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Author Topic: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?  (Read 11008 times)

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Offline Ladislaus

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Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
« Reply #420 on: September 11, 2020, 12:40:35 PM »
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  • Yes, he's done some things, but it's not enough.  There can be no double effect justification for voting Trump.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #421 on: September 11, 2020, 12:42:51 PM »
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  • You obviously have no idea how a republic form of govt works.  Budgets are part of the LEGISLATIVE branch.  An EXECUTIVE order cannot overrule legislation but only affect EXECUTIVE POLICIES when a law gives an EXECUTIVE agency power to make decisions.  You’re making this out to be less complex than it is.

    Despite your all caps, I am well aware that budgets are proposed by the LEGISLATIVE branch, which is why I stated that Trump was required to VETO any budget that contained funding for Planned Parenthood ... and force them to override it if possible.

    As far as EXECUTIVE orders, Presidents have been encroaching upon the legislative domain for many years now with these things, and a lot of what they have done has been allowed to stand.

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #422 on: September 11, 2020, 07:00:31 PM »
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  • Quote
    Trump was required to VETO any budget that contained funding for Planned Parenthood ... and force them to override it if possible.
    Since Trump isn’t Catholic, and neither is most of Congress, nor most of those in our govt, and neither is our country catholic then your expectations don’t fit reality.  
    If a catholic can be excused from attending the novus ordo (which is a much more horrible offense to God), because they “didn’t grasp its errors”, which you agreed with in the other post related to TIA, then a non-catholic President, in a non-catholic country, in a budgetary process that is full of negotiations and back room deals can’t be blamed for a budget that INDIRECTLY funds an evil organization, especially when such funding is a small % of said budget. 

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #423 on: September 12, 2020, 06:07:50 AM »
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  • Yes, he's done some things, but it's not enough.  There can be no double effect justification for voting Trump.
    Oh Don't worry, Biden/hαɾɾιs will do plenty. like turn this country into a anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-business, anti-freedom, third world, commie banana-republic sh*thole that will ship people like you to the gulags that much faster than if the orangeman had won. So while your in your graysuit with the little red star on your cap waiting for "re-education", you can wax eloquently about how you stayed out of the election because of "double-effect" justification.Not that your captors will really give a crap about you and your scruples. you will either bend a knee to them or your a dead man, it's that simple.

    I don't know how many times I have to say it. WE ARE IN A WAR. And you have to CHOOSE a side. Not choosing is in effect allowing one side or the other an advantage and that will indeed have an EFFECT. Sadly, the Left is Right when they are demanding people show support or recognition for their cause. THEY  do no give you an OPTION. And THEY will not after the election, THEY  will make you submit or else. At least with  the orange man you will have a fighting chance, even if it's for a short time or we can gather up within 4 years and send a serious Catholic candidate in 2024. But until then, you have only two options;a complete Jєω-controlled  commie/useful goyim  takeover relinquishing your national sovereignty and inalienable rights submitting to a elitist, globalist entity or a Jєω controlled capitalist/zionist who will at least allow us some sense of normalcy and freedom and who has given at least on the appearance a voice to the Christian/Catholic worldview and agenda.

    I really believe God's hand is in all this. All this had to happen. these radicals and globalists have been lurking and operating in the shadows for years, quietly implementing their agenda. But they have recently come out more brazen and embolden out of desperation because of the success of the DT, Putin and other countries putting their interests first and now they have thrown caution to the wind with "Covid" and their attempted  global commie coup and America is ground zero in this battle.

    If they can take us down with this election, it's over. At least for awhile until we can have true global resistance.

    This election is that important.

    Offline Croixalist

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #424 on: September 12, 2020, 06:53:10 AM »
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  • Oh Don't worry, Biden/hαɾɾιs will do plenty. like turn this country into a anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-business, anti-freedom, third world, commie banana-republic sh*thole that will ship people like you to the gulags that much faster than if the orangeman had won. So while your in your graysuit with the little red star on your cap waiting for "re-education", you can wax eloquently about how you stayed out of the election because of "double-effect" justification.Not that your captors will really give a crap about you and your scruples. you will either bend a knee to them or your a dead man, it's that simple.

