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Two Secret Docuмent on Personal Prelature
« on: September 16, 2013, 06:44:45 PM »
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    Anyone can translate? Look like this is another leaked docuмent about SSPX from the Cor Unum. I don't read french.мentos.html#more

    A continuación podrán leer dos increíbles y horripilantes docuмentos confidenciales sobre los que Mons. Fellay conversó con los modernistas romanos entre 2011 y 2012.
    Estos textos se encuentran publicado en el Cor Unum n° 105, de junio de 2013.
    Las introducciones en cursiva son del Cor Unum. Los textos en color rojo son nuestros. El destacado en negrita es nuestro.
    DOcuмENTOS CONFIDENCIALES (continuación y fin)
    Además de la entrega de un Preámbulo doctrinal el 14 de septiembre de 2011, Monseñor Fellay recibió un proyecto de reconocimiento canónico de la FSSPX. Se trataba entonces, como el título lo muestra, de “algunos elementos de información” prefigurando una constitución apostólica que erige en “Prelatura personal internacional” a nuestra Fraternidad.
    En vista de una solución canónica
    Para la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pio X.

    I.                  La Fraternidad sacerdotal san Pio X es erigida en Prelatura personal internacional, de conformidad con los cánones 294-297 del Código de Derecho canónico, bajo el nombre de Prelatura personal San Pio X.
    -La Prelatura está formada por el clero secular que se encuentra allí incardinado.

    II.        La Prelatura personal san Pio X está regida por las normas de derecho universal, en particular por los cánones 294-297 del Código de Derecho canónico, así como por la presente constitución apostólica, sin olvidar el derecho particular propio y las costumbres propias que no sean contrarias al espíritu de las presentes normas.
    -La Prelatura personal San Pio X, depende de la Congregación para los Obispos y de la Comisión pontifical Ecclesia Dei, y ella mantiene relación directa con los otros Dicasterios de la Curia romana según sus competencias respectivas.

    III.           El Ordinario propio de la Prelatura San Pio X es su Prelado personal, quien es elegido por el Pontífice romano sobre la presentación de una terna establecida por el Consejo de gobierno de la Prelatura. Un reglamento especial determina la forma de establecimiento de la terna.

    IV.            A los ministros consagrados de la Prelatura personal san Pio X se les acuerda la facultad de celebrar de manera permanente la Eucaristía, los otros sacramentos, la Liturgia de las Horas y las otras acciones litúrgicas según el rito romano y la disciplina litírgica codificados por el Papa san Pio V, con las adaptaciones introducidas por sus sucesores hasta el Bienaventurado Juan XXIII.

    V.               Las iglesias y los lugares de culto servidos por el clero de la Prelatura personal san Pio X que existen actualmente, son reconocidos canónicamente y permanecen bajo la dependencia del Prelado personal, de conformidad a las normas comunes de Derecho canónico y de esta constitución apostólica.
    -Como norma de ley y con el permiso escrito –requerido ad valitatem- del obispo diocesano que le concierne, el Prelado podrá erigir nuevas iglesias y lugares de culto para la carga pastoral de los fieles de la Prelatura.
    -Las iglesias de la Prelatura se sirven de manera estable como lugar de culto para la asistencia pastoral de los fieles de la Prelatura, tienen la condición jurídica de iglesias rectorales, de conformidad con los cánones 556-563 del Código de Derecho canónico.

    VI.            Los laicos podrán cooperar con las obras apostólicas de la Prelatura según las convenciones estipuladas con la misma Prelatura.


