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Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
« on: June 29, 2019, 05:55:45 AM »
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    A Catholic catholic prelate of the Maronite rite attended the priestly ordinations at St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Virginia, USA on June 21. It is about the C Orobispo (*)Anthony Spinosa . See this prelate in the following photos published by the same FSSPX:

    The Chorbishop Spinosa has previously attended the ordinations of the Fraternity: 

    Spinosa has participated in the "Catholic Identity" conferences organized by The Remnant, and in which the FSSPX also participates regularly (see the initial photo of this post).

    Apparently, their links with the SSPX are quite close. For example, in his ordination and investiture as Corobispo, in 2016, Fr. Scott Gardner, Econome of the United States District, attended. At the Novus Ordo Mass concelebrated on that occasion, this priest took an active part (although not concelebrating). 

    Wanting to know a little more about Spinoza, we found some disturbing things on his Facebook page : 

    - He points out that he "likes" the Fraternity of Saint Peter and a clothing site called "Romantic Catholic", not at all traditional ... nor manly. 

    - But also - and this is really serious - between what he says "likes" has included an "adult entertainment" site, called   "Palace in the Pines", which is a nudist bar :

    - He also points out that he "likes" the Stand Up " foundation of sportsman Ben Cohen, anorganization dedicated to "combating bullying", especially against ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs, transsɛҳuąƖs, etc. This Cohen is considered a "gαy icon" that has appeared on the cover of some magazines for ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs ( source ): 

    Cohen's Facebook

    - And he has registered as a " friend " a man who follows both openly ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ and "gαy dating " pages , as well as traditionalists . For example: 


    (*): In the Maronite Catholic Church, a choir is similar but not identical to an auxiliary bishop. Like a bishop, a Corobispo is ordained and can wear a bishop's dress that includes the miter and the staff A Maronite Corobispo can confer minor orders (lector and subdiaconado), but not the diaconate or the priesthood.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #1 on: June 29, 2019, 06:06:05 AM »
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  • Questions:

    1) Was the 2016 investiture Mass of Chorbishop Spinoza which Fr. Gardner participated in a Novus Ordo, or a Maronite rite Mass?

    2) I don't know how Facebook works, so just wondering: Is it possible that Spinoza's "liking" the gαy bar, and his "friending" the sodomite pop up on their own (i.e., like ads popping up on websites we visit, or would he actively/deliberately have had to personally "like" and "friend" them)?
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline confederate catholic

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #2 on: June 29, 2019, 02:01:52 PM »
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  • 1- Maronite
    2- yes

    Louie Vorrechio gave talks at the shrine for the Assumption pilgrimage
    From AKA SITE:
    OLL Shrine PilgrimageI’m truly honored to tell you that next weekend, August 13-15, I will be presenting three conferences at the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson, OH, as part of their annual Assumption Pilgrimage.

    The Basilica is a Maronite Catholic Church under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Maronite Catholic Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon in St. Louis, MO.

    Over the last several months I’ve exchanged some correspondence with the Shrine’s rector, Monsignor Anthony Spinosa. I was thrilled to learn that on Saturday, the 13th, he will be ordained (consecrated?) Chorbishop.

    I had to admit to Monsignor that I had to Google the title!

    From Wikipedia:

        In the Maronite Church, a chorbishop is similar to but not identical to an auxiliary bishop. Like a bishop, a chorbishop is ordained, and may wear a bishop’s vestments including the mitre (hat) and crozier (staff). A Maronite chorbishop has the power to confer minor orders (reader and the subdiaconate), but not the diaconate or priesthood. The role of protosyncellus (vicar general) is often filled by a chorbishop.

    If we have any Maronite readers who wish to expand on this, that would be terrific.

    In any case, if you happen to live nearby, please join us. This promises to be a wonderful weekend.

    For my part, I will give two conferences on Sunday; one on the Social Kingship of Christ and the other on Christian Marriage. On Monday, I will give a conference on Fatima and Guadalupe and Our Lady’s messages.

    NOTE: Preparing these conferences has recently taken some time away from the blog, just in case you noticed fewer postings. I want to thank all of you who support akaCatholic. Without your kindness I wouldn’t be able to give conferences like the ones upcoming – something I thoroughly enjoy doing.

    Please pray for hearts and minds to be touched next weekend; mine included!
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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #3 on: June 29, 2019, 02:10:01 PM »
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  • On Facebook when you 'like' a site it usually brings up other supposed related pages it sometimes beings totally unrelated things up so you could like accidentally, also if I was a pro life activity chair I might deliberately like a local pro abort page to know  when there activities are going on to have a counter demonstration. Or for example if the shrine is on the same city block as a gαy bar I might want to know if they planned crazy public crap before a childrens communion procession.
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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #4 on: June 29, 2019, 02:11:23 PM »
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  • Pretty sure he's been attending ordinations for years pre chorbishop ordination though
    قامت مريم، ترتيل وفاء جحا و سلام جحا

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #5 on: June 29, 2019, 03:43:56 PM »
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  • What do you think Fr. Scott Gardiner's role in the Spinoza appearances?

