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Offline Ladislaus

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Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
« Reply #30 on: March 22, 2024, 03:49:51 PM »
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  • What a hypocrite! Apparently you don’t even understand what an ad hominem is. :facepalm:

    You just exposed yourself to be both biased and an ignoramus”….. Ladislaus

    Lean how to read, moron, I said NOTHING BUT ad hominems, meaning that you have not made a single substantial statement.  I've made numerous posts of substance to which you respond with nothing but crap like this post.  You're just continuing the same thing with this post.  You can't refute or rebut any of the points I've made, so this here typifies your last 7 or 8 posts.  You are the one who evidently 1) don't understand what an ad hominem is and 2) can't even read English.  And the above was a factual statement, where your posts betray both bias and gross ignorance of the matter.  Difference between our posts is that I substantiate my charge of bias and ignorance.

    For your information, the term ad hominem is not simply a synonym for "insults".  Rather, it's a logical fallacy where you distract from the substance of an argument by making personal attacks, i.e. present insults IN LIEU of actual arguments.  I've made plenty of them, and to each one you respond with a personal attack as if that somehow constitutes a refutation.

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #31 on: March 22, 2024, 03:54:38 PM »
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  • My comments in red:

    Any situation where you have repeating, aka periodic, movements, they can be calculated mathematically.  In the case of eclipses you have two sets of periodic movements that are independent to one another, 1) that of the sun and 2) that of the moon.  When those periodic movements intersect is when you get eclipses.  It doesn't matter whether the moon is 263,00 miles away and the sun is 93.000,000 miles away or whether you don't know the distances or whether you had them "wrong", such as when it the distance of the sun has been revised at least a dozen times, or when first they claimed that the orbit of the earth around the sun was a perfect circle and then changed it to elliptical.  None of that matters, as long as there's repetition and a consistent repetition over time, they can be calculated.

    Absolutely agree! 

    Babylonians, who had a Flat Earth cosmology, were the first to predict eclipses using the Saros cycle, which can then be extrapolated to different places on earth to get the "path" of the eclipse as well.  That's probably why the ancients had these solar observatories everywhere, things like Stonehenge, the pyramids, all kinds of megalithic strucutres, which were all solar/lunar observatories.

    Here is your problem. Even if I were to concede the point that those who predicted eclipses also believed that the Earth was flat, 1) you need to understand that they had no idea the size or shape of the land masses or oceans of the Earth. 2) Out of logical necessity they were forced to believe that the Sun revolved around them. This is NOT what modern day FEers believe. What you people believe is purely illogical. This is precisely why it is *impossible* for modern day FEers to predict eclipses and more importantly their paths. When it comes to the movements of the Sun and Moon, you people are more primitive than the Babylonians. 

    This is exactly why I’ve been asking you for a FE model. The idea that the Sun and Moon rotate above a flat surface cannot be reconciled with reality and cannot be used to predict eclipses. The only chance for your system to work is if God preformed a daily miracle, but it seems to me that God wouldn’t work in this manner.

    Being able to mathematically predict eclipses and their paths has absolutely nothing to do with the physical shape and dimensions of the universe, as the modern dimensions are relatively recent.  Early Greeks had it at 1 million miles away, then it became 5, then it was 20, then 50, then 100, and finally settled on 93, to which was added an elliptical dimension so that it now allegedly varies between 91.4 and 94.5.  And yet throughout all this, they continued to accurately predict eclipses.  Why?  Because of what I wrote above.  With repeating cycles of movement, i.e. periodicity, with the moon and the sun, you can do the math.  Babylonians came up with the Saros cycle, which involves some extremely complex math, and this was used to accurately predict eclipses until the most modern times.

    You are preaching to the choir.
    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #32 on: March 22, 2024, 04:05:33 PM »
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  • Lean how to read, moron, I said NOTHING BUT ad hominems, meaning that you have not made a single substantial statement.  I've made numerous posts of substance to which you respond with nothing but crap like this post.  You're just continuing the same thing with this post.  You can't refute or rebut any of the points I've made, so this here typifies your last 7 or 8 posts.  You are the one who evidently 1) don't understand what an ad hominem is and 2) can't even read English.  And the above was a factual statement, where your posts betray both bias and gross ignorance of the matter.  Difference between our posts is that I substantiate my charge of bias and ignorance.

