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Author Topic: Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World  (Read 5239 times)

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Offline Alexandria

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Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
« on: May 06, 2016, 11:13:44 AM »
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  • I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    Offline nctradcath

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #1 on: May 06, 2016, 11:41:04 AM »
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  • It is only going to get darker. I have the same fears and worries. We must redouble are prayers with confidence in God during Our Rosaries. You are correct that the true priests are run ragged. The papacy was the only thing holding our degenerate world together. We have very few in proportion true masses said anymore, so the world and its people have lost an incalculable amount of graces that once spread to the world during each true mass.

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #2 on: May 06, 2016, 11:53:37 AM »
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  • Quote from: nctradcath
    It is only going to get darker. I have the same fears and worries. We must redouble are prayers with confidence in God during Our Rosaries. You are correct that the true priests are run ragged. The papacy was the only thing holding our degenerate world together. We have very few in proportion true masses said anymore, so the world and its people have lost an incalculable amount of graces that once spread to the world during each true mass.

    Yes, I know it is going to get worse.   That makes it scarier.  I'm filled with fear and anxiety all day and night.   We live in a semi-rural area - the type of place where you could have your front door and cars unlocked all night and nothing would ever happen.  Those days are gone.  We even have people walking around at night who like to start fires just for kicks.

    Drug deals go on in broad daylight in parking lots.  Someone even saw a user shoot up in a Walgreen's parking lot just the other day.

    As I've said on here before, I am isolated.  No true Catholic friends here.  That makes it harder going it alone.  

    Offline Truth is Eternal

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #3 on: May 06, 2016, 01:00:18 PM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    I am so sick of how stupid and evil so many people have become. I have neighbors who are spending lots of free time continually putting chemicals on their lawns and even mowing the lawn when it doesn't need mowing. All this madness needs to stop. Most everyone is willingly self-destructing the earth and the oceans. They are morally bankrupt and seem to have no desire to change. Hell on earth is here.
    "I Think it is Time Cathinfo Has a Public Profession of Belief." "Thank you for publicly affirming the necessity of believing, without innovations, all Infallibly Defined Dogmas of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

    Offline Cantarella

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #4 on: May 06, 2016, 01:01:11 PM »
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  • I live in an urban area and it is quite depressing to simply go out and see the general decadence of people all around me. Not only the ugliness, uncleanness and revolting immodesty are reasons for concern, but lately, what has been even more troublesome is the level of actual insanity people are displaying. Mental illness is all around us, from louds fits of rage (with an overwhelming profane and vulgar language) to people just talking loudly to themselves as if they were two persons; and sick, confused bodily language, as if devils have completely taken over their bodies.

    It is quite scary. I have concluded that the apocalypses is upon us and I think it officially began with the creation of the state of Israel in May 14 of 1948.  The demons are roaming loose.
    If anyone says that true and natural water is not necessary for baptism and thus twists into some metaphor the words of our Lord Jesus Christ" Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit" (Jn 3:5) let him be anathema.

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #5 on: May 06, 2016, 01:10:44 PM »
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  • Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    I am so sick of how stupid and evil so many people have become. I have neighbors who are spending lots of free time continually putting chemicals on their lawns and even mowing the lawn when it doesn't need mowing. All this madness needs to stop. Most everyone is willingly self-destructing the earth and the oceans. They are morally bankrupt and seem to have no desire to change. Hell on earth is here.

    I, too, am developing contempt for the majority of people, but I have to be very careful with that.  It is true that there but for the grace of God go I.  I try to counter my contempt by praying for them, but it gets harder to do every day.

    We, too, have neighbors obsessed with stupidity - be it mowing their lawns every day, their silly gardens which all of nature is supposed to be aware of and not ruin (these people drive me insane), or some other inanity that has no bearing on the salvation of their soul.

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #6 on: May 06, 2016, 01:19:24 PM »
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  • Quote from: Cantarella
    I live in an urban area and it is quite depressing to simply go out and see the general decadence of people all around me. Not only the ugliness, uncleanness and revolting immodesty are reasons for concern, but lately, what has been even more troublesome is the level of actual insanity people are displaying. Mental illness is all around us, from louds fits of rage (with an overwhelming profane and vulgar language) to people just talking loudly to themselves as if they were two persons; and sick, confused bodily language, as if devils have completely taken over their bodies.

    It is quite scary. I have concluded that the apocalypses is upon us and I think it officially began with the creation of the state of Israel in May 14 of 1948.  The demons are roaming loose.

    Cantarella, just yesterday our local police department held a press conference to discuss our "mental health crisis."  No one thinks to ask themselves what is causing it.   The liberals are the ones that thought it better to put these people on the streets instead of keeping them in institutions where they belonged.  Now, we have the mentally ill roaming about - they are homeless, drug addicts, unpredictable, and the cause of our high rate of crime.  

