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Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
« on: May 10, 2017, 06:13:01 AM »
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    Our Lady s Month of May Meditations

    May 10  The Annunciation

    Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #1 on: May 11, 2017, 05:24:57 AM »
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  • Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #2 on: May 12, 2017, 06:06:50 AM »
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  • Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #3 on: May 13, 2017, 05:01:16 AM »
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  • Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #4 on: May 15, 2017, 05:09:04 AM »
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  • May 14th

    The Nativity

    Joseph, son of David, fear not to take to thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost (St. Matt. i. 2O)

    Mary brought forth her Son in poverty and humiliation. She had been slighted and scorned. No room was found for her in the inn. In the cave where the ox and ass are stabled, the Mother of God brought into the world the King of kings. O blessed humiliation! O happy poverty! You are the marks that God is going to do a great work: where you are absent, we cannot expect lasting and solid fruit.

    How Mary rejoiced in this humiliation! How she welcomed such poverty as this! How could she fail to rejoice in it, with Jesus in her arms? If we are wise we shall pray for humiliation, for without it we never can have the Divine Infant for our own companion: we never can bring Him forth in the souls of others: we must be humbled if He is to exalt us: we must be poor in spirit if we are to be blessed in our work.

    Mary could say of Jesus as no other mother ever said of her first-born son: He is mine and mine alone. Every other son has an earthly father who has a share in his begetting: Jesus had no father save His Father in Heaven. Thus He was Mary's own Child, her sole property and possession. What union could be more close (the Hypostatic Union alone excepted) than that of Mary and Jesus?

    Holy Mother of God, pray for us!

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #5 on: May 15, 2017, 05:10:08 AM »
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  • May 15th

    Mary's Purification

    After the days of her Purification, according to the Law of Moses, were accomplished, they carried Him to Jerusalem, to present Him to the Lord (St. Luke ii. 22)

    Mary's Purification! How strangely the phrase sounds in our ears! What purification could be needed for her, who was the pattern and model of all purity? Yet Mary remained retired for forty days after the birth of her Son, and then went up to the Temple as if to be purified. Why was this? It was because she loved obedience to the law, even at the chance of being misunderstood; she sought no exemption from its precepts.

    But she had another reason for her purification. She was to take part in her Son's work of Redemption, and therefore had to share His reproach. He chose the road of contempt--He was circuмcised as if a sinner; and Mary's joy was to tread the same path with Him.

    Mary presented her Divine Son in the Temple: renewing on that day her consent to the Sacrifice of His Life for the sins of the world. She saw with agonizing presentiment all that He had to suffer, dimly at first and vaguely, but none the less painfully; yet joyfully, she made the sacrifice. She spared not her own Son, but delivered Him up for us all.

    Joy, joy, the Mother comes,
     And in her arms she brings
     The Light of all the world,
     The Christ, the King of kings.

    Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #6 on: May 16, 2017, 11:04:41 AM »
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  • May 16th

    Simeon's Prophecy to Mary

    Yea, through thine own soul a sword shall pierce (St. Luke ii. 35)

    At these words of holy Simeon all Mary's joy was changed to sorrow. Her Divine Son was to be a sign that would be contradicted. His life was to be one long series of disappointments, outrages, insults, ill-usage from those He had come to save. Who can describe the grief of Mary at hearing this? Her darling Son, her God, was to be persecuted even to the death.

    From that time forth Simeon's words were ever present to her mind. There came up before her all the prophecies, the full meaning of which she had not realized before. She remembered holy David's words, "They pierced My hands and My feet," and she thought, as she watched the Divine Infant, of His future Crucifixion. The cry of the Psalmist, "My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?" reminded her of the dereliction of His Human Soul. From this time forward she was indeed the Mother of Sorrows.

