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Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
« on: January 21, 2018, 06:31:58 PM »
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  • Number DXLIX (549)
    January 20, 2018
    Prison Survival
    Are you afraid of Globalists’ coming Hell?
    Your inner castle, filled with God, build well.

    Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918–2008) is one of the few truly outstanding writers of the 20th century because he is not godless but came back to God thanks to his sufferings under the totalitarian tyranny of Communist Russia, which lasted from 1917 until 1989. His major work is the Archipelago Gulag in three volumes, for which he drew extensively on his own experience, when he lived from 1945 to 1953 inside the Communist archipelago of prison camps spread all over Russia. He survived the experience, and his writings include hints or serious advice on how to survive in such modern-day totalitarian prisons. One hears that the Globalists have already built prisons across the United States in which to shut up enemies of the Globalist State, who will surely include convinced Christians. The following seven-point recipe for survival was drawn from the Archipelago Gulag and presented recently in France:—
    * At the preliminary interrogation , do not try to deceive or trick the interrogators when for a week you have been given the bare minimum of food and sleep for survival. Rather play the idiot from start to finish, e.g. “I don’t know,” “I can’t remember.” In any case, do not fool yourself, it is the interrogators who write up the interrogation – the Party is their conscience, and they do not want to lose their jobs.
    * Once inside the prison , lead any kind of life of the mind sufficiently intense for no kind of suffering to be able to knock your mind off balance.
    * Get into your head as fast as possible that your past life is over and done with , even life itself. Once you have nothing more to lose and are convinced of it, and have made up your mind that cost what it may, you are going to stick to the line you have determined upon, then you are no longer afraid, automatically you find the right answers and how to answer, they can no longer impose on you, and if you have to die, you do so with dignity and a clear conscience. Here is the moral strength that they are afraid of and which they do all they can to break, for instance by raising false hopes of your receiving a pardon.
    * Possess nothing, be detached from everything, and you will have the calm and freedom of mind to judge serenely of people and circuмstances. Rely on your memory alone to call up everything you know of man and human nature.
    * Give up any desire to organise your own life, in order to preserve your peace of mind.
    * Believe nobody, distrust everybody: inside the gulag, nobody does anything for nothing.
    * Finally, stick close to decent fellow-prisoners against the crooks and informers, taking justice into your own hands, if necessary. For indeed one of the most remarkable discoveries on your journey through this scene from Hell is that your worst enemies are not the prison guards, but . . . your fellow-prisoners. The law of this jungle is, today it’s you that kicks the bucket, tomorrow it’s my turn. All that you can do is to strike first, even if you get knifed in return . . . in brief, make yourself respected if you do not want to be exploited.
    As for the use of physical force in self-defence, the Church teaches that it must be proportional to the attack threatened. But Solzhenitsyn’s main point is the renunciation of all earthly hope, the detachment from all possessions, the calm of mind, the conscience at peace, in brief that inner moral strength which transfers the fear from oneself to one’s adversaries. Here Catholics are universally recognised to be winners, who have a prayer life by which they live close to God. “This is the victory which overcometh the world, our faith” (I John V, 4).
    Kyrie eleison.
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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #1 on: January 21, 2018, 09:39:25 PM »
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  • The only fight i was in in prison was the one i started. Some fellow in the cell next door kept staying up all night making stupid unusual noises and it was invading my dreams with Fd up stuff. I had to do something.
    The next day I got my chance, the door of my cell was unlocked and the warden was rood, so I went to confront him but he wasent there he walked on, but who do I see once I get to the door, mr noisey squeakey dream ruiner.
    So forthwith proceeded many blows to the face and torso from me gratis to him. That is how it is done.
    I was wrestled to the ground by wardens and put in the cell, but I thoroughly enjoyed the battle, i defeated him fair and square. That is just one fond memory. But in prison you live under jungle law. Proud of it. Its another world.
    I dont think about stuff like this. But i have treasured memories of things i did well in.

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #2 on: January 21, 2018, 09:42:32 PM »
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  • PS there is a book by jack henry abbott called "In the belly of the beast". About being in prison under jungle law.
    Hard eye opener this book is to read.

    Offline 1st Mansion Tenant

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #3 on: January 21, 2018, 10:21:52 PM »
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  •  H.E. must think time is getting very close.

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #4 on: January 21, 2018, 10:40:08 PM »
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  • H.E. must think time is getting very close.
    I just have a long standing confusion with trad catholics about the following
    Why do you let the state of politics and world affairs get so bad as to get to the point where you depend on "Miracles".
    Why not join forces NOW with the Alt right and take up issues like their various causes like the genocide of whites in south africa etc. Why not check out the alt media and get involved in political action.
    You can turn this around if you try. Maybe you will engender some respect for God in the alt right if you do.
    Dont waste time wondering if the earth is flat ( that sounds ridiculous but given the audience has to be said)
    Get involved in the issue of white replacement and islamic colonization of europe.
    The alt right is sweeping to power in elections all over europe. There was brexit and trump, two things which defeated the leftwing establishment. Get involved Now is the time. Do more than mass and rosary. Faith and works.
    thats all

    Offline Cantarella

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #5 on: January 21, 2018, 11:42:23 PM »
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  • Quote
    Possess nothing, be detached from everything, and you will have the calm and freedom of mind to judge serenely of people and circuмstances.

