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Offline Jack in the Box

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Dirty politic 5
« on: August 25, 2012, 05:02:33 PM »
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  • God has always used His enemies as an object of chastisement. For example during the Old Law's time, The Almighty used the Philistines . Then God used the traitor Judas of Iscariot in order to be glorified. To day Christ is using His own Vicars for the destruction of the Church, as if a replay of the Passion. This readership will without a doubt agree that all the Popes since October 1958 have been such instrument of chastisement, because all, have been acting as traitors towards Christ. (With the exception of John-Paul I, who was "one of them" at the beginning and who was αssαssιnαtҽd after 33 days in office for likely showing signs of a change of heart)
    Traitors have always hidden their game at pretending to be true, while acting false. Treasonous pontiffs are playing by the same rules, and since they are at the helm of a large ship, they have to follow a consistent doctrine. The same doctrine was relayed between each succeeding Popes, until Benedict XVI who has adopted a new one that fools who-ever has not detected the change.
    Those treasonous pontiffs have hidden their game behind the similar picture of appearing to be "good guys" hostages to "bad guys". "The Holy Father meant so well, but he was forced to do against his wishes" is what is said among the well-intended naives. Once the picture of the "Pope hostage" is imprinted in the mind of the church-goers, as well as into the mind of most of the clergy, then any doctrine of deceit becomes accepted. The doctrine of P6 to JP2 was to "appear sorry for having broken something, while behind closed doors the breaking was deliberately done by them", it worked! It was efficient, because it permitted the malefactor Popes to continue further for more destructions. There has been some changes of style between pontifs, but essentially the doctrine of "appearing sorry for having broken something that was in fact deliberatly broken by them" has not changed from Paul 6 to John-Paul II. There were differences in style, but the diabolical treasonous doctrine did not change, and it fooled many. A change of doctrine has occured with the advent of Benedict XVI. How is it? Instead of appearing sorry at what had been deliberatly broken, Benedict projects the apparence to wish to fix what had been deliberatly broken, while doing nothing to fix it, and instead continuing the breaking. This new doctrine adopted by the papacy is fooling Bishop Fellay, and is on the brink of bringing the SSPX to its end.
    Benedict XVI announced his wish to return to tradition, and particularly to push the Tridentine Mass. This was the new doctrine of deceit adopted. It was a variance to the previous doctrine followed by the string of bad Popes that have successfully disintegrated the Church. The new doctrine of destruction launched by Benedict consists of pretending to fix what had been deliberately broken without real intention to do anything. Why this new doctrine? First, the old doctrine was starting to become obvious, and second, it had become obsolete, because within the new-church of Rome, there is nothing left to break. The new doctrine of Benedict is intended to finish the job, it is aimed at the cell of traditionalist resistance. It is intended to lure the traditionalist cells of resistance to V2, in order to entrap them, and then to annihilate them. It worked towards Bishop Fellay.

    Bendict XVI may be the Vicar of Christ, but he is being used, and plays the role of the Judas of Iscariot of the Church. He is therefore the VICAR OF SATAN, from the following four points.

    First point. Benedict XVI is engaged in double-talk, from the own admission of the Superior General Father Arnault Rostand during the Q&A session that followed Mass on August 12, 2012 at Carson City, NV.

    Second point. Benedict XVI renewed the "Spirit of Assisi" in a recent address in Asia

    Third point. Benedict XVI wears Miters, and a Palium loaded with satanic symbols as shown by a series of pieces published by the Italian publication Chiesa Viva

    Fourth point. Benedict XVI , when he was the Prefect of the CDF, announced publicly that "the Antichrist is on earth" (source: the nationally sydicated radio program Coast-to-Coast), which may be an indication that he has met with his master.

    Benedict XVI shows all the signs, by his words, and by his actions that he has become the Vicar of Satan. We should naturally continue to pray daily of him, since he is officially our Holy Father chosen by the Holy Ghost, however, this does not mean that we should embrace him; break the dogmas; sin against the First Commandment; trust him; and becoming dupe of the new doctrine of deceit adopted by a wicked papacy.


    CONCLUSION OF THE SERIES OF POSTINGS: The five postings on this blog are crude and simple as pebbles, but we know also that David took only five pebbles, and used just one to kill Goliath. Each posting of this series of five treats of a different evil. It is hoped that a natural leader will take each one of it as David once took five pebbles to defeat the champion of the Philistines...

    What is at stake is the survival of the Roman Catholic Church, because the church of Rome is near dead, and cannot return to what it is supposed to be. Only self-contained cells of resistance such as the fsspx may save the Church in the future, on the condition that it retains its integrity. A change of guard within the Society appears necessary, or at least a sincere change of policy towards Rome, since Rome will soon become the seat of the Antichrist (Our Lady of La Salette, 1846). Some purges at the highest level within the Society will be most salutary.

    It is time for the Jack in the Box to compress its spring and return to its box!

    May all the Saints in heaven pray for us!


    Offline roscoe

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    « Reply #1 on: August 25, 2012, 05:54:30 PM »
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  • Anti-pope
    There Is No Such Thing As 'Sede Vacantism'...
    nor is there such thing as a 'Feeneyite' or 'Feeneyism'

    Offline chrstnoel1

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    « Reply #2 on: August 26, 2012, 04:05:43 AM »
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  • quote Jack in the Box:

    since he is officially our Holy Father chosen by the Holy Ghost, however, this does not mean that we should embrace him; break the dogmas; sin against the First Commandment; trust him; and becoming dupe of the new doctrine of deceit adopted by a wicked papacy.

