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Traditional Catholic Faith => SSPX Resistance News => Topic started by: Incredulous on April 09, 2018, 07:46:42 AM

Title: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 09, 2018, 07:46:42 AM

The recent publication by the SSPX of the book The Realist Guide to Religion and Science, authored by SSPX priest Fr. Paul Robinson, has engendered a reaction across the broad spectrum of Tradition. Creationists have expressed deep concerns about the modernist and scientist leanings of the author, whilst other traditionalists have commented on the very concerning problems with the Foreword of the book.

The salient facts are as follows:

1. The SSPX chose a novus ordo publishing company, Gracewing, of Great Britain, to publish Fr. Robinson's book.

2. The Foreword itself was written by Fr. Paul Haffner, "the theological and editorial director of Gracewing."

3. Haffner's Foreword contains references to "St. John Paul II" and "Blessed Paul VI."

4. Haffner "is a specialist on the work of the late Father Stanley Jaki."

5. Fr. Robinson, in penning this book, set out to "provide a philosophical backbone to the thesis of Fr Jaki’s Gifford Lectures of 1974–1975 and 1975–1976."

Setting aside the gaping problem presented by SSPX-novus ordo collusion, now grown long in the tooth, we sharpen our focus in order to examine the even more grievous substantive problem.

Who is Fr. Stanley Jaki? and why would an SSPX seminary professor take such an avid interest in resurrecting his memory and his work?

Thankfully the eminent Catholic writer, Miss Paula Haigh (RIP), in her seminal works on the subject of evolution, devoted a series of articles to exposing Fr. Jaki, who, as she termed it, was a sophist, a revisionist, a surrealist, and an evolutionist.


If, then, Fr. Jaki is being raised from the dead, in order to spread his poison throughout the SSPX, why not raise Paula Haigh from the dead, in order that Jaki may be once again exposed - in order that this next generation of traditionalists, entirely deprived of solid formation and primed to embrace all novelties, may have the other side?

Three of four articles by Miss Haigh will be posted on this forum, beginning with "Jaki-Sophist." They will be followed by "Jaki-Revisionist," "Jaki-Evolutionist," and finally "Jaki-Surrealist."

                                        Father Jaki, a priest who misplaced his mind and Roman collar

Paula Haigh

I.  First Principles and Paley’s Stone

The Purpose of it All (Regnery Gateway, 1990) is certainly Fr. Jaki’s most brilliant tour de force.

George Sim Johnston in his fine but totally uncritical review (Catholic World Report, Nov. 1991, pp. 69-70) says:

A fatal flaw of our culture is its commitment to a world view which rejects any knowledge other than the “scientific”. That science itself in no way warrants this savage reductionism is the crux of Fr. Jaki’s message.

If this is really the crux of Fr. Jaki’s message, then no one could disagree with him on any rational grounds.

However, it is my contention that what Fr. Jaki means by science and the progress of science is not entirely clear. That he accepts the scientific method of empiricism seems evident from all his works, and it is also my contention that this method, by rigorously and on principle, ruling out God is a self-inflicted reductionism, not only savage but diabolical in origin. That Fr. Jaki’s emphasis is primarily upon technology and applied science rather than intellectual disciplines seeking truth and from which certain practical advantages may or may not proceed, seems confirmed by the opening chapter of Purpose which gives an account of scientific progress starting from the Voyager-2 space probe and working back to the steam engine.

Fr. Jaki seems to disavow the forms of progress that the 19th century delighted to see as manifestations of humanity’s forward march: Condorcet’s “progress of reason and the defence of liberty ... with man restored to his natural rights and dignity...” (p. 5); the steam engine, the Great Exhibition’s Crystal Palace in England in l85l, the proliferation of the railroads, and finally the “Social Gospel” and “economic theory of progress and purpose” put forth by Marx end Engels. (p. 14) Fr. Jaki does not identify himself with any of these.

Perhaps Fr. Jaki comes closest to telling us exactly what his idea of progress is when he quotes Newman (p. 16) as to the contrast

between the essentially non-progressive character of the humanities, above all of theology, natural and supernatural, and the progress, mostly a process of accuмulation, of the sciences.

Newman is, of course, a highly esteemed Catholic author and historical theologian, an authority for some kind of progress. He lived and breathed the air of the rationalist’s dogma of progress and his Development of Christian Doctrine (l845) was certainly one of his century's prize productions.

Also, Newman was most astute when he recognized the cuмulative character of the physical sciences as opposed to the unchanging, non-progressive nature of literature and the arts and of theology. That insight is echoed in clearer and more certain accents by Dr. Jerome Lejeune in his book, The cσncєnтrαтισn cαмρ (Ignatius, 1990, p. 132):

The cleverest discussions can change nothing. The ethical committees will solemnly proclaim their contradictory oracles and the anxiety will remain: technology is cuмulative, wisdom is not.
Then what remains for us?
Wisdom remains for us.

If the technicians fail to recognize this, we have everything to fear from a denatured biology, but if the physicians remember it, the most sophisticated technology will remain at the service of the family of man.
An unforgettable wisdom that summarizes in a single phrase, the standard by which all will be judged:“What you have done to the least of my brothers, you have done to me.” (Matt. 25-40)

What is needed for the salvation not only of the sciences but of the entire world is the wise control of all things by a true and living theology, the science of Wisdom par excellence.

Dr. Lejeune tells us in a few simple words, unmistakably clear and emphatic, what we will never find straightforwardly expressed in all the pages of Fr. Jaki’s scintillating prose.

Fr. Jaki concludes the first chapter of Purpose, which is titled “Progress with scant purpose”, with one of his usual pirouettes:

In view of this obvious debacle of secularism, nothing would be more tempting than to turn to the sacred as the true foundation and safeguard, historically as well as conceptually, of belief in progress   …  (p. 30-31)

Why tempting? Perhaps if Fr. Jaki told us why, he would find himself caught in his own contradictions.

But he rejects as a temptation that supernatural wisdom that Dr. Lejeune so keenly knows to be our only salvation.

In his book about Fr. Jaki, Creation and Scientific Creativity (Christendom, 1991) Fr. Paul Haffner quotes Fr. Jaki as saying that Faith in the possibility of science is a most conscious derivative from the tenets of medieval theology on the Maker of Heaven and Earth. (p. 33)

Again, I am not clear as to Fr. Jaki’s meaning. Aristotle in the 4th century B.C., opens his major work, the Metaphysics, with the observation that “All men by nature desire to know.” If that is not the very basis for all science, what else could be?

All of Aristotle’s works, far exceeding in scientific value those of his predecessors, on such subjects as the heavens, the history and parts and generation of animals, physics and the soul -- all indicate in a most incontrovertible manner, that science in all its aspects was not only seen to be possible but was actually begun with Aristotle himself. It seems totally unreasonable to require an explicit belief in God as Creator in the Christian sense for men to believe in the very possibility of the natural sciences.

I may seem to be contradicting myself, as it has just been shown that science needs theological wisdom to be saved from itself. The way I see it is this: before the Incarnation, pagan peoples had lost the original revelation given to Adam, especially after the Flood at the Tower of Babel from whence all the nations dispersed, taking with them only remnants of the true religion; and these remnants quickly became corrupted. By the time of Aristotle, the polytheistic mythology of the Greeks no longer made sense to thinking men like Plato and Aristotle, and so they began from reason alone, discarding the childish and irrational myths. But they knew from reason alone that a Supreme Being must of necessity exist and that He is, in some way, the Cause of all things. What Aristotle did, building on that tenet alone, is a really astounding witness to the power of unaided intellect when it is submissive to reality.

The science of our times is not nearly so rational. Indeed, it is perverse in the extreme because it denies the existence of God Who makes Himself known to our reason in countless ways through His creation. Besides that, science today could have the benefit of a fully developed philosophy awl theology, had it not been willfully rejected at the Renaissance, particularly in the persons of the new empiricists like Galileo, Descartes, and Bacon.

And so there is, if you will, a kind of rise and fall in the movement of history: Aristotle was preparing the way for the great synthesis of the 13th century, and everything, from Roman times was on the way up to the apex of Christian achievement in that marvelous civilization we call Christendom, wherein Christ Our Lord was truly King of Heaven and of Earth, by right of Creation on the one hand and by right of conquest in Redemption on the other.

But since the 13th century, for many reasons, things have been going downhill. Christendom has fallen apart, Christ the King is rejected by the nations and states who must acknowledge Him and His Sovereignty if they are to be blessed by God. And perhaps most insidious of all, we have come to be dominated by a God-denying scientism, built on the three great errors of the primordial atheism of empiricism, a pagan heliocentrism, and a great new myth of evolution. All three of these errors are based in principle on a denial of the Christian Scriptures on which our Catholic Faith is based. Now science, free of all restraints from either Church or State, continues to attack not only the minds of men but their very bodies by such unnatural and barbaric practices as abortion, the implantation of organs from other species, and the euphemistically termed “fetal research” wherein the brain tissue of an unborn child is suctioned out with a plastic tube while the child is still alive in the uterus of its mother and its other organs are “harvested” in the same inhuman manner.

People of ancient times constructed idols of iron to which they sacrificed their babies, as in the furnaces of the god Molloch. The Aztecs, as late as the l520’s, were sacrificing their young people to demonic gods and tearing out their hearts while they still lived. Today, we are our own idols as men and women collaborate in the h0Ɩ0cαųst of the unborn on the altars of unimaginable selfishness. Our Lady came to save the Aztecs from their evil ways. Perhaps She will also come soon to change the hearts of modern people.

Fr. Haffner probably has the true explanation of Fr. Jaki’s idea of progress when he tells us that he, Fr. Haffner, proposes to show us the “manner in which Jaki forges the link between Christian faith and modern science. ...“ (p. 33)

That link, of course, is John Buridan’s profession of faith in the creative act of God which imparted an impetus to the heavenly bodies in the beginning and which enables them to continue in motion as true secondary causes under divine super­vision. This subject has been discussed at length in Fr. Stanley L. Jaki: Revisionist and it has been argued there that any link between Buridan, Galileo, Newton and Einstein is tenuous at best and can only be “forged” by a distortion of historical facts.

The main reasons for the absence of a true origin of modern science in Buridan or in the medieval and especially Thomistic syntheses are

1)   the fact that the epistemology of modern empiricism, seen already in Galileo and going back to William of Ockham (fl. 1350) is radically separatist, pulling apart the knower arid the known in a quantitative exclusion and separating also all the natural sciences from their proper place in the hierarchy of sciences, a hierarchy that reflects the created order;

2)   a commitment to the heliocentric and/or a-centric theory of the cosmos, which theory is based in a radical un-realism, a denial of the very basis for science -- the evidence of the senses processed by the intellect but unable to contradict each other;

3)   an embracing of evolutionism which begins early, even with Descartes and Newton as they explain the temporal formation of the heavenly bodies. Fr. Jaki’s evolutionism shows in his “progress of science” which is a positivist progressivist view of history strongly reminiscent of that of Auguste Comte (l798-l857). This theory of history’s movement is radically opposed to the Catholic view which can be found in classical authors from Saint Augustine’s City of God to the Thomistic works of Fr. Denis Fahey (d. l955). According to this Catholic view, history is not perfectionist by any natural means and exhibits a linear movement that is filled with the swirls and eddies of falls and restorations, beginning with Creation and ending with the Day of Judgment. The kind of linear perfectionist movement seen in the accuмulation of technological inventions and cultural improvements that Fr. Jaki seems to envisage for science is seen in our times to be a Frankenstein monster without any soul. The reason for this is the rejection of God in the higher wisdom of nstura1 Philosophy, especially metaphysics, and a radical rejection of the supernatural wisdom coming from divine revelation.

These three great deformities of modern science: empiricism, heliocentrism, and evolutionism, were present from the beginning and have grown apace in such a manner as to make this child of Fr. Jaki a monster that he should either disown or labor to reform, because, unlike a human child, this offspring of the adulterous Renaissance has freely chosen from the beginning to follow the disastrously wayward path it has taken.

In other words modern science could only achieve what Fr. Jaki claims to be its essential "self-propelling” dynamic "on-going” process of accuмulating ever better instruments of pollution and destruction unhindered by any directives from above by having broken away from and continuing to reject the good order of the medieval hierarchy of sciences. Buridan, then, by his submission to higher authority and wisdom, marks an end rather than a beginning.

Again, Fr. Jaki seems to be saying that true and certain science can only come from Catholics. In a sense this is true, but in another sense it is not entirely so. We have seen that Aristotle and other pagans working in the strength and light of natural reason alone, without benefit of divine revelation, have left a marvelous deposit of natural human wisdom. But it is undoubtedly incomplete and often distorted; in the ancient mythologies and practices, the original revelation is even horribly corrupted. It is only in the full light of divine Faith in God’s complete revelation in Our Lord Jesus Christ that science can achieve its true and full potential.

A great fund of scientific knowledge was given to Adam in the beginning. He knew more of the secrets of nature than scientists know today, and this knowledge formed the basis of the high civilization and developed technology of the pre-Flood peoples. But all had to begin anew after the Flood, while much of the original revelation, both of nature and of the supernatural life, was corrupted and lost as tribes and nations migrated away from the centers of civilization in the Middle East. Even those centers, such as Ur, Babylon, and Nineveh, lost the true religion and degenerated, due mainly to evil rulers. The power for good as well as for evil that has been given to rulers, especially to kings, can be seen in the example of the king of Nineveh (Jonas 3:6). But the worship of Baal became widespread in the Holy Lands. Only a promised line of Semites guarded the faith and hope in the Messiah to come; and when He came, only a remnant of Israel received Him.

But we know from the wisdom of the Magi that a vast fund of natural knowledge mixed with supernatural prophecy must have been preserved amongst the peoples of the ancient East. The treasures of knowledge left by Plato and Aristotle came into the West by way of the Arabs in the 12th and 13th  centuries.

This is the crucial juncture. The works of Aristotle, all are agreed, provided the basis for the development of western science. It is possible, even highly probable, that technology would have developed in a slow and very limited manner, always under the control of the higher wisdoms of metaphysics and theology. But given the fallen nature of man bearing the consequences of original sin, and because of other convenient opportunities brought about by Satan and evil men, such as the longing for the luxuries of the East cultivated by the returning Crusaders, there came about that Age of Expansion and resurgence of classical culture we call the Renaissance, accompanied by a neo-pagan way of life in the capitals of both East and West, with a consequent decline of religious life.

During this crucial time, some men rebelled against a Church they saw as corrupt and produced a Luther, a Calvin, a Zwingli, and others; and so Christendom, due to the religious wars provoked by the ideas of these so-called reformers, disintegrated. Other men, as excited by intellectual independence as the Protestants were by religious freedom, rebelled against the authority and higher wisdom of theology that presided over the arts and sciences in the schools, and they produced a Galileo, a Campanella, a Bruno, a Foscarini. Modern science took its rise in this rebellion against the “Aristotelians” and the Thomistic theologians of the universities.

Just as the Masons of some years later met secretly in taverns and private homes to plot revolutions, these philosophers of science, as they were then called, abandoned the universities and began to form semi-secret societies, such as the Lincean Academy to which Galileo belonged. In England, they culminated in the Royal Society founded in 1662 under Charles II but from which Sir Isaac Newton carried on his most vicious campaign to destroy the last Catholic King of England, James II.

Such is the true beginning of modern science, as it is also the beginning of anti-Christian political systems and heretical sects that continue to plague both Church and State with their divisions.

The God-intended fulfillment of all the sciences in the hands of Catholic saints and scholars resembling Augustine, Bonaventure, and Thomas is yet to be realized. Fr. Jaki’s view of progress and his strategy of compromise with error do not and can never lead to that desired goal.
In the Introduction to The Purpose of It All  (pp. ix-x) Fr. Jaki states:

….design is not the same as purpose. In fact, designs have been registered before anything specific could be ascertained about their function, let alone the purpose of their functioning. The purpose remains in fact often in the dark, while more and more scientific light is shed on the specifics of the function.

Fr. Jaki’s books are exceedingly sparing of concrete examples, especially from the life sciences, and so I am hard pressed to know exactly what is being referred to here. But it reminds me of what the evolutionists call “vestigial organs”. Such parts of the human body as the appendix, the coccyx or tail-bone, the tonsils and adenoids, were all believed at one time to have been left over from a previous more animal-like existence, especially the tail-bone. However, all of them have been found to have very specific and specifically human purposes. (See “Vestigial Organs” are Fully Functional, by Jerry Bergman and George Howe. (CRS Books Monograph No. 4, 1990.) Recent research shows that even so minor a disorder as the taken-for-granted morning sickness of pregnant women may actually be the. body’s way of protecting the developing infant from the mild toxins that adult bodies easily throw off but which the embryo is not yet able to neutralize. (BSN, 30:5, p. 10)  Fr. Jaki continues:

Apart from the closeness of the design argument to the cosmological argument and at times plain identity with it, forms of the design argument can be very defective in coming to grips with the notion of purpose. One cannot read … purpose into mere biological processes in which there is no evidence of a conscious aim at work. Seeing purpose at work in the purely biological domain demands therefore a careful philosophical consideration, which, so it is argued in this book, comes only from the doctrine of the analogy of being.

While the Thomistic doctrine of the analogy of being is always relevant, I question that it is the crux of the difference between purpose and design or that it would be of much help to the biologist examining processes of nature in which he can descry “no conscious aim at work.”

Rather, I suggest that what is needed is a return to first principles and a consideration of Aristotle’s four causes, because the difference between design and purpose resides precisely in the difference between formal-material causes (design) and finality or teleology (final cause). I must confess that Fr. Jaki’s discussion of design and pattern in the present book leaves me more confused than otherwise. For the sake, then, of those of us who are called, in one way or another, to deal with the activities of modern science, I offer the following consideration of first principles.

The first act of the mind is to apprehend reality in its intelligibility which is twofold: 1) the fact of its existence and 2) the fact of its essence or nature. This primary object of the mind, twofold in its being, is not God, nor self, but the being that exists in the world outside the mind. We can only know this real being through our senses, but what is grasped as intelligible in the sense-object is grasped immediately in and from the sense-object by the intellect, first as it recognizes an existing thing as existing, i.e., as real, and secondly, as it recognizes the existing thing as some kind of being.

Thus all our knowledge comes to us through our senses and such knowledge is based in a self-evident, undemonstrable and irrefutable, incontrovertible manner on the given fact that things exist outside of us.

If this first given of all knowledge is not recognized, granted and submitted to as given, with a basic humility of the intellect, then all consequent acts of the mind are vitiated at their source. Such deviants are the philosophy of Plato, of William of Ockham, of Descartes, Kant, and all their fellow-travelers.

This realism of sense knowledge received, abstracted from and possessed in the unity of knower and known, is the realism of Thomism and the only realism that will serve as a true and fruitful basis for all the sciences.

Secondly, as a consequence of abstraction whereby the intellect grasps the very formal nature of a being, there is consummated a real union of form between the concept in the mind and the nature of the individual being known through the senses, for the individual being or substance is known simultaneously as unique individual concrete substance and as an individual possessing and exhibiting a universal nature or essence that it shares with the other individuals of its class or kind. It is this actual form which constitutes its conceptual intelligibility and which the mind grasps and makes its own intra-mentally without in any way diminishing the concrete individual in itself.

Here is the basis for all scientific classification.

In this way does Thomistic realism solve the dilemma set up by Platonic idealism on the one hand and positivistic, radical empiricism on the other. We must deal especially with the latter because radical empiricism, stemming from Ockham’s nominalism in the 14th century, reduces reality to sequences of phenomena, thus stripping the real world of those first principles of being that alone render it as fully intelligible to us as God intended it to be.

Once the real world is seen and acknowledged and esteemed as the given that it is, certain other principles follow directly, principles equally self-evident, undemonstrable and irrefutable except by a denial of reason itself. These principles are the necessary and objective laws of reality, of all that is or that can be.

Rising directly from the first apprehension of being is the principle of contradiction. Some call it the principle of non-contradiction, for it simply means that the mind recognizes as a self-evident fact that a thing cannot be and not be at the same time. Being, therefore, is absolutely opposed to non-being, to nothingness. A positive correlative to this principle but in the realm of essence rather than existence, is the principle of identity, which states the self-evident fact that a thing is what it is and not something else. As Gertrude Stein, in the face of some idealistic nonsense, put it: a rose is a rose is a rose is a rose.

One would imagine that it would be very difficult indeed to get away with denying these self-evident first principles. Yet it is being done all the time by the evolutionary scientists. Here is an example given by Phillip E. Johnson in his book Darwin on Trial (Regnery Gateway, 1991, pp. 74-75)

Paleontology ... has taken Darwinian descent as a deductive certainty and has sought to flesh it out in detail rather than to test it. Success for fossil experts who study evolution has meant success in identifying ancestors, which provides an incentive for establishing criteria that will permit ancestors to be identified. Gareth Nelson of the American Museum of Natural History has expressed in plain language what this has meant in practice:
“We’ve got to have some ancestor. We’ll pick those. Why?  Because we know they have to be there, and these are the best candidates.”
That’s by and large the way it has worked. I am not exaggerating. Obviously, “ancestors” cannot confirm the theory if they were labeled as such only because the theory told the researchers that ancestors had to be there.

Besides being a blatant example of circular reasoning, this practice manifests a far more serious sin against reality itself. Circular reasoning is a sin against logic, but to assume that there was a being present in the past which had a certain nature “ancestral” to some being with an identified nature in the present, and then to claim that the past being is certainly a true being with such and such a nature simply by labeling it so, is an unconscionable manipulation of facts. It is a combination of purest nominalism with a denial of the principle of identity which states that a thing is what it is because we have known it to be such by science, i.e., by certain knowledge.

Flowing directly from these first principles of knowledge as from the fountain­head of affirmations of the real comes the principle of sufficient reason, not to be confused with what Leibnitz (1646-1716) claimed to be such. Leibnitz only muddied the clear waters of Thomism. The principle of sufficient reason in its true form states another self-evident fact: every real being has the reason for its existence, its raison d’etre, either in itself or in another. This does not mean reason in the sense of cause, but reason in the sense of knowing. As Brother Benignus puts it:

Everyone, in all his thinking and acting, takes the principle of sufficient reason for granted. ... Obviously it cannot be demonstrated, because every demonstration presupposes it. ... Its truth is what makes us reason. Reasoning is impossible without this principle -- not merely in the sense that without it we would not know what to conclude from premises, but in the much more fundamental sense that without an intuitive knowledge of it we simply would not reason at all, we would never ask a question or try to answer one, we would never give or seek a reason for anything. To reason is to apply the principle of sufficient reason to objects of knowledge; to be rational is to be able to grasp this principle.
(Nature, Knowledge and God. Bruce, 1947, p. 400)

This principle is that which causes the mind to know, self-evidently, that things “make sense”, that the order of nature, the cosmos, is not an absurdity.

Brother Benignus, in this same work, also makes a very important point about this principle in regard to science. If the principle of sufficient reason did not specify an irrefutable aspect of reality, then the following events could be real possibilities in the physical sphere:
1)   something could begin to exist from nothing and with no antecedents whatsoever;
2)   something could cease to exist at any time and for no reasons
3)   something could have or acquire any properties at any time, no matter how incongruent, unfitting, or unnecessary for its being;
4)   a being could perform any operations whatsoever, needing no particular nature to determine its operations nor any particular circuмstances to call them forth.

If any one of these propositions expressed a real possibility, science would be impossible. (page 399)

And yet we see every day examples of evolutionary scientists -- so-called -- violating every one of these propositions with impunity. Such is the price we have paid for neglecting our inheritance of sound metaphysics and theology.

Closely related to both the principle of identity and that of sufficient reason is the recognition that every being exists in one of two ways: as substance or as accident. Substantial being is that which first and directly receives the act of being or existence, whereas accidental forms receive their being from the substantial form. Thus, Jim Jones is a man whose substantial form or substance is an individual determination of human nature, and his human nature remains the same beneath all the accidental changes that happen to him from conception until death. If it is true that all the cells in our body change entirely every seven years, then we must say that the basis of the change is accidental because we know that the human person remains the same beneath all the changes, not so as to obviate growth and accidental changes but in such a way that the human person remains human. The principles of substance and accident play an enormous part in such sciences as biology and psychology. The false philosophies of mechanism and evolutionism are both due to a failure on the part of philosophers of nature to deal with the sciences in terms of their first and necessary principles.

Enter now Aristotle’s Four Causes which St. Thomas made an essential part of his own philosophy. The four causes are included within the principle of sufficient reason because no being ultimately “makes sense” unless all four of its causes are recognized. St. Thomas put it this way:

When I ask the reason why, I must answer by one of the four causes:

1)   Why has a circle these properties that it has, i.e., its boundary line equi­distant at all points from its center? Because of its intrinsic nature. This is the nature of a circle. A circle is not a square but a circle. This we call its formal cause. It is what causes a circle to be what it is. Also worth noting about this cause is that quiddity, the formal cause, does not require actual existence in the extra-mental world for its validity. This is why it is so easy for mathematicians to construct worlds out of geometric figures and mathematical formulae. It is also a good reason why all four causes should always be considered together when studying any being. Otherwise, one may construct a “science” of the mind alone, and that’s not real science, but imaginary science.

2)   Why is this iron red hot? Because it has been heated by fire or some agency imparting heat. This agent is the efficient cause of the heat in the iron. It must be noted here that the agent-efficient cause must always be an act with respect to the effect to be caused, i.e., ice cannot cause heat in another being.

3)   Why did you come here? For such and such a purpose. Final Cause.

4)   Why is man mortal? Because he is a material composite, hence corruptible. This is the material cause of man’s mortality.

Brother Benignus quotes St. Thomas again on these four causes by way of summation and showing their relationship. Furthermore, St. Thomas shows that the four kinds of causes can be analytically deduced from the nature of any production of being, without recourse to illustrations taken from human art. Thus:

There must of necessity be four causes: because when a cause exists, upon which the being of another thing follows, the being of that which has the cause may be considered in two ways. First, absolutely; and in this way the cause of being is a form by which something is a being-in-act. Second, insofar as an actual being comes to be from a potential being; and because whatever is in potency is reduced to act by something that is a being-in-act, it follows of necessity that there are two other causes, namely the matter and the agent that reduces the matter from potency to act. But the action of an agent tends to something determinate, just as it proceeds from some determinate principle, for every agent does what is in conformity with its nature. That to which the action of the agent tends is called the final cause. Thus there are necessarily four causes.
(p. 71)

It is when considering the four causes, especially the efficient and the final causes, that we necessarily infer the existence of a Supreme Agent and a Supreme Destiny or Finality for all things. But more of that later.

There is one more set of principles that must be laid out clearly before we have, though only in barest outline, the basis for all the sciences, the only basis which will keep them from going astray into error.

“The doctrine on act and potency is the soul of Aristotelian philosophy, deepened and developed by St. Thomas.” (Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. Reality. B. Herder, 1950, p. 37):

…  all corporeal beings, even all finite beings [i.e., the angels included] are composed of potency and act, at least of essence and existence, of an essence which can exist, which limits existence, and of an existence which actualizes this essence. God alone is pure act because His essence is identified with His existence. He alone is Being itself, eternally subsistent.

This conceptual difference [and this real distinction] in the primordial division of created being into potency and act has far-reaching consequences,

Brother Benignus says further:

The concept of being as essence and existence is sufficient by itself for the attainment of that of possibility; but the experience of change is necessary for the formation of the idea of potentiality. Change in the concrete is known by direct experience; our sensio-intellective mind is given change as directly as it is given being, although the understanding of change presupposes the understanding of being. The intellectual grasp of change implies the notions of potentiality and actuality, which become explicit upon analysis of the concepts of change.

