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Offline Lover of Truth

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Eye Doctor
« on: February 04, 2022, 07:21:16 AM »
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  • I'm sorry if this is off topic but I am trying to find help where I can get it.  We don't mask and we cannot find an eye doctor that will take us.  We have actually called down to Jacksonville Florida to see if they would take us and they would.  It would be an 11 hour drive, non-stop, a stay at a hotel, appointment the next day, stay at the hotel and an 11 hour drive back plus the stops for eating and restroom, on a single income from a peon who could lose his job at any time because he won't get the inoculation.

    Does anyone know where in NW Virginia or anywhere closer to that than Florida their might be an eye doctor who will see us if we refuse to suffocate ourselves.

    I'm even open to getting a lawyer to help us if we can find one.  Any advise, regarding eye doctors or lawyers would be very much appreciated. 

    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church

    Offline Last Tradhican

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #1 on: February 04, 2022, 08:30:01 AM »
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  • Since the beginning of the plandemic, that's now almost 2 years, I wore a mask once to vote in a primary and I almost did not go because of the mask mandate. I wore my fishing gator mask for like 3 minutes in total. A fishing gator is a cloth tube that is just to meant to keep the sun off one's face ears, and neck. It however is a mask, so they can't say anything.

    That said, I wear N95 masks all the time when I am creating dust in sanding, mowing the lawn, blowing leaves etc., and special masks when using chemicals like 2 part isocyanate paints (deadly poisonous). I take them off during breaks to clean my face. I don't understand how people can volunteeringly wear a mask all day like it was a pair of paints or a shirt, breathing in their stink breath, sweat, and mold.

    All of that said, if an eye doctor wants me to wear a mask that they provide while I am under his face, I would do it, it is no different than wearing a mask to blow leaves. If the operation takes hours, change the mask a few times, you are not paying for it. Go into the doctor's office with no mask and have them provide you with what they like. No big deal.
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    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24

    Offline epiphany

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #2 on: February 04, 2022, 10:06:44 AM »
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  • Since the beginning of the plandemic, that's now almost 2 years, I wore a mask once to vote in a primary and I almost did not go because of the mask mandate. I wore my fishing gator mask for like 3 minutes in total. A fishing gator is a cloth tube that is just to meant to keep the sun off one's face ears, and neck. It however is a mask, so they can't say anything.

    That said, I wear N95 masks all the time when I am creating dust in sanding, mowing the lawn, blowing leaves etc., and special masks when using chemicals like 2 part isocyanate paints (deadly poisonous). I take them off during breaks to clean my face. I don't understand how people can volunteeringly wear a mask all day like it was a pair of paints or a shirt, breathing in their stink breath, sweat, and mold.

    All of that said, if an eye doctor wants me to wear a mask that they provide while I am under his face, I would do it, it is no different than wearing a mask to blow leaves. If the operation takes hours, change the mask a few times, you are not paying for it. Go into the doctor's office with no mask and have them provide you with what they like. No big deal.
    we made some face masks out of very thin but colorful material, which hang like belly-dancer face masks, and wear it under our nose.  we can breathe easily.

    i have seen others use the blue mask they give you, rip the guts of it out, leaving just the thin blue cover, tear the ear loops and tie them around their head, again hanging like a belly-dancer mask.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #3 on: February 04, 2022, 10:18:28 AM »
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  • There's nothing intrinsically immoral about wearing a mask.  If you need to put on a mask to get medical care, then just put on the mask.

    Technically a business could say, "we won't serve you unless you show up wearing a bowtie".  I reject govenment mandates, but businesses are free to impose whatever restrictions they want to or else refuse service.  You know the old "no shirt, no shoes, no service."  Or a restaurant might required formal dress to eat there.  I think you're giving this too much thought.

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #4 on: February 04, 2022, 11:17:48 AM »
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  • I still have to wear a mask every day at work since I'm in a hospital. And our idiot governor extended mandates for our county in public places AGAIN.
    Annoying and kind of superstitious?Absolutely. Immoral? No.

    It's not like they're asking to you take the jab at the door.
    "Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." [Matt. 6:34]

    "In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin." [Ecclus. 7:40]

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    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #5 on: February 04, 2022, 11:49:39 AM »
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    “You are protected by a PATIENT’S BILL OF RIGHTS. You do not have to submit to any medical treatments, including wearing a mask, testing or vaccines.”
    ~  Peggy Hall

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #6 on: February 04, 2022, 12:10:14 PM »
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  • Good for you, Lover of Truth, for standing your ground.