    For your information, the term ad hominem is not simply a synonym for "insults".  Rather, it's a logical fallacy where you distract from the substance of an argument by making personal attacks, i.e. present insults IN LIEU of actual arguments.  I've made plenty of them, and to each one you respond with a personal attack as if that somehow constitutes a refutation.

    Keep it classy, Lad.
    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #33 on: March 22, 2024, 04:11:33 PM »
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  • It's very difficult to respond to posts when you put them inside the quotation.

    Here is your problem. Even if I were to concede the point that those who predicted eclipses also believed that the Earth was flat, 1) you need to understand that they had no idea the size or shape of the land masses or oceans of the Earth. 2) Out of logical necessity they were forced to believe that the Sun revolved around them. This is NOT what modern day FEers believe. What you people believe is purely illogical. This is precisely why it is *impossible* for modern day FEers to predict eclipses and more importantly their paths. When it comes to the movements of the Sun and Moon, you people are more primitive than the Babylonians.

    This makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.  Modern FEs could (if they learned the formula) predict eclipses every bit as well as the Babylonians did.

    Please explain how modern FE is somehow completely different from the Babylonian cosmology.  You just made that up, just like you've made up dozens of other straw men about "what FEs believe or think" when you clearly have no clue, as you've never studied it.  There's nothing substantially different between modern FE and the Babylonian cosmology.

    You are the one, out of crass ignorance, who claimed that it is impossible to believe in FE and yet predict eclipses.  Babylonians were FEs and they predicted eclipses.  You don't have to believe in the globe nor know its dimensions and proportions to be able to predict eclipses.

    This scuttles the entire point of your absurd argument, or, rather, what you try to pass off as an argument ... which is that it's only because of the modern believe in the globe that the scientific establishment can predict eclipses.

    Your argument is destroyed, but you keep grasping at this straw and refusing to admit it.

    MAJOR:  Only by applying the principles of globular cosmology can you predict eclipses.
    MINOR:  Babylonians did not have a globular cosmology (believed in FE) and yet came up with the math to predict eclipses.
    CONCLUSION:  Prediction of eclipses does not prove globular cosmology.

    It's that simple, but you'll keep spouting off absurdly about your "model".

    This has been splained to you 15 different ways, that your contention that there's no FE model proves globe earth is a logical absurdity.  Globe earth model is falsified by mountains of evidence.  So you need to propose a different model.  FEs have proposed one.  Where's your model now that the globe earth has been falsified?  This is the grossest form of "false dichotomy" where you assume that because the FEs don't have a model that suits you (rejecting your claim from ignorance that we have none), that the globe model must be true.  It's possible that both models are false.

    You absolutely refuse to address the evidence that falsifies the globe model (at least a globe with the circuмference that we're told it has).  You're free now to propose a new model, perhaps a globe that's 1000 times greater in circuмference than what we're told, that would make sense of the evidence.  That's how the scientific method works.  If one model gets falsified, then you propose a new one and then test it against evidence and observation.  Then that model could be falsified and would have to be amended or discarded also, while you go in search of an alternative hypothesis, a model that better explains the evidence.  While putting your faith in the modern scientific establishment ("trust the science"), there's nothing more unscientific than the glober approach, where you assume the truth of the globe, ignore the evidence that falsifies it in order to keep clinging to it, and refusing to entertain alternative hypotheses.  That's the complete opposite of any scientific method.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #34 on: March 22, 2024, 04:13:01 PM »
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  • Keep it classy, Lad.

    No, it's true that you're a moron.  You misinterpret and misread my statements to hurl accusations against me.  What part of "nothing but ad hominems" didn't you comprehend?  It's basic English, buddy, and you warp my statement to attack me personally, so it's fair to expose your stupidity in the interests of demonstrating how your accusations are groundless, in addition to your arguments being non-existent.

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #35 on: March 22, 2024, 04:39:08 PM »
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  • No, it's true that you're a moron.  You misinterpret and misread my statements to hurl accusations against me.  What part of "nothing but ad hominems" didn't you comprehend?  It's basic English, buddy, and you warp my statement to attack me personally, so it's fair to expose your stupidity in the interests of demonstrating how your accusations are groundless, in addition to your arguments being non-existent.

