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Author Topic: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?  (Read 3716 times)

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  • A 2019 Article Computer Translation From Non Possumus: ABOUT THE LINKS OF MONS. HUONDER WITH THE JєωS AND OTHER SERIOUS FACTS (

    Sunday, March 17, 2019

    Archbishop Huonder in a  private audience with Francis
    Bishop Huonder, who will soon retire from the SSPX, has shown during his life a special preference for Israel and the Jєωιѕн people . Already his doctoral thesis , presented in 1975, is entitled:  Israel Son of God: On the interpretation of an Old Testament theme in the Jєωιѕн Exegesis of the Middle Ages" .
    Already as a bishop, he was appointed President Delegate of the Swiss Episcopal Conference for the " Jєωιѕн-Roman Catholic Discussion Commission " (JRGK, in its German acronym). In 2010, the Commission presents the following report :
    2010 Annual Report of the Jєωιѕн-Roman Catholic Discussion Commission (JRGK) 
    Bishop Vitus Huonder President of the aforementioned Commission (JRGK) on behalf of the Swiss Bishops' Conference (SBK, German acronym)
    Issues: In 2010 the JRGK discussed various issues related to the Jєωιѕн-Catholic relationship and religious freedom in Switzerland. The focus was on the following topics and tasks:
    1. the design and preparation of the first Dies Judaicus [Day of Judaism. The first was held in Switzerland in 2011, and has since spread to other nations. NP Note] in Switzerland on the second Sunday of Lent, March 20, 2011, where the main task of the JRGK was to prepare all the necessary docuмents for the Dies Judaicus , which will later be translated into French by the SBK.
    The "Day of Judaism", superimposed on the Second Sunday of Lent (today) exists thanks to the efforts of Bishop Huonder and his Jєωιѕн friends
    No sooner said than done. On March 20, 2011, the first Dies Judaicus was celebrated in Switzerland  , for which Bishop Huonder published  the following words (excerpts):
    Message for Dies Judaicus, March 20, 2011
    The gifts and the call are irrevocable
    Message from Bishop Vitus Huonder on the occasion of Dies Judaicus 2011.
    On the second Sunday of Lent, March 20, 2011, the Swiss Bishops' Conference establishes Dies Judaicus, the Day for the Jєωιѕн People . 
    If the first objective of the Dies Judaicus is to return to the past, considering the people of the twelve tribes and the origin of the Christian faith, the effective reality of solidarity with the Jєωιѕн people reminds us of the permanent and ever-present responsibility of the Church towards the Jєωιѕн people.
    The terrible attacks against this town during the Second World War led the Church to renew this responsibility and to make these declarations that we can read in the conciliar docuмent Nostra Aetate.  
    In view of the reality that anti-Semitism has spread again in recent years, the Church once again feels the need to call for solidarity in our country with the Jєωιѕн people . In view of the fears and needs of many Jєωs, she has a duty to take a stand against "all expressions of hate, persecution and manifestations of anti-Semitism"...
    The permanent gift of grace . I would like to underline here the word of Saint Paul, which refers to our Jєωιѕн brothers and sisters: "For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable" (Rm 11,29). If the gifts and the call are irrevocable on the part of God, it can only mean one thing: that the God and Father of all men continues his plan of salvation for Israel. God also continues today his plan of salvation with the chosen people. He does not let this town down. He also drives it nowadays ...
    From that moment on, we want to pray that this irrevocable grace and call to Israel bear fruit even today, so that they promote justice and mutual respect, and thus contribute to unity and peace among all peoples.
    In 2009, this same ʝʊdɛօ-Catholic Discussion Commission met in the ѕуηαgσgυє of Bern to discuss the following topics :
    1. The new version of Pope Benedict XVI's Good Friday Prayer "For the Jєωs" of March 4, 2009.
    2. The lifting of the excommunication against four bishops of the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X by Pope Benedict XVI on January 21, 2009, in which above all the public denial of the h0Ɩ0cαųst by one of these bishops , Richard Williamson, as well as the relationship of the Society of Saint Pius X with the Declaration of the Council "Nostra aetate" ... These events became a challenge and a burden for the ʝʊdɛօ-Catholic dialogue .  [Now it is better understood why the FSSPX got rid of Bishop Williamson and now welcomes Bishop Houder! NP note]  The main concern of the JRGK was to maintain the basic trust and foundations of the Catholic-Jєωιѕн dialogue, especially in light of the achievements of the last sixty years and the joint tasks ahead. All JRGK members have openly struggled to reach an agreement on critical issues...  Finally, it becomes clear that the ʝʊdɛօ-Christian dialogue in Switzerland must continue... . However, a real conversation on equal terms requires the absolute acceptance of the other religion and its full respect .  
    3. Looking to the future of the Jєωιѕн-Catholic dialogue, there are other challenges such as the beatification of Pope Pius XII ...
    4. The JRGK achieved an important goal with the introduction of Dies iudaicus in Switzerland  since 2011 ...  Starting in 2011, Dies iudaicus will be celebrated on the second Sunday of Lent. The Bishops' Conference asks the JRGK to provide parishes with suitable material for Dies iudaicus in liturgical cooperation. 
    In the 2013 annual report it says:
    The following topics were discussed: the establishment of special parishes with a Tridentine mass by the former Catholic president of the JRGK, Msgr. Dr. Vitus Huonder  and the problems of Catholic-Jєωιѕн dialogue; the relationship between the Vatican and the Society of Saint Pius X.
    Why should the Commission for Jєωιѕн-Catholic dialogue discuss in the ѕуηαgσgυє of Bern the relationship between the FSSPX and Rome and the establishment of parishes with the Tridentine Mass? What is this? It is worth asking if there is a plan agreed by the Pope and the ѕуηαgσgυє, which is currently being executed in relation to Bishop Huonder and the FSSPX. 
    The annual report of the Swiss Bishops' Conference for 2016 informs us:
    6.27.2016, The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei extends to Msgr. Vitus Huonder, Bishop of Chur, his mandate to continue the theological and pastoral debates with circles linked to the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X.
    Was it for this reason that Francis extended Bishop Houder's mandate as Bishop of Chur as well?  Everything seems to indicate it. On December 17 of that same year, Bishop Huonder  was received  in a private audience by Bergoglio. Less than a year later, on May 4, 2017, the Swiss Bishops' Conference published the  statement  announcing the extension of Msgr. Huonder's mandate:
    “ Pope Francis has decided not to respond now to the request for the resignation of Bishop Vitus Huonder and to make it effective at Easter 2019. The President of the Swiss Bishops' Conference, Bishop Charles Morerod, reacted as follows: "We have learned of this decision and we respect it, of course."
    Freiburg, May 4, 2017 Swiss Bishops' Conference Walter Müller, Information Officer ”
    On May 3, Msgr. Huonder published his own statement  announcing Francisco's decision and in which he says: " I am grateful for having given me the opportunity to carry on and accompany some work that has not yet been completed within the diocese, as in other fields ”.
    Could it be for this reason that for several years the FSSPX has been preparing the reception in one of its houses in Mons. Huonder, profusely publishing  articles  in its favor? For his part, Fr. Nay, founder and administrator of the GloriaTV site, stated the following  in May 2017 regarding the extension given by Francis to the mandate of Msgr. Huonder (excerpt):