Beings are perceived to change: we see the leaves stirring in the wind; we see them appear, open out, and grow in spring; we see them change color and fall to the ground in autumn. Whatever we perceive we grasp under the aspect of being; the green leaf of May and the red leaf of October are both beings. We see the green leaf come into being out of the branch, and we see the red leaf come into being out of the green; and in the winter we do not see the leaf at all. Last winter, the leaf I see now in spring did not exist; it was not; it was not-being. But it was a certain kind of not-being  -- a kind which, I see now, was to be a leaf. It was not not-being as the impossible is not- being; it was possible, at least. It was, in fact, something more than possible. Possible being is related, in the mind, only to thought, not to experience. The non-existent leaf of winter was, I see in spring, definitely related to experience. It had a relation to existence which is quite different from the relation which a mere possible has; it had a relation to a concrete future existence grounded in some concrete present existence. Even while it does not exist actually, it is rooted in the actual being of something which does exist and which is capable of becoming it. It possesses potential being.

Please notice how every word of this explanation is directly relevant to the theory of evolution, shining, as it were, a bright light upon the evolutionists’ sins against reality.

Thus, by analyzing the changing being given to it by immediate experience, the intellect attains the concepts of actual being, or being which has present existence, and potential being, or being which has a real capacity for existence rooted in some actual being. From these concepts it forms the abstract notions of actuality and potentiality. Quite as important, by a simple comparison of actual and potential being with the principles of identity and contradiction, it arrives at an immediate judgment which is one formula of the principle of causality -- that something can come to be only from something which is, or, in other words, that every potentiality presupposes an actuality. And still another principle of importance in Thomistic metaphysics follows this one --  that  every changeable being is a mixture of actuality and potentiality.
(page 308)

That covers the most important necessary principles of all being which we need to use in our defense of creation against evolution.

Now back to the four causes which are most relevant to Fr. Jaki’s present book. The efficient and final causes of being are extrinsic, whereas the material and formal causes are intrinsic. This is an important point because evolutionists, insofar as they recognize teleology or purpose at all, will insist that the only purpose of any design or pattern in nature is to function as a mechanism for evolutionary change. In other words, the mechanism itself becomes both the efficient and the final cause, whereas it is only the material-formal cause. The mechanism is intrinsic to the being, whereas the efficient and final causes are extrinsic. The mechanism cannot, therefore, be either efficient or final cause. As Fr. Jaki says: “The celebration by Darwinists ... of the saving of  teleology by Darwin, could only mean a not at all sophisticated encomium of mechanism.” Darwin wrote in 1870: “I cannot look at the universe as a result of blind chance. Yet I can see no evidence of beneficient design, or indeed any design of any kind, in the details.” Remarkable blindness!  Fr. Jaki comments:

Darwin was much too shortsighted philosophically to realize that in order to see design one needed, in addition to physical eyes, mental eyes. They alone can make a philosophical inference equivalent to registering the presence of design. (Purpose,  pp. 49-50)

Note well that Darwin did not need any supernatural help in making this inference. Quite the contrary. He needed only to use his natural reason. He was either too weak-minded to do this or he deliberately refused to recognize and submit to the evidences of his reasoning powers.

The final cause asks and answers the question: Why does this mechanism function the way it does? Darwin answered that it did so in order to perpetuate the good of the being at some future time by evolving it into some other kind of being or by making modifications that would ultimately lead to major changes in the nature of a being. He thus made the mechanism itself both the efficient and the final cause of things, which is impossible because it would make the being itself to be the cause of its own being. Darwin stated in Origin of Species (l859) that “natural selection works solely by and for the good of each being and “all corporeal and mental endowm
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 09, 2018, 10:16:05 AM
An incredible situation.  If the Index was still up and operating Fr. Robinson's book would surely be on it!
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: VeritasLuxMea on April 09, 2018, 03:16:56 PM

3. Haffner's Foreword contains references to "St. John Paul II" and "Blessed Paul VI."
I just received a copy of the book.

The forward by Fr Haffner does not contain the words "St. John Paul II" or "Blessed Paul VI" at all. 

There are three quotes from "Pope John Paul II", "Pope Paul VI" and "Pope Benedict XVI". That is how they are attributed in the foreword. No title of Saint or Blessed is given. I recall that the SSPX website disclaimed the references of "Saint" and "Blessed", fearing those were to be used, but obviously they objected and got them changed in the final edition. That is telling that a Novus Ordo priest and publishing arm would agree to remove that.

Whatever objections you may have to the book or Fr Jaki (and they might be spot on), you clearly have not read the book. If you had, you would easily see that one of your main "salient facts" is in fact not factual. You're arguing against a straw man, not against the actual book.

If you then looked at those quotes you critique without having read them, would see there is nothing objectionable about the text itself. The problem is the other baggage that such Popes bring.

Critique all you want (it would be an interesting discussion to have, I think), but perhaps you want to actually take on the text and arguments rather than set up false straw men.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 09, 2018, 06:11:09 PM

Your dropped $35 for the book, but did you read Miss Paula Haigh analysis yet?

If so, you can see where she filtered Fr. Jaki's works and found some serious errors.

References to the newChurch popes and Fr. Robinson's membership in the "Fr. Jaki Society" are incidental problems.

I believe the main problem with Fr. Robinson's book is that he's essentially promoting an old pagan cosmology heresy called Pythagoreanism.


Cassini did a nice job of exposing this error under the general topic Crisis in the Church: Fr. Robinson's pagan cosmology ('s-(sspx)-pagan-cosmology/)

Bottom line, with the SSPX's use of a series of home-grown, questionable scholars (from Cekada to Laisney, to Salza, Siscoe and Robinson) we can safely argue that it is not a scholarly religious order. :jester:

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Mr G on April 10, 2018, 06:48:27 AM

A Response to “VLM” on Cathinfo Regarding Fr. Paul Robinson’s Book
Sean Johnson
[Today, a post appeared on Cathinfo ('s-rotting-works-buried-by-miss-paula-haigh-(part-3)/msg603427/?topicseen#msg603427) which sought to rebut certain criticisms of Fr. Paul Robinson’s new book made by a member of that forum.  Below are my thoughts on that rebuttal, written in the form of a response.]
That Fr. Robinson was initially content to let the Foreword go to publication with the Saint/Blessed appellations affixed to JPII and Paul VI is the problem, and the SSPX having belatedly forced the publisher to amend the Foreword hardly diminishes that concern.
In fact, it almost seems as though that late amendment was in reaction to the scandal caused; that had there been no outcry, there would have been no amendment.

Yes, I am aware that it was earlier claimed that the publisher sent the book to press, allegedly without informing Fr. Robinson of the contents of the Foreword (and with Fr. Robinson himself apparently expressing no interest or concern as to what may have been written therein?).

That is hardly believable: I myself had a mere booklet published a couple years ago, with the Foreword written by a priest renowned for his excellent moral theology (whom I suspect you know well).  Even so, I still communicated with him 3-4 times on that subject to get every word right, before giving the “green light” to the publisher.

But I am to believe, apparently, that Fr. Robinson gave a Novus Ordo publisher the proverbial “blank check,” without any reservation whatsoever?  To me, that is an additional indictment, rather than an exoneration, of Fr. Robinson, as it seems to suggest that were a conciliar publisher to insert something conciliar into the Foreword, it would not be very concerning to Fr. Robinson.
I am often criticized for giving too much benefit of the doubt, but this is really stretching credulity.

In any case, I think your argument misses the forest for the trees:
In seeking to defend Fr. Robinson’s book, you have just come to the defense of three heretical Popes, and with arguments which are puzzling to me, to say the least:
Tell me if you think this quote by Cardinal Montini (made one year before becoming Paul VI) is “anti-evolutionary:”
“The Council should trace the line of Christian relativism, laying down how far the Catholic religion must act as the iron guardian of absolute values, and how far it can and must bend in its approach, in its connaturality with human life as it exists in time.“[1] (

That is the textbook definition of doctrinal relativism (i.e., doctrinal evolution).
In my opinion, therefore, your attempt to salvage the “appropriateness” of the reference is ill-advised, as it seems to evince a certain contentedness to mislead readers into believing that Paul VI was both realist and anti-evolutionary, though I suspect you know otherwise.
As an aside, it does not help your case that the majority of Paul VI’s “Credo of the People of God” was written by Jacques Maritain (who himself had fallen from his former Thomistic realism, into a modernist “personalism”).[2] (
And if you are aware of all these things, then why bother writing a defense?  To do so suggests an insular “circle the wagons” mindset, which places the truth and good of souls second.

2. Your defense of the John Paul II quote fares no better: 
You mention that the quote from Fides et Ratio praises St. Thomas Aquinas, and the use of right reason and philosophy which rejects opinions contrary to the faith.

Yes, it does.

However, you omit to inform your readers that Pope John Paul II was a hypocrite, who, despite any lip-service he gave to St. Thomas Aquinas, was himself a phenomenologist who believed exactly the opposite of what St. Thomas (or any scholastic realist, for that matter) believed:

Husserl (founder of phenomenology[3] (, whose system was embraced by JPII, posited that we make:
…some key conceptual elaborations which…assert that in order to study the structure of consciousness, one would have to distinguish between the act of consciousness and the phenomena at which it is directed (the objects as intended). Knowledge of essences ( would only be possible by “bracketing (” all assumptions about the existence of an external world.[4] (
Surely you can understand how that kind of warped philosophy is directly responsible for ecuмenism and universal salvationism: All religions are but manifestations (“pneumena”) of the one true God, whom some call Allah, others Buddha, etc.
Why does Fr. Robinson feel the need to sift an overtly modernist, second-rate philosopher in order to find something “traditional” to attribute to him?

Was citing St. Thomas Aquinas (or any other traditional author, for that matter) for some reason undesirable?  It certainly seems like it.

One could certainly form the suspicion that Fr. Robinson wanted to demonstrate a willingness to resort to modernist authors to gain Roman approval and send yet another signal to Rome that things are not what they used to be in the SSPX.
And before you “remind me” that it was Fr. Hafner who wrote the Foreword, and not Fr. Robinson, I tell you quite frankly that I do not believe Fr. Robinson was ignorant of what Fr. Hafner intended to publish, as was initially stated, but I digress…
3. The defense of Benedict XVI’s quote, portraying him as a scriptural realist, does not persuade for the same reasons: a disciple of Hegel[5] ( who believed that the thesis/antithesis dialectic found truth and resolution in a synthesis of opposites (e.g., Thesis: Traditional Latin Mass; Antithesis: Novus Ordo; Synthesis/Resolution: 1965-1967 Missal) is hardly an authority to be speaking of the realism which he rejects.

You accuse the author of the thread in question of beating at straw men, and of ignorance (hinting at bad disposition) for rendering an opinion before having read the latest edit of Fr. Robinson’s book, but you are wrong to do so:

Not only is the point on which you seek to refute him (i.e., the matter of the “saint” appellation) contained in the original Foreword (which he has certainly read, and therefore by your own standard, entitled to render an opinion on the matter), but it was the SSPX itself which initially objected to that appellation.  Why then are you now defending the quotes of these modernist Popes as though they were traditional, when a few weeks ago the SSPX was making the same objection on this point that the OP is making today?
I will tell you why, since I have been online long enough to recognize this debate tactic:

You tried to get in a cheap “gotcha,” knowing the author of the OP had not read the book (and therefore could not know that the SSPX had slyly removed references to the saint appellation in the Foreword); you wrongly try to discredit him on that score, even though the topic at hand pertains exclusively to the Foreword.

That’s an old Bill Clinton trick: If you can’t win the argument, αssαssιnαtҽ the character.
I can assure you that your attentions and energies are misspent in debating him, when they would be much more productive bringing Fr. Robinson back into line (or perhaps he is no longer considered out of line, but perfectly in line with the neo-SSPX?).
Meanwhile, I fully recognize that in focusing on this petty “saint” issue, you are diverting the conversation away from much more serious matters:
(Note: The only other instance of an SSPX priest having his work published by a non-SSPX publisher of which I am aware was Fr. Celier’s notorious “Benedict XVI and the Traditionalists,” which did such damage to the SSPX 11 years ago.  He actually had his Freemasonic friend, Jean Luc Maxence -a blasphemer (!) and hater of Archbishop Lefebvre- write the Foreword to it.[6] (
Could it be that when the SSPX suspects a great scandal will arise from a book they want published, they try to deflect a certain amount of responsibility by having it published out of house, in case they should later want to avail themselves of plausible deniability?)
I could write articles speculating on answers to these latter questions, but the point is sufficiently made already.
[1] ( Amerio, R.  Iota Unum, p. 67
[2] ( (
[3] ( (
[4] ( Ibid.
[5] ( (
[6] ( Google: “Jean Luc Maxence Fr. Celier,” and you will get some scary results.  Yet I have never read or heard that Fr. Celier received any disciplinary consequences from Menzingen for this outrage.  On the contrary, has excerpted from that perfidious work, for example in the article “How to Interpret Archbishop Lefebvre” here: (
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 10, 2018, 01:57:53 PM
It is difficult to get a handle on what exactly it is that some here are objecting to regarding Fr. Robinson's book.  For Sean Govan and others the problem seems to be the forward of the book and the association with a Novus Ordo publisher.  Regarding the forward, Fr. Robinson had an insert placed in many of the books distributed around St. Marys indicating that the forward was put in without his knowledge and approval and his insert indicated that he and the SSPX have issues with the recent canonizations.  Sean, it seems prefers to essentially call Fr. Robinson a liar ("That is hardly believable"; "But I am to believe, apparently...") when he explains the situation regarding the forward.  So under this reading of the situation, the SSPX in general and Fr. Robinson in particular really had / have no issues with speaking about "Blessed Paul VI" and "St. John Paul II" and we have no good reason to believe them when they tell us that they do have issues in this regard.  We are supposed to take them as duplicitous because Sean Govan tells us we should.  Do we have any other evidence to bring to bare on the issue of Fr. Robinson's take on recent canonizations?  Is there any evidence which would show that Fr. Robinson really is just fine with speaking about St. John Paul II?  It seems that prior to attributing duplicity to Fr. Robinson, one would want to have some firm evidence at hand.  
Regarding the issues of the publisher:  Perhaps Fr. Robinson thought that a different publisher would allow for a wider distribution of the book than would be possible had the book been published by the Angelus Press.  I do not know but one could simply ask Fr. Robinson if this is such a burning question in the minds of some.  I have no idea whether or not Fr. Robinson would be inclined to answer the question though one suspects that no matter how he were to answer the question some would find a way to find fault with the answer.

What is more interesting to me is the actual science / philosophy / theology that is at issue.  Mrs. Haigh notes the following: 
"A fatal flaw of our culture is its commitment to a world view which rejects any knowledge other than the “scientific”. That science itself in no way warrants this savage reductionism is the crux of Fr. Jaki’s message.

If this is really the crux of Fr. Jaki’s message, then no one could disagree with him on any rational grounds.

However, it is my contention that what Fr. Jaki means by science and the progress of science is not entirely clear. That he accepts the scientific method of empiricism seems evident from all his works, and it is also my contention that this method, by rigorously and on principle, ruling out God is a self-inflicted reductionism, not only savage but diabolical in origin."

Various sciences have their own proper subject matters, principles, and methods of proceeding and they proceed with different degrees of certitude.  This is pure Aristotle and St. Thomas.  In the Nic Ethics for instance Aristotle points out that it is a sign of a lack of wisdom to demand the same method and certitude be applied to one science as to another.  He also mentions, when looking for the good of man, that a consideration of Plato's Subsisting Goodness Itself really belongs to another science (metaphysics) and so it is inappropriate to consider in the Ethics.  While the carpenter who proceeds by way of hammer and saw makes an "exact" fit for the window to 1/16th of an inch, the neurosurgeon finds his patient dead if he is within 1/16th of an inch.  He uses different tools (methods).  
The methods of modern experimental science are very different than science as outlined in Aristotle's Posterior Analytics, although I do think that modern experimental science falls under Aristotle's natural philosophy since it has the same goals and subject matter though it proceeds by a very different method.  Modern science focuses on the quantitative / metric aspect of matter insofar as it can be measured.  Modern experimental science by definition is approximative and could never conclude demonstratively as in demonstrative science as understood by Aristotle (Aristotle and St. Thomas did recognize a relationship similar to that between natural science and modern experimental science when they spoke about the relationship between natural science and the "applied sciences" of astronomy and optics for instance).  Modern science examines nature in light of natural principles and would have nothing to say regarding philosophical notions such as the ultimate purpose of nature, man's order in nature, ontological causes, etc.  This is not "reductionism" it is the recognition that various sciences have various subjects, principles and methods.  It belongs to the philosopher to understand how these various sciences fit together and what the various conclusions / theories can tell us in light of more philosophical / theological questions.  The problem is not modern science as such but rather when modern scientists, such as Richard Dawkins, put on their philosopher's cap and start attempting to tell us about what their discoveries mean for questions such as the purpose (or lack of) of life, the existence of God etc.  "Creationists" make the same fundamental error when they essentially agree with the premises of atheistic scientism (really philosophy, not science) and instead of rejecting God and purpose, reject science.  

Out of curiosity...  Are most creationists here of the opinion that the universe is quite young (6-10,000 yrs old)?  Is that the "modernist problem" with Fr. Robinson's book?  

A couple quotes to keep in mind:
Augustin Literal Meaning of Genesis BK I, ch.19
Usually, even a non-Christian knows something about the earth, the heavens, and the other elements of this world, about the motion and orbit of the stars and even their size and relative positions, about the predictable eclipses of the sun and moon, the cycles of the years and the seasons, about the kinds of animals, shrubs, stones, and so forth, and this knowledge he holds to as being certain from reason and experience. Now, it is a disgraceful and dangerous thing for an infidel to hear a Christian, presumably giving the meaning of Holy Scripture, talking nonsense on these topics; and we should take all means to prevent such an embarrassing situation, in which people show up vast ignorance in a Christian and laugh it to scorn. The shame is not so much that an ignorant individual is derided, but that people outside the household of faith think our sacred writers held such opinions, and, to the great loss of those for whose salvation we toil, the writers of our Scripture are criticized and rejected as unlearned men. If they find a Christian mistaken in a field in which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven, when they think their pages are full of falsehoods on facts which they themselves have learnt from experience and the light of reason? Reckless and incompetent expounders of Holy Scripture bring untold trouble and sorrow on their wiser brethren when they are caught in one of their mischievous false opinions and are taken to task by those who are not bound by the authority of our sacred books. For then, to defend their utterly foolish and obviously untrue statements, they will try to call upon Holy Scripture for proof and even recite from memory many passages which they think support their position, although "they understand neither what they say nor the things about which they make assertion."

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“For certain things are per se the substance of the Faith, as that God is three and one, and other things of this kind, in which no one is authorized to think otherwise. Thus the Apostle says in Galatians 1 that if an angel of God preached diversely from what he had taught, let him be anathema. But certain things (pertain to the faith) only incidentally (per accidens), inasmuch, that is, as they are handed down in Scripture, which faith supposes to have been promulgated under the dictation of the Holy Spirit. And these things can without danger remain unknown by those who are not held to be knowledgeable about the Scriptures, for example, many items of history. In these things even the Fathers have thought differently and have explained the Scriptures in different ways. So, therefore, with regard to the beginning of the world, there is something which pertains to the substance of the Faith, namely, that the world was created to begin with. And this all the Fathers agree in saying. But how and in what order it was made does not pertain to the Faith except per accidens, inasmuch as it is presented in Scripture, the truth of which the Fathers retained in their varying explanations as they arrived at different conclusions.
 For Augustine maintains that at the very beginning of creation certain things were separated out by species in their own proper nature, such as the elements, the celestial bodies, and the spiritual substances, while other things were distinguished in seminal reasons only, such as animals, plants, and men, and that all of these latter things were later produced in their own natures in the activity by which after those six days God governs nature created beforehand. Concerning this activity in Jn 5:17 it is stated: "My Father works even until now, and I work." (For Augustine) in the distinguishing of things the focus is not on an order of time, but of nature and of teaching. Of nature, just as sound precedes song by nature but not in time, thus things that are prior in nature are recorded earlier, as the earth is mentioned before the animals and water before the fish, and so with the other things. And of teaching order, as is evident in the teaching of geometry, for although the parts of a figure make up the figure without any order of time, nevertheless, geometry teaches that the construction is made by extending line after line. And this was the example of Plato, as it is said at the beginning of the De caelo et mundo. Thus also Moses, in instructing an unlettered people regarding the creation of the world, divided into parts the things that were made at the same time.

 Ambrose, on the other hand, and other Fathers claim that an order of time was observed in the cutting out of things, and this position is both more common and seemingly more in keeping with the surface of the literal sense (littera). But the former opinion (that of Augustine) is more reasonable and defends Sacred Scripture more from the derision of non-believers, a factor which Augustine, in his Letter of Genesis (bk. I, ch. 19) teaches us is to be kept well in mind, so that the Scriptures may be expounded in such a way that they not be mocked by nonbelievers. This opinion pleases me more. Nevertheless, replies in support of both positions will be given to all of the objections.

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 10, 2018, 08:56:26 PM
My Dear Mr. Konkel-

If you can't even pay enough attention to the article to get my name right, what hope have I that you have paid enough attention to understand or reflect upon the arguments?

It seems your greatest argument against what I have written is the accusation of dishonesty pertaining to the alleged denial of knowledge regarding the content of the Foreward to Fr. Robinson's book (i.e., You accuse me of accusing Fr. Robinson of lying)?

First, let me point out to you that Fr. Robinson, to the best of my knowledge, has not said anything publicly on the matter of the Foreword: It has been the SSPX which has put the words into his mouth, and it is therefore with them that my accusation rests (on this count, anyway).

I had a good belly laugh when you responded that Fr. Robinson had placed disclaimers inside the copies of his book sold in St. Mary's.  Quite a long reach, doing that all the way from Australia (and doing it in St. Mary's, but nowhere else?)!  Any thinking person realizes that the District placed those disclaimers there.

But I do understand your reaction, since in your very own town, one with a name greater than mine has levied the very same accusation of lying against the District:

The following was posted on the Irish Resistance blog" by Mr. Andrew Senior (Professor at St. Mary's College, and son of the late, great Dr. John Senior, and man I hold in perpetual esteem):

"By a not so strange coincidence, I received in the mail today a fundraising letter from Fr. Wegner. It begins by saying: "It was tumultuous year, filled with great expectations and great confusion. . . Indeed it was a year in which so much confusion emanated from Rome that our own Bishop Bernard Fellay signed a public filial correction of the Pope for the grave errors presented in Amoris Laetitia." So far so good, but then he goes on to add to the confusion by saying: "In March, we received the surprise announcement that Pope Francis had taken the steps to remove all doubt concerning the validity of marriages celebrated by priests of the Society."

I contend that this announcement was not a surprise at all, it was a pre-arranged trap. And there never was any doubt about the validity of marriages, or confessions (or the bogus excommunication!) certainly not in the mind of Archbishop Lefebvre!"

In other words, Mr. Senior -a man from good stock- also sees fit to question the honesty surrounding these recent maneuvers and scandals.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 10, 2018, 09:57:29 PM
Sorry, the 14 second editing window closed before I could clarify:

Mr. Senior did not post the words on, but rather, that blog posted his words.

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 10, 2018, 10:52:49 PM
Yes, please note the correction and my apology to Sean Govan insofar as I inadvertently typed Govan instead of Johnson.  
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 11, 2018, 06:58:49 AM

From the trad farm :farmer:

Rebuttal to TKonkel's critique of Miss Paula Haigh analysis of Fr. Jaki's "science"

Quote from: TKonkel
  Various sciences have their own proper subject matters, principles, and methods of proceeding and they proceed with different degrees of certitude.  This is pure Aristotle and St. Thomas.  In the Nic Ethics for instance Aristotle points out that it is a sign of a lack of wisdom to demand the same method and certitude be applied to one science as to another.  He also mentions, when looking for the good of man, that a consideration of Plato's Subsisting Goodness Itself really belongs to another science (metaphysics) and so it is inappropriate to consider in the Ethics.

You point out that the various sciences are distinguished according to their formal objects, foundational principles or laws, and methods. But all the branches of science, both speculative and empirical, are unified by their relationship to and participation in objective truth. Nothing calling itself a science can depart from truth and yet retain the name of "science."

The various branches of science are far from equal in dignity of formal object, source of knowledge, degree of certitude, and universality of principles. It does absolutely no good to point out that there are distinctions among the sciences, and that each science enjoys a certain scope and latitude within its own sphere of activity, if the fact that they exist in a real hierarchy, and the fact that the principles of the two highest sciences, Sacred Theology and Metaphysics, apply to and govern all of the principles, laws, axioms, and theses of the lower sciences, is not also brought forward.

I must point out that you are applying a strawman argument to the theses of Miss Haigh. In none of her papers does she "demand that the same method and certitude be applied to one science as to another." Rather she demands that all scientists - from the theologian to the philosopher to the biologist to the physicist - respect the hierarchy of the sciences, and give place to Sacred Theology, the Queen of all the sciences, and to Metaphysics, the Handmaiden of the Queen.

Sacred Theology is the highest of all the sciences because it has the Omnipotent Creator for its formal object, and because the source of its knowledge is Divine Revelation. See the Summa, Part 1, q. 1.

It is categorically impossible for a principle or axiom of any lower science to contradict Sacred Theology and be true. Likewise, Metaphysics, whose formal object, existence as such, is the most universal of all the formal objects of all the other sciences, and which is a speculative rather than an empirical discipline, holds the first place among the natural sciences; and its principles necessarily govern their inquiries and findings. 

As we find in all the legitimate endeavors of men, so we find in the sciences hierarchical structure and binding authority.

Paula Haigh's overarching thesis is simple, straightforward, and eminently Catholic: The truths and principles of Sacred Theology and Thomistic Metaphysics apply to, and are implicitly contained within the body of knowledge of each and every lower science. These two supreme sciences, one supernatural and the other natural, govern and oversee the operations of the lower disciplines, thereby maintaining order, clarity, and unification of truth.

If an axiom, hypothesis, or theory belonging to a lower material science contradicts Sacred Theology, Catholic Doctrine, or one of the Twenty Four Thesis of Thomistic Philosophy, they are categorically false, pernicious, and dangerously contagious.

Miss Haigh's overarching thesis is that the revolt against the Lord and against His Christ (the great apostasy prophesied in Psalm 2) is especially active and deadly in the sciences, from the top to the bottom. Modernism has infected Theology. Phenomenology, Hegelianism, and a host of other vicious falsities have invaded Metaphysis and Philosophy. Darwin has sullied the biological sciences. Copernicus, Galileo, Einstein and others have grossly perverted Cosmology, Physics and Mathematics. Came the revolt; came the chaos, came the disorder, came the distopia.

Quote from: TKonkel
Out of curiosity...  Are most creationists here of the opinion that the universe is quite young (6-10,000 yrs old)?

The age of the world is not the subject matter of opinion. It is the constant teaching of the Church. See the entire Patristic Deposit, the entire Sacred Liturgy (Mass and Divine Office), and the Roman Martyrology for December 25th. It is so difficult for us moderns to wrap our minds around the fact that the "long ages of the earth" myth has never, ever belonged to the mind of the Church. Only the children of this age find themselves perplexed.