    El 13 de junio de 2012, al mismo tiempo que entrega a nuestro Superior general el texto enmendado de la Declaración doctrinal (cf. Cor unum n°104, pág. 47), el cardenal Levada adjunta un proyecto de una Constitución apostólica erigiendo la Fraternidad en “Prelatura personal internacional”.  No se le dio seguimiento a este texto, que no era más que un boceto presentado como enmendable y corregible. Hacemos notar que no menciona a nuestros obispos y que algunos artículos ¡Algunos! ¡Qué optimismo ciego, iluso y suicida!   presentan dificultades, sin hablar de su hipotética aplicación  ¡Hipotética? ¡Evidentemente imposible!: la garantía de un obispo (III, I), la apertura de nuevas casas (XI, 3), las relaciones con las conferencias episcopales o los obispos locales (V, I; XVII), del matrimonio (IX, 4; XVI, etc.)
    El texto original está en italiano, la traducción fue realizada por nosotros.
    I. 1. La Fraternidad San Pio X es erigida en Prelatura Personal internacional, según los términos de los cc. 294-297 del Código de Derecho Canónico, bajo el nombre de Prelatura Personal San Pio X.
    2. La Prelatura se compone del clero secular que le está incardinado y, según lo previsto en los artículos que siguen, los fieles laicos inscritos en sus registros especiales (cf. CIC, can. 296), así como los miembros de los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica que dependen de la Prelatura.
    II. 1. La Prelatura Personal San Pio X está regida por las normas de derecho universal, en particular por los cc. 294-297 del Código de Derecho Canónico, así que por la presente Constitución Apostólica, por el derecho particular propio y por las costumbres propias que no sean contrarias al espíritu de la presente norma.
    2. La Prelatura Personal San Pio X, depende de la Congregación para los Obispos y de la Comisión Ecclesia Dei, y mantiene relaciones directas con los otros Dicasterios de la Curia Romana, según sus competencias respectivas.
    III. 1. El Ordinario propio de la Prelatura San Pio X es su Prelado Personal, el cual es nombrado por el Pontífice Romano después de la presentación de una terna determinada por el Consejo de gobierno de la Prelatura. Un Reglamento especial establece la forma de determinación de la terna. Este Prelado puede ser investido igualmente munus episcopal, conferido ad personam.
    2. El poder del Prelado es:
    - personal, es decir que él puede ejercer sobre todos aquellos que pertenecen a la Prelatura Personal, según las modalidades establecidas por la presente Constitución Apostólica;
    - ordinario, es decir sujeto, por el derecho mismo, al oficio conferido por el Pontífice Romano, para ser ejercido tanto en el fuero externo como en el fuero interno;
    - acuмulativo con el poder de los Obispos diocesanos respectivos en cuanto a los fieles laicos inscritos a la Prelatura, fieles que pertenecen igualmente a la Iglesia particular de su domicilio respectivo.
    3. Respectivamente, el poder del Prelado se ejerce de la siguiente manera:
    - el prelado es el Ordinario propio de los clérigos incardinados en la Prelatura y tiene el poder del Obispo diocesano en cuanto a ellos;
    - respecto a los Institutos, Sociedades y asociaciones mencionadas en el artículo XI y en cuanto a sus miembros, el Prelado posee una jurisdicción igual a la que, según el derecho universal y el derecho propio, corresponde al Obispo diocesano.
    IV. Se le concede a los ministros consagrados de la Prelatura Personal San Pio X, la facultad de celebrar, de una manera permanente, la Eucaristía, los otros sacramentos, el Oficio divino  las otras acciones litúrgicas según el usus antiquior del Rito Romano (c. BENEDICTO XVI, Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificuм, 7 de julio de 2007).
    V. 1. Los sacerdotes y los diáconos que hasta el presente pertenecen a la Fratenidad Sacerdotal San Pio X, están incardinados en la Prelatura Personal. Los sacerdotes forman el Presbiterio de la Prelatura Personal. Ellos pertenecen en todos los aspectos al clero secular, es por eso que ellos mantienen relaciones de profunda unidad con el Presbiterio de las Diócesis respectivas.
    2. La incardinación de los clérigos en a Prelatura, así como la transferencia a una jurisdicción diferente, está regida por las normas de derecho universal.
    VI. 1. Los clérigos incardinados en la Prelatura reciben la missio canónica del Prelado.
    2. Es atribución del Prelado el conceder la facultad de escuchar las confesiones en el seno de la Prelatura, con la extensión a la cual se refiere el canon 967 §2 del Código de Derecho Canónico.
    VII. 1. El Prelado es responsable de la formación espiritual y doctrinal del clero de la Prelatura. Él posee la facultad de organizar reuniones o retiros particulares de alcance regional, nacional o internacional.
    2. Pertenece al Prelado el deber de garantizar el sustento de los sacerdotes y diáconos incardinados en la Prelatura Personal, asegurando a los sacerdotes de edad o enfermos la pensión de ancianidad y la asistencia médica que les fuere necesaria.
    VIII. 1. El Prelado podrá erigir seminarios propios, incluso internacionales, para la formación de los candidatos al diaconado y al presbiterado. El Prelado podrá promover a las órdenes los candidatos a título de servicio de la Prelatura.
    2. El Prelado determina la admisión de los seminaristas, admitiéndolos a la tonsura y a las órdenes menores y los llama a las órdenes mayores según las normas previstas por el derecho.
    3. Los candidatos están incardinados en la Prelatura en el momento de su ordenación al diaconado (cf. CIC. can. 266 § 1)
    4. Cada seminario de la Prelatura posee un Reglamento propio aprobado por el Prelado, de conformidad a las normas de la Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis de la Congregación para la Educación Católica, respetando su especificidad propia.
    IX. 1. Por la presente Constitución Apostólica, las iglesias, los seminarios, los institutos educativos o culturales y los lugares de culto atendidos por el clero de la Prelatura Personal San Pio X existentes en la actualidad, están reconocidos canónicamente y permanecen bajo la dependencia del Prelado Personal, de conformidad a las normas universales de derecho canónico y a esta Constitución Apostólica.
    2. Según las normas del derecho y con la autorización escrita del Obispo diocesano respectivo (cf. CIC, can. 1215 §1), el Prelado podrá erigir nuevas iglesias y lugares de culto para el cuidado pastoral de los fieles de la Prelatura.
    3. Las iglesias de la Prelatura utilizadas de manera permanente como lugares de culto para la asistencia pastoral de los fieles de la Prelatura, tienen el estatus jurídico de iglesias rectorales, en el sentido de los cc. 556-563 del Código de Derecho Canónico.
