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« on: January 31, 2015, 02:11:25 PM »
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  • He is a busy man.  You should be patient.  He runs this forum as a favour to us.

    Offline MaterDominici

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    « Reply #1 on: January 31, 2015, 02:48:51 PM »
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  • 1. Make sure your ability to receive PMs is turned on. Someone (not you) has sent him several PMs which he attempted to reply to unsuccessfully.

    2. If you're complaining about someone or something, he very likely looked into it as far as he wanted and either addressed or dismissed the complaint without replying to you. If the subject has grown in severity (ie. "this problem happened once" to "I have this problem every few minutes") you could send another message with updated information.

    3. I'm pretty sure he mentioned to me what your message was about (I think it was you but I might be mistaken) and we both concluded your assertion was inaccurate.
    "I think that Catholicism, that's as sane as people can get."  - Jordan Peterson

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #2 on: January 31, 2015, 07:55:59 PM »
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  • Now, how would I have guessed that you were lodging a complaint against moi?

    Did you also bring your other grievance to his attention?

    Quote from: Nado
    How much of your "toleration" of crap, Matthew, is because you get a financial kickback of advertizing from the controversial activity?

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #3 on: January 31, 2015, 08:19:44 PM »
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  • Quote from: Nado
    Quote from: Ladislaus
    Now, how would I have guessed that you were lodging a complaint against moi?

    Did you also bring your other grievance to his attention?

    Quote from: Nado
    How much of your "toleration" of crap, Matthew, is because you get a financial kickback of advertizing from the controversial activity?

    What do you mean how did you "guess"? There is nothing to guess when it is printed before your eyes in this thread!

    Uhm, your recent post confirmed the guess I made right from the outset ... before you admitted it.

    And, what you quote of me is not a grievance, but a public question asked quite some time ago.

    Give us a break.  You were insinuating that Matthew was motivated by profit (as if he even breaks even running this place).

    As for your serious, blatant and repeated violations, what do you have to say for yourself?

    I guess that you'll have to put me on trial to determine whether my observations regarding your behavior were objectively true or not.  I stand by them.  You twist every single principle of Catholic theology into a perversion that suits your fancy and magically explain away everything that doesn't.  You deliberately troll on this board.  You ask a question, and after about half a dozen people respond to it, you simply claim that no one answered your question.  You make gratuitous assertions without backing them up, and then when someone responds with citation after citation refuting your claims, you just keep posting one-liners that no one has ever answered your question.  Unless someone agrees with your point exactly, then your point remains unaddressed and unrefuted ... despite it never having been even remotely proven in the first place.  You've been caught in lie and distortion after lie and distortion.  You have reduced the Catholic faith to a matter of your private judgment and then accuse others of doing that despite their being able to cite reputable theologians to back up their positions.  You accuse people of judging others while constantly judging others.  You turn the Church into a laughingstock by constantly advocating the position that "no true pope" could even passively tolerate anything bad or harmful in the Church.  

    I stand by everything I've ever posted about you as being objectively accurate, even if at times the language might have been a bit harsh.  But, through your boorish behavior, you make yourself an occasion of sin against charity for most of us on this board.  Truth is truth.  It's as if someone on this board were to call a ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ a "pervert"; while the language might be a bit harsh, it's nevertheless objectively true.  So while I similarly have used harsh language against yourself, I stand by the objective truth of my remarks.

    Offline Nobody

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    « Reply #4 on: January 31, 2015, 08:27:51 PM »
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  • Who is going to be the winner in this ?

    I get sometimes frustrated too by some of Nado's posts, but I must say that he does not throw insults around and certainly does not say such harsh and uncharitable things as Ladislaus at times throws at him. And while I mostly disagree with Nado, he does force me to think things through and do my homework. Isn't that what a forum is all about ? And likewise with Ladislaus, I appreciate his side too (apart from the uncharitable language at times).