    Speculation about the reasons for the extension began quickly. Why is Rome in no hurry to get rid of the Bishop of Chur, for whom Pope Francis would have little sympathy? The answer: because Rome has more things to do in a hurry. That? The regularization of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. What does that have to do with Huonder? More than one might think. The General House of the Brotherhood is not located in the diocese of Chur, but very close to it. Huonder is, in the jargon of the left, the most important Swiss "bearer of hope" for the Brotherhood. 
    For years Huonder, for whatever reason, has celebrated the Tridentine Mass. He also visits the houses of the FSSPX (the media did not notice). That impresses the Fraternity. Huonder is the closest Swiss bishop to Swiss Bishop Bernard Fellay. Huonder's extension is undoubtedly an encouraging sign for Bishop Fellay. She encourages him in his opinion (I kid you not) that Pope Francis is also "well disposed" towards his Fraternity , notwithstanding the fact that he commonly describes the Pious (and others) as narrow-minded Pharisees.
    In this context, the Huonder extension is therefore a confidence-building measure (or tactical measure).
    In the diocese of Chur, Francis does not have to rush. Things are not so bad there. The formation of priests in the higher theological school has never been as miserable as it is today.
    Since Huonder took office - as I was told - 10 priests from the Catholic wing have left the diocese. The homos have remained. The priests, who live with a publicly declared concubine, celebrate under Huonder's gaze at mass on the occasion of his priestly jubilee. Liberals need not fear Huonder. That's why the leftist howl about Huonder isn't really understandable.
    It is a fact that clearly demonstrates its liberal drift, that the SSPX has expelled a Catholic bishop for "denying the h0Ɩ0cαųst" and is preparing to receive, in a few more days, an ecuмenical and liberal conciliar bishop, a pro-  Jєωιѕн  modernist  defender from “Nostra Aetate”:
    “The statement (Nostra Aetate) should not be considered a betrayal of the Christian faith. He is friendly. It's peaceful. It's open. It is in good faith, benevolent..."  From this sermon  by Bishop Huonder.  
    As a thoroughgoing liberal, Bishop Huonder is also a friend of the Mohammedans. According to the Annual Report  corresponding to 2017 of the Swiss Episcopal Conference, in the Department of Interreligious Dialogue, in the Sector "Non-Christian Religions,  Commission for Dialogue with Muslims , and Working Group Asian and African Religions AG AAR", Mons. Huonder acts as " Co-responsible ".
    And a final piece of information about the position of this bishop in terms of morality: we must know that on March 15, 2013, Bishop Huonder removed  the canonical mission of Fr. Reto Nay, as punishment for a GloriaTV video that He denounced the German bishops who allowed the use of the morning after pill in “certain cases” .


