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Tissier de Mallerais Interview
« on: June 13, 2012, 01:59:28 PM »
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  • Mgr Tissier de Mallerais : “La foi passe avant la légalité”

    Rivarol - Mgr Tissier de Mallerais - propos recueillis par Jérôme Bourbon - publié le 13 juin 2012

    Il y a dix ans nous avions interviewé Mgr Tissier de Mallerais à propos de la parution de son épaisse biographie sur Mgr Lefebvre publiée aux éditions Clovis : Marcel Lefebvre. Une vie. L’ex-archevêque de Dakar avait accordé en 1968 un long entretien à RIVAROL qui avait fait date, deux ans avant de fonder la Fraternité Saint-Pie X. A l’occasion de la réédition de son ouvrage L’étrange théologie de Benoît XVI, Herméneutique de continuité ou rupture, par Les Editions du Sel, Couvent de la Haye aux Bonhommes, 49240 Avrillé (19 euros), nous avons à nouveau interrogé Mgr Tissier à un moment où de graves divisions se font jour au sein de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X sur la question d’un accord avec Benoît XVI. Dans cet entretien réalisé le 1er juin l’on peut voir que Mgr Tissier né en 1945 et qui est l’un des quatre évêques sacrés par le prélat d’Ecône le 30 juin 1988, le seul de nationalité française, s’oppose nettement à la stratégie de ralliement à Benoît XVI de Mgr Fellay.

    RIVAROL : On parle beaucoup de la “réintégration” imminente de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pie X (FSSPX) dans l’« Eglise officielle ». Qu’en est-il exactement ?

    Mgr TISSIER de MALLERAIS : “Réintégration” : le mot est faux. La Fraternité Saint-Pie X (FSSPX) n’a jamais quitté l’Eglise. Elle est au cœur de l’Eglise. Là où est la prédication authentique de la foi, là est l’Eglise. Ce projet d’“officialisation” de la FSSPX me laisse indifférent. Nous n’en avons pas besoin et l’Eglise n’en a pas besoin. Nous sommes déjà sur le pinacle, comme un signe de contradiction qui attire les âmes bien nées, qui attire beaucoup de jeunes prêtres malgré notre statut de paria. On voudrait mettre notre lumière sous le boisseau par notre intégration dans l’orbe conciliaire. Ce statut qu’on nous propose de prélature personnelle, analogue à celui de l’Opus Dei, est un statut pour un état de paix. Mais actuellement nous sommes dans un état de guerre dans l’Eglise. Ce serait une contradiction de vouloir « régulariser la guerre ».

    R. : Mais certains dans la Fraternité Saint-Pie X pensent que ce serait quand même une bonne chose. Ne vous sentez-vous pas gênés par cette situation “irrégulière” ?

    Mgr TISSIER : L’irrégularité n’est pas la nôtre. C’est celle de Rome. Une Rome moderniste. Une Rome libérale qui a renoncé au Christ-Roi. Une Rome qui a été condamnée d’avance par tous les papes jusqu’à la veille du concile. D’autre part l’expérience des sociétés sacerdotales qui se sont ralliées à la Rome actuelle est que toutes, les unes après les autres, y compris Campos et le Bon Pasteur, ont été mises en demeure d’accepter le concile Vatican II. Et on sait ce qu’est devenu Mgr Rifan, de Campos, qui maintenant ne voit plus d’objection à célébrer la nouvelle messe et qui interdit à ses prêtres de critiquer le Concile !

    R : Que répondez-vous à ceux qui croient que Rome a changé avec  Benoît XVI ?

    Mgr TISSIER : Il est exact que Benoît XVI a fait quelques gestes en faveur de la tradition. Principalement en déclarant que la messe traditionnelle n’a jamais été supprimée et secondement en supprimant en 2009 la soi-disant excommunication qui avait été déclarée à notre encontre à la suite de notre sacre épiscopal par Mgr Lefebvre. Ces deux gestes positifs ont attiré à Benoît XVI des plaintes amères de la part de l’épiscopat. Mais le pape Benoît XVI, tout pape qu’il soit, reste moderniste. Son discours programmatique du 22 décembre 2005 est une profession de l’évolution des vérités de foi selon les idées dominantes de chaque époque. Malgré ses gestes favorables, son intention réelle en nous intégrant dans l’orbe conciliaire, ne peut être que de nous ramener à Vatican II. Il l’avait dit lui-même à S.E. Mgr Fellay en août 2005 et une note confidentielle de lui-même, publiée frauduleusement, vient tout récemment de le confirmer.

