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Offline Santo Subito

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Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
« on: October 08, 2012, 06:45:21 PM »
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    Please check it out, support this worthy cause, and "like" on Facebook.


    Offline s2srea

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #1 on: October 08, 2012, 06:46:58 PM »
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  • Unfortunately I don't see Romney as being much better of an option than Obama- I do need to pray fast and pray more! :farmer:

    Offline Belloc

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 07:47:46 AM »
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  • Quote from: Santo Subito

    Please check it out, support this worthy cause, and "like" on Facebook.


    No thanks ,Romney is a mormon, a cult and cannot have non-CHristians over us, let alone cultics.

    No thanks part 2, have you not had  enough of being an enabler and used and abused by GOP machine for your vote?
    No thanks part 3, bot hparties are in clutches of NWO and their financial masters and your vote will not count in the end. Vote either 3rd party or boycot this farce, that will take some wind out of the sails..hard to fudge votes when you are not there to cast one, they can do it, might require some efforts and enough boycott, might make a difference.......

    If you want to fast, act and pray, how about do this for ALL politicians, that they repent, convert and be a great Christian statesman.....odd how we are always exhorted to pray, fast and act for GOP clone., but not a Democrat......
    Proud "European American" and prouder, still, Catholic

    Offline Ascetik

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 01:03:22 PM »
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  • By voting you're propping up the globalist, masonic, nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, foreign banking controlled satanic crime syndicate puppet government known as the USA.

    Offline Belloc

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 03:08:41 PM »
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  • True and well put.....
    Proud "European American" and prouder, still, Catholic

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #5 on: October 12, 2012, 03:50:55 PM »
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  • During primaries i voted "Viva Cristo Rey!"  and you know the people down at the Board Elections saw it.. which is a good thing.  

    I notice Dems, republican even tea party.  Many people are profiting from pac's    
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #6 on: October 12, 2012, 03:52:11 PM »
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  • Books, dvds, conferences all make money..same with religion.

    Has God been replaced with money?  
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #7 on: October 12, 2012, 03:54:03 PM »
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  • I took old sign.. sprayed painted it white.  And wrote Viva Cristo Rey and placed it in from  of my home.  It may not be the prettiest sign but the message is truly Holy and Awesome!
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Capt McQuigg

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #8 on: October 17, 2012, 10:10:17 AM »
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  • We could act charitably and pray for the entire Romney family to embrace the Traditional Roman Catholic faith - this would be a great benefit for their souls.

     :pray:---->For the conversion to Traditional Catholicism of the entire Romney family.

     :pray: :pray:----->Pray for Santo Subito to embrace Traditional Catholicism.

    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #9 on: October 17, 2012, 09:06:28 PM »
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  • Romney would be better than Obama, but the problem is, both parties are part of the nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr. Does anyone really think that Romney will stop the NWO? I assure you, he wouldn't be the Republican nominee if he wasn't "one of them". And as Belloc noted, the Mormon faith is a cult.

    Not to mention that the election is probably rigged anyway. Obama is the nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr's dream come true, I would be surprised if they let him slip away.

    I'd prefer Romney over Obama, as would the rest of us. But regardless of who wins, the NWO is already upon us. Romney would just slow it down, he wouldn't stop it completely.

    We do need to pray for our country, though.
    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline ServusSpiritusSancti

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #10 on: October 17, 2012, 09:58:02 PM »
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  • Of course, I will say this: Romney getting in is our last chance to get rid of ObamaCare. So that would be one plus side to Romney getting elected.
    Please ignore ALL of my posts. I was naive during my time posting on this forum and didn’t know any better. I retract and deeply regret any and all uncharitable or erroneous statements I ever made here.

    Offline Quo Vadis Petre

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #11 on: October 24, 2012, 04:22:17 PM »
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    by Hugh Akins

    Millions of deceived and undiscerning Catholics, Christians and patriots are backing Mitt Romney in the 2012 elections in order to avoid at all costs another four years under Barack Obama.  They argue that, even if Romney was not their first choice among Republicans and not even much of a conservative, anymore than were George Bush or John McCain, nevertheless surely he’s the “lesser evil.”  Therefore, they say, they have no other choice but to go with Romney.

    It’s not true.  All things considered, Mitt Romney is definitely NOT the moral choice for Catholics, Christians and patriots.  If it can be said that America will not survive another 4 years with Obama in the White House, the same can be said of a Romney first term.

