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Letter to my Son, Father Pfeiffer (in my mind)
« on: October 19, 2015, 02:12:00 AM »
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  • RECAP ie Short Version of Fr.  Chazals Conference on Ambrose from CathInfo Oct 5 to Oct 18, 2015 10pgs

    I have attempted to "shorten" the 19 pages on Cath Info so that more than a few faithful, loyal, and friends, of Fathers Hewko and Pheiffer  would cut and paste this into their email program and send it to these two missionary Priests and just maybe they will read them in the Spirit they are sent. For many the senders are known but rather than "intimidate" the Fathers with the wisdom and experience of the posters I left their level and posts info off. I also tried to eliminate all the "getting off the track" posts.

    As many of us old timers have sons of the age of them or older, would that they still had the faith and may have been Priests but for our lack of it back then, we, certainly I, have a love (one of the agape types?) for them as our own sons, and therefore, are greatly distressed when we see them being led astray. And so because we do love them, I make this effort to get them to read what many of their faithful are saying, even though so few are expressing it directly to them.  

    Would that I had the eloquence of His Lordship Bishop Williamson, I would not have used these posters but my own words, and this would have been shorter as I know his would have been, but apparently Fr. Pfeiffer does not want to listen to Bishop Williamson.

    If Fr. Pfeiffers' mailbox were "flooded" with a copy of these few pages, maybe he would take the time to read them.                              Anyone have a email for the other Resistance Priests ??

    Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer

    Fr. David Hewko 

    Fr. Francois Chazal
    Fr. Richard Voigt

    Fr.  Chazals Conference on Ambrose from CathInfo

    This is a strange story.  It's like it was put together since the last episcopal consecration.  It seems like someone wants to pull a "good one" over on trads.  After reading this website, which was obviously put together by this 'Ambrose", (who else would have all his scanned "docuмents"?)...did anyone else notice that there was no mention of who ordained him, where he was ordained or where he went to the seminary?  We are conspicuously shown photos and then only told " Fr. Moran was ordained priest in 1974."  Are we supposed to take your word on it?  I mean let's be honest, excluding these very important and vulnerable details does not mean that he isn't a Catholic bishop necessarily, but it is very probable that he is hiding something there.  Too many vital details excluded from the beginning.
    Posted Oct 5, 2015, 12:18 pm    
    Thanks so much for posting this video. {Fr. Chazal from Brisbane} What a breath of fresh air to hear this. And I was glad to hear Father Chazal's comments on Pablo as well. Hard to imagine how Boston, KY can continue on with him in charge and still receive support/approval from anyone after the events and revelations of the last month.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 4:19 pm
    I listened to Fr. Chazal with a great deal of skepticism. Yes, “Bp Ambrose” is probably a fake. In that, I would certainly agree with Fr. Chazal. But what is Father’s end game? Is he trying to deliver Frs. Pfeiffer and Hewko, and by extension, the so-called Boston, KY “resistance” movement from the clutches of a phony bishop? Then why would Fr. Chazal not speak out just as strongly now, as he might have in the past, against Pablo?

    Pablo brought Ambrose into their midst, didn’t he? If there is no Pablo, there is no Bp. Moran. It is Pablo who gives this “bishop” a false relevance. It is Pablo who brought him to their attention in the first place, didn't he? It is because of Pablo, that Fr. Chazal is compelled to stand up before a bunch of the faithful a world away in Australia, his fist full of papers, and be forced to debunk the allegedly false claims of this person with a pony tail. Yet, when asked about Pablo, Fr. Chazal says that he is another matter, or problem, and, as I understand him anyway, needs to be taken up as a separate issue altogether. Really!?

    I have been brought to the point of rejecting Frs. Pfeiffer and Hewko wholesale, as well as the phony SSPX-MC “resistance” to which Fr. P gave birth. These priests, IMO, are not fitted for the task to which they think they have been called. IMO, Fr. Pfeiffer is not a powerful preacher, as, apparently, Fr. Chazal infers during the Q & A.. I can get along quite well for the rest of my life without hearing another word from Fr. Pfeiffer. And I won’t be any closer or further away from Heaven for having done so.