    4. Los sacerdotes que, después de consultar al Obispo diocesano, sean nombrados rectores de las iglesias de la Prelatura (cf. CIC. can. 557 §1) reciben de su propio Prelado la missio canonica y todas las facultades necesarias para administrar los sacramentos a los fieles inscritos en la Prelatura. Para asistir al matrimonio de otros fieles, el Rector de una iglesia de la Prelatura deberá obtener delegación del Cura del lugar o del Ordinario diocesano.
    5. En las iglesias de la Prelatura, la jurisdicción del Prelado es acuмulativa con la del Obispo diocesano respectivo, el cual usará su propia jurisdicción solamente de una manera subsidiaria, sin pasar por alto lo que está establecido en el artículo III, y las otras normas de la presente Constitución Apostólica.
    X. 1. Los fieles laicos que, deseando participar en el culto según está indicado en el artículo IV, soliciten la adhesión a la Prelatura Personal San Pio X, deberán manifestar por escrito su deseo al sacerdote encargado de la iglesia respectiva de la Prelatura, con el fin de ser escritos en un registro especial que será conservado en la misma iglesia. El Prelado, según la frecuencia que él  decida y el Obispo diocesano del territorio sobre el cual se sitúe la iglesia, serán informados regularmente del estado del mencionado registro.
    2. En el  registro mencionado en el §1, serán inscritos todos los actos sacramentales celebrados en la iglesia rectoral que, según la ley canónica, deben ser registrados; el Rector tendrá el deber de informar cuidadosamente por escrito al Cura del lugar del bautismo de cada fiel.
    3. Los fieles laicos inscritos en la Prelatura según la norma del §1, gozan del derecho de recibir el cuidado pastoral de los sacerdotes de la Prelatura, permaneciendo firme su total pertenencia a la Diócesis correspondiente a su domicilio.
    XI. 1. Con la aprobación de la Santa Sede, el Prelado podrá erigir y recibir bajo su propia jurisdicción a los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y a las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica, así como promover a las órdenes a los candidatos incorporados definitivamente (cf CIC, can. 1019 §1), según las disposiciones del derecho universal.
    2.  Los Institutos y Sociedades vinculadas hasta el presente a la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pio X, pueden permanecer sometidos a la jurisdicción eclesiástica del Prelado, según lo previsto por el can. 579 del Código de Derecho Canónico y otras disposiciones del derecho universal.
    3. Las casas autónomas y los monasterios de los Institutos de Vida Consagrada y de las Sociedades de Vida Apostólica a los que se refiere el párrafo precedente, existentes actualmente, son recibidas canónicamente en las Diócesis respectivas. Para la erección de nuevas casas, los superiores respectivos o la autoridad de la Prelatura deberán recibir permiso escrito del Obispo diocesano.
    4. El prelado igualmente puede erigir asociaciones de fieles, incluso si prevé que una de ellas, después de un período de ensayo, puede ser erigido en Instituto de Vida Consagrada o en Sociedad de Vida Apostólica.
    XII. 1. En lo que concierne a la disciplina canónica, las escuelas y los centros de estudio actualmente dependientes de la Fraternidad Sacerdotal San Pio X, pasan bajo la dependencia de la Prelatura Personal y son confirmados por la presente Constitución Apostólica en sus Diócesis respectivas. Los mencionados lugares permanecen sometidos a la legislación común de la Iglesia, estando siempre a salvo la autoridad eclesiástica del lugar, con la cual debe ser establecido el protocolo que rige las relaciones mutuas.
    2. Según las normas del derecho y con el consentimiento del Obispo diocesano respectivo (cf. CIC, can. 801), la Prelatura podrá fundar nuevas escuelas y centros de estudio.
    3. Los sacerdotes que, después de consultar al Obispo diocesano, ejercerán la función de capellanes de dichos centros, recibirán la missio canónica del Prelado.
    XIII. 1. El Prelado es asistido de un Vicario General, nombrado por él, y de un Consejo de gobierno propio, formado por al menos seis sacerdotes, el cual deberá cuмplir las tareas atribuidas por el derecho universal del Consejo Presbiterial y del Colegio de Consultores, cuyos estatutos serán aprobados por el Prelado. Este Consejo será mantenido en caso de vacancia de la sede de la Prelatura Personal.
    2. El Prelado Personal podrá constituir el Consejo pastoral de la Prelatura.
    3. La Prelatura Personal San Pio X, está subdividida en Distritos, erigidos por el Prelado con el voto deliberativo de su propio Consejo de gobierno. A la cabeza de cada Distrito, el Prelado designará un Vicario de Distrito propio, proveído de las facultades que considere oportuno conferirle.
    XIV. 1. El Prelado estará encargado de asegurar la administración y la conservación de los bienes eclesiásticos (cf. CIC. can. 1257 §1) que posee la Prelatura Personal San Pio X.
    2. De conformidad a la legislación canónica, el Prelado es asistido en lo concerniente a las cuestiones económicas, por un Consejo para los asuntos económicos y por un Ecónomo general.
    XV. El Prelado vendrá a Roma cada cinco años y someterá al Soberano Pontífice, por medio de la Congregación para los Obispos y la Comisión Pontifical Ecclesia Dei, un reporte detallado de carácter tanto pastoral como jurídico sobre el estado de la Prelatura y sobre el desarrollo de su actividad pastoral.
    XVI. Las causas matrimoniales de los fieles adheridos a la Prelatura son competencia de los tribunales diocesanos. Para las otras causas judiciales, el Prelado podrá erigir un Tribunal propio y designar de manera estable, con la aprobación de la Santa Sede, según el can. 1438 §2 del Código de Derecho Canónico, el Tribunal de segunda instancia.
    XVII. Con el fin de asegurar la necesaria coordinación con los Ordinarios del lugar, según los términos del can. 297 del Código de Derecho Canónico, el Prelado y sus Vicarios mantendrán, directamente o a través de otros sacerdotes de la Prelatura, contactos regulares con el Presidente y los organismos de la Conferencia episcopal así como, de manera frecuente, con los Obispos de las Diócesis en las cuales se encuentra la Prelatura.
    XVIII. La curia de la Prelatura se encuentra en la ciudad de… . La iglesia de …. es la sede del Prelado y es erigida en Iglesia Prelaticia.
    Finalmente, para la buena realización de lo que se ha dicho anteriormente, nosotros designamos al Presidente de la Comisión Ecclesia Dei, a quien le conferimos las facultades necesarias y oportunas, incluida aquella de subdelegar a todo dignatario eclesiástico por todo lo que toca a la materia en cuestión, imponiéndole la obligación de hacer llegar, lo más pronto posible a la Congregación para los Obispos, un ejemplar auténtico del acto de ejecución de su mandato.
    Que así sea, no obstando nada en contrario.