    Yet God in thus giving Mary so large a share in the sorrow of her Son was manifesting His special love for her. "Whom the Lord loveth He chastiseth" (Prov. iii. 12). Mary's chastisement was great in proportion to His love for her. If we remembered this we should welcome suffering, not shrink from it, and say in real earnest:

    Holy Mother, pierce me through,
     In my heart each wound renew,
     Of my Saviour crucified.

    Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #7 on: May 17, 2017, 06:34:46 AM »
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  •                May 17th

    The flight into Egypt

    Arise and take the Child and His Mother and fly into Egypt (St. Matt. ii. 13)

    It was not long before Mary experienced how true Simeon's prophecy was to be. In the midst of the night, as she slept with the Divine Infant by her side, she was aroused by St. Joseph, who ordered her to prepare to leave their home and to go forth amid the darkness--and whither? To Egypt, the land of Israel's foes; far away across the desert, where they would be unknown and despised. What a trial for Mary's obedience.

    The command, moreover, seemed so harsh and arbitrary a one. Surely the Omnipotent God could have provided for the safety of His own Son in a thousand ways without imposing a long and painful journey. Yet Mary murmured not. If I had received such a command, should I have yielded a willing and uncomplaining obedience?

    Watch Mary in her preparations: how prompt, how orderly! She is thanking God for this trial as she gets ready what is necessary for the journey. How cheerful she is! how she makes the best of everything! how she consoles St. Joseph by her thoughtful ness, her charity, her never-failing good humor! What a model to us when unforeseen annoyances arise! The only way to make our crosses light is to take them cheerily, as Mary did.

    Mary, model of resignation, pray for us.
     Refuge in grief. Star of the Sea,
     Pray for the mourner, pray for me.

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #8 on: May 18, 2017, 06:58:30 AM »
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  • May 18th

    Mary's Life at Nazareth

    Besides Thee, what do I desire upon earth? (Psalm Ixxii. 25)

    When the Holy Family returned from Egypt, they took up their abode in a little cottage at Nazareth. Yet that cottage was the closest approximation to Heaven upon earth that ever has been or ever can be found. There dwelt the Omnipotent God, the Queen of Heaven, the Protector of the whole Church of God. This poor and humble dwelling was chosen by Almighty God as the most suitable abode for those He loved best.

    What an unspeakable joy and consolation it must have been to Mary to dwell for those years in familiar conversation with Jesus. To carry in her arms her God, hers as He was none other's, flesh of her flesh, bone of her bone! to enjoy His sweet caresses! to hear Him call her Mother! to gaze on the unveiled countenance of God made flesh! What an ecstasy of happiness for Mary!

    What happiness, too, Mary found in the com- pany of her chaste spouse St. Joseph! No husband was ever so thoughtful as Joseph, none so gentle, so unselfish, such a tower of manly strength. What a pleasure it was to her to obey him! How she watches for every expression of his will! How promptly, joyfully, loyally she carries it out! Is this the way I have to those to whom I am subject?

    O, what did Jesus love on earth
     One half so tenderly as thee?

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #9 on: May 19, 2017, 08:44:20 AM »
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               May 19 

    May 19th

    Mary's loss of Jesus for Three Days

    Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing (St. Luke ii. 48)

    When Jesus was twelve years old. He went up with His parents for their annual visit to the Temple. On their return they missed Him, and for three days sought Him, and sought in vain. What must have been the agony of Mary's heart during those three days! Had Jesus left them never to return? Could it be that she had unconsciously, by some negligence, forfeited the privilege of the company of Jesus? Was she never to behold Him again? Such were thoughts that occurred to her in the piercing anguish of her heart. Let us compassionate the Holy Mother of God in her desolation.

    What a cruel void in Mary's heart! The light of her eyes and the joy of her heart had gone from her. What an utter blank all else seemed without Jesus--how could she live without Him? Without Him life would be death! "How shall I comfort thee, O Virgin daughter of Sion? for great as an ocean is thy sorrow!"

