I dunno, something just seems illogical/nonsensical. If someone is outside the church they are outside the church...
That's right, 100% correct, and if the heretic was never Catholic, or if the agnostic, prot, Hindu, Jєω etc, was never Catholic, they are outside of the Church. One must first be a Catholic in order for them to always be Catholic.
When a Catholic loses his faith and becomes a heretic, he is not outside of the Church. He remains a Catholic, member of the Church on earth until death. And whatever else he does, whatever other sins he commits in this life, the Church urges him to and he has the opportunity of going to confession and being absolved of all his sins, including his sins of heresy until his last breath in the sacrament of Penance, and if repentant in his last agony he may also receive the Last Rites - which means he can receive the sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist and Extreme Unction - and be saved. We know the Church permits these sacraments only to Catholics, to members of the Church.
It only seems illogical/nonsensical until you accept that heresy, schism and apostacy are sins, or mortal sins, and that all sins of whatever type and however grave can be forgiven in the sacrament of penance, which is a sacrament only for Catholics. So provided that one was once a Catholic, having the opportunity to make use of these sacraments, they remain a Catholic. It is really very simple. They are of course typically not Catholic in their actions, words or deeds, but Catholic none the less - and in dire need of confession.
Even Fred and Bob knew and embraced this truth. However, once they chose to go sede, this truth was among the first to go because it had to be among the first to go. Even tho they twist this truth, and get others to twist this truth, this something that must be done in order to make it mean something contrary so as to use as a support for their sede narrative.
This is only one example of why DL correctly stated that there is more to sedeism than simply a vacant chair.