    The problem is twofold: (1) This particular “lesser evil,” Mitt Romney (not unlike Bush and McCain before him), has an appalling record that makes him totally undeserving of the support of any voter with a Christian conscience; and (2) Given the man’s actual public record, as opposed to the sanitized version that’s been fabricated by the makeover masters of the government and their partners in crime of the controlled mainstream media – both liberal and conservative – in order to deceive voters and steadily move the country in the same direction, no matter which candidate wins or which party gains power, it’s not even an absolute moral certainty that Romney really IS the “lesser evil.”

    A number of people will be horrified that I could utter such a “blasphemy,” particularly those that regularly feed off the Judaic owned and operated FOX News disinformation network, but that’s only because they’ve allowed themselves to be terribly and tragically dumbed-down by the vile propaganda that regularly and systematically transforms, in the minds of the naïve and unvigilant, men of perdition into men of principle.  Conservative Republicans are especially notorious for doing so, but liberal Democrats create their own saviors out of scoundrels as well.  In doing so, these agents of deception make a habit of calling good evil and evil good – a most grievous sin.

    Romney a possible “greater evil”?   Men with the grace and knowledge to see through the thick smokescreen of lies and deceptions would say yes – yes, indeed!  Let us see why.  

    In all truthfulness, a Romney administration is likely not only to continue but expand and escalate the failed and blatantly treasonous policies of the Obama administration.  Of the two it is Romney, not Obama, who is far likelier to precipitate a nuclear World War III for Israel, who pulls Washington’s strings.  Now, that’s not to say that I’m suggesting good people support Obama in the race for the Oval Office.  God forbid!  What is being said here is that BOTH men are evil, and that neither one is in any sense worthy of a Christian’s vote.

    As far as abortion goes, which many consider to be the issue of all issues, [1] Romney’s record of promoting the slaughter of the unborn – even after his “pro-life conversion” – makes it evident that he has every intention of continuing the same pro-abortion politics of Obama, Bush, Clinton…

    As it has been for decades in this country, the purported “lesser of two evils” may again turn out to be even more evil than the one thought to be the “greater evil.”  Precisely because he is thought to be more conservative, more Christian, more patriotic, he will get away with imposing more debt, death and despotism upon our families and country and the world, than the “greater evil” could get away with.  With a so-called “conservative” Republican in office, the majority of Middle America, who are relatively conservative (using the term loosely), always let their guard down.  They feel safer with a Republican in power.  They trust him to do the right thing.  The image-makers portray men like Santorum, Ryan and Rubio as wonderful, devout family men and genuine and earnest conservatives – even as theses same men repeatedly support cold-blooded mass-murder in half-a-dozen foreign lands. Christians are as blind, if not more blind, than the rest.  Even while President Bush unleashed a firestorm of death in the Middle East and went all-out to communize the United States of America under the gross deception of homeland security, practically single-handedly transforming the USA into the USSA – the United SOVIET States of Amerika, “Christian” bookstores all across this once Catholic land were proudly displaying the shockingly scandalous book The Faith of George Bush!  Under this cover of an ostensibly devout Christian president heroically defending the country against terrorism, the “lesser evil” Bush pushed America further down the road to totalitarian police powers and globalism with greater ease and with much less opposition from the “good” people, than the more radical and liberal “greater evil” Democrat was able to do. Bush was able to strap Americans with more government control over our lives, more bailouts of the super-rich, more Police State repression, more crushing debt, and more brutal wars for Israel than “greater evil” Clinton was able to usher in.  How can it be argued otherwise than that these “lesser evils” are responsible for more evil than their rival “greater evils”?  

    True-blue Americans trust these “conservative” totalitarians because master deceivers like Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Hannity, Savage, Kristol and Beck assure them that they are men of integrity, strong leaders keeping America safe in its holy War on Terror.

    And the Father of Lies wins yet another victory for the enemies of God and country, because the War on Terror, which both Republicans and Democrats fully support, is in truth a REIGN OF TERROR that we are funding with our taxes and encouraging with our misplaced votes.  A strong argument could be made that everyone that supports these war-crazed politicians, and who does not speak out against every unjust war, are accomplices in the ensuing mass-murder.  And equally self-defeating, they are in this way also subsidizing their own destruction.  

    I would go so far as to say that it’s a certainty – as bad as Obama is and given Romney’s more rabid desire to deliver into Israel’s hands the third world war that the Zionists crave and have long conspired to unleash – it’s a certainty that “lesser evil” Romney will bring down upon our people and innocents all over the globe considerable MORE iniquity, pain, death, destruction and totalitarian tyranny than “greater evil” Obama could ever facilitate in his hoped-for second term in office.

    Every reliable indicator leads us to no other possible conclusion, as the menacing shadow of nuclear war is cast upon the land.

    “But Obama and Romney are worlds apart!” the uninformed, easily duped skeptic will squeal, his veins swelling and his blood-pressure surging.  Everyone knows this, right?  Wrong!

