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Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
« on: February 28, 2013, 03:44:12 PM »
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    Comme vous l’écriviez récemment « les liens qui nous unissent sont essentiellement surnaturels ». Cependant, vous preniez soin de nous rappeler, à juste titre, que les exigences de la nature ne doivent pas être oubliées pour autant. « La grâce ne détruit pas la nature ». Parmi ces exigences, il y a la véracité. Or nous sommes bien obligés de constater qu’une partie des problèmes auxquels nous avons été confrontés ces derniers mois viennent d’un manquement grave à cette vertu.

    Il y a dix ans, vous disiez comme Mgr Tissier de Mallerais:
    « Jamais je n’accepterai de dire : “Dans le concile, si on interprète bien, oui peut-être quand même, qu’on pourrait le faire correspondre avec la Tradition, on pourrait trouver un sens acceptable.” Jamais je n’accepterai de dire ça. Ça serait un mensonge, il n’est pas permis de dire un mensonge, même s’il s’agissait de sauver l’Église. »(Gastines, 16 septembre 2012)
    Mais depuis vous avez changé au point d’écrire :
    « L’entière Tradition de la foi catholique doit être le critère et le guide de compréhension des enseignements du Concile Vatican II, lequel à son tour éclaire certains aspects de la vie et de la doctrine de l’Église, implicitement présents en elle, non encore formulés. Les affirmations du Concile Vatican II et du Magistère Pontifical postérieur relatifs à la relation entre l’Église catholique et les confessions chrétiennes non-catholiques doivent être comprises à la lumière de la Tradition entière. » (St-Joseph-des-Carmes, 5 juin 2012)
    A Brignoles, en mai 2012, vous avez parlé de ce docuмent qui « convenait à Rome » mais qu’il « faudra expliquer chez nous parce qu’il y a des déclarations qui sont tellement sur la ligne de crête que si vous êtes mal tourné ou selon que vous mettez des lunettes noires ou roses, vous les voyez comme ceci ou cela ». Depuis, vous vous êtes justifié de la manière suivante :
    « Si nous pouvons accepter d’être « condamnés » pour notre rejet du modernisme (qui est vrai), nous ne pouvons accepter de l’être parce que nous adhérions aux thèses sédévancan-tistes (ce qui est faux), c’est ce qui m’a conduit à rédiger un texte « minimaliste » qui ne prenait en compte qu’une seule des deux données et qui, de ce fait, a pu prêter à confusion chez nous. » (Cor Unum 102)
    « Ce texte, évidemment, quand je l’ai écrit, je pensais qu’il était suffisamment clair, que j’avais réussi suffisamment à éviter les… – comment est-ce qu’on dit ? – les ambiguïtés. Mais force…, disons les faits sont-là, je suis bien obligé de voir que ce texte était devenu un texte qui nous divisait, nous dans la Fraternité. Ce texte bien évidemment je le retire. » (Ecône 7 septembre 2012)
    Vous êtes donc un incompris qui, par condescendance, retirez un texte très délicat que des esprits étroits ont été incapables de comprendre. Cette version des faits est habile mais est-elle juste ? Retirer un docuмent et rétracter une erreur doctrinale ne sont pas formellement la même chose. De plus, invoquer les « thèses sédévancantistes » pour justifier ce docuмent « minimaliste » qui « convenait à Rome » semble fort déplacé quand dans le même temps, et depuis plus de treize années, vous autorisez un confrère à ne plus citer le nom du pape au canon après lui avoir confié que vous compreniez son choix devant la scandaleuse signature d’un docuмent commun entre Catholiques et Protestants.

    Mgr Tissier de Mallerais confiait à un confrère que cette « Lettre du 14 avril » ne devrait jamais être publiée, car, selon lui, vous seriez « définitivement discrédité et probablement contraint à la démission. » Ce qui confirme l’avertissement charitable de Mgr Williamson : « pour la gloire de Dieu, pour le salut des âmes, pour la paix intérieure de la Fraternité et pour votre propre salut éternel, vous feriez mieux de démissionner vous-même comme Supérieur Général, que de m’exclure. » (Londres, le 19 octobre 2012), Pourtant, vous avez pris cela pour une provocation ouverte et publique.
    Mais quand Mgr de Galarreta déclare, le 13 octobre 2012 à Villepreux, cette phrase incroyable qu’on peut entendre mais non lire car la transcription en ligne de La Porte Latine l’a omise : « Il est presque impossible que la majorité des Supérieurs de la Fraternité – après discussion franche, analyse à fond de tous les aspects, de tous les tenants et aboutissants –, il est impensable que la majorité se trompe dans une matière prudentielle. Et si cela par hasard, par un impossible arrive et bien tant pis de toute façon on va faire ce que la majorité pense» , à Menzingen, le Secrétaire Général, l’abbé Thouvenot, a écrit qu’il « exposait avec recul et élévation les événements de juin dernier ».

