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Author Topic: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis  (Read 11957 times)

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #1 on: January 28, 2024, 05:47:18 AM »
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  • Interesting.

    We see the rich and the powerful in the world today, who act like gods.

    Then you see creation and realize we are nothing but a speck to the all powerful Creator.

    I was taught as a young person that all you need to know about theology and the power of our Lord is in the first few words of the Bible...... " In the beginning God.."

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #2 on: January 28, 2024, 07:41:26 AM »
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  • Disturbing quotes from "Bishop" Barron, referring to the Creation account in Genesis as "saga, legend, myth, theological poetry" ... referencing the notorious anti-Scriptural Prot Karl Barth.  Shameful.

    So, Dr. Sungenis has been under fire from the Flat Earthers due to the problem with the firmament as described in Sacred Scripture.  At one point a few years ago, he said, "the firmament is space".  I think he realized that this isn't adequate given how Sacred Scripture describes it.

    I'll have a listen when it comes out, but I'm not a believer in the Planck fabric as an explanation, and the obvious immediate problem with this model is that Sacred Scripture describes the sun and the moon as being IN the firmament, which is inconsistent with this picture above.  Also, Sungenis' theory, as I understand it, is that this bubble of water at least partially collapsed during the Flood but is no longer present since.  I don't buy that, since the Church Fathers all clearly held that it was still in place.  Also, the stars are described as IN the firmament, and I'm not sure how they would even be visible given this huge water bubble.

    This comes across, preliminarily, as just a cope to explain how the Biblical firmament is consistent with his cosmological model.  But I'll give it a fair hearing

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #3 on: January 28, 2024, 08:58:13 AM »
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  • This comes across, preliminarily, as just a cope to explain how the Biblical firmament is consistent with his cosmological model.  But I'll give it a fair hearing

    Yes, I agree. More outer space fantasy. I'm not hopeful, nor am I really looking forward to learning a single thing from the video, considering how fundamentally flawed the whole premise is. If you believe in "outer space" you're pretty much hopeless for getting any real, true knowledge of the physical world God created around us.
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    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #4 on: January 28, 2024, 01:02:23 PM »
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  • I checked, and the videos of Day 1 and Day 2 are already available.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #5 on: January 28, 2024, 01:42:19 PM »
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  • I'm starting to watch Day 1 there, and they (Hugh Owen speaking) have the temerity to lump Flat Earthers in with those who consider Genesis a "myth," just stories borrowed from earlier cultures, etc.  This is disgraceful for them to include us among the infidels and heretics, whereas Catholic Flat Earthers have as much if not more reverence for the historicity and inerrancy of Sacred Scripture as they do.

    I've about had enough of these guys.

    Where it comes to what's most important, a belief that God (the Holy Spirit) is the Primary Author of Sacred Scripture and that it's historical and literal unless it's otherwise obvious and where the unanimous interpretation of the Fathers so indicates, and above all that the Sacred Scriptures are inerrant, we should be on the "same side," as it were ... disagreeing merely about our respective scientific theories, considering it an academic debate.  I've attempted to give them a fair shake and hear out their theories, but I find these allegations to be slander and calumny of the highest order.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #6 on: January 28, 2024, 01:47:54 PM »
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  • And, of course, when they mention Flat Earthers in their list of scoundrels, as they see them, they show the typical dishonest strawman of the edgeless disc floating through space.  They should at least show intellectual honesty.

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #7 on: January 28, 2024, 01:51:55 PM »
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  • And, of course, when they mention Flat Earthers in their list of scoundrels, as they see them, they show the typical dishonest strawman of the edgeless disc floating through space.  They should at least show intellectual honesty.

    They are obviously dishonest.

    If they instead showed an ancient-looking illustration of a domed creation, as believed by the Hebrews (you know, God's Chosen People, children of Abraham, who alone worshipped the One True God in ancient times...) that wouldn't make Flat Earth look bad. In fact, it would make Flat Earth look more faithful to God, wouldn't it? It would also make it look more venerable, traditional, tested, reasonable, believable, etc. They can't have that -- because they are intellectually DISHONEST.
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    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #8 on: January 28, 2024, 01:54:56 PM »
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  • They are obviously dishonest.

    If they showed an ancient-looking illustration of a domed creation, as believed by the Hebrews (you know, God's Chosen People, children of Abraham, who alone worshipped the One True God in ancient times...) that wouldn't make Flat Earth look bad. In fact, it would make it look more faithful to God, wouldn't it? It would also make it look more reasonable, believable, etc. They can't have that -- because they are intellectually DISHONEST.

    Indeed.  They know enough about the Flat Earth position to realize that the picture represents a massive strawman, and should have the integrity and intellectual honesty to not show that.

    But I'm most outraged by the fact that they lump FEs in with those who consider Genesis to be a fanciful story.  We should be "on the same side" where it comes to THE most crucial and important consideration in this debate, and yet they lump us in with the impious Modernists, atheists, and infidels.

    They're constantly trying to pass themselves off as scientifically "credible" ... even though the atheistic scientific establishment have zero respect for them and will mock them as much as they mock Flat Earthers, and take them no more seriously than they take Flat Earthers.  So, instead of joining forces against the atheists and Modernists, they throw us under the bus and sacrifice faithful Catholic FEs on the altar of modern "science".  They should be ashamed of themselves.

