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Offline SeanJohnson

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More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
« on: June 20, 2023, 06:53:29 AM »
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  • The March-2023 edition of The Courrier of Rome passed without mention on this forum, but it shouldn't have, because therein one would have found the SSPX preparing the terrain for the greater use of +Huonder, by preemptively eliminating objections to the validity of sacraments confected by bishops themselves consecrated in the new rite of episcopal consecration.

    See, for example, the article titled "Tous Douteux?" (i.e., "All Doubtful?") by Fr. Gleize, here:

    The introduction to this article will reveal its intent:

    "Among other consequences, the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes may have prompted, here and there, members of the clergy of the of the official (or so-called "conciliar") Church to turn to the Society of Saint Pius X. In some cases, priests (and even a bishop, in the person of the Ordinary emeritus of Chur, Mgr Vitus Huonder) have even decided to offer their cooperation the apostolate of the Society. [Umm, no, he was ordered there by Francis -SJ]

    2. Such a situation is not without its difficulties, the main one being that possible doubt. And this possibility is twofold. The possibility of doubt on the validity of the ordination of these priests. There is also the possibility of doubt about the intention with which these priests have administered the sacraments, at least up to now.  The difficulty arises when priests offer cooperation, who turn to the Fraternity. But in principle, this difficulty cannot fail not arise in relation to all members of the of the official Church hierarchy, because of the new direction taken [since] the Second Vatican Council. A real difficulty for the founder of the Society of St. Pius X, if we are to go by what he said during his homily delivered on June 30, 1988 at Ecône, during his episcopal consecration:

    'All these seminarians who are here present, if tomorrow the Good Lord calls me back - and it will undoubtedly be without delay - well, these seminarians, from whom will they receive the sacrament of Holy Orders? From the bishops, whose sacraments are all dubious, because we don't know exactly what their intentions are? This is not possible.'"

    The first thing to be noted in the article is that it is incomplete, because nowhere in it does Fr. Gleize treat of the doubts inherent in the form of the new rite of episcopal consecration (doubts which have prompted some SSPX clergy and faithful to seek holy oils consecrated by certainly validly consecrated bishops, such as +Faure, or to turn to Econe, in order to avoid those questionable oild consecrated (?) by +Huonder).  Fr. Gleize has limited the doubts merely to intention, and then sets about addressing them.

    Fr. Gleize continues:

    "The fundamental question at the root at the root of this double difficulty, is that of the intention required for the validity of the sacraments. Indeed, the validity of the sacraments essentially [rests] on three factors: matter, form, and the minister's intention. As soon as the matter and form are assured, the only element that can still be lacking and render invalid the sacrament is the intention of the minister."

    Au contraire, dear Fr. Gleize: The fundamental question at the root of doubts concerning sacramental validity and Msgr. Huonder is whether he is a bishop at all, due to ambiguities in the form of the new rite of episcopal consecration.  Fr. Gleize does not want to enter into that conversation, but he must, for as his brother priest, Fr. de Lacoste has discussed in his own article in the very same edition of Courrier de Rome, sacramental validity requires in addition to the valid form, matter, and intention a valid minister.

    But having completely avoided this discussion, Fr. Gleize thinks to have prepared the terrain for the acceptance of holy oils consecrated by this bishop (or other conciliar clergy ministering to various SSPX apostolates, such as Ecclesia Dei priests servicing SSPX chapels in Africa?), of whose intentions we are no longer to have any doubt (hence, the Huonder video series which followed, to assure us of his traditionalism).  Yet, that some within the SSPX itself have not missed this omission, and retained doubts about the validity of Huonder's episcopal consecration, is demonstrated by their seeking certainly validly consecrated holy oils from +Faure or Econe.

    What the article does suggest by this omission, is that in the SSPX, the conversation regarding the validity of the form of episcopal consecration is no longer on the table.  

    But the trial balloon of the Huonder experiment did reveal a few internal doubters.  Perhaps Rome will require another round of purges?

    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline AMDGJMJ

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #1 on: June 20, 2023, 07:17:53 AM »
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  • Oh, wow...

    If there wasn't a concern about validity then it makes Archbishop Lefebvre's consecrations of the four bishops look ridiculous.  In his "Letter to concerned Catholics" the good Archbishop talked more in depth about the invalidity of the new ordinations but of course the New SSPX ignore that.  :facepalm:

    It really looks like rather than make the frog jump out of the boiling water by consecrating new bishops that they will keep people in the society by slowly heating the water and the new SSPX bishops will be "novus ordo converts".