    Fr. Chazal mentions that Bp. Williamson is an ‘irritation’ to Fr. Pfeiffer. No, it is quite a bit more serious than that. Fr. P does not think that the bishop is on the right track. H.E. is not going about it in the right way. Fr. P. accuses the bishop of refusing to lead. He has absolutely no confidence in Bp. Williamson, and has said as much publicly. I repeat, Bp. Williamson does far more than just ‘irritate’ Fr. Pfeiffer.

    Another thing: Why did Fr. Chazal not make at least a passing reference to the fact that both Bps. Williamson and Faure seem to be entirely absent from the vetting process? Would it not have been natural for Frs. P and H to have consulted with real bishops about “Ambrose?” Yet, I hear nothing about any such consultation(s). Rather, it seems, they take counsel with one another, and, probably alas, with Pablo.

    IMO, Frs. Pfeiffer and Hewko have made for us all a real ‘pig’s dinner.’ They have strengthened the hand of Fellay & Co, IMO. They have made a mockery of real “resistance” by forcing our attention away from the monumental issues surrounding the Great Vatican Apostasy, and focusing them, instead, upon a few sorry megalomaniacal individuals who need to be rejected out of hand and just plain spit out of our memories.

    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 4:35 pm
    Minute 15:39 Bishop Ambrose is 666! :really
    He who has ears to hear, let him hear!! 66 years and 6 months.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 6:04 pm
    Ecclesiae said:
    Minute 15:39 Bishop Ambrose is 666!  :really-mad2:
    He who has ears to hear, let him hear!! 66 years and 6 months.
    Technically, Ambrose was 66 years and 9 months when he gave that sermon.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 7:22 pm
    Arvinger said:
    I have to admit I'm totally out of the topic, could anyone summarize this matter of Bishop Ambrose in few words for me, please?

     a Catholic Bishop ordained and consecrated by a famous Eastern rite Bishop (although there are no records of his ordination and consecration). Other sources on the internet claim that he was never a Catholic but was born schismatic and was ordained and consecrated by schismatics and that he served in schismatic churches as a priest and Bishop. There are conflicting stories and nobody (except for Ambrose) knows what is true about him. Father Pfeiffer has allowed him to say Mass for his faithful and meanwhile he is getting a private investigator to find out the truth about Ambrose.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 8:46 pm
    Arvinger said:
    I have to admit I'm totally out of the topic, could anyone summarize this matter of Bishop Ambrose in few words for me, please?