    Comment la Fraternité a-t-elle pu tomber si bas ? Mgr Lefebvre, lui, écrivait : « Au jour du jugement, Dieu nous demandera si nous avons été fidèles et non si nous avons obéi à des autorités infidèles. L’obéissance est une vertu relative à la Vérité et au Bien. Ce n’est plus une vertu mais un vice si elle se soumet à l’erreur et au mal. » (Mgr Lefebvre, Lettre du 9 août 1986), Et l’abbé Berto, lui, écrivait en 1963 : « on doit voir plus loin que le bout de son nez, et ne pas se figurer qu’on a droit au Saint-Esprit comme ça sur commande, du moment qu’on est en Concile ».

    Lors de la conférence du 9 novembre 2012 à Paris, un prieur vous a demandé : « à la sortie de la retraite sacerdotale deux confrères m’ont accusé d’être en révolte contre votre autorité parce que je manifestais de la satisfaction au sujet du texte de l’abbé de Caqueray contre Assise III. Qu’en est-il ? » Votre réponse fut : « J’ignorais qu’il y avait des choses pareilles dans la Fraternité. C’est moi qui ai demandé cette déclaration. D’ailleurs elle a été publiée avec mon autorisation. Je suis tout à fait d’accord avec l’abbé de Cacqueray. » Or pendant la retraite des sœurs à Ruffec, vous avez confié à six confrères que vous n’étiez pas d’accord avec le texte de l’abbé de Cacqueray. Vous vous êtes d’ailleurs plaint à lui des reproches que le cardinal Levada, pendant 20mn, vous avait fait à ce sujet. Si vous lui avez donné l’autorisation de la publication c’était, expliquiez-vous, pour ne pas paraître partial… mais que personnellement vous désapprouviez le contenu que vous jugiez excessif. Qui donc, Monseigneur, utilise des moyens « foncièrement subversifs » ? Qui donc est révolutionnaire ? Qui nuit au bien commun de notre société ?

    Le 9 novembre 2012 à Paris, nous avons entendu un confrère vous demander : « Je fais partie de ceux qui ont perdu confiance! Combien y a-t-il de lignes de conduite dans la Fraternité maintenant… » Vous avez répondu : « C’est une grave blessure. Nous avons subi une grave épreuve. Il faudra du temps. » Devant cette réponse fuyante, un autre prieur vous a demandé alors : « Récusez-vous votre réponse à vos trois confrères évêques… » Votre réponse fut encore floue : « Oui, quand je la relis, il me semble qu’il y a quelques petites erreurs. Mais en fait pour vous aider à comprendre, sachez que cette lettre n’est pas une réponse à leur courrier, mais à des difficultés que j’avais eues avec chacun d’entre eux séparément. J’ai beaucoup d’estime pour Mgr Williamson, même de l’admiration, il a des coups de génies dans la lutte contre Vatican II, c’est une grosse perte pour la Fraternité et elle arrive au pire moment… » Mais qui donc est responsable de son exclusion ? En privé, vous dites beaucoup de choses : « j’étais en guerre », « Rome ment »…, mais vous n’avez jamais publié le moindre Communiqué officiel pour dénoncer ces prétendus mensonges. Pire, récemment, à propos de l’ultimatum du 22 février, vous avez cautionné officiellement le mensonge du Vatican.