    Thank you for sharing!  I had not heard about this!

    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"

    Offline Yeti

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #2 on: June 20, 2023, 08:37:47 AM »
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  • Au contraire, dear Fr. Gleize: The fundamental question at the root of doubts concerning sacramental validity and Msgr. Huonder is whether he is a bishop at all, due to ambiguities in the form of the new rite of episcopal consecration.  Fr. Gleize does not want to enter into that conversation, but he must, for as his brother priest, Fr. de Lacoste has discussed in his own article in the very same edition of Courrier de Rome, sacramental validity requires in addition to the valid form, matter, and intention a valid minister.

    Yes, obviously he is going to ignore the argument that he doesn't have an answer for.

    It just blows my mind that the SSPX considers a sacramental form of Holy Orders written by modernists to be self-evidently valid. :facepalm:

    Offline Matthew

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #3 on: June 20, 2023, 09:25:59 AM »
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  • It just blows my mind that the SSPX considers a sacramental form of Holy Orders written by modernists to be self-evidently valid. :facepalm:

    Well, this isn't your father's SSPX.

    Seriously, it's a whole new generation, a whole new mindset. And they've completely left the Traditional Catholic Movement reservation.

    The neo-SSPX might be conservative, they might prefer and promote the Latin Mass, and for a while many of the teachings/trappings/practices from Traditional Catholicism will persist (JUST LIKE HAPPENED IN THE CATHOLIC CHURCH AFTER 1970) but they've fundamentally lost it COMPLETELY as of today.

    Just like if you girdle a tree (cut completely around the bark), the tree is dead. At least it's a POINT OF NO RETURN. The tree will continue to LOOK alive for a while: it will have soft, supple branches and leaves for months later, but no more sap can flow above the girdling point, where the cut was made. So it's "set in stone" or a done-deed that the tree is dead. It's just a matter of time before the death FULLY manifests itself.

    With a chicken, death takes minutes after the "point of no return" (e.g., removing its head). With a tree, it takes months. The SSPX might take years (Rome wasn't built in a day -- and neither was it destroyed in a day!)

    That is the state of the SSPX today. The girdling has been done 100%. The organization is fully doomed. Just a matter of time before all the chapels/policies/etc. fully reflect the fundamental shift that HAS TAKEN PLACE (past tense).
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    Offline Matthew

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #4 on: June 20, 2023, 09:37:11 AM »
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  • A bit of Trad 101 --

    One of the foundational principles that Trads have held to SINCE THE BEGINNING is the following:

    When you have a doubtful Mass/priest and a certainly valid one, you are OBLIGATED to go with the more certain one.
    And, the Novus Ordo (and new ordination) are at least SUSPECT/dangerous/doubtful.

    Now I'll admit that some Trads today are more "sure than they ought to be" when it comes to the validity of the New Rite of Ordination -- or the Novus Ordo Missae for that matter. But that is beside the point.

    The FACT is that these things are at least DOUBTFUL, and there is a Catholic principle that one is not even ALLOWED to go with a doubtful path when a certain path exists. That goes for the liquid used at Baptism, your Mass, your priest, and everything else. We must always choose the more certain.

    TL;DR (short version): Catholic morality does not permit us to be risk-takers when it comes to what Mass we will attend, or other important matters touching on our Faith and our salvation. On the contrary, we are commanded to be extremely risk-averse and conservative -- taking the safest path.
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    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #5 on: June 20, 2023, 10:12:05 AM »
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  • Quote
    A bit of Trad 101 --

    TL;DR (short version): Catholic morality does not permit us to be risk-takers when it comes to what Mass we will attend, or other important matters touching on our Faith and our salvation. On the contrary, we are commanded to be extremely risk-averse and conservative -- taking the safest path.
    Yes, and in addition to catholic morality, canon law requires the same approach.  And Quo Primum 100% forbids attendance at any rites which don't come from the Traditional tree.

    Now I'll admit that some Trads today are more "sure than they ought to be" when it comes to the validity of the New Rite of Ordination -- or the Novus Ordo Missae for that matter. But that is beside the point.
    This means they aren't true Trads.

