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Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
« on: December 07, 2015, 10:26:41 PM »
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     On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the closing of Vatican II (8 December 1965), the priests of the Priestly Union Marcel Lefebvre wish to reaffirm their "refusal" of that fateful council and "all the reforms that are issues ". (Lefebvre, Declaration of 21 November 1974.)

    They make their full judgment of Archbishop Lefebvre, who saw in this council "the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Church" and compared him to a "third world war". Vatican II, "turning his back on tradition and breaking with the Church of the past, is a schismatic council". (Archbishop Lefebvre in Le Figaro of 4 August 1976.) "The conclusion is that this ruinous event for the Catholic Church and Christian civilization was not directed and led by the Holy Spirit. "(I accuse the Council, 1976)

    Consequently, the priests of the Priestly Union Marcel Lefebvre renew their formal commitment not to accept any "practical agreement" nor any "canonical recognition" in any form whatsoever, from the conciliar authorities. "It is a strict duty of every Catholic priest wishing to remain to part of this conciliar church. "(Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey, 1990.)

    On this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, they entrust their loyalty to the faithful Virgin, "immaculate in his faith" (prayer of St. Pius X). Deign to help them bear witness to the truth, to work tirelessly for the salvation of souls and to submit all "sweet reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter to Cardinal Seper, April 13, 1978. )

    Offline Raphaela

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #1 on: December 08, 2015, 06:29:49 AM »
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  • From the above:

    "Every priest who wants to remain Catholic has a strict duty to separate himself from this Conciliar Church."

    "C’est un devoir strict pour tout prêtre voulant demeurer catholique de se séparer de cette église conciliaire." (Mgr Lefebvre, Itinéraire spirituel, 1990.)

    Offline BJ5

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 09:13:45 AM »
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  • Finally!  Priests ready to move on from the SSPX, be called what they believe they are, and not be characterized by the organization they oppose (the anti-SSPX/ SSPX Resistance).


    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #3 on: December 08, 2015, 09:38:11 AM »
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    Someone on the outside of this controversy or somehow otherwise unaware of its history and therefore has never heard these things, might be a bit overwhelmed with its impact when all put together in one place like this:  that every priest who wants to remain Catholic has a strict duty to separate himself from this Conciliar Church;  their refusal of that fateful council and all the reforms that issue from it;  they see in this council the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Church and compare Vatican II to a third world war because it turned its back on tradition and broke with the Church of the past;  that it is a schismatic council;  that it is a strict duty of every Catholic priest wishing to remain Catholic to part from this conciliar church;  and that theirs ought to be a formal commitment not to accept any practical agreement nor any canonical recognition in any form whatsoever from the conciliar authorities.

    This whole list of concerns would be made so much easier to swallow if we would simply say that Vatican II was not an ecuмenical Council of the Church, that it was a rogue synod without any protection of the Holy Ghost, and that the true Church will have no truck with it.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 09:40:10 AM »
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  • Quote from: AJNC

     On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the closing of Vatican II (8 December 1965), the priests of the Priestly Union Marcel Lefebvre wish to reaffirm their "refusal" of that fateful council and "all the reforms that are issues". (Lefebvre, Declaration of 21 November 1974.)

    They make their full judgment of Archbishop Lefebvre, who saw in this council "the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Church" and compared him to a "third world war". Vatican II, "turning his back on tradition and breaking with the Church of the past, is a schismatic council". (Archbishop Lefebvre in Le Figaro of 4 August 1976.) "The conclusion is that this ruinous event for the Catholic Church and Christian civilization was not directed and led by the Holy Spirit." (I accuse the Council, 1976)

    Consequently, the priests of the Priestly Union Marcel Lefebvre renew their formal commitment not to accept any "practical agreement" nor any "canonical recognition" in any form whatsoever, from the conciliar authorities. "It is a strict duty of every Catholic priest wishing to remain to part of this conciliar church. "(Archbishop Lefebvre, Spiritual Journey, 1990.)

    On this Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, they entrust their loyalty to the faithful Virgin, "immaculate in his faith" (prayer of St. Pius X). Deign to help them bear witness to the truth, to work tirelessly for the salvation of souls and to submit all "sweet reign of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter to Cardinal Seper, April 13, 1978. )

    For the record, it would help to get a better English translation.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 10:27:34 AM »
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    I am especially interested in an updated version of the video seen on the website featuring Bishop Faure, but it's in Spanish without English subtitles yet ("not subtitled for now"):


    It sounds to me like he's speaking some sentences in French here!  
    (But that could be his version of Spanish with his French accent!)