    Father Pfeiffer found a man who has claimed to be a Catholic Bishop ordained and consecrated by a famous Eastern rite Bishop (although there are no records of his ordination and consecration). Other sources on the internet claim that he was never a Catholic but was born schismatic and was ordained and consecrated by schismatics and that he served in schismatic churches as a priest and Bishop. There are conflicting stories and nobody (except for Ambrose) knows what is true about him. Father Pfeiffer has allowed him to say Mass for his faithful and meanwhile he is getting a private investigator to find out the truth about Ambrose.
    Amazing!  Matto has stated in a simple paragraph the content summary of basically two other threads, with collective totals of well over 35,000 views and over 300 replies.  Matto, I wish you had done this much earlier.  This topic should have been put out of its misery some time ago.  It really matters little, IMO, whether Ambrose is legit or not.  The fact for me is that the Boston, KY priests, along with Pablo, (and apparently at the instigation of Pablo), did their level best to secure a bishop for themselves on the outside, so that they wouldn't have to deal with the likes of Bps. Williamson and Faure in the future.  It is my firm opinion that Pfeiffer & Co. are toast in the eyes of two truly legitimate bishops.  They've messed the situation up so badly that there is no possible way, short of heartfelt repentance, that they'll ever work themselves back into the good graces of these bishops.  And then, having done that, they'd have to win back the probably hundreds of faithful who have determined wisely that enough is enough with this bunch.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 10:06 pm
    1st Mansion Tenant
    hollingsworth said:
    Another thing:  Why did Fr. Chazal not make at least a passing reference to the fact that both Bps. Williamson and Faure seem to be entirely absent from the vetting process?  Would it not have been natural for Frs. P and H to have consulted with real bishops about “Ambrose?”  Yet, I hear nothing about any such consultation(s).  Rather, it seems, they take counsel with one another, and, probably alas, with Pablo.
    I found this to be extremely problematic and pretty much curtains as far as I'm concerned. It's obvious he didn't ask for their advice because he was trying to circuмvent them. I agree with Fr Chazal: the only way to cauterize this wound is to announce publicly and strongly that they made a huge mistake. (And to amputate Fr P's Siamese twin immediately.)
    I find no joy in watching this fiasco play out to the degradation of all involved. Pray much for OLMC. If we all prayed half as much as we promise or pretend to, I think things would be quite different. Mea Culpa.
    Posted Oct 13, 2015, 10:54 pm
    Neil Obstat
    Some supporters of OLMC are not aware of this "Ambrose" problem, and have no idea that the seminary is falling apart.  It seems likely that the whole charade could collapse and be scattered to the 4 winds before everyone becomes apprised of the scenario afoot already, and they'll be shocked to find that so much happened without any warning.
    It would seem that a lot of this could have been avoided if Pablo had been expelled long ago from their midst.  As it is presently headed, there might come a time when there will be "nothing left but the mailbox" with Pablo standing next to it, wearing a smug grin behind dark shades.  Maybe it's his secret yearning..
    Posted Oct 14, 2015, 9:12 am
    Neil Obstat
    2) Ambrose and a photoshop expert were reading the topic and decided to start a wordpress website.
    The person who did the photohacking and perhaps set up the website is no expert in Photoshop.  An amateur in Photoshop can do far better.
    In the end, it's not outside the realm of likelihood that the whole charade was cranked out by "Ambrose" himself, photoshopping and website building in his off-hours.  That would explain why it's all so sloppy.
    This was a low-grade hack job.  Furthermore, as Fr. Chazal observes, this Mickey Mouse cleric should have studied the Resistance before he attempted to crash the seminary in KY because he has no hint of aversion to Modernism whether it's in Newchurch, JPII or the schismatic Orthodox.
    These are non-negotiables, and any GOOD con-man would have done a much better job of faking it than "Ambrose" has done
    Posted Oct 14, 2015, 10:17 am
    CathMomof7 said:
    My heart is saddened for Fr. Hewko.

    He was the first priest I knew when we converted to tradition and began attending an SSPX chapel.  He was my confessor.  He counseled my children and two of my sons were conditionally confirmed due to Fr. Hewko's gentle yet firm sensibilities.

    When he left the SSPX, his superiors publicly from the pulpit made him out to be a hothead, a fraud, perhaps mentally unstable.  This was the catalyst for our family's own exodus from the SSPX.
    I fear that the situation in KY is now fodder for the fire.

    I believe Fr. Hewko to be a holy priest, but I also wonder if he is not in an incredibly difficult situation.

    I believe he is a holy priest as well but that is not necessarily a defense against gullibility. He truly "believes all things" and "hopes all things".

    I had not heard of accusations against Fr. Hewko of being a "fraud" (impossible!) or a "hot head", but his health has been frail at times and he can be worked and manipulated because he believes everyone is as honorable as he is. He is strong in the Faith but sometimes a bit weak in prudence. Allowing this "Bishop Ambrose" character to "say Mass" for their Faithful is a betrayal all round whether Fr. Hewko realizes this or not.

    We must not follow any priest simply because we love him. That is a sure way to go astray. There are ample signs things are not right in Kentucky and that means things may not be right at any of the chapels they service.

    Fr. Hewko should go home to his mother or the Monastery in Silver City to rest for a long time and recover his sense of direction. I hope he cuts himself off from Fr. Pfeiffer completely and permanently. They are not good for each other.
    Posted Oct 14, 2015, 9:54 pm
    I agree, that Fr. Hewko is a classic case of "To the clean, all things are clean."
    That's also why so many Trads in general fall for compulsive liars. When you are a good person, it's hard to imagine someone being evil. It's so foreign to you, it's hard to even conceive of a person doing such a thing.