    " It's great to be able to offer a home to such a bishop." 
    Fr. Firmin Suter FSSPX, Director of the Sancta Maria Institute,  Wangs, Switzerland.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #1 on: April 30, 2023, 09:51:42 PM »
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  • Well, that about settles it.  Mystery of Huonder solved … and overall mystery of neo-SSPX, between him and Krah.

    Offline Kazimierz

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #2 on: April 30, 2023, 10:24:48 PM »
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  • Don’t go into the neoSSPX waters this summer…

    Da pacem Domine in diebus nostris
    Qui non est alius
    Qui pugnet pro nobis
    Nisi  tu Deus noster

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #3 on: May 01, 2023, 06:53:48 AM »
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  • There could hardly be a more damning article than that one.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #4 on: May 01, 2023, 06:55:15 AM »
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  • Don’t go into the neoSSPX waters this summer…

    Not a bad graphic, except that the woman swimming could be replaced by something that they tend to target more, perhaps a boat symbolizing the Bark of Peter, the Church.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #5 on: May 01, 2023, 06:55:50 AM »
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  • There could hardly be a more damning article that that one.

    Agreed.  Whoever wrote this did a great service by exposing this information.  Someone might do well to investigate the genealogical lineage of Huonder.

    So Huonder somehow picked up this reputation for being a conservative ... here:αys--bishop-of-chur-retires/44975990

    This is from his Wikipedia page:
    Pope Benedict XVI appointed him bishop of Chur on 8 July 2007.[1] He received his episcopal consecration on 8 September 2007 from Amédée Grab, his predecessor as bishop of Chur.  His tenure proved controversial to some, as he reaffirmed orthodox Catholic doctrine in strong and uncompromising terms.