    Hecho en San Pedro de Roma.

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    Two Secret Docuмent on Personal Prelature
    « Reply #1 on: September 16, 2013, 08:56:56 PM »
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  • Figured out how to get it

    God have mercy on us.

    Here you can read two amazing and horrifying confidential docuмents on which Bishop Fellay spoke with Roman modernists between 2011 and 2012.
    These texts are published in the Cor Unum n ° 105, June 2013.
    Entries in italics are the Cor Unum. The text in red are ours. The highlight in bold is ours.
    CONFIDENTIAL DOcuмENTS (continued and end)
    Besides delivering a doctrinal Preamble September 14, 2011, Bishop Fellay received a draft of the SSPX canonical recognition. It was then, as the title shows, from "information elements" foreshadowing an apostolic constitution that stands in "personal prelature international" to our Fraternity.
    In view of a canonical solution
    For the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

    I.                   The Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X is erected as a personal prelature internationally in accordance with the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, under the name of St. Pius X. Personal Prelature
    - The Prelature is formed by the secular clergy incardinated found there.

    II.          The St. Pius X personal prelature is governed by the norms of universal law, in particular by the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, as well as the present Apostolic Constitution, not to mention its own particular law and the customs that are not contrary to the spirit of these rules.
    -The personal prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and she maintains direct relationship with the other departments of the Roman Curia in accordance with their respective powers.