    Interesting reflection about the "Jubilee" gnostic ...          

    A challenge to the Holy Spirit        

    [...] Normally a jubilee is the fiftieth year party, that is to say that in this case, he should start in late 2014 and ended in 2015. For the record, the last one, the one 2000 began on 24 December 1999. And so on.

    Why celebrate the 51th year? For two reasons:
    - Because the age of 50 represent a final victory over the old fortress. The figure of the Holy Spirit is the 50 since Pentecost instead of the 50th day after Easter. But Pentecost is considered the official date of the creation of the Church.
    - Therefore, the new church after Vatican II has also passed the significant milestone of 50 years and says his victory with indecency as it waits These are 50 years of age, so final, to celebrate. Jєωιѕн friends of the pope confirm: "In Jєωιѕн tradition 50 years, the Yovel: Jubilee which in the Bible stands for eternity.
    "It is clear: exceed 50 years means that their new church is started for eternity.
    There is a challenge to the Holy Spirit that can not go unpunished"

    Note Faithful France: This is an additional reason (if any were needed) to not make this jubilee as Menzingen demand and celebrate the Immaculate Virgin outside this conciliar context that has nothing of God.


    The site also has coverage of the Islamic incursion problem:

    Archbishop Lefebvre often rose against vis-à-vis Judaism complacency and weaknesses of the conciliar Church against non-Christian religions, considered unrealistic way by Vatican II - non-Christian religions of which we know ' Besides the enormous penetration they have achieved in the West for decades in favor of great disorientation of minds terrifying consequence of a loss of the essential foundations of the Faith - he insisted particularly on the very important danger posed by the Islam for Christianity today so far vis-à-vis the Catholic Tradition.
    Because of asserting its position on the matter, he argued with some lively firmness, LICRA, shamefully and so totally outrageous, dragged Archbishop Lefebvre in 1990 to justice, when he severely warned against the erection, supported by Republican and secular state, many mosques and which, in this area as in many others , was working to contribute more as if he were needed, the slow disappearance of the Christian spiritual fabric France.
    The May 12, 1990, following the infamous prosecution, Archbishop Lefebvre said: - "The Koran, which is the law of Islam, leads to discrimination, hatred and violence. Do not assign me what I denounce. Evidence of this hatred and violence are legion in the past and in the present. As long as Muslims are an insignificant minority in a Christian country, they can live amicably because they accept the laws and customs of the receiving country. But as soon as they are numerous and organized, they become aggressive and want to impose their laws hostile to European civilization. Examples abound. - Tomorrow they will be the mayors of our cities and transform our churches into mosques [...]  Me condemn as racist because I try to protect my country threatened in its existence and Christian traditions, it would use justice injustice, that would be justice for torturers against the victims who perished right just by keeping quiet. It would be the height of injustice. "Admirable advocacy obviously relevant analysis, almost visionary former bishop of Tulle who perfectly understood the threat posed by Islam. But to better soak up the thought of Archbishop Lefebvre, who was still Archbishop of Dakar and apostolic vicar for French Africa and therefore knew what he meant to have seen firsthand what it meant to the domination of the law of the Koran, nothing is more useful than re-read the transcripts of the courses he gave in 1980 and 1981 in Ecône among seminarians who were destined for the priesthood. These texts, together in a posthumous work: I am the accused should judge you, show how modernist theses of the Second Vatican Council, particularly detectable in the Declaration Nostra Aetate, are absolutely ignorant of what true Islam in concrete terms, and utter nonsense significant about the nature of the religion of Mohammed. Here are some significant passages of Archbishop Lefebvre we read carefully: Breathing in the Islamic religion; the demon has truly prevented the conversion of millions of men - "I found myself in Dakar for fifteen years with three million Muslims, Catholics and one hundred thousand four hundred thousand animists, and if during those fifteen years it has been ten Muslim convert, is a maximum. I mean really convert them, to move them from Islam to Catholicism. I'm not saying that no Catholic had some influence through our schools where we had up to 10-15% Muslim. I do not want more, otherwise they would have imposed Islam in our schools. Once they are strong, they are necessary, take the lead and try to convert others. When they are low, they listen and keep quiet. Young people who have been in our schools have certainly been influenced, may be some of them they have desired baptism is very possible. But it is very difficult for a young man to convert to Catholicism, as it is driven from his family, he knows he may even be poisoned. [...] Only those students University arriving to be converted because they are independent. They know that their future is assured; they no longer need to leave their families and in Europe, they can convert. But convert someone in his family, it is virtually impossible. Inspiring the Islamic religion; the demon has truly prevented the conversion of millions of people "

    .........And that's not even halfway down the page!!................
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    Offline Fidelis servus

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #6 on: December 09, 2015, 11:35:07 AM »
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  • Quote from: BJ5
    Finally!  Priests ready to move on from the SSPX, be called what they believe they are, and not be characterized by the organization they oppose (the anti-SSPX/ SSPX Resistance).