    Their respective supporters may be worlds apart at the grassroots level, but not at the top.  Like a pyramid which is broad at the bottom but comes together at the apex, both Republicans and Democrats may be as different as day and night at the base but at the summit they are one and the same thing, both controlled by the same hidden power, both advancing the same secret agenda.

    Consider the following list, which is by no means complete, but nonetheless proves the oneness of mind and agenda of Obama and Romney.  The rhetoric you will hear is dissimilar, but not the ideology or politics that drive both men.

    --Barack Obama and Mitt Romney both wholeheartedly support the terrorist, criminal, racist state of Israel and the subversive Israeli lobby group AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) which is ever at work undermining America’s best interests;

    --Both men have consistently upheld the deadly hoax of the government and media’s preposterous rendition of 9/11, and have played no small part in the continued corresponding cover-up of all the evidence that points to ISRAEL, the Mossad and their Neocon agents within the US government as the chief perpetrators of that dastardly act of war and act of treason against the American people;

    --Both wholeheartedly support all of Israel’s wars of brute aggression (Iraq, Afghanistan and all the other wars the U.S. is waging against innocent peoples in the Middle East and beyond are wars for ISRAEL), and all the atrocities and genocide that these wars are harvesting;

    --Both support unconditional and seemingly limitless economic and strategic assistance to the fanatical anti-Christian terror regime of Tel Aviv;

    --Both support the US/UK/Israel-sponsored rape, desecration and deChristianization of the Holy Land;

    --Both are in full agreement on the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, Christian and Muslim alike;

    --Both candidates support the anti-Christian Noahide Laws, which empower the Jєωs that secretly rule America with the lawful authority to impose the death sentence on every Christian – merely for the “crime” of professing belief in Jesus Christ;

    --Both are pro-abortion – notwithstanding Romney and the media’s lies.  His detestable pro-“choice” record continued uninterrupted even after his so-called change of heart (the record is public and cannot be refuted);

    --Both to a varying degree support the sodomite agenda;

    --Both are behind the creation of the Soviet/nαzι-like totalitarian Patriot Act and totalitarian DHS (Department of Homeland Security);

    --Both favor the continued hemorrhaging of the already overly-bled Christian taxpayer and rape of our economy by the Jєωιѕн owned and dominated Federal Reserve;

    --Both are supportive of the totalitarian IRS and Federal Income Tax, to further loot and plunder working class families of the fruits of their own labor;

    --Both men, being stooges of the Israeli lobby, grovel before such powerful subversive organizations as B’nai B’rith, Chabad Lubavitch, AIPAC, the CFR and other agencies of destruction of the ʝʊdɛօ-Masonic Elders of Zion – the Serpent Cult embodied in the Power Behind the Throne;

    --Both Obama and Romney approved of the TARP bailout;

    --Both promoted just about every other initiative aimed at subsidizing the rich at taxpayer’s expense –  welfare for Wall Street, the various corporate and industry-wide bailouts, bailouts of cities, foreign country bailouts, so-called economic stimulus packages – all on the backs of the already near-destitute middle class;

    --Both men are firm believers in continuing the bleeding of the American people and bankrupting the American economy in order to maintain trillions of dollars in foreign aid giveaway programs – the real motive behind which is to destroy this country;

    --Both are responsible for promoting spending programs – domestic, foreign, welfare and military – that have added trillions to the national debt, bringing the US to the very brink of financial ruin;

    --Both politicians endorsed every step in the creation of the American Police State;

    --Both of them opposed a full audit of the Fed, not to mention the fact that they both oppose demolishing the Tyranny of the Money Power by abolishing the Fed and thereby ending its financial stranglehold on America;

    --Both strongly promoted disastrous socialized medicine schemes under the guise of universal health care;

    --Both approved of the totalitarian National I.D. program;

    --Both Obama and Romney are supported by powerful Zionists;

    --Both receive large campaign contributions from Jєωιѕн Wall Street;

    --Both presidential aspirants think the totalitarian FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is doing a good job, despite the mounds of evidence confirming FEMA cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρs being established all over the country for mass civilian detainment and incarceration (not terrorists but ordinary good citizens and courageous patriots who dare to speak out against the increasingly totalitarian regime in Washington);

    --Both candidates favor the totalitarian TSA (Transportation Security Authority) with its infamous hand groping and porno scanners;

    --Both of them voted to renew the totalitarian Patriot Act;

    --Both supported the totalitarian NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act);

    --Both politicians encourage the illegal immigration invasion and amnesty;

    --Both back the CIA and military’s use of torture;

