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Critics Lap Up Tarantino's Jєω Revenge Movie
« on: August 20, 2009, 11:42:27 AM »
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  • From BretBart:

    German critics lap up Tarantino's Jєωιѕн revenge fantasy

    Quentin Tarantino's blood-drenched fantasy of Jєωιѕн GIs who slaughter the top nαzιs, "Inglourious Basterds," dazzled German critics who said Thursday it ripped up the rulebook for World War II films.

    Ahead of the film's international release this week, German reviewers were rapturous over the fictitious squad of nαzι killers who stop the h0Ɩ0cαųst and take brutal revenge, with some calling the picture "historic" and "important."

    Only a handful expressed qualms over Tarantino's trademark gore-splattering, most relishing the cinematic massacre of the nαzι brass including Adolf Hitler by a band of Jєωιѕн-American soldiers, led by Brad Pitt, as deeply satisfying.

    "'Inglourious Basterds' is brazen, a declaration of war, a pleasure," the normally staid Frankfurter Allgemeine daily said.

    "Tarantino shows the nαzιs as they really were: a pack of pompous trash -- thoroughly trivial bad guys."

    However the paper had a word of warning about Tarantino's larger-than-life nαzιs, led by this year's best-actor laureate in Cannes, Austrian Christoph Waltz as a "Jєω-hunting" SS psychopath.

    "When evil is presented as well and as elegantly as he does, we can easily be seduced by it," it wrote.

    Filmed in part in Germany, the picture is according to Tarantino a "spaghetti western but with World War II iconography" that was also influenced by the French New Wave.

    "This ain't your daddy's World War II movie," Tarantino has said.

    The title of the film was inspired by Italian director Enzo Castellari's 1978 movie "The Inglorious Bastards".

    In the genre-blurring tale -- with David Bowie on the soundtrack -- Pitt plays Lieutenant Aldo Raine who heads the squad of Jєωιѕн-American soldiers behind enemy lines in German-occupied wartime France.

    Aldo tells his men to bring him the scalps of 100 nαzιs each, and vows to terrorise the German army with the "disembowelled, dismembered and disfigured bodies we leave behind us."

    A parallel storyline involves a Jєωιѕн woman bent on revenge after seeing her entire family being wiped out by the nαzιs.

    Hitler, Goebbels and top nαzι henchmen appear in the movie which culminates in an outlandish plot to take out the German leadership at the Paris premiere of a nαzι propaganda film.

    "Tarantino manages to create great cinema with his cheeky historical concoction -- despite using actual historical figures from Hitler to De Gaulle, he made nearly everything up," the Financial Times Deutschland wrote.

    "Because, unlike 'Pulp Fiction' or 'Kill Bill', only the evil are massacred, the audience cheers the violent scenes with gusto," it said in a review headlined "Kill Hitler".

    "This isn't camp, it isn't pulp -- you miss the point using such categories with Tarantino -- but rather a vision never before seen in the nearly exhausted world of cinematic images," the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel wrote.

    "It took 65 years for a film-maker, instead of bringing Germany's evil 20th century history to life once more to have people shudder and bow before it, to simply dream around it. And to mow all the pigs down. Catharsis! Oxygen! Wonderful retro-futuristic insanity of the imagination!"

    Munich daily Sueddeutsche Zeitung said its readers "must" see the picture, and offered favourable comparisons with this year's "Valkyrie" a Tom Cruise vehicle about a failed 1944 plot against Hitler.

    "Regardless of whether you then love or hate the film, your reaction will not be lukewarm. There is so much in it to discover," it wrote.

    "More than horror, Tarantino fears the conventions that have long surrounded the nαzιs and the h0Ɩ0cαųst -- these leaden, sepia-toned suggestions of authenticity that a film can never really live up to.

    "Tarantino throws gasoline on the fire of the nαzι film to create the big bang to clear the way. A crazy idea. So crazy that it might just work."
    How Long O Lord... Habakuk 1:1

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Critics Lap Up Tarantino's Jєω Revenge Movie
    « Reply #1 on: August 20, 2009, 04:04:25 PM »
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  • It is probably a grievous matter to watch a Tarantino film.  

