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Offline josefamenendez

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The Vigano Tapes:#1
« on: September 15, 2021, 12:10:13 PM »
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    Archbishop Vigano to answer daily questions for 18 days

    Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #1 on: September 15, 2021, 03:38:44 PM »
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  • Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #2 on: September 15, 2021, 03:40:55 PM »
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  • Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #3 on: September 15, 2021, 03:41:29 PM »
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  • Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #4 on: September 15, 2021, 03:41:51 PM »
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  • It’s a shame these are not also in writing.
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #5 on: September 15, 2021, 04:27:13 PM »
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  • It’s a shame these are not also in writing.
    [My own transcrption]
    The Vigano Tapes: #1/18

    Q: What do you think about the current pandemic, and about the current confusion and crisis in the Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Francis?

    +Vigano: It now seems clear to me that we are facing a siege in both the social and religious realms.  The so-called emergency pandemic has been utilized as a false pretense to impose the vaccination and green pass in many nations of the world, in a simultaneous and coordinated way.  At the same time, on the other front, not only do the ecclesiastical authorities not condemn, at the least, the abuse of power by those who govern public affairs, but they support them in this wicked plan, and go so far as to condemn those who do not accept being subjected to inoculation with an experimental gene serum, with known side-effects, that does not impart any immunity from the virus (to say nothing of the moral implications related to the presence of genetic material derived from aborted fetuses, which for a Catholic is itself more than sufficient reason to refuse the vaccine).

    We are at war.  A war that is not openly declared; that is not fought with conventional weapons, but a war all the same, in which there are aggressors and aggresses; executioners and victims; kangaroo courts and prisoners; a war in which violence is used in ostensibly legal forms in order to violate the rights of citizens as well as believers.  It is an epochal war that is a prelude to the end times and the great apostasy spoken of in sacred Scripture.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #6 on: September 15, 2021, 05:05:16 PM »
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  • [My own transcription]

    The +Vigano Tapes: #2/18 (The New Alliance)

     Q: Archbishop, you’ve spoken in very stark terms about an undeclared war, and you’ve spoken about grave dangers, but you’ve emphasized that you see a type of coordination between the globalists, as we may call them (the architects of this nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr), and the Catholic Church, with Pope Francis.  How can we explain what seems to be a new alliance?
    +Vigano: The alliance that you mention is not between the state and the Church, but between the “deep state” and the “deep church.”  That is, the degenerated components present within each. 
    This state has at its hands de bonum commune [the common good], with respect to both the natural law, as well as the divine and positive law.  The Church has a hand [sic] the salus animarum [salvation of souls], with respect to the unchanging teaching of Christ. 
    It is obvious the rulers are not pursuing the common good when they expose a population to experimentation without scientific basis, even in the face of the evidence of the vaccine’s ineffectiveness, and the damage I causes to those who have received it.  And it is equally obvious that the ecclesiastical hierarchy, insofar as I lends itself to supporting this massacre plan on the global level is an accomplice to a crime against humanity.  And even more, to a very grave sin against God.
    The Bergoglian Sanhedrin is clearly integral to the plan of the Great Reset.  On one hand, because it is pursuing ends that have nothing to do with the purpose of the Catholic Church.  And on the other, because it is hoped that its complicity can bring it some sort of  political and economic advantage in view of the New Order.
    This criminal complicity is there for all to see, and it’s further proven by Bergoglio’s obsessive vaccination campaign, which may mean a more blackmail [sic] want to impose inoculation with an experimental genetic serum on everybody.  In recent days, he has gone as far as to involve cardinals and bishops from both North and South America in this shameful propaganda, including Archbishop Gomez of Los Angeles (President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops).  They too bear responsibility for a grave crime against humanity.  Such a scandalous subservience of prelates to the infernal globalistic agenda has been surpassed only by the recent erratic rants of Bergoglio himself.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #7 on: September 16, 2021, 09:50:21 AM »
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  • Don"t know what happened to #5

    Offline josefamenendez

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #8 on: September 16, 2021, 09:53:16 AM »
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  • Here is #5

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #9 on: September 16, 2021, 11:23:25 AM »
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  • [My own transcription]

    The +Vigano Tapes: #3/18 (The Price of the Alliance)

    Q: You were telling us that the Church has made a shameful alliance with people whose goals are not the same as traditional Christian goals.  What price, in your view, is the Church paying for making this choice?  Why is it making this choice?