    Don't mention the crassness and crudity of most women and men, young boys and girls.  We have a civilization of mentally stunted adult men running around in baseball caps, rock concert t-shirts and long hair trying to relive the sixties.  We have legalized marijuana here which makes everything worse.  Whenever a store moves into the area, drug cartels are not far behind, and the neighborhood, no matter how once wonderful it was, nosedives in about a year.

    Young girls are sickening.  Most are unmarried and keep having babies.  They go from shack up to shack up.  The young boys are worse.  Their brains need to relocate back to where they  belong.   Which brings me to the porn industry which has I don't know how many men hooked.
    Does no one have any self-control anymore?  

    Satan and his minions are let loose here.    And now the summer is upon us.  Noise, noise and more noise.

    Do you have a problem with boom car stereos where you are?  They are enough to put me over the edge.

    Another thing:  can no one do anything anymore without playing a radio?  

    Offline Truth is Eternal

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #7 on: May 06, 2016, 01:35:52 PM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    I am so sick of how stupid and evil so many people have become. I have neighbors who are spending lots of free time continually putting chemicals on their lawns and even mowing the lawn when it doesn't need mowing. All this madness needs to stop. Most everyone is willingly self-destructing the earth and the oceans. They are morally bankrupt and seem to have no desire to change. Hell on earth is here.

    I, too, am developing contempt for the majority of people, but I have to be very careful with that.  It is true that there but for the grace of God go I.  I try to counter my contempt by praying for them, but it gets harder to do every day.

    We, too, have neighbors obsessed with stupidity - be it mowing their lawns every day, their silly gardens which all of nature is supposed to be aware of and not ruin (these people drive me insane), or some other inanity that has no bearing on the salvation of their soul.

    Another very scary trend I am noticing, as situations across the earth become more desperate,  many people, as they are becoming increasingly angrier, are very intent on finding other people to blame for the earths problems instead of admitting the effects of original sin on everyone. They so desperately want to believe they can continue their present lifestyle indefinitely, they will wrongly accuse certain people or certain groups of people for causing these problems to the point of wanting innocent people dead.
    "I Think it is Time Cathinfo Has a Public Profession of Belief." "Thank you for publicly affirming the necessity of believing, without innovations, all Infallibly Defined Dogmas of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #8 on: May 06, 2016, 01:37:29 PM »
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  • Can anyone help me with what to do to deal with it?  Please believe me when I say that it is getting to be more than I can handle.  It's made worse because of my age and remembering a sane Church and a saner country - so I know more than those who were born into the cesspool what is was like before it became one.

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #9 on: May 06, 2016, 01:39:48 PM »
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  • Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    I am so sick of how stupid and evil so many people have become. I have neighbors who are spending lots of free time continually putting chemicals on their lawns and even mowing the lawn when it doesn't need mowing. All this madness needs to stop. Most everyone is willingly self-destructing the earth and the oceans. They are morally bankrupt and seem to have no desire to change. Hell on earth is here.

    I, too, am developing contempt for the majority of people, but I have to be very careful with that.  It is true that there but for the grace of God go I.  I try to counter my contempt by praying for them, but it gets harder to do every day.

    We, too, have neighbors obsessed with stupidity - be it mowing their lawns every day, their silly gardens which all of nature is supposed to be aware of and not ruin (these people drive me insane), or some other inanity that has no bearing on the salvation of their soul.

    Another very scary trend I am noticing, as situations across the earth become more desperate,  many people, as they are becoming increasingly angrier, are very intent on finding other people to blame for the earths problems instead of admitting the effects of original sin on everyone. They so desperately want to believe they can continue their present lifestyle indefinitely, they will wrongly accuse certain people or certain groups of people for causing these problems to the point of wanting innocent people dead.

    You're right - the victim mentality - no one takes responsibility for their actions.  It is always everyone else's or someone else's fault.  Or else they blame it on some mental illness - real or imagined - just so they have an excuse for their bad conduct.

    It's all over and getting worse.

    Offline Truth is Eternal

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #10 on: May 06, 2016, 01:43:51 PM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    Can anyone help me with what to do to deal with it?  Please believe me when I say that it is getting to be more than I can handle.  It's made worse because of my age and remembering a sane Church and a saner country - so I know more than those who were born into the cesspool what is was like before it became one.

    keeping a strong prayer life, receiving Catholic Sacraments often, and reading good Catholic books are very important in these times. God has a plan, and as far as I concerned, it can't come soon enough. Life is getting more difficult everyday.
    "I Think it is Time Cathinfo Has a Public Profession of Belief." "Thank you for publicly affirming the necessity of believing, without innovations, all Infallibly Defined Dogmas of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

    Offline Truth is Eternal

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #11 on: May 06, 2016, 01:47:10 PM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    I'm having a very, very hard time dealing with the evil that surrounds me.  It has increased a hundred-fold in the past decades; most noticeably since the year 2000, it seems to have gotten worse.  Much, much worse.