Regarding your quote from St. Augustine on the disgrace of Christians who don't know their natural science.methinks you insert, by implication, a fact not at all in evidence; namely that creationists, in believing the silly things they believe, are ignorant of the grand and penetrating truths the evolutionists possess. You are arguing both from logical fallacies and from propaganda talking points, if you are arguing at all.   
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 11, 2018, 08:26:44 AM
Ps: Yes, I do believe the literal biblical account as determining the age of the world to be approximately 7,000 years-old.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 11, 2018, 12:25:13 PM
The age of the world is not the subject matter of opinion. It is the constant teaching of the Church. See the entire Patristic Deposit, the entire Sacred Liturgy (Mass and Divine Office), and the Roman Martyrology for December 25th. It is so difficult for us moderns to wrap our minds around the fact that the "long ages of the earth" myth has never, ever belonged to the mind of the Church. Only the children of this age find themselves perplexed.
Are you at all concerned that you pit all of modern science (physics, geology, chemistry, astronomy, biology etc) against your reading of what the Catholic Church teaches on the matter of the age of the earth and universe?  Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation that you may perhaps be in the position of doing what Augustine and Aquinas warn us about, i.e. making a mockery of the faith by essentially telling others that their choice is between God and Catholic truth on the one hand and what reason seems to tell us regarding the natural world on the other?  Many (most?) who recognize that we do obtain truth through scientific analyses of the natural world are left with the choice of either denying what reason seems to show and accepting Catholic truth, or denying Catholic truth.  We can only hope that they will understand that your reading of Catholic truth might be a be a bit defective and that the choice is not faith or reason but faith and reason.        
Prior to the 19th century, most everyone, including scientist with no particular religious bent had no reason not to assume that the universe was young.  Beginning in the 19th century evidence from all of the various sciences began to show quite conclusively that the earth and the universe was in fact very old.  This leaves two choices for a young earth proponent (1) recognize what reason shows with regard to the age of the earth as a truth revealed by the God of nature to man's rational faculty and incorporate that truth in our understanding of science, philosophy, and theology or (2) reject what reason seems to show and claim that reason's investigation of nature is faulty since it is at odds with our reading of Scripture, the Fathers etc.  
Young earth creationists opt for the second.  It should be recognized that even most young earth creationists accept that all the evidence at least "appears" to indicate an old age.  For instance, one of the most famous young earth creationists, Henry Morris, in his "Genesis Flood," states the following:  "There are many cases now known where the age estimate has been checked by two or more different methods, independently.  It would seem improbable that the elements concerned would each have been altered in such a way as to continue to give equal ages; therefore such agreement between independent measurements would seem to be strong evidence that alteration has not occurred and that the indicated age is therefore valid."(p.343-344)
How do Morris and others solve the conundrum?  They do a 180 and explain that this is exactly what we would have expected from the Biblical account:  "We reply, however, that the Biblical outline of earth history, with the geological framework provided thereby, would lead us to postulate exactly this state of the radioactivity evidence.  We would expect radiogenic minerals to indicate very large ages and we would expect different elements in the same mineral, or different minerals in the same formation to agree with each other."(p.344)  "...all such elements would, when created, give an "appearance" of the same degree of maturity or of age." (p.354)
So scientists spent 100's of years to lay the foundation for modern geology, the discovery of radioactivity, the development of technology for radiometric dating, and the young earth creationists knew all along what the answer would be.  They knew all along that the earth would "appear" old.  This is curious. 
So on this reading we go back approximately 10,000 years to creation week and God decided, not just to make the earth appear old, but to make it appear a specific age.  He intentionally fashioned the earth to look 4.5 billion years old.  
When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.  The nearest star other than the sun is 4 light years away.  So it takes four years for that light to reach our eye and what we are seeing is the star as it was four years ago.  The same goes for stars millions of light years away.  Since, it seems, God wanted Adam to enjoy the starry night sky, He not only created the stars, but He also created the intervening protons at the same time.  Further, every event witnessed at a distance (anything more than 10,000 light years away)by the Hubbell space telescope and other astronomical instruments are absolutely fictitious.  This includes the disintegration of stars, the gravitational effects of black holes, etc.  None of these things actually happened.  They were all constructed, artificially in order to give the cosmos an appearance of old age.  On this reading every astronomical event greater than 10,000 yrs old is a fiction.  The Creator intentionally fashioned a bogus astronomical history extending as far back into space as our instruments can probe.  
This sort of view is anything but Catholic and it finds its roots in some of the worst strains of Protestant thought.  This sort of thinking has profound consequences for science as well as theology.  
St. Thomas had very harsh words to say regarding those in his day who wanted to deny secondary causality in nature in order to attempt to elevate divine causality (See SCG BK III, ch 19).  This view undercuts the very attempt of reason to understand the world we live in insofar as it posits that reason cannot but be deceived in its investigations of the natural world.  And what does it say about a Creator who intentionally fashions a universe with a consistent but fictitious appearance of age seemingly meant to fool us as inhabitants of this universe?  
I consider myself to be a Thomist and I take St. Thomas as my chief teacher in matters of philosophy and theology.  I am pretty confident that if St. Thomas was around today he would attempt to incorporate our scientific understanding of the world into his philosophical / theological principles.  He would no doubt take science to have corrected some of the scientific thoughts of his day which he accepted (though not necessarily his philosophical principles).  In today's world I would think that he would not hold, for instance, that light was instantaneous, that the heavenly bodies are eternal and incorruptible in themselves, that the most fundamental elements are earth, air, fire, and water, etc.  He would be very interested in hearing about new discoveries and what they tell us about our world and the amazing and vast Cosmos which God has given us wonder at and explore in an attempt to understand.  
May I ask a serious question?  Are you at least open to the possibility that perhaps what reason seems to show us with regard to the age of the earth and universe (that it is very old) can be reconciled with a sound reading of Scripture and traditional Catholic thought?  
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 11, 2018, 05:42:35 PM
Are you at all concerned that you pit all of modern science (physics, geology, chemistry, astronomy, biology etc) against your reading of what the Catholic Church teaches on the matter of the age of the earth and universe?  Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation that you may perhaps be in the position of doing what Augustine and Aquinas warn us about, i.e. making a mockery of the faith by essentially telling others that their choice is between God and Catholic truth on the one hand and what reason seems to tell us regarding the natural world on the other?  Many (most?) who recognize that we do obtain truth through scientific analyses of the natural world are left with the choice of either denying what reason seems to show and accepting Catholic truth, or denying Catholic truth.  We can only hope that they will understand that your reading of Catholic truth might be a be a bit defective and that the choice is not faith or reason but faith and reason.        
Prior to the 19th century, most everyone, including scientist with no particular religious bent had no reason not to assume that the universe was young.  Beginning in the 19th century evidence from all of the various sciences began to show quite conclusively that the earth and the universe was in fact very old.  This leaves two choices for a young earth proponent (1) recognize what reason shows with regard to the age of the earth as a truth revealed by the God of nature to man's rational faculty and incorporate that truth in our understanding of science, philosophy, and theology or (2) reject what reason seems to show and claim that reason's investigation of nature is faulty since it is at odds with our reading of Scripture, the Fathers etc.  
Young earth creationists opt for the second.  It should be recognized that even most young earth creationists accept that all the evidence at least "appears" to indicate an old age.  For instance, one of the most famous young earth creationists, Henry Morris, in his "Genesis Flood," states the following:  "There are many cases now known where the age estimate has been checked by two or more different methods, independently.  It would seem improbable that the elements concerned would each have been altered in such a way as to continue to give equal ages; therefore such agreement between independent measurements would seem to be strong evidence that alteration has not occurred and that the indicated age is therefore valid."(p.343-344)
How do Morris and others solve the conundrum?  They do a 180 and explain that this is exactly what we would have expected from the Biblical account:  "We reply, however, that the Biblical outline of earth history, with the geological framework provided thereby, would lead us to postulate exactly this state of the radioactivity evidence.  We would expect radiogenic minerals to indicate very large ages and we would expect different elements in the same mineral, or different minerals in the same formation to agree with each other."(p.344)  "...all such elements would, when created, give an "appearance" of the same degree of maturity or of age." (p.354)
So scientists spent 100's of years to lay the foundation for modern geology, the discovery of radioactivity, the development of technology for radiometric dating, and the young earth creationists knew all along what the answer would be.  They knew all along that the earth would "appear" old.  This is curious.
So on this reading we go back approximately 10,000 years to creation week and God decided, not just to make the earth appear old, but to make it appear a specific age.  He intentionally fashioned the earth to look 4.5 billion years old.  
When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.  The nearest star other than the sun is 4 light years away.  So it takes four years for that light to reach our eye and what we are seeing is the star as it was four years ago.  The same goes for stars millions of light years away.  Since, it seems, God wanted Adam to enjoy the starry night sky, He not only created the stars, but He also created the intervening protons at the same time.  Further, every event witnessed at a distance (anything more than 10,000 light years away)by the Hubbell space telescope and other astronomical instruments are absolutely fictitious.  This includes the disintegration of stars, the gravitational effects of black holes, etc.  None of these things actually happened.  They were all constructed, artificially in order to give the cosmos an appearance of old age.  On this reading every astronomical event greater than 10,000 yrs old is a fiction.  The Creator intentionally fashioned a bogus astronomical history extending as far back into space as our instruments can probe.  
This sort of view is anything but Catholic and it finds its roots in some of the worst strains of Protestant thought.  This sort of thinking has profound consequences for science as well as theology.  
St. Thomas had very harsh words to say regarding those in his day who wanted to deny secondary causality in nature in order to attempt to elevate divine causality (See SCG BK III, ch 19).  This view undercuts the very attempt of reason to understand the world we live in insofar as it posits that reason cannot but be deceived in its investigations of the natural world.  And what does it say about a Creator who intentionally fashions a universe with a consistent but fictitious appearance of age seemingly meant to fool us as inhabitants of this universe?  
I consider myself to be a Thomist and I take St. Thomas as my chief teacher in matters of philosophy and theology.  I am pretty confident that if St. Thomas was around today he would attempt to incorporate our scientific understanding of the world into his philosophical / theological principles.  He would no doubt take science to have corrected some of the scientific thoughts of his day which he accepted (though not necessarily his philosophical principles).  In today's world I would think that he would not hold, for instance, that light was instantaneous, that the heavenly bodies are eternal and incorruptible in themselves, that the most fundamental elements are earth, air, fire, and water, etc.  He would be very interested in hearing about new discoveries and what they tell us about our world and the amazing and vast Cosmos which God has given us wonder at and explore in an attempt to understand.  
May I ask a serious question?  Are you at least open to the possibility that perhaps what reason seems to show us with regard to the age of the earth and universe (that it is very old) can be reconciled with a sound reading of Scripture and traditional Catholic thought?  

Dear Mr. Konkel-

You are an interesting peerson to me.

Kind of like a science project of sorts.

May I ask you some questions?

1) Are you an SSPX Catholic?

2) Are you sure that a so-called "modern science" which opposes the common understanding of most of the Church Fathers is really science so-called?

3) "Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation" that most of the world's scientists who hold the "old earth" theory are not traditional Catholic (and that consequently, their work is not guided by the conclusions of faith)?

4) Does that last question secretly revolt and embarrass you (i.e., to think that the conclusions of faith should set parameters to scientific inquiry)?

5) Is there not just a little bit of fear and trepidation within you that the old earth argument -like the evolution hoax- is really a thinly veiled attack on the Faith, and that it is a necessary underpinning of evolution (i.e., no old earth, no evolution)?

6) Is there not just a little fear and trepidation within you that if the nearly universally anti-Christ, anti-Catholic "scientific" community can "err" (in parenthesis because it is usually a deliberate attack, not a good faith err) in the matter of evolution, it can err in the matter of the age of the earth?

7) Does it not fill you with at least a little bit of fear and trepidation that the global so-called scientific community accepts the legitimacy of evolution?

8 Does it not fill you with at least a little bit of fear and trepidation that if the so-called "scientific" community arrives at conclusions like evolution (which directly contradicts the doctrine of monogenism), that by the very logic of your argument, you ought to be conforming to that opinion (rather than dismissing it in favor of the faith)?

9) Do you accept evolution?

10) Has you faith been damaged, such that were you forced to accept the Patristic understanding of the 6,000 year-old earth, you would apostatize?

11) Is the old earth theory a dogma for you?

12) If the faith must conform itself to the latest so-called scientific findings, and those findings are constantly changing, are you not thereby endorsing (at least implicitly and unwittingly) doctrinal evolution?

13) Notice how evolution keeps popping up, in one context or another?

14) When "scientific" discoveries arise which contradict previously "discovered" principles, will you have to disavow all those you so revere today, admitting they erred, and you were wrong to have sided with the atheists and modernists against the Fathers of the Church?

15) Is there not even a little bit of fear and trepidation within you that many of those you revere as scientists offer arguments in favor of a young earth?  Are such as those somehow nonobjective, uneducated, and biased embarrassments to science, despite their credentials?

16) Do articles like this one cause you not even a little fear and tredpidation, or are they somehow "unscientific" for having arrived at an undesirable conclusion:

17) Is there not even a little fear and trepidation within you that you have been deceived, and may be on the way to eroding your faith to the tenets of rationalism and modernism (of the Fr. Jaki variety) if you don't reconsider some of the fundamental errors of your false principles (e.g., That we must accept the so-called scientific conclusions of atheistic or modernist "scientists," and conform the faith to their conclusions, which is already evolution)?

Thank you in advance.

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 11, 2018, 06:52:18 PM
By the way:

VLM has 24 posts in 21 months (all in defense of the SSPX)

TKonkel has only 6 posts in 2 years (3 of which are on this subject in the last couple days), all of which defend SSPX priests.

Are you smelling what I'm cooking?

Looks like the trolls are bringing the "sleeper accounts" back to life.

But is it really just the SSPX defending the SSPX again (i.e., Activating their assets to run damage control)?

Does anyone with more than 200 posts have anything to say in favor of Fr. Robinson's book?
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 11, 2018, 07:24:16 PM

Does anyone with more than 200 posts have anything to say in favor of Fr. Robinson's book?
I'm in favor of the book being tossed into a fire where it may actually do some good in providing light rather than darkness.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 11, 2018, 07:35:18 PM

Thankfully the eminent Catholic writer, Miss Paula Haigh (RIP), in her seminal works on the subject of evolution, devoted a series of articles to exposing Fr. Jaki, who, as she termed it, was a sophist, a revisionist, a surrealist, and an evolutionist.


A real debt of gratitude is owing as well to the great author Solange Strong Hertz.  As a traditional Catholic writer she was to such a great extent so much on the same page with Miss Haigh on her very insightful and informative views concerning science, scientism, modernism, and more.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 11, 2018, 07:51:45 PM
Elsewhere on this forum, I showed that Fr. Jaki questioned the Mosaic authorship of the Pentateuch (i.e., the first 5 books of the Old Testament), which was condemned by St. Pius X in Pascendi (#34)

Here is the link to Fr. Jaki saying, "Does this mean that Moses, or whoever wrote Genesis 1...":

And Here is Pope St. Pius condemning that rationalist/modernist exegesis:

34. The result of this dismembering of the Sacred Books and this partition of them throughout the centuries is naturally that the Scriptures can no longer be attributed to the authors whose names they bear. The Modernists have no hesitation in affirming commonly that these books, and especially the Pentateuch and the first three Gospels, have been gradually formed by additions to a primitive brief narration - by interpolations of theological or allegorical interpretation, by transitions, by joining different passages together. This means, briefly, that in the Sacred Books we must admit a vital evolution, springing from and corresponding with evolution of faith. The traces of this evolution, they tell us, are so visible in the books that one might almost write a history of them. Indeed this history they do actually write, and with such an easy security that one might believe them to have with their own eyes seen the writers at work through the ages amplifying the Sacred Books. To aid them in this they call to their assistance that branch of criticism which they call textual, and labour to show that such a fact or such a phrase is not in its right place, and adducing other arguments of the same kind. They seem, in fact, to have constructed for themselves certain types of narration and discourses, upon which they base their decision as to whether a thing is out of place or not. Judge if you can how men with such a system are fitted for practising this kind of criticism. To hear them talk about their works on the Sacred Books, in which they have been able to discover so much that is defective, one would imagine that before them nobody ever even glanced through the pages of Scripture, whereas the truth is that a whole multitude of Doctors, infinitely superior to them in genius, in erudition, in sanctity, have sifted the Sacred Books in every way, and so far from finding imperfections in them, have thanked God more and more the deeper they have gone into them, for His divine bounty in having vouchsafed to speak thus to men. Unfortunately, these great Doctors did not enjoy the same aids to study that are possessed by the Modernists for their guide and rule, - a philosophy borrowed from the negation of God, and a criterion which consists of themselves.

We believe, then, that We have set forth with sufficient clearness the historical method of the Modernists. The philosopher leads the way, the historian follows, and then in due order come internal and textual criticism. And since it is characteristic of the first cause to communicate its virtue to secondary causes, it is quite clear that the criticism We are concerned with is an agnostic, immanentist, and evolutionist criticism. Hence anybody who embraces it and employs it, makes profession thereby of the errors contained in it, and places himself in opposition to Catholic faith. This being so, one cannot but be greatly surprised by the consideration which is attached to it by certain Catholics. Two causes may be assigned for this: first, the close alliance, independent of all differences of nationality or religion, which the historians and critics of this school have formed among themselves; second, the boundless effrontery of these men. Let one of them but open his mouth and the others applaud him in chorus, proclaiming that science has made another step forward; let an outsider but hint at a desire to inspect the new discovery with his own eyes, and they are on him in a body; deny it - and you are an ignoramus; embrace it and defend it - and there is no praise too warm for you. In this way they win over any who, did they but realise what they are doing, would shrink back with horror."

Pride sits in modernism as in its own house, eh?

And there's that pesky evolutionism again, for which the old earth is an a priori necessity.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: wallflower on April 11, 2018, 08:10:38 PM

Cassini did a nice job of exposing this error under the general topic Crisis in the Church: Fr. Robinson's pagan cosmology ('s-(sspx)-pagan-cosmology/)

As someone who was originally enthusiastic to see Catholics and particularly "trusted" priests take up this topic, I have been wanting to thank Cassini for everything he has done here. I had no idea and would have swallowed it up, much to my embarrassment. I will admit I was a bit put off when I read the book's website because I am quite convinced of the literal biblical account, so it "felt" uncomfortable to read such an open interpretation, if I can put it that way. I don't want to cede vocabulary to the evolutionists, even if we say "God made the big bang." But I probably would have pushed passed the reservation and opened up to what he had to say had it not sparked such interesting and well-researched rebuttals here. 
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 11, 2018, 10:10:12 PM
By the way:

VLM has 24 posts in 21 months (all in defense of the SSPX)

TKonkel has only 6 posts in 2 years (3 of which are on this subject in the last couple days), all of which defend SSPX priests.

Are you smelling what I'm cooking?

Looks like the trolls are bringing the "sleeper accounts" back to life.

But is it really just the SSPX defending the SSPX again (i.e., Activating their assets to run damage control)?

Does anyone with more than 200 posts have anything to say in favor of Fr. Robinson's book?

Yes, this is indeed interesting.  More like a psychology project.

We see two neo-SSPX gentlemen have come to the defense of "Robinson/Jaki" science.

However, both men failed to address the substance of the Resistance trad arguments?

We see the same behavior manifested by neo-SSPX faithful.

They accept almost any compromise the neo-SSPX superiors make, without question or logical thinking.

When natural protests are made over Bp. Fellay and Fr. Wegner compromises to the Faith, the neo-trads have a blank stare on their faces.

Be it re-branding, marriage jurisdiction or an unprecedented visit by the flaming Novus ordo Bp. Foys to the SSPX Walton, KY school.

The neo-trads don't care!  They do whatever Menzingen and the US District Superior tells them to do.

It is as if they are all dumbed down ? :facepalm:

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 11, 2018, 10:19:20 PM

We see two neo-SSPX gentlemen have come to the defense of "Robinson/Jaki" science.

However, both men failed to address the substance of the Resistance trad arguments?

Once they receive their coaching, they will be back.

It takes a bit of time to confer.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 11, 2018, 10:21:13 PM
Are you at all concerned that you pit all of modern science (physics, geology, chemistry, astronomy, biology etc) against your reading of what the Catholic Church teaches on the matter of the age of the earth and universe?  Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation that you may perhaps be in the position of doing what Augustine and Aquinas warn us about, i.e. making a mockery of the faith by essentially telling others that their choice is between God and Catholic truth on the one hand and what reason seems to tell us regarding the natural world on the other?  Many (most?) who recognize that we do obtain truth through scientific analyses of the natural world are left with the choice of either denying what reason seems to show and accepting Catholic truth, or denying Catholic truth.  We can only hope that they will understand that your reading of Catholic truth might be a be a bit defective and that the choice is not faith or reason but faith and reason.        
Prior to the 19th century, most everyone, including scientist with no particular religious bent had no reason not to assume that the universe was young.  Beginning in the 19th century evidence from all of the various sciences began to show quite conclusively that the earth and the universe was in fact very old.  This leaves two choices for a young earth proponent (1) recognize what reason shows with regard to the age of the earth as a truth revealed by the God of nature to man's rational faculty and incorporate that truth in our understanding of science, philosophy, and theology or (2) reject what reason seems to show and claim that reason's investigation of nature is faulty since it is at odds with our reading of Scripture, the Fathers etc.  
Young earth creationists opt for the second.  It should be recognized that even most young earth creationists accept that all the evidence at least "appears" to indicate an old age.  For instance, one of the most famous young earth creationists, Henry Morris, in his "Genesis Flood," states the following:  "There are many cases now known where the age estimate has been checked by two or more different methods, independently.  It would seem improbable that the elements concerned would each have been altered in such a way as to continue to give equal ages; therefore such agreement between independent measurements would seem to be strong evidence that alteration has not occurred and that the indicated age is therefore valid."(p.343-344)
How do Morris and others solve the conundrum?  They do a 180 and explain that this is exactly what we would have expected from the Biblical account:  "We reply, however, that the Biblical outline of earth history, with the geological framework provided thereby, would lead us to postulate exactly this state of the radioactivity evidence.  We would expect radiogenic minerals to indicate very large ages and we would expect different elements in the same mineral, or different minerals in the same formation to agree with each other."(p.344)  "...all such elements would, when created, give an "appearance" of the same degree of maturity or of age." (p.354)
So scientists spent 100's of years to lay the foundation for modern geology, the discovery of radioactivity, the development of technology for radiometric dating, and the young earth creationists knew all along what the answer would be.  They knew all along that the earth would "appear" old.  This is curious.
So on this reading we go back approximately 10,000 years to creation week and God decided, not just to make the earth appear old, but to make it appear a specific age.  He intentionally fashioned the earth to look 4.5 billion years old.  
When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.  The nearest star other than the sun is 4 light years away.  So it takes four years for that light to reach our eye and what we are seeing is the star as it was four years ago.  The same goes for stars millions of light years away.  Since, it seems, God wanted Adam to enjoy the starry night sky, He not only created the stars, but He also created the intervening protons at the same time.  Further, every event witnessed at a distance (anything more than 10,000 light years away)by the Hubbell space telescope and other astronomical instruments are absolutely fictitious.  This includes the disintegration of stars, the gravitational effects of black holes, etc.  None of these things actually happened.  They were all constructed, artificially in order to give the cosmos an appearance of old age.  On this reading every astronomical event greater than 10,000 yrs old is a fiction.  The Creator intentionally fashioned a bogus astronomical history extending as far back into space as our instruments can probe.  
This sort of view is anything but Catholic and it finds its roots in some of the worst strains of Protestant thought.  This sort of thinking has profound consequences for science as well as theology.  
St. Thomas had very harsh words to say regarding those in his day who wanted to deny secondary causality in nature in order to attempt to elevate divine causality (See SCG BK III, ch 19).  This view undercuts the very attempt of reason to understand the world we live in insofar as it posits that reason cannot but be deceived in its investigations of the natural world.  And what does it say about a Creator who intentionally fashions a universe with a consistent but fictitious appearance of age seemingly meant to fool us as inhabitants of this universe?  
I consider myself to be a Thomist and I take St. Thomas as my chief teacher in matters of philosophy and theology.  I am pretty confident that if St. Thomas was around today he would attempt to incorporate our scientific understanding of the world into his philosophical / theological principles.  He would no doubt take science to have corrected some of the scientific thoughts of his day which he accepted (though not necessarily his philosophical principles).  In today's world I would think that he would not hold, for instance, that light was instantaneous, that the heavenly bodies are eternal and incorruptible in themselves, that the most fundamental elements are earth, air, fire, and water, etc.  He would be very interested in hearing about new discoveries and what they tell us about our world and the amazing and vast Cosmos which God has given us wonder at and explore in an attempt to understand.  
May I ask a serious question?  Are you at least open to the possibility that perhaps what reason seems to show us with regard to the age of the earth and universe (that it is very old) can be reconciled with a sound reading of Scripture and traditional Catholic thought?  
From the trad farm to TKonkel :farmer:

I note that in your reply to my post you did not address the substance of what I wrote.
I wrote about the hierarchy of the sciences, about the pre-eminence and binding authority of Sacred Theology and Metaphysics, in relation to all of the lower sciences.

My reply was directly responsive to the points you brought up; whereas your reply was quite an ad hominem. 

Do you have anything to say regarding the hierarchy of the sciences?

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 12, 2018, 12:59:20 AM
Dear Mr. Konkel-

You are an interesting peerson to me.

Kind of like a science project of sorts.

May I ask you some questions?

1) Are you an SSPX Catholic?

2) Are you sure that a so-called "modern science" which opposes the common understanding of most of the Church Fathers is really science so-called?

3) "Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation" that most of the world's scientists who hold the "old earth" theory are not traditional Catholic (and that consequently, their work is not guided by the conclusions of faith)?

4) Does that last question secretly revolt and embarrass you (i.e., to think that the conclusions of faith should set parameters to scientific inquiry)?

5) Is there not just a little bit of fear and trepidation within you that the old earth argument -like the evolution hoax- is really a thinly veiled attack on the Faith, and that it is a necessary underpinning of evolution (i.e., no old earth, no evolution)?

6) Is there not just a little fear and trepidation within you that if the nearly universally anti-Christ, anti-Catholic "scientific" community can "err" (in parenthesis because it is usually a deliberate attack, not a good faith err) in the matter of evolution, it can err in the matter of the age of the earth?

7) Does it not fill you with at least a little bit of fear and trepidation that the global so-called scientific community accepts the legitimacy of evolution?

8 Does it not fill you with at least a little bit of fear and trepidation that if the so-called "scientific" community arrives at conclusions like evolution (which directly contradicts the doctrine of monogenism), that by the very logic of your argument, you ought to be conforming to that opinion (rather than dismissing it in favor of the faith)?

9) Do you accept evolution?

10) Has you faith been damaged, such that were you forced to accept the Patristic understanding of the 6,000 year-old earth, you would apostatize?

11) Is the old earth theory a dogma for you?

12) If the faith must conform itself to the latest so-called scientific findings, and those findings are constantly changing, are you not thereby endorsing (at least implicitly and unwittingly) doctrinal evolution?

13) Notice how evolution keeps popping up, in one context or another?

14) When "scientific" discoveries arise which contradict previously "discovered" principles, will you have to disavow all those you so revere today, admitting they erred, and you were wrong to have sided with the atheists and modernists against the Fathers of the Church?

