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Author Topic: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE  (Read 3464 times)

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Offline SeanJohnson

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« Reply #45 on: October 16, 2019, 09:33:50 AM »
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  • I think some people have difficulty living with uncertainty, and cook this stuff up to “make it all better.”

    I will continue to impress upon all the glaring fact that this theory was unknown for 60 years, until hatched by an obscure sedevacantist.

    One surely would have expected Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity (the world’s foremost Fatima historian, per his 3-volume book) to have delved into some of the areas posited in support of this theory, yet it all seems to have escaped him?  Not likely.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Last Tradhican

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #46 on: October 16, 2019, 09:58:01 AM »
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  • I think some people have difficulty living with uncertainty, and cook this stuff up to “make it all better.”

    I will continue to impress upon all the glaring fact that this theory was unknown for 60 years, until hatched by an obscure sedevacantist.

    One surely would have expected Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity (the world’s foremost Fatima historian, per his 3-volume book) to have delved into some of the areas posited in support of this theory, yet it all seems to have escaped him?  Not likely.
    Then you accept the FACT that Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity was in total error about the messages of Lucia, since her interview with Evaristo totally contradicts Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity's books.

    1) Sister Lucy advises the Pope not to Reveal the Third Secret.

    2) Consecration of Russia done by John Paul II on March 25, 1984 avoided a Nuclear War in 1985.

    3) The Virgin never said that the Holy Father had to say the word "Russia" [during the consecration of Russia]....She said, "He will consecrate Russia to me, which will convert...and there will be peace." But that promised peace, refers to the wars and persecutions that the errors of Atheistic Communism were causing in al the world.

    ---- Interestingly enough, the video said that Sister Lucy had spent 50 YEARS IN A PAPAL CLOISTER in a covent in Coimbra.

    In this interview, "Sister Lucy" wants to "clarify" the Message of Fatima. The Message that Carlos Evaristo considers has been the subject of "incorrect interpretations," over the years. 

    4) The Consecration of Russia was accomplished by John Paul II on March 25, 1984.

    5) The majority of the bishops participated an the fact that all did not was not relevant to its validity. 


    7) The fact that Russia was not referred to by name did not invalidate the consecration.

    The consecration made by Pius XII, Paul VI, and JPII in 1982, were only partially complete for they lacked the collegial union of the bishops.

    9) World War II was a war of atheism, a devil's war, a war also against the Jєωs who continue to be a Chosen People of God. Since he NEVER TOOK THAT PRIVILEGE AWAY FROM THEM. DESPITE THEIR REJECTION OF CHRIST.

    10) "The Conversion of Russia has taken place."

    11) Our Lady never said the CONVERSION OF RUSSIA WOULD BE TO CATHOLICISM. NOR TO CHRISTIANITY EVEN. It would be a conversion from militant atheism to that of any country that RESPECTS THE FREE WILL GIVEN TO MEN BY GOD.

    12) "The Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary has already taken place." It began WHEN OUR LADY SAVED POPE JOHN PAUL II'S LIFE in Saint Peter's Square on May 13, 1981. The Triumph is an ongoing process. Peace from the Triumph is peace from the militant spread of atheism by Communist Russia, but that does mean that no world war will take place 

    13) The annihilation of nations did not pertain to any physical war or a physical annihilation. 

    14) Third Secret was just for the Pope. Sister Lucy was opposed to its public revelation. 

    15) Carlos Evaristo insists that, based on what he heard from "Sister Lucy," Our Lady never said that the Secret was to be revealed by 1960. 

    16) The meaning of the beginning of the Third Secret was that the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception would always be defended by the Portuguese.

    17) What is "Sister Lucy's" great message to the world today? HE WHO IS NOT WITH THE POPE (John Paul II) IS NOT WITH GOD. He (John Paul II --- Pope of Assisi) is God's greatest representative on earth. 

    18) The Consecration of Russia brought about a regime of religious liberty in which people could exercise free will, whether they would embrace Catholicism or not.

    19) Lucy said that conversion of Russia is not to the Catholic faith but freedom to choose between good and evil. 
    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #47 on: October 16, 2019, 10:16:40 AM »
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  • Then you accept the FACT that Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity was in total error about the messages of Lucia, since her interview with Evaristo totally contradicts Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity's books.

    I have no idea who Evaristo is.  Why should I care what he says (what are his qualifications, and what evidence does he have to back his claims)?