    RealMcCoy -- That's a difficult question to "prove" or answer decisively. If you know him and worked with him, you'd know what we mean when we speak about holiness.
    If I only saw him on Youtube, covering up Pablo and Ambrose, etc. I'd sure be wondering myself. But I've been to his Masses, and they are very edifying.
    If it weren't for Fr. Hewko, the SSPX-MC operation in Kentucky would be much, much smaller than it is today. He has given, and continues to give them, credibility.
    For example, someone told me that in St. Mary's KS about 4X as many people turn out when it's Fr. Hewko coming to say Mass, compared with Fr. Pfeiffer.
    Posted Oct 14, 2015, 11:05 pm
    TheRealMcCoy said:
    Matthew said:
    RealMcCoy -- That's a difficult question to "prove" or answer decisively. If you know him and worked with him, you'd know what we mean when we speak about holiness.
    No, it's not a secret thing, or a wink-wink, nudge nudge.
    However anyone defines holiness -- I saw it in Fr Hewko when he was here twice in 2013. I was edified and could tell that hanging around this priest would be good for my spiritual life. He showed many virtues - humility, charity, piety, and was generally knowledgeable about the Faith and Tradition (being formed, as he was, at an SSPX seminary). Just an all-around good priest.
    I don't disagree with PaulFHC though. He is somehow complicit in this. He's involved whether or not he wants to be. He needs to stand up to Fr. Pfeiffer now, just as he stood up to Bishop Fellay and the SSPX 3 years ago. Come what may.
    God will provide! Don't worry about where you'll sleep, where you'll say Mass. God comes first; all the other details work themselves out.
    Posted Oct 15, 2015, 12:20 am
    Neil Obstat
    I believe Fr. Hewko to be a holy priest, but I also wonder if he is not in an incredibly difficult situation.
    Can you give some examples of his holiness?
    Fr. Hewko has been saying Mass independent of his SSPX superiors for several years now, and has been associating with "Resistance" priests during this time, and has enumerated publicly the shortcomings of the SSPX leadership, but he has not been formally expelled from the SSPX.  Whenever anyone asks him why he has not been expelled he shrugs his shoulders and holds his palms upwards.
    Maybe I'm the only one willing to say this, but I believe that it is because of his holiness that Menzingen doesn't dare issue his second and third letters of expulsion, because they cannot safely penetrate the spiritual protection that God has provided to Fr. David Hewko.  And frankly, I think that the Society leadership is afraid of what would happen to them if they would try to pierce through that barrier.
    In the annals of the saints, this kind of thing is quite common.  Whenever a saint was asked why they're seemingly immune from dangers commonplace among other people, they wouldn't have an answer, because their humility would prevent them from admitting that the reason they're protected is a spiritual one.
    Pilgrims used to come to Ars in late 19th century France eager to meet the saint. When they approached Fr. John Vianney, he would appear puzzled while they would ask if he was the saint working many miracles.  Then he would direct them to his shrine of St. Philomena and he would say to them:
    "Here is the saint who is responsible for these miracles.
    The miracles of Ars are all due to her holy intercession."        
    If you have any doubts, just ask Fr. Hewko if he prays to the Cure of Ars and to St. Philomena, and get ready for a quick download of infectious enthusiasm and zeal.
    Posted Oct 15, 2015, 12:48 am
    Neil Obstat
    Paul FHC said:
    Fr Hewko is just as culpable for the sorry state of the seminary as fr Pfeiffer.  I've heard enough of his sanctity, he knows of all the evils and has done nothing. "The corruption of the best is the worst."
    It is not fair to lump Fr. Hewko into the blame arena here.  It's not reasonable to say "he knows all the evils and has done nothing."  You have no idea what he has done.
    The reason you don't know what he has done is that he doesn't go around making his works known to all, and does not engage in elevating his own ego by way of taking credit for having done one thing or another.  He does not take issue with his associates in front of witnesses, even while he admonishes parents not to argue with each other in front of their children:  He practices what he preaches.
    And regarding his culpability for the "sorry state of the seminary" goes, I'm sure if you ask him he would be eager to take full responsibility for everything that runs amok there, which is what anyone might expect a saint to say.