    III.            The Ordinary of the Prelature St. Pius X is his staff prelate, who is appointed by the Roman Pontiff on the submission of a triplet set by the Governing Council of the Prelature. A special regulation determines how the trio setting.

    IV.             A consecrated ministers of St. Pius X personal prelature are accorded the right to permanently celebrate the Eucharist, the other sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical celebrations according to the Roman rite and discipline litírgica codified by Pope St. Pius V, with the adjustments made ​​by his successors to Blessed John XXIII.

    V.                Churches and places of worship served by the clergy of St. Pius X personal prelature that currently exist, are recognized canonically and remain under the jurisdiction of the Prelate staff according to the common rules of canon law and of this Apostolic Constitution.
    -As a rule of law and with the written permission-required-ad valitatem diocesan bishop is concerned, the bishop can establish new churches and places of worship to the pastoral charge of the faithful of the Prelature.
    -The churches of the Prelature stably served as a place of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature, have the legal status of churches, rectories, in accordance with the canons 556-563 of the Code of Canon Law.

    VI.             The laity may cooperate with the apostolic works of the Prelature as the agreement stipulated with the same Prelature.

    -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

    The June 13, 2012, while delivery to our Superior General the amended text of the Declaration of doctrine (cf. Cor Unum n ° 104, p. 47), Cardinal Levada attached a project of erecting the Fellowship Apostolic Constitution in "international personal prelature." not followed up on this text, which was no more than a sketch presented as amendable and correctable. We note that no mention of our bishops and some items Some! What blind optimism, delusional and suicidal! Presented difficulties, not to mention its hypothetical Hypothetical application? Obviously impossible: the guarantee of a bishop (III, I), the opening of new houses (XI, 3), relations with the episcopal conferences or local bishops (V, I, XVII), marriage (IX, 4; XVI, etc.).
    The original text is in Italian, the translation was done by us.
    I. 1. The Society of St. Pius X is built on international personal prelature under the terms of the cc. 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, under the name of St. Pius X. Personal Prelature
    Two. The Prelature consists of the secular clergy who is incardinated and, as provided in the articles that follow, the lay faithful enrolled in special records (cf. CIC, can. 296), and members of Institutes of Consecrated Life Life and Societies of Apostolic Prelature dependent.
    II. 1. The St. Pius X Personal Prelature is governed by universal law standards, in particular by the cc. 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, so this Apostolic Constitution, by its own particular law and the customs not contrary to the spirit of this rule.
    Two. The Personal Prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and Ecclesia Dei Commission, and maintains direct relationships with other departments of the Roman Curia, according to their respective powers.
    III. 1. The Ordinary of the Prelature St. Pius X is his Personal prelate, who is appointed by the Roman Pontiff after the presentation of a shortlist determined by the Governing Council of the Prelature. A special regulation establishes the manner of determination of the triplet. This may be invested equally Prelate episcopal munus, given ad personam.
    Two. The power of the Prelate is:
    - Staff, ie it can have on all those who belong to the Personal Prelature, in the manner established by this Apostolic Constitution;
    - Ordinary, ie subject, for the law itself to the office entrusted by the Roman Pontiff, to be exercised both in the external forum and in the internal forum;
    - cuмulative with the power of the respective diocesan bishops as to the lay faithful enrolled in the Prelature, belonging equally faithful to the particular Church of the respective home.
    Three. Respectively, the Prelate power is exercised as follows:
    - The bishop is the Ordinary of the clergy incardinated in the Prelature and has the power of the diocesan bishop as to them;
    - For the Institutes, Societies and associations mentioned in Article XI and as to its members, the bishop has a jurisdiction equal to that, according to the universal law and the proper law, the diocesan Bishop.
    IV. Is granted to ministers of the Personal Prelature consecrated St. Pius X, the power to conclude a permanent way, the Eucharist, the other sacraments, the divine office other liturgical actions by the usus Antiquior of the Roman Rite (c. BENEDICT XVI, Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificuм, July 7, 2007).
    V. 1. The priests and deacons to date belong to the Priestly FRATERNITY San Pio X, are incardinated in the Personal Prelature. The priests are the Presbytery of the Personal Prelature. They belong in all respects to the secular clergy, that is why they maintain deep relationships with the Presbytery unit of the respective Diocese.
    Two. The clerics incardinated in the Prelature, and transfer to a different jurisdiction is governed by the norms of universal law.
    VI. 1. The clerics incardinated in the Prelature receive canonical missio Prelate.
    Two. Prelate's attribution of granting the power to hear confessions within the Prelature, the extent to which refers the canon 967 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law.
    VII. 1. The Prelate is responsible for the spiritual and doctrinal formation of the clergy of the prelature. He has the power to hold private meetings or retreats at regional, national or international.
    Two. It belongs to the bishop a duty to ensure the livelihood of the priests and deacons incardinated in the Personal Prelature, ensuring elderly or sick priests of old age pension and medical care they may be necessary.
    VIII. 1. The bishop may erect seminars own, even international, for the formation of candidates for the diaconate and the priesthood. The bishop may promote candidates orders service title of the Prelature.
    Two. The bishop determines the admission of seminarians, admitting to the tonsure and minor orders and major orders call according to the rules laid down by law.
    Three. Candidates are incardinated in the Prelature in the time of his ordination to the diaconate (cf. CIC. Can. 266 § 1)
    April. Each seminar of the Prelature has a regulation approved by the bishop himself, according to the rules of the Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis of the Congregation for Catholic Education, respecting its own specificity.
    IX. 1. For the present Apostolic Constitution, churches, seminars, educational or cultural institutes and places of worship attended by the clergy of St. Pius X Personal Prelature exist today, are recognized canonically and remain under the jurisdiction of the Prelate Staff according to the universal norms of canon law and the present Apostolic Constitution.
    Two. Under the rules of law and with the written consent of the respective diocesan Bishop (cf. CIC, can. 1215 § 1), the bishop can establish new churches and places of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature.
    Three. The churches of the Prelature permanently used as places of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature, have the legal status of churches, rectories, in the sense of cann. 556-563 of the Code of Canon Law.
    April. The priests who, after consulting the diocesan bishop be appointed rectors of the churches of the Prelature (cf. CIC. Can. 557 § 1) receive from their own canonical missio Prelate and all powers necessary to administer the sacraments to the faithful enrolled in the Prelature. To assist other faithful marriage, the rector of a church of the prelature must obtain delegation Cure or diocesan ordinary place.
    May. In churches of the Prelature, the jurisdiction of the prelate is cuмulative with the respective diocesan bishop, which will use its own jurisdiction only in a subsidiary, without ignoring what is established in Article III, and the other rules of the present Apostolic Constitution.
    X. 1. The lay faithful who, wishing to participate in worship as indicated in Article IV, apply for membership of the Personal Prelature San Pio X shall state in writing their desire to the priest in charge of the respective Church of the Prelature, in order to be written in a special register to be kept in the same church. The bishop, as often as he chooses and the diocesan bishop of the territory on which the church is placed, will be regularly informed of the status of such registration.
    Two. The register referred to in § 1 shall be registered all sacramental acts held in the church rectory, according to canon law, must be registered, the Rector shall have the duty to report in writing to Cure carefully place each believer's baptism .
    Three. The lay faithful enrolled in the Prelature as the norm of § 1 have the right to receive the pastoral care of the priests of the Prelature, remaining firm its full membership in the Diocese of your residence.
    XI. 1. With the approval of the Holy See, the bishop may erect and receive under its own jurisdiction to the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, as well as promote candidates orders definitively incorporated (cf. CIC, can. § 1019 1), according to the universal law provisions.
    Two. Institutes and companies linked to the present to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, can remain under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the prelate, as provided by canon. 579 of the Code of Canon Law and other provisions of universal law.
    Three. The autonomous houses and monasteries of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life to which the preceding paragraph, exist today, are received respective dioceses canonically. For the erection of new houses, the respective upper or authority of the Prelature must receive written permission of the diocesan bishop.
    April. The prelate also can erect associations of the faithful, even if you expect one, after a test period can be erected in institute of consecrated life or society of apostolic life.
    XII. 1. With respect to canonical discipline, schools and study centers currently dependent Priestly Society of St. Pius X, pass under the jurisdiction of the Personal Prelature and confirmed by the present Apostolic Constitution in their respective dioceses. The above places remain under common law of the Church, always being safe place ecclesiastical authority, with which protocol should be established governing the mutual relations.
    Two. Under the rules of law and with the consent of the respective diocesan Bishop (cf. CIC, can. 801), the Prelature can start new schools and study centers.
    Three. The priests who, after consulting the diocesan bishop exercised chaplains function of these centers will receive the missio canonical bishop.
    XIII. 1. The bishop is assisted by a Vicar General, appointed by him, and of a self-governing Council, consisting of at least six priests, who must fulfill the tasks assigned by the universal law of the Priests' Council and the College of Consultors, the statutes be approved by the bishop. This Council will be kept in case of vacancy in the seat of the Personal Prelature.
    Two. The Personal Prelate may constitute the pastoral council of the Prelature.
    Three. The Personal Prelature San Pio X, is divided into districts, erected by the bishop with the deliberative vote of his own governing board. At the head of each district, the bishop appoint a District Vicar own, provided the powers confer sees fit.
    XIV. 1. The bishop will be responsible for ensuring the management and conservation of church property (cf. CIC. Can. 1257 § 1) that has the Personal Prelature St. Pius X.
    Two. According to canon law, the bishop is assisted with regard to economic issues, by a Council for Economic Affairs and by a General Treasurer.
    XV. The bishop will come to Rome every five years and submit to the Sovereign Pontiff, through the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, a detailed report of both a pastoral and legal on the state of the Prelature and the development of its pastoral activity.
    XVI. The Matrimonial Causes the faithful attached to the Prelature are diocesan court jurisdiction. For other court cases, the bishop may erect a Court appoint himself and steadily, with the approval of the Holy See, in accordance with can. 1438 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law, the Court of second instance.
    XVII. To ensure the necessary coordination with the local Ordinaries, by the terms of the can. 297 of the Code of Canon Law, the bishop and his vicars maintain, directly or through other priests of the Prelature, regular contact with the President and the agencies of the Bishops' Conference and, frequently, with the Bishops of the Diocese which is the Prelature.
    XVIII. The Curia of the Prelature is located in the city of .... Church .... is the seat of the archbishop and is erected in Church of the Prelature.
    Finally, for good realization of what has been said above, we designate the President of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, whom we confer the powers necessary and appropriate, including that of sub-delegate all ecclesiastical dignitary for everything that touches the subject in question, requiring it to arrive as soon as possible to the Congregation for Bishops, one authentic copy of the act of carrying out its mandate.
    So be it, not obstando anything to the contrary.

