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Offline St Giles

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Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
« on: April 19, 2024, 06:30:03 PM »
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  • I found this quote below in a SSPX pamphlet. I looked it up to find some context and can't find the full quote because the sermon is just a paraphrased summary. Is there a recording somewhere of the full sermon?

    "We believed that after the Council would come a day of sunshine in the history of the Church. But instead there has come a day of clouds and storms, and of darkness.... How did this come about? We will confide to you the thought that may be, we ourselves admit in free discussion, that may be unfounded, and that is that there has been a power, an adversary power. Let us call him by his name: the devil. It is as if from some mysterious crack, no, it is not mysterious, from some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God." Pope Paul VI Sermon on June 29, 1972
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
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    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Online Angelus

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #1 on: April 19, 2024, 07:00:45 PM »
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  • Homily on the Smoke of Satan

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #2 on: April 19, 2024, 08:02:24 PM »
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  • I wonder how accurate is the translation of what I quoted, or is it just the SSPX's words? The google translation just doesn't come across the same. The SSPX translation looks a bit odd, but otherwise can strongly imply that Paul VI knew how the smoke of Satan entered the Church. But, if someone were to look up the quote, they will find it was reordered and composed from a summary to sound like a direct quote from him. That kind of ruins their credibility, not a good start for a pamphlet to convert people.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline PAT317

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #3 on: April 19, 2024, 08:26:43 PM »
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  • I wonder how accurate is the translation of what I quoted, or is it just the SSPX's words? The google translation just doesn't come across the same. The SSPX translation looks a bit odd, but otherwise can strongly imply that Paul VI knew how the smoke of Satan entered the Church. But, if someone were to look up the quote, they will find it was reordered and composed from a summary to sound like a direct quote from him. That kind of ruins their credibility, not a good start for a pamphlet to convert people.

    Is this the paraphrased summary you are referring to?  And by translation, do you mean if you click on the "English" option on the page?

    Offline Giovanni Berto

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #4 on: April 19, 2024, 08:53:05 PM »
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  • I have made a quick search for the  smoke of Satan phrase in Italian and I could find nothing but the paraphrases.

    There is not, apparently, a full transcript of the homily. Kind of strange, considering how (in)famous this quote became.

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #5 on: April 19, 2024, 08:59:11 PM »
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  • I wonder if a member of the SSPX was present in 1972 with a recorder. You'd think they would have released such a recording long ago.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline Giovanni Berto

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #6 on: April 19, 2024, 09:26:27 PM »
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  • Related to the subject:

    Paul VI and the “Smoke of Satan”
    January 26, 2021

    Guess who was stoking the flames!
    Paul VI and the “Smoke of Satan”
    On June 29, 1972, for the Feast of Ss. Peter and Paul, the fake pope Paul VI (Abp. Giovanni Battista Montini) uttered what are perhaps the most well-known and most frequently quoted words of his false pontificate. He said that “through some crack the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God” (da qualche fessura entrato il fumo di Satana nel tempio di Dio).
    Some time ago Vatican News made the audio clip available in which Montini can be heard uttering these words. It can be found on this page (it’s the seventh clip from the top). The entire homily was never transcribed verbatim. Even the Vatican’s Osservatore Romano newspaper published only a summary with select quotations of the words that were spoken. The Vatican web site has put that summary online, but only in Italian. An official English translation has never been released, but an inofficial one has been published at the Novus Ordo Catholic Stand web site.
    The question, of course, is whether Paul VI was truly lamenting that the smoke of Satan had entered the sanctuary, or whether he was perhaps boasting. After all, by 1972 the devastation of the Catholic vineyard was quite visible, and it was he himself who had single-handedly caused it.
    To illustrate the absurdity of Paul VI’s most famous “lamentation”, we have produced the following cartoon, which we encourage people to download and share as widely as possible (click on image and a larger version will open up in a separate tab or window – right-click that larger version to download):
    Montini’s predecessor of inglorious memory, “Pope” John XXIII (Cardinal Angelo Roncalli), had done his part by “opening the windows” at the Second Vatican Council. But nothing has stoked the flames that have been producing the smoke of Satan more than the “New Order of Mass” (Novus Ordo Missae) Paul VI had imposed in 1969, and which his false church still uses to this day.
    Naturally, both John XXIII and Paul VI are canonized “saints” in the Vatican II Church, and the latter has an entire audience hall in the Vatican dedicated to him that will give you the creeps.
    By the way: In case you haven’t yet, we encourage you to meet Paul VI’s biggest fan.
    Image sources: composite with elements from and Wikimedia Commons / NOW cartoon
    Licenses: paid and public domain / not applicable