    Why were you not there putting out the fire when it was burning down the house?
    You're right.  The house burned down and my absence is not an excuse, but it is the blame I deserve for not having been present to fight the fire.
    The rest of the story:  He was in another state saying Mass at the time, but all he would have had to do was bilocate to then fight the out-of-state fire simultaneously.  But he would never say that, for to do so would be presumptuous.
    Posted Oct 15, 2015, 1:05 am
    Franciscan Solitary
    Pilar said:
    CathMomof7 said:
    My heart is saddened for Fr. Hewko.
    He was the first priest I knew when we converted to tradition and began attending an SSPX chapel.  He was my confessor.  He counseled my children and two of my sons were conditionally confirmed due to Fr. Hewko's gentle yet firm sensibilities.
    When he left the SSPX, his superiors publicly from the pulpit made him out to be a hothead, a fraud, perhaps mentally unstable.  This was the catalyst for our family's own exodus from the SSPX.
    I fear that the situation in KY is now fodder for the fire.
    I believe Fr. Hewko to be a holy priest, but I also wonder if he is not in an incredibly difficult situation.
    I believe he is a holy priest as well but that is not necessarily a defense against gullibility. He truly "believes all things" and "hopes all things".
    I had not heard of accusations against Fr. Hewko of being a "fraud" (impossible!) or a "hot head", but his health has been frail at times and he can be worked and manipulated because he believes everyone is as honorable as he is. He is strong in the Faith but sometimes a bit weak in prudence. Allowing this "Bishop Ambrose" character to "say Mass" for their Faithful is a betrayal all round whether Fr. Hewko realizes this or not.
    We must not follow any priest simply because we love him. That is a sure way to go astray. There are ample signs things are not right in Kentucky and that means things may not be right at any of the chapels they service.
    Fr. Hewko should go home to his mother or the Monastery in Silver City to rest for a long time and recover his sense of direction. I hope he cuts himself off from Fr. Pfeiffer completely and permanently. They are not good for each other.
    A clear and succinct overview of this fine mess.  Fr. Hewko would indeed be most wise to retire for a time to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City to free himself from the unfortunate influence over him of the unwell Fr. Pfeiffer.  Because Silver City, not Boston, is the present spiritual capital of North America.
    One must note that Fr. Pfeiffer's reputation for false pride of self and occasional rudeness has long dogged his tracks across several continents.  He is certainly a gifted preacher, but then so was another proud and sometimes rude priest, the brilliant and infamous Fr. Martin Luther.  There is more than a hint of Protestantism in the eloquent Fr. Pfeiffer's dangerous blindness to his own limitations.
    May Fr. Pfeiffer enjoy a good long rest and not repeat the disastrous mistakes of Luther in the present generation.  May God have mercy on his troubled soul.
    Posted Oct 15, 2015, 7:13 am    
    Franciscan Solitary
    I believe Fr. Hewko to be a holy priest, but I also wonder if he is not in an incredibly difficult situation.
    Fr. Hewko should go home to his mother or the Monastery in Silver City to rest for a long time and recover his sense of direction. I hope he cuts himself off from Fr. Pfeiffer completely and permanently. They are not good for each other.
    A clear and succinct overview of this fine mess.  Fr. Hewko would indeed be most wise to retire for a time to Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City to free himself from the unfortunate influence over him of the unwell Fr. Pfeiffer.  Because Silver City, not Boston, is the present spiritual capital of North America.
    One must note that Fr. Pfeiffer's reputation for false pride of self and occasional rudeness has long dogged his tracks across several continents.  He is certainly a gifted preacher, but then so was another proud and sometimes rude priest, the brilliant and infamous Fr. Martin Luther.  There is more than a hint of Protestantism in the eloquent Fr. Pfeiffer's dangerous blindness to his own limitations.
    May Fr. Pfeiffer enjoy a good long rest and not repeat the disastrous mistakes of Luther in the present generation.  May God have mercy on his troubled soul.
    Because Silver City, not Boston, is the present spiritual capital of North America.