    I'm going to dig up Dr. Sungenis' e-mail and finally write to him directly about this.  Many of us have supported much of his work, bought and promoted his books, his videos, etc., since despite our disagreement about the details of a cosmological model, we considered that a disagreement among friends, as it were.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #9 on: January 28, 2024, 02:05:23 PM »
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  • Here's another bit of dishonesty.  In their attempts to distance the Catholic Church from things like Big Bang theory, they repeatedly claim that Hubble invented it, whereas the truth is that it was invented by a Catholic priest, Georges Lemaître.  At least be honest about it ... but then they might have to admit that the Church was being contaminated by Modernists already in the 1930s.  They'll be called out on that by their opponents in 5 minutes and aren't fooling anyone.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #10 on: January 28, 2024, 02:10:36 PM »
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  • Here's the picture they show when mentioning Flat Earth (screenshot from the video):

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #11 on: January 28, 2024, 02:35:50 PM »
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  • Here's the picture they show when mentioning Flat Earth (screenshot from the video):

    Yes. An actual strawman. Believed by no Flat Earth proponent anywhere at any time.

    They use every logical fallacy in the book, besides good-old-fashioned lying: begging the question, ad hominem, strawman, and countless others.

    Which is one reason I'll never join their dishonest side. EVER. At this point, I'd have to suffer severe brain damage to join their side. 
    If their side is true, they can make their case honestly. But they don't. WHY?
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    Offline EWPJ

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #12 on: January 28, 2024, 08:51:39 PM »
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  • I'm shadow-banned on JouTube but maybe someone can blitz the comment section and call them out?  Chances are they will delete the comment but wouldn't hurt to try.

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #13 on: January 29, 2024, 07:09:32 AM »
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  • So I watched part of "Day Two" ... didn't have time to watch more than like 10-15 minutes in, but the theory they're floating (and it is just a theory) is that in the beginning the earth was in the middle of a giant (6 billion-mile diameter) ice ball.  Not sure where they got this number from.  Then the "light" of the First Day, "Let there be light." was some kind of giant sun they picture off to the right that was big enough to melt the ice into water.  I hope they realize that this theory will be considered just as ridiculous (if not moreso) than Flat Earth by the scientific mainstream whose favor they're attempting to curry.

    So, after Day One, when the ice was now melted into water, God created a firmament in the middle of the now giant ball of water, to separate the water from the earth.  Interestingly, they cite numerous Church Fathers indicating that the firmament was solid, but then promote a theory that somehow the firmament "changed" on "Day Four" when God put the sun, moon, and stars in it, expanding massively and therefore becoming at that time a more ethereal substance, having been "stretched out", i.e.  transforming into what we now know as space.  Dr. Sungenis admits that Scripture is silent on the matter, but then claims there are hints about it there ... none of which I really buy.  I'm interested to hear, then, with this theory, how during the time of the Great Flood, Sacred Scripture indicates that the windows of the firmament were opened to create some of the flood waters.  Perhaps some huge blast of water flew in from the edge of space and clobbered the earth.

    Now, Dr. Sungenis does cite some physicist who discussed the idea that the universe could be much smaller than is generally claimed.

    But the one thing I notice throughout is that Dr. Sugenis begs the question that "outer space", as described by modern "science" actually exists as such, with the possible exception of it perhaps being smaller than is generally believed.  He said that the original solid firmament had to be stretched out because it was "too small" to hold the sun, moon, stars, etc.  This simply begs the question that the sun and stars are the size and distance from earth that modern science claim they are.

    If you look at this picture again, what's to prevent the Flat Earth "snow globe" model of the earth from being in the center there?  Nothing other than Sungenis' acceptance of the claim of modern science.

    I do respect the fact that Dr. Sungenis and Hugh Owen take Sacred Scripture literally and are attempting to come up with an explanation for it in its literal sense, but I disrespect the fact that 1) they lump FEs in with all those who deny the historicity and inerrancy of Sacred Scripture and 2) dismiss FE on the basis of modern "science", often ridiculing and disparaging it ... despite the fact that modern science would ridicule his giant ice/water ball theory perhaps even more than Flat Earth.

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Interesting video to come on explaining the FIRMAMENT of Genesis
    « Reply #14 on: January 30, 2024, 02:39:53 PM »
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  • Sounds like those videos are, indeed, a waste of time.

    I'm reminded of what my apostate cousin used to say about his position on the origin of life -- basically he believed in evolution, but ALSO in Creation. I believe the term is "Theistic Evolution". He pointed out that everyone doesn't like his position. Of course that's not true -- many today try to blend the two together, even though they are like oil and water. It's actually quite popular in secular Protestant and Novus Ordo circles.

    At the time I believe he considered his position novel and special, which made him special. Obviously he was wrong. About that and many other things.

    But what purpose is such an adulterous union? You don't make The World happy; it's not popular -- but it's not Lonely but True either. You have the worst of both words. Again: why bother?

    Of course, this sad individual later apostatized from the Faith. Not from the Novus faith, but Traditional Catholicism which he was raised in from age 9 or so. He never met his father, so there's strike 1. His mother was a woman of ill repute -- there's strike 2. And strike 3 -- he lost his innocence during his teen years. Slaves to the vice of impurity seldom desire or grasp the truth. I'd say "strike 4 was being sent to Public School", but every child of Baby Boomers was sent to public school, so that's not anything remarkable.
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