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Offline Matthew

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Re: Outer Space is a deception
« Reply #45 on: May 02, 2024, 03:11:03 PM »
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  • The battle for souls is important in a time of apostasy, a time when "if it were possible even the elect may be deceived."

    Those who have fallen for the lies of evolution theory, globe earth theory, outer space theory, the earth is only one of millions of other planets theory, etc. are vulnerable to the coming fake alien deception. Forewarned is forearmed.

    Those souls (saints) centuries past who didn't have to worry about globe vs. flat earth, aren't living in today's times.

    Today we have "Science!" vs. all religion. And "Science! (TM)" has the upper hand as far as power goes, let's be real.

    Once they are crowned kings, priests, of our society, your children will accept everything else they preach/teach: evolution, aliens, sentient AI, and all other sorts of nonsense. Which WILL VERY MUCH affect their salvation, because it will affect their faith. It will destroy their faith. And that has a huge bearing on salvation, don't you think?

    Or after they are brainwashed into worshiping "Science!", they will take the next Jab and die within a short time of massive seizures, blood clots, etc. Now what? This stuff is REAL. Truth MATTERS. Now more than ever.

    (Note: Science is the study of the laws and processes of God's creation. "Science!" is an atheistic dogma-based religion masquerading as science, complete with a priesthood, list of heresies, and Index of Forbidden Books. I kid you not! One of the acts of faith, or ejaculations, in this new religion is: "I fucking LOVE Science!" another mantra is "Trust the Science!" also "The Science! is settled!")
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    Offline Cera

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #46 on: May 02, 2024, 05:19:44 PM »
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  • How did we cut our hair and nails without metal objects? Metallurgy, like speech and writing are probably available to man since the fall, around 6000 years ago and certainly since the flood approximately 4,400 years ago.
    Good point.

    The Bronze Age is a historical period lasting from approximately 3300 to 1200 BC. It is characterized by the use of bronze, the use of writing in some areas, and other features of early urban civilization. The Bronze Age is the middle principal period of the three-age system, between the Stone and Iron Ages.[1] This system was proposed in 1836 by Christian Jürgensen Thomsen for classifying and studying ancient societies and history. Worldwide, the Bronze Age generally followed the Neolithic period, with the Chalcolithic serving as a transition.
    The periodisation of the Bronze Age is generally ended with the Late Bronze Age collapse, a time of widespread societal collapse between c. 1200 and 1150 BC. This collapse affected a large area of the Eastern Mediterranean, including North Africa and Southeast Europe, as well as the Near East, in particular Egypt, eastern Libya, the Balkans, the Aegean, Anatolia, and the Caucasus. It was sudden, violent, and culturally disruptive for many Bronze Age civilizations, and it brought a sharp economic decline to regional powers, most notably ushering in the Greek Dark Ages.
    An ancient civilization is deemed to be part of the Bronze Age if it either produced bronze by smelting its own copper and alloying it with tin, arsenic, or other metals, or traded other items for bronze from producing areas elsewhere.
    Bronze Age civilizations gained a technological advantage due to bronze's harder and more durable properties than other metals available at the time. While terrestrial iron is naturally abundant, the higher temperature required for smelting, 1,250 °C (2,280 °F), in addition to the greater difficulty of working with the metal, placed it out of reach of common use until the end of the second millennium BC. Tin's lower melting point of 232 °C (450 °F) and copper's relatively moderate melting point of 1,085 °C (1,985 °F) placed both these metals within the capabilities of Neolithic pottery kilns, which date back to 6,000 BC and were able to produce temperatures of at least 900 °C (1,650 °F).[2] Copper and tin ores are rare since there were no tin bronzes in West Asia before trading in bronze began in the 3rd millennium BC.

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    Offline Gray2023

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #47 on: May 02, 2024, 08:28:19 PM »
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  • Objective reality is part of Catholic teaching, as is love of the truth.
    Differing opinions are part of life, but are not the same as relativism, which says that each man is his own little god and determines his own truth.

    As Catholics we seek the truth (aka objective reality) which may include reevaluating falsehoods which dominate and shape our current culture.
    This makes sense.  Relativism was the wrong word.  I am sorry but I have tendency to pick words I think work to find out later by discussion that it really is not what I meant.
    1 Corinthians: Chapter 13 "4 Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; 5 Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil;"

    Offline Ana Von Bingen

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #48 on: May 06, 2024, 08:07:27 PM »
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  • The idea that the Earth is just a seashell bobbing around in an infinite ocean of "outer space" is such nonsense. And it's calculated to weaken faith in God and religion, and bolster the atheistic Big Bang model of cosmology.

    At the end of the Apocalypse, God says He will create "a new heaven and a new earth". Why? If you have ALL THAT REAL ESTATE, why waste your time? (with all due respect). I mean seriously -- according to science, there HAS to be an earth-like, or even BETTER than earth-like, planet out there somewhere in the Cosmos, perhaps too far away for humans to reach. EVEN IF there is no life out there besides earth (which no "official science" textbook would ever suggest). Why wouldn't God just move his Elect instantly to another great planet he made? Why even bother with this ol' Earth? Just toss it into the sun, and move on with Your (infinite) life.

    And does that new heaven and new earth include a new sun? Because it would be a shame for the New Jerusalem to get swallowed up by a red giant Sun, golden streets and all!

    I always used to think deep down, "Can I pass on that new heaven/earth? I'd really rather like to check out those many cool exoplanets You created millions of light years away, with my new glorified body, if You don't mind that is..."

    See the problem with trying to bring atheistic religion's nonsense into the Catholic Faith? It really doesn't work.

    See, like everything else, the Bible and religion seems quite silly when you try to fit it into the atheistic context of Carl Sagan's "The Cosmos", with billions of galaxies, planets, etc. And besides, you also would expect countless other civilizations, which they are ALSO programming us to believe.

    Our Lord ascended into heaven. Which direction did he actually exit the ball Earth? Sideways? Upside down?
    Hell is supposed to be DOWN. What, into the center of the earth? And if they go too deep into hell, they emerge in China on the other side of the "planet"? Ridiculous.

    Joshua made the sun stand still. It didn't say he stopped the earth turning. And if he DID, wouldn't everything be destroyed by the sudden stop? The wind and G-forces would have been cataclysmic, and wiped out all life on earth, according to science. But Scripture says clearly: the sun stood still. I would rather take that literally, than bend over backwards to find excuses and convoluted explanations, all to defend some atheist's "billiard ball cosmos" worldview.

    They have all those cross-section cutaway views of the earth's layers and core. Guess how far they've drilled down. Anybody? Answer: 7.6 miles. That's it. All the rest of that they're pulling completely out of their butt. It's not science, it's human "faith" in some bizarre science cult.

    If heaven is ABOVE the firmament than Our Lord ascending UPWARDS makes sense. But what is heaven in the globe model? Outer space? No heaven there. Sorry, kids. Just a harsh, cruel vacuum. I guess mommy and daddy deceived you about the nature of the universe and world you live in.

    So you see, you HAVE to call bullshit on either A) the Catholic Faith or B) the heliocentric/globe model with Carl Sagan, Einstein, Steven Hawking, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, and all the rest of those clowns. NASA can't be where the truth is; they lie too much. They've been caught in more lies and deceptions than I can count. WHY are they lying?

    I choose Holy Scripture, God, and the Catholic religion. I encourage you all to do the same. But it is difficult to keep one foot in each camp. Eventually, you pick a side. May you pick the right side.

    Having your WHOLE self, your life, your beliefs, your hopes and dreams ALL in one side, all in one worldview, makes for the most stability and chance of salvation. There is no need, nor is it wise, to attempt to "square the circle" and reconcile two vastly different, contradictory, competing worldviews.
    Absolutely. Been a flat-earther since 2015 and have been pretty open about my views. Strangely (and maybe fortunately), less people seem to balk over it these days 

    Offline Ana Von Bingen

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #49 on: May 06, 2024, 08:13:12 PM »
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  • On a related subject this is the most ludicrous thing I've ever read: so you're telling me a 70s computer billions of miles away is able to receive a signal on an ancient medium (that somehow is still working) in 22hrs with no obstructions? No meteors, flares, planets etc obstruct the signal there and back? Come on
    The astronauts called Houston from the moon on a land line. :cowboy:

    Offline Ana Von Bingen

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #50 on: May 06, 2024, 08:19:09 PM »
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  • Ok i am confused.  How are the sky and space not the same space? We look in to the sky and we see stars.  A random person looks into the sky and is able to take pictures of strange things that we are told are nebulas or galaxies or planets.  But there is a deception?  What is the deception?
    "Planets" are also stars. Says so In Scripture somewhere. Have you ever seen a random star through a telescope? They look crazier than "planets", like a rave in Heaven. 

    Offline Ana Von Bingen

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #51 on: May 06, 2024, 08:52:57 PM »
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  • The battle for souls is important in a time of apostasy, a time when "if it were possible even the elect may be deceived."

    Those who have fallen for the lies of evolution theory, globe earth theory, outer space theory, the earth is only one of millions of other planets theory, etc. are vulnerable to the coming fake alien deception. Forewarned is forearmed.
    This. Our alien-obsessed glowbots are banking on it.

    Offline AlNg

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #52 on: May 21, 2024, 11:46:18 PM »
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  • Our Lord ascended into heaven. Which direction did he actually exit the ball Earth? Sideways? Upside down?
    The creed says Jesus came down from heaven:
    I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
     the Only Begotten Son of God,
     born of the Father before all ages.
     God from God, Light from Light,
     true God from true God,
     begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father;
     through him all things were made.
     For us men and for our salvation
     he came down from heaven,

    Offline AlNg

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #53 on: May 21, 2024, 11:58:52 PM »
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  • But all of that space goes straight up from the earth?
    What is beneath the flat earth and what is holding it up? 

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #54 on: May 22, 2024, 12:45:49 AM »
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  • What is beneath the flat earth and what is holding it up?

    The abyss of Hell. And the unmoving foundations of the earth. We have drilled down about 7.6 miles (in Russia) and guess what? It got much hotter much faster than Science had predicted. And they hit a wall of sorts and couldn't proceed. There might be another barrier of some kind way down there.

    But as for your specific questions -- you apparently need to ask God. You seem to think you, a mere creature, is worthy of knowing all mysteries. Go ahead; demand of the Almighty to be enlightened about all mysteries. You sound ripe for the plucking -- a perfect victim for the devil's lying tongue. Your pride makes you susceptible to demonic deception.
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    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #55 on: May 22, 2024, 07:24:11 AM »
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  • Most of the Church Fathers believed that earth was a globe (in the sense of it being surrounded by the globular firmament) and that this globe then was suspended in the middle of the waters, then at the bottom of this globe you had the earth, and toward the top the first heaven (air/atmosphere).  St. Augustine mentions that there were some who held that the earth was at the bottom of the universe, since the density of the earth would cause it to sink.  We find St. Ambrose refuting that opinion, saying instead that the globe is suspended in the waters.  St. Augustine, while holding the globe to be suspended in the waters, said that it would be permissible to hold that it's at the bottom because bottom center is still center.  In that case, the world would be shaped more like a hemisphere.  In fact, St. Augustine also refers to disputes about the shape of the earth, whether it was a sphere (suspended in the waters, with the firmament encircling the entire system) or a hemisphere (where it had settled to the bottom), and where some even held it was shaped like a cone, since some argue that the firmament was likened to a tent, and you can't have spherical tents (but he argues from the example of a leather ball, which is spherical in shape).

    And, by the way, here's where Sungenis goes off the rails.  Every time he sees the term "globe" in the Church Fathers, he reads into it (one of his own favorite terms, ironically, being "eisegesis") the NASA ball model, but the Patristic "globe" referred to the firmament encircling everything ... like a snow globe.  Heck, there was one time Sungenis even read NASA ball into a Patristic reference to "circle".  His first citation from the Fathers was St. Ambrose, but Sungenis didn't seem to realize that St. Ambrose was talking about waters striking the surface of the globe.  So, waters were hitting the surface of the NASA ball?  No, he clearly means the globe of the firmament, which keeps the waters from the surface of the earth.  In another passage, Sungenis cites a Father who likens the earth to a globe ... with a cross-sectional circle slice.  So, Sungenis, what is that cross-sectional circle slice?  It's clearly the plane (flat) surface of the earth intersecting through the globe of the firmament.  Otherwise it's meaningless from the NASA ball model perspective.  It's ironic that Sungenis uses the DaVinci Salvator Mundi image for the cover of his book, since if you actually look at the painting, the globe Our Lord is holding shows the dark earth at the bottom with the blue atmosphere at the top, and there are STARS inside the top part.  It's clearly the snow globe model.  It's ironic because that is also Sungenis' chief error is misinterpreting the Church Fathers.

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #56 on: May 22, 2024, 05:23:14 PM »
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  • Absolutely. Been a flat-earther since 2015 and have been pretty open about my views. Strangely (and maybe fortunately), less people seem to balk over it these days
    I've been awake since that time also, but have told only my dh and one close friend. I admire your courage.
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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #57 on: May 22, 2024, 05:24:28 PM »
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  • The astronauts called Houston from the moon on a land line. :cowboy:
    That's right up there with the video of "man's first step on the Moon." Just who got there first with the camera?
    Pray for the consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #58 on: May 22, 2024, 05:31:05 PM »
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  • This makes sense.  Relativism was the wrong word.  I am sorry but I have tendency to pick words I think work to find out later by discussion that it really is not what I meant.
    You are actually on the right track, Gray.
    Moral relativism is the fruit of subjective reality, while Objective Reality is what our beloved Faith teaches.

    Objective Reality says that "God is the measure of all things."

    Subjective Reality says that "Man is the measure of all things" which means each man is his own little god, with his own "truth" and all "truths" are equal.

    Subjective Reality is of the enemy and explains why men are in womens' bathrooms and men are defeating women in womens' sports. It explains why children are being sɛҳuąƖly mutilated, and why perversion is acceptable to the leftist, globalist cabal.

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    Offline RobertThe3rd

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    Re: Outer Space is a deception
    « Reply #59 on: June 04, 2024, 12:38:49 PM »
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  • The idea that the Earth is just a seashell bobbing around in an infinite ocean of "outer space" is such nonsense. And it's calculated to weaken faith in God and religion, and bolster the atheistic Big Bang model of cosmology.
    Setting aside the fact that the "Big Bang" was originally calculated by a Physics PhD who was also a Jesuit priest...
    Believe what you want as a matter of faith, just don't bear false witness against your neighbors by claiming all astronomers and scientists are liars / stupid.
    The physical evidence is quite clear, and has been for over 100 years, the Earth is spherical, and the solar system is heliocentric.