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Offline St Giles

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Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
« Reply #30 on: April 19, 2024, 03:18:00 PM »
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  • These days, I try not to brush aside anything that the Church approves under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It would be terrible if the Holy Spirit abandons the Church when she is making such important acts of discernment, we would be lost then. :(
    If anything, the Popes abandoned the Holy Spirit during the second Vatican Council and did the work of men. It's a very interesting subject to study, in which you will find that the Holy Spirit was still there preserving the church, and that all of the errors of Vatican II were already condemned. Strangely the Popes did nothing after Vat II when things were getting worse in the church even after drawing a connection to the council. Have confidence and much peace. Don't let anything agitate you or take your peace. This is just another trial the church is going through like so many before, such as the Arian heresy, but this time it's more like the church is on the cross than just scourged, because we are dealing with the synthesis of all heresies. Pray the Rosary, if possible 15 mysteries per day, pray for a holy Pope, Bishops, and Priests. And get a Douay Rheims Bible with the Haydock compiled Commentary.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline StrivingCatholic

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #31 on: April 22, 2024, 05:08:37 AM »
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  • If anything, the Popes abandoned the Holy Spirit during the second Vatican Council and did the work of men. It's a very interesting subject to study, in which you will find that the Holy Spirit was still there preserving the church, and that all of the errors of Vatican II were already condemned. Strangely the Popes did nothing after Vat II when things were getting worse in the church even after drawing a connection to the council. Have confidence and much peace. Don't let anything agitate you or take your peace. This is just another trial the church is going through like so many before, such as the Arian heresy, but this time it's more like the church is on the cross than just scourged, because we are dealing with the synthesis of all heresies. Pray the Rosary, if possible 15 mysteries per day, pray for a holy Pope, Bishops, and Priests. And get a Douay Rheims Bible with the Haydock compiled Commentary.
    My apologies if it took me awhile to respond to your post and others like it, simply because I do not know yet how to respond during this period and that I am kinda in shock due to the immaturity of my journey, before I came to a realisation that I am in a Traditional Catholic forum :laugh2:. Shocked, not because I have not heard of 'Traditional' vs 'Progressive' Catholics on the media, but rather shocked that the 'divide' includes the Divine Mercy as well.

    Can we safely assume that despite the 'divide', that saying the Divine Mercy at 3pm is harmless while we continue with the Rosary in the evenings? Truth be told, I don't think I am ready to take on any sides or study the trials going on within the Church yet. :facepalm: 

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Traditional Catholics eg. we should be kneeling and receiving communion on the tongue, etc. As a matter of fact, I think that is the most beautiful way of expressing reverence for the Body of Christ. However, our priest in RCIA did kinda express a slight disdain for that form of reception due to 'hygiene' reasons because of Covid. I think he did mention that if we must have that kind of reception of the Holy Communion, we should be the last in line, in consideration of those who wishes to receive in the hand. I couldn't seem to bring myself to receive on my knees and on the tongue, truth be told...I am kinda shy since everyone is receiving in the hand :laugh1:

    Offline Marulus Fidelis

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #32 on: April 22, 2024, 05:14:17 AM »
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  • My apologies if it took me awhile to respond to your post and others like it, simply because I do not know yet how to respond during this period and that I am kinda in shock due to the immaturity of my journey, before I came to a realisation that I am in a Traditional Catholic forum :laugh2:. Shocked, not because I have not heard of 'Traditional' vs 'Progressive' Catholics on the media, but rather shocked that the 'divide' includes the Divine Mercy as well.