    Mary, then, can understand our sorrow in times of darkness and desolation. No blackness of desolation in our hearts is ever like the desolation of Mary when she had lost Jesus! In all our anguish we will cry to her! She will not be deaf to our despairing cry, but will most surely succor us and restore to us peace and joy: as to her, there returned peace and joy unspeakable when she found her Divine Son in the Temple.

    Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.

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    May 19th

    Mary's loss of Jesus for Three Days

    Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing (St. Luke ii. 48)

    When Jesus was twelve years old. He went up with His parents for their annual visit to the Temple. On their return they missed Him, and for three days sought Him, and sought in vain. What must have been the agony of Mary's heart during those three days! Had Jesus left them never to return? Could it be that she had unconsciously, by some negligence, forfeited the privilege of the company of Jesus? Was she never to behold Him again? Such were thoughts that occurred to her in the piercing anguish of her heart. Let us compassionate the Holy Mother of God in her desolation.

    What a cruel void in Mary's heart! The light of her eyes and the joy of her heart had gone from her. What an utter blank all else seemed without Jesus--how could she live without Him? Without Him life would be death! "How shall I comfort thee, O Virgin daughter of Sion? for great as an ocean is thy sorrow!"

    Mary, then, can understand our sorrow in times of darkness and desolation. No blackness of desolation in our hearts is ever like the desolation of Mary when she had lost Jesus! In all our anguish we will cry to her! She will not be deaf to our despairing cry, but will most surely succor us and restore to us peace and joy: as to her, there returned peace and joy unspeakable when she found her Divine Son in the Temple.

    Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.

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    May 19th

    Mary's loss of Jesus for Three Days

    Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing (St. Luke ii. 48)

    When Jesus was twelve years old. He went up with His parents for their annual visit to the Temple. On their return they missed Him, and for three days sought Him, and sought in vain. What must have been the agony of Mary's heart during those three days! Had Jesus left them never to return? Could it be that she had unconsciously, by some negligence, forfeited the privilege of the company of Jesus? Was she never to behold Him again? Such were thoughts that occurred to her in the piercing anguish of her heart. Let us compassionate the Holy Mother of God in her desolation.

    What a cruel void in Mary's heart! The light of her eyes and the joy of her heart had gone from her. What an utter blank all else seemed without Jesus--how could she live without Him? Without Him life would be death! "How shall I comfort thee, O Virgin daughter of Sion? for great as an ocean is thy sorrow!"

    Mary, then, can understand our sorrow in times of darkness and desolation. No blackness of desolation in our hearts is ever like the desolation of Mary when she had lost Jesus! In all our anguish we will cry to her! She will not be deaf to our despairing cry, but will most surely succor us and restore to us peace and joy: as to her, there returned peace and joy unspeakable when she found her Divine Son in the Temple.

    Mother of Sorrows, pray for us. 

    May 19th

    Mary's loss of Jesus for Three Days

    Thy father and I have sought Thee sorrowing (St. Luke ii. 48)

    When Jesus was twelve years old. He went up with His parents for their annual visit to the Temple. On their return they missed Him, and for three days sought Him, and sought in vain. What must have been the agony of Mary's heart during those three days! Had Jesus left them never to return? Could it be that she had unconsciously, by some negligence, forfeited the privilege of the company of Jesus? Was she never to behold Him again? Such were thoughts that occurred to her in the piercing anguish of her heart. Let us compassionate the Holy Mother of God in her desolation.

    What a cruel void in Mary's heart! The light of her eyes and the joy of her heart had gone from her. What an utter blank all else seemed without Jesus--how could she live without Him? Without Him life would be death! "How shall I comfort thee, O Virgin daughter of Sion? for great as an ocean is thy sorrow!"

    Mary, then, can understand our sorrow in times of darkness and desolation. No blackness of desolation in our hearts is ever like the desolation of Mary when she had lost Jesus! In all our anguish we will cry to her! She will not be deaf to our despairing cry, but will most surely succor us and restore to us peace and joy: as to her, there returned peace and joy unspeakable when she found her Divine Son in the Temple.