    The gravest mistake any human being could now commit would be to underestimate Bishop Jean-Michel Faure.  The good bishop has many loyal followers and among them the Benedictine monks to the north of Silver City, New Mexico.  Bishop Faure is beyond any reasonable doubt the Peter the Roman of legend.  Those who dismiss him, perhaps among them the benighted Fr. Pfeiffer, will most assuredly rue the day.
    Silver City is indeed now the spiritual capital and center of North America.  The Catholic Resistance were wise to rejoice in these miraculous blessings upon us.
    Posted Oct 16, 2015, 5:18 am
    Franciscan Solitary
    These are still early days, so with patience we may yet see this storm blow over.  Perhaps the edifying Fr. Hewko is right to stay at his post and provide a much needed sense of direction.  Surely he can not fail to hear Fr. Chazal's timely admonition.  Still, Fr. Pfeiffer has shown a bit of the Martin Luther in his seriously dangerous lack of a Catholic compass.  Why should Fr. Pfeiffer seek out an "Ambrose" in preference to the fine and holy leaders we already have within Catholic Tradition?  Perhaps firm Germanic criticism of Fr. Pfeiffer at this early stage is the best way to be solicitous for him.
    Consider that if Fr. Luther had received a few hard thwacks early on, then a third and more of the German Nation might not have had to be slaughtered by Catholics in the Thirty Years War.  This "Ambrose" scandal is a deadly serious matter.  We had best put some Catholic sense into the gifted and eloquent Fr. Pfeiffer, before some terrible Neo-Reformation ignites in the hills of Kentucky.
    Let's hope and pray Fr. Hewko is staying at Boston because he is just the man to accomplish true solicitude for our potential Martin Luther in the American Deutschland.  Because one thing is already certain:  Time will soon tell whether a False Resistance may be slouching towards Boston to be born...
    Posted Oct 17, 2015, 5:58 am
    Franciscan Solitary:
    Consider that if Fr. Luther had received a few hard thwacks early on, then a third and more of the German Nation might not have had to be slaughtered by Catholics in the Thirty Years War.  This "Ambrose" scandal is a deadly serious matter.  We had best put some Catholic sense into the gifted and eloquent Fr. Pfeiffer, before some terrible Neo-Reformation ignites in the hills of Kentucky.
    Let's hope and pray Fr. Hewko is staying at Boston because he is just the man to accomplish true solicitude for our potential Martin Luther in the American Deutschland.  Because one thing is already certain:  Time will soon tell whether a False Resistance may be slouching towards Boston to be born..
    In the time of Luther, the Catholic Church, if my reading informs me at all, was not in a very healthy state.  There was widespread corruption, and much clerical abuse. Many priests lived in a state of concubinage.  Luther was correct in confronting the sale of Indulgences, ostensibly for the purpose of delivering souls from Purgatory and Hell.  The forbidden practice of usury was carried on actively, if you believe such authors as Michael Hoffman.  If the Church Herself had received a "few hard thwacks early on," the tragedy of the Reformation might have been averted.
    Personally, I am not worried about "some terrible Neo-Reformation" igniting in "the hills of Kentucky."  At worst, IMO, the Boston bunch will become little more than a tiny, insignificant sect of Baptist snake handlers.  Fr. Pfeiffer is hardly what I would call "eloquent."  Luther, for certain, had a certain gifted eloquence.  His writings and sermons are published and read to this very day.  Does anyone honestly think that Father P's sermons are worthy of preservation for the next four hundred years?  Please!  Fr. Pfeiffer, sorry to say, is just a poor, confused priest, who, it seems, draws great inspiration from a clever layman, the state of whose soul is indeed suspect.
    Posted Oct 17, 2015, 5:21 pm    
    There is an air about him.  When you are around him, you can really feel his holiness.  It is hard to explain.  In the confessional, it is as if he knows your soul.  He understands exactly what you are trying to convey, even when the words are difficult.
    There is something about him that just draws you to him.  Even the children can sense it.
    I don't know if that really explains what I mean, but that is the best I can explain it.
    So it's how you feel that convinces you of his holiness?
    Posted Oct 17, 2015, 5:47 pm    