    Can we safely assume that despite the 'divide', that saying the Divine Mercy at 3pm is harmless while we continue with the Rosary in the evenings? Truth be told, I don't think I am ready to take on any sides or study the trials going on within the Church yet. :facepalm:

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Traditional Catholics eg. we should be kneeling and receiving communion on the tongue, etc. As a matter of fact, I think that is the most beautiful way of expressing reverence for the Body of Christ. However, our priest in RCIA did kinda express a slight disdain for that form of reception due to 'hygiene' reasons because of Covid. I think he did mention that if we must have that kind of reception of the Holy Communion, we should be the last in line, in consideration of those who wishes to receive in the hand. I couldn't seem to bring myself to receive on my knees and on the tongue, truth be told...I am kinda shy since everyone is receiving in the hand :laugh1:
    I sincerely recommend you watch this video on the "Divine Mercy devotion": 

    Touching the Body of Christ with unconsecrated hands is sacrilegious and isn't allowed in Catholic Masses.
    This is a great video about the Novus Ordo fake Mass full of irreverence:

    This information might shock you, but remember to pray the rosary daily for the light of Truth and trust in God.

    God bless.

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #33 on: April 22, 2024, 05:47:56 AM »
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    A good thread from last year on the divine mercy, this exposes some of the human element of the devotion.

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #34 on: April 22, 2024, 05:50:48 AM »
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  • . However, our priest in RCIA did kinda express a slight disdain for that form of reception due to 'hygiene' reasons because of Covid. 
    This is horrible. This 'priest' does not understand the respect we must show to the Lord's most sacred Body. Even the priest has to wash his fingers with Holy Water before he can touch it... How can a layperson then do so? And what about hygiene towards our Lord?

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #35 on: April 22, 2024, 03:42:13 PM »
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  • I wouldn't get to hung up on the Divine Mercy prayers. The prayer itself won't do any harm but I believe what was condemned was the claims of Sr Faustina. We have depended on Divine Mercy for a long time and we need it badly. It is the modern interpretation and presumption that is condemned, as I understand it.  BTW, I'm no expert.

    Also, there's much more to tradition than our postures and other visible manifestations. You need to investigate the purpose in breaking with tradition.
    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
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    Offline Simeon

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #36 on: April 22, 2024, 03:54:12 PM »
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  • Dear Striving Catholic,

    Would you like to tell us a bit about your conversion? Approx how old are you; and how did you come to RCIA and the decision about the Catholic Church? Did you come in alone, or with others, like family or friends?

    Thank you,
    In Christ

    Offline AnthonyPadua

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #37 on: April 22, 2024, 07:42:25 PM »
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    Another good video on the divine mercy

    Offline StrivingCatholic

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #38 on: April 23, 2024, 12:47:57 AM »
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  • I sincerely recommend you watch this video on the "Divine Mercy devotion":

    Touching the Body of Christ with unconsecrated hands is sacrilegious and isn't allowed in Catholic Masses.
    This is a great video about the Novus Ordo fake Mass full of irreverence:

    This information might shock you, but remember to pray the rosary daily for the light of Truth and trust in God.

    God bless.
    I did a little research and found some good information around. I think it is actually allowed as a special permission based on the Roman Archdiocese of Singapore, but on the tongue is still considered the norm. 

    It does make sense though, as it would be extremely uncharitable and unloving towards those who have weaker immune systems or are more vulnerable in health, if one insists on sticking rigidly to a form or tradition due to our own pride and disobedience, especially when the current global situation deems it still unsafe. Pssst I used to be like that and still in danger of being that.

    One can only pray that this Covid pandemic clear up quickly :pray:, so the Church can finally take away Communion in the hand and enforce it on the tongue? ::) Not sure how it all works.

    I found other info on the topic of receiving communion with unconsecrate hands, and frankly I take comfort in this link, knowing Catholics have been receiving on the hands for the first 800 years of Christianity, before switching to the tongue:  

    Offline Kephapaulos

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #39 on: April 23, 2024, 01:24:43 AM »
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  • Hang in there, StrivingCatholic. The devil always attacks. Be strong and grow in the true faith. You are in my prayers. :pray:

    Remember 1 Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith..."
    "Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed nomini tuo da gloriam..." (Ps. 113:9)

    Offline StrivingCatholic

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #40 on: April 23, 2024, 02:06:19 AM »
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  • Dear Striving Catholic,

    Would you like to tell us a bit about your conversion? Approx how old are you; and how did you come to RCIA and the decision about the Catholic Church? Did you come in alone, or with others, like family or friends?