    Mother of Sorrows, pray for us.

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    Offline Binechi

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #10 on: May 20, 2017, 11:26:44 AM »
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    May 20M

    May 20th

    The Death of St. Joseph

    Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His Saints (Psalm cxv. 15)

    For nigh thirty years Joseph had been the faithful spouse of Mary, the gentle foster-father of Jesus. But now the time came for him to die. How tenderly Mary nursed him in his failing strength! how she delighted in supplying all his wants, in ministering to them during the day, in watching by his side during the night. What a model to us who often grow weary with the long sickness of some invalid whom we are tending!

    St. Joseph's was the pattern and model of a happy death. What joy to die in the arms of Jesus and Mary, to be consoled by the Queen of Heaven! to receive the last blessing from God Incarnate! No wonder that he is the patron of a happy death, since from the beginning of the world there was none whose death was surrounded with such glorious privileges and blessings as his.

    How had Joseph secured so happy a death? (a) By waiting for God's guidance in all his actions and promptly following it. (b) By his devotion to Mary and to Jesus. (c) By his patience, meekness, prudence, gentleness, purity. Do I fulfill these requirements, so that when I come to die the prince of darkness may find no offence in me?

    Grant me mercy in that day,
     Help me, Mary, my sweet Mother;
     Holy Joseph, near me stay!

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #11 on: May 21, 2017, 07:34:35 PM »
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  •     May 21

    May 21st

    Mary in Cana

    Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye (St. John ii. 5)

    Jesus' first miracle was performed at the marriage-feast at Cana. Thither Mary was invited; and from the words of the Gospel it seems as if Jesus was invited because His Mother had been already asked. Thus we learn that where Mary comes, Jesus is sure to come also. He who entertains her with love and devotion will find that the love of Jesus will soon spring up in his heart.

    During the marriage-feast the wine runs short. Our Lady notices it: it grieves her: she appeals to her Son in a model prayer. She simply states the need, and leaves all else to Him-- "They have no wine." Such should be our prayers. Jesus likes us to tell Him our needs. He knows them, but He makes this a condition of fulfilling our desires.

    Jesus' words at first seem like a rebuke-- "Woman, what is it to Me and to thee?" He often pretends to turn a deaf ear to us. How does Mary behave under the seeming slight? She regards it as a sign that He will grant her request, and turning to the servants, bids them obey Him in all things. "Whatsoever He shall say to you, do ye." Mary knew that it is to the submissive and obedient that Christ gives His best gifts.

    May the most blessed and holy will of God be done in all things! Amen.

    My Lord, my God, what wiliest Thou?
     Thy blessed will is mine!

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #12 on: May 22, 2017, 07:59:18 AM »
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  • May 22nd

    Mary during Our Lord's Public Life

    Whoever shall do the will of My Father in Heaven, he is My brother, and sister, and Mother (St. Matt. xii. 5O)

    When our Lord left the cottage at Nazareth and went forth to enter on His public ministry, what an aching void must have been left in Mary's heart. How her heart must have yearned to be with Him! Earth was indeed for her a barren waste, as long as He was away. Have we anything of this love of the company of Jesus? any desire to seek Him that we may enjoy sweet intercourse with Him?

    Yet Mary murmured not. She was willing to sacrifice for the good of others even the solace of Jesus' presence. She knew that by her obedience she would be united to Him in bonds far more intimate than the bonds of the closest earthly union. Therefore in joy and sorrow, in consolation and desolation, whether Christ were with her or far away, her only desire was to submit to the holy will of God.

    Mary, by her prayers and tears and intercession, took part in our Lord's work. He had decreed that His Mother thus should help Him in His public ministry. Though He could do all, He left something for her to do, as He does for all the Saints. What a happiness and privilege is this! I, too, can take my part in the redemption of mankind!

    Queen of Sorrows, guide and guard me,
     Let me to thine arms repair;
     In thy tender bosom hide me,
     Mary, take me to thy care!