    R. : Mais certains pensent que Benoît XVI venant de la Bavière catholique, et qui est, croient-ils savoir, « d’une profonde piété depuis sa jeunesse », inspire confiance. Que leur répondez-vous ?

    Mgr TISSIER : Il est vrai que ce pape est très sympathique. C’est un homme aimable, poli, réfléchi, un homme discret mais d’une autorité naturelle, un homme de décision qui a résolu plusieurs problèmes dans l’Eglise par son énergie personnelle. Par exemple des problèmes de moralité dans tel ou tel institut sacerdotal. Mais il est imbu du concile. Lorsqu’il dit que la solution du problème de la FSSPX est une des tâches principales de son pontificat, il ne voit pas où est le vrai problème. Il le situe mal. Il le voit dans notre soi-disant schisme. Or le problème n’est pas celui de la FSSPX, c’est le problème de Rome, de la Rome néo-moderniste qui n’est plus la Rome éternelle, qui n’est plus la maîtresse de sagesse et de vérité, mais qui est devenue source d’erreur depuis le concile Vatican II et qui le demeure aujourd’hui. Pourtant la solution de la crise ne pourra venir que de Rome. Après Benoît XVI.

    R : Alors comment voyez-vous la solution de ce désaccord jugé par beaucoup scandaleux de la FSSPX avec Benoît XVI ?

    Mgr TISSIER : Il est vrai que la FSSPX est une « pierre de scandale » pour ceux qui résistent à la vérité (cf 1 Petr 2, 8) et cela est un bien pour l’Eglise. Si nous étions “réintégrés”, nous cesserions par le fait-même d’être cette épine enfoncée dans le flanc de l’église conciliaire, d’être un vivant reproche à la perte de la foi en Jésus-Christ, en sa divinité, en sa royauté.

    R : Mais, Monseigneur, vous avez écrit avec vos deux collègues une lettre à S.E. Mgr Fellay pour refuser un accord purement pratique avec Benoît XVI. Quelles sont les raisons de ce refus ?

    Mgr TISSIER : La diffusion de notre lettre est due à une indiscrétion dont nous ne sommes pas coupables. Nous refusons un accord purement pratique parce que la question doctrinale est primordiale. La foi passe avant la légalité. Nous ne pouvons pas accepter une légalisation sans que le problème de la foi soit résolu. Nous soumettre maintenant sans condition à l’autorité supérieure imbue de modernisme serait nous exposer à devoir désobéir. Alors à quoi bon ? Mgr Lefebvre disait dès 1984 : « on ne se place pas sous une autorité quand cette autorité a tous les pouvoirs pour nous démolir ». Et je crois que c’est sagesse. Je voudrais que nous produisions un texte qui, renonçant aux finasseries diplomatiques, affirme clairement notre foi et par conséquent notre refus des erreurs conciliaires. Cette proclamation aurait l’avantage premièrement de dire la vérité ouvertement au pape Benoît XVI qui est le premier à avoir droit à la vérité et deuxièmement de restaurer l’unité des catholiques de tradition autour d’une profession de foi combative et inéquivoque.

    R. : D’aucuns croient que le statut de prélature personnelle qu’on vous propose vous garantira suffisamment de tout péril d’abandonner le combat de la foi. Que répondez-vous ?

    Mgr TISSIER : C’est inexact. Selon le projet de prélature, nous ne serions pas libres d’implanter de nouveaux prieurés sans la permission des évêques locaux et en outre toutes nos récentes fondations devraient être confirmées par ces mêmes évêques. Ce serait donc nous asservir tout à fait inutilement à un épiscopat globalement moderniste.