15) Is there not even a little bit of fear and trepidation within you that many of those you revere as scientists offer arguments in favor of a young earth?  Are such as those somehow nonobjective, uneducated, and biased embarrassments to science, despite their credentials?

16) Do articles like this one cause you not even a little fear and tredpidation, or are they somehow "unscientific" for having arrived at an undesirable conclusion:

17) Is there not even a little fear and trepidation within you that you have been deceived, and may be on the way to eroding your faith to the tenets of rationalism and modernism (of the Fr. Jaki variety) if you don't reconsider some of the fundamental errors of your false principles (e.g., That we must accept the so-called scientific conclusions of atheistic or modernist "scientists," and conform the faith to their conclusions, which is already evolution)?

I will answer your questions but I would also be interested in hearing your response to issues I posed.  You simply responded with your own questions but I do not see that you considered the points that I raised.  
1. Yes, I teach philosophy at St. Marys College.
2.  I do not think that science really opposes the Fathers properly understood.  Do I think modern science is "science so-called"?  I am not sure what you mean here.  If you are asking whether I think the methods of modern science give us insight into the workings of the natural world then I would say yes.  But we should also recognize that science is always in a process of revision and updating as knowledge and understanding develops.  This is how science works.  
3. It does not bother me in the least that scientists who hold to an old earth are not Traditional Catholics any more than I am worried about the fact that a modern scientist doing a differential equation might get his numbers wrong because he is  or is not a Traditional Catholic.  Please re-read the quote by Augustine.  
4. No, the question does not "embarrass" me.
5. No, I do not think that the recognition of an old earth is a conspiracy against the Catholic faith.  
6. Science and scientists can err and often do as I am sure any scientist would agree.  But there are certain conclusions of science that are very well established.  
7.  It does not bother me in the least that the notion of evolution has been the primary principle of all of the life sciences for nearly 150 years now since I think it is true, properly understood.
8.  I do hold to that opinion, so no, it does not bother me.  I should note though that my argument was never that a theory is right because a certain number of people hold to it.  Rather, I believe that nearly all biologists hold to evolution because they are well informed and the evidence for it is overwhelming.
9.  By now you probably know the answer to this.  Yes, properly understood.
10.  No, I do not believe my faith has been damaged as you say.  If all of a sudden the facts showed that the earth was very young, I would accept it.  Also, if, for instance, the evidence from the geological record showed that organic types actually were present all at once in the beginning of earth's history I would reject the notion of evolution immediately.  For the last 150 years though we have found over and over again that the contrary is true: more complex and diverse organic types appear later while simpler forms appear earlier.
11.  Dogma pertains to Theology while the question of the age of the earth is a scientific one.  No it is not a dogma for me.
12.  No
13.  Yes
14. If new scientific data corrects a current understanding I of course would accept that assuming I thought the evidence was good.  I do not think it is a question of atheism and modernism vs the Fathers of the Church as though an old earth and evolution belong on the side of atheism and modernism.  In fact, I think this way of seeing the question reveals an acceptance by young earth and anti evolution proponents of the same faulty premises of atheists and modernists that I think we both find fault with.  It is really the young earth and anti evolutionists who are more akin in their thinking to the atheists and modernists.  
15.  I do not believe that there are "many" scientists who hold to young earth.  If they do so, it is not qua scientist but rather qua creationists who hunt around for supposed "scientific" evidence for a young earth - there is none.  
16.  No, articles from fundamentalist Protestants who are absolutely deficient in philosophy, theology, and science do not worry me a bit.  
These 6 Protestant Fundamentalist "evidences" are bogus.  Let's look at the first one.  Supposedly carbon dating of diamonds reveals an age of 55,000 years old.  First off, this is a bit older than 10,000 years old.  The real points though are the following: any scientist will tell you that carbon dating has a threshold of about 40-50,000 years.  For dates older than that, carbon dating is not a good tool because after that period of time there is not enough C-14 left in order to do the dating.  Further, the carbon dating of diamonds theory indicates a failure to understand how carbon dating actually works.  Radiocarbon dating is based on a measurement of C14 decay of once living organisms (plants and animals that eat them).  A living plant takes in carbon from the atmosphere.  While it is alive it will have the same ratio of C14 and C12 (and C13) as that present in the atmosphere.  C12 and C13 are stable while C14 is radioactive.  When the plant (or animal that eats the plant) dies, the C14 will begin to decay and by measuring the amount of decay in comparison with the original ratio and the known decay rate, we can tell when the plant or animal died.  
As you probably know, diamonds are not alive.  They do not form from taking carbon from the atmosphere; they form deep in the earth.  As mentioned, carbon dating is based on a measured ratio of C14 to C13 and C12 in the atmosphere.  The original ratio of these isotopes in a newly created diamond are unknown and thus there is no way to measure the decay based on this unknown ratio.  A shorter answer is that carbon dating measures how long it has been since a plant or animal has died.  Diamonds do not die. 
17. No, I do not fear becoming a rationalist or modernist.  I do not recall stating as a principle that we must conform our thoughts to modernists and atheists.  
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 12, 2018, 06:58:14 AM
Greetings Mr. Konkel-

Thank you for your very candid responses.

Before I respond, I would just like to ask a few clarifying questions:

1) May I presume that if you are willing to defend evolution publicly on Cathinfo, you are likely doing the same in your classes and/or conversations at St. Mary’s College?

2) May I presume that if you are willing to defend evolution publicly on Cathinfo (which is almost constantly monitored by the SSPX), you perceive no reason to fear repurcussion for your public endorsement of that position?

3) If it is true that you have no reason to fear repurcussion, is it because you understand the College and District officials to share your belief in evolution?

4) How do you respond to the article “The Devolution of Evolution” by Dr. Terry Jackson published on, which directly contradicts many of the claims you are making (both in the matter of evolution, and in regard to the old earth theory which underpins it)?

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 12, 2018, 07:12:28 AM
Quick comment:

Mr. Konkel's point:

8.  I do hold to that opinion, so no, it does not bother me.  I should note though that my argument was never that a theory is right because a certain number of people hold to it.  Rather, I believe that nearly all biologists hold to evolution because they are well informed and the evidence for it is overwhelming.

Darwinian evolution, defies the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

But then, "most" biologist are weak in the hard sciences, so they would be prone to thinking small things drive to be more complex.

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 12, 2018, 08:57:05 AM
Greetings Mr. Konkel-

Thank you for your very candid responses.

Before I respond, I would just like to ask a few clarifying questions:

1) May I presume that if you are willing to defend evolution publicly on Cathinfo, you are likely doing the same in your classes and/or conversations at St. Mary’s College?

2) May I presume that if you are willing to defend evolution publicly on Cathinfo (which is almost constantly monitored by the SSPX), you perceive no reason to fear repurcussion for your public endorsement of that position?

3) If it is true that you have no reason to fear repurcussion, is it because you understand the College and District officials to share your belief in evolution?

4) How do you respond to the article “The Devolution of Evolution” by Dr. Terry Jackson published on, which directly contradicts many of the claims you are making (both in the matter of evolution, and in regard to the old earth theory which underpins it)?

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
Your "clarifying questions" have nothing to do with the issue at hand: the age of the earth, evolution, science and philosophy and feel a bit more like an attempt to dig up "dirt" on the SSPX.  I have zero interest in getting into discussions regarding the SSPX, the "Resistance," etc.  If you have a genuine interest in discussing science and philosophy then I am happy to discuss them as I am very interested in these topics.    
1. My views, especially regarding questions of evolution and the age of the earth, are my own.  My general feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those in the SSPX, have opinions much closer to yours rather than mine on these issues.  I am not on a crusade to win converts to my way of thinking and I am aware of the strong feelings / opinions that surround these issues and thus I do not go out of my way to try to bring the topics up, especially in my classes.  I do not teach biology or any of the other sciences.  If the issues come up in conversation I am more than happy to discuss them.  
2.  I guess we will find out if I have reason to fear repercussion.  If it turns out that I should have such reason to fear repercussion that would be, in my opinion, most unfortunate given the fact that these are real and important issues of philosophy, theology, and science and there is a lot of misunderstanding  surrounding these issues.  Speaking openly and honestly about them with the hope of arriving at clarity and truth seems to me to be a proper Catholic attitude.  If these conversations can be had with civility and with respect I would hope that there should be no reason for fear.
3.  As I said, my feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those involved at the College and District likely have opinions closer to yours than to mine though I suspect that most have not thoroughly explored the issues.  
4.  I have not read the article but I assume that, if it argues for a young earth and the impossibility of evolution, I would find fault with the arguments.  
Now that your "clarifying questions" have been answered, are you ready to address my initial points?  
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 12, 2018, 10:09:28 AM
Quick comment:

Darwinian evolution, defies the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

But then, "most" biologist are weak in the hard sciences, so they would be prone to thinking small things drive to be more complex.

This argument is very old and very weak.  Most creationists have stopped using it.  It is certainly not that biologists are "weak in the hard sciences" or that they have failed to walk down the hall to talk to their Physics colleagues.  
The argument is basically that the second law of Thermodynamics states that the entropy (disorder) of a closed system will increase over time so how can evolution and natural causes produce the order we see on earth.
If I left my house today, never to return, one would suspect that 50 years from now, if one were to enter my house, he would witness more disintegration and disorder.  Why doesn't the same thing apply to the earth?  
Answer: the earth is not a closed system.  Just as I can input energy into the house when I call the cleaning service or pick up a mop, so too energy input on the earth comes for instance from the sun.  
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Mr G on April 12, 2018, 10:50:28 AM
Your "clarifying questions" have nothing to do with the issue at hand: the age of the earth, evolution, science and philosophy and feel a bit more like an attempt to dig up "dirt" on the SSPX.  I have zero interest in getting into discussions regarding the SSPX, the "Resistance," etc.  If you have a genuine interest in discussing science and philosophy then I am happy to discuss them as I am very interested in these topics.    
1. My views, especially regarding questions of evolution and the age of the earth, are my own.  My general feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those in the SSPX, have opinions much closer to yours rather than mine on these issues.  I am not on a crusade to win converts to my way of thinking and I am aware of the strong feelings / opinions that surround these issues and thus I do not go out of my way to try to bring the topics up, especially in my classes.  I do not teach biology or any of the other sciences.  If the issues come up in conversation I am more than happy to discuss them.  
2.  I guess we will find out if I have reason to fear repercussion.  If it turns out that I should have such reason to fear repercussion that would be, in my opinion, most unfortunate given the fact that these are real and important issues of philosophy, theology, and science and there is a lot of misunderstanding  surrounding these issues.  Speaking openly and honestly about them with the hope of arriving at clarity and truth seems to me to be a proper Catholic attitude.  If these conversations can be had with civility and with respect I would hope that there should be no reason for fear.
3.  As I said, my feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those involved at the College and District likely have opinions closer to yours than to mine though I suspect that most have not thoroughly explored the issues.  
4.  I have not read the article but I assume that, if it argues for a young earth and the impossibility of evolution, I would find fault with the arguments.  
Now that your "clarifying questions" have been answered, are you ready to address my initial points?  
Hi Mr. Konkel,
To be clear, when you say "evolution" you mean from one species evolving into another, such as the typical understanding of evolution in which all life started from a pool of biological goo and crawled out and slowly developed into the creatures we have now? Thus you believe their is a missing link between man and ape, etc. Is that the type of evolution you believe in?
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Mr G on April 12, 2018, 11:29:25 AM (

Below is some of writings of Fr. Jaki on Fatima, but I think we can see the problem summarized in this statement:

"According to St. Thomas Aquinas a miracle in the strict sense is “something done outside the order of the entire created universe (\").” According to Jaki, the fact that the event occurred and still inspires the faithful to this day is the greater miracle.

Now here if Fr. Jaki on the Miracle of Fatima, with my comments in bold:

However, enough data are on hand to force one to recognize the meteorological nature of “the miracle of the sun” and to look askance at the phrase, “the sun danced over Fatima.” That the miracle was not solar, that it did not imply any “solar activity” in the scientific sense of that term, is indicated by the fact that nothing unusual was registered by observatories about the sun at that hour. Prior to that hour rain was coming down heavily over the area from the late morning hours on, with the clouds being driven fast by a westerly wind across the sky. A cold air mass was obviously moving in from the Atlantic, only at about 40 kms from Fatima, which itself is at about 15 kms to the east from the line where the land begins to form a plateau well over 300 meters above sea level. The hollow field, Cova da Iria, outside Fatima is itself at about 370 meters. An actual view of the geographic situation is a great help for an understanding of the true physical nature of “the miracle of the sun,” especially when one takes a close look at cloud patterns typical over the Cova.

I feel that at this juncture I must summarize my explanation of the miracle. It began at about 12:45 pm, solar time, after the rain suddenly stopped, and lasted about ten to fifteen minutes. During all that time, the sun, that had not been seen for hours, appeared through thin clouds, which one careful observer described as cirrus clouds. Suddenly the sun’s image turned into a wheel of fire which for the people there resembled a “rodo de fuogo” familiar to them in fireworks. The physical core of that wheel was, as we now have to conjecture, an air lens full of ice crystals, as cirrus clouds are. Such crystals can readily refract the sun’s rays into various colors of the rainbow.

The references to the strong west-east wind and to the continued drift of clouds may account for the interplay of two streams of air that could give a twist, in a way analogous to the formation of tornadoes, to put that lens-shaped air mass into rotation. Since many present there suddenly felt a marked increase in temperature, it is clear that a sudden temperature inversion must have taken place. (Fr. Jaki downplays the miracle here as the people were wet and muddy and the ground soaked, but after the miracle, everyone was clean and dray, even the ground was dry, which would have taken a tremendous amount of heat energy that would have normally incinerated everyone! Yet, he fails to explain that part of the miracle or even bring it up.)  The cold and warm air masses could conceivably propel that rotating air lens in an elliptical orbit first toward the earth, and then push it up, as if it were a boomerang, back to its original position. Meanwhile the ice crystals in it acted as so many means of refraction for the sun’s rays. Some eyewitnesses claimed that the “wheel of fire” descended and reascended three times; according to others this happened twice. Overwhelmed by an extraordinary sight that prompted most of the crowd to fall on their knees,(because they saw the sun about to fall on them and believed they were all going to die) even “detached” observers could not perform as coolly as they would have wished. Only one observer, a lawyer, stated three decades later that the path of descent and ascent was elliptical with small circles superimposed on it.

Such an observation would make eminent sense to anyone familiar with fluid dynamics or even with the workings of a boomerang. There is indeed plenty of scientific information on hand to approach the miracle of the sun scientifically. This is, however, not to suggest that one could reproduce the event say in a wind tunnel. The carefully co-ordinated interplay of so many physical factors would by itself be a miracle, even if one does not wish to see anything more in what actually happened. Clearly, the “miracle” of the sun was not a mere meteorological phenomenon, however rare. (at least he admits that) Otherwise it would have been observed before and after, regardless of the presence of devout crowds (plus non believers and those who came to mock the seers and faithful) or not. I merely claim, which I did in my other writings on miracles, that in producing miracles God often makes use of a natural substratum by greatly enhancing its physical components and their interactions. One can indeed say, though not in the sense intended by some Fatima writers, that the fingers of the Mother of God played with the rays of the sun at that extraordinary hour at Fatima.(What do you mean by that Fr. Jaki?)

Stanley L. Jaki. A Mind’s Matter: An Intellectual Autobiography ( (Cambridge U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2002), Chapter 13 “A Portuguese Proverb.”
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: claudel on April 12, 2018, 04:35:09 PM
… is it really just the SSPX defending the SSPX again (i.e., Activating their assets to run damage control)?

Does anyone with more than 200 posts have anything to say in favor of Fr. Robinson's book?
Dear Sean,
With regret and reluctance, I am coming out of "retirement" from this site just this once to comment upon this topic, even though I cannot answer either of the quoted questions—that is, I have not read Robinson's book nor am I privy to SSPX defense strategies and postures.

I am very sympathetic to the comments of VeritasLuxMea, especially his seemingly inarguable assertion that as the misquotation of the foreword's language places the discussion in the straw man category, the conclusions drawn are ipso facto at least suspect and perhaps utterly false. Has it truly been forgotten by all and sundry that a fundamental principle in logic—one adopted by the Schoolmen and at least deducible in Aristotle—is that contra factum non valet argumentum? On this basis alone, the first words in response typed by everyone else on this thread ought to have been "mea culpa." Yet they weren't, to all his antagonists' shame. Had "fair point; I'm sorry" been typed just once, the ensuing attacks on VLM's bona fides would have been unobjectionable responses (i.e., within the context of morally motivated argument or dispute) rather than what they look like to someone without a dog in this fight: the CathInfo version of the street tough's sneer of "fαɢɢօt" at everything he dislikes or is unable to respond to or comprehend.

As for the comment of TKonkel time-stamped April 11, 12:25:13 p.m., I am in essentially full agreement with it, but suggesting that agreement with the comment necessarily implies an embrace of macroevolution is, to exercise Christian discretion and politeness in word choice, a red herring. What TKonkel implies there and openly states later—in paraphrase, that the bulk of pre-twentieth-century science is not a priori dismissible as Jєωιѕн, atheist, or otherwise Christophobic in motivation and outcome—strikes me as the only conclusion any reasonably sedulous, intelligent, and properly tutored student of the history of science can arrive at.* If, however, TKonkel did not mean his comment to imply what I just wrote, I apologize to him while continuing to assert the foregoing as my own closely considered and, yes, informed opinion. Surely no one here, even that arrogant blockhead Cassini, would claim that TKonkel is erroneous in his account of Augustine's and especially Aquinas's condemnation of those who spurn the maximization of the use of reason and the quest for secondary causality.

May I add here that a bit more precision in vocabulary would have been helpful throughout. Specifically, the universal failure to distinguish between microevolution, in which everyone (including me) with eyes and a functioning brain "believes," and macroevolution, the form that posits interspecies leaps over huge time spans—hence, various "missing links" between man and ape or whatever (here I am oversimplifying radically, of course)—is lamentable. Nor is it particularly adult—but then, this is CathInfo, where adultness has never exactly lain thick on the ground (as you yourself, Sean, have frequently experienced).

For the record, I am not an adherent of macroevolution, but I share TKonkel's opinion that it is not illicit for a true Catholic to accept it as a functional basis for scientific analysis and evaluation of bio-archeological evidence. I think that those who hold the view may with justice point to Providentissimus Deus and Divino afflante Spiritu as offering them support. Still, I have little doubt that, in time, macroevolution will join flat-earthism in the dustbin of really warped ideas.

Finally, flat-earthism calls to mind geocentrism, and geocentrism calls to mind Cassini (whom I have called an arrogant blockhead with formal purpose and intent) and Cassini's scandalously and culpably ignorant misrepresentation of the entirety of the Galileo affair and, far worse, his blasphemous attacks on every orthodox pope from Benedict XIV through to Pius XII (and obviously, beyond Vatican II into our own degenerate times) as apostates for "rehabilitating" heliocentrism after it had been infallibly declared heretical. The problem for Cassini and other roll-your-own-dogma Catholics, of course, is that no pope ever formally declared heliocentrism heretical, and to claim that Paul V or any pope did so is to promote mortally sinful scandal. For this alone, Cassini should have been banned from this site, as he already has been from several others.

What is more, although Cassini has published several hundred thousand words of Galileo-phobic polemics here, he shows no evidence of ever having read any of the primary source docuмents that he ought to feel morally obliged to read before shooting off his big mouth: at a bare minimum the formal interrogatives of the 1633 trial, the draft of the sentence, and Galileo's reply to the sentence (preceded by his formal statement to the judges that if they did not withdraw the charge that he had acted in bad faith or had lied to get the license to publish the Dialogue on the Two World Systems, he would refuse to accept the sentence and instead accept death because he would be perjuring himself before God to do otherwise). Cassini, however, might possibly have read Bellarmine's letter to Foscarini and the letter (1616) he gave to Galileo formally declaring Galileo free of any suspicion of heresy or contumely. But if he has indeed read them, he is guilty of willfully twisting their words and distorting their plain signification on many more occasions than one.

Of this topic I say no more, now or ever again. Anybody who has the wits to figure out how to scour this site's archives will be able to discover that I commented on these matters at some length in various threads in what will seem the distant past to this site's prepubescent majority. Though few will give a hoot, I add here that Galileo and the trial have been objects of serious docuмentary study for me for almost fifty years. I have found that what may simplistically be described as the pro-Catholic and anti-Catholic positions are both characterized by poverty of evidentiary support, poverty of reflection, unpersuasiveness of reasoning, and a shortfall of argumentation from hard evidence and reasonable supposition. These are the hallmarks of 90 percent of the published Galileo material with which I am familiar and of 100 percent of Cassini's comments. I have no reason to believe that the even larger body of material of which I know little or nothing does any better, at least if one credits what both its friends and foes say about it—and I am referring by no means to this blog alone!
*Any reader who suspects that I am hinting that I myself fill the bill I've just laid out would be quite right. Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 12, 2018, 05:16:28 PM
Dear Sean,
With regret and reluctance, I am coming out of "retirement" from this site just this once to comment upon this topic, even though I cannot answer either of the quoted questions—that is, I have not read Robinson's book nor am I privy to SSPX defense strategies and postures.

I am very sympathetic to the comments of VeritasLuxMea, especially his seemingly inarguable assertion that as the misquotation of the foreword's language places the discussion in the straw man category, the conclusions drawn are ipso facto at least suspect and perhaps utterly false. Has it truly been forgotten by all and sundry that a fundamental principle in logic—one adopted by the Schoolmen and at least deducible in Aristotle—is that contra factum non valet argumentum? On this basis alone, the first words in response typed by everyone else on this thread ought to have been "mea culpa." Yet they weren't, to all his antagonists' shame. Had "fair point; I'm sorry" been typed just once, the ensuing attacks on VLM's bona fides would have been unobjectionable responses (i.e., within the context of morally motivated argument or dispute) rather than what they look like to someone without a dog in this fight: the CathInfo version of the street tough's sneer of "fαɢɢօt" at everything he dislikes or is unable to respond to or comprehend.

As for the comment of TKonkel time-stamped April 11, 12:25:13 p.m., I am in essentially full agreement with it, but suggesting that agreement with the comment necessarily implies an embrace of macroevolution is, to exercise Christian discretion and politeness in word choice, a red herring. What TKonkel implies there and openly states later—in paraphrase, that the bulk of pre-twentieth-century science is not a priori dismissible as Jєωιѕн, atheist, or otherwise Christophobic in motivation and outcome—strikes me as the only conclusion any reasonably sedulous, intelligent, and properly tutored student of the history of science can arrive at.* If, however, TKonkel did not mean his comment to imply what I just wrote, I apologize to him while continuing to assert the foregoing as my own closely considered and, yes, informed opinion. Surely no one here, even that arrogant blockhead Cassini, would claim that TKonkel is erroneous in his account of Augustine's and especially Aquinas's condemnation of those who spurn the maximization of the use of reason and the quest for secondary causality.

May I add here that a bit more precision in vocabulary would have been helpful throughout. Specifically, the universal failure to distinguish between microevolution, in which everyone (including me) with eyes and a functioning brain "believes," and macroevolution, the form that posits interspecies leaps over huge time spans—hence, various "missing links" between man and ape or whatever (here I am oversimplifying radically, of course)—is lamentable. Nor is it particularly adult—but then, this is CathInfo, where adultness has never exactly lain thick on the ground (as you yourself, Sean, have frequently experienced).

For the record, I am not an adherent of macroevolution, but I share TKonkel's opinion that it is not illicit for a true Catholic to accept it as a functional basis for scientific analysis and evaluation of bio-archeological evidence. I think that those who hold the view may with justice point to Providentissimus Deus and Divino afflante Spiritu as offering them support. Still, I have little doubt that, in time, macroevolution will join flat-earthism in the dustbin of really warped ideas.

Finally, flat-earthism calls to mind geocentrism, and geocentrism calls to mind Cassini (whom I have called an arrogant blockhead with formal purpose and intent) and Cassini's scandalously and culpably ignorant misrepresentation of the entirety of the Galileo affair and, far worse, his blasphemous attacks on every orthodox pope from Benedict XIV through to Pius XII (and obviously, beyond Vatican II into our own degenerate times) as apostates for "rehabilitating" heliocentrism after it had been infallibly declared heretical. The problem for Cassini and other roll-your-own-dogma Catholics, of course, is that no pope ever formally declared heliocentrism heretical, and to claim that Paul V or any pope did so is to promote mortally sinful scandal. For this alone, Cassini should have been banned from this site, as he already has been from several others.

What is more, although Cassini has published several hundred thousand words of Galileo-phobic polemics here, he shows no evidence of ever having read any of the primary source docuмents that he ought to feel morally obliged to read before shooting off his big mouth: at a bare minimum the formal interrogatives of the 1633 trial, the draft of the sentence, and Galileo's reply to the sentence (preceded by his formal statement to the judges that if they did not withdraw the charge that he had acted in bad faith or had lied to get the license to publish the Dialogue on the Two World Systems, he would refuse to accept the sentence and instead accept death because he would be perjuring himself before God to do otherwise). Cassini, however, might possibly have read Bellarmine's letter to Foscarini and the letter (1616) he gave to Galileo formally declaring Galileo free of any suspicion of heresy or contumely. But if he has indeed read them, he is guilty of willfully twisting their words and distorting their plain signification on many more occasions than one.

Of this topic I say no more, now or ever again. Anybody who has the wits to figure out how to scour this site's archives will be able to discover that I commented on these matters at some length in various threads in what will seem the distant past to this site's prepubescent majority. Though few will give a hoot, I add here that Galileo and the trial have been objects of serious docuмentary study for me for almost fifty years. I have found that what may simplistically be described as the pro-Catholic and anti-Catholic positions are both characterized by poverty of evidentiary support, poverty of reflection, unpersuasiveness of reasoning, and a shortfall of argumentation from hard evidence and reasonable supposition. These are the hallmarks of 90 percent of the published Galileo material with which I am familiar and of 100 percent of Cassini's comments. I have no reason to believe that the even larger body of material of which I know little or nothing does any better, at least if one credits what both its friends and foes say about it—and I am referring by no means to this blog alone!
*Any reader who suspects that I am hinting that I myself fill the bill I've just laid out would be quite right. Guilty as charged, Your Honor.
Greetings Claudel!

Long time, my friend.

Regarding your post, it is directed towards me, but some of the content is from Incredulous, and other content from Cassini.

Could you please specify precisely which statements I have made that you object to?

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 12, 2018, 05:42:13 PM
Your "clarifying questions" have nothing to do with the issue at hand: the age of the earth, evolution, science and philosophy and feel a bit more like an attempt to dig up "dirt" on the SSPX.  I have zero interest in getting into discussions regarding the SSPX, the "Resistance," etc.  If you have a genuine interest in discussing science and philosophy then I am happy to discuss them as I am very interested in these topics.    
1. My views, especially regarding questions of evolution and the age of the earth, are my own.  My general feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those in the SSPX, have opinions much closer to yours rather than mine on these issues.  I am not on a crusade to win converts to my way of thinking and I am aware of the strong feelings / opinions that surround these issues and thus I do not go out of my way to try to bring the topics up, especially in my classes.  I do not teach biology or any of the other sciences.  If the issues come up in conversation I am more than happy to discuss them.  
2.  I guess we will find out if I have reason to fear repercussion.  If it turns out that I should have such reason to fear repercussion that would be, in my opinion, most unfortunate given the fact that these are real and important issues of philosophy, theology, and science and there is a lot of misunderstanding  surrounding these issues.  Speaking openly and honestly about them with the hope of arriving at clarity and truth seems to me to be a proper Catholic attitude.  If these conversations can be had with civility and with respect I would hope that there should be no reason for fear.
3.  As I said, my feel is that most traditional Catholics, including those involved at the College and District likely have opinions closer to yours than to mine though I suspect that most have not thoroughly explored the issues.  
4.  I have not read the article but I assume that, if it argues for a young earth and the impossibility of evolution, I would find fault with the arguments.  
Now that your "clarifying questions" have been answered, are you ready to address my initial points?  
Greetings Mr. Konkel-

In order to make this exchange productive, rather than a distraction for me, you will find my responses to you in the form of an article on my blog in a day or two.