    I respect Br. Michael’s work by reputation alone (ie., as a member of the Abbe de Nantes’ community, he would not be predisposed to regurgitate the Vatican party line), and I see it praised by both conciliarists and anti conciliarists.

    I note that Br. Michael’s work is frequently recommended by Bishop Williamson (one who likewise would be suspicious of the Vatican party line on Fatima).

    Ultimately, I want a good explanation of why this thesis was not made for 60 years.  
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #48 on: October 16, 2019, 03:17:27 PM »
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  • Quote
    Overview of the Evidence

    • 1. Multiple facial recognition analysis reports conducted by leading experts in the field
      including an analysis by a facial “super-recognizer.”
    • 2. Plastic surgeon report by a world-class plastic surgeon.
    • 3. Forensic art analysis by one the world’s foremost forensic artists.
    • 4. Handwriting analysis by a leading forensic handwriting expert, who has provided a
      sworn declaration along with his analysis.
    • 5. Dental analysis by a senior lecturer in periodontics.

    I would say it would be "unsubstantiated presumption" (or something like that) to dismiss this evidence out of hand without studying it.  The difficulties that Sean listed are certainly nothing to make light of.  But those difficulties don't prove that the above evidence is false.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #49 on: October 16, 2019, 03:22:12 PM »
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  • Tradhican-

    I have no idea who Evaristo is.  Why should I care what he says (what are his qualifications, and what evidence does he have to back his claims)?

    I respect Br. Michael’s work by reputation alone (ie., as a member of the Abbe de Nantes’ community, he would not be predisposed to regurgitate the Vatican party line), and I see it praised by both conciliarists and anti conciliarists.

    I note that Br. Michael’s work is frequently recommended by Bishop Williamson (one who likewise would be suspicious of the Vatican party line on Fatima).

    Ultimately, I want a good explanation of why this thesis was not made for 60 years.  
    See this video:
    Evaristo is a well-known and respected journalist.  It is unjust to accuse him of lying unless you have solid proof.  But there is public video of "Sr Lucy" saying these things in Spanish.  So trying to impeach Evaristo's character is only going to make his accusers look bad.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #50 on: October 16, 2019, 04:23:57 PM »
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  • I think some people have difficulty living with uncertainty, and cook this stuff up to “make it all better.”

    I will continue to impress upon all the glaring fact that this theory was unknown for 60 years, until hatched by an obscure sedevacantist.

    One surely would have expected Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity (the world’s foremost Fatima historian, per his 3-volume book) to have delved into some of the areas posited in support of this theory, yet it all seems to have escaped him?  Not likely.
    The first time I had heard of the "Two Sister Lucias" theory was probably 8 or 9 years ago.  I too thought it was nuts because at the time I was a supporter of the Fatima Crusader.  It was Tradition in Action (not sede) who first made me aware of it.  But it was actually the Dimonds who first realized there was a problem way back in the early 2000s.  I continued to think it was nuts even after I became a convinced sede in late 2013.  The reason I didn't believe the TSL theory was because there were some plausible explanations about why the early Lucy and the later Lucy looked so different. e.g. dental surgery and/or aging.  And it was easy to dismiss the Dimonds and TIA because they are not professionals in the fields of facial recognition.  So they could easily be mistaken.  But Dr. Chojnowski took it to another level.  He hired professionals to do the analysis and they all agreed that it is two different people.  The evidence is overwhelming.  It's no longer at the level of some obscure sede cooking up a nutty theory.  It is proven by professional analysis.  It's a game-changer.  The whole narrative is being transformed.  Fatima was the most significant event in the 20th century for Catholics.  The next most significant event was V2.  The pre-V2 message of Fatima is totally different from the post-V2 message.  And the TSL theory is the explanation for why that happened.  And the TSL theory also supports the idea that we didn't get the whole secret in 2000.  The 2nd Sr Lucy is a fraud and a deceiver.
    The next phase of the investigation will involve trying to figure out who the 2nd Sister Lucy really was.  I expect that will be a dangerous task.  The Conciliar Church is pretty much a mafia and they will not appreciate anyone trying to uncover their secrets.