    Why don't you two show us how Catholics are to forgive each other and pray for each other's conversion instead. That way we all win.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #5 on: January 31, 2015, 08:51:34 PM »
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  • Quote from: Nobody
    such harsh and uncharitable things as Ladislaus at times throws at him

    I've grown quite weary of this effeminate notion of charity that most people have.  Just read some of the language that St. Jerome used against various enemies of the Faith in his day; it would singe your eyebrows off.  Using harsh language is not intrinsically against charity.  Our Lord referred to the Pharisees as vipers, painted spulchers, and as having the devil for their father; He scourged the money changers out of the temple.  Nado needs to be scourged off of public forums, so much damage does he do to the Catholic Faith.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #6 on: January 31, 2015, 08:57:30 PM »
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  • Quote from: Nobody
    Why don't you two show us how Catholics are to forgive each other and pray for each other's conversion instead. That way we all win.

    This has nothing to do with "forgiveness", Nobody.  I am no one to forgive or not to forgive Nado.  That's not mine but God's.  But so long as Nado keeps posting his perversions of Catholic theology on this forum, I will continue to excoriate him for it.  I am not going to let his trash slide idly by and say nothing about it out of some false "charity" or in a spirit of "forgiveness".  Standing up for the truth is not contrary to charity.  Let's say someone were constantly posing offenses against Our Blessed Mother on the forum.  Should I "forgive" that and say nothing of it in a spirit of "charity" and let the continuing comments go unaddressed?  What Nado does is an analogous offense against Holy Mother Church.  Were it not for the vacuum of authority in the Church today, Nado would long have been ordered to shut up and never speak about Catholicism in public again ... if not outright excommunicated.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #7 on: January 31, 2015, 09:01:19 PM »
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    Jerome’s commentaries were not esoteric flights of scholarly fancy. The irascible scholar sometimes used his role as a biblical commentator to give his opinion on ecclesiastical controversies of his day, some of which were occasioned by his work. His comments sometimes use personal invective against his opponents that, by today’s standards, seems harsh and sarcastic.

    For example, Jerome had a running quarrel with another Christian commentator named Rufinus. In the Preface to his translation of the Book of Ezekiel, Jerome wrote of the recently deceased Rufinus: “Now that the scorpion lies buried....” He once described the heretic Pelagius as the most stupid of persons whose wits were dulled by too much Scottish porridge.

    Charity has precious little to do with "nitheness"; that's a modern perversion of the concept into pure emotion.

    Offline Nobody

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    « Reply #8 on: January 31, 2015, 10:00:19 PM »
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  • Quote from: Ladislaus
    Quote from: Nobody
    Why don't you two show us how Catholics are to forgive each other and pray for each other's conversion instead. That way we all win.

    This has nothing to do with "forgiveness", Nobody.  I am no one to forgive or not to forgive Nado.  That's not mine but God's.  But so long as Nado keeps posting his perversions of Catholic theology on this forum, I will continue to excoriate him for it.  I am not going to let his trash slide idly by and say nothing about it out of some false "charity" or in a spirit of "forgiveness".  Standing up for the truth is not contrary to charity.  Let's say someone were constantly posing offenses against Our Blessed Mother on the forum.  Should I "forgive" that and say nothing of it in a spirit of "charity" and let the continuing comments go unaddressed?  What Nado does is an analogous offense against Holy Mother Church.  Were it not for the vacuum of authority in the Church today, Nado would long have been ordered to shut up and never speak about Catholicism in public again ... if not outright excommunicated.

