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Amusing - he thinks he slam-dunks on the SSPX Resistance
« on: March 06, 2016, 11:27:34 AM »
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    Quote from: 49 year old desperate for female companionship

    Before I go, I have the following input regarding the Rebellious Movement.

    FOR LAYPEOPLE: Negotiations with Rome is a priestly matter.  The theological distinctions involved go beyond all but the most erudite layperson because while we slave away at our secular vocation, our clergy has been intensively studying the Faith and in communion with God on a level that we will never comprehend in this life.  Humility is always the safest path, especially when the concerns are only in a state of potentiality and not actuality.  Best to return to that state of humility and not be deceived by those filled with pride.

    FOR CLERGY:  I will leave you with the following thoughts:  Remember Padre Pio obeyed his superiors even though in the spiritual life they were his inferiors and remained silent for years.

    1 Kings (1 Samuel) 15:23
    Because it is like the sin of witchcraft, to rebel: and like the crime of idolatry, to refuse to obey.

    But instead of following the path of humble prayer and obedience you have scandalized the faithful "little ones" and I need not remind you what Our Lord said about that...

    You think you're really special, don't you? That you're really the only one to realize that obedience is important? You really think you're better than us, don't you. Your arguments make me laugh.

    We've heard these pathetic justifications for silence and inaction in the face of compromise and betrayal dozens or hundreds of times, and they don't move us one bit.

    1. Don't give me the "grace of state" nonsense. Bishop Williamson and the other Resistant priests also have the grace of state you speak so highly of, but they are in the right whereas Bishop Fellay and his cabal are in the wrong.

    Should we just follow Pope Francis because of his grace of state as well? What about all the Modernist cardinals and Novus Ordo bishops worldwide?

    Rome is nowhere near converting, and any honest child can see that. "Converting Rome from the inside" is a siren song and a fallacy. First, we're not outside Rome now. Second, a few hundred shrimp can't "destroy the whale from the inside of his stomach so no more of our brothers will have to get eaten." No, you few hundred shrimp are simply going to be digested and absorbed like all the other shrimp that went before you. And you will even become part of the whale, so your very substance will be used to destroy more of your brother shrimp in the future!

    2. The Humility vs Pride canard was also used by Rome for decades against Traditional Catholics fighting Modernism. Were you not aware of that?

    3. Padre Pio also never said the New Mass.

    4. Over-exaggerating the important of obedience is another mistake made by Conciliar (Novus Ordo) Catholics. They think obedience is some kind of supervirtue, which comes first before all others. FALSE. Obedience comes under Justice, one of the Four Cardinal Virtues (Prudence, Justice, Temperance, Fortitude). These cardinal virtues come in BELOW the three Theological Virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity. That is why you can't obey a command that goes against the Faith, or against God's law (charity). For example, if your mother commanded you to commit murder, you must disobey because Charity comes before Obedience whenever there's a conflict.

    There is a hierarchy to the virtues.

    Chanting the mantra of "Obedience" is also something normally associated with the Novus Ordo establishment against those in the world of Tradition.

    I guess history repeats itself.

    But I guess you're too afraid of what you might have to give up, if you were to acknowledge the truth. You aren't strong enough (emotionally, etc.) to have to worry about where you'd go to Mass if you admitted the truth. (You shouldn't be -- Fr. Zendejas is coming to St. Mary's now on occasion.)

    You're like the rich young men who "went away sad, because he had great possessions."

    I think the richness of numbers, liturgy, etc. in St. Mary's, Kansas could be compared in many ways to the wealth Our Lord warned about -- namely, how wealth can come between us and our salvation. I think that applies even to material goods touching on the spiritual life (schools, nice churches, lots of people, friends, books, etc.) When you're attached to your Trad mecca surroundings, you're more likely to compromise rather than risk losing any of it.

    In conclusion, if we followed your advice (revere Grace of State, and have obedience and humility above all else) we should all shut up, go to Confession, and go back to our Novus Ordo parishes and just put up with the New Mass -- out of humility (who are we to reject the Ordinary Form of the Mass promulgated by the Holy Father?) and obedience (the Holy Father and all the Bishops promote the Novus Ordo Mass; we must accept it to be obedient.)

    How do you think Archbishop Lefebvre felt when the whole world called him "schismatic", "rebel", and "disobedient"? Wasn't it true that a certain aspect of his peace was disturbed (on the surface) while deep in his soul he had the only kind of peace that mattered -- the peace of a good conscience when you know you're doing the right thing. The peace of resignation to Our Lord's will, the peace that springs from the virtue of Hope that you will one day enjoy Heaven thanks to God's great mercy and promises.

    Didn't many saints have to leave "comfort" and the acceptance of all their family/peers, to pursue truth and/or God's will, causing a certain INCONVENIENCE or TROUBLE in their lives? Again, when you're doing the right thing your conscience has a peace, but that peace can be deep down.

    Superficially, you can be troubled or lose some NIFs (tm) (NIF = Nice Internal Feelings, blooms of emotion which are quite superficial and unnecessary in the spiritual life)
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    Offline Centroamerica

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    Amusing - he thinks he slam-dunks on the SSPX Resistance
    « Reply #1 on: March 06, 2016, 11:42:49 AM »
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  • It is really sad when blind supporters of Menzingen throw words like "obedience" and "submission" at supporters of the resistance. They have no notion of the purpose of the SSPX.
    We conclude logically that religion can give an efficacious and truly realistic answer to the great modern problems only if it is a religion that is profoundly lived, not simply a superficial and cheap religion made up of some vocal prayers and some ceremonies...

    Offline Matthew

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    Amusing - he thinks he slam-dunks on the SSPX Resistance
    « Reply #2 on: March 06, 2016, 02:15:37 PM »
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  • Quote from: Centroamerica

    It is really sad when blind supporters of Menzingen throw words like "obedience" and "submission" at supporters of the resistance. They have no notion of the purpose of the SSPX.


    Once again, virtually EVERYTHING this simpleton said could be thrown back at the SSPX as a Traditional organization.

    Where is their absolute obedience to authority, or their "humility" to never oppose anything their superiors say and do?

    I guess they forgot, at some point, what the SSPX is all about.

    Maybe they should read the SSPX pamphlet on True Obedience -- if it's still in print and not been purged from the bookstore. Apparently they aren't giving these out anymore, even to their own parishioners!

    Or the works of Archbishop Lefebvre, for that matter.

    We can argue about who is the true successor of the Archbishop, but come on! They don't even know what their own organization is about, or what the Archbishop stood for *while he was still alive*. At least the Resistance 100% understands what the Archbishop stood for during his life.

    Maybe that's why the Resistance does a better job of extrapolating what the Archbishop would be doing today: We understand +ABL better to begin with!
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