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #51 on: October 16, 2019, 07:11:51 PM »
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  • Tradhican-

    I have no idea who Evaristo is.  Why should I care what he says (what are his qualifications, and what evidence does he have to back his claims)?
    Evarista interviewed Lucia of Fatima, it is Lucia's own words that are the subject of this thread, her own words completely contradict Br. Michael of the Holy Trinity. If you do not believe she is an impostor, then she totally disproves Bro. Michael. (By the way, I read all of his books on Fatima)
    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24

    Offline Alan

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #52 on: October 17, 2019, 12:25:42 AM »
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  • It's one of the biggest hoaxes in human history, it deceived so many many Catholics and led them to relax and become soft. Today there are still many Catholics believe the consecration has been accepted by Our Lady. The fact that the world has been getting worse and worse did not wake them up, shows how super gullible some people are.

    Offline Mr G

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #53 on: October 17, 2019, 12:22:12 PM »
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    Dr. Chojnowski comments on CathInfo:

    We have broken through into a discussion thread on the SSPX Resistance site, Most like what we are doing. One throws "Paul VI's ear" at us!

    Interesting that Dr. Chojnowski criticizes Bishop Williamson (and thus by extension the old SSPX positions) yet he cannot  come out to criticize the SSPX's current position which is far softer than Michael Matt, Chris and Fatima Center. I wonder if it has to do with his teaching position at the SSPX School in Post Falls? Hmmm, maybe!

    "In a form of Bishop Williamson's "mentevacantism" stance of old, Ferrara says that the "Church hierarchy" is not using "basic instruments of thought." This is their "diabolical disorientation." Note here, no one is to blame for "being disoriented." Do I confess stumbling to the light switch in a darkened bedroom? In an interesting revelation of his Neo-Con credentials, Ferrara only mentions moral issues when he is speaking about this doctrinal "disorientation" ---- but nothing is changed, of course! "

    Offline 2Vermont

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #54 on: October 17, 2019, 03:53:17 PM »
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  • The "term "diabolical disorientation" has been thought NOT to have come from the real Sister Lucy considering the timeline. Still the "secret' and machinations around it impacts all that was mentioned.
    Yes, that is my point.  The fake Sister Lucy said it.  To accept that a fake Lucy said this means they can't use it to explain their R&R cognitive dissonance.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

    Offline cassini

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #55 on: October 20, 2019, 11:09:07 AM »
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  • Can someone answer me this. Lucy, I believe said, which one I do not know, that Our Lady told her a dead friend, a young girl about the same age as Lucy, would be in Purgatory until the end of the world.

    Now I believe it is a fact that the Catholic Church provided a means of gaining a plenary indulgence on all souls day that can get a named person out of Purgatory. I recall as children we used to cycle to seven churches and get souls out of Purgatory. At least we believed we did.

    Now given Our Lady is said to have told the children their friend will not get out of Purgatory until the end of time, does this mean the plenary indulgence granted by popes of the Church were null and void? Surely someone in the history of Catholicism after Fatima, tried to get an indulgence for that girl. Now with all these false messages that have messed up the real truth of Fatima, where does the one about that child fit in?

    Offline Last Tradhican

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    Re: Imposter Sister Lucy Contradict EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE FATIMA MESSAGE
    « Reply #56 on: October 20, 2019, 11:30:55 AM »
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  • Can someone answer me this. Lucy, I believe said, which one I do not know, that Our Lady told her a dead friend, a young girl about the same age as Lucy, would be in Purgatory until the end of the world.

    Now I believe it is a fact that the Catholic Church provided a means of gaining a plenary indulgence on all souls day that can get a named person out of Purgatory. I recall as children we used to cycle to seven churches and get souls out of Purgatory. At least we believed we did.

    Now given Our Lady is said to have told the children their friend will not get out of Purgatory until the end of time, does this mean the plenary indulgence granted by popes of the Church were null and void? Surely someone in the history of Catholicism after Fatima, tried to get an indulgence for that girl. Now with all these false messages that have messed up the real truth of Fatima, where does the one about that child fit in?
    You can also gain a plenary indulgence for a soul in Purgatory by doing a group rosary, like the family rosary. I've always thought the plenary indulgence is not so easy, because you get distracted. But, you are correct in your observation, how could a person be in Purgatory till the end of time if plenary indulgences do exist?

    To correct your memory, the girl was like 18 when she died,  she had been the baby sitter of Lucia, so, she could have been 10+ years older than Lucia.
    The Vatican II church - Assisting Souls to Hell Since 1962

    For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect. Mat 24:24