    R. : Pouvez-vous nous préciser ce problème de foi que vous souhaitez voir résolu en premier lieu ?

    Mgr TISSIER : Volontiers. Il s’agit, comme Mgr Lefebvre le disait, de la tentative du concile Vatican II de réconcilier l’Eglise avec la révolution, de concilier la doctrine de la foi avec les erreurs libérales. C’est Benoît XVI lui-même qui l’a dit dans son entretien avec Vittorio Messori en novembre 1984 en disant : « le problème des années 1960 (donc celui du concile) était l’acquisition des valeurs les mieux mûries des deux siècles de culture libérale. Ce sont des valeurs qui, bien que nées hors de l’Eglise, peuvent trouver leur place, une fois purifiées et corrigées, dans sa vision du monde. Et c’est ce qui a été fait. » Voilà l’œuvre du concile : une conciliation impossible. « Quelle conciliation peut-il y avoir entre la lumière et les ténèbres ? », dit l’Apôtre, « quel accord entre le Christ et Bélial ? » (2 Cor 6, 15). La manifestation emblématique de cette conciliation est la Déclaration sur la liberté religieuse. A la place de la vérité du Christ et de son règne social sur les nations, le concile place la personne humaine, sa conscience et sa liberté. C’est le fameux « changement de paradigme » que confessait le Cardinal Colombo dans les années 1980. Le culte de l’homme qui se fait Dieu à la place du culte de Dieu qui s’est fait homme (cf. Paul VI, discours à la clôture du concile, 7 décembre 1965). Il s’agit d’une nouvelle religion qui n’est pas la religion catholique. Avec cette religion nous ne voulons aucun compromis, aucun risque de corruption, aucune apparence même de conciliation, et c’est cette apparence que nous donnerait notre soi-disant “régularisation”. Que le Cœur immaculé de Marie, immaculé dans sa foi, nous garde dans la foi catholique.

      Propos recueillis par Jérôme BOURBON.

    Offline Ethelred

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #1 on: June 13, 2012, 02:51:01 PM »
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  • The Bishop's conclusion: No deal is possible!

    Because, he says: No doctrinal agreement -> no practical agreement.

    Yes, that's right. Thank you Bishop Tissier de Mallerais.

    (What's concerning B16's alleged positive gestures towards tradition, I'm not with Bishop Tissier, but with Fr. Pfeiffer and Fr. Chazal. But these are minor details now compared to all these clerics fighting together what's concerning the main problem: to deal or not to deal.)

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #2 on: June 13, 2012, 03:08:51 PM »
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  •    Darn it!

       These French/Italian/Spanish updates are more suspenseful than Christmas was as a kid!!

       Can anyone translate???
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Ethelred

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #3 on: June 13, 2012, 03:14:50 PM »
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  • Cleaned up Google machine translation (so don't expect perfection), copied from a more liberal trad forum:

    Bishop Tissier de Mallerais: Faith comes before legality

    Rivarol, Interview by Jerome Bourbon
    13 June, 2012

    Ten years ago we interviewed Bishop Tissier de Mallerais about the publication of his thick biography of Archbishop Lefebvre published by Editions Clovis: Marcel Lefebvre. A life. The former archbishop of Dakar in 1968 granted a long interview to RIVAROL which took place two years before founding the Society of St. Pius X. On the occasion of the republication of his book The Strange theology of Benedict XVI, Hermeneutics of continuity or rupture, by Editions du Sel, Couvent de la Haye aux Bonshommes, 49240 Avrillé (19 euros), we again asked Bishop Tissier at a time when serious divisions are emerging within the Society of St. Pius X on the question of an agreement with Benedict XVI. In this interview conducted on June 1, one can see that Bishop Tissier born in 1945 and one of four bishops consecrated by the prelate of Ecône June 30, 1988, the only French citizen, is clearly opposed to strategy of rejoinder to Benedict XVI of Bishop Fellay.

    RIVAROL: Much of the "reintegration" imminent Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in the "official Church". What is it exactly?

    Bishop Tissier de Mallerais: "Reinstatement": the word is false. The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) has never left the Church. It is at the heart of the Church. The Church is where there preaching of the true faith. The project of "formalization" of the SSPX leaves me cold. We do not need it and the Church does not need it. We are already on the pinnacle, as a sign of contradiction that attracts noble souls, which attracts many young priests despite our pariah status. We would have to put our light under a bushel by our integration into the conciliar orb. This status being proposed is a personal prelature, similar to that of Opus Dei, a statute for a state of peace. But currently we are in a state of war in the Church. This would be a contradiction to want to "regularize the war."

    R. : But certain people in the Society of St. Pius X think it would still be a good thing. Are you not bothered by this "irregular" situation?