    Done at St. Peter's in Rome.
    Matthew 5:37

    But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.

    My Avatar is Fr. Hector Bolduc. He was a faithful parish priest in De Pere, WI,

    Offline poche

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    « Reply #2 on: September 17, 2013, 02:32:06 AM »
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  • Quote from: parentsfortruth
    Figured out how to get it

    God have mercy on us.

    Here you can read two amazing and horrifying confidential docuмents on which Bishop Fellay spoke with Roman modernists between 2011 and 2012.
    These texts are published in the Cor Unum n ° 105, June 2013.
    Entries in italics are the Cor Unum. The text in red are ours. The highlight in bold is ours.
    CONFIDENTIAL DOcuмENTS (continued and end)
    Besides delivering a doctrinal Preamble September 14, 2011, Bishop Fellay received a draft of the SSPX canonical recognition. It was then, as the title shows, from "information elements" foreshadowing an apostolic constitution that stands in "personal prelature international" to our Fraternity.
    In view of a canonical solution
    For the Priestly Society of St. Pius X.

    I.                   The Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X is erected as a personal prelature internationally in accordance with the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, under the name of St. Pius X. Personal Prelature
    - The Prelature is formed by the secular clergy incardinated found there.

    II.          The St. Pius X personal prelature is governed by the norms of universal law, in particular by the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, as well as the present Apostolic Constitution, not to mention its own particular law and the customs that are not contrary to the spirit of these rules.
    -The personal prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and she maintains direct relationship with the other departments of the Roman Curia in accordance with their respective powers.

    III.            The Ordinary of the Prelature St. Pius X is his staff prelate, who is appointed by the Roman Pontiff on the submission of a triplet set by the Governing Council of the Prelature. A special regulation determines how the trio setting.

    IV.             A consecrated ministers of St. Pius X personal prelature are accorded the right to permanently celebrate the Eucharist, the other sacraments, the Liturgy of the Hours and other liturgical celebrations according to the Roman rite and discipline litírgica codified by Pope St. Pius V, with the adjustments made ​​by his successors to Blessed John XXIII.

    V.                Churches and places of worship served by the clergy of St. Pius X personal prelature that currently exist, are recognized canonically and remain under the jurisdiction of the Prelate staff according to the common rules of canon law and of this Apostolic Constitution.
    -As a rule of law and with the written permission-required-ad valitatem diocesan bishop is concerned, the bishop can establish new churches and places of worship to the pastoral charge of the faithful of the Prelature.
    -The churches of the Prelature stably served as a place of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature, have the legal status of churches, rectories, in accordance with the canons 556-563 of the Code of Canon Law.

    VI.             The laity may cooperate with the apostolic works of the Prelature as the agreement stipulated with the same Prelature.