    And for a laugh:

    Francis outlaws Sale of Cigarettes in Vatican City
    November 9, 2017

    Smoke of Satan still permitted…
    Francis outlaws Sale of Cigarettes in Vatican City
    Francis has once again shown his iron “papal” fist: In a fearless move against the powers of darkness, the “Pope” has now outlawed the sale of cigarettes throughout every square inch of the 0.17 sq mi of Vatican City State, effective Jan. 1, 2018.
    In a Nov. 9 statement released by the Unholy See’s Press Office, spokesman Greg Burke explained the move on the grounds that “the Holy See cannot contribute to an activity that clearly damages the health of people”, according to a report published by Crux.
    Rome Reports issued the following brief video summary:
    We must point out that, curiously enough, what is banned in the Vatican as of 2018 is not the sale of all tobacco products but only that of cigarettes: “The sale of large cigars though will continue,” press secretary Burke added and provided a Clintonesque justification: “since the smoke is not inhaled”.
    Got it! Perhaps by moving from smoking cigarettes to smoking cigars, nationals of Vatican City can show that they are now ready to take “a first step in the direction of a moralization, a first assumption of responsibility, on the way toward recovering an awareness that not everything is allowed and that one cannot do whatever one wants”, as “Pope” Benedict XVI might put it.
    To be clear: It is certainly not wrong to ban tobacco sales in Vatican City. The Pope — a true Pope — certainly has the authority and the right to do so if he deems it a prudent move. That’s not the issue. The issue is that once again Francis is worried about anything except that which he ought to worry about, given his claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church.
    When during the canonization proceedings for Pope Pius X (d. 1914) in the early 1950s, the advocatus diaboli (devil’s advocate) objected to the holiness of Giuseppe Sarto on the grounds that he had been a smoker, the cardinals in attendance reportedly laughed out loud (some of them quite possibly with cigarettes in hand).
    One must ask: Where is that much-touted “mercy” for those addicted to the smoking of cigarettes? What about the concrete circuмstances of their situation? What if those didn’t allow them to act differently? What about the complexity of their limits? What if they don’t understand the inherent values of the rule? And now they’re being pigeonholed or fit into overly rigid classifications leaving no room for a suitable personal and pastoral discernment!
    Alas, the usual buzzwords of discernment, accompaniment, integration, and all the rest are apparently not applicable to the smoking of cigarettes, only to the practice of serious moral evils such as adultery, which poses no threat to the body but causes instant death for sanctifying grace in the soul, not for one but for two people. It looks like we’ll be waiting for an exhortation entitled Fumandi Laetitia for eons to come.
    No word yet, by the way, on whether “the smoke of Satan” (words of “Pope” Paul VI in 1972) has been banned from the Vatican — but judging by external indicators, inhaling it seems to be mandatory at this point.
    Image source: Shutterstock (Riccardo De Luca – Update; cropped)
    License: paid

    Offline LeDeg

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #7 on: April 19, 2024, 09:41:56 PM »
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  • Folks, for crying out loud. When are you gonna grasp this. Montini was referring to Lefebrve as being the smoke. He wasn't lamenting the BS that he implemented. He was chastising those that weren't getting with the program. 
    "You must train harder than the enemy who is trying to kill you. You will get all the rest you need in the grave."- Leon Degrelle

    Offline Giovanni Berto

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #8 on: April 19, 2024, 09:50:47 PM »
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  • Folks, for crying out loud. When are you gonna grasp this. Montini was referring to Lefebrve as being the smoke. He wasn't lamenting the BS that he implemented. He was chastising those that weren't getting with the program.

    I agree.

    Another interesting article:

    Was the “Smoke of Satan” sermon aimed at Abp. Lefebvre?