    Thank you,
    In Christ
    Well it's actually a very long story, for those who can keep their eyes open.:laugh2:

    I am actually 45 now. The seed was planted by my aunt more than 20 years ago while I was still a drug user since I was a teen. During that time, I joined gangs and always gotten high from drugs and whatnot in my teenage years, before I joined the National Service in Singapore (a mandatory 2-year military training for those aged 18). Even during the period where I was in the military for those couple of years, I was extremely rebellious and continued with drugs and AWOLed multiple times, landed myself into prison and detention barracks. I had no dreams, no future... all I wanted was the next high. My late mother did not even know how to help me anymore and sort of gave up.

    However, during the period where I AWOLed for the last time (I think), I was hiding out in my home then, my aunt gave me a call to talk to me about praying to God for deliverance and help. She gave me my first 1 decade rosary, crucifix and miraculous medal, and slowly mentored me day-after-day in my prayer life while I was on AWOL. Never once did she mention I should surrender to the authorities but she tell me to keep praying. In my desperation, I felt a close affinity to the Virgin Mary then and seem to love to spend time with her. There was serenity and courage during that period of time when I was reciting the rosary. Bear in mind, I was young and could only do 5 decades each time and even then it took me over 40 mins because I was very careful to meditate on each mystery for 5 mins before praying the Hail Mary fervently, instead of just chanting it.Over time, I contemplated on baptism one day but I know if I do not surrender to the authorities, I will still be stuck in that situation and cannot attend RCIA for a year to get baptised. Finally, I made the decision to surrender and stood infront of the detention barracks, which they were caught by surprised because no one actually goes there to surrender. :laugh1: But the entire time, there was no fear but only consolation that I wasn't alone at all but our Mother was with me. They did not ill-treat me or spoke harshly to me either (which was common to those waiting to be charged here).

    However, upon release, I quickly forgot about God and strayed away once more. After I left the Army, I took on a couple of jobs before finally landing on a job which promoted me to a managerial role for a time-sharing company at the age of 22. To be honest, that is not a good age to become a manager, at least for me. Soon I was on 'higher-class drugs', rented a room in a private apartment, lavish money and gifts on people who would be my 'friends'. It wasn't long before I lost my job, income and got stuck again. Broke as I was, I was too proud to ask anyone for help. Until the very last few days where my money can still sustain me on simple food, in my desperation, I knelt and begged God to save me because I have nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to since those 'friends' kinda vanished. Few minutes later, my late mother called me on my phone which she rarely does and somehow in that conversation which I couldn't recall very well, she told me to return home.

    Even with that loud and clear help from God, I still strayed and forgot about Him. I did manage to hold on to my jobs after that and became clean many years. Got married (civil marriage) because of a pregnancy, marriage did not last as the woman I married was an adulterer which tore our marriage apart and I left them for several years (I am no saint either). My heart broke, despair and suicidal thoughts were in my mind several times as I always find myself alot on the rooftops somewhere looking down, but never could bring myself to end it but at least it is silent and dark being alone on the rooftop. I have stopped loving her but its me who is afraid of change for some unknown reason. Then again one night, I begged God again, once more in my desperation to be released from this suffering, and anxiety... and take me, I remember I told Him I do not wish to go to Hell but to end all of my existence, mind, body and soul so I do not even exist anywhere. Silly I know but... :facepalm: I was desperate.

