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Author Topic: Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?  (Read 861 times)

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Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
« on: March 04, 2017, 04:27:47 PM »
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  • Does “Bell Curve” book say Whites are superior?

    OK, I have not read that book in its entirety (written about 1994). It is about how IQ tests indicate (I think it was IQ tests... some kind of test or another) that whites are “smarter” than blacks, & Asians are “smarter” than whites (score higher on said tests)

    But should a person conclude that since some IQ (or IQ-like) test shows one race consistently scores higher over another... that proves that that race is superior?

    I guess if you value having a high IQ your answer might be Yes.

    But, for one thing, you have to look at how IQ is measured. You have to know such things as: Who wrote/invented the IQ test given? What criteria did he/she use? How subjective or objective-minded  is that person or persons?

    I haven't studied all that. I wonder if anyone has? But in any case, here is a point concerning something I do know:

    people with high IQs are NOT superior to those with low IQs, at least not in the eyes of God.

    Hopefully, people still care what He thinks? I wonder sometimes..

    If you think certain people are superior to others, well, you are an elitist, and obviously, the nαzιs had the same way of thinking, that certain people were inherently inferior based on their (the nαzιs') criteria, a dangerous pathway to go down, 2 say the least..

    And our society HAS gone down that pathway,  :scared2:   probably always has. You know how it goes:  The rich & middle-class are always seen as better than the poor, the chronically homeless being all but worthless—ignore-worthy... The opinions of the wealthy and prestigious among us are seen as far more valuable than those of the lower-class, etc, which of course are not worthy of consideration at all.. Those already-born are “more human,”  more worthy than those who live in the womb (well, at least the homeless can feel superior to someone...).

    So the guy on the news last night who accused this said author of saying that whites are superior to blacks is likely being very dishonest. I only say “likely” b/c, again, I haven't read the whole book. For all I know, the book does postulate what that guest accuses it of, but I doubt it. The author was on some talk show years ago and did not come across as a racist, just a scientist who has studied data (aka: facts)—go figure...  But the Left do not acknowledge cold, hard science if it interferes with their agenda. Look at the climate change (being caused by humans) issue, a prime example.

     And then they have the nerve to laugh at people who “blindly” follow Jesus. Please!  



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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #1 on: March 04, 2017, 05:37:09 PM »
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  • White supremacists are not Catholic

    Offline Matthew

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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #2 on: March 04, 2017, 05:46:01 PM »
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  • With fallen human nature, It is natural for

    the strong to exploit the weak
    the bold to exploit the timid
    men to exploit women
    the clever to exploit the less clever

    Only the Catholic Faith can help us all live in harmony and avoid some of the sufferings that would be present in a truly "dog eat dog" world.

    When the Catholic Faith is rejected, you get exactly that: the law of the jungle. And then heaven help you if you are not a physically/mentally/emotionally strong, intellectually superior, healthy adult male!

    Obviously God loves all men, and doesn't want 85% of us to have to suffer that kind of tyranny, which is why He gave us the Catholic Faith.

    But, that having been said, no one loves inequality (on Earth) more than God. Everything God creates has an unlimited level of hierarchy and variety.

    P.S. Just as we Catholics shouldn't be envious of the superior spiritual gifts received by various Saints, the same goes for the natural order: those with a 100 IQ shouldn't be envious or jealous of the mental faculties given to, say, Einstein or someone with a very high IQ.

    We all have to have humility if we want to get to heaven. "become like a little child" and all that.

    P.P.S. Life isn't all smooth sailing for those with high IQs. They are often misjudged, lonely, and have a hard time dealing with being so different from everyone else. Some of them almost consider it a curse. Long story short, there is ample room for suffering in any human life, regardless of IQ. The sufferings will just be different, that's all.

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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #3 on: March 04, 2017, 09:17:21 PM »
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  • In my youth I was accepted into Mensa.  Now I'm  lucky if I can set the thermostat correctly. IQ means little. I would gladly trade 40 IQ points to have made wiser decisions, especially regarding my spiritual life. Odd how the more I lose, the happier and closer to Christ I become. IQ test scores make no one superior to anyone else, except possibly in regards to  sinful Pride of Intellect, which is both insidious and spiritually deadly.


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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #4 on: March 05, 2017, 01:52:08 PM »
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  • First off, the term "white supremacist " was invented by the Jєωs mainly to
    divide people and degrade people whom happen to of European decent.
    You never hear of "black supremacy" and "Mexican supremacy".
    These same Jєωιѕн intellectuals sold us the falsehoods that only whites
    can be racists. That white Americans have privileges despite all the
    favoritism in law that put non whites in front for jobs and entrance to
    These Jєωιѕн Intellectuals cover up black on white crime in the media
    they all owned. They praise black criminals  in the attacks on the
    police such as Black Lives Matter.  
    Why in a white neighborhood there is far less crime than experienced
    in black and mexican neighborhood and the gang cultures that are
    infested in these neighborhoods.
    Liberals will blame white racism and never solve the crime and the
    gang cultures that rules these neighborhoods.
    More non white migrants and immigrants will just make the problems
    worse until society becomes ungovernable.
    The only answer that can be given that liberalism needs lots of crime
    to flourish and a dangerous society keeps them in power.


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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #5 on: March 07, 2017, 06:37:25 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    With fallen human nature, It is natural for

    the strong to exploit the weak
    the bold to exploit the timid
    men to exploit women
    the clever to exploit the less clever

    Only the Catholic Faith can help us all live in harmony and avoid some of the sufferings that would be present in a truly "dog eat dog" world.

    When the Catholic Faith is rejected, you get exactly that: the law of the jungle.

    yes, i have had this thought many many times

    there but for the grace of God go we...


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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #6 on: March 07, 2017, 06:39:38 PM »
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  • Quote from: Guest
    First off, t
    The only answer that can be given that liberalism needs lots of crime
    to flourish and a dangerous society keeps them in power.

    4 sure


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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #7 on: March 08, 2017, 02:10:38 PM »
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  • high IQ is not always good

    some are super smart in one area, dumb in others


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    Does Bell Curve book say Whites are superior?
    « Reply #8 on: March 09, 2017, 04:22:00 PM »
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  • Quote
    high IQ is not always good

    Ted Kaczynski, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, etc, ad infinitim.