    The city in which we live has gone down the tubes the past two years or so - crime, murder, ѕυιcιdєs, drug dealers and increased usage (primarily meth and heroin), sex slaves/human trafficking in our city.  The police department arrests them, the judges let them go and they are back on the streets and in business.    If things go on like this, and if people do not start getting justice, they are going to create a vigilante society.   Maybe that is what they want.

    Good God, how can He allow all of this to go on?  Especially when it comes to human trafficking - most the girls are young - many are little girls.  Some of the adolescent girls are fed drugs while used for elite prostitution (by that I mean, the price tag on them is so steep, only the wealthy can afford them) until they get pregnant.  Once the baby is delivered, it is sold to whomever for whatever nefarious purposes.

    It's not going away but only getting worse.  The Church which used to be a haven for us and a safe refuge, is nothing of a sort today.  Our traditional chapels are full of compromisers who live with one foot in one world and the other foot in another.

    There is no priest to talk to.  They are all too busy running here and there.  

    Am I alone?  Is there anyone else here that is going through something similar or maybe the same?

    I am so sick of how stupid and evil so many people have become. I have neighbors who are spending lots of free time continually putting chemicals on their lawns and even mowing the lawn when it doesn't need mowing. All this madness needs to stop. Most everyone is willingly self-destructing the earth and the oceans. They are morally bankrupt and seem to have no desire to change. Hell on earth is here.

    I, too, am developing contempt for the majority of people, but I have to be very careful with that.  It is true that there but for the grace of God go I.  I try to counter my contempt by praying for them, but it gets harder to do every day.

    We, too, have neighbors obsessed with stupidity - be it mowing their lawns every day, their silly gardens which all of nature is supposed to be aware of and not ruin (these people drive me insane), or some other inanity that has no bearing on the salvation of their soul.

    Another very scary trend I am noticing, as situations across the earth become more desperate,  many people, as they are becoming increasingly angrier, are very intent on finding other people to blame for the earths problems instead of admitting the effects of original sin on everyone. They so desperately want to believe they can continue their present lifestyle indefinitely, they will wrongly accuse certain people or certain groups of people for causing these problems to the point of wanting innocent people dead.

    You're right - the victim mentality - no one takes responsibility for their actions.  It is always everyone else's or someone else's fault.  Or else they blame it on some mental illness - real or imagined - just so they have an excuse for their bad conduct.

    It's all over and getting worse.

    Imagine how people will react when the Dollar and Euro collapse.  :pray:
    "I Think it is Time Cathinfo Has a Public Profession of Belief." "Thank you for publicly affirming the necessity of believing, without innovations, all Infallibly Defined Dogmas of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

    Offline Alexandria

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #12 on: May 06, 2016, 01:52:25 PM »
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  • Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    Can anyone help me with what to do to deal with it?  Please believe me when I say that it is getting to be more than I can handle.  It's made worse because of my age and remembering a sane Church and a saner country - so I know more than those who were born into the cesspool what is was like before it became one.

    keeping a strong prayer life, receiving Catholic Sacraments often, and reading good Catholic books are very important in these times. God has a plan, and as far as I concerned, it can't come soon enough. Life is getting more difficult everyday.

    It can't come soon enough for me either.

    God bless you for your advice.  Please keep me in your prayers.  

    Offline Truth is Eternal

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    Dealing With The Increasingly Evil World
    « Reply #13 on: May 06, 2016, 02:04:59 PM »
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  • Quote from: Alexandria
    Quote from: Truth is Eternal
    Quote from: Alexandria
    Can anyone help me with what to do to deal with it?  Please believe me when I say that it is getting to be more than I can handle.  It's made worse because of my age and remembering a sane Church and a saner country - so I know more than those who were born into the cesspool what is was like before it became one.

    keeping a strong prayer life, receiving Catholic Sacraments often, and reading good Catholic books are very important in these times. God has a plan, and as far as I concerned, it can't come soon enough. Life is getting more difficult everyday.

    It can't come soon enough for me either.

    God bless you for your advice.  Please keep me in your prayers.  

    I will keep you in my prayers.

    My life is a mess right now. I have a dying cat which is less than 2 years old  Because I couldn't find a living wage job, the house is in foreclosure. Instead of getting better, everything keeps getting worse. I wish God would let me know what to do.
    "I Think it is Time Cathinfo Has a Public Profession of Belief." "Thank you for publicly affirming the necessity of believing, without innovations, all Infallibly Defined Dogmas of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."

    Offline Alexandria

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    « Reply #14 on: May 06, 2016, 05:15:19 PM »
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  • TIE, I am sorry your life is seemingly so awful right now.  I say "seemingly" because your losing your home could be a blessing in disguise for what is coming down the pike.

    Besides.  "Owning" a home is an illusion.   Try not paying your property taxes for three years and see what happens.   Who, then, really owns your home?