    Fr. Hewko has convinced Father Pfeiffer to get Pablo to live there and also the woman who left her husband. Father Pfeiffer has 2 whom he obeys: Pablo and Padre Hewko and I have experienced it myself as Father Hewko kept saying to Father Pfeiffer: "We need Pablo here! When does he come! He is a good man!?! He is great! You have to lat him come!" This went on for many months until Father Pfeiffer accepted it. So CathMomof7  I do not want to destroy your beautiful idea and feelings, but saints can usually discern the spirits and their naivety does not puts souls into danger, neither contributes to the destruction of a seminary. That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the Resistance. Many had great feelings when they confessed by Martin Luther. They could feel his holiness. Many mothers and fathers with many children followed their "feelings" (most husbands trusts their wife and obey  her).  And many sects are full of admirers ... Eve
    The devil knows your soul, he can send great seducer with great perfume and a kind of souls knowledge. Do not forget, we live at the end of times and there are many deceivers (and false prophets).
    So, do not always rely on feelings. Humility. We should not trust our "feelings" and judgment only. We need reasonable reasons, and it should be based also on the witness of others as of the fruit that the person produces. He has denied to help the seminarians. That´s also the reason why brother Anthony left. The seminarians left because they are not supported, protected and defended by him. He watched and did nothing.These are also facts dear CathMomof 7, and there are witness reports. God bless you and your family
    Posted Today, 10:53 am    Oct 18 2015
    Franciscan Solitary
    Mr. Hollingsworth,
    The Church was innocent then and She is innocent now.  Perhaps you forget that the real movers and shakers of these events are not human.  Fr. Pfeiffer has not yet abandoned the One True Faith.  He is as eloquent as he wants to be.  Evidently you have not seen the extraordinary impact he has on his audiences.  We underestimate Fr. Pfeiffer at our peril.
    "Ambrose" is no Baptist snake handler.  He is the close friend of Nixon and the heart and soul of the Pentagon.  He is the embodiment of the American National Security State, an Arch-Heresiarch of Modernism and harbinger of the Armies of Hell.  "Ambrose" is the spiritual essence of the on-going Ukrainian War between the great powers and can, as he wants, summon immense mountain ranges of weaponry and death.  He claims to have the highest connections on earth and indeed he does.
    The American National Security State is in its death throws.  It is losing its grip on the Holy City of Jerusalem.  The prospect of a Neo-Reformation that would blaze through the American South and German Heartland is by no means a mere fanciful vision.  It is in truth the last best hope of the American Empire.
    We should pray for Fr. Pfeiffer, Fr. Hewko and, perhaps most of all, for Pablo.  Because it is Pablo, the Sorcerer's Apprentice of North American Catholicism, who at the moment is all-too-literally holding in his weak trembling hands the actual One Ring of Power.
    Let us pray very very hard now for Poor Pablo the most hapless of Mexicans:
    Posted Yesterday, 5:42 am
    Fr. Hewko has convinced Father Pfeiffer to get Pablo to live there and also the woman who left her husband. Father Pfeiffer has 2 whom he obeys: Pablo and Padre Hewko and I have experienced it myself as Father Hewko kept saying to Father Pfeiffer: "We need Pablo here! When does he come! He is a good man!?! He is great! You have to lat him come!" This went on for many months until Father Pfeiffer accepted it. So CathMomof7  I do not want to destroy your beautiful idea and feelings, but saints can usually discern the spirits and their naivety does not puts souls into danger, neither contributes to the destruction of a seminary. That one mistake seriously endangered the future of the Resistance. Many had great feelings when they confessed by Martin Luther. They could feel his holiness. Many mothers and fathers with many children followed their "feelings" (most husbands trusts their wife and obey  her).  And many sects are full of admirers ... Even the devil knows your soul, he can send great seducer with great perfume and a kind of souls knowledge. Do not forget, we live at the end of times and there are many deceivers (and false prophets).
    So, do not always rely on feelings. Humility. We should not trust our "feelings" and judgment only. We need reasonable reasons, and it should be based also on the witness of others as of the fruit that the person produces. He has denied to help the seminarians. That´s also the reason why brother Anthony left. The seminarians left because they are not supported, protected and defended by him. He watched and did nothing.These are also facts dear CathMomof 7, and there are witness reports. God bless you and your family
    Posted Yesterday, 10:53 am Sunday 18th

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