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Dirty political campaign 2
« on: August 23, 2012, 05:48:54 PM »
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  • It is clear that we are at the End of Time. Jesus Christ Our Lord said that he did not know the hour, but He added in the same tirade that we will recognize the season, and that those times will occur within a generation. We are in clearly this season.
    The Roman Catholic Church received its evil on October 26, 1958, the feast-day of Christ the King. A series of evil Popes were send by the Holy Ghost in order to scuttle the Church. Those evil Popes, as I have suggested, might end-up be tried in a Cadaver Synod as was the late Pope Formosus. The anticipated Cadaver Synod will be a mondiovision event. It will show a waxy and embalmed John XXIII; a turned up-side down Paul VI; the urn of John-Paul I; the deformed body of John-Paul II; and perhaps a Benedict XVI draped in a pale-pink regalia with red loafers by Prada. It will be quiet a spectacle to the world on the midst of the thousand years of peace, after the victory of Armagedon!
    The Society of Saint Pius X is currently receiving a similar evil by God as the church of Rome did. How is this evil? The Society was created during the Summer of 1968, by Archbishop Marcel Lefêbvre who was drafted by seminarians from Rome. I remember well this time of tumults. The Marxist Cohn Benditt, a student of the University of Nanterre who was said by his professor of political-sciences to be "extremely intelligent" had spear-headed "Mai 68", a monstrous turmoil that shook-up France, and the rest of Europe, as well as the Eternal City. The saintly Archbishop Lefêbvre -we all know the story- went to Écone, and eventually wrote a constitution of the Society. He was helped by Maitre Lavey, a brilliant and honorable lawyer as well as a devout Catholique -who could read Saint Thomas in the text (sources: les obseques de Maitre Lavey- Les Sermons de Monseigneur Marcel Lefêbvre). The constitution of the fsspx was accepted by Rome. It is solid, it is sane, however there is a risk: the power is concentrated into just a few hands. This is where the devil went to play. I name it a "customized evil" that was allowed by God, in order to test us, as He has tested Rome during and after the conclave of 1958.
    Against the SSPX, the devil has simply found the flaws within the few hands who were in power after the passing away of our saintly Archbishop. The devil did not have to go far. At that time Father Schmittberger was the Superior General. He pronounced a beautiful eulogy (sources: Les Sermons) in the French. Fr. Schmittberger was clearly sounding as a leader during that time. He however was not a bishop. Why did such a brilliant man not be a bishop? Monsignor Lefêbvre, by his verb in his sermons showed to be sensitive at the discernment of spirits and docile to the will of God, and the wishes of Our Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary. This is perhaps the reason why Fr. Schmittberger was not asked to become a bishop. Could there be a grudge in the heart of Fr. Schmittberger against is spiritual father, and then against the child of his father which is the Society of Saint Pius X? This is a strong assertion, but the proof is in the pudding that Fr. Schmittberger remained in quiet contacts with our now present Pope through intermediaries (TIA or other web-sites show some very compromising photos). Then young Bishop Fellay was placed as finance minister of the Society before acceding to the position of Superior General in Menzingen, with Fr. Schmittberger retaining an obvious position of influence.
    Young Bishop Bernard Fellay, with his close associate Father Lavey (whose dad was the late Maitre Lavey), seem to both have been convinced that time is up to reconcile with Rome. It is not the time now, as it was not the time during the funerals of Archbishop Lefêbvre. Father Schmittberger, in the eulogy pronounced, showed a perfect understanding of the situation past, which situation has not changed. Fr. Schmittberger, who is a power in Menzingen, is accepting a policy of re-conciliation with Rome that is antipodean to his own word. Why? He was speaking the truth two decades ago, and now he is acting in falsity. The answer might be the grudge against the father who did not make him a bishop, and thus a desire to dilute the work of his father for the sake of revenge. We all know that the tiny SSPX is like a bottle of fresh water, and that this tiny bottle of fresh water will be forever wasted into a cesspool of sewage. What will happen if the SSPX and Rome become one? Perhaps Fr. Smittberger might be promoted. There are talks of a title of "Patriarch Tridentine" created for our present Superior General. Simply-put our Superior General would sell-out for a cardinal's hat, and his entourage would certainly be worldly rewarded, the devil playing the old card of vanity, and perhaps personal vendetta upon the dirigents of Menzingen into which all power is concentrated. Naturally the lines above are speculations, however it is to be reminded that all negotiations with Rome went behind closed doors, which may lead to think that foul plays were conducted. What is happening behind thoses walls? (Que ce passe-t-il derrière ces murs?), I still remember thoses words pronounced by a barrister in my family...
    Well the devil did not entirely win this one! The suspicions, the disenchantment, and the scandal came against the Menzingen regime. It appears that the devil, who wants the destruction of the Church, has not given-up. He has resorted to the age old tactic which is:

    1.Silence the timid opposition. It can be easily done by individual talks to priests.
    2.Eliminate the non-timid opposition. It is done by the encouragement for priests, or bishops who are against the policy of Menzingen to leave the Society.
    3.Kill the leader of the serious opposition. It was done by the brutal treatement of Fr. Schoobrood, who was detained, questioned and roughted-up by the Belgian authorities. The word "kill" alas in this case is not figurative, because Fr. Schoonbrood died shortly after clearly indicating that he was not about to leave quietly. He unfortunately died in a car accident (see my previous posting)
    4.Buy the potential leaders to their own consiliar side. I can name two priests of the fsspx who have become turn-coats, but I won't.
    5.Claim that nothing has changed. This is done by the saying that the Society has remained unchanged in its position regarding V2 since 2009 in a P.R. campaign conducted by heavyweights such as Fr. Arnault Rostand did on August 12, 2012 during Mass at Carson City, Nevada. It must be noted that the said spokeman must not have been convincing in his P.R. campaign, because a spirit of open rebelion has errupted from the pew. I can testify of that!
    6.Cry foul because Bishop Fellay was under "personal attacks" while in the same sentence calling the others "sedevacantists".

    So there it is. We surely are at the End Time "season". The End Time will occure within a generation. The Roman Catholic Church is broken beyond repair under the spell of an evil allowed by God, and through an uninterrupted succession of Popes chosen by the Holy Ghost. The SSPX is the sole viable cell of the Roman Catholic Church, and naturally the devil wants to kill it.