    So finally a divorce took place, and surprisingly, things did not turn out as bad as I imagined it to be. I only need to pay for child support and I would have to buy over my ex-spouse's share of our house. There were still a lot of paperwork to be done after that for the house, so let's leave that aside for now. It wasn't long before I met another woman...this time, a Catholic woman who is very nurturing and loving. We fell in love. At that time, I suddenly recalled that I did ask God for a Catholic partner when I was probably still in my teenager years. And I can kinda guessed why He won't give me a Catholic partner then because I could never treasure whoever He gave me at that age. But He did answer my prayer after all, but at His own time.

    Frankly, the timing He brought her to my life could never be better. She has nurtured me out of my trauma and pain, and even knows how to soothe my anger (I have anger issues due to constantly using anger to balm my hurts and pains so as not to feel it, which is a dangerous thing to do to oneself). She has even loaned me $15K to help pay off my ex-spouse's share of the house, and we rented the rooms out and all rent proceeds are used to pay for my debt to her. I knew at that time she was special because rarely would anyone be willing to fork out so much money to help someone they are not married to.

    Ever since then, I trust her so much that I give her control and freedom over every dollar I own. I have not given anyone such power and control in my life, until now. And I can only give praise and thanks to God who answers my prayers in times of great desperation and humility, and to bring someone like her into my life, after everything that I have ever done to disobey Him.

    I started my journey since July 2023 and baptism took place April 15th 2024.

    The End.

    Offline StrivingCatholic

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #41 on: April 23, 2024, 02:20:55 AM »
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  • Hang in there, StrivingCatholic. The devil always attacks. Be strong and grow in the true faith. You are in my prayers. :pray:

    Remember 1 Peter 5:8-9: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour. Whom resist ye, strong in faith..."
    Thank you so much, Kephapaulos! :pray:

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #42 on: April 23, 2024, 04:25:33 AM »
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  • Thank you so much for sharing your story, Striving.

    I really suggest you experience the traditional Catholic Mass. Here is a possibility for you to do that. 

    Traditional Mass – Priory of Saint Pius X, Singapore

    God bless you in your search for the Truth. 

    Help of Christians, guard our land from assault or inward stain,
    Let it be what God has planned, His new Eden where You reign.

    Offline AMDGJMJ

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #43 on: April 23, 2024, 05:27:40 AM »
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  • Well it's actually a very long story, for those who can keep their eyes open.:laugh2:

    I am actually 45 now. The seed was planted by my aunt more than 20 years ago while I was still a drug user since I was a teen. During that time, I joined gangs and always gotten high from drugs and whatnot in my teenage years, before I joined the National Service in Singapore (a mandatory 2-year military training for those aged 18). Even during the period where I was in the military for those couple of years, I was extremely rebellious and continued with drugs and AWOLed multiple times, landed myself into prison and detention barracks. I had no dreams, no future... all I wanted was the next high. My late mother did not even know how to help me anymore and sort of gave up.

    However, during the period where I AWOLed for the last time (I think), I was hiding out in my home then, my aunt gave me a call to talk to me about praying to God for deliverance and help. She gave me my first 1 decade rosary, crucifix and miraculous medal, and slowly mentored me day-after-day in my prayer life while I was on AWOL. Never once did she mention I should surrender to the authorities but she tell me to keep praying. In my desperation, I felt a close affinity to the Virgin Mary then and seem to love to spend time with her. There was serenity and courage during that period of time when I was reciting the rosary. Bear in mind, I was young and could only do 5 decades each time and even then it took me over 40 mins because I was very careful to meditate on each mystery for 5 mins before praying the Hail Mary fervently, instead of just chanting it.Over time, I contemplated on baptism one day but I know if I do not surrender to the authorities, I will still be stuck in that situation and cannot attend RCIA for a year to get baptised. Finally, I made the decision to surrender and stood infront of the detention barracks, which they were caught by surprised because no one actually goes there to surrender. :laugh1: But the entire time, there was no fear but only consolation that I wasn't alone at all but our Mother was with me. They did not ill-treat me or spoke harshly to me either (which was common to those waiting to be charged here).

    However, upon release, I quickly forgot about God and strayed away once more. After I left the Army, I took on a couple of jobs before finally landing on a job which promoted me to a managerial role for a time-sharing company at the age of 22. To be honest, that is not a good age to become a manager, at least for me. Soon I was on 'higher-class drugs', rented a room in a private apartment, lavish money and gifts on people who would be my 'friends'. It wasn't long before I lost my job, income and got stuck again. Broke as I was, I was too proud to ask anyone for help. Until the very last few days where my money can still sustain me on simple food, in my desperation, I knelt and begged God to save me because I have nowhere else to go, no one else to turn to since those 'friends' kinda vanished. Few minutes later, my late mother called me on my phone which she rarely does and somehow in that conversation which I couldn't recall very well, she told me to return home.

    Even with that loud and clear help from God, I still strayed and forgot about Him. I did manage to hold on to my jobs after that and became clean many years. Got married (civil marriage) because of a pregnancy, marriage did not last as the woman I married was an adulterer which tore our marriage apart and I left them for several years (I am no saint either). My heart broke, despair and suicidal thoughts were in my mind several times as I always find myself alot on the rooftops somewhere looking down, but never could bring myself to end it but at least it is silent and dark being alone on the rooftop. I have stopped loving her but its me who is afraid of change for some unknown reason. Then again one night, I begged God again, once more in my desperation to be released from this suffering, and anxiety... and take me, I remember I told Him I do not wish to go to Hell but to end all of my existence, mind, body and soul so I do not even exist anywhere. Silly I know but... :facepalm: I was desperate.

    So finally a divorce took place, and surprisingly, things did not turn out as bad as I imagined it to be. I only need to pay for child support and I would have to buy over my ex-spouse's share of our house. There were still a lot of paperwork to be done after that for the house, so let's leave that aside for now. It wasn't long before I met another woman...this time, a Catholic woman who is very nurturing and loving. We fell in love. At that time, I suddenly recalled that I did ask God for a Catholic partner when I was probably still in my teenager years. And I can kinda guessed why He won't give me a Catholic partner then because I could never treasure whoever He gave me at that age. But He did answer my prayer after all, but at His own time.

    Frankly, the timing He brought her to my life could never be better. She has nurtured me out of my trauma and pain, and even knows how to soothe my anger (I have anger issues due to constantly using anger to balm my hurts and pains so as not to feel it, which is a dangerous thing to do to oneself). She has even loaned me $15K to help pay off my ex-spouse's share of the house, and we rented the rooms out and all rent proceeds are used to pay for my debt to her. I knew at that time she was special because rarely would anyone be willing to fork out so much money to help someone they are not married to.

    Ever since then, I trust her so much that I give her control and freedom over every dollar I own. I have not given anyone such power and control in my life, until now. And I can only give praise and thanks to God who answers my prayers in times of great desperation and humility, and to bring someone like her into my life, after everything that I have ever done to disobey Him.

    I started my journey since July 2023 and baptism took place April 15th 2024.

    The End.

    What a story!  Keep fighting and as Nadir said, if you can experience the Traditional Mass and a good traditional priest to be your confessor, you may find the peace you are lacking.  I will be praying for you. :pray:
    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"

    Offline Marulus Fidelis

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    Re: Newly Baptised and Struggling
    « Reply #44 on: April 23, 2024, 06:08:35 AM »
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  • Got married (civil marriage) because of a pregnancy, marriage did not last as the woman I married was an adulterer which tore our marriage apart and I left them for several years (I am no saint either). My heart broke, despair and suicidal thoughts were in my mind several times as I always find myself alot on the rooftops somewhere looking down, but never could bring myself to end it but at least it is silent and dark being alone on the rooftop. I have stopped loving her but its me who is afraid of change for some unknown reason. Then again one night, I begged God again, once more in my desperation to be released from this suffering, and anxiety... and take me, I remember I told Him I do not wish to go to Hell but to end all of my existence, mind, body and soul so I do not even exist anywhere. Silly I know but... :facepalm: I was desperate.