    Votre langage est devenu interminablement confus. Cette manière ambiguë de s’exprimer n’est pas louable comme l’écrivait le Père Calmel : « J’ai toujours eu en horreur les expressions molles ou fuyantes, qui peuvent être tirées dans tous les sens, auxquelles chacun peut faire dire ce qu’il veut. Et elles me sont d’autant plus en horreur qu’elles se couvrent d’autorités ecclésiastiques. Surtout ces expressions me paraissent une injure directe à celui qui a dit : « Je suis la Vérité… Vous êtes la lumière du monde…. Que votre parole soit oui si c’est oui, non si c’est non… »

    Monseigneur, vous et vos Assistants avez été capables de dire tout et son contraire sans peur du ridicule.
    L’abbé Nély, en avril 2012, de passage à Toulouse déclarait à une douzaine de confrères que « si les relations doctrinales avec Rome ont échoué c’est parce que nos théologiens ont été trop rentre-dedans » mais il disait à l’un de ces théologiens: « Vous auriez pu être plus incisif. »

    Vous-même, le 9 novembre 2012, vous nous avez affirmé : « Je vais vous faire rire, mais je pense vraiment que nous, les quatre évêques, nous sommes du même avis. » Alors que six mois auparavant vous leur écriviez : « à la question cruciale entre toutes, celle de la possibilité de survivre dans les conditions d’une reconnaissance de la Fraternité par Rome, nous n’arrivons pas à la même conclusion que vous. »

    Dans la même conférence de retraite à Ecône, vous déclarez : « Je vous avoue que je n’ai pas estimé aller contre le chapitre [de 2006] en faisant ce que j’ai fait. » Puis quelques instants après au sujet du Chapitre de 2012 : « si c’est le Chapitre qui traite, c’est une loi qui vaut jusqu’au prochain Chapitre. » Quand on sait qu’en mars 2012, sans attendre le prochain Chapitre, vous avez détruit la loi de celui de 2006 (pas d’accord pratique sans solution doctrinale), on s’interroge sur la sincérité du propos.

    Un de vos confères dans l’épiscopat à Villepreux nous invitait à « ne pas dramatiser. Le drame serait d’abandonner la Foi. Il ne faut pas demander une perfection qui n’est pas de ce monde. Il ne faut pas pinailler sur ces questions. Il faut voir si l’essentiel est là ou non. »

    Il est vrai, vous n’êtes pas devenu mahométan (1er commandement), vous n’avez pas pris femme (6e commandement), vous avez simplement malmené la réalité (8e commandement). Mais l’essentiel est-il toujours là quand les ambiguïtés touchent au combat de la foi ? Personne ne vous demande une perfection qui n’est pas de ce monde. On peut bien concevoir qu’on se trompe devant le mystère d’iniquité, puisque même les élus pourraient être trompés, mais personne ne peut accepter un langage double. Certes, la grande apostasie, prédite par l’Écriture, ne peut que nous troubler. Qui peut prétendre être indemne des pièges du diable ? Mais pourquoi nous avoir trompés ? A tout péché miséricorde, bien sûr. Mais où sont les actes qui manifestent la conscience, le regret et la réparation des erreurs ?

    Vous avez dit devant les prieurs de France : « je suis fatigué des querelles de mots ». Là est peut-être le problème. Qui vous empêche d’aller vous reposer à Montgardin et d’y goûter les joies de la vie cachée ? Rome a toujours utilisé un langage clair. Mgr Lefebvre également. Vous aussi par le passé. Mais aujourd’hui, vous entretenez une confusion en identifiant indûment “l’Eglise catholique, la Rome éternelle” et “l’Eglise officielle, la Rome moderniste et conciliaire”. Or, en aucun cas, vous ne pouvez changer la nature de notre combat. Si vous ne voulez plus accomplir cette mission, vous devez, ainsi que vos Assistants, renoncer à la charge que la Fraternité vous a confiée.

    En effet, l’abbé Pfluger dit publiquement souffrir de l’irrégularité canonique de la Fraternité. Il a confié à un confrère en juin 2012 « avoir été ébranlé par les discussions doctrinales ». En sortant de sa conférence à Saint Joseph des Carmes, il disait de manière méprisante à qui voulait l’entendre : « Dire qu’il y en a encore qui ne comprennent pas qu’il faut signer ! » Le 29 avril 2012 à Hattersheim, après avoir avoué que « les événements passés ont prouvé que les différences concernant la question doctrinale ne peuvent être comblées », il faisait par de sa crainte « de nouvelles excommunications ». Mais comment peut-on craindre l’excommunication de modernistes déjà excommuniés par l’Eglise ?