    Well said Jack, all 5 postings. In my opinion, I doubt the Holy Ghost had a hand in B16 or any of the earlier popes from John 23. When he descended during Pentecost, he turned cowards to brave men, most of whom died for Our Lord. But from Jn 23 till B16...............hmmm! Just my humble opinion.

    We all sleep BUT the devil NEVER SLEEPS
    . :geezer:
    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies

    Offline Clelia

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    « Reply #3 on: August 26, 2012, 07:28:38 AM »
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  • Quote from: chrstnoel1
    quote Jack in the Box:

    since he is officially our Holy Father chosen by the Holy Ghost, however, this does not mean that we should embrace him; break the dogmas; sin against the First Commandment; trust him; and becoming dupe of the new doctrine of deceit adopted by a wicked papacy.

    Well said Jack, all 5 postings. In my opinion, I doubt the Holy Ghost had a hand in B16 or any of the earlier popes from John 23. When he descended during Pentecost, he turned cowards to brave men, most of whom died for Our Lord. But from Jn 23 till B16...............hmmm! Just my humble opinion.

    We all sleep BUT the devil NEVER SLEEPS
    . :geezer:

    IF what you say is true, as we suspect by The Pope's public words and actions, I wonder why we still call him  HOLY Father???

    I am not making a declaration: I am asking a legitimate question. If we indeed believe he is a heretic (and we cannot judge his soul with Jesus) and leading The Church away from The Faith, why do we continue to refer to him as holy?
    Leaving the Boyz Club of little popes. SWAK.

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    « Reply #4 on: August 27, 2012, 12:53:08 AM »
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  • Dear Clelia,

    Why do we say, "the spirit of Vatican II?"  We ought to be saying the unclean spirit of Vatican II.

    Why do we say, "the Traditional Latin Mass?" We ought to be saying, "the Canonized Traditional Latin Mass."

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    Offline chrstnoel1

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    « Reply #5 on: August 27, 2012, 01:13:40 AM »
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  • quote:
    Neil Obstat.

    Dear Clelia,

    Why do we say, "the spirit of Vatican II?"  We ought to be saying the unclean spirit of Vatican II.

    Why do we say, "the Traditional Latin Mass?" We ought to be saying, "the Canonized Traditional Latin Mass."

    Thanks Neil, you took it out of my mouth. :idea:
    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies

    Offline Iuvenalis

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    « Reply #6 on: August 27, 2012, 02:35:17 AM »
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  • If John XXIII through BXVI aren't  "popes" then what did St. Malachy  mean in the Prophecy of the Popes to call them such?  Would he have had a gift to prophesy but miss such a crucial  development as lineal apostasy of several consecutive Popes?

    Were  there any Saints/Private revelations that spoke of such an extended period of antipapacy or sede vacante?

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    « Reply #7 on: August 28, 2012, 12:14:14 PM »
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  • Quote from: Iuvenalis
    If John XXIII through BXVI aren't  "popes" then what did St. Malachy  mean in the Prophecy of the Popes to call them such?  Would he have had a gift to prophesy but miss such a crucial  development as lineal apostasy of several consecutive Popes?

    Were  there any Saints/Private revelations that spoke of such an extended period of antipapacy or sede vacante?

    Show me an approved Marian apparition that even once said that a papal election
    would one day be invalid, or that any future pope would lose his office by his
    commission of heresy. I can't find one. Good Success/Quito, Guadalupe, Rue de
    Bac, Pontmain, Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Knock, Akita, any others? Not a single
    word about the "pope not being the pope." So to be a staunch Sedevacantist these
    days fairly demands that you don't have much confidence in Marian apparitions.
    Look what's happened to "the Fathers" of Traditio and "the Brothers Dimond."

    Meanwhile +Fellay remains more than just a "thorn in the side" of Tradition:

    He's highly critical of +Williamson for having committed the "grave error" of
    offending our "elder brothers in the faith," by saying things in an interview that he
    shouldn't have said in an interview (because it happens to be "illegal" in Germany
    and a few other such countries). And this is somehow an unpardonable crime of
    indiscretion or worse, that +Williamson has done?

    But Now, after having raked his brother bishop over the coals for saying
    something that he was actually in the RIGHT for having said (since it affects the
    faith of Catholics to know the TRUTH), Bishop Fellay goes and commits his own
    conspicuous indiscretion, but of uttering FALSEHOOD regarding the Faith to a
    CNS reporter! And after the fact, when everyone notices his folly, he has tried to
    excuse himself by claiming he was "misquoted" or "taken out of context."

    Conciliar Rome should be proud of +Fellay, for showing that he can practice the
    denial of the principle of non-contradiction, for he accuses +Williamson of serious
    indiscretion for telling the TRUTH in an interview, and the former would have
    it be somehow unforgivable, but then he quickly demands forgiveness for himself
    after his utterinng LIES in an interview -- for which he has a litany of excuses! This
    is +Fellay, who presumably did not flunk Thomistic philosophy in seminary
    the way Ratzinger did.

    The good Lord has a name for such a servant (See Matthew xviii. 32).

    To whom much is given, from him much shall be expected................
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