    The problem is not the fact that you make the effort to "reprove, entreat and rebuke", but that you do not do so "in all patience and doctrine." (II Timothy 4:2)

    I would myself not put up with people calling me the things you have called Nado. And neither would you put up with it. You will not catch many flies with vinegar.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #9 on: February 01, 2015, 06:52:14 AM »
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  • And yet some people should be beaten with fists -- I guess that too was an "uncharitable" thing to say.  When you call my comments "harsh and uncharitable", the harsh part is objectively correct, whereas the uncharitable part involves a judgment on your end with regards to my dispositions in the internal forum.  Harsh does not necessarily mean uncharitable.  Indeed Our Lord was often harsh with the Pharisees.  So, for instance, Nado objects to where I state that his father is the devil.  So that comment is inherently uncharitable?  Obviously not, for otherwise you would be accusing Our Lord of uncharitable behavior.  While I am not in any way trying to compare myself with Our Lord, the point I am trying to illustrate is that harsh does not mean uncharitable.  That notion comes from this feminized emotional concept of charity that the modern world has been trying to suffocate everyone with, that same notion of charity that drives Francis to condone and "not judge" ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity.

    I will, later today, objectively demonstrate with concrete examples the over-the-top boorish behavior of one Nado here on CI wherein he makes himself an occasion of sin against charity and grossly offends against the Catholic Faith.

    Offline Stubborn

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    « Reply #10 on: February 01, 2015, 12:30:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: Nado
    Quote from: Nobody
    Who is going to be the winner in this ?

    I get sometimes frustrated too by some of Nado's posts, but I must say that he does not throw insults around and certainly does not say such harsh and uncharitable things as Ladislaus at times throws at him. And while I mostly disagree with Nado, he does force me to think things through and do my homework. Isn't that what a forum is all about ? And likewise with Ladislaus, I appreciate his side too (apart from the uncharitable language at times).

    Why don't you two show us how Catholics are to forgive each other and pray for each other's conversion instead. That way we all win.

    I have been putting up with this for some time now, and this is the first time I have complained about this to the moderators right here, not in PM. It is not a matter of forgiveness because I have never shown animosity towards Ladislaus other than his wrong thinking. However, Ladislaus just dug his heals in and confirms freshly right here that I am wicked and non-Catholic filth. If there is any time to follow through with the rules, it is when someone knows he is violating them seriously and repeats his accusations.

    Let's put it this way, Matthew and MaterD would not put up with this for a second. I have been seeing these repeatedly for some time, and not retaliating. Enough is enough.

    Let's put it this way, Matthew and Ladislaus both spent a lot of time at the SSPX seminary - if you had an ounce of humility, you would already admit that in most instances, they know more than the rest of us, including you - and when you get corrected by Ladislaus, you should not argue UNLESS, you can prove him mistaken with indisputable Church sources - until then, you can learn and correct yourself - not argue with him, not recklessly dispute what he is telling you with your hair brained idea of Catholicism - and not go whining to Matthew to alert him to your obtuse incompetence in this crisis.

    You have posted many things that are absolutely anti-Catholic while trumpeting the Church is the source. Many of us have attempted to correct you but it always ends up in an argument that involves ad hominems.

    My advice to you for  the good of your soul in this crisis is to use this site to learn the Catholic faith rather than argue every aspect of it.

    "But Peter and the apostles answering, said: We ought to obey God, rather than men." - Acts 5:29

    The Highest Principle in the Church: "We are first of all under obedience to God, and only then under obedience to man" - Fr. Hesse

    Offline PerEvangelicaDicta

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    « Reply #11 on: February 01, 2015, 01:45:50 PM »
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  • Quote
    Ladislaus had all his chances during each discussion thread, and he kept bailing out and rending his garments.

    Nado, I've been keeping up with just about every theological debate here, trying to better understand Church teachings.  In truth, you use variations of the quote above quite regularly when anyone points out your errors, variations include " you're not answering my question" (which the one debating you has usually done but you keep repeating it) or "______ has run away from the discussion".   It's a unique exasperating circular style of argument, but the pattern is clear for all who are following.

    I do appreciate your intelligence and passion for our faith, but you are fixed in pride, making it almost impossible for you to be objective about corrections.  And now this thread, which I hate to say makes you seem sissy-ish. No offense intended, but a lot of us thought you were a woman when you joined the forum - that would explain your style, and this complaint.

    Lastly, Stubborn's comment is important to note. Yes, I know you've gone toe to toe with him too, but truth is truth.