    --Both approved “free trade” and the subsequent loss of American jobs; Both are responsible for backing programs that have shipped scores of jobs out of the country;

    --Both are for the most stringent gun control/gun confiscation legislation to the negation of the 2nd Amendment and total inability of Americans to defend themselves, their families, community and country against all enemies – foreign and domestic;

    --Both of these White House frontrunners argue in favor of the president having the power to take the country to war – again and again and again – without the OK from Congress as the Constitution stipulates;

    --Both men are Big Government socialists who intend to keep adding to the now $16 trillion national debt until they finally precipitate the final collapse, police state lockdown and occupation by foreign troops, exactly as their тαℓмυdic Overlords have plotted in their ѕуηαgσgυєs and lodges;

    --Both are strong backers of the Judaic-Masonic United Nations World Government, the framework for Satan and Antichrist’s emerging Universal Satanic Republic;

    --Both fervently advocate the тαℓмυdic nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr which will one day eventually consummate the inglorious universal uncrowning of Christ the King;

    --Lastly, both Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are conscious agents of the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan in its cosmic war against the Mystical Body of Christ.

    Millions of liberal Catholics will cast their vote for the totalitarian and psychopathic Israeli war-monger Barack Obama.  Millions of conservative Catholics will vote for the totalitarian and psychopathic Israeli war-monger Mitt Romney.  Either one is a vote for the ѕуηαgσgυє of Satan, and every one who in any way encourages or supports the immense evil these men foster and represent, must know that they will have on their hands the blood of countless innocents.  

    What prudent Catholic or Christian would want that on his conscience, and on his soul, when he stands in judgment before the Throne of Almighty God?



    Hugh Akins is a traditional Catholic author, speaker and activist whose apostolate has been supported by some of the biggest names in the Catholic resistance and restoration, including Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, Hamish Fraser, Yves Dupont, Dr. William Marra, Fr. Malachi Martin, Bp. Richard Williamson, former SSPX District Superior Fr. Peter Scott, Dr. Thomas Droleskey, Dr. Robert Sungenis, and others.  A native New Yorker presently residing in Florida, Hugh is author of the very popular and highly acclaimed Catholic fiction Yuma, the “best-selling” non-fiction on the Reign of Christ the King and the heresy of Americanism No King But Caesar, and the 2012 blockbuster of 778 pages on the grave and immediate threat of тαℓмυdic Judaism entitled ѕуηαgσgυє Rising. He is also publisher of such leading counterrevolutionaries as Abp. Lefebvre (Luther’s Reforms and the Modern Mass), Cardinal Pie of Poitiers (Selected Writings of Card. Pie), Msgr. Henri Delassus (Americanism and the Anti-Christian Conspiracy), Bp. Gerald de Proenca Sigaud (A Bishop’s Exhortation To The Fathers of Vatican II) and Msgr. Luigi Civardi (A Concise Manual of Catholic Action). This exceedingly important work at the Catholic Action Resource Center is totally sustained by book sales and donations.  All are invited to visit and all are asked to tell others about our websites: and www.ѕуηαgσgυє  Hugh can be reached by email at


    [1] As important as abortion is, I do not agree that it’s either the only or even the predominant issue.  See my commentaries on a “Catholic Voter’s Guide” and “No Vote on McCain” under hughakinsblog at www.Catholic
    "In our time more than ever before, the greatest asset of the evil-disposed is the cowardice and weakness of good men, and all the vigour of Satan's reign is due to the easy-going weakness of Catholics." -St. Pius X

    "If the Church were not divine, this

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #12 on: October 24, 2012, 06:29:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ascetik
    By voting you're propping up the globalist, masonic, nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, foreign banking controlled satanic crime syndicate puppet government known as the USA.

    during the primaries I voted viva cristo rey

    Christ the King...
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #13 on: October 24, 2012, 06:34:20 PM »
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  • and many within novus ordo will still vote for obama and they are preaching it from the pulpits like HOly trinity in georgetown (the church where JFK attended with his family and the movie exorist was filmed..)

    novus ordo reject their own teachings and resources

    this vatican II  
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline parentsfortruth

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    Fast, Pray, Act for a RomneyRyan Victory Over Obama!
    « Reply #14 on: November 06, 2012, 09:05:20 AM »
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  • So you'd vote for someone who believes he will become god when he dies? Who vowed to "defend a woman's right to choose?"

    You're WRONG SanSub.

    I recommend this site instead. I don't care who funded this, but it's an accurate description of what we'll get if MR becomes president.
    Matthew 5:37

    But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.

    My Avatar is Fr. Hector Bolduc. He was a faithful parish priest in De Pere, WI,