    [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]Louie, [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]May 21, 2019[/color][/font][/size][/color]
    [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]Archbishop Lefebvre 4-2016[/iurl]So often we hear it said – even in some “traditional” quarters no less – that Paul VI of most bitter memory eventually came to recognize the crisis brought about by Vatican Council II; so much so that he once famously remarked, “…from some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.”[/size]
    These oft-quoted words were given by Paul VI in a sermon delivered on 29 June 1972 – the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul.
    The [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]Holy See website[/color][/b][/u] has a secondhand account of the sermon in Italian, with no other official translations provided. The text does, however, provide a number of quotes directly attributed to Paul VI; including the well-known “smoke of Satan” comment.[/size]
    NOTE: In 2006, Fr. Stephanos Pedrano provided an English translation of the text that was initially published on Jimmy Akin’s [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]blog[/color][/u][/b]. For this post, we will rely on that translation.[/size]
    As mentioned in this space a number of times in the past, upon reading the quote in context, one quickly discovers that far from recognizing the Council as problematic (much less diabolical); Paul VI was actually stating the exact opposite.
    What may come as a surprise to readers (and, in fact, is a rather recent discovery for me), however, is that Montini’s words may have been intended, at least in part, as a direct rebuke of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre.
    You see, on June 1, 1972 – four weeks before Paul VI decried the “smoke of Satan,” – the [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]Remnant[/color] newspaper published an article written by Archbishop Lefebvre wherein he addressed, in no uncertain terms, the post-conciliar crisis in the Church.[/size]
    Calling attention to the disastrous effects of the Novus Ordo Missae, Archbishop Lefebvre pointed to “the most serious aspect” of the bastard rite as:
    …the loss of the faith among so many of the faithful, including priests. The essential dogmas of our Holy Religion are no longer expressed with the same clarity; the faith of the faithful is no longer safeguarded by worship. Protestant errors are spreading rapidly, not only among rank-and-file Catholics, but even among priests.
    Archbishop Lefebvre then immediately turned his attention toward the deleterious effects of the Council’s false ecclesiology:
    Yet another aspect which is being attacked by those whose aim it is to destroy the Church is the institution and the constitution of the Church.
    The necessity of the Catholic Church as the only ark of salvation, outside of which no one can be saved, is now questioned, if not openly denied. The preoccupation with an erroneous ‘ecuмenism’ has shaken the true nature of the Church, and this in turn has had disastrous consequences both upon vocations for missionary work and upon the aims themselves which underlie this work.
    In just this handful of sentences, the saintly Archbishop laid to waste two of Montini’s pet projects; the so-called liturgical reform, and his unbridled commitment to ecuмenism and interreligious dialogue.
    Archbishop Lefebvre then went to the very heart of his concern; the destruction of the priesthood. Without specifically naming it, he pointed to the Council’s erroneous description of the priest, which insists that the priest has “the primary duty of proclaiming the Gospel of God to all” (Presbyterorum Ordinis 4). He writes:
    The primary aim of priest should be to offer the Sacrifice and the secondary aim is to preach the Gospel, but preaching the Gospel has taken precedence over the Sacrifice and the Sacraments.
    Archbishop Lefebvre went on to make a number of predictions about the coming disaster that are no less than prophetic, including:
    – Priests “will call upon the services of the lay people.”
    – Priests “will be too occupied with politics or government.”
    – “Lay people will distribute the Eucharist and take it to the sick.”
    – “The day [will come] when the faithful will completely give up the practice of individual confession.”
    In light of these things, the Archbishop concludes:
    Thus, gradually, one proceeds with the destruction of the Sacraments, having started with the destruction of the Mass. This is an obvious outcome, since the devil is busy counting his gains and leading millions of souls to damnation.
    Archbishop Lefebvre even took time to criticize what so many “traditionalists” even today consider to be Paul VI’s greatest accomplishment, Humanae Vitae, for its mistreatment of the ends of marriage. (See [color=var(--superb-pixels-foreground)]HERE[/color])[/size]
    One need not read between the lines to see how the Archbishop’s words can be understood as an indictment of Paul VI; directly accusing him of being chief among those whose aim it is to destroy the Church.
    Did Montini take notice?
    Perhaps we will never know for sure whether he did or he didn’t, but before we attempt to make an answer for ourselves, let us note precisely who Archbishop Lefebvre understood to be the true leader of this assault against the Catholic faith:
    From these painful facts one can see how deep-rooted is this crisis and how cleverly it has been organized and directed. One may indeed believe that the master of this scheme can be no one but Satan himself.
    We will conclude this brief survey by pointing out that the master stroke achieved by Satan is to have thrown every one into disobedience by virtue of obedience … This is the cause of the profound confusion which has spread throughout these communities and in the heart of the Church.
    Did you get that? Not only did Archbishop Lefebvre blame the crisis in the Church on the effects of Montini’s Council and the Novus Ordo Missae that he promulgated; he portrayed the entire affair as a work of Satan!
    Now, let’s take a closer look at the relevant portion of Montini’s sermon of 29 June 1972 as reported on the Holy See website to consider whether or not it amounts to a response:
    Referring to the situation of the Church today, the Holy Father [Paul VI] affirms that he has a sense that “from some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.” There is doubt, incertitude, problematic, disquiet, dissatisfaction, confrontation. There is no longer trust of the Church; they trust the first profane prophet who speaks in some journal or some social movement, and they run after him and ask him if he has the formula of true life. And we are not alert to the fact that we are already the owners and masters of the formula of true life. Doubt has entered our consciences, and it entered by windows that should have been open to the light.
    After a brief treatment of the role played by science and academia in fostering doubt, Paul VI went on according to the report:
    This state of uncertainty even holds sway in the Church.  There was the belief that after the Council there would be a day of sunshine for the history of the Church. Instead, it is the arrival of a day of clouds, of tempest, of darkness, of research, of uncertainty.  We preach ecuмenism but we constantly separate ourselves from others.  We seek to dig abysses instead of filling them in.
    From there, Montini went on to expound upon the Devil’s role in the crisis as he saw it:
    How has this come about?  The Pope entrusts one of his thoughts to those who are present:  that there has been an intervention of an adverse power. Its name is the devil, this mysterious being that the Letter of St. Peter also alludes to.  So many times, furthermore, in the Gospel, on the lips of Christ himself, the mention of this enemy of men returns.  The Holy Father observes, “We believe in something that is preternatural that has come into the world precisely to disturb, to suffocate the fruits of the Ecuмenical Council, and to impede the Church from breaking into the hymn of joy at having renewed in fullness its awareness of itself.
    As one can plainly see, Paul VI did not imagine that Vatican II opened the door to Satan; rather, he believed that anyone and anything that slowed the spread of the Council’s novelties were under the influence of the demonic!
    If we look more closely still, however, we also find evidence suggesting that Montini’s words may have been meant to serve as a counteroffensive aimed specifically at Archbishop Lefebvre and his article, published four weeks earlier.
    Below is a limited comparison, which includes some citations previously unmentioned:
    So, was the “Smoke of Satan” sermon of Paul VI aimed at Archbishop Lefebvre as a rebuke for his article, which was published four weeks earlier? Decide for yourself, dear reader.[/font][/size][/color]