    Offline CathSarto

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #6 on: June 20, 2023, 10:40:22 AM »
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  • That is the state of the SSPX today. The girdling has been done 100%. The organization is fully doomed. Just a matter of time before all the chapels/policies/etc. fully reflect the fundamental shift that HAS TAKEN PLACE (past tense).
    I can attest to the truth of this statement. The new "SSPX" chapel in Front Royal is unrecognizable as a Society chapel besides the priests being member of the SSPX.  It is the most chaotic hot mess I have encountered since leaving the Novus Ordo. Women without veils, immodesty in dress and BEHAVIOR, lack of decorum, nursing and changing babies in the pews, talking, cell phones, screaming bratty children that do not get taken out, congregation singing at inappropriate times...the list goes on.  It is truly a sad state of affairs and could be corrected and the people could be taught by the priests, but they are not, and that is what is so heartbreaking. I'm not sure why the situation has been allowed to continue but I can only deduce that it is because these young SSPX priests are being told to not say anything for fear of offending the newbies.  And, it is not rare that novus ordo "priests" are seen at the chapel, which no one blinks at but rather thinks is wonderful.  There is an older retired diocesan priest who was also at the ordinations and did the prayer over the new ordinands.

    If the new SSPX has no problem with the Novus Ordo priests, and is now including them in their ceremonies, it sure does make their supplied jurisdiction look like a farce.  

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #7 on: June 20, 2023, 11:09:26 AM »
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  • If the new SSPX has no problem with the Novus Ordo priests, and is now including them in their ceremonies, it sure does make their supplied jurisdiction look like a farce. 

    Venenum in cauda.

    Of course, now that they have received sacramental jurisdiction and/or approval, they are not bothered by that incongruity (which presumably they believe does it apply).
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline Ladislaus

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #8 on: June 20, 2023, 11:15:48 AM »
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  • The FACT is that these things are at least DOUBTFUL, and there is a Catholic principle that one is not even ALLOWED to go with a doubtful path when a certain path exists. That goes for the liquid used at Baptism, your Mass, your priest, and everything else. We must always choose the more certain.

    It's my understanding that one can't approach doubtful Sacraments even if a certain path does NOT exist ... except in danger of death, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.  There's some debate, of course, about whether there's positive or negative doubt about various scenarios.

    Offline Angelus

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #9 on: June 20, 2023, 01:26:38 PM »
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  • It's my understanding that one can't approach doubtful Sacraments even if a certain path does NOT exist ... except in danger of death, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.  
    What you said agrees with Callan and McHugh's Moral Theology:

    678. We are obliged always to follow a safe course, that is, not to expose ourselves to the danger of formal sin (see 249, 258); but Tutiorism errs when it teaches that we are also obliged always to follow the safer or safest course, that is, never to expose ourselves even to the danger of material sin. There are cases, however, when we are obliged (because some law requires it) to follow a safer course, that is, not to expose ourselves or others to some great harm. Thus, we must follow the safer side in the following cases:
    (a) when there is question concerning something essential for the salvation of ourselves or of others, for the law of charity forbids that any risk be taken in this supremely important matter. Example: Titus instructs the dying Caius only concerning the existence of God and of the future life. He should also instruct him about the Trinity and the Incarnation, which is the safer course, since it is more probable that an explicit faith in these two mysteries is a condition of salvation;
    (b) when there is question of some great spiritual loss or gain for ourselves or others, for justice or charity forbids that we take chances in such affairs. Examples: Sempronia doubts whether she is excused from the law of abstinence, and whether she will be guilty of sin if she eats meat. Caius doubts whether attendance at a certain school will do harm to the religion of his son. Balba doubts whether she is bound to inquire about the truth of her sect. As long as their serious doubts remain, these persons should follow the safer course;
    (c) when there is question of the validity or invalidity of a Sacrament, for the virtue of religion requires that the Sacraments be administered with fidelity, and be not exposed to the peril of nullity. Example: It is not lawful to consecrate matter that has probably been substantially adulterated;
    (d) when there is question of some temporal good or evil to oneself or another, and one is certainly obliged to promote the former or prevent the latter. Examples: Caius suspects that a drink before him is deadly poison; Titus suspects that an object at which he is preparing to shoot is a human being. Neither may disregard his suspicion, even if its contrary is more probable, because the safer side must here be taken. The Fifth Commandment forbids one needlessly to imperil one’s own or another’s life.
    679. In emergency one may expose a Sacrament to nullity by taking a course that is less safe for the Sacrament, but safer for the subject, relying on the axiom that the Sacraments are for men, and not men for the Sacraments. Example: Titus is called to baptize the dying Caius. No water can be procured except rose water, whose sufficiency is doubtful. Titus not only may, but should, use the doubtful matter, since no other can be had.