    +Vigano: The enslavement of the Holy See and all its peripheral entities to the pandemic narration is the pretium sanguinis [price of blood] of a scandalous betrayal.  We se the ecclesiastical hierarchy (with some exceptions) completely integral to the globalistic plan of the elite, and not only on the health issue, but also and above all, in what concerns the Great Reset, and the entire ideological structure on which it is based. 

    In order to do this, the hierarchy has had to apostatize the doctrine [sic], deny Christ, dishonor His Church.  The ecuмenism that is a prelude to the constitution of the universal religion; the fourth revolution theorized by Klaus Schwab, and the family of international finance find in Bergoglio not a neutral spectator (which would itself already be an unheard of thing), but actually a zealous cooperator who abuses his own moral authority in order to support ab extra [from the outside] outside the Church the project of the dissolution of traditional society, while ab intra [from within] within the Church he pursues the project of the demolition of the Church, in order to replace Her with a philanthropic organization of Masonic inspiration.  And it is scandalous, as well as a source of great sorrow, to see that in the face of this ruthless and cruel massacre, the majority of bishops are silent, or rather, they align themselves obediently out of fear, self-interest, or ideological blindness. 

    On the other hand, today’s hierarchy comes from the conciliar school.  It has been formed and chosen in view of this evolution.  In addition to the episcopate, all of the religious orders, universities, and Catholic institutions have been occupied since the Council by “fifth columns” that have formed a generation of clergy, politicians, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, bankers, professors, and journalists, indoctrinating them into progressive ideology.  And just as the left has done in the political and cultural sphere, so within the Church, the innovators have ostracized any voice of dissent, driven outdoors [any] who are not aligned, and expelled those who resist.

    The persecution we are witnessing today is no different from that of decades past, but now it has been extended to the masses.  While previously, it focused on individuals and the ruling class, this [i.e., today] it applies to both the civil and the ecclesiastical worlds, confirming the criminal conspiracy between the deep state and the deep church. 

    It seems to me that in this conspiracy, the role of the Jesuits has been decisive.  It is no coincidence that, for the first time in history, a religious of the Society of Jesus is seated on the throne of Peter (in violation of the Rule established by St. Ignatius of Loyola). 

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #10 on: September 16, 2021, 11:52:17 AM »
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  • [My own transcription]

    The +Vigano Tapes: #4/18 (Traditionis Custodes)

    Q: In your opinion, how does the recent papal decree Traditionis Custodes (the Guardians of Tradition) fit into what is happening on the global level?  In other words, Pope Francis on July 16, issued a startling, unexpected decree, cancelling the 1,000 year-old liturgy of the Church, saying we must now have only one liturgy, the one that was written and introduced in the 1960’s.  Many Catholics were heartbroken, because they have a deep connection with the old liturgy.  You believe that there is a connection between this decision of Pope Francis, and the preparation of the Church to ally itself to this new global order in the Great Reset.  Can you explain how the prayers in the Church are related to the Great Reset?

    +Vigano:  The decision to abolish the traditional liturgy (which was restored to the Church by Pope Benedict XVI in 2007) is not an isolated incident, and must be contextualized in a broader perspective:

    Bergoglio acts on two fronts: An ideological one, with which he wants to prevent any expression of dissent, with respect to the failure of the new conciliar path, and also a spiritual one, aimed at preventing the propagation of the objective good of the holy sacrifice of the Mass, in order to favor those who see in that Mass a terrible obstacle to the establishment of the New Order, novus ordo saeculorum [a new order of the ages (is born)]. 

    That is their reign of the Antichrist.

    It is not possible to believe that Bergoglio does not clearly understand the consequences deriving from his decision, or that he doesn’t realize that deprivingthe Church of the Apostolic Mass is to assist the eemies of Christ, and to the demon himself.  It is as if a commander of a division in the height of battle would order his soldiers to fight against tanks using slingshots, laying down the most effective weapons that would enable victory over the adversary. 