For now, suffice it to say that your opening statement that my "clarifying questions have nothing to to the the issue at hand: the age of the earth, evolution, science..." is contradicted by my question #4 regarding Dr. Terry Jackson's 1997 article "The Devolution of Evolution," which deals precisely with the age of the earth, evolution, and science.

It is interesting to me that on the one hand, you say you are interested in discussing the science of these issues, but on the other hand, mention you have not read the article, and made a comment that implied nevertheless that should scientists make arguments in favor of young earth or against evolution, you would be ill-disposed to entertain them a priori.

Suspecting you had precisely such a mindset, this is why I asked you if old earth theory and/or evolution were dogma to you (as they are to all evolutionists).

You deny it, but certainly act as though it they are, if to you they are unquestionable, and are ill-disposed to hearing anything which runs contrary to them.

You would seem to perfectly fit St. Pius X's description, who says evolutionists think anyone who questions their hoax is an ignoramus.

So despite your claim not to be crusading for evolution, you come out of a 2-year slumber to do precisely that: If you really wanted to have a discussion, you would not have ignored Dr. Jackson's study, and dismissed it out of hand a priori.

But enough for now.

I will let you know when the article is complete, and you will have plenty of time for rebuttals.

Pax tecuм,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: claudel on April 12, 2018, 06:34:55 PM
Greetings Claudel!

Long time, my friend.

Regarding your post, it is directed towards me, but some of the content is from Incredulous, and other content from Cassini.

Could you please specify precisely which statements I have made that you object to?

Semper Idem,
Sean Johnson
I apologize for the misunderstanding I inadvertently created, Sean. I addressed you solely with specific reference to the brief comments of yours that I quoted, along with the direct Q&A that ensued between you and TKonkel. I did not intend to ascribe to you the content that you justly point out comes from Incredulous or Cassini, and I apologize to you and anyone else who came away thinking that that was what I was doing.

I also addressed you, I am sorry to say, because I actively wished to avoid the appearance of (1) directly addressing other participants on this thread or (2) directly addressing the issue that the thread putatively concerns itself with but which, as usual, some on the thread treat with cavalier disregard for the issue's seriousness and with disdain for the critical importance of getting all the facts straight.

Put otherwise—that is to say, apart from who said what, when it was said, and to whom—my overriding concern was to say that on the basis of what I read in this thread, I found merit in Konkel's statements to the extent noted and merit in VLW's claim that the people who declared that the postconciliar "saints" were being cited for support for Father Robinson and by extension Father Jaki were either careless or less than fully honest in their citations.

What underlies this concern of mine is the conviction that people who understand little or nothing about science are yet prepared to generalize with frightening freedom about it. As I know nothing of Jaki's work, I regard myself as unfit to comment upon it, yet by and large, CI members have never let wanton ignorance slow them down when it comes to the expression of opinion on this or any other matter—and I do not exclude doctrine, dogma, and theology, matters where circuмspection and moral and intellectual humility ought to be considered binding under pain of sin.

As for Cassini, I seized upon him because of the words of praise others used about him. I think that any man who calls more than half a dozen utterly orthodox popes liars and apostates and is allowed to go his way uncorrected and unreprimanded represents a proximate danger to the faith of every Catholic who doesn't know better. Also and specifically, in misrepresenting time and again the nature and details of the Galileo trial (it was more a plea bargain than a trial, but this isn't the place …), he wantonly misrepresents the actions and motivations of the many honorable churchmen who participated in it—not least, of course, Francesco Cardinal Barberini, Urban VIII's nephew, and the other two cardinals (out of ten) who refused to sign the Holy Office's sentence because they thought it unjust and contrary to truth.

If you deem the Cassini comments out of context, I shan't argue with you. Mea culpa.

To the extent that this comment and the one preceding place me in opposition to you on this matter, I am regretful. But please note that that opposition is quite as localized as I have taken pains to make it. Although I have no fear that you, Sean, might jump to unwarranted conclusions regarding my approach or attitude to the Big Picture issues of present-day Traditionalism, that fearlessness extends outward not at all. I am of course not the first to have learnt to his dismay that CathInfo is not the venue for those who prefer to think before they write.

Yours in Christ.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: SeanJohnson on April 12, 2018, 06:44:04 PM
I apologize for the misunderstanding I inadvertently created, Sean. I addressed you solely with specific reference to the brief comments of yours that I quoted, along with the direct Q&A that ensued between you and TKonkel. I did not intend to ascribe to you the content that you justly point out comes from Incredulous or Cassini, and I apologize to you and anyone else who came away thinking that that was what I was doing.

I also addressed you, I am sorry to say, because I actively wished to avoid the appearance of (1) directly addressing other participants on this thread or (2) directly addressing the issue that the thread putatively concerns itself with but which, as usual, some on the thread treat with cavalier disregard for the issue's seriousness and with disdain for the critical importance of getting all the facts straight.

Put otherwise—that is to say, apart from who said what, when it was said, and to whom—my overriding concern was to say that on the basis of what I read in this thread, I found merit in Konkel's statements to the extent noted and merit in VLW's claim that the people who declared that the postconciliar "saints" were being cited for support for Father Robinson and by extension Father Jaki were either careless or less than fully honest in their citations.

What underlies this concern of mine is the conviction that people who understand little or nothing about science are yet prepared to generalize with frightening freedom about it. As I know nothing of Jaki's work, I regard myself as unfit to comment upon it, yet by and large, CI members have never let wanton ignorance slow them down when it comes to the expression of opinion on this or any other matter—and I do not exclude doctrine, dogma, and theology, matters where circuмspection and moral and intellectual humility ought to be considered binding under pain of sin.

As for Cassini, I seized upon him because of the words of praise others used about him. I think that any man who calls more than half a dozen utterly orthodox popes liars and apostates and is allowed to go his way uncorrected and unreprimanded represents a proximate danger to the faith of every Catholic who doesn't know better. Also and specifically, in misrepresenting time and again the nature and details of the Galileo trial (it was more a plea bargain than a trial, but this isn't the place …), he wantonly misrepresents the actions and motivations of the many honorable churchmen who participated in it—not least, of course, Francesco Cardinal Barberini, Urban VIII's nephew, and the other two cardinals (out of ten) who refused to sign the Holy Office's sentence because they thought it unjust and contrary to truth.

If you deem the Cassini comments out of context, I shan't argue with you. Mea culpa.

To the extent that this comment and the one preceding place me in opposition to you on this matter, I am regretful. But please note that that opposition is quite as localized as I have taken pains to make it. Although I have no fear that you, Sean, might jump to unwarranted conclusions regarding my approach or attitude to the Big Picture issues of present-day Traditionalism, that fearlessness extends outward not at all. I am of course not the first to have learnt to his dismay that CathInfo is not the venue for those who prefer to think before they write.

Yours in Christ.
Dear Claudel-

Thank you for your clarification, my friend.

Well, regarding the merits of Mr. Konkel's posts, we shall have to part ways, but what two friends have ever agreed on everything?

In truth, I agree with many of the things you say above.

But my arguments, I shall save for Mr. Konkel (and VLM).

With respect,
Sean Johnson
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 13, 2018, 05:32:59 PM
Part 3, Miss Paula Haigh's argument that Fr. Jaki is an evolutionist is valid,
but in this topic, SSPX supporters hit us with a surprising twist:

They too, like JP II, believe in evolution... or some morphed form of it.  :jester:

Consider for a moment, how sad the neo-SSPX's condition is?

Their theology teachers believe the same thing that the atheist, Charles Darwin and the тαℓмυdic father of Communism, Karl Marx, believed.

Karl Marx even tried to dedicate his book to Charles Darwin:
“From a sincere admirer, Karl Marx.”
Marx knew his Communist theories would not survive without evolution.

Ask yourself, how can the SSPX be supporting evolutionary theory, when it is the main support of all communist errors?


In 2017, we witnessed a serious sex-perversion infiltration at the SSPX Post Falls Academy.  
(That scandal was quashed with German efficiency).

In 2018, we see St. Mary's is feeding their traditional Catholic children a different poison.  
Modern science, including the acceptance of evolutionary theories.

In 2013, the brash Fr. Themann posed the question: "Resistance to what?"  

I say... in your face Fr. Themann:


 "Resistance to neo-SSPX modernist corruption... til our dying breath!"

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: hismajesty on April 16, 2018, 02:00:02 PM

Does anyone with more than 200 posts have anything to say in favor of Fr. Robinson's book?

Considering you thought yourself above Cathinfo until recently, I think it's a bit rich that you are lauding those with lots of posts on the forum.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Mr G on April 17, 2018, 08:34:00 PM

Here is part 1 of the reply from Sean to Todd Konkel:

Evolution and the SSPX (Part I): 
Sean Johnson
“In the year, from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created heaven and earth, five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine; from the flood, two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven; from the birth of Abraham, two thousand and fifteen; from Moses and the coming of the Israelites out of Egypt, one thousand five hundred and ten; from the anointing of King David, one thousand and thirty-two; in the sixty-fifth week, according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad; in the year seven hundred and fifty-two from the founding of the city of Rome; in the forth-second year of the empire of Octavian Augustus, when the whole world was at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ, eternal God, and Son of the eternal Father, desirous to sanctify the world by His most merciful coming, having been conceived of the Holy Ghost, and nine months having elapsed since His conception, is born in Bethlehem in Juda, having become man of the Virgin Mary.”
Martyrologium Romanum (reading for the 25th day of December)
Things are getting wild in the SSPX.

In late March, St. Mary’s College professor, Mr. Andrew Senior (son of the late, great author and professor, John Senior) went public to rebut the accordist writings of Fr. Paul Robinson, by submitting a strong objection to The Remnant ( (a rebuttal which also more or less accused the SSPX US District Superior Fr. Jurgen Wegner of lying about being surprised by Rome’s having taken steps to “remove all doubt” about the validity of SSPX marriages), which Mr. Senior flatly says he believes was all pre-arranged.

We quite agree, since we had previously been told by another Society priest that Fr. Angles had been in Rome for some time, working with the Romans to find the right “solution” (i.e., face-saving compromise) to the “problem” of SSPX marriages.

More recently, another St. Mary’s College professor (Mr. Todd Konkel) has gone public in an attempt to come to the rescue of Fr. Robinson’s new book on the Cathinfo ('s-rotting-works-buried-by-miss-paula-haigh-(part-3)/15/) forum; an attempt which ended not only in Mr. Konkel’s defense of the “old earth” theory against the most common traditional and patristic interpretations of the Creation account in Genesis (and which also contradicts the idea of sentire cuм ecclesia -“thinking with the Church”- as evinced by the quoted selection above contained in the Roman martyrology, which itself constitutes part of the liturgical office of Prime), but which ultimately ended in a defense of….evolution.
On the one hand, we admire the candor and courage of Mr. Konkel: He says plainly what he thinks, and was willing to enter into hostile territory (i.e., Cathinfo) in order to do it, knowing the opposition he would encounter. 
We wish there was more of that courage and candor in Tradition!

Yet, having an open and public evolutionist teaching philosophy at an ostensibly traditional Catholic college, and therefore being placed in a position of formative influence over those minds which will one day form traditional Catholic families and shape Catholic attitudes in the future, and who presumably chose to attend St. Mary’s College in the hopes of receiving a good education, protected from the vileness of the secular and conciliar universities, seems somehow dangerous and incongruent.

In fairness to Mr. Konkel, he has yet to define what kind of evolution he is endorsing (despite a request from Cathinfo’s “Mr. G” to do so): Micro, macro, or some other variant.  Perhaps he will walk through the escape hatch I have just opened for him, and all will be well.  Or perhaps this a debate tactic, which will allow him the final opportunity to distinguish and counter, so he holds his peace.  Or perhaps he is simply unaware of the request to clarify.   But in the absence of that clarification, we will make the presumption that Mr. Konkel promotes evolution as that term is commonly understood by most people (“macro evolution”), and we shall be most relieved if he should later disclaim it:

That over billions of years, life evolved from single-cell species into higher and more diverse, distinct species, eventually culminating in man.

And though Mr. Konkel has stated he does not teach evolution in his classes, that no longer matters:
He came out publicly, and his vigorous endorsement and promotion of  evolution is now inextricably attached to his status as a professor at an SSPX college.  His continued presence there is a sign of continuing revolution and evolution within the SSPX.
If Mr. Konkel should never breath one word of evolution on campus, he will nevertheless remain a symbol of the SSPX’s new openness (another parallel to the crisis in the conciliar church!).

In truth, I wish no ill consequence to Mr. Konkel.  I hope he believes that.  I already stated he has some admirable, virile qualities.  Likely as not, he has a family depending on him, bills, and all the responsibilities and stresses of the rest of us.   But it was Mr. Konkel who freely chose to come out in public and make his position known.  I did not force him to do that.  Presumably, he considered all the possible consequences beforehand, and after mature reflection, decided defending evolution was more important than all those other concerns.

Or, he knows he has nothing to worry about from the SSPX (which has said nothing in response to his promotion of evolution at the time of this article), and my concerns for his welfare are misplaced and unnecessary.

In any case, the welfare of the students (and faithful) needs to be considered, and that is the highest consideration.
As regards the SSPX, they must consider what message they are sending by maintaining a public evolutionist on staff.  Perhaps they are sending precisely the message (especially to Rome) they want to send: The old “ignorant” SSPX is gone. 
Incidentally, this distinction between the “paleo-SSPX” and the “neo-SSPX” is no longer a distinction used exclusively by Resistance bloggers.  Rather, the same distinction was recently made by Mr. Nicolas Lessard (i.e., the groom in the recent Canadian marriage debacle, in his comments to The Remnant):

“This next generation is free from the bitterness and resentment that it’s predecessors are carrying.” here (
The neo-SSPX has contempt for (and is embarrassed by) the old SSPX.

But that these new attitudes and perspectives are indeed novel within Tradition is beyond dispute, and insofar as the SSPX will tolerate or permit those closely allied to its apostolate to promote evolution, it is a development (I almost said “evolution”) which stands in stark contrast to its own former positions (e.g., as evinced by the irrefutable February/1997 Angelus article by Dr. Peter Jackson, The Devolution of Evolution, still archived on here (

In Part II of this article, I will address a number of questions and observations Mr. Konkel initially made to “Incredulous” (i.e., A personage on the Cathinfo forum), but subsequently addressed to me after I came to the latters’ defense (the substance of which comprised Sodalitium Pianum’s previous article, A Response to VLM (

In Part III,  I will post a number of questions which I addressed to Mr. Konkel (At which point the conversation was still fixed on his endorsement of “old earth theory,” and he had not yet admitted to being an evolutionist, which is not to suggest he was hiding it), and the frank answers he provided, which confirmed my suspicion that he was defending “old earth theory” as a support for his belief in evolution, and offer some comments to those responses.

Finally, Part IV of this series will contain scientific articles and refutations of “old earth” theory and evolution (science which Mr. Konkel has already announced he is ill-disposed to entertain).

PS: I will also create an “evolution” category, from whence readers can easily access all installments/articles on the topic.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 18, 2018, 03:55:39 PM
Are you at all concerned that you pit all of modern science (physics, geology, chemistry, astronomy, biology etc) against your reading of what the Catholic Church teaches on the matter of the age of the earth and universe?  Is there not even just a little bit of fear and trepidation that you may perhaps be in the position of doing what Augustine and Aquinas warn us about, i.e. making a mockery of the faith by essentially telling others that their choice is between God and Catholic truth on the one hand and what reason seems to tell us regarding the natural world on the other?  Many (most?) who recognize that we do obtain truth through scientific analyses of the natural world are left with the choice of either denying what reason seems to show and accepting Catholic truth, or denying Catholic truth.  We can only hope that they will understand that your reading of Catholic truth might be a be a bit defective and that the choice is not faith or reason but faith and reason.        

 Prior to the 19th century, most everyone, including scientist with no particular religious bent had no reason not to assume that the universe was young.  Beginning in the 19th century evidence from all of the various sciences began to show quite conclusively that the earth and the universe was in fact very old

So scientists spent 100's of years to lay the foundation for modern geology, the discovery of radioactivity, the development of technology for radiometric dating, and the young earth creationists knew all along what the answer would be.  They knew all along that the earth would "appear" old.  This is curious.
 So on this reading we go back approximately 10,000 years to creation week and God decided, not just to make the earth appear old, but to make it appear a specific age.  He intentionally fashioned the earth to look 4.5 billion years old.  
 When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.  The nearest star other than the sun is 4 light years away.  So it takes four years for that light to reach our eye and what we are seeing is the star as it was four years ago.  The same goes for stars millions of light years away.  Since, it seems, God wanted Adam to enjoy the starry night sky, He not only created the stars, but He also created the intervening protons at the same time.  Further, every event witnessed at a distance (anything more than 10,000 light years away)by the Hubbell space telescope and other astronomical instruments are absolutely fictitious.  This includes the disintegration of stars, the gravitational effects of black holes, etc.  None of these things actually happened.  They were all constructed, artificially in order to give the cosmos an appearance of old age.  On this reading every astronomical event greater than 10,000 yrs old is a fiction.  The Creator intentionally fashioned a bogus astronomical history extending as far back into space as our instruments can probe.  
 This sort of view is anything but Catholic and it finds its roots in some of the worst strains of Protestant thought.  This sort of thinking has profound consequences for science as well as theology.  
 May I ask a serious question?  Are you at least open to the possibility that perhaps what reason seems to show us with regard to the age of the earth and universe (that it is very old) can be reconciled with a sound reading of Scripture and traditional Catholic thought?  

Centuries before Big Bangism those who were promoting heliocentrism as compliant with Catholicism were quoting the same comments of St Aquinas and St Thomas in their efforts to use these saints against any opposing the Galilean heresy, two geocentrists I may add. It could be equally said they were warning against the heliocentrists who did introduce a false science into the world that evolved into Big Bang evolutionism, that in turn began Modernism, an anti-Catholic  heresy prophesised by Pope Urban VIII, and condemned to death by Pope Pius X. So do not be fooled when the Big Bangers try to use them again to defend their theories and assumptions of Big bang Evolutionism.

Once they made up a ‘natural’ explanation for the existence of a spinning-orbiting Earth they then had to try to explain the topography of the Earth, the physical structure of its surface as we find it today. History records it was Charles Lyell (1797-1875), Adam Sedgwick, Sir Roderick Murchison and many other like-minded men of the Geological Society of London - founded in 1807 - that ‘solved’ this problem. He/they proposed that slow processes acting over long periods of time formed everything, including sedimentary rock, with each of its layers representing its own age of millions of years. In his book The Rise of the Evolution Fraud (, Creation-Life Publishers, San Diego, California, 1982) , Malcolm Boden quotes an 1830 letter from Lyell to one Poulette Scrope - who was about to review the first volume of Lyell’s The Principles of Geology, a thesis on uniformitarianism for rocks - saying ‘I am sure you may get into Quarterly Review what will free science from Moses.’ Boden goes further and presents a record of this geological and biblical revolution, one exactly similar to the heliocentric fraud wherein assumptions and theories were upheld as empirical probabilities and facts by powerful men who filled all the important ‘scientific’ administrations in universities and teaching institutions and who in turn ensured the uniform method was placed in all textbooks since that time.

Two scientific studies show the earth is not the billions of years old claimed by the well paid scientists and professors who teach their unprepared students their ‘evidence for Big Bangism and the slow, slow evolution of the universe and the Earth. Robert Gentry’s investigation into radio halos, ( and find video on his work. and the French geologist-sedimentologist Guy Berthault
( (
We see then, the evidence is not exactly proof for anything. My favourite question for the long agers is why is there only 6.000 years of dust on the Moon. Then there is radioactive dating, more evidence they say for an old Earth. Well not according to Robert Gentry’s investigations. Ever read of some of the dating putting Islands of 100 years at millions of years.
The usual method of dating such short-life (10,000 years maximum) things is Carbon-14 dating. Radio-carbon dating relies on two major assumptions: a 32,000-year cycle that may never have been if we do live in a 6,000+-year world: and no other carbon entered the system in its cycle. Assumptions are not science. Other dating methods also rely on many assumptions to be accurate and sometimes produces some erroneous dating (In one case for example, a living turtle was dated at 1000+ years old.) Even so, try as they did with it, no trace of any civilisation could be dated with certainty as being more than 5,000 years old. Dr Walter Libby, who won a Nobel Prize for his discovery of the Carbon-14 dating method, and who thought his discovery would reveal ‘prehistoric’ times, never found any human artefact older than 5,000 years.

‘“You read statements in books that such or such a society or archaeological site is 20,000 years old,” he commented, “but we learn rather abruptly that these numbers, these ancient ages, are not known accurately; in fact, it is about the first dynasty of Egypt that the first historical date of any real certainty has been established.”’ A. J. White, Radio-Carbon Dating, Cardiff, Wales, 1955, p.10.

Finally Tkonkel ‘When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.’  This ‘science’ was invented by Einstein and I will leave that until tomorrow but it can be summed up with the following, hardly the stuff to concord with Catholicism:

‘There was a young lady named Bright.
Whose speed was far faster than light.
She went out one day, in a relative way
   And returned on the previous night.
Reginald Butler (1913) quoted by Al Kelly in the introduction to his book Challenging Modern Physics – Questioning Einstein’s Relativity Theories. Brown Walker Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, 2005.

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 18, 2018, 03:56:09 PM
It is difficult to get a handle on what exactly it is that some here are objecting to regarding Fr. Robinson's book.  

Well for me anyway, from the introductions on the book on websites and what I have been told by a friend who is trying to read what he describes as one of the most difficult and boring books he ever tried to read - it mirrors most of speculations and assumptions you portray above under the auspices of ‘science.’ Like you with your ‘evidence’ for an old Earth, Fr Robinson asserted there was conclusive evidence for a Big Bang, which precedes an old Earth. Now for those who have not studied this evidence, Fr Robinson has a free ride. But I have and there is as much evidence for a geocentric and thus Scriptural young Earth as there is for a Big Bang. The first evidence given to the uninformed was Hubble’s finding of Red-shift. He and fellow physicists claimed this was the stars expanding. An expanding universe is not evidence for a Big Bang as Fr Robinson claims, as Copernicus predicted an expanding universe if the universe is twirling around. In his book Creation’s Tiny Mystery, ( scientist Robert Gentry (DSc. Hon.), shows many scientists dismissed Hubble’s interpretation, even that they are caused by the turning stars of a geocentric system. Now Fr Robinson’s Big Bang is the mother of the billions of years needed for the evolution of the universe and an old Earth. Moreover, his, your, Catholic Big Bang places God creation under the label of ‘origins’ science, an exercise that can prove nothing and a God who can be removed from His creation if science changes its mind for one reason or another. So Fr Robinson’s Big Bang goes with all that baggage, when the Catholic Church has its teaching:

 ‘God…creator of all visible and invisible things, of the spiritual and of the corporal; who by His own omnipotent power at once from the beginning of time created each creature from nothing, spiritual and corporal, namely, angelic and mundane, and finally the human, both of the spirit and the body.’ - - - Lateran Council IV, 1215.

‘All that exists outside God was, in its whole substance, produced out of nothing by God. (De fide.) --- Vatican I.

 If all things were created whole ‘at once’ how could the creation of all things have evolved over 13.5 billion years? One cannot say that God created things ‘in their whole substance’ if the universe, Earth and life began by inanimate matter evolving cell by cell over millions of years and continues to evolve. ‘Substance,’ we know from classic philosophy, means ‘what something is’ and not what something can become or is becoming.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 18, 2018, 08:04:34 PM
Centuries before Big Bangism those who were promoting heliocentrism as compliant with Catholicism were quoting the same comments of St Aquinas and St Thomas in their efforts to use these saints against any opposing the Galilean heresy, two geocentrists I may add.

Ah, so many ironies in life! 

Thomas Aquinas College (named after the Angelic Doctor who as rightly pointed out above was and is a geocentrist), that hybrid Catholic institution in Santa Paula, California has on display a big expensive Foucault Pendulum which sits there as a supposed testimony to the supposed truth that the Earth spins on its axis.  It proves absolutely nothing of the sort, but just imagine its effect on the students there who witness it, some for 4 years straight!

The Foucault Pendulum is, of course, powerful evidence of something (that the universe goes around the Earth approximately once every 24 hours), but unfortunately that evidence is interpreted in an erroneous way both at Thomas Aquinas College and almost universally throughout the world.

Let us hope that one day Thomas Aquinas College will catch up to the example set by Saint Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia.  . In 1931, it was turned into the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, the dove sculpture was removed, and replaced by a Foucault pendulum ([6] ([7] ( On April 12, 1931, the first public demonstration of the Foucault pendulum was held to visualize Copernicus (’s theory.  After the fall of communism the museum was gotten rid of along with the Foucault Pendelum and the church was restored.  When will Thomas Aquinas College take a wake up call from this.

I  communicated with the administration of the college regarding their continued wrong headed use of the Foucault Pendulum a few years ago, but my pleas have gone unheeded even to this day.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 19, 2018, 05:04:22 AM
Ah, so many ironies in life!  

Thomas Aquinas College (named after the Angelic Doctor who as rightly pointed out above was and is a geocentrist), that hybrid Catholic institution in Santa Paula, California has on display a big expensive Foucault Pendulum which sits there as a supposed testimony to the supposed truth that the Earth spins on its axis.  It proves absolutely nothing of the sort, but just imagine its effect on the students there who witness it, some for 4 years straight!

The Foucault Pendulum is, of course, powerful evidence of something (that the universe goes around the Earth approximately once every 24 hours), but unfortunately that evidence is interpreted in an erroneous way both at Thomas Aquinas College and almost universally throughout the world.

Let us hope that one day Thomas Aquinas College will catch up to the example set by Saint Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, Russia.  . In 1931, it was turned into the Museum of the History of Religion and Atheism, the dove sculpture was removed, and replaced by a Foucault pendulum ([6] ([7] ( On April 12, 1931, the first public demonstration of the Foucault pendulum was held to visualize Copernicus (’s theory.  After the fall of communism the museum was gotten rid of along with the Foucault Pendelum and the church was restored.  When will Thomas Aquinas College take a wake up call from this.

I  communicated with the administration of the college regarding their continued wrong headed use of the Foucault Pendulum a few years ago, but my pleas have gone unheeded even to this day. (
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 19, 2018, 03:24:42 PM
So on this reading we go back approximately 10,000 years to creation week and God decided, not just to make the earth appear old, but to make it appear a specific age.  He intentionally fashioned the earth to look 4.5 billion years old.  
When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.  The nearest star other than the sun is 4 light years away.  So it takes four years for that light to reach our eye and what we are seeing is the star as it was four years ago.  The same goes for stars millions of light years away.  Since, it seems, God wanted Adam to enjoy the starry night sky, He not only created the stars, but He also created the intervening protons at the same time.  Further, every event witnessed at a distance (anything more than 10,000 light years away)by the Hubbell space telescope and other astronomical instruments are absolutely fictitious.  This includes the disintegration of stars, the gravitational effects of black holes, etc.  None of these things actually happened.  They were all constructed, artificially in order to give the cosmos an appearance of old age.  On this reading every astronomical event greater than 10,000 yrs old is a fiction.  The Creator intentionally fashioned a bogus astronomical history extending as far back into space as our instruments can probe.  
This sort of view is anything but Catholic and it finds its roots in some of the worst strains of Protestant thought.  This sort of thinking has profound consequences for science as well as theology.  