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #9 on: April 19, 2024, 09:54:30 PM »
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  • Montini was clearly trying to spin it as the devil trying to ruin the wonderful work of Vatican II ... even though he knew the intent was to destroy.  I don't think it had anything to do with +Lefebvre.  He saw the fruits of the Council manifesting themselves, and was basically saying that it wasn't the Council itself, so don't blame it ... but the devil sneaking in to sabotage its great work.

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #10 on: April 19, 2024, 11:30:43 PM »
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  • Montini was clearly trying to spin it as the devil trying to ruin the wonderful work of Vatican II ... even though he knew the intent was to destroy.  I don't think it had anything to do with +Lefebvre.  He saw the fruits of the Council manifesting themselves, and was basically saying that it wasn't the Council itself, so don't blame it ... but the devil sneaking in to sabotage its great work.
    I wonder if it was satanic mockery, i.e they were the smoke of satan clearly telling us what they are doing and if we don't stand up then we want it.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #11 on: April 20, 2024, 08:05:37 AM »
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  • I wonder if it was satanic mockery, i.e they were the smoke of satan clearly telling us what they are doing and if we don't stand up then we want it.

    I believe that's exactly what it was.  On the surface, it could have been taken as his lamenting Satan's intrusion into the Church, whereas he may very well have been exulting in it.

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #12 on: April 20, 2024, 08:26:19 AM »
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  • Folks, for crying out loud. When are you gonna grasp this. Montini was referring to Lefebrve as being the smoke. He wasn't lamenting the BS that he implemented. He was chastising those that weren't getting with the program.
    I agree that this was what it was.  I do think that most people just don't realize it.  I know I didn't for a long time.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #13 on: April 20, 2024, 08:50:15 AM »
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  • I agree that this was what it was.  I do think that most people just don't realize it.  I know I didn't for a long time.

    I don't think so.  SSPX was almost nothing in 1972, and posed no threat whatsoever.  I think people are imposing in hindsight what the SSPX later became onto that time period.  There were little enclaves of Traditional Catholicism all over the world, and this was viewed as one of them.

    By 1972, the seminaries and convents were emptying out, Montini sat at his desk approving one request for laicization of priests after another ... and the devastation of V2 was unfolding.

    I agree with the NO Watch take above.  Montini's intent was to spin the obvious devastation as the "smoke of Satan" ... rather than admitting that V2 was at fault, although that had in fact been his intention, so what was presented on the surface as a lament was really his exulting in the fact that he had gotten Satan into the Church.

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    Re: Pual VI Smoke of Satan quote source
    « Reply #14 on: April 20, 2024, 09:10:39 AM »
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  • He clearly speaks against Lefebrve in this Allocution:

    Antipope Paul VI, Allocution to the Consistory of May 24, 1976 – Novus Ordo Watch
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)