    I don't know how many times I have to say it. WE ARE IN A WAR. And you have to CHOOSE a side. Not choosing is in effect allowing one side or the other an advantage and that will indeed have an EFFECT. Sadly, the Left is Right when they are demanding people show support or recognition for their cause. THEY  do no give you an OPTION. And THEY will not after the election, THEY  will make you submit or else. At least with  the orange man you will have a fighting chance, even if it's for a short time or we can gather up within 4 years and send a serious Catholic candidate in 2024. But until then, you have only two options;a complete Jєω-controlled  commie/useful goyim  takeover relinquishing your national sovereignty and inalienable rights submitting to a elitist, globalist entity or a Jєω controlled capitalist/zionist who will at least allow us some sense of normalcy and freedom and who has given at least on the appearance a voice to the Christian/Catholic worldview and agenda.

    I really believe God's hand is in all this. All this had to happen. these radicals and globalists have been lurking and operating in the shadows for years, quietly implementing their agenda. But they have recently come out more brazen and embolden out of desperation because of the success of the DT, Putin and other countries putting their interests first and now they have thrown caution to the wind with "Covid" and their attempted  global commie coup and America is ground zero in this battle.

    If they can take us down with this election, it's over. At least for awhile until we can have true global resistance.

    This election is that important.

    What do you mean "turn?" Aren't we simply gasping for air before the persecution gets worse? Then you say "faster," which is closer to what could happen. If it were faster we might resist more. As they say, "The slow pace wins the race."

    Ultimately, it's coming down to bargaining for time with integrity. But please, let's stop pretending they'd ever let a President come to power who would (or could without the other branches) ever seriously challenge abortion. Stop letting Trump and every other Republican out there think they've got the Catholic vote wrapped up because they prance their fake ʝʊdɛօ-Christianity in front of us. March for Life all we want: our space has been assigned, our cause has been noted and our votes have been dutifully collected and there is no change from one decade to the next.

    If you truly believe we are at war, you better pick the only side worth fighting for. Not for an artificial 2-party system of crowd control. You fight for Trump, you fight on his terms with his rhetoric and his memes, and it's misguided to believe the Church benefits from it.
    Fortuna finem habet.

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #425 on: September 13, 2020, 09:04:09 AM »
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  • Quote
    What do you mean "turn?"
    Do I really have to explain this to you?

    Aren't we simply gasping for air before the persecution gets worse?
    Maybe you are, some people are actually trying to do something about it except just sit back and accept the inevitable.

    Actually, that is a commie technique, they always talk about the "inevitability" of their victory over the nation/culture their infecting. I refuse to internalize their bs. Go ahead if you want to and embrace a spirit of defeatism to the pinkos.

    Then you say "faster," which is closer to what could happen. If it were faster we might resist more.
    I don't let the enemy get an advantage and get right on top of me before I actually decide to do something about it.

    As they say, "The slow pace wins the race."
    I believe the saying is "Slow and STEADY wins the race". that might work in a marathon, not in a 100 yd dash.

    And it damn well will not work when you're in a literal fight for your life.

    . But please, let's stop pretending they'd ever let a President come to power who would (or could without the other branches) ever seriously challenge abortion.
    Yea, well, for now, we'll take what we can get until do have a leader who will end abortion. This president, at in least IMO, has done or attempted more than any other up to this point to even try and take on infanticide. He certainly does more than the majority of "catholics" and the heirarchy in Rome, including the one in the Chair who won't even judge fαɢɢօts and protects child-rapists and kiddie diddlers. You know what, I think even the trads on here should concentrate on what their own Church is doing about all the fαɢɢօtry and pederasty going on in the Church before they try holding  U.S. Presidents and politicians up to their standards that even a fraction of their own clergy could/do live up to. Stop trying to elect the next leader of this country saint/bishop/pope. It's not happening.

    If you truly believe we are at war, you better pick the only side worth fighting for.
    I did .

    Not for an artificial 2-party system of crowd control.
    Uh, have you not notices in the past 4 yrs how much Trump is bascially NOT part of the two-party system?

    Have you ever wondered why this guy is literally hated by just about every big player on both sides of the aisle?

    You can tell a lot about a man by his enemies. Anyone who George Soros has come out and publicly condemned and is working to be removed, is basically doing the Will of the Lord in my opinion. Donald Trump is hated collectively  by all the global elites, commies, skull and bones and Epstein groupies all over the world. that should tell you something. He is NOT part of the "system".

    You fight for Trump, you fight on his terms with his rhetoric and his memes, and it's misguided to believe the Church benefits from it.
    I fight for the Truth, it matters not who's holding the banner to me. God is no respecter of persons, rich or poor.