    Is he Spinoza's ecuмenical-trad mentor or bodyguard?

    I could easily see him playing the role of the latter.

    If too many laymen started asking Spinoza questions, he would need a character like Fr. Gardiner to intervene for him.
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline obediens

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #6 on: June 29, 2019, 06:29:32 PM »
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  • Questions:

    1) Was the 2016 investiture Mass of Chorbishop Spinoza which Fr. Gardner participated in a Novus Ordo, or a Maronite rite Mass?

    2) I don't know how Facebook works, so just wondering: Is it possible that Spinoza's "liking" the gαy bar, and his "friending" the sodomite pop up on their own (i.e., like ads popping up on websites we visit, or would he actively/deliberately have had to personally "like" and "friend" them)?
    It was a Maronite Rite Liturgy. 

    Speculation: My guess is that the proprietor, either under his name, or whose profile had been named for the 'establishment' had friended +Spinoza, (then changed the profile/page from his own name to the 'establishment name,') and then in turn, switched from a profile to a business page, which makes you automatically 'like' it. 

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #7 on: June 29, 2019, 07:54:25 PM »
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  • Seems like good reasons to stay off Facebook!
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
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    Offline Benzel

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #8 on: June 30, 2019, 02:40:43 AM »
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  • Questions:

    1) Was the 2016 investiture Mass of Chorbishop Spinoza which Fr. Gardner participated in a Novus Ordo, or a Maronite rite Mass?

    2) I don't know how Facebook works, so just wondering: Is it possible that Spinoza's "liking" the gαy bar, and his "friending" the sodomite pop up on their own (i.e., like ads popping up on websites we visit, or would he actively/deliberately have had to personally "like" and "friend" them)?
    1) Fr. Gardner participed in a "Maronite Novus Ordo Mass".

    “On December 4, 1963, the Vatican Ecuмenical Council issued a decree entitled " The Liturgy." In accordance with the terms of the decree and the wishes of the Maronite Clergy, 1) The Vatican Ecuмenical Council. 2) The Maronite Bishops. 3) Other Members of the Maronite belief, clergy and laity alike. 4) The Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon who was empowered (by the terms of the regulations issued November 21, 1965, pertaining specifically to the Eastern Church and being part of the Ecuмenical Decrees of Vatican II) to reform the liturgy of the Maronite Church, His Eminence Cardinal Patriarch Peter Paul Meouchi in a patriarchal decree, dated April 13, 1973, ordered the priests of the Maronite Church to amend the Mass and to use the new Ordo Missae, as new form of prayer and devotion for a trial of one year from the date of the decree. […] In 1992, His Eminence Cardinal and Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, has ordered the new edition of the Maronite Mass, ad experimentum for five years. The most important elements written into the Maronite Mass by the Patriarch at the time of the decree made April 13, 1973 and in July 1992 are as follows:
    In his observance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a priest should always face the Congregation at those times when he directly addresses the Community or when he gives a blessing or benediction, and he should turn to the altar when he addresses or pray to the Lord.
    The text of the Mass should be in the vernacular particularly at those times when the priest speaks to the congregation.” […] Souce:

    “With the notable exception of the Syro-Malankars, the Eastern Catholic Churches of the Syriac tradition (Maronites, Chaldeans, Syriac Catholics, Syro-Malabars) have been undergoing a creeping "novusordoism" that has seen the widespread adoption of ad populum (easily verified on the Internet)” Source:

    "easily verified on the Internet":

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #9 on: June 30, 2019, 06:59:22 AM »
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  • 1) Fr. Gardner participed in a "Maronite Novus Ordo Mass".

    “On December 4, 1963, the Vatican Ecuмenical Council issued a decree entitled " The Liturgy." In accordance with the terms of the decree and the wishes of the Maronite Clergy, 1) The Vatican Ecuмenical Council. 2) The Maronite Bishops. 3) Other Members of the Maronite belief, clergy and laity alike. 4) The Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon who was empowered (by the terms of the regulations issued November 21, 1965, pertaining specifically to the Eastern Church and being part of the Ecuмenical Decrees of Vatican II) to reform the liturgy of the Maronite Church, His Eminence Cardinal Patriarch Peter Paul Meouchi in a patriarchal decree, dated April 13, 1973, ordered the priests of the Maronite Church to amend the Mass and to use the new Ordo Missae, as new form of prayer and devotion for a trial of one year from the date of the decree. […] In 1992, His Eminence Cardinal and Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, has ordered the new edition of the Maronite Mass, ad experimentum for five years. The most important elements written into the Maronite Mass by the Patriarch at the time of the decree made April 13, 1973 and in July 1992 are as follows:
    In his observance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a priest should always face the Congregation at those times when he directly addresses the Community or when he gives a blessing or benediction, and he should turn to the altar when he addresses or pray to the Lord.
    The text of the Mass should be in the vernacular particularly at those times when the priest speaks to the congregation.” […] Souce:

    “With the notable exception of the Syro-Malankars, the Eastern Catholic Churches of the Syriac tradition (Maronites, Chaldeans, Syriac Catholics, Syro-Malabars) have been undergoing a creeping "novusordoism" that has seen the widespread adoption of ad populum (easily verified on the Internet)” Source:

    "easily verified on the Internet":

    Quite interesting Benzel!

