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Funny Stuff for Catholics / Re: Funny Stuff
« Last post by Soubirous on Today at 10:49:07 AM »
Funny Stuff for Catholics / Re: Unfunny Stuff
« Last post by Soubirous on Today at 10:21:44 AM »
And if you follow the trail

...leading to who's behind the Chicoms. :laugh2: Round and round and round we go.
Anσnymσus Posts Allowed / Re: Yoga, Reiki, or Zen
« Last post by Soubirous on Today at 09:59:53 AM »
I don't mean to derail but in the past I watched some videos from a youtube channel made by a buddist

Pic related, the videos were just the guy drawing patterns in sand with wooden tools, I found it very relaxing, was it a sin to watch this? Notice the title "Zen" garden. I found the sounds of the sand and the symmetry of the line work to scratch an 'itch' if that makes sense?

It makes perfect sense. The demons soothe you and then get you addicted to what they're selling. It's called foot in the door technique and is used by lots of others besides buddhists who don't have your best interests as their goal. In baser worldly terms, it's like the drug pusher who gives the potential junkie just a little taste for free. Guard your soul and stay very far away.
Fighting Errors in the Modern World / Re: United Methodists Divided
« Last post by SimpleMan on Today at 09:43:48 AM »
This kind of thing has been going on throughout the entire Protesphere for forever. Even the "traditional/conservative" Prot churches (i.e. Lutheran LCMS) are going with the "Church Growth" model, turning Church into little more then a growing corporation. All... Including Vatican 2... Have seem to have lost God as its focus.

Many Protestant congregations are essentially circles of family and friends who have known one another forever and who "go way back" in the community.  A Protestant typically doesn't remain Anglican, or Methodist, or Lutheran, or what have you, based upon deep theological conviction and militant defense of that denomination's tenets to the exclusion of other denominations, but because "they were raised that way", again, often a family thing.  So what you have now, is members of these families or social groups "coming out as gαy" (or whatever), and it becomes a case of "we love them so much that we have to find some way to accommodate them", trying not to split the congregation or the family, and maintaining social respectability and those all-important ties.  Your garden-variety (for instance) Lutheran can't even consider the truth of the claims of Catholicism, because that would mean, in a way, leaving their family and their upbringing.
World War III - Chapter 2 / Re: Aurora Borealis ?
« Last post by Yeti on Today at 09:30:11 AM »
Absolutely Correct Yeti. It was a sign gone lost in human history.

I wish we had more photos. But it certainly makes sense that there would be signs in heaven to indicate the beginning of the most destructive war in human history.
You are right.  They have been pushing sodomy for years.  For years, lesbian hierarchy are gradually taking over Protestants. Women preaching is not biblical.  Methodist rely on man made laws instead of the Bible.   What is good that they didn’t count on the number of churches leaving.  They are now trying to stop “traditional” Methodists from leaving.   Sodomites are hateful and vindictive of course.  

Most of novus Ordo effeminate cardinals and bishops are practicing sodomites.  They are waiting for day they can come out with their husbands.  How many old sodomites have preyed on underage victims?  

That synod was hand picked sodomites and their buddies.  No mention of dealing with sex abuse scandals. No repenting or restitutions.  All about women and sodomy which means Jesus is rejected.  

Where are pro life groups?  Shouldn’t they be at the prison praying the rosary? 

The only people who should be in jail are the people murdering full term babies. 

There is no justice because most are free masons and/or bought off. 
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