    Offline Telesphorus

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    Critics Lap Up Tarantino's Jєω Revenge Movie
    « Reply #2 on: August 20, 2009, 07:52:40 PM »
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  • Germany.  What a disaster.

    Offline Raoul76

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    Critics Lap Up Tarantino's Jєω Revenge Movie
    « Reply #3 on: August 28, 2009, 04:21:48 AM »
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  • This film is probably one of the most evil pieces of "art" I've ever heard about, but there is a genius to it.  ( I haven't watched it, as it would make me sick, just read about it ).  

    Tarantino who, by the way, worked at a video store three blocks from my mom's house where I'm typing this in Manhattan Beach,  has made some kind of Rohrschach test.  It goes beyond just pro-Jєωιѕн propaganda.  What it really does is expose, in a leering, mocking way, how the propaganda of World War II worked on both sides of the war.  So at the end you have Germans in a movie theatre, cheering a film called Nation's Pride that shows Allies being killed -- then when they are burned in this same theater by a Jєωιѕн woman, who laughs at them ghoulishly on film as they die, the audiences watching the Tarantino film applaud and hoot at their depicted deaths JUST LIKE THE GERMANS WERE DOING MINUTES BEFORE.  

    You have to admit, this is evil genius.  Most Americans who laugh at vulgar nαzι propaganda have no idea that they themselves were propagandized by war films with the likes of an aw-shucks Jimmy Stewart ( a Jєωιѕн slave like Mel Gibson, despite the naivete of those who think he "beat the system" ) .  Tarantino's wretched but brilliantly conceived film lifts the curtain on what cinema really is:  Pure mind control, putting the world into a dream state.  

    I've also heard that most people walk out of this movie more sympathetic to the Germans than to the Jєωs, who are the nominal heroes but are made to look like uncultured barbarians -- exactly how the nαzιs are usually portrayed in World War II films!   Lots of irony in this one.

    I don't think this film was ultimately made to make people love Jєωs.  Probably the opposite.  It reveals them for what they really are -- yet it was Harvey Weinstein who produced it, the Jabba the Hut Jєω of Hollywood.  Why?  Well, I'll tell you.  One thing people don't get is that Jєωs often foment revolutions AGAINST THEMSELVES if it serves their greater goals -- and their greatest goal is to take you down to hell with them.  Right now, I think that the Jєωs are setting up a cινιℓ ωαr in this country, and possibly around the world, that, like World War II, would once again be controlled by them.  One big economic crash and Americans will hate the Jєωs just as much as the Germans did in the 1920's, when the Jєωs helped inflate their economy to worthlessness.  This film is a powder-keg that kind of taps into all of this crud under the surface, the hate and uneasiness that Americans ignore as long as they have enough shekels to stuff their faces with In-n-Out burgers.  

    There is actually a sadomasochistic relationship between Germans and Jєωs, both of whom are rebellious and contentious peoples.  In World War II they almost seemed to "use" each other to push the devil's agenda forward.  For proof, notice how they ganged up on Catholic Poland.  That is why the conspiracy-author Nesta Webster discusses both Jєωιѕн world-control and "Pan-Germanism" in her book Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.  Germans seem to always do everything wrong, from the Protestant Revolution to National Socialism to their current communism.  Sometimes I think of Germans as the "Aryan Jєωs" because of their tendency to do the opposite of what Christ would want -- these people just have an inborn Luciferian pride and stubbornness, and they will tell you so themselves.  
    Readers: Please IGNORE all my postings here. I was a recent convert and fell into errors, even heresy for which hopefully my ignorance excuses. These include rejecting the "rhythm method," rejecting the idea of "implicit faith," and being brieflfy quasi-Jansenist. I also posted occasions of sins and links to occasions of sin, not understanding the concept much at the time, so do not follow my links.

    Offline Elizabeth

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    Critics Lap Up Tarantino's Jєω Revenge Movie
    « Reply #4 on: August 28, 2009, 08:44:25 AM »
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  • Quote from: Uriel
    This film ALMOST makes one want to become a nαzι! If anything but to stand up the main media and their brainwashing guilt trips.

    Then it most certainly is a very evil film, and must be avoided.