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #13 on: May 23, 2017, 08:29:07 PM »
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  • May 23

    Mary meet s Jesus carrying the cross

    May 23rd

    Mary meets Jesus carrying the Cross

    Bearing His Cross He went forth to the place that is called
    Calvary (St. John xix. 17)

    As the time of the Passion drew near, Mary's realization of the approaching sufferings of her Son became more vivid. The sword of Simeon pierced her heart as it had never done before. How could she endure to see her Son and her God outraged and ill-treated, insulted and put to death? "Weeping, she wept in the night: there was none to comfort her among all those that were dear to her" (Lament, i. 2).

    At last the storm of anguish burst upon her. The Apostles bring her the heart-breaking news: He has been seized by the Pharisees, insulted by the soldiers, dragged before Pilate, scourged, condemned to the death of the Cross. What a night and morning for the Mother of Jesus! Each moment full of an agony worse than death.

    At last she could refrain no longer. She must go and meet Him whom her soul loved. What a meeting must that have been! Her darling Son, all masked in blood, toiling under the weight of the Cross. O Holy Mother, who would not be moved with compassion? "Behold and see if there be any sorrow like to that with which God hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger" (Lament, i. 12).

    Mother of God, He broke thy heart,
     That it might wider be;
     That in the vastness of His love
     There might be room for me.

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    May 23rd

    Mary meets Jesus carrying the Cross

    Bearing His Cross He went forth to the place that is called
    Calvary (St. John xix. 17)

    As the time of the Passion drew near, Mary's realization of the approaching sufferings of her Son became more vivid. The sword of Simeon pierced her heart as it had never done before. How could she endure to see her Son and her God outraged and ill-treated, insulted and put to death? "Weeping, she wept in the night: there was none to comfort her among all those that were dear to her" (Lament, i. 2).

    At last the storm of anguish burst upon her. The Apostles bring her the heart-breaking news: He has been seized by the Pharisees, insulted by the soldiers, dragged before Pilate, scourged, condemned to the death of the Cross. What a night and morning for the Mother of Jesus! Each moment full of an agony worse than death.

    At last she could refrain no longer. She must go and meet Him whom her soul loved. What a meeting must that have been! Her darling Son, all masked in blood, toiling under the weight of the Cross. O Holy Mother, who would not be moved with compassion? "Behold and see if there be any sorrow like to that with which God hath afflicted me in the day of His fierce anger" (Lament, i. 12).

    Mother of God, He broke thy heart,
     That it might wider be;
     That in the vastness of His love
     There might be room for me.

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    Re: Our Lady s Month Of May Meditations
    « Reply #14 on: May 24, 2017, 04:45:13 PM »
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  • may 24    Mary at the Foot of the Cross

    Mary at the foot of the Cross

    There stood by the Cross of Jesus His Mother (St. John xix. 25)

    What words can ever describe the indescrib- able anguish that rent the sacred heart of Mary, as she looked upon her Divine Son hanging on the Cross? Was there ever such a spectacle? He is so torn and mangled, covered with a mantle of blood from head to foot, that one can scarce recognize in that unsightly figure the human form. Can it be He. the fairest among the children of Men? My God, what can have transformed Him into this piteous, this ghastly object?

    Every wound in Jesus' body was also a wound in the heart of Mary: every fibre, every nerve throbbing in agony. Every pang He suffered reechoed in her heart. She endured by her compassion a share in all the anguish of His Passion. What was the thick darkness around compared with the black darkness that overspread her heart?

    Why did Mary suffer all this? That she might be our Mother--the Mother of mankind. She, who brought forth her Divine Son without a pang, suffered many a piercing pang when from the Cross her dying Son commended to her the sinful sons of men. That was indeed a maternity of sorrow she suffered for our sins: for mine.

    Jesus, when His three hours were run,
     Bequeathed thee from the Cross to me,
     And O, how can I love thy Son,
     Sweet Mother, if I love not thee?

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