    Bishop Tissier: The irregularity is not ours. It is Rome’s. A Modernist Rome. A liberal Rome who has renounced Christ the King. A Rome that was condemned by all the popes until the eve of the council. On the other hand the experience of the priestly societies that have rejoined Rome as of today is that all, one after the other, including Campos and the Good Shepherd, have been required to accept the Second Vatican Council. And we know what happened to Bishop Rifan, of Campos, who now has no objection to celebrating the New Mass and has forbid his priests to criticize the Council!

    R: What do you say to those who believe that Rome has changed with Benedict XVI?

    Bishop Tissier: It is true that Benedict XVI has made some gestures in favor of tradition. Mainly by stating that the traditional Mass was never abolished and secondly in 2009 by eliminating the so-called excommunication which had been declared against us after our episcopal consecration by Archbishop Lefebvre. Both positive gestures caused Benedict to be the target of bitter complaints from the episcopate. But Pope Benedict XVI, while he is the pope, remains a modernist. His speech Program of December 22, 2005 is a profession of the evolution of the truths of the faith according to the dominant ideas of each era. Despite his favorable gestures, his real intention in integrating us into the conciliar orb can only be to lead us back to Vatican II. He told it himself to Bishop Fellay in August 2005 and in a confidential memo by himself, illicitly published, has recently confirmed that.

    R. : But some think that Benedict XVI coming from Catholic Bavaria, and who is, as they have put it, "of a profound piety from his youth," inspires confidence. What do you say?

    Bishop Tissier: It is true that this Pope is very friendly. He is a pleasant man, polite, thoughtful, a discreet man but with a natural authority, a man of decision who has solved several problems in the Church through his personal energy, for example, the morality issues of a particular priestly institute. But he is imbued with the council. When he says that the solution of the problem of the SSPX is a major task of his pontificate, he does not see where the real problem is. He’s looking in the wrong place. He sees it in our so-called schism. But the problem is not the SSPX, the problem is Rome, neo-modernist Rome which is no longer eternal Rome, which is no longer the mistress of wisdom and truth, but has become a source of error since the Second Vatican Council and remains so today. However, the solution of the crisis can only come from Rome. After Benedict XVI.

    R: So how do you solve this disagreement between the SSPX and Benedict XVI, considered scandalous by many?

    Bishop Tissier: It is true that the SSPX is a "stumbling block" for those who resist the truth
    (1 Peter 2: 8) and this is good for the Church. If we were "reintegrated," we would, by that act, cease being the thorn in the side of the conciliar church, cease being a living reproach to the loss of faith in Jesus Christ, in His divinity, in His kingship.

    R: But, Sir, you with your two colleagues have written a letter to HE Bishop Fellay rejecting a purely practical agreement with Benedict XVI. What are the reasons for the refusal?

    Bishop Tissier: The dissemination of our letter is due to an indiscretion of which we are not guilty. We reject a purely practical agreement because the doctrinal issues are paramount. Faith comes before legality. We can not accept a legalization without the problem of faith being resolved. Submitting unconditionally now to a higher authority imbued with modernism would be to expose us to having to disobey. So why bother? Archbishop Lefebvre said in 1984: "we do not place ourselves under an authority when that authority has full power to destroy us." And I think that is wisdom. I would like for us to produce a text that, waiving the diplomatic finesse, clearly affirms our faith and, as a consequence, our refusal of conciliar errors. This proclamation would have the advantage of firstly speaking the truth openly to Pope Benedict XVI who is the first to have the right to truth, and secondly to restore the unity of Traditional Catholics around a combative and unequivocal profession of faith.

    R. : Some believe that the proposed status of a personal prelature would offer you a sufficient guarantee of any danger of abandoning the fight for the faith. How do you respond?

    Bishop Tissier: This is incorrect. Under the proposed prelature, we would not be free to establish new priories without the permission of local bishops and furthermore, our recent foundations would need to be confirmed by those bishops. It would thus enslave us quite unnecessarily to an overall modernist episcopate.