When using God to assist one in ‘proving’ the universe must be old, I think it prudent as a Catholic to first see what God told us about the creation of the stars.

Day 3: And God said: Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to give light upon the earth. And it was so done.
Day 4: And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day; and a lesser light to rule the night: and the stars. And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth. And to rule the day and the night and to divide the light and the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and morning were the fourth day. God also said: Let the waters bring forth the creeping creature having life, and the fowl that may fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven.

O.K., So two days later God created Adam with the stars visible to him.

Today, as Professor Tkonkel says above, ‘When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.’ Not according to Genesis, written by Moses under the inspiration of the same God who supposedly fooled the lot of us with His Genesis for the ‘uneducated’ of Moses time.  In Pope Benedict XV’s Spiritus Paraclitus, he says:

Then, after giving the definitions of the Councils of Florence and Trent, confirmed by the Council of the Vatican , Pope Leo XIII continues: “Consequently it is not to the point to suggest that the Holy Spirit used men as His instruments for writing and that therefore, while no error is referable to the primary Author, it may well be due to the inspired authors themselves. For by supernatural power the Holy Spirit so stirred them and moved them to write, so assisted them as they wrote, that their minds could rightly conceive only those and all those things which He himself bade them conceive; only such things could they faithfully commit to writing and aptly express with unerring truth; else God would not be the Author of the entirety of Sacred Scripture.”………
Yet no one can pretend that certain recent writers really adhere to these limitations. For while conceding that inspiration extends to every phrase -- and, indeed, to every single word of Scripture -- yet, by endeavouring to distinguish between what they style the primary or religious and the secondary or profane element in the Bible, they claim that the effect of inspiration -- namely, absolute truth and immunity from error -- are to be restricted to that primary or religious element. Their notion is that only what concerns religion is intended and taught by God in Scripture, and that all the rest -- things concerning “profane knowledge,” the garments in which Divine truth is presented -- God merely permits, and even leaves to the individual author’s greater or less knowledge. Small wonder, then, that in their view a considerable number of things occur in the Bible touching physical science, history and the like, which cannot be reconciled with modern progress in science. Some even maintain that these views do not conflict with what our predecessor laid down since -- so they claim -- he said that the sacred writers spoke in accordance with the external -- and thus deceptive -- appearance of things in nature. But the Pontiff's own words show that this is a rash and false deduction. For sound philosophy teaches that the senses can never be deceived as regards their own proper and immediate object. Therefore, from the merely external appearance of things -- of which, of course, we have always to take account as Leo XIII, following in the footsteps of St. Augustine and St. Thomas, most wisely remarks -- we can never conclude that there is any error in Sacred Scripture…..’

No error in one single word of Scripture, now I wonder what Pope Benedict XV meant by that? Surely he knew that Genesis is only metaphor and whereas all Christians up to modern times actually believed every word of the six days of creation, ‘we now know’ (the favourite con of modern Pythagoreans) that in fact God really meant even the opposite of what he inspired Moses to write (Genesis reveals a geocentric universe but now, according to churchmen Moses meant heliocentric and millions of years in the making, not six days). Gee, I wonder what else in the Bible is metaphor, ‘The virgin birth’ as Cardinal Bellarmine said? According to Moses Adam was created with the sun, moon and stars of the universe already visible to him. For Adam then, and me and a few others, the whole universe exists in our time. Every minute of the day on earth, no matter how far away a star is, it moves in time with us. God created it that way and Einstein can go to hell.

But then came the discovery of stellar parallax. Having convinced the world, both in Church and State, that it was proof for a rotating Earth, the geometry of this ‘proof’ could give us the distance of all those stars that show a similar rotation against the background of stars further away. So, by use of a fraudulent measuring triangle (not proven, could be moonshine) science had the tool to measure all stars.

Here is confirmation from a Stardate website

Astronomers have developed several techniques to indirectly measure the vast distances between Earth and the stars and galaxies. In many cases, these methods are mathematically complex and involve extensive computer modeling.
Parallax is the visual effect produced when, as an observer moves, nearby objects appear to shift position relative to more-distant objects. This common event is easily reproduced; hold your finger out at arm’s length, and look at your fingertip first with one eye closed, then the other. The "motion" of your fingertip as seen against background objects is caused by the change in your viewing position -- about three inches from one eye to the other. As Earth orbits the Sun, astronomers invoke this same principle to determine the distance to nearby stars. Just like your fingertip, stars that are closer to us shift positions relative to more-distant stars, which appear fixed. By carefully measuring the angle through which the stars appear to move over the course of the year, and knowing how far Earth has moved, astronomers are able to use basic high-school geometry to calculate the star’s distance. Parallax serves as the first "inch" on the yardstick with which astronomers measure distances to objects that are even farther. For example, they use a class of variable known as Cepheids [a variable star having a regular cycle of brightness with a frequency related to its luminosity, so allowing estimation of its distance from the earth.], which pulsate in and out like beating hearts. There is a direct relationship between the length of a Cepheid's pulsation and its true brightness. Measuring a Cepheid's apparent brightness -- how bright it looks from Earth -- allows astronomers to calculate its true brightness, which in turn reveals its distance. For this technique to work correctly, though, astronomers must first use the parallax method to get the distances to some of the closer Cepheids. This allows them to calibrate a Cepheid's true brightness, which then can be used to calculate its distance. Cepheids are especially bright stars, so they are visible in galaxies that are tens of millions of light-years away. For more-distant galaxies, astronomers rely on the exploding stars known as supernovae. Like Cepheids, the rate at which a certain class of supernovae brighten and fade reveals their true brightness, which then can be used to calculate their distance. But this technique also requires good calibration using parallax and Cepheids. Without knowing the precise distances to a few supernovae, there is no way to determine their absolute brightness, so the technique would not work.'

We see then that measuring stars billions of supposed light-years away, both Chepeids and protons all depend as a fact of the assumption that the Earth orbits the sun, defined as heresy by the Church.
But then the Airy and M&M tests put a stop to their certainties, and Einstein, with his Theories of Gravity had to rescue their heretical heliocentrism as a possibility only, not a fact of science. Now

It was his Special theory that began the tale about looking back in time, the one the Professor repeats way above. If I have time I will try to explain the multi-time universe of Einstein and the Black holes of new-science and the invisible matter they need to make it all viable.

Given there is proof for nothing my preference is to follow Pope Paul V, Pope Urban VIIII and Pope Benedict, stick with Genesis, reason upon its revelations, and I know I cannot go wrong because theology is the Queen of all the sciences.

But try and get a job today with such beliefs that no science can falsify and you will STARVE. And that is why our Professors and teachers in any college today, be they SSPX or atheist, must try to make heresy Catholic.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: TKonkel on April 19, 2018, 05:13:52 PM
When using God to assist one in ‘proving’ the universe must be old, I think it prudent as a Catholic to first see what God told us about the creation of the stars.

Day 3: And God said: Let there be lights made in the firmament of heaven, to divide the day and the night, and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years: To shine in the firmament of heaven, and to give light upon the earth. And it was so done.
Day 4: And God made two great lights: a greater light to rule the day; and a lesser light to rule the night: and the stars. And he set them in the firmament of heaven to shine upon the earth. And to rule the day and the night and to divide the light and the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And the evening and morning were the fourth day. God also said: Let the waters bring forth the creeping creature having life, and the fowl that may fly over the earth under the firmament of heaven.

O.K., So two days later God created Adam with the stars visible to him.

Today, as Professor Tkonkel says above, ‘When we look at stars millions of light years away we are looking into the past.’ Not according to Genesis, written by Moses under the inspiration of the same God who supposedly fooled the lot of us with His Genesis for the ‘uneducated’ of Moses time.  In Pope Benedict XV’s Spiritus Paraclitus, he says:

Then, after giving the definitions of the Councils of Florence and Trent, confirmed by the Council of the Vatican , Pope Leo XIII continues: “Consequently it is not to the point to suggest that the Holy Spirit used men as His instruments for writing and that therefore, while no error is referable to the primary Author, it may well be due to the inspired authors themselves. For by supernatural power the Holy Spirit so stirred them and moved them to write, so assisted them as they wrote, that their minds could rightly conceive only those and all those things which He himself bade them conceive; only such things could they faithfully commit to writing and aptly express with unerring truth; else God would not be the Author of the entirety of Sacred Scripture.”………

Yet no one can pretend that certain recent writers really adhere to these limitations. For while conceding that inspiration extends to every phrase -- and, indeed, to every single word of Scripture -- yet, by endeavouring to distinguish between what they style the primary or religious and the secondary or profane element in the Bible, they claim that the effect of inspiration -- namely, absolute truth and immunity from error -- are to be restricted to that primary or religious element. Their notion is that only what concerns religion is intended and taught by God in Scripture, and that all the rest -- things concerning “profane knowledge,” the garments in which Divine truth is presented -- God merely permits, and even leaves to the individual author’s greater or less knowledge. Small wonder, then, that in their view a considerable number of things occur in the Bible touching physical science, history and the like, which cannot be reconciled with modern progress in science. Some even maintain that these views do not conflict with what our predecessor laid down since -- so they claim -- he said that the sacred writers spoke in accordance with the external -- and thus deceptive -- appearance of things in nature. But the Pontiff's own words show that this is a rash and false deduction. For sound philosophy teaches that the senses can never be deceived as regards their own proper and immediate object. Therefore, from the merely external appearance of things -- of which, of course, we have always to take account as Leo XIII, following in the footsteps of St. Augustine and St. Thomas, most wisely remarks -- we can never conclude that there is any error in Sacred Scripture…..’

No error in one single word of Scripture, now I wonder what Pope Benedict XV meant by that? Surely he knew that Genesis is only metaphor and whereas all Christians up to modern times actually believed every word of the six days of creation, ‘we now know’ (the favourite con of modern Pythagoreans) that in fact God really meant even the opposite of what he inspired Moses to write (Genesis reveals a geocentric universe but now, according to churchmen Moses meant heliocentric and millions of years in the making, not six days). Gee, I wonder what else in the Bible is metaphor, ‘The virgin birth’ as Cardinal Bellarmine said? According to Moses Adam was created with the sun, moon and stars of the universe already visible to him. For Adam then, and me and a few others, the whole universe exists in our time. Every minute of the day on earth, no matter how far away a star is, it moves in time with us. God created it that way and Einstein can go to hell.

But then came the discovery of stellar parallax. Having convinced the world, both in Church and State, that it was proof for a rotating Earth, the geometry of this ‘proof’ could give us the distance of all those stars that show a similar rotation against the background of stars further away. So, by use of a fraudulent measuring triangle (not proven, could be moonshine) science had the tool to measure all stars.

Here is confirmation from a Stardate website

Astronomers have developed several techniques to indirectly measure the vast distances between Earth and the stars and galaxies. In many cases, these methods are mathematically complex and involve extensive computer modeling.

Parallax is the visual effect produced when, as an observer moves, nearby objects appear to shift position relative to more-distant objects. This common event is easily reproduced; hold your finger out at arm’s length, and look at your fingertip first with one eye closed, then the other. The "motion" of your fingertip as seen against background objects is caused by the change in your viewing position -- about three inches from one eye to the other. As Earth orbits the Sun, astronomers invoke this same principle to determine the distance to nearby stars. Just like your fingertip, stars that are closer to us shift positions relative to more-distant stars, which appear fixed. By carefully measuring the angle through which the stars appear to move over the course of the year, and knowing how far Earth has moved, astronomers are able to use basic high-school geometry to calculate the star’s distance. Parallax serves as the first "inch" on the yardstick with which astronomers measure distances to objects that are even farther. For example, they use a class of variable known as Cepheids [a variable star having a regular cycle of brightness with a frequency related to its luminosity, so allowing estimation of its distance from the earth.], which pulsate in and out like beating hearts. There is a direct relationship between the length of a Cepheid's pulsation and its true brightness. Measuring a Cepheid's apparent brightness -- how bright it looks from Earth -- allows astronomers to calculate its true brightness, which in turn reveals its distance. For this technique to work correctly, though, astronomers must first use the parallax method to get the distances to some of the closer Cepheids. This allows them to calibrate a Cepheid's true brightness, which then can be used to calculate its distance. Cepheids are especially bright stars, so they are visible in galaxies that are tens of millions of light-years away. For more-distant galaxies, astronomers rely on the exploding stars known as supernovae. Like Cepheids, the rate at which a certain class of supernovae brighten and fade reveals their true brightness, which then can be used to calculate their distance. But this technique also requires good calibration using parallax and Cepheids. Without knowing the precise distances to a few supernovae, there is no way to determine their absolute brightness, so the technique would not work.'

We see then that measuring stars billions of supposed light-years away, both Chepeids and protons all depend as a fact of the assumption that the Earth orbits the sun, defined as heresy by the Church.
But then the Airy and M&M tests put a stop to their certainties, and Einstein, with his Theories of Gravity had to rescue their heretical heliocentrism as a possibility only, not a fact of science. Now

It was his Special theory that began the tale about looking back in time, the one the Professor repeats way above. If I have time I will try to explain the multi-time universe of Einstein and the Black holes of new-science and the invisible matter they need to make it all viable.

Given there is proof for nothing my preference is to follow Pope Paul V, Pope Urban VIIII and Pope Benedict, stick with Genesis, reason upon its revelations, and I know I cannot go wrong because theology is the Queen of all the sciences.

But try and get a job today with such beliefs that no science can falsify and you will STARVE. And that is why our Professors and teachers in any college today, be they SSPX or atheist, must try to make heresy Catholic.

I think you have your Genesis days mixed up.  Those are both day 4

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The Assessor of the Holy Office has referred the request of Giuseppe Settele, Professor of Optics and Astronomy at La Sapienza University, regarding permission to publish his work Elements of Astronomy in which he espouses the common opinion of the astronomers of our time regarding the earth’s daily and yearly motions, to His Holiness through Divine Providence, Pope Pius VII. Previously, His Holiness had referred this request to the Supreme Sacred Congregation and concurrently to the consideration of the Most Eminent and Most Reverend General Cardinal Inquisitor. His Holiness has decreed that no obstacles exist for those who sustain Copernicus’ affirmation regarding the earth’s movement in the manner in which it is affirmed today, even by Catholic authors. He has, moreover, suggested the insertion of several notations into this work, aimed at demonstrating that the above mentioned affirmation [of Copernicus], as it has come to be understood, does not present any difficulties; difficulties that existed in times past, prior to the subsequent astronomical observations that have now occurred. [Pope Pius VII] has also recommended that the implementation [of these decisions] be given to the Cardinal Secretary of the Supreme Sacred Congregation and Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace. He is now appointed the task of bringing to an end any concerns and criticisms regarding the printing of this book, and, at the same time, ensuring that in the future, regarding the publication of such works, permission is sought from the Cardinal Vicar whose signature will not be given without the authorization of the Superior of his Order.
And Again- HERETIC!
The most excellent [cardinals] have decreed that there must be no denial, by the present or by future Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, of permission to print and to publish works which treat of the mobility of the earth and of the immobility of the sun, according to the common opinion of modern astronomers, as long as there are no other contrary indications, on the basis of the decrees of the Sacred Congregation of the Index of 1757 and of this Supreme [Holy Office] of 1820; and that those who would show themselves to be reluctant or would disobey, should be forced under punishments at the choice of [this] Sacred Congregation, with derogation of [their] claimed privileges, where necessary. 1822
Pope Benedict XV – HERETIC!
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Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum  April 20, 1921: “If the progress of science showed later that the conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende in una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.”

"It was his Special theory that began the tale about looking back in time, the one the Professor repeats way above. "

So is it your position that light in fact does not travel?  It is not a motion?  
Out of curiosity, do you also hold one to be heretical if he denies that each of the creation days were distinct 24 hour periods of time?
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Incredulous on April 20, 2018, 06:59:16 AM
REPLY TO T. Konkel (Concerning the Hierarchy of the Sciences)


Some time ago, in a reply to Mr. Konkel, I asked if he had anything to say about the hierarchy of the sciences. He did not respond, perhaps because he did not see my question.

Some additional thoughts on this subject have occurred to me; and I am posting them here as they relate to this discussion.
In any consideration of the sciences, it is of paramount importance to categorize them according to the source of the knowledge contained in their principles and demonstrations, and according to the degree of credibility they can properly claim.  
The infallible teaching of Vatican Council I sheds a great deal of light in this area. Per the Dogmatic Constitution on the Catholic Faith,

"There is a twofold order of knowledge, distinct not only as regards its source,but also as regards its object.With regard to the source,we know at the one level by natural reason,at the other level by Divine Faith.With regard to the object,besides those things to which natural reason can attain,there are proposed for our belief mysteries hidden in God which, unless they are divinely revealed, are incapable of being known."

Thus we have an infallible first principle which guides the inquiries of all branches of science, namely that both Divine Revelation and human reason cause true science, i.e. true knowledge of reality, to exist in the mind. The Church nowhere teaches that the certitudes of Faith are not by definition true science. The Church does not relegate the substance of her doctrine to the subjective order. Those revealed truths that are inaccessible to unaided reason, are nonetheless objective truths, the possession of which is identical to true science existing in the mind - the possession of which is identical to the conformity of the intellect with the objective reality.

The First Vatican Council infallibly taught other principles which lend themselves to a consideration of the hierarchy of the sciences. From the same Dogmatic Constitution on the Faith:

"Even though Faith is above Reason, there can never be any real disagreement between Faith and Reason, sinceit is the same God Who reveals the mysteries and infuses faith, and Who has endowed the human mind with the light of reason.God cannot deny Himself, nor can truth ever be in opposition to truth.
"The appearance of this kind of specious contradiction is chiefly due to the fact that either the dogmas of Faith are not understood and explained in accordance with the mind of the Church, or unsound views are mistaken for the conclusions of reason.

"Therefore we define that every assertion contrary to the truth of enlightened Faith is totally false. Furthermore the Church, which,together with its Apostolic Office of teaching,has received the charge of preserving the Deposit of Faith,has by divine appointment the right and dutyof condemningwhat wrongly passes for knowledge,lest anyone be led astray by philosophy and empty deceit.

"Hence all faithful Christiansare forbidden to defend as the legitimate conclusions of science those opinions which are known to be contrary to the doctrine of Faith, particularly
[but not exclusively] if they have been condemned by the Church; and furthermore they are absolutely bound to hold them to be errors which wear the deceptive appearance of truth.

"Not only can Faith and Reason never be at odds with one another, but they mutually support each other. For on the one hand, right reasonestablished the foundations of the Faithand, illuminated by its light, develops the science of divine things. On the other hand, Faithdelivers reason from errors and protects it and furnishes it with knowledge of many kinds.
"Hence, so far is the Church from hindering the development of human arts and studies, that in fact she assists and promotes them in many ways. For she is neither ignorant nor contemptuous of the advantages which derive from this source for human life, rather she acknowledges that those things flow from God, the Lord of sciences, and, if they are properly used, lead to God by the help of His grace.

"Nor does the Church forbid these studies to employ, each within its own area, its own proper principles and method. But while she admits this just freedom, she takes particular care that they do not become infected with errors by conflicting with divine teaching, or,by going beyond their proper limits, intrude upon what belongs to Faith and engender confusion.
"For the doctrine of the Faith which God has revealed is put forward not as some philosophical discovery capable of being perfected by human intelligence,but as a Divine Deposit committed to the spouse of Christ to be faithfully protected and infallibly promulgated.

"Hence, too,that meaning of the sacred dogmas is ever to be maintained which has once been declared by Holy Mother Church, and there must never be any abandonment of this sense under the pretext or in the name of a more profound understanding.

"May understanding, knowledge and wisdom increase as ages and centuries roll along, and greatly and vigorously flourish, in each and all, in the individual and the whole church: but this only in its own proper kind, that is to say, in the same doctrine, the same sense, and the same understanding."

The teaching is clear. Confusion enters in only because modernism now enjoys a veneer of authoritativeness, and because false science now enjoys a veneer of certitude.  
We can sharpen the focus on the teaching of the First Vatican Council by highlighting certain points made in the above cited paragraphs, and thereby more clearly elucidate the reality of the hierarchy of the sciences. Note that the Church infallibly teaches that Almighty God is the "Lord of sciences."

That is a powerful attribution. Given the Church's teaching, no material science could ever legitimately claim to be independent of Catholic dogma. The truth is that all branches of science are absolutely subject to divinely revealed truth, and are capable of being guided and corrected by theologians. The flowering of true material science centuries ago under the auspices of the Church, is a direct demonstration of this principle in effect.  

Consider what is revealed in the Book of Genesis. On the Second Day of Creation, God created a firmament "amidst the waters." He said "Let it divide the waters from the waters." And so this firmament, which God called "Heaven," divided the waters into two parts: the waters above, and the waters beneath.

What are the waters? The waters are the sciences. The waters above the firmament - above the divider - are Sacred Theology and her handmaiden, Scholastic Philosophy. St. Thomas teaches that Sacred Science is "knowledge revealed by God, besides philosophical science,[which is] built up by human reason." The waters below the firmament are the lower material sciences, such as Cosmology, Astronomy, Biology, Geometry, Medicine, etc.
The Church teaches infallibly that, while the lower branches of science "employ, each within its own area, their own proper principles and methods," nevertheless these same lower sciences are governed by the Church - are "held back" by the Church, by the Heaven, by the Firmament. The Heaven "takes particular care" that the waters beneath, the lower sciences, "do not become infected with errors by conflicting with divine teaching, or, by going beyond their proper limits, intrude upon what belongs to Faith, and engender confusion."

Indeed, we see this divine provision clearly revealed in Genesis, for God said: Let the waters that are under the heavenbe gathered together into one place; and let the dry land appear.

These waters that are beneath, are not to "go beyond their proper limits." As Psalm 103 affirms, "Above the mountains shall the waters stand.At Thy rebuke they shall flee; at the voice of Thy thunder they shall fear ... Thou hast set a bound which they shall not pass over. Neither shall they return to cover the earth."

The Church is the Heaven, the Firmament which sets the bound over which the lower sciences shall not pass. The Church stands amidst the waters: Sacred Theology and Scholastic Philosophy above her to guide her; and the lower sciences, the waters beneath her feet, subject to her guidance.

The First Vatican Council also taught that the lower material sciences, "if they are properly used, lead to God by the help of His grace." For all things are delivered to the Son by the Father. In the Book of Genesis, the Holy Ghost reveals that God "gathered together into one place" the waters that are beneath the firmament, in order that the "dry land appear."  And God called the dry land "earth."

God gave commandment that the waters beneath the firmament shall not go beyond the bound He has set for them, nor shall they return to cover the earth. They shall not be permitted to obscure the earth.

What, then, is earth? Earth is truth. Earth is our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The meaning of these Scriptures is clear: By the commandment of Almighty God, the lower material sciences may not go beyond their bounds to cover over and obscure the Truth - to cover over and obscure the Redeemer of the world and the doctrine of His Church.

In the Haydock Bible, Psalm 84 has a caption to illustrate its significance: "The coming of Christ, to bring peace and salvation to man. In this Psalm, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, "the dry land," appears in these beautiful verses: "Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed. Truth is sprung out of the earth, and justice hath looked down from heaven. For the Lord will give goodness: and our earth shall yield her fruit. Justice shall walk before Him, and shall set His steps in the way." Psalm 66 echoes the strain: "The earth hath yielded her fruit."  

Our Lord taught us to measure everything by His yardstick - the fruits. Does modern evolutionary science bring forth good fruit? Does modern evolutionary science make Jesus Christ known, loved, and served among the nation?
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 20, 2018, 08:15:52 AM

I think you have your Genesis days mixed up.  Those are both day 4

 Pope Pius VIII HERETIC!  Decree 1820
The Assessor of the Holy Office has referred the request of Giuseppe Settele, Professor of Optics and Astronomy at La Sapienza University, regarding permission to publish his work Elements of Astronomy in which he espouses the common opinion of the astronomers of our time regarding the earth’s daily and yearly motions, to His Holiness through Divine Providence, Pope Pius VII. Previously, His Holiness had referred this request to the Supreme Sacred Congregation and concurrently to the consideration of the Most Eminent and Most Reverend General Cardinal Inquisitor. His Holiness has decreed that no obstacles exist for those who sustain Copernicus’ affirmation regarding the earth’s movement in the manner in which it is affirmed today, even by Catholic authors. He has, moreover, suggested the insertion of several notations into this work, aimed at demonstrating that the above mentioned affirmation [of Copernicus], as it has come to be understood, does not present any difficulties; difficulties that existed in times past, prior to the subsequent astronomical observations that have now occurred. [Pope Pius VII] has also recommended that the implementation [of these decisions] be given to the Cardinal Secretary of the Supreme Sacred Congregation and Master of the Sacred Apostolic Palace. He is now appointed the task of bringing to an end any concerns and criticisms regarding the printing of this book, and, at the same time, ensuring that in the future, regarding the publication of such works, permission is sought from the Cardinal Vicar whose signature will not be given without the authorization of the Superior of his Order.
And Again- HERETIC!
The most excellent [cardinals] have decreed that there must be no denial, by the present or by future Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, of permission to print and to publish works which treat of the mobility of the earth and of the immobility of the sun, according to the common opinion of modern astronomers, as long as there are no other contrary indications, on the basis of the decrees of the Sacred Congregation of the Index of 1757 and of this Supreme [Holy Office] of 1820; and that those who would show themselves to be reluctant or would disobey, should be forced under punishments at the choice of [this] Sacred Congregation, with derogation of [their] claimed privileges, where necessary. 1822
Pope Benedict XV – HERETIC!

Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum  April 20, 1921: “If the progress of science showed later that the conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende in una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.”

"It was his Special theory that began the tale about looking back in time, the one the Professor repeats way above. "

So is it your position that light in fact does not travel?  It is not a motion?  
Out of curiosity, do you also hold one to be heretical if he denies that each of the creation days were distinct 24 hour periods of time?

Great to have you aboard TKonkel, yes you are correct, both belong to fourth day. Copied and pasted them from some source without noticing.

It is a pity your posts reproduce all that data that appears between your quotes. My problem is putting together a post that has the same size reading. Often it comes up small and huge.

Now I can only presume you posted Pope Pius VII's HERETIC decrees of 1820 and 1822, and Pope Benedict XV's HERETIC 1921 encyclical or rather papal Letter on Dante Aligheri in order to show us all that, like Claudel, my synthesis accuse these popes of being HERETICS. Sure it is no wonder I have been banned from two or was it three Catholic forums, and as Claudel said, I should be banned from Catholic Info Forum.

The above is of course is inference; because like Galileo at his trial, I do not know what was in these popes hearts so cannot judge them as heretics. I leave such accusations up to others. But thank you TKonkel for highlighting the most serious problem for Catholicism arising out of the Galileo case, a never-ending controversy on the subject of faith and science.

