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Author Topic: If you read anything this week…  (Read 1959 times)

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Offline Mark 79

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If you read anything this week…
« on: August 08, 2022, 08:55:48 PM »
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  • …read the names of your enemies:

    Offline gladius_veritatis

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #1 on: August 08, 2022, 09:17:44 PM »
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  • …read the names of your enemies:

    So, men like WEF's Klaus Schwab, who sees Cooties-19 -- a non-existent fraud -- as part and parcel of The Great Reset? />

    FE vs. GE?

    Nothing to say?  Heard.

    Rockefeller/Pasteurian/virology lie/fraud???

    No wherewithal to have a real throw-down?  Copy.

    Two issues have dominated CI during the last two years: Cooties and FE.  Yes, others have had a moment here and there, but those are the two main and you, good sir, are massively wrong on one and utterly silent on the other.  Not exactly the best track record in a word full of people whose love of truth tends to lead them to it speedily.  Why do you lag behind like a brain-dead outsider when it is clear God has given you notable intelligence?

    I have observed this phenomenon for years.  God leads Traddies to the truth, rapidly and as needed, yet there you sit, blind and dumb, as if nothing has happened demanding a thorough reexamination of what we have known hitherto.  Does no one agree that such is odd?  Why are other truth seekers ever-ready to reexamine Germ/Terrain Theory, for example, but M79 says and does nothing?  FE/GE?  Says and does nothing. 

    Smell Test?  Fail.  Time will tell.
    "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is all man."

    Offline gladius_veritatis

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #2 on: August 08, 2022, 10:16:45 PM »
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  • …read the names of your enemies:

    Put your name in public opposition to them...or dost thou lack the balls?  If so, just go away and leave God to a wise use of other, more-courageous instruments.  Thank you for your service.  Now, piss off.
    "Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is all man."

    Offline Sefa

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #3 on: August 09, 2022, 02:03:12 AM »
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  • So, men like WEF's Klaus Schwab, who sees Cooties-19 -- a non-existent fraud -- as part and parcel of The Great Reset? />

    FE vs. GE?

    Nothing to say?  Heard.

    Rockefeller/Pasteurian/virology lie/fraud???

    No wherewithal to have a real throw-down?  Copy.

    Two issues have dominated CI during the last two years: Cooties and FE.  Yes, others have had a moment here and there, but those are the two main and you, good sir, are massively wrong on one and utterly silent on the other.  Not exactly the best track record in a word full of people whose love of truth tends to lead them to it speedily.  Why do you lag behind like a brain-dead outsider when it is clear God has given you notable intelligence?

    I have observed this phenomenon for years.  God leads Traddies to the truth, rapidly and as needed, yet there you sit, blind and dumb, as if nothing has happened demanding a thorough reexamination of what we have known hitherto.  Does no one agree that such is odd?  Why are other truth seekers ever-ready to reexamine Germ/Terrain Theory, for example, but M79 says and does nothing?  FE/GE?  Says and does nothing.

    Smell Test?  Fail.  Time will tell.
    This reads like a q post.

    Mark provides an invaluable exposure of the ѕуηαgσgυє of satan and you find a reason to denounce him because he abstains from commenting on heated debate between two opinions of the church fathers? He probably doesn't care enough to sift through such an unpressing matter when he has a talent for something more useful.

    I share your cynicism and critique of traddiland but you just keep revealing a level of impotent bitterness with these gratuitous attacks.

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #4 on: August 09, 2022, 03:57:56 AM »
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  • Global Corporations are taking away our freedoms.  They fund atheism and perversion.  

    It is sickening.  They are demonic companies.  

    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #5 on: August 09, 2022, 11:10:11 AM »
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  • Global Corporations are taking away our freedoms.  They fund atheism and perversion. 

    It is sickening.  They are demonic companies. constantly provides examples of the satanic symbolism used and perversion promoted by corporations in virtually every sphere of their activity.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #6 on: August 09, 2022, 11:41:51 AM »
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  • This reads like a q post.

    Mark provides an invaluable exposure of the ѕуηαgσgυє of satan and you find a reason to denounce him because he abstains from commenting on heated debate between two opinions of the church fathers? He probably doesn't care enough to sift through such an unpressing matter when he has a talent for something more useful.

    I share your cynicism and critique of traddiland but you just keep revealing a level of impotent bitterness with these gratuitous attacks.

    There is one stranger on the internet that "Southern gentleman" cannot persuade or command into submission and apparently that inflames his flailing enraged impotence. The alcoholism is only one symptom of more fundamental self-destructive malfunctions. Sad for his "subordinates."

    With the full panoply of truly satanic activity increasing in the world, this 48-year-old man directs his nearly nightly drunken rages and schoolyard aggression against a Catholic stranger because I won't dox myself, I don't believe his pet theory, and I am not interested in a subject he insists is important. I don't consider myself important enough for his loving ministrations and attention, but apparently he does. Go figure.

    Offline ServusInutilisDomini

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    • O sacrum convivum...
    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #7 on: August 09, 2022, 12:22:04 PM »
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  • Great list, thanks! The sad thing is we need an even more exhaustive global list of (((them))).

