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Author Topic: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR  (Read 708 times)

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NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
« on: January 18, 2022, 10:20:04 PM »
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  • A MUST-WATCH -- just 3 minutes of your time.

    Space Hair -- AND ANOTHER FASCINATING POINT: why do Hollywood movies, commercials, etc. always turn the lighting down? Is it because it would look too familiar (=just like NASA footage) if they turned the lights up? I honestly never noticed or thought about this before I watched this video. Now I can't un-see it!

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    Offline Dingbat

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    Re: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
    « Reply #1 on: January 18, 2022, 10:36:51 PM »
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  • You would think they would have the budget to at least fake zero gravity for these shots lol. Notice how at least 2 of the women have extremely curly hair in order to make it look more natural that it doesn't freely flow. Definitely more than a little suspect. :fryingpan:

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
    « Reply #2 on: January 18, 2022, 11:22:24 PM »
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  • You would think they would have the budget to at least fake zero gravity for these shots lol. Notice how at least 2 of the women have extremely curly hair in order to make it look more natural that it doesn't freely flow. Definitely more than a little suspect. :fryingpan:

    Even men with an average amount of hair should have their hair bouncing and floating around off their head -- or do they only hire bald guys and force the rest to get a buzz or crew cut -- or that nasty "old man" style where they comb it over with some kind of hair spray/grease so it always looks wet? Or maybe that's natural body oil. YUCK.

    Or even worse than the "perpetually looks greasy" style, there's the "Lego Man" style, where the hair is quite full-bodied on the top/sides/back, 0% grey, but it doesn't move at all, thanks to hair spray. Have you ever played with Lego men? Their hair is like that. One of the astroNOTs in the above video has this kind of hair.
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    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
    « Reply #3 on: January 19, 2022, 05:57:14 AM »
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  • A MUST-WATCH -- just 3 minutes of your time.

    Space Hair -- AND ANOTHER FASCINATING POINT: why do Hollywood movies, commercials, etc. always turn the lighting down? Is it because it would look too familiar (=just like NASA footage) if they turned the lights up? I honestly never noticed or thought about this before I watched this video. Now I can't un-see it!

    Another interesting thing you'll note with their "micro-gravity" situations.  Theoretically, you're supposed to have no sense of up or down, but whenever they turn sideways, you'll notice that they bend their necks upward.  That's the natural instinct; people try to keep their heads up.  You would NOT have that instinct in actual micro-gravity.

    Look at 47-57.  She's craning her neck to the side attempting to keep her head upright.  That means she senses up-and-down via gravity.  That is a scene done with harnesses.  If there were no gravity, she would not have that instinct, and there would be no sensation of up and down whatsoever.  Some scenes are conducted on one of those "Zero-G" planes (when at NASA, I knew some people who rode on those from tiem to time).  But other scenes are done with harnesses in normal gravity.

    Finally, I saw one Youtube video which speaks of the "vestibular system", which helps human beings keep their balance and their sense of up and down.  In a zero G environment, the discombobulation of the vestibular system has serious effects, from diziness and nausea to the loss of visual acuity, etc.  This guy detailed all the effects of an impaired vestibular system and demonstrated that people living in a zero-G or low-G environment would be impaired to the point of being unable to focus and concentrate and perform any tasks that required concentration and fine motor control.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
    « Reply #4 on: January 19, 2022, 06:06:36 AM »
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  • Here's the video on the vestibular system:

    On a side note, watch 8:45 - 10:33, the explanation of how amazingly complex the vestibular system is.  I'm sure that stuff just "evolved" by chance.  What are the odds that such system could have evolved from random mutuations?  Answer:  zero.  And that's just ONE of thousands of such complex systems in our bodies.  Odds are effectiviely zero that any given ONE of these systems could have evolved randomly (without design and intent), much less that they would have all evolved together in a single organism.  Evolution has to the most ridiculously absurd thing out there that nevertheless the sheep and morons lap up.  Given that probably 90%+ of the public believe in that nonsense, why couldn't they also all be fooled about the shape of the earth?

    Offline SimpleMan

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    Re: NASA painfully fake SPACE HAIR
    « Reply #5 on: January 19, 2022, 09:22:06 AM »
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  • A MUST-WATCH -- just 3 minutes of your time.

    Space Hair -- AND ANOTHER FASCINATING POINT: why do Hollywood movies, commercials, etc. always turn the lighting down? Is it because it would look too familiar (=just like NASA footage) if they turned the lights up? I honestly never noticed or thought about this before I watched this video. Now I can't un-see it!

    This was really lame.  And when the announcer said "stupid astronaut", I thought he was getting ready to say something else... but then he said the "tronaut" part.

    Got to wonder whether NASA, then, prefers women with frizzy hair --- and that would be so politically correct, eh?  Think of which ethnicities typically have it.  You'd think they'd go with cornrows and pixie cuts (think Mae Jemison) to keep from having to fake the hair, but I guess not.