    (perhaps you should PM Ladislaus directly and work out privately)

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #12 on: February 01, 2015, 01:53:32 PM »
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  • Nado is completely intolerable.  He pollutes every single theological thread on this forum, and I will no longer participate until he's gone.

    Here's the standard Nado modus operandi.

    1) Completely make up and gratuitously assert a theological principle that no Catholic theologian has ever held and one that no sedevacantist even holds.

    2) Assert this invented principle as true unless disproven ... without even so much as bothering to provide the slightest bit of proof for it (not a single citation nor a single argument).

    3) After several people thoroughly refute the principle, simply reassert it in a one-liner, without rebutting the arguments, claiming that it has never been refuted ... without ever proving it in the first place.

    EXAMPLE #1

    1) Claim that even occult heretics lose office in the Church, a principle that NO CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN holds and NO SEDEVACANTIST I've ever met holds.

    2) Several people point this out, cite authorities like St. Robert Bellarmine to the contrary.

    3) Nado comes back, over and over again, with a one-liner claiming that it has never been refuted and therefore that it's true.

    EXAMPLE #2

    1) Claim that "no true pope" could EVER tolerate any evil activity to take place within the Church, a principle that NO CATHOLIC THEOLOGIAN holds and NO SEDEVACANTIST I've ever met holds.

    2) Tries to "prove" this by making a citation to "passive infallibility" ... which has absolutely nothing to do with the assertion.

    3) When we point it out that he completely fabricated this principle, he keeps referring to the definition of "passive infallibility" (which is nothing more than a corollary to the infallibility of the Magisterium which states that those who adhere to the Magisterium are, by virtue of that adherence, infallible).

    4) Then Nado denies that he ever claimed this.

    5) Nado continues to reassert this, claiming that it has never been refuted, despite never providing ANY PROOF, ANY CITATION for his gratuitous assertion.

    Nado makes up principles, some of which are so preposterous that no theologian has ever held them, and then claims that the burden of proof is on those who do not accept the assertion.  He then continues to be an insufferable irritant by popping in every few posts with a one-liner asserting that it's never been refuted.

    That's tantamount to my claiming that when Our Lord ascended to heaven, He then went to the moon and set up a base camp there.  Since no one can refute this, it must be true.

    EXAMPLE #3

    1) Nado creates a thread claiming that non-sedevacantists deny the dogma of the infallibility of the Ordinary Universal Magisterium.

    2) Non-sedevacantists respond that they simply have a different understanding of OUM, but Nado refuses this and claims that his "question" was never answered.

    3) In point of fact, there is NO question whatsoever in the OP, just attacks against the non-SVs.

    4) Nado demands examples of things taught infallibly by the OUM.

    5) When provided these examples, Nado claims that his request for examples has not been answered.

    EXAMPLE #4

    1) Nado continues to calumniate Nishant by referring to him as a "Feeneyite".

    2) Nado refuses to take that back when called out on it.

    3) Nishant's position is the same as that held by St. Thomas Aquinas.

    4) Nado squirms out of this by claiming that the necessity of explicit belief in the Holy Trinity and Incarnation are simply for the purposes of when a priest can baptize someone, i.e. a necessity of precept and a pastoral consideration.

    5) Nado completely makes that up.  In point of fact, Nishant had spent nearly a page thoughtfully addressing the fact that these are held to be necessary as a necessity of means by all theologians before the year 1600 and by most theologians even right up until Vatican II.  So again we have Nado completely making something up, without a single source, a single citation, and claiming it to be true until it's refuted.  Despite the fact that Nishant spent a considerable amount of time addressing Nado's points, Nado simply dismisses the thoughtful post with a waive of the hand by saying it's off-topic to the thread (after HE was the one who had gone off topic in the first place).

    EXAMPLE #5

    1) Citations from St. Alphonsus about how deathbed conversions are one in a million.