    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #36 on: March 22, 2024, 05:45:44 PM »
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  • Quote
    Here is your problem. Even if I were to concede the point that those who predicted eclipses also believed that the Earth was flat, 1) you need to understand that they had no idea the size or shape of the land masses or oceans of the Earth. 2) Out of logical necessity they were forced to believe that the Sun revolved around them. This is NOT what modern day FEers believe.
    One point at a time, man.  Quit moving the goalposts.

    Offline Michelle

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #37 on: March 22, 2024, 06:19:25 PM »
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  • Again, who -- what soul -- is guilty of "America's" sins?

    If we reset the scale so that the average American's sins are a 1, then almost all other countries would be a 2, 5, or even a 10.
    (We're talking about dividing each side by infinity, because even one sin is an infinite offense, because God is infinite) That's why I say it's a 'scale".

    The average American's sins are tame by comparison to the rest of the world. Certainly the level of malice has to be lower. An apostate is *always* worse than someone who was never Catholic. That rules out all of Europe right there.

    So where do the very REAL evils come from? I don't deny ANY of the evils that come from the country called America. Even in the early 1900's America put its weight behind the persecutors of the Cristeros. And how many South American Catholic countries became freemasonic atheistic republics thanks to America's military might and influence?

    And of course there's America's partnership with Is---l, its support and export of Abortion throughout the world, etc.

    But that's a few individuals, mostly with a certain kind of nose. Not the average American on the 

     If you scale sins according to the commandments, The first three Commandments refer to sins committed directly toward God himself.  A simple observation reveals that hardly anyone in the United States keeps them.  Protestants make up their own versions of Christ and false Christs abound here in the United States.  Only traditional Catholics worship God as He commanded.  Sundays in the US are just another work and shopping day.  And of course, we hear people take Our Lord's name in vain and blaspheme all the time.  Abortion falls under the fifth Commandment.  I would bet that most souls in hell never committed an abortion and while on earth, would have been horrified by the thought.

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #38 on: March 22, 2024, 08:21:06 PM »
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  • Quote
    Even if I were to concede the point that those who predicted eclipses also believed that the Earth was flat, 1) you need to understand that they had no idea the size or shape of the land masses or oceans of the Earth.
    Your point is irrelevant.  One does not need to know such distances, if one is calculating "heavenly movements" based on constellations. 

    It's a lie of modern science that constellations/sun/moon move according to the heliocentric theory.  The fact is, ignoring both geo or helio, the constellations move in a way that allows calculations/predictions of various heavenly bodies.

    Which is why ancient Egyptians (i.e. 2,000 BC) were able to build pyramids to predict the planetary alignment of Christ's birth, etc.

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #39 on: March 22, 2024, 10:22:49 PM »
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  • Your point is irrelevant.  One does not need to know such distances, if one is calculating "heavenly movements" based on constellations. 

    It's a lie of modern science that constellations/sun/moon move according to the heliocentric theory.  The fact is, ignoring both geo or helio, the constellations move in a way that allows calculations/predictions of various heavenly bodies.

    Which is why ancient Egyptians (i.e. 2,000 BC) were able to build pyramids to predict the planetary alignment of Christ's birth, etc.
    This thread from you and lad is the first time i've heard of this. Can you tell me more? It is also interesting to think that St. Joseph (OT) helped them with this.

    Also you and lad are making good points exposing QVD's bias. 

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #40 on: March 22, 2024, 10:59:34 PM »
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  • This thread from you and lad is the first time i've heard of this. Can you tell me more? It is also interesting to think that St. Joseph (OT) helped them with this.

    Also you and lad are making good points exposing QVD's bias.

    What I should really say, is that the things you guys mention what I understand but am unable to articulate it well.

    Offline AMDGJMJ

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #41 on: March 23, 2024, 05:16:58 AM »
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  • Which is why ancient Egyptians (i.e. 2,000 BC) were able to build pyramids to predict the planetary alignment of Christ's birth, etc.
    I thought that the pyramids were based off of the stars (and their predictions of eclipses as well).  I think I remember hearing that the North Star was particularly important in the alignment of one of their great pyramids.  (They were Sun and star worshipers after all.)

    Eratosthenes was Egyptian (he lived around 200) and was one of the first to do many measurements of the earth according to a spherical shape.  It would be interesting to know more of his works.

    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #42 on: March 23, 2024, 05:20:20 AM »
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  • Your point is irrelevant.  One does not need to know such distances, if one is calculating "heavenly movements" based on constellations. 