    I am convinced that the faithful, numerous priests, and some bishops are beginning to understand that the question of the traditional Mass is not merely a simple difference of opinion on liturgical matters, and for this reason, they wonder how it can be possible that Bergoglio shows so much fury against a sacrosanct rite that is over 1,000 years-old, unless he sees it as a threat to the realization of the globalist plan that he supports. 

    By the grace of God, the faith of the Church isnot in the hand of the Argentine, over whose remains the Vatican vultures are already hovering. 

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #11 on: September 16, 2021, 12:08:12 PM »
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  • [My own transcription]

    The +Vigano Tapes: #5/18 (Trapped in an Impasse)

    Q: You are telling us that the decision to change the liturgy, and to abolish the old liturgy, does have something to do with this general crisis, and the nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr.  What should be the reaction of people in the Church to what is happening, as the Church seems to be accommodating itself to a plan organized by people outside of the Church?

    +Vigano: Well, we find ourselves trapped at an impasse; a dead-end, as long as we do not recognize it for what it is.  If we think that the present crisis can be solved by addressing ourselves to the civil or religious authority, as if we were in a condition of relative normality, we continue to not understand that the responsibility for this crisis lays precisely in a betrayal carried out by those who hold authority.  We cannot ask for justice for a wrong we have suffered, if the judge were to condemn those who infringe on our rights, is their accomplice.  We cannot turn to a politician, expecting them to revoke the violation of our fundamental freedoms, if they are the very ones voting for those violations in parliaments, because they obey those who pay them or blackmail them.  And we cannot ask the bishops, and even less the Holy See, to protect the rights of the faithful, when bishops and the Vatican itself consider our request as a threat to the power they own, and to the bankrupt ideology they defend.

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #12 on: September 17, 2021, 09:55:27 AM »
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  • Part 6 and transcription: The Limits of Authority

    Q: You have spoken of feeling that we are at an impasse; a dead end, both in the Church and in the world.  You describe a type of alliance between the Church and the deep state, which you feel is not in keeping with traditional Christian teaching, or with traditional desire for freedom of the free peoples of the democratic West.  But if you are preaching this dead end or impasse, what are you suggesting to people?  Are you suggesting some type of disobedience, or some type of rêbêllïon?

    +Vigano: Catholics are naturally oriented towards order; to respect for authority and the hierarchy, because this order and authority emanated from the wisdom of God, and is necessary for the government of both, public affairs as well as the Church.  But precisely because the authority of man comes from God, Catholics, like all citizens in general, cannot accept the usurpation of authority by those who set goals opposed to the very reason for which that authority is constituted. 

    The Lord has placed at the head of the Church the successor of the Prince of the Apostles, designating him as His vicar, so that he may pastor the sheep that He has entrusted to him, not so that he may scatter them.  Otherwise, He would have chosen Judas, not Simon Peter.  Similarly, the authority of temporal rulers finds its legitimization in good government, not in making citizens into slaves, or forcing them to do evil, preventing them from pursuing the proximate end of an honest life, and the final end of eternal salvation.  If authority fails in its duties, and if it betrays and subverts them, it is no longer entitled to demand the obedience of its subjects. 

    Obedience, which is a virtuous link to justice, does not consist in an uncritical submission to power, because in doing so, it degenerates into servility and complicity with those who do evil.  No one can impose obedience to an intrinsically evil order, or recognize authority in those who abuse it to indulge in evil.  Thus, those who resist an illegitimate order apparently disobey the one who gives it, but they obey God, whose power is exercised by vicarious authority against its purpose (that is, against God Himself).

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Cera

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #13 on: September 17, 2021, 06:40:22 PM »
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  • Thank you Jose for posting this.
    And thanks to Sean too for the transcript.
    Does anyone else find this couple annoying?
    Why do they lust after the limelight?
    Why are they using Vigano to get more hits?
    A normal trad Catholic would just post what Vigano has to say.
    They reek of Opus Dei and other cultists who fancy themselves to be of the false Catholic nobility.
    Pray for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

    Offline Marion

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    Re: The Vigano Tapes:#1
    « Reply #14 on: September 17, 2021, 07:24:36 PM »
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  • It's Viganò who uses Opus Dei as his outlet.
    That meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once been declared by holy mother church. (Dei Filius)