    R. : Can you clarify this issue of faith that you want to see solved first?

    Bishop Tissier: Certainly. This is, as Archbishop Lefebvre said, the attempt of Vatican II to reconcile the Church with the revolution, to reconcile the doctrine of faith with liberal errors. It is Benedict XVI himself who said it in his interview with Vittorio Messori in November 1984 when saying: "the problem of the 1960s (hence that of the Council) was the acquisition of the most developed values of the two centuries of liberal culture. These are values which, although born outside of the Church, could find their place, once purified and corrected, in his worldview. And this is what was done. "This is the work of the Council: an impossible reconciliation. "What fellowship hath light with darkness?” says the Apostle, “ And what concord hath Christ with Belial?” (2 Cor 6:15). The emblematic manifestation of this reconciliation is the Declaration on Religious Freedom. In place of the truth of Christ and the Social Kingship of Christ over all the nations, the Council places the human person, his conscience and his liberty. This is the famous "paradigm shift" that Cardinal Colombo confessed in the 1980s. The cult of the man who makes himself God in the place of the worship of God who became man (cf. Paul VI, Address at the close of the council, December 7, 1965). They made a new religion that is not the Catholic religion. We want no compromise with this religion, no risk of corruption, not even any appearance of reconciliation, and it is this appearance that we would give with our so called "regularization". May the Heart of Mary, immaculate in her faith, keep us in the Catholic faith.

    Interview by Jerome BOURBON

    Offline Guga

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #4 on: June 13, 2012, 04:02:04 PM »
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  •  :roll-laugh1: :roll-laugh1:
    Quote from: Seraphim
      Darn it!

       These French/Italian/Spanish updates are more suspenseful than Christmas was as a kid!!

       Can anyone translate???

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #5 on: June 13, 2012, 04:23:33 PM »
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  • Bishop Tissier said:

    "Despite his favorable gestures, his real intention in integrating us into the conciliar orb can only be to lead us back to Vatican II. He told it himself to Bishop Fellay in August 2005 and in a confidential memo by himself, illicitly published, has recently confirmed that."


    How can Bishop Fellay have the audacity then to try and tell the world the SSPX will be OK in Rome?????????????????????????????????
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #6 on: June 13, 2012, 04:24:14 PM »
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  • Quote from: Seraphim
    Bishop Tissier said:

    "Despite his favorable gestures, his real intention in integrating us into the conciliar orb can only be to lead us back to Vatican II. He told it himself to Bishop Fellay in August 2005 and in a confidential memo by himself, illicitly published, has recently confirmed that."


    How can Bishop Fellay have the audacity then to try and tell the world the SSPX will be OK in Rome?????????????????????????????????

    Does not this mean that Bishop Fellay is deliberately trying to destroy the SSPX?!?!?!?!
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline AntiFellayism

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #7 on: June 13, 2012, 04:38:06 PM »
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  • Quote from: Seraphim
    Bishop Tissier said:

    "Despite his favorable gestures, his real intention in integrating us into the conciliar orb can only be to lead us back to Vatican II. He told it himself to Bishop Fellay in August 2005 and in a confidential memo by himself, illicitly published, has recently confirmed that."


    How can Bishop Fellay have the audacity then to try and tell the world the SSPX will be OK in Rome?????????????????????????????????

    They need to find a way to KICK Bishop Judas Fellay out !!!
    Non Habemus Papam

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #8 on: June 14, 2012, 02:32:32 AM »
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  • Yes, the coming SSPX general chapter meeting in Ecône from 3rd (?) of July to 14th of July 2012 will be the final battle for the SSPX:

    The true defenders of the Faith, aka Bishops Williamson and Tissier de Mallerais (and hopefully also Bishop Galarreta) and their supporting priests, must call for a voting chapter. This way hopefully a majority of priors and bishops will vote to depose Bishop Fellay, Fr. N. Pfluger, Fr. Schmidbeger and the other superiors who betray the Faith by wanting an agreement with modernistic Newrome.
    If that should happen, the SSPX is saved.

    If the betrayers win however, the SSPX is doomed, so the defenders of the Faith need to depart from the betrayers and we laypeople can watch out for the catacombs in our area.

    Fr. Chazal says something similar in his What's Next sermon from 10 June 2012, of course much better.

    So, let's pray that the defenders of the Faith may win, and for conversion of the betrayers.

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #9 on: June 14, 2012, 04:07:05 AM »
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  • You are talking about forty votes. If a vote is allowed, you have Menzingen + key district appointees + seminary rectors ..... versus the bishops + religious.
    The unknown is the peripheral superiors and senior priests. Most members do not have a vote.  