Thankfully, due to the opening up of the Secret Archives in Rome by popes, plus the finding of other records by scholars, anyone who studied them in detail will know the circuмstances that led to the 1741-1835 U-turn by popes (not the Church because none of these popes abrogated or denied the ‘irreversible’ 1616 decree of Pope Paul V defining a fixed-sun solar system formal heresy because it is contrary to Holy scripture and its interpretation by all the Fathers (a sign of infallibility as declared by the Council of Trent.)
As I said in a previous post, the key phrase in both the above decrees by Pope Pius VII HIGHLIGHTED BY YOU is

His Holiness has decreed that no obstacles exist for those who sustain Copernicus’ affirmation regarding the earth’s movement in the manner in which it is affirmed today, even by Catholic authors.” (1820).

there must be no denial, by the present or by future Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, of permission to print and to publish works which treat of the mobility of the earth and of the immobility of the sun, according to the common opinion of modern astronomers,” (1822)

Now why do both decrees include the words that amount to “the manner in which it is affirmed today” and more explicitly “according to the common opinion of modern astronomers”?
Well I will tell you, but first a brief history of the infamous heretical U-turn. By that I mean the 1616 decree's heresy being U-turned into non heresy.In 1741 the first realisation by churchmen that heliocentrism was proven began an attempt to back track on the 1616 decree that was deemed a serious error and that the ban on heliocentric books had to be removed. Dozens of famous astronomers, philosophers and churchmen were highlighting the Church’s stand as absurd and ‘embarrassing.’ In 1757, Pope Benedict XIV, under advice of members of the Holy Office and Boscovich, dropped the ban on ‘all books’ leaving only the five banned after the 1616 decree. The U-turn had begun
Then in 1820, another attempt was made to get rid of the ban altogether, and the then Pope Pius VII asked the Holy Office to investigate. This led to a lengthy argument between Fr Filippo Anfossi, a Dominican friar, as censor of the press in Rome, and Maurizio Benedetto Olivieri who became to Commissary General of the Inquisition. Both compiled their reasons for continuing the ban, and getting rid of it. These docuмents are, no doubt, the most important records of the whole Galileo story. Now picture the situation in the Church at the time. To remove the ban, the 1616 decree had to be addressed, for the ban was directly related to the decree and its defining a fixed-sun formal heresy and a moving Earth erroneous in faith. Be aware that at that time, 1820, the records of the 1616, 1633 decrees had been removed from Rome by Napoleon, so all they had then were the records of the 1741 ban's removal.
So, how did they manage to ignore the 1616 decree and how did Pope Pius VII make the decrees above? Well Olivieri convinced the Pope and most of the Holy Office of the time, that the 1616 decree, which he confirmed to all as ‘irreversible,’ was that Galileo’s heresy was a ‘violent’ movement of the Earth, and that ‘modern astronomers’ no longer held that cosmology, but knew that the Earth orbits the sun with a ‘non-violent’ movement. This hoax convinced the Pope and in his ignorance issued the above decrees noting that the heliocentrism he allowed was the non-heretical one, the one according to the common opinion of modern astronomers.
Now let us expose the hoax that has you Professor TKonkel, Fr Robinson, and so many others of the Catholic faith defending as orthodox that 1741-1835 U-turn that showed the 1616 MUST HAVE HAD NO PAPAL AUTHORITY AT ALL. First of all, the ‘non-heretical’ heliocentrism of Fr Onfossi, Pope Pius VII, and God knows how many other popes since, still retains the formal heresy of the 1616 decree still held as ‘irreversible,’ that is the sun remains fixed (the Heresy condemned in 1616) relative to the Earth, whether it is ‘violent’ or 'non-violent’ Earth.
Moreover, even Olivieri’s conjuring trick of inventing Galileo’s ‘violent’ orbiting Earth, is not true. In Copernicus’s book ‘De revolutionibus’ he states quite clearly that his orbiting earth is NOT A VIOLENT ONE.
‘But if someone opines that the Earth revolves, he will also say that the movement is natural and not violent. Now things which are according to nature produce effects contrary to those that are violent… and are kept in their best organization. Therefore Ptolemy had no reason to fear that the Earth and all things on the Earth would be scattered.’ --- On the Revolutions, 1543, Book 1, par 8.      

Moreover, if Olivieri had read Galileo’s Dialogue he would have found Salviati arguing that the movement of the Earth could be “circular” and “eternal, and therefore natural” in opposition to the “violent motion” argument.
Be thankful as a Catholic that no attempt was made to try to abrogate the 1616 decree by any pope, for it would have had to contain a reason for this abrogation, and if the reason was as Olivieri invented, what then? So in effect, as even Olivieri admitted to, the 1616 decree remains infallible teaching and the fact that the geocentrism in it has never been proven wrong, confirms no one can or needs to challenge its authority or its truth that is protected by God as promised by him.

I will address Pope Benedict XV’s Letter later in the above context, and you question about the motion of starlight. But enough for the present.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 20, 2018, 09:45:00 AM
Great to have you aboard TKonkel, yes you are correct, both belong to fourth day. Copied and pasted them from some source without noticing.

It is a pity your posts reproduce all that data that appears between your quotes. My problem is putting together a post that has the same size reading. Often it comes up small and huge.

Now I can only presume you posted Pope Pius VII's HERETIC decrees of 1820 and 1822, and Pope Benedict XV's HERETIC 1921 encyclical or rather papal Letter on Dante Aligheri in order to show us all that, like Claudel, my synthesis accuse these popes of being HERETICS. Sure it is no wonder I have been banned from two or was it three Catholic forums, and as Claudel said, I should be banned from Catholic Info Forum.

The above is of course is inference; because like Galileo at his trial, I do not know what was in these popes hearts so cannot judge them as heretics. I leave such accusations up to others. But thank you TKonkel for highlighting the most serious problem for Catholicism arising out of the Galileo case, a never-ending controversy on the subject of faith and science.

Thankfully, due to the opening up of the Secret Archives in Rome by popes, plus the finding of other records by scholars, anyone who studied them in detail will know the circuмstances that led to the 1741-1835 U-turn by popes (not the Church because none of these popes abrogated or denied the ‘irreversible’ 1616 decree of Pope Paul V defining a fixed-sun solar system formal heresy because it is contrary to Holy scripture and its interpretation by all the Fathers (a sign of infallibility as declared by the Council of Trent.)
As I said in a previous post, the key phrase in both the above decrees by Pope Pius VII HIGHLIGHTED BY YOU is

His Holiness has decreed that no obstacles exist for those who sustain Copernicus’ affirmation regarding the earth’s movement in the manner in which it is affirmed today, even by Catholic authors.” (1820).

there must be no denial, by the present or by future Masters of the Sacred Apostolic Palace, of permission to print and to publish works which treat of the mobility of the earth and of the immobility of the sun, according to the common opinion of modern astronomers,” (1822)

Now why do both decrees include the words that amount to “the manner in which it is affirmed today” and more explicitly “according to the common opinion of modern astronomers”?
Well I will tell you, but first a brief history of the infamous heretical U-turn. By that I mean the 1616 decree's heresy being U-turned into non heresy.In 1741 the first realisation by churchmen that heliocentrism was proven began an attempt to back track on the 1616 decree that was deemed a serious error and that the ban on heliocentric books had to be removed. Dozens of famous astronomers, philosophers and churchmen were highlighting the Church’s stand as absurd and ‘embarrassing.’ In 1757, Pope Benedict XIV, under advice of members of the Holy Office and Boscovich, dropped the ban on ‘all books’ leaving only the five banned after the 1616 decree. The U-turn had begun
Then in 1820, another attempt was made to get rid of the ban altogether, and the then Pope Pius VII asked the Holy Office to investigate. This led to a lengthy argument between Fr Filippo Anfossi, a Dominican friar, as censor of the press in Rome, and Maurizio Benedetto Olivieri who became to Commissary General of the Inquisition. Both compiled their reasons for continuing the ban, and getting rid of it. These docuмents are, no doubt, the most important records of the whole Galileo story. Now picture the situation in the Church at the time. To remove the ban, the 1616 decree had to be addressed, for the ban was directly related to the decree and its defining a fixed-sun formal heresy and a moving Earth erroneous in faith. Be aware that at that time, 1820, the records of the 1616, 1633 decrees had been removed from Rome by Napoleon, so all they had then were the records of the 1741 ban's removal.
So, how did they manage to ignore the 1616 decree and how did Pope Pius VII make the decrees above? Well Olivieri convinced the Pope and most of the Holy Office of the time, that the 1616 decree, which he confirmed to all as ‘irreversible,’ was that Galileo’s heresy was a ‘violent’ movement of the Earth, and that ‘modern astronomers’ no longer held that cosmology, but knew that the Earth orbits the sun with a ‘non-violent’ movement. This hoax convinced the Pope and in his ignorance issued the above decrees noting that the heliocentrism he allowed was the non-heretical one, the one according to the common opinion of modern astronomers.
Now let us expose the hoax that has you Professor TKonkel, Fr Robinson, and so many others of the Catholic faith defending as orthodox that 1741-1835 U-turn that showed the 1616 MUST HAVE HAD NO PAPAL AUTHORITY AT ALL. First of all, the ‘non-heretical’ heliocentrism of Fr Onfossi, Pope Pius VII, and God knows how many other popes since, still retains the formal heresy of the 1616 decree still held as ‘irreversible,’ that is the sun remains fixed (the Heresy condemned in 1616) relative to the Earth, whether it is ‘violent’ or 'non-violent’ Earth.
Moreover, even Olivieri’s conjuring trick of inventing Galileo’s ‘violent’ orbiting Earth, is not true. In Copernicus’s book ‘De revolutionibus’ he states quite clearly that his orbiting earth is NOT A VIOLENT ONE.
‘But if someone opines that the Earth revolves, he will also say that the movement is natural and not violent. Now things which are according to nature produce effects contrary to those that are violent… and are kept in their best organization. Therefore Ptolemy had no reason to fear that the Earth and all things on the Earth would be scattered.’ --- On the Revolutions, 1543, Book 1, par 8.      

Moreover, if Olivieri had read Galileo’s Dialogue he would have found Salviati arguing that the movement of the Earth could be “circular” and “eternal, and therefore natural” in opposition to the “violent motion” argument.
Be thankful as a Catholic that no attempt was made to try to abrogate the 1616 decree by any pope, for it would have had to contain a reason for this abrogation, and if the reason was as Olivieri invented, what then? So in effect, as even Olivieri admitted to, the 1616 decree remains infallible teaching and the fact that the geocentrism in it has never been proven wrong, confirms no one can or needs to challenge its authority or its truth that is protected by God as promised by him.

I will address Pope Benedict XV’s Letter later in the above context, and you question about the motion of starlight. But enough for the present.

Robert Sungenis should be covering a lot of this material in his up coming film
The Church Versus Galileo ,but the film is apparently running into major delays.  Has anyone heard about the present status of the film which is briefly described in one of Sungenis' websites at the below link. (
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 20, 2018, 09:29:18 PM
Some good news!  Robert Sungenis, according to the Administrator Sofos on, (
is currently "finishing his 600 page Flat Earth rebuttal book." 
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 21, 2018, 02:21:14 PM

Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum  April 20, 1921: “If the progress of science showed later that the conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende in una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the center of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ.”

I will now address Pope benedict XV's letter that the DIAMOND BROTHERS also use to show the 1616 decree, as Cardinal Henry Newman said 'had decided next to nothing.'

1921: In Praeclara Summorum

Few today are even aware that Pope Benedict XV, on April 30th, 1921, just one year after his teaching encyclical on how the Scriptures reveal all truth, wrote a different kind of papal letter, praising the writings of the Catholic poet Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). Famous for his The Divine Comedy, a poem divided into a journey of three parts, Inferno (Hell), Purgatorio (Purgatory) and Paradiso (Heaven), a tome that reflects medieval Catholicism, when the Catholic faith had reached it peak of blessed understanding, including of course that doctrine of Geocentrism visible to all as the creation that God chose so that man might have a greater understanding of Him. Please read this marvelous Encyclical of Benedict XV and tell me it is not a Catholic endorcement of geocentrism. I still cannot get my head around those like the Diamond brothers and Professor TKonkel actually using it to downgrade geocentrism and the 1616 decree so that Catholics would chose heliocentrism as a Catholic truth.

‘Beloved Children,

‘And first of all, inasmuch as the divine poet throughout his whole life professed in exemplary manner the Catholic religion, he would surely desire that this solemn commemoration should take place, as indeed will be the case, under the auspices of religion, and if it is carried out in San Francesco in Ravenna it should begin in San Giovanni in Florence to which his thoughts turned during the last years of his life with the desire of being crowned poet at the very font where he had received Baptism. Dante lived in an age which inherited the most glorious fruits of philosophical and theological teaching and thought, and handed them on to the succeeding ages with the imprint of the strict scholastic method. Amid the various currents of thought diffused then too among learned men Dante ranged himself as disciple of that Prince of the school so distinguished for angelic temper of intellect, [the geocentrist] Saint Thomas Aquinas. From him he gained nearly all his philosophical and theological knowledge, and while he did not neglect any branch of human learning, at the same time he drank deeply at the founts of Sacred Scripture and the Fathers [especially their geocentrism]. Thus he learned almost all that could be known in his time, and nourished specially by Christian knowledge; it was on that field of religion he drew when he set himself to treat in verse of things so vast and deep. So that while we admire the greatness and keenness of his genius, we have to recognize, too, the measure in which he drew inspiration from the Divine Faith by means of which he could beautify his immortal poems with all the lights of revealed truths as well as with the splendours of art. Indeed, his Commedia, which deservedly earned the title of Divina, while it uses various symbolic images and records the lives of mortals on Earth, has for its true aim the glorification of the justice and providence of God who rules the world through time and all eternity and punishes and rewards the actions of individuals and human society. It is thus that, according to the Divine Revelation, in this poem shines out the majesty of God One and Three, the Redemption of the human race operated by the Word of God made Man, the supreme loving-kindness and charity of Mary, Virgin and Mother, Queen of Heaven, and lastly the glory on high of Angels, Saints and men; then the terrible contrast to this, the pains of the impious in Hell; then the middle world, so to speak, between Heaven and Hell, Purgatory, the Ladder of souls destined after expiation to supreme beatitude. It is indeed marvellous how he was able to weave into all three poems these three dogmas with truly wrought design. If the progress of science showed later that that conception of the world rested on no sure foundation, that the spheres imagined by our ancestors did not exist, that nature, the number and course of the planets and stars, are not indeed as they were then thought to be, still the fundamental principle remained that the universe, whatever be the order that sustains it in its parts, is the work of the creating and preserving sign of Omnipotent God, who moves and governs all, and whose glory risplende in una parte piu e meno altrove; and though this Earth on which we live may not be the centre of the universe as at one time was thought, it was the scene of the original happiness of our first ancestors, witness of their unhappy fall, as too of the Redemption of mankind through the Passion and Death of Jesus Christ. Therefore the divine poet depicted the triple life of souls as he imagined it in such a way as to illuminate with the light of the true doctrine of the faith the condemnation of the impious, the purgation of the good spirits and the eternal happiness of the blessed before the final judgment.’

It has been asserted by certain men that the above shows the 1616 decree was not an irreversible (infallible) decree because the Pope does not confirm a moving sun as a dogma of Scripture. In fact, the Pope never mentions the sun and takes a neutral stand on the physical location of the Earth in the universe, reflecting the post-1915 position of science that admits relativity prevails. The Earth ‘may or may not be at the centre’ he states. Interesting the Pope wrote the Earth ‘may not’ be the centre of the universe rather than ‘is not the centre of the universe.’ The difference we can assure you is profound. Given the fact that in his time heliocentrism was still considered the scientific truth by his Jesuits, one surely would have expected the Pope to say ‘is not the centre.’ One could equally say Pope Benedict XV with the words ‘may not be’ did not accept the heliocentrism ‘of modern astronomers’ insisted on by the Holy Office in 1820. This Pope, like all the popes since 1616, not one of them explicitly denied the 1616 decree officially, or abrogated the decree by way of the Magisterium.

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Neil Obstat on April 21, 2018, 05:06:28 PM
Quick comment:

Mr. Konkel's point:

8.  I do hold to that opinion, so no, it does not bother me.  I should note though that my argument was never that a theory is right because a certain number of people hold to it.  Rather, I believe that nearly all biologists hold to evolution because they are well informed and the evidence for it is overwhelming.

Darwinian evolution, defies the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

But then, "most" [biologists] are weak in the hard sciences, so they would be prone to thinking small things [derive] to be more complex.
There appears to be a need for two typo corrections, above.
Most biologists are weak in the hard sciences, so they are consequently prone to derive their questionable thinking in small things from misunderstandings of more complex issues.
IOW, if these biologists were stronger in the hard sciences, they wouldn't be so vulnerable to making mistakes in their thinking on small matters because they would not have been deceived by popular errors (e.g., the fallacy of evolution) in more complex issues, such as the age of the earth (the SAND upon which the illusion of evolution is founded).
When it comes to how old the earth is, the fact of the matter is that no one was around to witness the world millions of years ago, no one was there to write down in durable form the state of nature at the time. Actually, even if they HAD been around writing down their observations, they would have had no idea how what they saw and recorded would become different in the future, millions of years later. So their observations would likely have been highly inadequate from a standpoint of modern times.
Go to any museum of natural history and observe a glaring problem: In the geology section, they say the rocks can be dated by looking at the FOSSILS that are found embedded in them, and we get the age of these fossils from the paleontologists. But go down the hall and around the corner to the biology department, and find them saying that they get the age of the fossils from the geologists who dated the rocks! They use a circular argument, which is a logical fallacy. Nobody really knows how old the rocks OR the fossils are! 
There is nothing inherently reliable about rocks to divulge their age. They don't have date stamps on them.
There is nothing inherently reliable about fossils to identify their age. No date stamps.
A dolphin's rotting corpse was found on a beach in Hawaii, and some of its sun-bleached bones were sent in to determine their age (there was still muscle and nerve tissue present, which were removed from the samples). The lab came back with a date of over 20,000 years. So much for the reliability of bone dating.
A forest of petrified trees are found standing with strata of sedimentary rock surrounding them, which could only happened if the whole forest of living, standing trees had been suddenly buried by torrents of sediment from several phases of intense flooding that buried the forest in layers of differing silt, clay, sand, gravel and larger stones. But the so-called geologists dismiss this hypothesis a priori since it conflicts with their agenda of an "old earth" in favor of a falsified theory that says the petrified trees somehow stood upright for hundreds of thousands of years while the various sedimentary layers were laid down over enormous time. Never mind the problem with petrified trees standing up protruding out of the ground without any evidence of weathering increasing the higher up one looks at the trees. Never mind the problem of how the trees became petrified in the first place without first being buried alive. Never mind all the contradictions! What matters is the great immensity of age in the "old earth" theory.
Rather, I believe that nearly all biologists hold to evolution because they are well informed and the evidence for it is overwhelming.
Problem: there is rather no evidence whatsoever for evolution. 
To say the "evidence is overwhelming" is a bald-faced LIE.
There is a growing body of biologists who are convinced of the fallacy of so-called evolution, and their contribution to sound thinking is increasing daily. To hang on to the failing and outmoded bad hypothesis of "evolution" is to cling to fairy tales for grown-ups!
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Neil Obstat on April 21, 2018, 05:38:29 PM

Here is part 1 of the reply from Sean to Todd Konkel:

Evolution and the SSPX (Part I):
Sean Johnson

“In the year, from the creation of the world, when in the beginning God created heaven and earth, five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine; from the flood, two thousand nine hundred and fifty-seven; from the birth of Abraham, two thousand and fifteen; from Moses and the coming of the Israelites out of Egypt, one thousand five hundred and ten; from the anointing of King David, one thousand and thirty-two; in the sixty-fifth week, according to the prophecy of Daniel; in the one hundred and ninety-fourth Olympiad; in the year seven hundred and fifty-two from the founding of the city of Rome; in the forth-second year of the empire of Octavian Augustus, when the whole world was at peace, in the sixth age of the world, Jesus Christ, eternal God, and Son of the eternal Father, desirous to sanctify the world by His most merciful coming, having been conceived of the Holy Ghost, and nine months having elapsed since His conception, is born in Bethlehem in Juda, having become man of the Virgin Mary.”
Martyrologium Romanum (reading for the 25th day of December)

Things are getting wild in the SSPX.

In late March, St. Mary’s College professor, Mr. Andrew Senior (son of the late, great author and professor, John Senior) went public to rebut the accordist writings of Fr. Paul Robinson, by submitting a strong objection to The Remnant ( (a rebuttal which also more or less accused the SSPX US District Superior Fr. Jurgen Wegner of lying about being surprised by Rome’s having taken steps to “remove all doubt” about the validity of SSPX marriages), which Mr. Senior flatly says he believes was all pre-arranged.

We quite agree, since we had previously been told by another Society priest that Fr. Angles had been in Rome for some time, working with the Romans to find the right “solution” (i.e., face-saving compromise) to the “problem” of SSPX marriages.

More recently, another St. Mary’s College professor (Mr. Todd Konkel) has gone public in an attempt to come to the rescue of Fr. Robinson’s new book on the Cathinfo ('s-rotting-works-buried-by-miss-paula-haigh-(part-3)/15/) forum; an attempt which ended not only in Mr. Konkel’s defense of the “old earth” theory against the most common traditional and patristic interpretations of the Creation account in Genesis (and which also contradicts the idea of sentire cuм ecclesia -“thinking with the Church”- as evinced by the quoted selection above contained in the Roman martyrology, which itself constitutes part of the liturgical office of Prime), but which ultimately ended in a defense of….evolution.
On the one hand, we admire the candor and courage of Mr. Konkel: He says plainly what he thinks, and was willing to enter into hostile territory (i.e., Cathinfo) in order to do it, knowing the opposition he would encounter.
We wish there was more of that courage and candor in Tradition!

Yet, having an open and public evolutionist teaching philosophy at an ostensibly traditional Catholic college, and therefore being placed in a position of formative influence over those minds which will one day form traditional Catholic families and shape Catholic attitudes in the future, and who presumably chose to attend St. Mary’s College in the hopes of receiving a good education, protected from the vileness of the secular and conciliar universities, seems somehow dangerous and incongruent.

In fairness to Mr. Konkel, he has yet to define what kind of evolution he is endorsing (despite a request from Cathinfo’s “Mr. G” to do so): Micro, macro, or some other variant.  Perhaps he will walk through the escape hatch I have just opened for him, and all will be well.  Or perhaps this a debate tactic, which will allow him the final opportunity to distinguish and counter, so he holds his peace.  Or perhaps he is simply unaware of the request to clarify.   But in the absence of that clarification, we will make the presumption that Mr. Konkel promotes evolution as that term is commonly understood by most people (“macro evolution”), and we shall be most relieved if he should later disclaim it:

That over billions of years, life evolved from single-cell species into higher and more diverse, distinct species, eventually culminating in man.

And though Mr. Konkel has stated he does not teach evolution in his classes, that no longer matters:
He came out publicly, and his vigorous endorsement and promotion of  evolution is now inextricably attached to his status as a professor at an SSPX college.  His continued presence there is a sign of continuing revolution and evolution within the SSPX.
If Mr. Konkel should never breath one word of evolution on campus, he will nevertheless remain a symbol of the SSPX’s new openness (another parallel to the crisis in the conciliar church!).

In truth, I wish no ill consequence to Mr. Konkel.  I hope he believes that.  I already stated he has some admirable, virile qualities.  Likely as not, he has a family depending on him, bills, and all the responsibilities and stresses of the rest of us.   But it was Mr. Konkel who freely chose to come out in public and make his position known.  I did not force him to do that.  Presumably, he considered all the possible consequences beforehand, and after mature reflection, decided defending evolution was more important than all those other concerns.

Or, he knows he has nothing to worry about from the SSPX (which has said nothing in response to his promotion of evolution at the time of this article), and my concerns for his welfare are misplaced and unnecessary.

In any case, the welfare of the students (and faithful) needs to be considered, and that is the highest consideration.
As regards the SSPX, they must consider what message they are sending by maintaining a public evolutionist on staff.  Perhaps they are sending precisely the message (especially to Rome) they want to send: The old “ignorant” SSPX is gone.
Incidentally, this distinction between the “paleo-SSPX” and the “neo-SSPX” is no longer a distinction used exclusively by Resistance bloggers.  Rather, the same distinction was recently made by Mr. Nicolas Lessard (i.e., the groom in the recent Canadian marriage debacle, in his comments to The Remnant):

“This next generation is free from the bitterness and resentment that it’s predecessors are carrying.” here (
The neo-SSPX has contempt for (and is embarrassed by) the old SSPX.

But that these new attitudes and perspectives are indeed novel within Tradition is beyond dispute, and insofar as the SSPX will tolerate or permit those closely allied to its apostolate to promote evolution, it is a development (I almost said “evolution”) which stands in stark contrast to its own former positions -- 
(e.g., as evinced by the irrefutable February/1997 Angelus article by Dr. Peter Jackson, The Devolution of Evolution, still archived on here (
.[see below].

In Part II of this article, I will address a number of questions and observations Mr. Konkel initially made to “Incredulous” (i.e., A personage on the Cathinfo forum), but subsequently addressed to me after I came to the latters’ defense (the substance of which comprised Sodalitium Pianum’s previous article, A Response to VLM (

In Part III,  I will post a number of questions which I addressed to Mr. Konkel (At which point the conversation was still fixed on his endorsement of “old earth theory,” and he had not yet admitted to being an evolutionist, which is not to suggest he was hiding it), and the frank answers he provided, which confirmed my suspicion that he was defending “old earth theory” as a support for his belief in evolution, and offer some comments to those responses.

Finally, Part IV of this series will contain scientific articles and refutations of “old earth” theory and evolution (science which Mr. Konkel has already announced he is ill-disposed to entertain).

PS: I will also create an “evolution” category, from whence readers can easily access all installments/articles on the topic.
In the following post, I'm copying that page from the archives so it's here on CI.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Neil Obstat on April 21, 2018, 05:48:56 PM

Dr. Terry Jackson
Originally featured in the February 1997 issue of The Angelus magazine.
In 1947, Bishop O’Gara was imprisoned by the Chinese Communists and wrote from his prison cell regarding the Marxist indoctrination of his flock. A number of them were “hopeless” to the new regime and were executed. Those considered “salvageable” had to attend a week-long class as the new “People’s Republic” was born. His letter described the retraining classes. He does not refer to Marxist philosophy, redistribution of wealth, or even basic socialist principles, but rather Darwinian evolution. This was what was considered the first vital step towards a cooperative communist populace. Eliminate God the Creator, eliminate original sin, replace God with the State.

The Communists utilized Darwin’s observations of natural selection1 (which are valid observations) to advance a concept that all life, humans included, is pure chance resulting from environmental pressures existing for untold millions of years slowly molding them into their current status. The beginnings of life resulted from chance occurrences with random molecules. From a primordial ooze came the first living cell which became a two-celled organism and, billions of years later, became a human being, an organism of 100 trillion cells. The Chinese relied upon Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution to undermine the religious foundation of millions of faithful. Those too strong to crack were eliminated.2

In our education system, evolution is firmly established. This training begins at age three and is continually reinforced throughout life. Though a much less physically violent elimination process occurs in the U.S., anyone holding to creationism and its Scriptural foundations or to religious beliefs regarding a Creator are mocked and ridiculed. The Genesis account of Noe and the Flood is the favored target.3

Evolution as a doctrine carries immense importance to the enemies of Christianity:

Christianity has fought, still fights, and will fight science to the desperate end over evolution, because evolution destroys utterly and finally the very reason Jesus’ earthly life was supposedly made necessary. Destroy Adam and Eve and the original sin, and in the rubble you will find the sorry remains of the son of God. Take away the meaning of His death. If Jesus was not the redeemer who died for our sins, and this is what evolution means, then Christianity is nothing.4
Darwin hoped to make evolution a new religion. It was embraced by Karl Marx1, is taught in our public schools as the state religion5 and is publicly accepted by Pope John Paul II.

