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Offline Matthew

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Please Help Out
« on: April 10, 2024, 03:12:45 PM »
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  • Let's put it this way: in 100% of cases, it's a good thing to share CACHED PAGES THAT WERE DELETED (by the SSPX or anyone else) with your family, friends, parishioners, Catholic discussion groups, FB groups, other forums, your contact list, etc.

    Especially when the material in question affects THE INNOCENCE OF CHILDREN and THE PUBLIC GOOD.

    I can't think of a single case where hiding the truth *that affects the public good* is a good thing. Especially deleting one's own content with the malicious intention to keep the public in the dark.

    Might I suggest a couple threads in particular:ɛҳuąƖ-abuse-of-boys-trial/ɛҳuąƖ-abuse-of-boys/

    This whole scandal is being kept completely under wraps by the SSPX, at least in the English speaking world. CathInfo just doesn't have a loud enough voice to reach everyone.
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    Offline Jaynek

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    Re: Please Help Out
    « Reply #1 on: April 11, 2024, 09:06:43 AM »
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  • I agree. I am seeing posts elsewhere linking to Cathinfo threads so your idea about cached pages is working and is a valuable service.

    FWIW, Taylor Marshall has posted about Rostand on X/Twitter and has gotten lots of views so the truth is getting out.  I wouldn't be surprised if you see an increase of traffic here due to the information you are providing.

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Please Help Out
    « Reply #2 on: April 11, 2024, 12:21:30 PM »
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  • I believe that "spreading the word" about a matter *affecting the public good, and the innocence of children* is a GOOD WORK, in agreement with the mind and Sacred Heart of Our Lord.

    Read the Gospels, and see how dear to Our Lord the innocence of children was. And read what He had to say about those who destroy the innocence of children. I'll help you: do a search for the word "millstone".

    If you did your best to protect the innocence of children, do you think Our Lord would be pleased? I can't imagine Him being anything but pleased.

    Whatever fallout results from getting the Truth out -- bring it on. Fall of the SSPX? Criminal investigation? Reduced trust by the Faithful? More "paranoia" by parents, restricting access to their sons/daughters? A new organization? Dissolution of the SSPX into a loose network of independent chapels? 40% less total Masses nationwide on Sunday (from the current SSPX priests) compared to before? Doesn't matter. If the SSPX is rotten and the mere public knowledge of truth will destroy it, then -- I guess it's ripe for and meant for dissolution. If there is collateral damage (say, Mass ceasing completely at 30-40 SSPX "mission chapels" due to SSPX fallout/turmoil/arrests/dissolution/etc.) then we'll have to trust in God.

    Because NO GOOD EVER CAME from hiding the truth about something like this. About a grave matter, touching on the public good and the innocence of children. Good can't come from evil.

    If things have to get worse before they get better, so be it. But we have to trust that, in the long run, we will ALL be better off with the Truth getting out.

    Because in the big picture, God will bless us for doing the right thing. If the SSPX has a crash in vocations, a contraction in Mass centers/Masses in the short term, etc. it doesn't matter. New organizations will arise from the very dust if it be God's will. But we have to show Faith, and trust in God, to do the right thing. Don't be scared of the (short-term) consequences. Long term, the consequences will be 100% good. They have to be.

    I've run the numbers again and again. I can't conceive how the SSPX deleting their press release, and hiding this fact in general, can be a good thing. FOR ANYONE. And I can't think of a better good work than to oppose this nefarious cloaking of evil.

    There are many other good works, but PLENTY OF OTHERS are stepping up to do them. NO ONE ELSE IS GOING TO DO THIS GOOD WORK. If you don't do it, no one else will. Yes, you. The one reading this. Have you posted a link anywhere, told any of your Catholic family and friends about it? You should do *something*. If everyone did something, the world would slowly but surely become a better place. And who knows, that kind of trust in God, that proper appreciation for the Faith, that willingness to CARE and do something, might be what God is looking for from a great number of Catholics, as a sign it's time to end the Crisis in the Church. It might be part of the lesson He's been trying to teach us.

    Seriously. Go back to right before Vatican II. What was the problem? People didn't care. They didn't value the Mass, the Church, their Faith. They were distracted, more interested in worldly concerns. Human respect was at record levels. Are we Trads doing everything we can to show God we (Catholics) have changed, and learned our lesson? Ask yourself honestly; each of us has to ask himself, because the answer is eminently personal and different for each and every one of us
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    Offline Matthew

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    Re: Please Help Out
    « Reply #3 on: April 11, 2024, 12:36:12 PM »
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  • We complain that the hierarchy, the Pope, etc. aren't doing "enough" to purify the Church of these scandals.

    But what are WE LAYMEN doing? Yes, we have less power, and much less obligation to fix things -- but we're also not expected to "do" nearly as much. Can we post a link? Send an e-mail? That's not exactly a Herculean task. If we can't do that, how can we expect Church authorities to do millions of times as much? We can't even do our humble part, such an easy, humble task to show we care...

    I think that's proportionate to our duty, to our expected role in the matter.
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