    This is very good. It applies to earthly life in general. Not only prison. "When God wants to attract a soul to Himself, He begins by inspiring in him the emptiness and nothingness of created things and a distaste for the world".

    The Christian vocation is first of all a grace of separation from the world. Christian perfection is death to the world!
    If anyone says that true and natural water is not necessary for baptism and thus twists into some metaphor the words of our Lord Jesus Christ" Unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Spirit" (Jn 3:5) let him be anathema.

    Offline Clemens Maria

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #6 on: January 22, 2018, 09:04:33 PM »
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  • This is very good. It applies to earthly life in general. Not only prison. "When God wants to attract a soul to Himself, He begins by inspiring in him the emptiness and nothingness of created things and a distaste for the world".

    The Christian vocation is first of all a grace of separation from the world. Christian perfection is death to the world!
    Yes, we are reminded of this when we meditate on the Third Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary.  We can follow St Louis de Montfort’s method and pray through the mystery and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the grace of contempt for the world.

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #7 on: January 22, 2018, 09:11:06 PM »
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  • Yes, we are reminded of this when we meditate on the Third Sorrowful Mystery of the Rosary.  We can follow St Louis de Montfort’s method and pray through the mystery and by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the grace of contempt for the world.
    On the one hand you claim to be motivated by "Love", on the other you want to have "Contempt" for the world.
    Is this a "love hate" relationship to the rest of humanity then?
    Is that why so many of you are single into your 40s and 50s?
    Is that why you wont bother trying to convert people outside your trusted circle in the chapel?
    Because you have "CONTEMPT" for the world? What did the people do to deserve your "CONTEMPT"?
    Is it jealousy against people who are happy? Does the church exist to make everyone miserable supremacists living in a straitjacket whose inner frustration makes them anti social people with personalities of sugar hiding a psyche full of acid?
    Contempt for the world. Disgusting belief. Hideous people. Sociopaths. Narcissists advocate this.

    Offline 1st Mansion Tenant

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #8 on: January 23, 2018, 03:43:02 AM »
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  • Quote
    On the one hand you claim to be motivated by "Love", on the other you want to have "Contempt" for the world.
    Is this a "love hate" relationship to the rest of humanity then?
    Is that why so many of you are single into your 40s and 50s?
    Is that why you wont bother trying to convert people outside your trusted circle in the chapel?
    Because you have "CONTEMPT" for the world? What did the people do to deserve your "CONTEMPT"?
    Is it jealousy against people who are happy? Does the church exist to make everyone miserable supremacists living in a straitjacket whose inner frustration makes them anti social people with personalities of sugar hiding a psyche full of acid?
    Contempt for the world. Disgusting belief. Hideous people. Sociopaths. Narcissists advocate this.

    I think you may be confused by the secular usage of the word contempt vs the way it is used in Catholic writings to describe a certain type of detachment from the things of this world in favor of things holy. The height of Catholic perfection is to obtain the grace to love God above all things, therefore to consider things of this world unimportant except as means to obtain heaven. Thus the phrase "contempt for the world". You might have come across this idea when you were considering a life of monasticism but using a different term.

    Offline Incredulous

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #9 on: January 23, 2018, 09:55:12 AM »
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  • H.E. must think time is getting very close.

    Glad you mentioned this.

    I pondered it a bit, after having not thought about the FEMA camps for awhile.

    It is a good theme to consider for a Holy Lent.

    I hope Bp. Williamson will give us more spiritual pep talks and consolations on the subject.

    As HE says, martyrdom is the fastest escalator to Heaven.  

    I just fear I will blow the opportunity, if & when my time comes.  :pray:
    "Some preachers will keep silence about the truth, and others will trample it underfoot and deny it. Sanctity of life will be held in derision even by those who outwardly profess it, for in those days Our Lord Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor but a destroyer."  St. Francis of Assisi

    Offline John XYZ

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    Re: Eleison Comments - Prison Survival (no. 549)
    « Reply #10 on: January 24, 2018, 03:54:20 PM »
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  • "The act of charity to the predator [the ennemies of God] is not to play ball, is not to go along with it. The ennemies of God are crying out for reals Catholics that will stand up to them and tell them what nonsense, what diabolical and dangerous for eternity nonsense they are getting into. That's what they need. [...] To save their souls, they need you and me to go to the death if necessary. [...] That's what you and I have to do. And it may well come to that in two, three, four years. Some bangs on our door in the middle of the night, off you go... prison... electric shocks... the whole treatment... and you and I got to stand up to it, with the grace of God. And remember that God will not give his grace before the day it's needed. So, you and I don't pray now for the grace of martyrdom or the grace of strength to end up to martyrdom, You and I pray, today, for the grace to do our duty in each little detail today, to love God all day long, ect... And then when the day comes, when they start using the shocks and so and so on... then you and I start yelling out for some grace to stand up to it. Because without the grace of God, how can any of us stand up to it, to the fiendish tortures that they have today ? Terrible. But God is stronger. Again, great trust in God, forget about all these weaked human beings."
    Bishop Williamson - Confusion Now Hath Made His Masterpiece Part 4