    Do not comply with illegal communist "mandates" which are not law!

    An unjust "mandate" is no law at all.

    "No shoes, no shirt, no service" is not the same thing.

    Masks are a medical intervention proven in numerous peer reviewed studies to be harmful and not helpful.

    People have religious and medical rights under the law which override any mask "mandates" or "policy" which are not laws.

    It is illegal for businesses to require them.

    If people had learned the law and fought the masks things might not have gotten as far as they have with other things.

    They counted on our ignorance and cowardice.

    This lady got the illegal mask "mandates" removed in Orange County, CA and has helped thousands of people across the country fight back.

    There is information at her site on how to win in court as well.

    Here is more information


    Interview with Peggy Hall "No Emergency Suspends The Law" - Is "No Mask" a policy or a choice?

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #7 on: February 04, 2022, 01:31:48 PM »
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  • I can hear my late mother's voice in my ear: "Don't cut off your nose to spite your face."

    There are hills on which to die. This isn't one of them.

    If you need eye care, get it. If you don't need it, stay home.

    What's a lawyer going to do? Charge you for trying to force the doctor to be a slave to your demands?

    He has as much right to decide what to do in his office as you have a right to do what you want in your home or place of business. 

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #8 on: February 04, 2022, 01:45:41 PM »
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  • He has as much right to decide what to do in his office as you have a right to do what you want in your place of business.

    No business has the right to discriminate against people's federally protected religious and medical rights.

    People have fought back and won the right to work, shop, get medical care without masks.

    If you don't want to fight, don't.

    There's no reason to stop somebody who does.

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #9 on: February 04, 2022, 02:58:22 PM »
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  • No business has the right to discriminate against people's federally protected religious and medical rights.

    People have fought back and won the right to work, shop, get medical care without masks.

    If you don't want to fight, don't.

    There's no reason to stop somebody who does.


    Freedom of Association allows persons and business owners to decide with whom they will and will not associate.

    I hate the mandates against personal rights as much as I do тαℓмυdic lawfare against private property rights.

    "Two wrongs don't make it right."

    I'll fight BOTH evils.

    Offline Marion

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #10 on: February 04, 2022, 03:15:21 PM »
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  • No business has the right to discriminate against people's federally protected religious and medical rights.

    People have fought back and won the right to work, shop, get medical care without masks.

    If you don't want to fight, don't.

    There's no reason to stop somebody who does.

    It's ridiculous to legally threaten a doctor who you trust to treat your eyes. Use some common sense. 
    That meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once been declared by holy mother church. (Dei Filius)

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #11 on: February 04, 2022, 03:24:02 PM »
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  • medical rights.…

    A "right" is something you can do for yourself.

    You have no "right" to force me or anyone to do anything for you. That's tyranny, slavery, not a "right."

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #12 on: February 04, 2022, 08:15:40 PM »
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  • Well, under the law of our land people currently do not have to consent to any kind of medical experiments, including masking, testing or shots to access business services.

    If people want to acquiesce to medical experiments that are known to be harmful and not helpful to ones health they are free to do so or they can legally refuse such inhumane treatment.
    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Online Nadir

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #13 on: February 04, 2022, 09:16:34 PM »
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  • I'm sorry if this is off topic but I am trying to find help where I can get it.  We don't mask and we cannot find an eye doctor that will take us. 
    I am curious how you know that no local eye doctor will see you.
    Do you ring for appointment and the receptionist tells you up front before she will make the appointment?
    Or do you ask her if mask wearing is necessary?

    Here is my recent experience. Last week I has to go to the optometrist. Before going I went to the supermarket. I was waiting for it to open and a couple of elderly ladies reluctantly moved up so I could sit down. I am visibly disabled. They tell me the "law" says two bodies to a bench.

    Anyway we got chatting and I attempted to enlighten them that they don't have to wear masks. They weren't buying it. But the more pleasant (least suspicious) of the two related how she had gone to the optometrist (the same one I was booked for) and he had said to her "For goodness sake take off that mask. It's causing your glasses to fog". This gave some reassurance, as I admit that I was wary of having a disagreement.
    As I approached the door there was a big sign say in to effect of "don't enter without a mask." I ignored the sign and entered. There was a similar sign stuck on the desk and so I stood a little away from that sign and told my name and appointment time.

    Everyone was most kind and helpful. No-one battered an eyelid. I saw the optometrist who made no comment nor protest though he was wearing a mask. The good news is that I do not need new glasses.