    In fact, they are not ready to move from the sspx, they are yet, (they left, for the majority, in january 2014)
    Ut In Omnibus Glorificetur Deus

    Administrator of Reconquista blog and an worldwide directory of the resistance mass centers (Ordo de la resisatance)

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #7 on: December 09, 2015, 04:10:24 PM »
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  • Quote from: Neil Obstat

    Someone on the outside of this controversy or somehow otherwise unaware of its history and therefore has never heard these things, might be a bit overwhelmed with its impact when all put together in one place like this:  that every priest who wants to remain Catholic has a strict duty to separate himself from this Conciliar Church;  their refusal of that fateful council and all the reforms that issue from it;  they see in this council the greatest catastrophe in the history of the Church and compare Vatican II to a third world war because it turned its back on tradition and broke with the Church of the past;  that it is a schismatic council;  that it is a strict duty of every Catholic priest wishing to remain Catholic to part from this conciliar church;  and that theirs ought to be a formal commitment not to accept any practical agreement nor any canonical recognition in any form whatsoever from the conciliar authorities.

    This whole list of concerns would be made so much easier to swallow if we would simply say that Vatican II was not an ecuмenical Council of the Church, that it was a rogue synod without any protection of the Holy Ghost, and that the true Church will have no truck with it.


    But the conciliar authority considers it and continues to call it an ecuмenical council.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #8 on: December 09, 2015, 05:10:00 PM »
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    Q:  What is the Koran?
    A:  The Koran is the practical manual that extends the reign of the devil at the expense of the Kingdom of Christ.

    Q:  What is the purpose and use of the Koran regarding indoctrination of Islam?
    A:  The use of the Koran is as a practical manual to proliferate the reign of the devil, which is at cross purposes to the Kingdom of Christ, and the purpose of the Koran is to infect all people, that is, without exception, with the Muslim false religion.

    Q:  Does moderate Islam exist?
    A:  No, moderate Islam does not exist.

    Q:  How can this claim be substantiated, that moderate Islam does not exist?
    A:  This principle that moderate Islam does not exist can be substantiated as follows:  The Koran is the practical manual that extends the reign of the devil at the expense of the Kingdom of Christ.  Since all people infected with the Muslim religion are indoctrinated by the Koran, it is true that there is no such thing as a moderate Islam.  

    Quote from: USML website

    Note [1] Note that in 2003, LICRA also sued a Catholic priest, Fr. Sulmont, old 80, who was in charge of eight churches of the Somme, and unwisely published in his parish bulletin about some rather severe on Islam: "moderate Islam does not exist. All people infected with the Muslim religion are indoctrinated by the Koran (...) which is the practical manual that extends the reign of the devil at the expense of the Kingdom of Christ. [...] If the Western families have reduced in number children to a trickle [...] Asians proliferate and invade us, conveying a threatening ideology to the world. "It is remarkable that the old priest was pastor continued with LICRA with the consent of the Bishop of Amiens, Bishop Noyer, who called him to order because of Islamophobia.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Official statement of the priests of the USML December 8, 2015
    « Reply #9 on: December 09, 2015, 06:36:48 PM »
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    Q:  How has the demon, through Islam, prevented the conversion of millions of people?
    A:  The demon has prevented the conversion of millions of people through Islam by his inspiring of the Islamic false religion.

    Q:  How has the demon done this?
    A:  The demon has prevented the conversion of millions of people by way of inspiring the Islamic false religion as follows:  it is nearly impossible for a person while remaining in a Muslim family to convert.  

    Q:  Why is it so, that for a person while remaining in a Muslim family to convert to be a Catholic is nearly impossible?
    A:  It is nearly impossible because Catholicism is driven from his family;  he may even be poisoned by his family if they think he desires baptism.