    Looks like you've been following this subject for awhile?

    How methodical was rabbi Montini, (a.k.a., Pope Paul VI) in searching far and wide to implement destruction upon the Holy Mass.

                                     Wearing the sign of his judaic authority
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #10 on: June 30, 2019, 06:01:02 PM »
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  • My own thought is that it would be incredibly reckless of this Chorbishop to like/friend the person and establishment in question, knowing his activity would be open to the gaze of the whole world, and this realization in turn heavily implies some other explanation beside his personal guilt (e.g., such as has been discussed above).

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline JezusDeKoning

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #11 on: June 30, 2019, 08:04:46 PM »
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  • 1) Fr. Gardner participed in a "Maronite Novus Ordo Mass".

    “On December 4, 1963, the Vatican Ecuмenical Council issued a decree entitled " The Liturgy." In accordance with the terms of the decree and the wishes of the Maronite Clergy, 1) The Vatican Ecuмenical Council. 2) The Maronite Bishops. 3) Other Members of the Maronite belief, clergy and laity alike. 4) The Maronite Patriarch in Lebanon who was empowered (by the terms of the regulations issued November 21, 1965, pertaining specifically to the Eastern Church and being part of the Ecuмenical Decrees of Vatican II) to reform the liturgy of the Maronite Church, His Eminence Cardinal Patriarch Peter Paul Meouchi in a patriarchal decree, dated April 13, 1973, ordered the priests of the Maronite Church to amend the Mass and to use the new Ordo Missae, as new form of prayer and devotion for a trial of one year from the date of the decree. […] In 1992, His Eminence Cardinal and Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, has ordered the new edition of the Maronite Mass, ad experimentum for five years. The most important elements written into the Maronite Mass by the Patriarch at the time of the decree made April 13, 1973 and in July 1992 are as follows:
    In his observance of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, a priest should always face the Congregation at those times when he directly addresses the Community or when he gives a blessing or benediction, and he should turn to the altar when he addresses or pray to the Lord.
    The text of the Mass should be in the vernacular particularly at those times when the priest speaks to the congregation.” […] Souce:

    “With the notable exception of the Syro-Malankars, the Eastern Catholic Churches of the Syriac tradition (Maronites, Chaldeans, Syriac Catholics, Syro-Malabars) have been undergoing a creeping "novusordoism" that has seen the widespread adoption of ad populum (easily verified on the Internet)” Source:

    "easily verified on the Internet":

    Oh, absolutely. 100%. There's no need for quotes - the Maronite liturgy IS the Novus Ordo. And their clergy seem to be indistinguishable from Novus Ordo clergy, too.

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #12 on: June 30, 2019, 09:09:52 PM »
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  • You can give him the benefit of the doubt if you want, because pages can get "liked" by accident. But the "Like" button has to be clicked. A liked page doesn't show up out of nowhere. It has to be clicked. Again, it could be by accident, like the slip of a big thumb on a small phone.

    FB will suggest a lot of pages similar to what you've already liked, or pages that your friends like. There is usually some degree of relation to something or someone else in your circle. As far as I have experienced I have never had such a page suggested for liking since it's nowhere near my circle. But the pages could have been suggested to him as pages that that "friend" mentioned above likes and he may have accidentally liked them himself. That's the benefit of the doubt that could be afforded.

    To me this is a red flag that gets filed away and if nothing comes of it, then it was a fαℓѕє fℓαg. If it is accompanied by other red flags at some point in the future, then it couldn't continue to be explained away.

    I can't find the profile that is screenshot above. Only a very clean Chorbishop Anthony S Spinosa profile is showing up for me. I don't know if it's the same person.

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #13 on: June 30, 2019, 09:38:22 PM »
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  • Well besides all this, he’s a big face for the Remnant and CFN and a speaker at the CIC, friend of the SSPX, FSSP and ICK ... a tradcuмenist, we’re all ok, no principles. +ABL is ok, it’s also ok to stab him in the back. As long as we all have pretty liturgy and say some conservatives things. It’s all good! 

    Chorbishop Anthony Spinosa will be another face who will fade in with the indult Michael Matt/Chris Ferreira crowd. 

    I think his friendship to the nuSociety says more about it in this regard then it does about him. 
    Please disregard everything I have said; I have tended to speak before fact checking.

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    Re: Disturbing Article: SSPX & Chorbishop Spinoza
    « Reply #14 on: June 30, 2019, 10:32:41 PM »
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  • My own thought is that it would be incredibly reckless of this Chorbishop to like/friend the person and establishment in question, knowing his activity would be open to the gaze of the whole world, and this realization in turn heavily implies some other explanation beside his personal guilt (e.g., such as has been discussed above).
    Oh, he was just probably "reaching-out" to the sinners"

    Funny, I don't recall Max Krah ever denying his facebook content?
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi