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Author Topic: Moon shadow laser NONSENSE - Flat Earth confirmed  (Read 1417 times)

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Re: Moon shadow laser NONSENSE - Flat Earth confirmed
« Reply #30 on: April 13, 2024, 02:28:23 PM »
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  • All those made-up terms are just to describe "shadows". And you *can't get a shadow smaller than the sphere blocking the light*

    Try it yourself. I did. The largest shadow is cast when the sphere is right by the light source. The farthest away you can get the sphere is when it's right on top of the surface that shadow is cast upon (e.g., the earth). At that point, the shadow will be 100% the diameter of the sphere. Not a pinprick laser focus. That's nonsense that violates all common sense and experience.

    Only someone desperate to believe we're living on a spinning ball rocketing through "outer space" at breakneck speeds would cleave to such nonsense.
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    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Moon shadow laser NONSENSE - Flat Earth confirmed
    « Reply #31 on: April 13, 2024, 02:48:45 PM »
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  • You aren't going to be swayed by something as easy to grasp and powerful as common sense. Much less some mathematical proof, even if Ladislaus were to take the time & trouble to offer it.

    Reminds me of Luke chapter 16:

    29 And Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.  30 But he said: No, father Abraham: but if one went to them from the dead, they will do penance. 31 And he said to him: If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe, if one rise again from the dead.
    That doesn't apply here. Where does the Catholic faith teach that the moon doesn't cause eclipses? Are we just supposed to guess at everything with common sense? Does you common sense say all magic tricks are performed by demonic powers, when some reasoning and logic can determine that many tricks are possible by natural means?

    I think you and Lad have some mental block that would tempt you to lose the faith if you were to try to consider logical and mathematical proof for eclipse phenomena. I don't want your faith to be tempted, but don't just throw these beliefs that go against common sense and reason out there,  and find every excuse to avoid using math or any rational means that may prove modern science correct about some things. It's like the liberal who chooses to believe whatever they feel like while picking and choosing what modern science gets right just based on feeling. And of course accusing the other side of whatever kind of dishonesty you yourselves use.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: Moon shadow laser NONSENSE - Flat Earth confirmed
    « Reply #32 on: April 13, 2024, 02:57:16 PM »
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  • All those made-up terms are just to describe "shadows". And you *can't get a shadow smaller than the sphere blocking the light*

    Try it yourself. I did. The largest shadow is cast when the sphere is right by the light source. The farthest away you can get the sphere is when it's right on top of the surface that shadow is cast upon (e.g., the earth). At that point, the shadow will be 100% the diameter of the sphere. Not a pinprick laser focus. That's nonsense that violates all common sense and experience.

    Only someone desperate to believe we're living on a spinning ball rocketing through "outer space" at breakneck speeds would cleave to such nonsense.
    QVD did the hard work and provided excellent pictures to help you understand how this works. Short of a video demonstration, there's nothing more that can be done to help you understand, and I doubt a video would help because you'd likely willfully ignore and dismiss it as false. You can pray to God for the grace to understand our view even if you choose not to believe it, but at this point we are on different pages, so further discussion is pointless. You could try to provide mathematical proof and accurate CAD sim proof, so I and others can try to understand your view, but so far I understand your view to be gullibly deceived by FE memes.
    "Be you therefore perfect, as also your heavenly Father is perfect."
    "Seek first the kingdom of Heaven..."
    "Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall render an account for it in the day of judgment"

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Moon shadow laser NONSENSE - Flat Earth confirmed
    « Reply #33 on: April 13, 2024, 03:05:06 PM »
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  • You're the gullible one. You believe the most idiotic propaganda that insults our intelligence. What does that say about you I wonder.

    YOU're the one whose faith requires believing modern science, even though they all don't believe in God and say we randomly developed from an amoeba over billions of years. Oh, but they got the earth/creation right. Sure.

    And you are SO dense. You do realize I'm in my late 40's, right? I went to public school. I used to spend all my time with books about the planets, watched all the sci-fi movies, and know more about the "official story" on the sun/universe/galaxy/planets than most people.

    I'm not some sheltered teen who grew up in some Fundamentalist protestant cult compound, never being exposed to anything else, taught that the earth was flat and that the Leader deserves to have all the prettiest young ladies in the group for his wives.

    I believed in Globe Earth just a few years ago. Fortunately I've always been in love with the truth, and never denied it when it came to my attention, WHATEVER the costs or fallout might be. The first domino to fall was NASA and their nonsense. Then I learned that the earth doesn't move, from the Geocentrists (a couple great movies by Sungenis, "Galileo was Wrong" and "The Principle"). Thanks to those docuмentaries I was surprised to learn that NO EXPERIMENT HAS EVER SHOWN THE EARTH TO MOVE, and many experiments have accidentally proved the contrary. 

    I haven't been deceived by flat earthers, memes, or anyone else. I don't trust random humans on human faith. "In God We Trust. All others pay cash!" I've considered the evidence for myself, applied my reason, thought about it, and I chose to acknowledge and accept the Truth, it's that simple.

    I didn't believe in Flat Earth myself until I started to investigate it. So stop being disingenuous and intellectually dishonest. I voluntarily left the Globe Earth paradigm knowing the "science" better than most. I chose Flat Earth because I learned better. I advanced.

    Just like St. Paul was a Pharisee among Pharisees and rejected it all to become a Christian,
    I was a science lover among science lovers, but also chose to follow Christ when He knocked me off my horse with the evidence for Flat Earth.

    St. Paul knew what he was giving up, and what he was accepting.
    Same here.
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