    A browser add-on that highlights names of WEF agents and Jєωs would be great :laugh1:

    Offline Charity

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #8 on: August 09, 2022, 07:10:19 PM »
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  • There is one stranger on the internet that "Southern gentleman" cannot persuade or command into submission and apparently that inflames his flailing enraged impotence. The alcoholism is only one symptom of more fundamental self-destructive malfunctions. Sad for his "subordinates."

    With the full panoply of truly satanic activity increasing in the world, this 48-year-old man directs his nearly nightly drunken rages and schoolyard aggression against a Catholic stranger because I won't dox myself, I don't believe his pet theory, and I am not interested in a subject he insists is important. I don't consider myself important enough for his loving ministrations and attention, but apparently he does. Go figure.
    I suspect there are a good number on this forum who are (and with very good reason) at the very least perplexed at the -- to put it mildly -- rather strange/unseemly obsession of one "Southern gentleman" with Mark 79.  I know I certainly count myself among that number.  I don't recall Mark 79 ever being viciously attacked by one individual on this forum for such a lengthy time and in such a sustained manner.  I sure hope it ends shortly if for no other reason that the continuing attacks are only serving to dig a deeper hole for the one who is making them and the deeper the hole the harder it becomes to climb out of.

    For the record I can say that I have known M79 personally for a lot of years.  He is certainly no Jєω or Judaizer as "Southern gentleman" apparently and bizarrely presumes.  Au contraire -- he is a devout traditional Catholic family man who is doing a good and powerful, not to mention courageous, work by helping to expose the SS and more.  His website is truly extraordinary.  I don't know of any others on the Internet quite like it; no doubt the ADL and SPLC, among other Jєωιѕн organizations would rip it down in a heart beat if they could.

    Finally, I know that M79 has endured tremendous -- and I mean really huge -- amounts of physical and mental suffering/anguish.  I believe many others would have tossed in the towel on life if they had to go through what he has gone through over the years.  I believe the two factors that have sustained him more than any other are his family and his faith.  God bless him!  And may God bless his family and his continuing work!

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #9 on: August 09, 2022, 10:01:07 PM »
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  • Never heard of "Davos Man" before. Why not just say Jєωs? It's the Jєωs, imho.

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #10 on: August 09, 2022, 10:09:09 PM »
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  • The "Davos Man" label is good though, but look in there to see what percentage composition is Jєωs. (the singular on purpose, since are Jєωs sounds more like differentiation. The predication in the conspiracy is singular.)

    non dicatis coniuratio omnia enim quae loquitur populus iste coniuratio est. 
    say ye not a conspiracy for all that this people speaketh is a conspiracy Isaiah 8:12

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #11 on: August 09, 2022, 10:20:44 PM »
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  • Never heard of "Davos Man" before. Why not just say Jєωs? It's the Jєωs, imho.

    I agree. Until we openly name the Jєω they will evade prosecution and punishment for their crimes against humanity.

    Offline Mark 79

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #12 on: August 09, 2022, 10:21:28 PM »
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  • I suspect there are a good number on this forum who are (and with very good reason) at the very least perplexed at the -- to put it mildly -- rather strange/unseemly obsession of one "Southern gentleman" with Mark 79.  I know I certainly count myself among that number.  I don't recall Mark 79 ever being viciously attacked by one individual on this forum for such a lengthy time and in such a sustained manner.  I sure hope it ends shortly if for no other reason that the continuing attacks are only serving to dig a deeper hole for the one who is making them and the deeper the hole the harder it becomes to climb out of.

    For the record I can say that I have known M79 personally for a lot of years.  He is certainly no Jєω or Judaizer as "Southern gentleman" apparently and bizarrely presumes.  Au contraire -- he is a devout traditional Catholic family man who is doing a good and powerful, not to mention courageous, work by helping to expose the SS and more.  His website is truly extraordinary.  I don't know of any others on the Internet quite like it; no doubt the ADL and SPLC, among other Jєωιѕн organizations would rip it down in a heart beat if they could.

    Finally, I know that M79 has endured tremendous -- and I mean really huge -- amounts of physical and mental suffering/anguish.  I believe many others would have tossed in the towel on life if they had to go through what he has gone through over the years.  I believe the two factors that have sustained him more than any other are his family and his faith.  God bless him!  And may God bless his family and his continuing work!

    Thank you. I also love my friends.

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #13 on: August 09, 2022, 10:24:33 PM »
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  • The predication in Jєωs there is not just material but also formal. It's like the old question, are Jєωs a race or religion or the money? One could say all three. A mixed-up race somewhat and religion, and, of course, don't nobody forget all that money, since money is power. Money is power for "globalists" or "Davos man" too.

    Offline epiphany

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    Re: If you read anything this week…
    « Reply #14 on: August 09, 2022, 10:29:11 PM »
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  • Put your name in public opposition to them...or dost thou lack the balls?  If so, just go away and leave God to a wise use of other, more-courageous instruments.  Thank you for your service.  Now, piss off.
    For the love of God, and your own soul, please stay off the internet after 9pm.