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Lebanon threatens to halt army deployment
« on: August 19, 2006, 09:37:19 PM »
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  • Lebanon threatens to halt army deployment

    August 18, 2006

    Lebanese defense minister threatens to halt deployment of Lebanese army in southern Lebanon if UN doesn't pressure Israel to stop commando operations in country

    Lebanon's defense minister threatened on Saturday to halt the Lebanese army's deployment in south Lebanon if the United Nations does not intervene after an Israeli commando raid near Baalbek.

    Defense Minister Elias Murr said Israel's raid in the eastern Bekaa Valley early Saturday was a violation of a UN-imposed cease-fire that ended fighting between Israel and Hizbullah.

    "If there are no clear answers forthcoming on this issue, I might be forced to recommend to the Cabinet early next week the halt of the army deployment in the south," he told reporters after a meeting with UN Representatives.

    Murr said the Israeli operation deep inside Lebanon could spark retaliation, which in turn could lead to Israeli reprisals. He suggested Israel might be trying to provoke a response, so it could have an excuse to attack the Lebanese army.

    "We will not send the army to be prey in an Israeli trap," he said.

    He said he believed Hizbullah was committed to the ceasefire, but said he worried Israel was trying to provoke retaliatory attacks from "any group that wants to cause a problem for Lebanon." He did not elaborate on which group that could be.

    "It could be that they (the Israelis) are pushing it (any group) to fire a rocket on northern Israel, so that Israel can come and attack the Lebanese army," Murr said. He said he was waiting for a response from the UN later Saturday.
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    Offline Matthew

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    Lebanon threatens to halt army deployment
    « Reply #1 on: August 19, 2006, 10:11:03 PM »
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  • Yes, in fact it's a bit disturbing because it's hard to say what (or when) they'll make their next move.

    The fact all these "terror alerts" have been going off, and all the "close calls" we've been seeing in the news, suggests that they're going to have another false-flag 9/11 attack very soon.

    Then they'll say, "Hey, we're a great goalie, but we can't keep 'em all out!" as if one just got past them.

    They'll continue, "We can do an even better job, but we're going to have to take away a few freedoms. Is that ok with all you?"

    I don't even want to think about how the sheeple will respond...  :sad:

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    Offline Matthew

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    Lebanon threatens to halt army deployment
    « Reply #2 on: August 19, 2006, 11:02:14 PM »
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  • I'm referring to the recent terror scare in Britain (about planes that were supposed to be blown up with liquid explosives)

    Then everything was in red alert status for a while, and there were all kinds of tidbits in the news, and national guard deployment in California, for example.

    The media went out of their way to criticize all those who question the official 9/11 story -- saying, in effect, "See -- we were right! Bush was right to fight those evil muslims! Look what we're up against! How dare you risk national security by your squabbling! Just shut up and obey Emperor Bush!"

    It was a big psy-op from beginning to end.

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