    Pope Francis accepted his resignation on 20 May 2019.

    So if he was this great conservative, why did Bergoglio twice refuses his resignation?  Bergoglio would normally insist upon the resignation of a truly conservative/Traditional bishop ... and certainly not reject it.

    IMO, Huonder was being groomed and set up as a "conservative" precisely in order to infiltrate the SSPX ... just like Ratzinger was having his persona re-created as "God's Rottweiler" when he was a flaming Modernist ("heretic worse than Luther" according to Bishop Tissier).  Huonder even chose Instaurare omnia in Christo as his episcopal motto upon his consecration in 2007.  So it's very possible that he's been groomed from very early on to infiltrate SSPX.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #6 on: May 01, 2023, 06:59:16 AM »
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  • Agreed.  Whoever wrote this did a great service by exposing this information.

    I’m going to re-run through the DeepL translator (which does a better job than the Google app), and send to the US District office, requesting comment.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #7 on: May 01, 2023, 08:26:15 AM »
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  • Never trust a German Modernist cleric.  They (along with the French Modernists) were the ones leading V2.  Uber liberal and uber crafty.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #8 on: May 01, 2023, 08:36:06 AM »
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  • Agreed.  Whoever wrote this did a great service by exposing this information.  Someone might do well to investigate the genealogical lineage of Huonder.

    Most of the original articles on Non Possumus are written by CI member “Cristera.”  

    She was fairly active on CI in the critical days of 2011-2013, and contributed many excellent posts, but she rarely posts here anymore (I believe she did recently post something on the Huonder holy oils issue).  She is an attorney in her home country.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Jr1991

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #9 on: May 01, 2023, 12:34:32 PM »
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  • Prior Toupee in Sanford Fl was ecstatic over Hounder. He even linked a video entitled 'Video of The week, in the weekly newsletter" The Path to the Society of Saint Pious X.  The comments at the end of the video has many SSPX followers gushing over Hounder--Some of the comments below.

    1.   This bishop was so brave and honest. That's the kind of men Church needs.
    2.    I am in shock for the honesty and openness of this bishop. Thank you for speaking up in support of those who loves the tradition of the Church and love the Old Rite, like me and my kids. Not SSPX member but respectful and supportive of their work.
    3.   Wonderful summary, and with such gravitas - no hysteria, no name calling, just the facts - what a real bishop should be. Waiting for Part 2!!
    4.   What a tremendous boon to the Church for this Archbishop to provide this impressive testimonial and historical recounting.
    5.   God Bless the Good Archbishop and the SSPX!

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #10 on: May 01, 2023, 01:18:50 PM »
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  • Prior Toupee in Sanford Fl was ecstatic over Hounder. He even linked a video entitled 'Video of The week, in the weekly newsletter" The Path to the Society of Saint Pious X.  The comments at the end of the video has many SSPX followers gushing over Hounder--Some of the comments below.

    1. This bishop was so brave and honest. That's the kind of men Church needs.
    2. I am in shock for the honesty and openness of this bishop. Thank you for speaking up in support of those who loves the tradition of the Church and love the Old Rite, like me and my kids. Not SSPX member but respectful and supportive of their work.
    3. Wonderful summary, and with such gravitas - no hysteria, no name calling, just the facts - what a real bishop should be. Waiting for Part 2!!
    4. What a tremendous boon to the Church for this Archbishop to provide this impressive testimonial and historical recounting.
    5. God Bless the Good Archbishop and the SSPX!

    Typical of the average parishioner in the pew (and therefore, typical of the average priest at the pulpit).

    But does anyone think such reactions would have been typical 25 years ago?

    If not, why not?

    But that they are typical today undeniably shows that Fr. Pfluger's "purification" has been completed.

    The SSPX at long last has become monolithic.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #11 on: May 01, 2023, 01:43:24 PM »
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  • Msgr. Huonder, who will soon take his retirement at the FSSPX, has shown during his life a special preference for Israel and the Jєωιѕн people. Already his doctoral thesis, presented in 1975, is entitled: "Israel Son of God: On the interpretation of a theme of the Old Testament in the Jєωιѕн Exegesis of the Middle Ages".

