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Offline Lover of Truth

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Re: Eye Doctor
« Reply #105 on: February 09, 2022, 01:14:36 PM »
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  • I was thinking about how God breathed a soul into Adam through his nose and breathed on the Apostles when giving them and their successors the ability to forgive sins. The thought that God created the nostrils and mouth to breath through and the contraceptive mentality the masking of the breathing is.  It goes against the 5th Commandment and spits in the face of God.  "You wonderfully designed my body with a nose and mouth to breathe through?  Well I'm going to cover them up and not breathe as you intend."

    Reading the following from a priest on the Rite of Baptism got me thinking about that:

    The priest then breathes thrice upon the face of the person to be baptized and says once: Go out of him thou unclean spirit, and give place unto the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete.  According to our corporeal birth we are children of wrath, and under the dominion of Satan.  The evil spirit must be expelled; therefore the priest orders him to depart.  The priest then breathes three times upon the child.  This breathing signifies the communication of the new spiritual life.  This breathing is done three times in memory of the Blessed Trinity, by which the new life is imparted; and it is done in the form of a cross, because Christ has redeemed us by his death on the cross.  When the evil spirit has gone out from man, the Holy Ghost makes his abode in the man’s heart, and therefore the priest says: Give place unto the Holy Ghost the Paraclete.  The ceremony of breathing was in use in the first ages of the Church, and Saint Augustine draws from it a proof of original sin.
    Pardon the sarcasm but perhaps they should stop with the baptisms until this whole convids narrative goes away.  (Seriously, I guess the NO has done away with this part or excludes it now as a safety measure.  You know the unclean spirit is less dangerous than the convids). 

    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church

    Offline Seraphina

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #106 on: February 09, 2022, 01:29:46 PM »
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  • Just a reply to those who ask about just walking in despite the signs.

    I was even thinking of chopping off my feet so other people won't get foot cancer. 
    This doesn’t even make sense. 

    Offline Lover of Truth

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #107 on: February 09, 2022, 01:42:58 PM »
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  • This doesn’t even make sense.
    The narrative is that we are to get the injection so that others won't get the convides.  I've taking it a step further.  If me getting jabbed prevents others from getting sick.  And if you can't get foot cancer if you have no feet.  Wouldn't my cutting off my feet prevent others from getting foot cancer just like my getting jabbed prevents others from getting sick?

    I'm trying to be as stupid as the official people with their official narrative.  Very difficult to do I must admit.
    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #108 on: February 09, 2022, 01:59:16 PM »
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  • Actually, you succeeded.

    Offline Last Tradhican

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #109 on: February 09, 2022, 02:10:04 PM »
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  • I'm sorry if this is off topic but I am trying to find help where I can get it.  We don't mask and we cannot find an eye doctor that will take us.  We have actually called down to Jacksonville Florida to see if they would take us and they would.  It would be an 11 hour drive, non-stop, a stay at a hotel, appointment the next day, stay at the hotel and an 11 hour drive back plus the stops for eating and restroom, on a single income from a peon who could lose his job at any time because he won't get the inoculation.

    Does anyone know where in NW Virginia or anywhere closer to that than Florida their might be an eye doctor who will see us if we refuse to suffocate ourselves.

    I'm even open to getting a lawyer to help us if we can find one.  Any advise, regarding eye doctors or lawyers would be very much appreciated.

    P.S. - please do not try to convince me to wear a mask, I don't need that type of advise, I just need to know what is the closest doctor I can go to that I do not have to wear a mask. 
    There, that's better, would've saved everybody's time here.
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    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24

    Offline Lover of Truth

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #110 on: February 09, 2022, 02:21:18 PM »
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  • There, that's better, would've saved everybody's time here.
    If I'm willing to travel 1000 miles each way to avoid it I would think that would be self-evident.  Plus people like to talk about it I think.  
    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #111 on: February 09, 2022, 03:42:55 PM »
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  • My wife and children are vehemently against them.  They would think I was putting them through trouble if I made them wear them.