    And God will be the judge on who was just using rhetorical slogans and twitter memes  to get elected. God looks into the heart of every man and determines his worth. And God is not deceived or mocked, we will reap what we sow with this election and every man will be accountable for his actions and decisions concerning as such. I have no problem supporting Trump at this point. We have to do everything possible to stop this demonic , Godless,  Bolshevik communism and globalism from enslaving all of us and I believe DT gives us the best chance for now. And I will cast that vote before God and man.

    And my conscious is clear.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #426 on: September 15, 2020, 04:53:42 AM »
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  • And God will be the judge on who was just using rhetorical slogans and twitter memes  to get elected. God looks into the heart of every man and determines his worth. And God is not deceived or mocked, we will reap what we sow with this election and every man will be accountable for his actions and decisions concerning as such. I have no problem supporting Trump at this point. We have to do everything possible to stop this demonic , Godless,  Bolshevik communism and globalism from enslaving all of us and I believe DT gives us the best chance for now. And I will cast that vote before God and man.

    And my conscious is clear.
    And those of us who end up deciding to do differently will feel the same way about their consciences.  If you truly believe that it is up to God to judge, then perhaps you should stop wagging your finger at those who think differently than you about this election.  But I fully expect that, if Trump loses the election, you and those like you will blame the rest for not voting for him.  
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Nishant Xavier

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #427 on: September 15, 2020, 06:50:06 AM »
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  • Not voting is a vote for Biden. It should not be an option. Catholics must turn out to vote Trump in 2020. When a critical mass of judges have been appointed, the tide will turn on abortion and the other issues. Ave Maria was sung at the White House the other day. President Trump is the First President to personally address the March for Life, with VP Mike Pence joining in from the Vatican. President Trump's administration has been pro-life, pro-Christian, even pro-Catholic. President Trump richly deserves 4 more years. With the radical left supporting looting and rioting, it becomes even more of an obligation to support President Trump to avoid utter destruction.
    "We wish also to make amends for the insults to which Your Vicar on earth and Your Priests are everywhere subjected [above all by schismatic sedevacantists - Nishant Xavier], for the profanation, by conscious neglect or Terrible Acts of Sacrilege, of the very Sacrament of Your Divine Love; and lastly for the Public Crimes of Nations who resist the Rights and The Teaching Authority of the Church which You have founded." - Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Lord Jesus.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #428 on: September 15, 2020, 03:54:55 PM »
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  • Not voting is a vote for Biden. It should not be an option. Catholics must turn out to vote Trump in 2020. When a critical mass of judges have been appointed, the tide will turn on abortion and the other issues. Ave Maria was sung at the White House the other day. President Trump is the First President to personally address the March for Life, with VP Mike Pence joining in from the Vatican. President Trump's administration has been pro-life, pro-Christian, even pro-Catholic. President Trump richly deserves 4 more years. With the radical left supporting looting and rioting, it becomes even more of an obligation to support President Trump to avoid utter destruction.
    Let's say Trump is elected and very little changes in the next 4 years (again).  Then what? 
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #429 on: September 15, 2020, 04:40:06 PM »
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  • And those of us who end up deciding to do differently will feel the same way about their consciences.  If you truly believe that it is up to God to judge, then perhaps you should stop wagging your finger at those who think differently than you about this election.  But I fully expect that, if Trump loses the election, you and those like you will blame the rest for not voting for him.  
    Yes I will.

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #430 on: September 15, 2020, 04:42:21 PM »
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  • Let's say Trump is elected and very little changes in the next 4 years (again).  Then what?
    At least it's not biden and the commies.
    think about life with him and kamala and aoc and hilliary and the rest of the scuмbag, commie antiamerican pos running the show for the next four years.
    then what?

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #431 on: September 15, 2020, 05:01:07 PM »
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  • Yes I will.
    Well, at least you're an honest hypocrite.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #432 on: September 15, 2020, 07:19:52 PM »
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  • Well, at least you're an honest hypocrite.
    Nah, I'm just honest.

    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #433 on: September 26, 2020, 07:21:30 AM »
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  • Voris couldn't put it any more plainly. This is not about Trump, it's about our very survival.

    If stupid and the black woman win, THEY ARE coming for YOU. It's that simple.


    Offline alaric

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    Re: Mortal Sin Now to Vote Trump?
    « Reply #434 on: September 26, 2020, 07:22:10 AM »
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  • 0:02 / 7:47

    The Vortex — Not Voting for Trump