    While still a bishop, he was appointed Delegate President of the Swiss Bishops' Conference for the "Commission for Jєωιѕн-Roman Catholic Discussion" (JRGK). In 2010, the Commission presented the following report:

    2010 Annual Report of the Roman Catholic-Jєωιѕн Discussion Commission (JRGK).
    Msgr. Vitus Huonder Chairman of the aforementioned Commission (JRGK) on behalf of the Swiss Bishops' Conference (SBK, German acronym).
    Topics: In 2010 the JRGK discussed various topics related to the Jєωιѕн-Catholic relationship and religious freedom in Switzerland. The focus was on the following topics and tasks:
    1. the design and preparation of the first Dies Judaicus [Day of Judaism. The first one was held in Switzerland in 2011, and then it has been spreading to other nations. NP Note] in Switzerland on the second Sunday of Lent, March 20, 2011, where the main task of the JRGK was to prepare all the necessary docuмents for the Dies Judaicus, which will then be translated into French by the SBK.

    Said and done. On March 20, 2011, the first Dies Judaicus was celebrated in Switzerland, for which Bishop Huonder published the following words (excerpts):

    Message for the Dies Judaicus, March 20, 2011.
    The gifts and the call are irrevocable
    Message of Bishop Vitus Huonder on the occasion of the Dies Judaicus 2011.
    On the second Sunday of Lent, March 20, 2011, the Swiss Episcopal Conference establishes the Dies Judaicus, the Day for the Jєωιѕн People.
    If the first objective of the Dies Judaicus is to return to the past, considering the people of the twelve tribes and the origin of the Christian faith, the actual reality of solidarity with the Jєωιѕн people reminds us of the permanent and ever-present responsibility of the Church towards the Jєωιѕн people.
    The terrible aggressions against this people during the Second World War led the Church to renew this responsibility and to make these declarations which we can read in the conciliar docuмent Nostra Aetate. 
    In view of the reality that anti-Semitism has again spread in recent years, the Church once again feels the need to call for solidarity in our country with the Jєωιѕн people. In view of the fears and needs of many Jєωs, it has a duty to take a stand against "all expressions of hatred, persecution and manifestations of anti-Semitism"....
    The permanent gift of grace. I would like to underline here the words of St. Paul, which refer to our Jєωιѕн brothers and sisters: "For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable" (Rom 11:29). If the gifts and the call are irrevocable on the part of God, it can only mean one thing: that the God and Father of all men continues his plan of salvation for Israel. God also continues his plan of salvation with the chosen people today. He does not disappoint this people. He also leads them today....
    From that moment on, we wish to pray that this irrevocable grace and call to Israel may bear fruit even today, that they may promote justice and mutual respect, and thus contribute to unity and peace among all peoples.

    In 2009, this same Jєωιѕн-Catholic Discussion Commission met in the ѕуηαgσgυє of Bern to discuss the following topics:
    1. The new version of Pope Benedict XVI's Good Friday Prayer "For the Jєωs" of March 4, 2009.

    2. The lifting of the excommunication against four bishops of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X by Pope Benedict XVI on January 21, 2009, in which especially the public denial of the h0Ɩ0cαųst by one of these bishops, Richard Williamson, as well as the relationship of the Fraternity of St. Pius X to the Council's Declaration "Nostra aetate".... These events became a challenge and a burden to the Jєωιѕн-Catholic dialogue. [Now it is better understood why the FSSPX got rid of Bishop Williamson and now welcomes Bishop Houder! NP Note] JRGK's main concern was to maintain the basic trust and foundation of Catholic-Jєωιѕн dialogue, especially in light of the achievements of the past sixty years and the joint tasks ahead. All JRGK members have openly struggled to reach agreement on critical issues..... Finally, it is clear that the Jєωιѕн-Christian dialogue in Switzerland must continue.... However, a real conversation on equal terms requires absolute acceptance of the other religion and its full respect. 

