses of Covid 19 are all examples of this mass delusional psychosis.

    If you can go along with it and still look in the mirror then all right for you.  I for one cannot.

    "But FLCCC are the brave frontline doctors who are promoting Ivermectin for early treatment and probably want to make America Great Again so we support them with all our heart.  They are on our side."  smh

    Truth mixed with lies.

    Ivermectin can treat colds, flu, radiation, parasites, and other illnesses because it kills parasites and increases oxygen in the cells.

    That's great but using it doesn't tell you that what you had was something called "Covid 19".

    The more we play into their delusion the more power they have to control us through the electron microscope surveillance state.  Trust the experts.  They know if you're sick even if you have no symptoms. Don't breath.  Don't go outside.  Don't talk to a neighbor.  You are a menace to society until they give you the green light. 

    If you have sniffles or a sore throat go straight to a "frontline doctor" who will give you Ivermectin.  If you feel better it's clear you really had "Covid 19" and you can thank them for curing you. Thank goodness for "early detection".

    In any case, when you can no longer buy food unless you submit to gene editing and provide your palm scan to prove it will you still support the "private property rights" of the grocery stores?

    Clearly the only remnant to survive will have to become self sustaining and off grid in the strictest sense of the word.

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #29 on: February 05, 2022, 11:14:56 PM »
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  • This isn't an anarchist country. 

    Straw man. I proposed no "anarchy," only asserted private property rights recognized in numerous pre-V2 papal encyclicals.

    Was Pope Leo XIII an anarchist?

    We don't allow people absolute self-determination. 

    Another straw man. I never proposed "absolute" self-determination.

    So you are correct that I can't impose my arbitrary opinions on others.  But that's not what we are talking about here.  We are talking about the doctor imposing his arbitrary opinions on us as a condition of providing service. 

    The eye doctor has the right to paint his office any color and to insist on other non-criminal  policies.

    He does have the right to impose reasonable conditions on us.

    He has the right to impose unreasonable non-criminal conditions.

    And he has fairly wide latitude in that regard. 

    Yes, so wide a latitude that he can make unreasonable non-criminal conditions.

    But he doesn't have an absolute right to impose any condition whatsoever that he fancies.  The example I gave was requiring stripping clothes off. 

    If you offer such ridiculous examples, I respond with a ridiculous counter-example of a nudist eye doctor.

    That actually could be reasonable if he is a GP or a dermatologist and he needs to examine your body to identify health issues. 

    Not at all reasonable.

    But an eye doctor couldn't have a general requirement for all patients to take off their clothes.  We call that perversion and people will go to jail for that kind of behavior. 

    I have previously clearly stated that you have no "right" to force others to your will. Forcing sex or nudism is among those things that you and the eye doctor have no "right" to insist.

    I have specifically defended non-criminal requirements, even if they are idiotic (e.g., mismatched socks and clown horns).

    Mask mandates are not that blatant.  But they are still unreasonable. 

    Yes, unreasonable, unjustified by honest science. So what? As long as he is not forcing his will on you or committing a crime, he can be unreasonable.

    You are free to choose the reasonable thing: Shop elsewhere.

    No one should be allowed to coerce us into covering up our faces for no good reason. 

    Did someone strong arm you and force you to see the unreasonable idiot eye doctor?

    Or do you have a choice to shop elsewhere?

    So I'm pretty sure you are not advocating for decriminalizing perverse behavior (or what little of it is still considered criminal). 

    Thank you for crediting me with a token of good sense.

    But you apparently think that mask mandates by private individuals are fair game.

    What is "fair game"?  Mask mandates are stupidly harmful. Are they legal? Yes.  Do i avoid them when able? Yes.

    I gave examples of avoiding idiots, "shopping elsewhere," changing doctors.  Is it "fair game" to shop elsewhere. I think so.

     I disagree.  I don't care if the communist is a government or an individual.

    If and when the private individual forces you to don a mask at the point of a gun or imprisonment, you'd have a point. As long as you have the right to shop elsewhere, you have no point.

    I see why Marion likes to get your goat.  You like to build up straw men and then slay them.  Good for you.

    What "straw man" have I offered?

    I have simply stated that:

    (1) regarding private businesses, you can shop elsewhere.

    (2) Control-freaks and Communists seek to control private businesses.

    _IF_ you think you should not be forced to bake a wedding cake for fαɢɢօts, you should also believe a private doctor should not be forced to allow you maskless in HIS office.