    Q:  What could cause a young person in a Muslim family to desire baptism?
    A:  A young person in a Muslim family, by attending Catholic catechism classes (where the lessons include baptism of desire, for example), the young people learning these lessons are sometimes influenced in such a way (by seeing the positive example of the Catholics all around them) that they may eventually begin to have a desire to be baptized, even while they know that grave punishments await them at home if their own families discover they have begun to entertain this desire which is anathema to their false religion.

    Q:  What are some examples of the grave punishments that await children of Muslim families, when the children begin to desire baptism?
    A:  One example is being poisoned, but others may be such as buried alive, stoned to death, beheaded, beaten severely or physically tied up for many hours or days.  Muslims perpetrate different acts of violence against their boys and their girls.  The girls sometimes are punished by cutting the skin of their face resulting in life-long facial scars (which they may then hope to cover up with a burka) or by cutting off their nose or ears, for example.

    Q:  What is the maximum percentage of Muslims ABL would have allowed in his schools in Dakar?
    A:  In Dakar, where he was Archbishop, Msgr. Lefebvre said that he would have no more than 10 to 15% Muslim students in his schools.

    Q:  Did the Archbishop give a reason for having no more than one Muslim for any group of seven to ten students?
    A:  Archbishop Lefebvre gave the reason that he did not want more, "otherwise they would have imposed Islam in our schools. Once they are strong, they" [necessarily] "take the lead and try to convert others. When they are low [in numbers], they listen and keep quiet."  

    [CathInfo members should notice that they were keeping quiet, which is different from keeping quite.]

    Q:  How does ABL summarize this phenomenon of the devil suppressing conversions to the true Faith of Catholics?
    A:  ABL summarizes this as follows:  "Breathing in the Islamic religion; the demon has truly prevented the conversion of millions of men."

    Q:  What else did he say about this lack of conversions:  did he give conversions a number?
    A:  He said, "I found myself in Dakar for fifteen years with three million Muslims, [one hundred thousand Catholics] and four hundred thousand animists, and if during those fifteen years [there have] been ten Muslim [converts], [it] is a maximum. I mean really convert them, to move them from Islam to Catholicism."

    Quote from: USML site

    "... As long as Muslims are an insignificant minority in a Christian country, they can live amicably because they accept the laws and customs of the receiving country. But as soon as they are numerous and organized, they become aggressive and want to impose their laws hostile to European civilization. Examples abound. - Tomorrow they will be the mayors of our cities and transform our churches into mosques [...]  Me condemn as racist because I try to protect my country threatened in its existence and Christian traditions, it would use justice injustice, that would be justice for torturers against the victims who perished right just by keeping quiet. It would be the height of injustice."

    Admirable advocacy, obviously relevant analysis, almost visionary former bishop of Tulle who perfectly understood the threat posed by Islam. But to better soak up the thought of Archbishop Lefebvre, who was still Archbishop of Dakar and apostolic vicar for French Africa and therefore knew what he meant to have seen firsthand what it meant to the domination of the law of the Koran, nothing is more useful than [to] re-read the transcripts of the courses he gave in 1980 and 1981 in Ecône among seminarians who were destined for the priesthood. These texts, together in a posthumous work: I am the accused should judge you, show how modernist theses of the Second Vatican Council, particularly detectable in the Declaration Nostra Aetate, are absolutely ignorant of what true Islam [is] in concrete terms, and utter nonsense significant about the nature of the religion of Mohammed.

    Here are some significant passages of Archbishop Lefebvre we read carefully: Breathing in the Islamic religion; the demon has truly prevented the conversion of millions of men - "I found myself in Dakar for fifteen years with three million Muslims, [one hundred thousand Catholics and] four hundred thousand animists, and if during those fifteen years [there have] been ten Muslim [converts], [it] is a maximum. I mean really convert them, to move them from Islam to Catholicism. I'm not saying that no Catholic had some influence through our schools where we had up to 10-15% Muslim. I do not want more, otherwise they would have imposed Islam in our schools. Once they are strong, they [necessarily] take the lead and try to convert others. When they are low, they listen and keep quiet.

    "Young people who have been in our schools have certainly been influenced, may be [for] some of them [that perhaps] they have desired baptism is very possible. But it is very difficult for a young man to convert to Catholicism, as it is driven from his family, he knows he may even be poisoned. [...] Only those  [arriving University students are willing]  to be converted because they are independent. They know that their future is assured; they no longer need to leave their families and in Europe, they can convert. But convert someone in his family, it is virtually impossible. Inspiring the Islamic religion; the demon has truly prevented the conversion of millions of people."

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