    -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------

    The June 13, 2012, while delivery to our Superior General the amended text of the Declaration of doctrine (cf. Cor Unum n ° 104, p. 47), Cardinal Levada attached a project of erecting the Fellowship Apostolic Constitution in "international personal prelature." not followed up on this text, which was no more than a sketch presented as amendable and correctable. We note that no mention of our bishops and some items Some! What blind optimism, delusional and suicidal! Presented difficulties, not to mention its hypothetical Hypothetical application? Obviously impossible: the guarantee of a bishop (III, I), the opening of new houses (XI, 3), relations with the episcopal conferences or local bishops (V, I, XVII), marriage (IX, 4; XVI, etc.).
    The original text is in Italian, the translation was done by us.
    I. 1. The Society of St. Pius X is built on international personal prelature under the terms of the cc. 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, under the name of St. Pius X. Personal Prelature
    Two. The Prelature consists of the secular clergy who is incardinated and, as provided in the articles that follow, the lay faithful enrolled in special records (cf. CIC, can. 296), and members of Institutes of Consecrated Life Life and Societies of Apostolic Prelature dependent.
    II. 1. The St. Pius X Personal Prelature is governed by universal law standards, in particular by the cc. 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, so this Apostolic Constitution, by its own particular law and the customs not contrary to the spirit of this rule.
    Two. The Personal Prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and Ecclesia Dei Commission, and maintains direct relationships with other departments of the Roman Curia, according to their respective powers.
    III. 1. The Ordinary of the Prelature St. Pius X is his Personal prelate, who is appointed by the Roman Pontiff after the presentation of a shortlist determined by the Governing Council of the Prelature. A special regulation establishes the manner of determination of the triplet. This may be invested equally Prelate episcopal munus, given ad personam.
    Two. The power of the Prelate is:
    - Staff, ie it can have on all those who belong to the Personal Prelature, in the manner established by this Apostolic Constitution;
    - Ordinary, ie subject, for the law itself to the office entrusted by the Roman Pontiff, to be exercised both in the external forum and in the internal forum;
    - cuмulative with the power of the respective diocesan bishops as to the lay faithful enrolled in the Prelature, belonging equally faithful to the particular Church of the respective home.
    Three. Respectively, the Prelate power is exercised as follows:
    - The bishop is the Ordinary of the clergy incardinated in the Prelature and has the power of the diocesan bishop as to them;
    - For the Institutes, Societies and associations mentioned in Article XI and as to its members, the bishop has a jurisdiction equal to that, according to the universal law and the proper law, the diocesan Bishop.
    IV. Is granted to ministers of the Personal Prelature consecrated St. Pius X, the power to conclude a permanent way, the Eucharist, the other sacraments, the divine office other liturgical actions by the usus Antiquior of the Roman Rite (c. BENEDICT XVI, Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificuм, July 7, 2007).
    V. 1. The priests and deacons to date belong to the Priestly FRATERNITY San Pio X, are incardinated in the Personal Prelature. The priests are the ####y of the Personal Prelature. They belong in all respects to the secular clergy, that is why they maintain deep relationships with the ####y unit of the respective Diocese.
    Two. The clerics incardinated in the Prelature, and transfer to a different jurisdiction is governed by the norms of universal law.
    VI. 1. The clerics incardinated in the Prelature receive canonical missio Prelate.
    Two. Prelate's attribution of granting the power to hear confessions within the Prelature, the extent to which refers the canon 967 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law.
    VII. 1. The Prelate is responsible for the spiritual and doctrinal formation of the clergy of the prelature. He has the power to hold private meetings or retreats at regional, national or international.
    Two. It belongs to the bishop a duty to ensure the livelihood of the priests and deacons incardinated in the Personal Prelature, ensuring elderly or sick priests of old age pension and medical care they may be necessary.
    VIII. 1. The bishop may erect seminars own, even international, for the formation of candidates for the diaconate and the priesthood. The bishop may promote candidates orders service title of the Prelature.
    Two. The bishop determines the admission of seminarians, admitting to the tonsure and minor orders and major orders call according to the rules laid down by law.
    Three. Candidates are incardinated in the Prelature in the time of his ordination to the diaconate (cf. CIC. Can. 266 § 1)
    April. Each seminar of the Prelature has a regulation approved by the bishop himself, according to the rules of the Ratio fundamentalis institutionis sacerdotalis of the Congregation for Catholic Education, respecting its own specificity.
    IX. 1. For the present Apostolic Constitution, churches, seminars, educational or cultural institutes and places of worship attended by the clergy of St. Pius X Personal Prelature exist today, are recognized canonically and remain under the jurisdiction of the Prelate Staff according to the universal norms of canon law and the present Apostolic Constitution.
    Two. Under the rules of law and with the written consent of the respective diocesan Bishop (cf. CIC, can. 1215 § 1), the bishop can establish new churches and places of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature.
    Three. The churches of the Prelature permanently used as places of worship for the pastoral care of the faithful of the Prelature, have the legal status of churches, rectories, in the sense of cann. 556-563 of the Code of Canon Law.
    April. The priests who, after consulting the diocesan bishop be appointed rectors of the churches of the Prelature (cf. CIC. Can. 557 § 1) receive from their own canonical missio Prelate and all powers necessary to administer the sacraments to the faithful enrolled in the Prelature. To assist other faithful marriage, the rector of a church of the prelature must obtain delegation Cure or diocesan ordinary place.
    May. In churches of the Prelature, the jurisdiction of the prelate is cuмulative with the respective diocesan bishop, which will use its own jurisdiction only in a subsidiary, without ignoring what is established in Article III, and the other rules of the present Apostolic Constitution.
    X. 1. The lay faithful who, wishing to participate in worship as indicated in Article IV, apply for membership of the Personal Prelature San Pio X shall state in writing their desire to the priest in charge of the respective Church of the Prelature, in order to be written in a special register to be kept in the same church. The bishop, as often as he chooses and the diocesan bishop of the territory on which the church is placed, will be regularly informed of the status of such registration.
    Two. The register referred to in § 1 shall be registered all sacramental acts held in the church rectory, according to canon law, must be registered, the Rector shall have the duty to report in writing to Cure carefully place each believer's baptism .
    Three. The lay faithful enrolled in the Prelature as the norm of § 1 have the right to receive the pastoral care of the priests of the Prelature, remaining firm its full membership in the Diocese of your residence.
    XI. 1. With the approval of the Holy See, the bishop may erect and receive under its own jurisdiction to the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, as well as promote candidates orders definitively incorporated (cf. CIC, can. § 1019 1), according to the universal law provisions.
    Two. Institutes and companies linked to the present to the Priestly Society of St. Pius X, can remain under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the prelate, as provided by canon. 579 of the Code of Canon Law and other provisions of universal law.
    Three. The autonomous houses and monasteries of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life to which the preceding paragraph, exist today, are received respective dioceses canonically. For the erection of new houses, the respective upper or authority of the Prelature must receive written permission of the diocesan bishop.
    April. The prelate also can erect associations of the faithful, even if you expect one, after a test period can be erected in institute of consecrated life or society of apostolic life.
    XII. 1. With respect to canonical discipline, schools and study centers currently dependent Priestly Society of St. Pius X, pass under the jurisdiction of the Personal Prelature and confirmed by the present Apostolic Constitution in their respective dioceses. The above places remain under common law of the Church, always being safe place ecclesiastical authority, with which protocol should be established governing the mutual relations.
    Two. Under the rules of law and with the consent of the respective diocesan Bishop (cf. CIC, can. 801), the Prelature can start new schools and study centers.
    Three. The priests who, after consulting the diocesan bishop exercised chaplains function of these centers will receive the missio canonical bishop.
    XIII. 1. The bishop is assisted by a Vicar General, appointed by him, and of a self-governing Council, consisting of at least six priests, who must fulfill the tasks assigned by the universal law of the Priests' Council and the College of Consultors, the statutes be approved by the bishop. This Council will be kept in case of vacancy in the seat of the Personal Prelature.
    Two. The Personal Prelate may constitute the pastoral council of the Prelature.
    Three. The Personal Prelature San Pio X, is divided into districts, erected by the bishop with the deliberative vote of his own governing board. At the head of each district, the bishop appoint a District Vicar own, provided the powers confer sees fit.
    XIV. 1. The bishop will be responsible for ensuring the management and conservation of church property (cf. CIC. Can. 1257 § 1) that has the Personal Prelature St. Pius X.
    Two. According to canon law, the bishop is assisted with regard to economic issues, by a Council for Economic Affairs and by a General Treasurer.
    XV. The bishop will come to Rome every five years and submit to the Sovereign Pontiff, through the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, a detailed report of both a pastoral and legal on the state of the Prelature and the development of its pastoral activity.
    XVI. The Matrimonial Causes the faithful attached to the Prelature are diocesan court jurisdiction. For other court cases, the bishop may erect a Court appoint himself and steadily, with the approval of the Holy See, in accordance with can. 1438 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law, the Court of second instance.
    XVII. To ensure the necessary coordination with the local Ordinaries, by the terms of the can. 297 of the Code of Canon Law, the bishop and his vicars maintain, directly or through other priests of the Prelature, regular contact with the President and the agencies of the Bishops' Conference and, frequently, with the Bishops of the Diocese which is the Prelature.
    XVIII. The Curia of the Prelature is located in the city of .... Church .... is the seat of the archbishop and is erected in Church of the Prelature.
    Finally, for good realization of what has been said above, we designate the President of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, whom we confer the powers necessary and appropriate, including that of sub-delegate all ecclesiastical dignitary for everything that touches the subject in question, requiring it to arrive as soon as possible to the Congregation for Bishops, one authentic copy of the act of carrying out its mandate.
    So be it, not obstando anything to the contrary.

    Done at St. Peter's in Rome.

    Those docuмents might have been in effect if the SSPX had accepted an offer from the Vatican. Since they have rejected the invitation made by Pope Benedict XVI then they are invalid.

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    « Reply #3 on: September 17, 2013, 03:09:02 AM »
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  • Quote
    II.          The St. Pius X personal prelature is governed by the norms of universal law, in particular by the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, as well as the present Apostolic Constitution, not to mention its own particular law and the customs that are not contrary to the spirit of these rules.
    -The personal prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and she maintains direct relationship with the other departments of the Roman Curia in accordance with their respective powers.

    Is this the local congregation of Bishop in each country, like in the USA the USCCB?