    3. Looking to the future of the Jєωιѕн-Catholic dialogue, there are other challenges such as the beatification of Pope Pius XII...

    4. The JRGK achieved an important goal with the introduction of Dies iudaicus in Switzerland since 2011.... From 2011, the Dies iudaicus will be celebrated on the second Sunday of Lent. The Bishops' Conference asks the JRGK to provide the parishes with suitable material for the Dies iudaicus in liturgical cooperation.

    The 2013 annual report states:

    The following topics were discussed: the establishment of special parishes with Tridentine Mass by the former Catholic president of the JRGK, Msgr. Dr. Vitus Huonder and the problems of Catholic-Jєωιѕн dialogue; the relationship between the Vatican and the St. Pius X Fraternity.

    Why should the Commission for Jєωιѕн-Catholic dialogue discuss in the ѕуηαgσgυє of Berne the relationship between the FSSPX and Rome and the establishment of parishes with the Tridentine Mass? What is this? It is worth asking whether there is a plan agreed upon by the Pope and the ѕуηαgσgυє, which is currently being implemented in relation to Bishop Huonder and the FSSPX.

    The 2016 annual report of the Swiss Bishops' Conference informs us:

    27.6.2016, The Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei extends Mgr. Vitus Huonder, Bishop of Chur, his mandate to continue theological and pastoral discussions with the circles linked to the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X.

    Is that why Francis extended Bishop Houder's mandate as Bishop of Chur?  Everything seems to indicate so. On December 17 of that same year, Bishop Huonder was received in a private Audience by Bergoglio. Less than a year later, on May 4, 2017, the Swiss Episcopal Conference published the communiqué announcing the extension to Bishop Huonder's mandate:

    "Pope Francis has decided not to respond now to the request for the resignation of Bishop Vitus Huonder and to make it effective at Easter 2019. The President of the Swiss Bishops' Conference, Bishop Charles Morerod, reacted as follows: "We have learned of this decision and we respect it, of course."

    Fribourg, May 4, 2017 Swiss Bishops' ConferenceWalter Müller, Head of Information."

    On May 3, Bishop Huonder published his own communiqué where he made known the decision of Francis and in which he says: "I am grateful for having given me the possibility to carry forward and accompany some work that is not yet concluded within the diocese as in other areas."

    Could it be for this reason that for several years the FSSPX has been preparing to receive Bishop Huonder in one of its houses, publishing profusely articles in his favor?

    For his part, Fr. Nay, founder and administrator of the GloriaTV site, affirmed in May 2017 the following regarding the extension given by Francis to Bishop Huonder's mandate (excerpt):

    Conjecture about the reasons for the extension began quickly. Why is Rome in no hurry to get rid of the Bishop of Chur, for whom Pope Francis would have little sympathy? The answer: because Rome has more things to do in a hurry. What? The regularization of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. What does that have to do with Huonder? More than one might think. The General House of the Brotherhood is not located in the diocese of Chur, but very close to it. Huonder is, as one would say in leftist jargon, the most important Swiss "bearer of hope" for the Brotherhood.

    For years Huonder, for whatever reason, has been celebrating the Tridentine Mass. He also visits the houses of the FSSPX (the media did not notice). This impresses the Fraternity. Huonder is the Swiss bishop closest to Swiss Bishop Bernard Fellay. Huonder's extension is certainly an encouraging sign for Bishop Fellay. He is encouraged in his opinion (I kid you not) that Pope Francis is also "well disposed" towards his Fraternity, notwithstanding the fact that he commonly describes the Pious (and others) as narrow-minded Pharisees.

    In this context, Huonder's extension is thus a confidence-building measure (or tactical measure).