    It's a lie of modern science that constellations/sun/moon move according to the heliocentric theory.  The fact is, ignoring both geo or helio, the constellations move in a way that allows calculations/predictions of various heavenly bodies.

    Which is why ancient Egyptians (i.e. 2,000 BC) were able to build pyramids to predict the planetary alignment of Christ's birth, etc.

    No one has mentioned constellations yet, let’s stick with eclipses for now.

    What FEers need to do is demonstrate how solar eclipses work and are predicted on a modern FE model. The path of an eclipse should also be easily demonstrated. This is a legitimate question. My main stumbling block to accepting Geocentrism was my erroneous assumption that eclipses couldn’t be predicted accurately using the Geocentric model. When it was demonstrated to me that my notion was wrong, I embraced Geocentrism. Unfortunately FEers have way more problems than just eclipses, but I’m willing to concede that point if you can show me how it works.

    I can’t neglect another insurmountable problem FEers have with eclipses, it is the fact that the Moon cannot be a *translucent* disk made of plasma. In other words, it can’t be “see through” and at the same time block the Sun totally. Just the fact alone that the Moon is a solid sphere that is easily visible by anyone who has $50 to spend on an inexpensive telescope, disproves that nonsense. It boggles my mind how none of you are willing to do anything, any experiment on your own to confirm the supposed “proofs” of a flat Earth.

    I need to ignore Ladislaus on this issue for a while since he’s not willing to admit he is ever wrong on any point and is extremely unreasonable. When he buys a telescope and gives his testimony, backed by photographic evidence, that the Moon is a translucent disk made of plasma or is willing to admit he’s wrong, I’ll be willing to listen to him. BTW: he can use NASA photos for photographic evidence since those photos will be exactly what he will see through his telescope.
    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #43 on: March 23, 2024, 05:26:25 AM »
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  • I thought that the pyramids were based off of the stars (and their predictions of eclipses as well).  I think I remember hearing that the North Star was particularly important in the alignment of one of their great pyramids.  (They were Sun and star worshipers after all.)

    Eratosthenes was Egyptian (he lived around 200) and was one of the first to do many measurements of the earth according to a spherical shape.  It would be interesting to know more of his works.

    Sorry AMDGJMJ, they just ignore any scientific evidence that doesn’t support their conclusion due to their confirmation bias.
    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: Our Lady and the Solar Eclipse April 8th
    « Reply #44 on: March 23, 2024, 05:59:05 AM »
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  • Just to clear up a misconception that Ladislaus is promoting about the Saros Cycle that his fellow Flat Earthers debunked:

    “Saros is a period of 6585⅓ days separating the occurrence of two eclipses. One Saros after an eclipse, a similar eclipse will occur. The eclipses that belong to the same cycle are grouped in a Saros Series.
    Flat-Earthers claim that we can only predict eclipses using the Saros Cycle. In reality, it is impossible to determine many characteristics of an eclipse from its Saros Cycle alone.

    A long time ago, Babylonians carefully maintained records of the occurrence of eclipses and used these records to predict future eclipses. To honor that, in 1691, Edmond Halley named the period of the cycle using a Babylonian unit of time of the “Saros.”
    NASA explained the Saros in a web page titled Eclipses and the Saros, and some flat-Earthers were quick to devise a conspiracy theory. They invented the scenario that NASA —a space agency with billions of dollars of a budget— are somehow using ancient technology to predict the occurrences of an eclipse. In reality, NASA does not use the Saros Cycle to predict eclipses.
    Today, the Saros Cycle is used to group eclipses. The eclipses in the same Saros Cycle are grouped in the same “Saros Series.” A Saros Series is sequentially numbered to identify it, not unlike the way we identify a year with a number.
    These days, predicting eclipses are not done using the Saros Cycle. The Saros Cycle cannot predict the time and duration within the accuracy of a second. It also can never be used to determine the path of totality in a solar eclipse.
    At any time, there are multiple active Saros Series. During a Saros Series, unrelated eclipses from different Saros Series will occur many times. We cannot predict an eclipse from the occurrence of another eclipse that belongs to another Saros Series.
    Eventually, a Saros Series will end, and there will no longer be another eclipse from the same Saros Series. And the eclipse that starts a Saros Series cannot be determined using the Saros Cycle.”

    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?