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #10 on: June 14, 2012, 08:48:34 AM »
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  • Quote from: Wessex
    You are talking about forty votes. If a vote is allowed, you have Menzingen + key district appointees + seminary rectors ..... versus the bishops + religious.
    The unknown is the peripheral superiors and senior priests. Most members do not have a vote.  

    Yes, though numbers. Humanly speaking, it's getting very difficult. In one month we'll know what Our Lord thinks about this situation.

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #11 on: June 14, 2012, 10:53:24 AM »
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  • Quote from: Ethelred
    Yes, the coming SSPX general chapter meeting in Ecône from 3rd (?) of July to 14th of July 2012 will be the final battle for the SSPX:

    The true defenders of the Faith, aka Bishops Williamson and Tissier de Mallerais (and hopefully also Bishop Galarreta) and their supporting priests, must call for a voting chapter. This way hopefully a majority of priors and bishops will vote to depose Bishop Fellay, Fr. N. Pfluger, Fr. Schmidbeger and the other superiors who betray the Faith by wanting an agreement with modernistic Newrome.
    If that should happen, the SSPX is saved.

    If the betrayers win however, the SSPX is doomed, so the defenders of the Faith need to depart from the betrayers and we laypeople can watch out for the catacombs in our area.

    Fr. Chazal says something similar in his What's Next sermon from 10 June 2012, of course much better.

    So, let's pray that the defenders of the Faith may win, and for conversion of the betrayers.

    If the voting is secret then the participants can vote according to their consciences and not bother about the dimpled big brother glaring at them....and vote him out!

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #12 on: June 14, 2012, 12:21:39 PM »
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  • Quote
    We are already on the pinnacle, as a sign of contradiction that attracts noble souls, which attracts many young priests despite our pariah status.

    Very precise truth. The SSPX attracts noble souls by preaching truth. It is God who sends them.

    The accordistas on the other hand, first and foremost, do not like this "pariah status". They want it removed because they think that is what is keeping new people from filling the chapels.

    Our business is teaching truth. It is God's business who He directs toward our chapels. This is not about numbers, it's about truth, and the few noble souls which only God knows. Removing the "pariah status" is not going to change the number of noble souls that come.

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #13 on: June 14, 2012, 12:37:51 PM »
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  • Quote from: Clint
    We are already on the pinnacle, as a sign of contradiction that attracts noble souls, which attracts many young priests despite our pariah status.

    Very precise truth. The SSPX attracts noble souls by preaching truth. It is God who sends them.

    The accordistas on the other hand, first and foremost, do not like this "pariah status". They want it removed because they think that is what is keeping new people from filling the chapels.

    Our business is teaching truth. It is God's business who He directs toward our chapels. This is not about numbers, it's about truth, and the few noble souls which only God knows. Removing the "pariah status" is not going to change the number of noble souls that come.

    Oh yes it will. It will drastically 'diminish'  :dancing:.
    Non Habemus Papam

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    Tissier de Mallerais Interview
    « Reply #14 on: June 14, 2012, 02:25:32 PM »
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  • Quote from: AJNC
    Quote from: Ethelred
    Yes, the coming SSPX general chapter meeting in Ecône from 3rd (?) of July to 14th of July 2012 will be the final battle for the SSPX:

    The true defenders of the Faith, aka Bishops Williamson and Tissier de Mallerais (and hopefully also Bishop Galarreta) and their supporting priests, must call for a voting chapter. This way hopefully a majority of priors and bishops will vote to depose Bishop Fellay, Fr. N. Pfluger, Fr. Schmidbeger and the other superiors who betray the Faith by wanting an agreement with modernistic Newrome.
    If that should happen, the SSPX is saved.

    If the betrayers win however, the SSPX is doomed, so the defenders of the Faith need to depart from the betrayers and we laypeople can watch out for the catacombs in our area.

    Fr. Chazal says something similar in his What's Next sermon from 10 June 2012, of course much better.

    So, let's pray that the defenders of the Faith may win, and for conversion of the betrayers.

    If the voting is secret then the participants can vote according to their consciences and not bother about the dimpled big brother glaring at them....and vote him out!

    Ah! but who counts the votes?