    So finally a divorce took place, and surprisingly, things did not turn out as bad as I imagined it to be. I only need to pay for child support and I would have to buy over my ex-spouse's share of our house. There were still a lot of paperwork to be done after that for the house, so let's leave that aside for now. It wasn't long before I met another woman...this time, a Catholic woman who is very nurturing and loving. We fell in love. At that time, I suddenly recalled that I did ask God for a Catholic partner when I was probably still in my teenager years. And I can kinda guessed why He won't give me a Catholic partner then because I could never treasure whoever He gave me at that age. But He did answer my prayer after all, but at His own time.

    Frankly, the timing He brought her to my life could never be better. She has nurtured me out of my trauma and pain, and even knows how to soothe my anger (I have anger issues due to constantly using anger to balm my hurts and pains so as not to feel it, which is a dangerous thing to do to oneself). She has even loaned me $15K to help pay off my ex-spouse's share of the house, and we rented the rooms out and all rent proceeds are used to pay for my debt to her. I knew at that time she was special because rarely would anyone be willing to fork out so much money to help someone they are not married to.

    Ever since then, I trust her so much that I give her control and freedom over every dollar I own. I have not given anyone such power and control in my life, until now. And I can only give praise and thanks to God who answers my prayers in times of great desperation and humility, and to bring someone like her into my life, after everything that I have ever done to disobey Him.

    I started my journey since July 2023 and baptism took place April 15th 2024.
    Hate to be the one to break it to you, but your civil marriage was valid since you were both non-Catholics. Thus to live with this other woman, however nice she is, would be adultery.

    I did a little research and found some good information around. I think it is actually allowed as a special permission based on the Roman Archdiocese of Singapore, but on the tongue is still considered the norm.

    It does make sense though, as it would be extremely uncharitable and unloving towards those who have weaker immune systems or are more vulnerable in health, if one insists on sticking rigidly to a form or tradition due to our own pride and disobedience, especially when the current global situation deems it still unsafe. Pssst I used to be like that and still in danger of being that.

    One can only pray that this Covid pandemic clear up quickly :pray:, so the Church can finally take away Communion in the hand and enforce it on the tongue? ::) Not sure how it all works.

    I found other info on the topic of receiving communion with unconsecrate hands, and frankly I take comfort in this link, knowing Catholics have been receiving on the hands for the first 800 years of Christianity, before switching to the tongue:

    It would be uncharitable to dismiss out of hand what I charitably intimated is very important. The sources you provided are not from the Catholic Church, but the modernist sect pretending to be the Catholic Church. It's leaders enable worship of pagan idols, participate in non-Catholic worship with Jєωs, muslims, animists, and other false religions, profess that one does not have to be Catholic to be saved and many other heretical things.

    Since you didn't watch the videos I sent you, I'll provide some examples of antipope Francis committing apostasy here:

    Celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with a statue of Luther and the Vatican printed stamps with Luther replacing St. John beneath the Cross.

    Here's the antipope blessing a pagan idol representing a goddess of fertility Pachamama:

    Here's antipope John Paul II kissing the blasphemous Quran:

    Here's the same antichrist being "blessed" by an animist:

    Here's him promoting false religions at Assisi in 1986:

    Here's the current papal impostor genially receiving a blasphemous crucifix

    As I already said, the Divine Mercy devotion is condemned by the Church, communion in the hand is condemned by the Church and you can find crucial information about the Catholic faith on the links I provided. The fact that people who actively participate in the worship of false religions and blaspheme God daily say that you can commit sacrilege doesn't excuse you from touching the Body of Christ.

    You can find video evidence of the apostasy after the so-called 2nd Vatican Council here:

    I sincerely hope you will prayerfully consider the above.