    You are giving them good example and practice for standing up to the harder trials to come.
    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Anne Evergreen

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #112 on: February 09, 2022, 08:45:55 PM »
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  • My wife and children are vehemently against them.  They would think I was putting them through trouble if I made them wear them.
    So let's get this straight. You are the father of the family. You are the sole provider. Your job is currently at risk because of not having the Covid shots. You are willing to waste money to drive to Florida. If you lose your job, you will have no income. Your wife presumably doesn't go out to work. She therefore would not be able to support the family. You are letting the whims of your wife and children override common sense and prudence and your authority.
    Have I missed anything?

    Your wife and children NEED to put up with wearing masks. If for no other reason than to wake them up to the fact that YOU are responsible for them, and not the other way around. They need to be taught a lesson that sometimes it's not about what they want, but what is best for them in the long run. 

    I sure hope your wife is prepared and capable of going out to work. Otherwise, bills have a way of adding up quickly. But then if you have enough money to "get a lawyer" for this, you really don't get much of my sympathy. Sorry.

    My own husband knows how much I hate wearing masks--and this despite decades of wearing them, an exemption, and the proper use and techniques with them. But I wear them occasionally *as a sign of respect* and act of charity for him, (and many others that are truly afraid, and aren't able to understand some things because of lack of medical background) and to not make a fuss and to add to the stress of his already over-stressed plate. (I both know the rules of wearing masks, and when they don't make any sense--but there are few people here on these forums with any medical background--that's why it's futile to discuss certain topics here--people too easily swallow misinformation and the latest "Jane Ruby" or Stew Peters' sensationalism podcasts and think they know things--well, they do, but it's all misinformation. But anyway...

    We were hit very hard with Covid in our area, as were many parts of Canada. We also both had it, and it's REAL, and is NOT the flu, contrary to popular misbelief. It is starting to just be an endemic disease, which is good! There is light at the end of a long tunnel, and our country is opening up more fully.

    But anyway, good luck in your pursuit, whatever it may be.

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    Offline Anne Evergreen

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #113 on: February 09, 2022, 08:57:15 PM »
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  • Actually, you succeeded.
    You took the words right outta my mouth. 

    "The world is thy ship, and not thy home."--The Little Flower

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #114 on: February 09, 2022, 09:00:20 PM »
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  • You can ask, but I don't need to. 

    I resist, sometimes it does make a difference. If enough people wake up and act accordingly in time. The truckers are making a difference. Peggy Hall is making a difference. Doctor Vernon Colemen is making a difference. JP Sears (Awaken) is making a difference. We have to do our part

    I am with you on this. It has nought to do with pride, rather it is to do with honesty and integrity. Pretending is a form of dishonesty. In rare circuмstance, like if a loved one is under threat it might be justified, but continuing the charade gets us nowhere we want to go.

     If we didn't have the right to bear arms we would already be like Australia and Canada. Those who can resist and refuse support to those that impose tyranny on us must.

    I can’t speak for Canada, only for my part of Queensland, Australia. The majority play the masking game here but I have seen no evidence to paint the picture as bad as you seem to be having over there. The worst thing I have had is glares from a shopper or two, never a word from any staff in any business, except once when I went for an xray, the receptionist remarked that I should wear a mask. I simply replied, I don’t do that. No further questions asked.

    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
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    Offline DigitalLogos

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #115 on: February 09, 2022, 09:01:32 PM »
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  • So let's get this straight. You are the father of the family. You are the sole provider. Your job is currently at risk because of not having the Covid shots. You are willing to waste money to drive to Florida. If you lose your job, you will have no income. Your wife presumably doesn't go out to work. She therefore would not be able to support the family. You are letting the whims of your wife and children override common sense and prudence and your authority.
    Have I missed anything?

    Your wife and children NEED to put up with wearing masks. If for no other reason than to wake them up to the fact that YOU are responsible for them, and not the other way around. They need to be taught a lesson that sometimes it's not about what they want, but what is best for them in the long run.
    100% agree. Well said, Anne.

    I hate wearing these damn things, but, it's a (really) small cross to bear in order to provide for my family and it's better than playing roulette with my health (and possibly soul) by taking the jabs.
    "Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." [Matt. 6:34]

    "In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin." [Ecclus. 7:40]

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    Offline Anne Evergreen

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #116 on: February 09, 2022, 09:16:58 PM »
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  • If I'm willing to travel 1000 miles each way to avoid it I would think that would be self-evident.  Plus people like to talk about it I think. 
    As I suggested in I believe my first response to you, why not willingly wear the mask at the eye doctor, offer it up as a sacrifice (say for the Poor Souls) and take that money that you would have spent to get to Florida and have Masses said instead?