Yet, the theory of evolution has no scientific basis.6, 7 It derives solely from Darwin’s observations of natural selection as well as countless imaginary drawings. No genuine evidence exists to support it,8, 9 despite the fact that fraudulent and manipulated drawings and specimens are frequently utilized.

It is important to define two subsets of the term evolution: micro evolution and macro evolution [usually spelled, macroevolution]. Micro evolution [usually spelled, microevolution] refers to the study of minor variations that occur in populations over time as observed in, for instance, the coloration of the peppered moth, beaks of Galapagos finches (Darwin’s observation), and selective animal and plant breeding. Macro evolution is the study of the origin of major innovations. These are new organs, structures (e.g., fish scales evolving into feathers), or body plans. Darwin’s natural selection acting on random variation is a valid concept accounting for micro evolution (e.g., drought-resistant wheat, hip dysplasia in dogs, a shorter race of men resulting from the taller men being lost to the gene pool because of war deaths).

But Darwin’s natural selection acting on random variation is invalid when applied to macro evolution10 and macro evolution is basically what the controversy is all about. The theory of macro evolution is supported by omissions, fraud, and deceit to be made plausible.

The theory of evolution requires a number of assumptions:

  • Life arose spontaneously as a single-cell.
  • This cell produced two cells, each identical to the first cell and each capable of growing and producing two more cells. This production process continues for millions of years and the new cells constantly improve in capability and complexity. A spontaneous mistake in this replication process, however, produces a super cell which then produces more super cells. Over time, a two-celled organism is produced.
  • Eons of time are required.
  • Generally constant conditions (e.g., temperature, pressure, sunlight, magnetic field, humidity) with only slight changes.
  • Life forms are gradually molded into different types of organisms (e.g., birds, cactus, ants, polar bears, bacteria, snakes, man).
No evidence is available in the fossil record to support any of these assumptions,6, 7, 9 not even for two-celled organisms. Explaining the immense variety in nature is difficult for the evolutionists. The lungfish provides for an interesting example of this.

This organism was discovered in a small pond in the middle of an African desert made just 30 hours before in a flooding rainstorm, the first in 28 months. Dozens of vibrant healthy lungfish were in the same pond. It has been found that the lungfish is capable of surviving long periods of drought, up to four years in a carefully constructed underground burrow which it inhabits when water begins to dry up. It enters a dormant state and waits for the next rainstorm. Evolutionary biologists claim the organism to be “unchanged for 60 million years.”Let’s go back 60 million years and imagine how the lungfish might have “evolved.”

The fossil record shows this organism appearing suddenly. No transitional forms are available to support adequately the theory of its evolution. But admitting there might be transitional life forms yet unfound, how would the lungfish arrive according to the theory of evolution? —A non-lungfish interacting with environmental change turns into a lungfish capable of surviving four years of extreme temperatures (in excess of 130°F) and no moisture. As the weather gradually changes so must the “lungfish in training” —generation after generation, no mistakes, learning to burrow into the mud to a depth neither too shallow, or be baked, nor too deep, or be trapped. It must secrete an exact amount of slime to harden into its protective covering and lower its heart rate to one beat every 10-20 minutes. During this evolutionary training period of, let’s say, 30 million years, the weather must change gradually.... What would happen if after 15 million years the lungfish trainee has only learned to burrow up to its pectoral fins? If it doesn’t rain sufficiently, the animal’s tail will get quite a suntan!

The mechanism for lungfish survival is a tricky problem for evolutionary biologists. Thousands of unanswered problems like the lungfish exist for the evolutionist.

A new theory, however, “punctuated equilibrium,” has been proposed to help evolutionary biologists through these difficult problems. Punctuated equilibrium proposes sudden leaps in animal forms. For example, chickens lay eggs hatching into chickards (e.g., half-chicken, half-lizard).

A current eighth-grade science book attempts to provide proof for the punctuated equilibrium theory. It cites examples of a certain snail shell which undergoes dramatic changes in its shell opening and spiral. The student is taught that this accelerated evolutionary change took only a few hundred thousand years, a drop in the bucket for the evolutionist. The identical changes have been observed in 3½ months in a classroom aquarium caused by a buildup of calcium carbonate in the tank!

Evolution of species from a common ancestor produces more problems for the evolutionists. Their creative imaginations and artistic imagery, however, reveal that nothing is impossible. Even the mathematically impossible becomes their reality! Other fields of science follow the same pattern. Geologists date fossils at billions of years. Astronomers discover new galaxies which they say demonstrate “eons” of time. They describe the solar system all starting with a swirling cloud of gas. Microbiologists, biochemists, and biophysicists describe the evolutionary significance of DNA similarities, reverse transcriptase amino acid sequencing, and histone densities in chromosomes.

The bottom line is that evolution is a fact a priori ! Its fine points will be all worked out later. If discrepancies crop up, they are pushed aside in denial of the evidence. “Man came from an ape,” says the evolutionist, who is confident that the ape-man “missing link” will be dug up somewhere. Just give it enough time and this will all be worked out!

One of the primary concepts for the beginning student of evolution is comparative embryology. A beginning biology course is actually a beginning evolution course. The following example is typical of the deceit required to introduce evolutionary theory.
In this illustration,3 the student is shown a series of embryonic comparisons to prove evolution at work. These drawings were originally produced by an embryologist by the name of Haeckel. These essentially identical embryonic forms are from a wide variety of organisms, i.e., reptile, fish, bird, and human. The student is expected to assume that humans repeat their evolutionary past as they develop in the uterus.

It is common knowledge that Haeckel produced these drawings only after altering the specimens (Fig. 3).11, 12 True, the human embryo actually looks like this (Fig. 2) at an early stage.12 But, note how in Fig. 3 the “striking similarities” (Fig. 1a) are only because of obvious surgical excision of 50% of the human embryo’s essential organs! The text for Fig. 1b describes “fish-like” structures forming in early embryos of humans. This text is incomplete and misleading. As in fish, yes, the human embryo develops pharyngeal pouches. In fish, however, “pouches” differentiate into gills. In the human, eustachian tubes, thymus and parathyroid glands develop from them. At no time during human embryonic development do these pouches function in a vestigial or useless manner.13 In the human embryo they function as templates (or scaffolding) for angiogenesis—the formation of developing blood vessels.14 It is clear that scientific accuracy is not the issue here; the evolutionary agenda is.5
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"Evidence" of evolution from comparative embryology. (Fig. 1a) Very early embryos of vertebrates retain striking similarities. (Fig. 1b) Fishlike structure still form in early embryos of reptiles, birds, and mammals.
For example, a two-chambered heart, certain veins, and portions of arteries called aortic arches develop in a fish embryo and persist in adult fishes. The same structures form in an early human embryo.
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Haeckel's drawing of his "embryo of man in the fish stage." (Fig. 3) Note that more than half of the essential organs have been removed or mutilated in order to make the human embryo (Fig. 2) more closely resemble those of the fish, reptile, and bird (Fig. 1a).
What are we to make of the “scientific” evidence claiming extraordinary age for the earth? Evolutionary chemists use radiometric techniques to “prove” this planet to be about 4.8 billion years old. A favorite method is the potassium-argon system, used to date many fossilized specimens. The layers of gradual accuмulation of sediments “over millions and millions of years” gives vivid “proof” of an ancient earth. These layers are dated using “state of the art” methods firmly establishing, they say, the notion of gradual evolutionary change; the simple, older organisms at the bottom and the more complex, younger life forms at the top. According to evolutionary thought fossilized remains have been entombed in sediment over millions of years, leaving a record of gradually evolving life forms to “prove” that evolution carefully molded every living organism.

This dating technique was recently tested for accuracy and failed.15 Three independent laboratories were sent a sample of basalt produced by an Hawaiian volcanic eruption less than 200 years ago. The testing results varied from 20 million years to 3 billion years.16, 17

On the other hand, let’s consider a global flood depositing sediments world-wide. The fossil record gives evidence of violent death.18 Thousands of wide-eyed fossilized fish, fins still extended. Apparent rapid and violent live burial of clams with intact closed shells. (Slow sedimentary burial would result in open shells unhinged by decayed ligatures.)19

It is known that a frothing phenomenon in a liquid environment, such like what a global deluge would cause, rapidly leaches out potassium and argon isotopes, much like dunking a tea bag rapidly into 20 cups of hot water. (Certainly, there isn’t much “flavor” left after the twentieth dunking!) The remaining potassium and argon isotopes in rocks are the very ones which, because of their small remaining concentrations, allow evolutionists to claim an ancient earth. On the contrary, it is on account of the leaching of these precise isotopes in a probable violent flood that rocks have these minute concentrations, not because they are billions of years old.

Proponents of the theory of evolution cannot demonstrate a sequential progression in the fossil record from one type of organism to another. No progression exists,9 no evidence that one type of organism ever evolved into another type.6 Millions of fossils exist but not one sequential example.7 Even the giraffe’s neck remains the same length in the fossil record! 10
The theory of evolution requires enormous amounts of time for countless changes in organisms. In evolutionary geography, evolutionists claim proof exists for the vast amount of time required for gradual evolutionary change. The beginning student is shown topographical comparisons between land masses. In the example illustrated here, South America and Africa nearly fit together like pieces of a puzzle (Fig. 4). Evolutionists says these two continents were “once joined together in one larger land mass,” a plausible statement, “and have been slowly drifting apart at the rate of 18 to 26 inches a year for millions of years.” 19 (This is a questionable statement.)
"Evolution" Jigsaw!
( ( 4
<Click image to enlarge
( ( 5
<Click image to enlarge
If one examines the barrier reef along each continent the fit is nearly perfect except where major rivers dumping tons of sediment, like the Amazon, affect the topography. But, if evolutionary geographers are correct in their time-frame, the sediment from the Amazon over millions of years suggests that the shoreline of South America should look something like this (Fig. 5). The Genesis account of the flood provides a better explanation in the massive upheavals which tore the continents apart, most probably only recently. The committed students of the theory of evolution are too deeply immersed to be concerned about these minor discrepancies that destroy the entire theory.

Anthropology claims to have a fair amount of support for the theory of evolution. Piecemeal bone fragments, it says, provide glimpses at our ape-like ancestors. However, a lot of fraudulent input exists from this discipline also. A few examples:

  • A piece of bone dated at 5 million years was thought to be the collarbone of a human-like creature. This bone is actually part of a dolphin rib.2
  • Hesperopithecos, cited as evidence for very early man in North America, was a skull entirely formulated from a single molar tooth from a fossil pig.20, 21 This does not reflect well on evolutionary anthropologists. Shouldn’t a pig’s tooth be part of a pig’s skull?
  • Piltdown Man, claimed to be the earliest Englishman, was another hoax. This was compiled from the jawbone of an orangutan and a modern human skull.13 A student priest (Tielhard de Chardin) was involved in this hoax which included teeth filed to make them appear human and chemical staining of the jawbone and teeth to give an old appearance.22
  • Peking Man (1929) was constructed from a skull cap closely resembling that of a great ape (furnished by Teilhard de Chardin). The cast of Peking Man, which took two years to construct, no longer exists. All that remains is a plastic model which itself was not taken from the original. This is on display in the Red Chinese Hall of Science and Evolution Exhibit. The original material has been “lost.” 22

Having personally examined thousands of x-rays, I have noticed certain tendencies in bone structure which correlate with old age. The skull cavity and facial bones become more prominent with age. Older humans have a different appearance than their younger counterparts due in part to these characteristics.
Examine the human skull fragments pictured and note the predominant orbital bones. Evolutionary anthropology interprets these to be our ape-like ancestors. Sacred Scripture, however, records humans with longevity far beyond modern man’s lifespan. The more aged the individual, the more prominent the orbital bones.
( (
Click image above to enlarge
28-6210 H. sapiens neander-thalensis Calvaria28-4741 H. sapiens neander-thalensis Cranium28-4746 H. sapiens neander-thalensis Calvaria
People Magazine (Dec. 23, 1996) gave tribute to anthropologist Mary Leakey:

"The footprints, apparently made by two adults and a child, were so clear,”Mary Leakey said afterward. “They could have been left this morning.” In fact, they had been preserved in hardened volcanic ash at Laetoli in the Serengeti Plain in Tanzania for 3.6 million years and the primates that left them were not human —at least not quite.
Quite a statement! Sadly, most readers readily accept every word. They have been exposed to a steady diet of this dogma for their entire life. But, let’s add a few facts to their “facts.”

How can Ms. Leakey state so dogmatically the age of these footprints? We have seen how 200-year-old volcanic residue yields grossly distorted ages! How would she explain the docuмented fact23 of the discovery of dinosaur and human footprints fossilized in the same rocks even though evolutionists like her claim that humans arrived 70 million years after the dinosaurs became extinct! Another remarkable fact: a human sandal print fossilized with a crushed trilobite which evolutionists claim became extinct hundreds of millions of years ago. These seldom-mentioned discoveries and hundreds more like them telescope the earth’s history into a period of time of thousands of years instead of millions or billions. Evolutionists can’t accept this.

Back to People Magazine:

Their discovery [of footprints] in 1978 thrilled Leakey because they showed, she said, “That those prehistoric hominoids walked upright, freeing their hands. This new freedom posed a challenge,” she wrote in National Geographic. “The brain expanded to meet it, and mankind was formed.”
This seems to show incredible imagination!

The article continues:

Previously, in 1959, working in the Olduvai Gorge near the Tanzania-Kenya border, Leakey had unearthed and pieced together 400 fragments of a skull from a 1.75 million year old proto-human, pushing back the time line of human evolution by more than a million years.
We can imagine Ms. Leakey on her hands and knees at the bottom of a gravel pit slowly and tediously picking and cataloging each fragment. Then begins the tedious job of assembling the skull. Finally the skull is assembled, the missing areas of skull are filled in, an artist is contacted and a picture of this early pre-human is soon available just in time for a press conference.
Quite a number of anthropologists strongly criticize Ms. Leakey, her discoveries and interpretations. Mrs. Leakey had little formal education, no credentials. Dr. Greg Kirby made an interesting observation:6

If you were to spend your life picking up bones and finding little fragments of head and little fragments of jaw, there is a very strong desire there to exaggerate the importance of those fragments.
Is it only coincidental Ms. Leakey’s discovery came when the Leakey’s research funding was nearly exhausted? Four hundred bone fragments in the hands of the right person could produce a workable model of the Titanic.

As new physical discoveries are made, the theory of evolution has to adapt. In 1989 a “glucose pump” was discovered in certain mammals. Existing in mammalian cells, hundreds of these molecules “pop” up into the membrane of skeletal muscle cells to crisscross the cell membrane several times over. When activated by insulin, glucose is actively pumped into the cells, thus lowering blood sugar. When insulin levels drop the “glucose pumps” drop back inside the cell. Evolutionary molecular biologists estimate that this process alone required 20-45 million years to evolve.

As the years accuмulate in the mind of the evolutionist, the existence of a Supreme Being becomes faint and gives rise to humanism. The concepts of original sin, the Redemption, and the Resurrection are lost. God ceases to exist. But even apart from supernatural revelation, the existence of God can be demonstrated. The first and easiest to understand is the way of St. Thomas Aquinas according to movement :

It is certain, and evident to our senses, that in this world some things are in motion. Now whatever is in motion is put in motion by another, for nothing can be in motion unless it is in potency to that towards which it is in motion. But a thing moves in so far as it is in act. For motion is nothing else than the reduction of something from potency to act. But nothing can be reduced from potency to act except by something in a state of act.24
St. Thomas teaches that only something already in motion can cause another thing to move. He also points out how potential (potency) becomes action (act) by another thing already in act. If we trace the chain of movement backwards, we find that there must have been a first mover (i.e., something in act) from which all potency becomes act. This is the conclusion of St. Thomas’s more down-to-earth version of the cosmological argument.

Materialists would tell us that movement is to be traced back infinitely. This is to say that movement is an inherent property of matter. St. Thomas answers:

But this cannot go on to infinity, because then there would be no first mover, and consequently no other mover, seeing that subsequent movers move only because they are moved by the first mover, just as the staff moves only because it is moved by the hand.24
But what if we maintain that movement is an inherent property of matter? This objection contradicts the laws of physics that “a body at rest will continue at rest forever unless compelled by some force to move.” Secondly, the question regarding where motion first came from remains unanswered. The premise is assigning the status of “God” to matter itself.

The teleological argument —the argument of final ends —for a vastly superior intelligent first mover has different aspects. All deal with the ordering of things to some end or plan.

Here is the one aspect given by St. Thomas Aquinas:

We see things which lack knowledge, such as natural bodies, act for an end, and this is evident from their acting always, or nearly always, in the same way, so as to obtain the best result. Hence it is evident that they achieve their end not by chance, but by design. Now whatever lacks knowledge cannot move towards an end unless it be directed by some being endowed with knowledge and intelligence, as the arrow is directed by the archer.24
The other aspect deals with the incredible order and complexity present in the world, which argues for an incredibly intelligent and powerful Creator. Ironically, the cult of Environmentalism [The Angelus, March, 1996] readily admits to the facts used to demonstrate the existence of God, and to refute the materialist foundation of this same group. Environmentalists tell us of the wonderful and widespread order that exists in nature, and that could be even better if man would leave it alone. They love to tell us of the self-sustaining complexities of biosystems on both the macro and micro scales. Further, they do us the favor of emphasizing that man indeed is not a necessary part of this system, but that it operates according to design. Where did all this wonderful and complex order come from? Environmentalists answer that it all evolved by chance from lifeless matter. Once again we have the same problem as before, only now a little further down the road. What caused matter to begin to move in the first place, and who organized it to produce life? The law of entropy is that everything in nature tends towards its least energetic and organized state. It is impossible for something unorganized to become organized by itself, or for life to come from non-life. Environmentalists and evolutionists alike are forced, if they consider these things openly and honestly, to admit the existence of a Supreme Being.

In the majority of cases, men will not recognize the existence of God because of the consequences it will have on their lives. They will have to either reform their life-style or live with the sting of conscience if they do not. Man is a rational animal and requires a rational explanation even from himself as to why he lives as he does. To this end, men who wish to live lives of pleasure and godlessness try to explain to themselves there is no God. This is the driving force for the highly-developed scientific system of rational sounding fiction called the theory of evolution. Science has become the realm of those who wish to make matter their god, and to prove this view with whatever is required to deceive people, including themselves. But these supposed scientific proofs and evidences should not cause any Catholic to lose or become doubtful of his Faith, for we have been warned beforehand:

For there shall be a time when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears, and will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables (II Tim. 4:3-4).
An excellent online source on the subject of creation vs. evolution is the Center for Scientific Creation ( ( Though the author, Dr. Walt Brown, is a Protestant, nevertheless, his scientific analyses are objective.

  • The Troubled Waters of Evolution (San Diego: Creation-Life Publishers, 1974, p.42) Dr. Henry Morris.
  • The Surrender to Secularism (St. Louis: The Cardinal Mindzenty Foundation, Inc.,1967. p.11).
  • Cecie Starr, Biology, Wadsworth Publishers, 1994, p.213
  • Richard Bozarth, “The Meaning of Evolution,” The American Atheist, Vol. 20, #2, February 1978, p.30.
  • H. S. Lipson, FRS (Professor of Physics, University of Manchester UK) "A Physicist Looks at Evolution,” Physics Bulletin, Vol. 31, 1980, p.138.
  • Dr. David M. Raup (Curator of Geology, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago), “Conflicts Between Darwin and Paleontology,” Field Museum of Natural History Bulletin, Vol. 50(1) Jan. 1979, p.25.
  • David B. Kitts, Ph.D. (Zoology) “Paleontology and Evolutionary Theory,” Evolution, Vol. 28, 1974, p.467.
  • G.A. Kerkut, Ph.D. (Physiology, Biochemistry), Implications of Evolution, Pergamon, 1960, p.148.
  • Loren Eiseley, Ph.D. (Anthropology) “The Secret of Life,” Immense Journey, Random House, New York, 1957, p.199.
  • John Wiester, Chairman, Science Education Commission American Scientific Affiliation as quoted in the Wall Street Journal Letters, September 25, 1996.
  • Stephen Jay Gould “Racism and Recapitulation,” Natural History 84 (6) June-July, pp.18-25.
  • Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong (New Haven, Connecticut: Ticknor and Fields, 1982) p.204-205.
  • Wallace Johnson, The Case Against Evolution, CCCR Press, 1976, p.16-17.
  • Dr. Henry Morris, The Troubled Waters of Evolution.
  • Wallace Johnson, The Case Against Evolution, CCCR Press, p.31.
  • Frederic B. Jueneman, FAIC, “Secular Catastrophism,” Industrial Research and Development, June, 1982, p.21.
  • William D. Stansfield, Ph.D. (Biology), The Science of Evolution, MacMillan, New York, p.82, p.84, 1977.
  • Robert Jastrow, Ph.D. (Physics), Director Institute for Space Studies USA; “The Dinosaur Massacre,” Omega Science Digest, March/April, 1984, p.23.
  • Stephen Jay Gould (Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Harvard University) “The Validation of Continental Drift,” Ever Since Darwin, Burnett Books, 1978, pp.161-62.
  • Professor Henry Fairfield Osborn, Natural History Museum, New York.
  • Illustrated London News, June 24, 1922.
  • Wallace Johnson, The Case Against Evolution, CCCR Press, 1976, p.18-20.
  • George Mulfinger and Donald Snyder, Earth Science for Christian Schools, Bob Jones University, Greenville, South Carolina, 1979, p.290.
  • St. Thomas Aquinas, Summa Theologica, I, Q.2, A.3.
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Neil Obstat on April 21, 2018, 06:19:57 PM
Sean Johnson's A Response to VLM ( is very good. Here is one note found therein:

(Note: The only other instance of an SSPX priest having his work published by a non-SSPX publisher of which I am aware was Fr. Celier’s notorious “Benedict XVI and the Traditionalists,” which did such damage to the SSPX 11 years ago.  He actually had his Freemasonic friend, Jean Luc Maxence --a blasphemer (!) and hater of Archbishop Lefebvre-- write the Foreword to it.[6] (

Could it be that when the SSPX suspects a great scandal will arise from a book they want published, they try to deflect a certain amount of responsibility by having it published out of house, in case they should later want to avail themselves of plausible deniability?)

[6] ( Google: “Jean Luc Maxence Fr. Celier,” and you will get some scary results.  Yet I have never read or heard that Fr. Celier received any disciplinary consequences from Menzingen for this outrage.  On the contrary, has excerpted from that perfidious work, for example in the article “How to Interpret Archbishop Lefebvre” here: (
The part that got me thinking was this:
Could it be that when the SSPX suspects 
a great scandal will arise from a book they want published, 
they try to deflect a certain amount of responsibility 
by having it published out of house,
in case they should later want to
avail themselves of plausible deniability?
Every so often you find something worth memorizing, and it seems to me this is one of those times.
Thank you, Sean Johnson!
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: Neil Obstat on April 21, 2018, 06:56:41 PM
Part 3, Miss Paula Haigh's argument that Fr. Jaki is an evolutionist is valid,
but in this topic, SSPX supporters hit us with a surprising twist:

They too, like JP II, believe in evolution... or some morphed form of it.  :jester:

Consider for a moment, how sad the neo-SSPX's condition is?

Their theology teachers believe the same thing that the atheist, Charles Darwin and the тαℓмυdic father of Communism, Karl Marx, believed.

Karl Marx even tried to dedicate his book to Charles Darwin:
“From a sincere admirer, Karl Marx.”
Marx knew his Communist theories would not survive without evolution.

Ask yourself, how can the SSPX be supporting evolutionary theory, when it is the main support of all communist errors?

Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: cassini on April 22, 2018, 04:08:49 PM

"It was his Special theory that began the tale about looking back in time, the one the Professor repeats way above. "

So is it your position that light in fact does not travel?  It is not a motion?  
Out of curiosity, do you also hold one to be heretical if he denies that each of the creation days were distinct 24 hour periods of time?

No TKonkel, it is not my opinion that light does not travel, is not in motion, or to put it in another way has not a finite speed, is not instantanious but succesive. It was Domenico Cassini, God's astronomer who found no evidence for Newton's heliocentrism and stuck with Tycho de Brahe's geocentric model, who first discovered that light takes time to travel. He announced this in his Ephemerides Bononienses Medicorem Siderum (1668), but wanted to be sure before he confirmed it in science. An astronomer named Ole Romer joined King Louis XIV's Academy run by Cassini in 1672. Four years later:

' Ole Romer employed them (Cassini's findings) in 1676 to demonstrate the finite nature of the speed of light.' (Biographical Encyclopaedia of astronomers), p. 206) 

So it was the geocentrist Cassini who first confirmed the fact that light moves with a speed.
Indeed wasn't it Sir George Airy (1802-1892) who in 1871 used the FACT that light moves at different speeds to FALSIFY the theory that stellar aberration proves the earth is orbiting the sun.
No doubt TKonkel you want to see if I believe the light from an exploding nova takes time to reach us on earth. Of course I do. The only difference between our two different beliefs is that you believe it took billions of light-years for that explosion to be seen on Earth, whereas I believe it took no more than 6-7,000 years for the light to reach us. 'Proofs' are not in the hands of man to secuire, but I base my belief on the word of God as found in Genesis, the only one who KNOWS the truth, and not on the cosmology of Copernicus to Einstein.

No, I do not hold it heresy to deny the creation was not over six distinct days. The Church has never made this an act of faith like it did with the revelation of an orbiting sun around a stationary Earth. However, after churchmen lost faith in faith and placed their faith in the false Heliocentrism, when long ages evolved from their Nebular theory, like the geocentrism of Scripture when their interpretations of Scripture had to be changed or traditional understandings denied, it was inevitable that the six days of Genesis would have to evolve too less the Church became a laughing stock again as it was when it defined heliocentrism as formal heresy. And, like a heliocentric reading of Scripture, they had to find a way to allow 'science' its interpretation of Genesis's six days.
So on June 30, 1909, just after Einstein's Relativity, the Biblical commission ruled we could now 'discuss' if the six days of Genesis was literal, or metaphorical (like sunrise and sunset) meaning a 'certain space of time.' I am still waiting for the theistic-evolutionists and long agers to offer Catholicism that 'certain' space of time.' There is no such thing as an evolutionary 'certain space of time,' is there?
Title: Re: SSPX exhumes Fr. Jaki's rotting works, buried by Miss Paula Haigh (Part 3)
Post by: klasG4e on April 22, 2018, 04:41:27 PM
Allow me to squeeze in a plug for Dr. Robert Sungenis' wonderful primer Geocentrism 101 which he dedicates to Uncle Al -- you know that one who some would have locked away in the attic or basement closet -- and not without good reason.

Actually, Dr. Sungenis in a humorous yet truthful way dedicates the aforesaid book to that wild haired man in these words: "This book is dedicated to; Albert Einstein ...who invented the Special Theory of Relativity to keep the speed of light constant and allow the Earth to move; but then invented the General Theory of Relativity and was forced to make the speed of light non-constant and permit the Earth to be motionless in space, and the center of the universe."  Ha, ha -- Amen