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    « Reply #4 on: September 17, 2013, 03:29:28 AM »
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  • Quote from: bowler
    II.          The St. Pius X personal prelature is governed by the norms of universal law, in particular by the canons 294-297 of the Code of Canon Law, as well as the present Apostolic Constitution, not to mention its own particular law and the customs that are not contrary to the spirit of these rules.
    -The personal prelature San Pio X, depends on the Congregation for Bishops and the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, and she maintains direct relationship with the other departments of the Roman Curia in accordance with their respective powers.

    Is this the local congregation of Bishop in each country, like in the USA the USCCB?

    Yes there are local organizations of bishops like the USCCB. In some cases there are regional groupings of countries by language, like CELAM.

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    « Reply #5 on: September 17, 2013, 03:49:28 AM »
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  • No, these are Vatican bodies. These proposals would differentiate between well-established missions which would always be at loggerheads with local bishops and new or young missions which would effectively revert to indult status. Overall, the growth of the Society would be compromised and I see here an intention to ring-fence this corner of tradition and contain any further expansion. This may suit the currect leadership which sees little prospect in further growth or is quite happy with the curent size and is restyling what already exists.  

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    « Reply #6 on: September 17, 2013, 06:36:12 AM »
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  • Quote from: poche
    Those docuмents might have been in effect if the SSPX had accepted an offer from the Vatican. Since they have rejected the invitation made by Pope Benedict XVI then they are invalid.

    These docuмents prove to what extent +Fellay is willing to compromise the SSPX however. Why wouldn't he have asked for an Apostolic Administration? At least then in theory, he wouldn't be answering to diocesan pansies.

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    « Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 11:39:45 AM »
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  • Quote
    Anyone can translate? Look like this is another leaked docuмent about SSPX from the Cor Unum. I don't read french.

    A translation of the first docuмent has been available in the Reference Materials section of  The Recusant website for a couple of days now...

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    « Reply #8 on: September 17, 2013, 03:29:17 PM »
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  • Quote from: ultrarigorist
    These docuмents prove to what extent +Fellay is willing to compromise the SSPX however. Why wouldn't he have asked for an Apostolic Administration? At least then in theory, he wouldn't be answering to diocesan pansies.

    How reliable is the source of these docuмents?

    I don't know.  While I don't generally trust Bishop Fellay given all that has happened and is docuмented, I really don't know how much credence to give these docuмents.

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    « Reply #9 on: September 17, 2013, 05:55:48 PM »
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  • Ask your local SSPX priest if these docuмents were in the June Cor Unum.
    He may know. Some priests don't bother to read the Cor Unum, considering it to be of no value.

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    « Reply #10 on: September 17, 2013, 06:22:58 PM »
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  •  :mad:
    These docuмents were not in Cor Unum, or at least not as they appear here on N.P.  portions of them have been kicking around the SSPX for two years, some of which have appeared in C.U.  I have this from a reliable source whom I can't name, but is former sspx priest.  It is true that a number of priests don't bother reading Cor Unum.  Many give it the "once over" and go back to whatever it is they are doing.  Before CI posters jump all over such priests, please consider, those of you who work for large businesses, how carefully you sit down and study each newsletter from corporate headquarters.  The lower down you are in the organisation, the less apt to studiously read bit of news that reaches your inbox. I suspect many glance at the boldface and hit delete.  I fear the sspx has run on a corporate model for some time.  Until recently, it seemed to headquarters that the shareholders were mostly happy.  Enough have not yet indicated otherwise to be enough of a threat to force a change of course.  Some plans are beyond changing.  Example, the Seminary in VA.  Anyone think the sspx will change their plans to fill it with lots of liberal young men?  How else will they pay for it?  Will it be razed and sold to a developer of a gated community cantered on a golf course?  I think the die is cast, and that will not happen.  Will the priests who emerge from it gladly work under the local bishop?  My guess is that they will have no qualms about joining the church of Vatican II, but plenty of disdain for those practicing the Faith on the outside.
     St. Francis Xavier threw a Crucifix into the sea, at once calming the waves.  Upon reaching the shore, the Crucifix was returned to him by a crab with a curious cross pattern on its shell.  

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    « Reply #11 on: September 17, 2013, 07:30:01 PM »
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  •  :sign-surrender:
    I stand corrected.  Apparently, my source didn't see his relative's June 2013 Cor Unam.  I've had  two emails in the last half-hour from priests telling me otherwise!  I don't think my first source lied.  I think he just didn't see the June issue.  I will definitely ask Father to have a look!
    Maybe I'll share his "take" on the matter.
     St. Francis Xavier threw a Crucifix into the sea, at once calming the waves.  Upon reaching the shore, the Crucifix was returned to him by a crab with a curious cross pattern on its shell.  

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    « Reply #12 on: September 17, 2013, 10:58:44 PM »
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  • Quote from: ultrarigorist
    Quote from: poche
    Those docuмents might have been in effect if the SSPX had accepted an offer from the Vatican. Since they have rejected the invitation made by Pope Benedict XVI then they are invalid.

    These docuмents prove to what extent +Fellay is willing to compromise the SSPX however. Why wouldn't he have asked for an Apostolic Administration? At least then in theory, he wouldn't be answering to diocesan pansies.

    Those docuмents demonstrate the Vatican's willingness to give autonomy and legal existence to the SSPX within the Catholic Church. Bishop Fellay rejected teh Vatican's offer.

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    « Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 11:05:19 PM »
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  • Actually, Fellay wasn't doing the final rejecting, the Vatican was.
    Matthew 5:37

    But let your speech be yea, yea: no, no: and that which is over and above these, is of evil.

    My Avatar is Fr. Hector Bolduc. He was a faithful parish priest in De Pere, WI,

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    « Reply #14 on: September 18, 2013, 04:19:25 AM »
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  • It was bad enough Bernie Fellay deciding to surrender to this alien entity in Rome but he was making such a botched job of it. I guess the Society at that point was at its weakest and Rome could finally get it to commit to fully blown conciliarism. This may have been a step too far for Menzingen but further concessions will continue to be made and its goal will be reached in due course. The politics of religion can move at a fast pace and will always leave behind those reluctant to change.