    Since you also have deep enough pockets to want to hire a lawyer to presumably try to tell the eye doctor how he needs to run his business and follow his licensing body requirements (in order for HIM to keep HIS job), those lawyer fees would also cover a LOT OF MASSES. Gas, accomodation, food, lawyer fees--wow, you could have oodles of Mass Stipends (say $20 stipend offering for each Mass)--you will probably run out of Priests before you run out of stipends.

    Or maybe actually losing your job (if it comes to that) will be an impetus to get you to rely more on Faith, who knows?

    I would be the first one to tell my husband he is being ridiculous for wanting to drive to Florida from VA for just wanting to avoid wearing a mask in the eye doctor scenario. I would be the first one to suggest having Masses said instead. He also wouldn't consider driving from VA to Florida in the first place, but anyway...

    Your situation reminds me of people that drive all the way across town to save money on a grocery item. The grocery item costs $5.00 in one store, but $4.50 in another. It will take them 15 minutes and $5.00 in gas to get to the other store, but they will go anyway, just to say that they "saved" money on their grocery item. LOL.
    "The world is thy ship, and not thy home."--The Little Flower

    Offline Miser Peccator

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #117 on: February 09, 2022, 09:29:27 PM »
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  • As I suggested in I believe my first response to you, why not willingly wear the mask at the eye doctor, offer it up as a sacrifice (say for the Poor Souls) and take that money that you would have spent to get to Florida and have Masses said instead?

    Since you also have deep enough pockets to want to hire a lawyer to presumably try to tell the eye doctor how he needs to run his business and follow his licensing body requirements (in order for HIM to keep HIS job), those lawyer fees would also cover a LOT OF MASSES. Gas, accomodation, food, lawyer fees--wow, you could have oodles of Mass Stipends (say $20 stipend offering for each Mass)--you will probably run out of Priests before you run out of stipends.

    Or maybe actually losing your job (if it comes to that) will be an impetus to get you to rely more on Faith, who knows?

    I would be the first one to tell my husband he is being ridiculous for wanting to drive to Florida from VA for just wanting to avoid wearing a mask in the eye doctor scenario. I would be the first one to suggest having Masses said instead. He also wouldn't consider driving from VA to Florida in the first place, but anyway...

    Your situation reminds me of people that drive all the way across town to save money on a grocery item. The grocery item costs $5.00 in one store, but $4.50 in another. It will take them 15 minutes and $5.00 in gas to get to the other store, but they will go anyway, just to say that they "saved" money on their grocery item. LOL.
    There is a bigger picture, a larger agenda taking place here.

    It is a matter of principle.

    Different people have different priorities and different lines in the sand.

    In the very near future you will have to drive long distances to find a grocery store willing to sell to you.

    Many will cave to demands and will mock those who don't.

    It is coming step by incremental step.

    In any case, he wasn't asking for your opinion on the matter.

    I exposed AB Vigano's public meetings with Crowleyan Satanist Dugin so I ask protection on myself family friends priest, under the Blood of Jesus Christ and mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary! If harm comes to any of us may that embolden the faithful to speak out all the more so Catholics are not deceived.


    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #118 on: February 09, 2022, 10:01:47 PM »
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  • Cutting off your nose to spite your face is NOT a principled stand.

    Offline Aleah

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    Re: Eye Doctor
    « Reply #119 on: February 10, 2022, 05:04:31 AM »
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  • You can ask, but I don't need to. 

    I resist, sometimes it does make a difference. If enough people wake up and act accordingly in time. The truckers are making a difference. Peggy Hall is making a difference. Doctor Vernon Colemen is making a difference. JP Sears (Awaken) is making a difference. We have to do our part. If we didn't have the right to bear arms we would already be like Australia and Canada. Those who can resist and refuse support to those that impose tyranny on us must.

    I am so glad you have posted this! We have to resist no matter how small and be a strong example to those who have not the courage yet. I am not covering my face  when it is needless and an outward sign of going along with the hypocrisy/lies.  We all might do well to read about the gulags for the first time or a reread for those who haven't read about it for a while. Psychological warfare is a huge threat and the mask wearing is part of the agenda. 
    I am He who is- you are she who is not.