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Author Topic: Catch-22  (Read 491 times)

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Offline Lover of Truth

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« on: February 22, 2012, 06:15:28 AM »
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  • Description of first article:

    Oh, if only those joining the chorus of the politically-motivated mantra "we are all Catholics now" truly knew what it meant to be Catholic. If they did, they'd realize the answer is not to be found in the political arena nor in the entity that calls Rome home in this time of The Great Apostasy. While New York's Timothy Dolan sells out to Obama while speaking out of both sides of his mouth, he, among 22 new candidates who aren't even true priests, accepts the red hat at a conciliar consistory from a man who could conceivably be the worst of the antipopes yet, the man chiefly responsible for the corruption of the perverted pedophilia scandals that have so besmirched the name "Catholic." A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation in which an individual or group cannot avoid a problem because of contradictory constraints or rules. That is what we have with the crisis in both Church and State and, as traditional Catholics, if we don't shoot straight, we'll have hell to pay.

    Can be read at the following link:

    Description of the second, which coincidently coincides with mine, regarding sede vacante predicted by Leo XIII, in this article it is predicted by Our Lady all of these "coincidences" cannot be ignored by the sincre.  Here is a description of the article:

    We are pleased to introduce to our readers Bill Metallo, who focuses solely on the Prophesies of Our Lady of La Salette and how, if only we had been vigilant, we would have realized the destruction already underway in the mid-nineteenth century. The Blessed Virgin warned us and yet we did not listen. Now we reap what we have sown. This series by Bill R. Metallo, President of The Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, is meant to wake the masses to warn of this coming catastrophe prophesized by Our Lady at La Salette; to bring Vatican II Catholics back into the fold of the true Catholic Church; and to reveal the truth to Protestants and all false religions that NO ONE existing outside the one, holy and apostolic Catholic  Church can have a share in eternal life. He begins with the highlights of the Prophesies imparted one hundred and sixty-five and a half years ago that show only too shockingly clear "How the Faith will be Lost".

    The link to the article can be found here:

    In the glitch Mike is having Mary is sometimes spelled "Lenty"

    "I receive Thee, redeeming Prince of my soul. Out of love for Thee have I studied, watched through many nights, and exerted myself: Thee did I preach and teach. I have never said aught against Thee. Nor do I persist stubbornly in my views. If I have ever expressed myself erroneously on this Sacrament, I submit to the judgement of the Holy Roman Church, in obedience of which I now part from this world." Saint Thomas Aquinas the greatest Doctor of the Church