    In the diocese of Chur, Francis does not have to rush. Things are not so bad there. The formation of priests at the theological college has never been as miserable as it is today.
    Since Huonder took office - as I was told - 10 priests from the Catholic wing have left the diocese. The homo's have remained. The priests, who live with publicly declared concubines, celebrate under Huonder's gaze at Mass on the occasion of their priestly jubilee. Liberals need not fear Huonder. That is why the leftist howl about Huonder is not really understandable.

    It is a fact clearly demonstrative of their liberal drift, that the FSSPX has expelled a Catholic bishop for "denying the h0Ɩ0cαųst" and is preparing to receive, in a few more days, a conciliar, ecuмenist and liberal bishop, a philo-Jєωιѕн modernist defender of "Nostra Aetate":

    "The declaration (Nostra Aetate) should not be considered a betrayal of the Christian faith. It is friendly. It is peaceful. It is open. It is in good faith, benevolent..."  From this sermon by Bishop Huonder.

    As a thorough liberal, Bishop Huonder is also a friend of the Mohammedans. According to the 2017 Annual Report of the Swiss Bishops' Conference, in the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, in the Sector "Non-Christian Religions, Commission for Dialogue with Muslims, and Working Group Asian and African Religions AG AAR", Bishop Huonder serves as "Corresponsible".

    And one final fact about this bishop's stance on morality: it should be known that on March 15, 2013, Bishop Huonder removed Fr. Reto Nay from his canonical mission as punishment because of a GloriaTV video that denounced German bishops who allowed the use of the morning-after pill in "certain cases."


    "It's great to be able to offer a home to such a bishop."
    P. Firmin Suter FSSPX, Director of the Sancta Maria Institute, Wangs, Switzerland.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Jr1991

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #12 on: May 01, 2023, 02:15:17 PM »
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  • Typical of the average parishioner in the pew (and therefore, typical of the average priest at the pulpit).

    But does anyone think such reactions would have been typical 25 years ago?

    If not, why not?

    But that they are typical today undeniably shows that Fr. Pfluger's "purification" has been completed.

    The SSPX at long last has become monolithic.

    Of course not. This was not the case before, when the SSPX chapels had faithful and clergy who recognized the crisis in the Church. Now the chapels are full of people who fled from the Novus Ordo and who are satisfied with having the Latin Mass. The younger priests do not care if their parishioners attend the Novus Ordo. They also support going to the indult.  It is all about making money and building monuments along with worldly pleasures. Traditional Catholics(for the most part) don’t have the funds the Novus Ordo has hence the treason. That’s one reason there are others, of course.

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #13 on: May 01, 2023, 07:03:25 PM »
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  • So if he was this great conservative, why did Bergoglio twice refuse his resignation?  Bergoglio would normally insist upon the resignation of a truly conservative/Traditional bishop ... and certainly not reject it.

    IMO, Huonder was being groomed and set up as a "conservative" precisely in order to infiltrate the SSPX ... just like Ratzinger was having his persona re-created as "God's Rottweiler" when he was a flaming Modernist ("heretic worse than Luther" according to Bishop Tissier).  Huonder even chose Instaurare omnia in Christo as his episcopal motto upon his consecration in 2007.  So it's very possible that he's been groomed from very early on to infiltrate SSPX.

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Bishop Vitus Huonder: A Genuine Friend of Catholic Tradition?
    « Reply #14 on: May 02, 2023, 02:25:12 PM »
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  • Never trust a German Modernist cleric.  They (along with the French Modernists) were the ones leading V2.  Uber liberal and uber crafty.

    Well, the Huonder scandal is consistent with the SSPX's masonic MO.

    In 2010, the upper echelons of the SSPX we
    re caught harboring the attorney/politician/money manager Jєω, Max Krah. 
    They first
    deny he's a Jєω, claim he's Catholic and then race to remove all digital traces of Krah for their operations.

    I would guess Huonder's pro-Jєω baggage is a fatal, amateur
    error that will put an end to his continued presence within the neo-SSPX.

    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi