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Krah visits Israeli Special Forces base
« Reply #45 on: January 22, 2013, 05:41:20 PM »
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  • Quote from: Telesphorus
    Quote from: Telesphorus
    Neotrads aren't even remotely Christians.

    The Remnant is a neotrad rag.

    Just to clarify:

    There is a certain attitude that is unmistakable, and can be found among many supposed traditionalists.  They say things not out of ignorance, but with manifest lack of reverence for the Catholic Faith.  Their priorities are very clearly not with Catholicism.  They typically show themselves to be engaged to some extent with today's popular culture but most telling of all they show their true loyalties by showing their brusque contempt for those opposed to feminism, liberalism, zionism, "neo-conservatism" in general.

    Some are genuinely ignorant.

    However, those who write about Traditionalism in newspapers are not -except with a few exceptions - ignorant of what's really going on.

    Traditionalism for them is a social identity connected to their family life.  

    And for them the goal is to adapt Traditionalism to their social needs.

    And their social needs often revolve around fitting in with Republican liberals (ie "conservatives") or the equivalents overseas, Novus Ordo "pro-lifers" etc. (not to knock pro-lifers, but the conciliar church is not strongly pro-life)

    For them traditionalism is politics.  It's their way of participating and enlarging themselves.  And while some may actually have a sentimental attachment to the religion - it's very apparent that they are primarily interested in manipulating the people who actually have the Faith to suit their ends.  And invariably they betray their complete departure from the traditionalism of the Archbishop and really from Catholicism into a kind of neo-traditionalism, which is about (in the US) Republican Catholicism.

    A key insight, Tele!

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    Re: Krah visits Israeli Special Forces base
    « Reply #46 on: May 09, 2024, 01:13:03 PM »
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  • Bishop Fellay's attorney Maximilian Krah, joined Tel Aviv University students for a "тαℓмυdic pilgrimage"
    to an Israeli military base last April. 
    It is not a coincidence that the pilgrimage was arranged by an Israeli Mossad officer, Oren Hieman, who is also Mr. Max's eMBA classmate. Recall that Mr. Max's eMBA records showed his US$140,000 graduate degree, was sponsored by the SSPX.
    Wake up my friends.  The real story is Bishop Fellay has handed our SSPX over to the Jєωs.
    Pray that our Bishops and priests will grow in wisdom and strength to resist this sell-out.

     Maximilian Krah (left) at base of "Maglan" special forces unit of the 'Israel' 'Defense' Force


    SSPX Superior Bp. Fellay's lawyer and business partner, Maximilian Krah (rear, waving a 'victory' sign) wearing the uniform and beret of the "Maglan" special forces unit of the 'Israel' 'Defense' Force.  *Maglan is Hebrew for Ibis, the bird of much occult significance, particularly for it's association with the Egyptian god Thoth who was depicted as having an Ibis head.

    Strange, is it not, that Bishop Fellay would appoint to the central operations of SSPX a man who received his formation at one of only six 'religious' schools that were allowed to operate in the East German State, first by the Soviets and then by the German Democratic Republic ?

    Bishop Fellay cannot claim to have been unaware of the situation. This is what he stated in a conference given at the Church of St. Vincent de Paul, Kansas City, Missouri, on January 7, 1999:

    Msgr. Fellay's Quote:
    In an interview three years ago, a Mason from Mexico boasted of four Freemasonic lodges of the Scottish Rite within the Vatican. In further explanations he claimed that Freemasons have the power to reward cooperating priests with the episcopacy. A NATO report [1974] on the activities of the Communist Secret Service in the Eastern Bloc nations within the hierarchy of the Catholic Church estimated 3000 agents had successfully infiltrated the Catholic hierarchy. In 1984, just before the reunification of Germany, the Secret Service of East Germany was known to dramatically increase its number of agents with the aim of subverting Catholic and Protestant churches.

    The import of the Kraah/Maglan Unit Special Forces base visit has not yet been realized or noted.

    It is not merely the case that Krah is a Zionist but that his friend who arranged and had the visit cleared, Oren Heiman, is most-likely a Mossad operative.

    This IDF base is not one of the tourist attractions that Evangelical bible-thumpers from America are bussed to as part of their indoctrination tour.

    This is a special forces base, situated in the middle of the desert, location unmarked on any public map. The Krah's EMBA-Global class visit would have needed Mossad clearance, which brings the subject back to Oren Heiman.

    Heiman was born in the USA but went to Israel for his formation when he was nine-years-old.
    Born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Oren spent his early childhood growing up in Missouri. When he was nine years old, Oren and his family moved back to Israel. He served in the Israeli army for three years and then enrolled in the Law School of Tel Aviv University where he completed a bachelor and master degrees in business law. He is currently the Managing Partner of Shiboleth, the largest Israeli law firm in the US. Oren has been to Israel no less than 14 (!) times in 2006 and is planning to beat this personal record in 2007.

    Deeply involved with the Israeli community in New York City, Oren helped to co-found Dor Chadash in order to bring American Jєωs and Israelis together. "My involvement with Israeli philanthropy is totally egoistic and motivated by self-interest. Giving not only makes me feel better about my life and the way I chose to live it, making me healthier and happier, but has also been the source of many of my co-workers, colleagues, clients and friends. How could one afford to not be in Dor Chadash?"

    He is a multi-millionaire who owns a company that used to have offices in a penthouse suite in the Empire State Building before moving to new premises where they rent out office space to others. He is highly qualified for his line of commercial work, as well as being the owner/Managing Partner of his international company, and extremely wealthy to boot.

    Why would a man such as Oren Heiman enrol himself in an EMBA-Global management course to which anyone else in his professional and commercial position would send up-and-coming middle-ranking juniors to learn the ropes?

    The answer can only be to make useful contacts. Maximilian Kraah is one of those useful contacts developed by the handler Oren Heiman.

    And Maximilain Kraah is one-half of a double-act representing the Lodge and Israel, that has complete management control of Menzingen's central assets, in a double-whammy appointment by Bishop Fellay.

    The reason why these two men, Maximilian Krah and one other not yet publicly named who belongs to an industrialist family directly connected to Vatican Freemasons, were appointed to hold and control an extremely large part of Menzingen's central assets is a question that only Bishop Fellay will be able to answer for us.

    If further proof were needed in regard to Heiman's likely Mossad credentials one need only consider the strategic geo-political placement of his Shiboleth offices.

    New York, Tel Aviv, Shanghai, USA, Israel, China.


    Oren Heiman

    Experience and Background

    Oren Heiman is the Managing Partner of our firm. His practice focuses on commercial law; including corporate, mergers & acquisitions, corporate financing, contracts, intellectual property; litigation and commercial real estate.

    Oren grew up in St. Louis, Missouri, moved to Israel at the age of 9 and lived in Israel for 20 years until moving to New York in 1998. He began his legal career as an intern and young attorney at Haim Zadok & Co. and Carmel Naftali, focusing on mergers and acquisitions, labor law, intellectual property law and real estate for clients in high-tech, diamonds and professional sports. After three years of practice, Oren moved to New York and worked as an associate at Shiboleth, Yisraeli, Roberts & Zisman LLP. In May 2002, Oren established his own firm, the Heiman Law Group P.C., which merged with Shiboleth in January 2006.

    Through his experience in both negotiating and drafting legal agreements and leading extensive commercial litigation and arbitration, Oren gained a strong and comprehensive understanding of business law. He frequently appears in State and Federal courts, arbitrations and mediations representing plaintiffs or defendants or serving as a professional neutral. Oren has become a constant well-known source for legal and business advice to Israeli executives in New York in professional fields, predominantly in high-tech and real estate but also in retail, diamonds, publishing, banking, hospitality, fashion and e-commerce, with a reputation for professionalism, confidentiality and reliability.

    Oren is actively involved in the Israeli business community and is proud to be a founder, supporting member, executive and/or board member in over a dozen organizations including Elem, American Friends of Rabin Medical Center, Israeli Business Circles, Dor Chadash, New Israel Fund, Israeli Venture Network, American-Israeli Chamber of Commerce, Larger than Life (the Israeli 'Make a Wish' foundation), Tel Aviv Alumni and the American Friends of the Israeli Opera. Oren is a co-founder and co-chair of Tevel, the first Israeli Angel Club in the US and teaches negotiation, mediation and arbitration seminars in Shollem, the Center for Arbitration and Mediation for Israelis in New York. Oren has maintained a periodic legal column in every significant Israeli publication in North America since 2001.

    Oren is an enthusiastic snowboarder, pilot and long-distance runner, an avid opera fan and a frequent producer of social events aimed at bringing together Israeli businesspeople.

    Oren is a member of the New York State Bar Association and Israel Bar Association.


    Oren is a graduate of Tel Aviv University from which he received an LLB degree and an LLM degree in international business law. He speaks English and Hebrew.
    Thank you Matthew!  The chickens are roostin'.

    Online Ladislaus

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    Re: Krah visits Israeli Special Forces base
    « Reply #47 on: May 09, 2024, 03:27:29 PM »
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  • On a side note, if those are "Special Forces," the Jєωs don't stand a chance against anyone, much less against some fierce Muslim types.