    2) Nado gratuitously claims St. Alphonsus is only talking about "visible" cases and that unless people can prove that St. Alphonsus actually meant what he said, his interpretation is the true one.

    EXAMPLE #6

    1) Nado criticizes Matthew and claims that he tolerates heresy on the forum in the interests of financial gain.

    2) Nado then criticizes others for making judgments about people's motives.

    Nado is an insufferable baboon.  He has brought down the collective IQ of this forum by about 50% since he entered and started polluting pretty much any thread that I'd ever be interested in.  I've had serious disagreements with many others on this forum, but Nado is utterly intolerable.  There can be no rational discussion with the likes of him.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    « Reply #13 on: February 01, 2015, 01:56:23 PM »
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  • Quote from: PerEvangelicaDicta
    Ladislaus had all his chances during each discussion thread, and he kept bailing out and rending his garments.

    Nado, I've been keeping up with just about every theological debate here, trying to better understand Church teachings.  In truth, you use variations of the quote above quite regularly when anyone points out your errors, variations include " you're not answering my question" (which the one debating you has usually done but you keep repeating it) or "______ has run away from the discussion".   It's a unique exasperating circular style of argument, but the pattern is clear for all who are following.

    Yes, thank you.  I forgot to bring that one up.

    Combine them with the examples I cited above, and I'm pretty much done posting here on CI until Nado is gone.

    I've put him on hide a few times because I've acknowledged that he has become an occasion of sin for me, but I keep seeing his responses in other people's replies, so that has not been affective for me.

    So God bless you all.  Perhaps one of my friends can e-mail me when Nado has left.  Until then I won't post anymore.  I can't so much as start a single thread without Nado derailing it somehow and dragging it off into a direction that he fancies.

    Offline Cantarella

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    « Reply #14 on: February 01, 2015, 02:47:15 PM »
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  • Quote from: PerEvangelicaDicta
    Ladislaus had all his chances during each discussion thread, and he kept bailing out and rending his garments.

    Nado, I've been keeping up with just about every theological debate here, trying to better understand Church teachings.  In truth, you use variations of the quote above quite regularly when anyone points out your errors, variations include " you're not answering my question" (which the one debating you has usually done but you keep repeating it) or "______ has run away from the discussion".   It's a unique exasperating circular style of argument, but the pattern is clear for all who are following.

    I do appreciate your intelligence and passion for our faith, but you are fixed in pride, making it almost impossible for you to be objective about corrections.  And now this thread, which I hate to say makes you seem sissy-ish. No offense intended, but a lot of us thought you were a woman when you joined the forum - that would explain your style, and this complaint.

    Lastly, Stubborn's comment is important to note. Yes, I know you've gone toe to toe with him too, but truth is truth.

    (perhaps you should PM Ladislaus directly and work out privately)

    It is very hard to associate Nado's style of that of a man. Although he may be very young.... Anyway, a reminder here that true charity is saving people from Hell, and heresy which leads them to Hell. Nado is promoting across the forum a very feminmized, romantized, disordered Vatican II version of charity which is the root of the social and spiritual abyss we are in now. He does not really seem acquainted with the actual writings of the saints in their defense of Holy Mother Church. For example, St Jerome or St Augustine who were relentless against heretics and schismatic or any enemy of the Church.

    Quote from: Br. Francis Malus M.I.C.M

    Very few people appreciate the vehemence of the saints in combating against heresy, and designate it as lacking charity. But the saints know that true charity is saving people from hell, and heresy leads souls to hell. There is some insinuation of that judgment in the humorous story told of Pope Sixtus V. Looking at a picture of St. Jerome beating his chest with a stone, that pontiff said, as if addressing the saint in person, “you do well to hold that stone, for without it the Church would never have canonized you.”

    Quote from: St. Jerome

     "I never spared heretics and have always done my utmost so that the enemies of the Church should also be my enemies."
    If anyone says that true and natural water is not necessary for baptism and thus twists into some metaphor the words of our Lord Jesus Christ" Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit" (Jn 3:5) let him be anathema.