    So what is your story, Lover of Truth?
    Do you really need an eye doctor or would an optometrist be sufficient? That would give you more options.

    Personally, I would just make an appointment and turn up. Do you really believe that the doctor will kick you out or are you at the mercy of an upstart receptionist?
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
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    Offline Anne Evergreen

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #14 on: February 04, 2022, 10:14:43 PM »
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  • I'm sorry if this is off topic but I am trying to find help where I can get it.  We don't mask and we cannot find an eye doctor that will take us.  We have actually called down to Jacksonville Florida to see if they would take us and they would.  It would be an 11 hour drive, non-stop, a stay at a hotel, appointment the next day, stay at the hotel and an 11 hour drive back plus the stops for eating and restroom, on a single income from a peon who could lose his job at any time because he won't get the inoculation.

    Does anyone know where in NW Virginia or anywhere closer to that than Florida their might be an eye doctor who will see us if we refuse to suffocate ourselves.

    I'm even open to getting a lawyer to help us if we can find one.  Any advise, regarding eye doctors or lawyers would be very much appreciated.
    This is being scrupulous on steroids, in my opinion. If I asked you, "Can you afford to go on vacation right now?" What would you answer, yes or no? If you answered "yes," then why are you so worried about losing your job? Clearly money is not that much of a problem for you.

    If your answer is, "no," then why is it that way? You are probably not rolling in dough. Even on a common-sense level, *does it make sense to drive all that way when you can find the same help right in your area?* It's not like you are going to visit a dying relative that you are never going to see again. If it were a dying relative, I'd say, have a safe trip.

    You are wanting basic eye care for your family. It's also not like you are needing specialized brain surgery that can only be found in one part of the US in Jacksonville, Florida. In which case, of course it would make sense to go through all that hassle to get there!

    The eye doctor is working in what is called "intimate" or personal space (usually within about 18" is a typical measurement). It is also known as "within kissing distance." Do you have children? You need to teach them about personal space and who is and who is not allowed within it, and why and when.

    He or she is close enough to examine your eyes and smell what you had for lunch, and vice versa--you can also smell the breath. As a basic sign of respect, if for no other reason, BE HAPPY that he or she is wearing a mask, and wants you to wear one!

    I worked for decades with people that had less-than-ideal personal hygiene--people that didn't brush their teeth twice a day, don't use dental floss, don't visit the dentist twice a year, smell bad, and so on, etc. There were many times I would have LOVED to throw them a mask so I didn't have to smell their alcohol breath, drug breath, bad breath, look at their gnarly teeth, and so on.

    You don't need a lawyer. For what? If you don't trust someone to look after your eyes, then don't bother going to the eye doctor. An optometrist is different than an ophthalmologist, btw. The latter is an MD, the former is not. If you just need glasses, you just need an optometrist. If you need cataract surgery, then go for the specialist.

    What if you need follow-up care? Are you going to go through all the 11 hour drive stuff each time *just to see that same person?* No? If not, why not?

    I have to drive almost 4 hours return to visit my guy--I have had him for years, and it's worth continuing on with him and the hassle to get there for the every-2-years I see him. The closest person would be 60 minutes round-trip.

    Find someone local, put on a mask for the short time you will be there, and offer it up if it really bothers you. And if you are wanting to go the extra-mile? Take all that money you were (ridiculously) prepared to spend on your day-trip to Florida, and have Masses said for something constructive--your family, the Holy Souls, etc.

    And if you balk at that idea (of spending all that money on Masses)? Then I don't think you need to see an eye doctor, but another kind of doctor for your mind. That's how neurotic you come across to me. You are way-over-thinking things, but as you wish.

    There is no sin in wearing a mask, and there is no sin in driving all that way to Florida if you want to. (And if it were me, I'd at least make it worthwhile and stay a few days and make it a mini-vacation, but that's beside the point). But for someone on the verge of losing his job? I would say that you are foolish for wasting that money that would be better spent saving it, or using it to feed and house your family. Common sense is missing. 

    Even if you had said, "We haven't had Mass in 6 months, so we are going to drive all that way to Florida, etc." I would say, "Wow, that's awesome! What a sacrifice!" But it's not for Mass. Do you currently drive all that way right now to attend Mass? If you say "But that's too far too drive!" Or, "We don't have to. We only have to drive 30 minutes, or whatever figure." Well, then, I rest my case. Like I said, you are being scrupulous on steroids.

    "The world is thy ship, and not thy home."--The Little Flower