    Offline MiracleOfTheSun

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #10 on: June 20, 2023, 06:16:29 PM »
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  • One wonders how Fr. Johnson will now fare after stating from the pulpit that the Bogus Ordo rite of Ordination is not valid.  Will it even raise any eyebrows?

    Offline Texana

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #11 on: June 20, 2023, 06:39:48 PM »
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  • One wonders how Fr. Johnson will now fare after stating from the pulpit that the Bogus Ordo rite of Ordination is not valid.  Will it even raise any eyebrows?
    Dear MiracleOfTheSun,
    THANK YOU!!  Please pray that Fr. Johnson continues to speak the truth..

    Offline MiracleOfTheSun

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #12 on: June 20, 2023, 07:06:50 PM »
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  • Dear MiracleOfTheSun,
    THANK YOU!!  Please pray that Fr. Johnson continues to speak the truth..

    I remember when the 2012 Chapter happened and everyone was hoping/expecting Fr. Johnson would go to the 'hard line' side but that didn't quite happen.  Saying something like this though, in today's SSPX climate, is almost treasonous.  Nice work, Fr. Johnson!  Praying for him.

    Online Quo vadis Domine

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #13 on: June 20, 2023, 07:58:35 PM »
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  • It's my understanding that one can't approach doubtful Sacraments even if a certain path does NOT exist ... except in danger of death, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.  There's some debate, of course, about whether there's positive or negative doubt about various scenarios.

    That’s my understanding too, Lad. I’ll only add that the “danger of death” must be an *imminent* danger of death.
    For what doth it profit a man, if he gain the whole world, and suffer the loss of his own soul? Or what exchange shall a man give for his soul?

    Offline St Giles

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    Re: More Preparing the Terrain for +Huonder
    « Reply #14 on: April 18, 2024, 01:53:49 PM »
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  • "Among other consequences, the Motu proprio Traditionis custodes may have prompted, here and there, members of the clergy of the of the official (or so-called "conciliar") Church to turn to the Society of Saint Pius X. In some cases, priests (and even a bishop, in the person of the Ordinary emeritus of Chur, Mgr Vitus Huonder) have even decided to offer their cooperation the apostolate of the Society. [Umm, no, he was ordered there by Francis -SJ]
    Where is the source to prove Pope France ordered him there? I don't doubt it, I just can't find it, and it should be added to the wikipedia page on Huonder.

    Just like if you girdle a tree (cut completely around the bark), the tree is dead. At least it's a POINT OF NO RETURN. The tree will continue to LOOK alive for a while: it will have soft, supple branches and leaves for months later, but no more sap can flow above the girdling point, where the cut was made. So it's "set in stone" or a done-deed that the tree is dead. It's just a matter of time before the death FULLY manifests itself.

    With a chicken, death takes minutes after the "point of no return" (e.g., removing its head). With a tree, it takes months. The SSPX might take years (Rome wasn't built in a day -- and neither was it destroyed in a day!)

    That is the state of the SSPX today. The girdling has been done 100%. The organization is fully doomed. Just a matter of time before all the chapels/policies/etc. fully reflect the fundamental shift that HAS TAKEN PLACE (past tense).
    Many Trees including the Giant Redwoods are liable to grow back from the roots and stump. It depends on what kind of a tree the SSPX is.

    A bit of Trad 101 --

    One of the foundational principles that Trads have held to SINCE THE BEGINNING is the following:

    When you have a doubtful Mass/priest and a certainly valid one, you are OBLIGATED to go with the more certain one.
    And, the Novus Ordo (and new ordination) are at least SUSPECT/dangerous/doubtful.

    Now I'll admit that some Trads today are more "sure than they ought to be" when it comes to the validity of the New Rite of Ordination -- or the Novus Ordo Missae for that matter. But that is beside the point.

    The FACT is that these things are at least DOUBTFUL, and there is a Catholic principle that one is not even ALLOWED to go with a doubtful path when a certain path exists. That goes for the liquid used at Baptism, your Mass, your priest, and everything else. We must always choose the more certain.

    TL;DR (short version): Catholic morality does not permit us to be risk-takers when it comes to what Mass we will attend, or other important matters touching on our Faith and our salvation. On the contrary, we are commanded to be extremely risk-averse and conservative -- taking the safest path.

    It's my understanding that one can't approach doubtful Sacraments even if a certain path does NOT exist ... except in danger of death, but someone can correct me if I'm wrong.  There's some debate, of course, about whether there's positive or negative doubt about various scenarios.
    How does this relate to the Fr Stark and other supposed not conditionally ordained NO convert priests working in the SSPX when ABL was alive?
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