    L’abbé Nély à l’occasion d’un repas pour les bienfaiteurs à Suresnes annonçant que « le Pape avait mis un terme au rapport avec la Fraternité en demandant la reconnaissance de la Messe et de Vatican II… » rajoutait que « Mgr Felay était sur son petit nuage, il était impossible de l’en faire redescendre ». Mais l’abbé Nély n’a-t-il pas lui aussi signé la monstrueuse lettre aux trois évêques ? N’a-t-il pas été lui aussi « sur son petit nuage » quand, de passage à Fanjeaux, il déclara à la Supérieure Générale inquiète au sujet d’un ultimatum de Rome : « Non rassurez-vous, tout va bien avec Rome, leurs canonistes nous aident à préparer les statuts de la prélature… »

    Pouvez-vous dire, en conscience que Vous et vos Assistants avez assumé vos responsabilités ? Après tant de propos contradictoires et néfastes comment prétendre encore gouverner ? Qui a nuit à l’autorité du Supérieur Général, si ce n’est vous-même et vos Assistants ? Comment prétendre nous parler justice après l’avoir lésée ? « Quelle vérité peut sortir de la bouche du menteur ? » (Eccli. 34, 4). Qui a semé la zizanie ? Qui a été subversif en usant du mensonge ? Qui a scandalisé prêtres et fidèles ? Qui a mutilé la Fraternité en diminuant sa force épiscopale ? Que peut bien être une charité sans l’honneur et la justice ?

    Nous savons que l’on nous reprochera de ne pas respecter les formes en vous écrivant ainsi publiquement. Notre réponse sera alors celle du Père de Foucauld au Général Laperrine : « J’avais cru en entrant dans la vie religieuse que j’aurais surtout à conseiller la douceur et l’humilité ; avec le temps, je crois que ce qui manque le plus souvent, c’est la dignité et la fierté. » (Lettre du 6 déc. 1915). Et à quoi bon vous écrire en privée quand on sait qu’un confrère courageux et lucide a du attendre quatre ans pour avoir un courrier de vous et ce fut non pour y lire des réponses mais des injures. Quand un Supérieur de District attend toujours l’accusé de réception de sa lettre de dix-sept pages envoyée à la Maison Générale, il semble que Menzingen n’a plus d’autre argument que le volontarisme : « sic volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas».

    Monseigneur, ce que nous vivons en ce moment est odieux. La droiture évangélique a été perdue : Est est, non, non. Le Chapitre de 2012 n’a en rien clarifié la situation. L’abbé Faure, un capitulant, nous a récemment mis en garde publiquement contre « les lettres et déclarations des actuels supérieurs de la Fraternité ces derniers mois » ? Un autre capitulant a confié à un confrère : « Il faut reconnaître que le Chapitre a échoué. Aujourd’hui c’est OK pour une Fraternité libre dans l’Eglise conciliaire. J’ai été catastrophé par le niveau de réflexion de certains capitulants. »
    Vos interventions et celles de vos Assistants sont troubles et laissent croire que vous n’avez opéré qu’un simple recul stratégique.

    Fin 2011, un Assistant avec un confrère ‘‘accordiste’’ avaient cherché à estimer le nombre de prêtres, en France, qui refuseraient un accord avec Rome. Leur résultat : sept. Menzingen était rassuré. En mars 2012, vous avez confié que M. Guenois du Figaro était un journaliste très bien informé et que sa vision des choses était juste. Or son article disait : « Qu’on le veuille ou non, le pape et Mgr Fellay veulent un accord non doctrinal mais ecclésial ». En mai 2012, vous avez confié aux Supérieurs des bénédictins, des dominicains et des capucins : « On sait qu’il y aura de la casse, mais on ira jusqu’au bout ». En juin l’accord ecclésial fut impossible. Pourtant, en octobre 2012, de passage au prieuré de Bruxelles, des prêtres diocésains, invités par l’abbé Wailliez, vous ont manifesté leur souhait de voir un accord entre Rome et la Fraternité. Vous les avez rassurés par ces mots : « oui, oui, ça va se faire bientôt » ? C’était trois mois après le chapitre de juillet.

    Monseigneur, vous avez le devoir en justice de dire la vérité, de réparer les mensonges et de rétracter les erreurs. Faites-le et tout rentrera dans l’ordre. Vous savez comment André Avellin, au XVIe siècle, est devenu un grand saint après avoir eu honte d’un mensonge qu’il avait commis par faiblesse. Nous voulons simplement que vous deveniez un grand saint.

    Excellence, nous ne voulons pas que l’Histoire retienne de vous que vous êtes l’homme qui avez défiguré et mutilé la Fraternité Sacerdotale Saint Pie X.

    Soyez assuré, Excellence, de notre totale fidélité à l’œuvre de Mgr Lefebvre,

    Le 28 février 2013,

    Trente-sept prêtres du District de France

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #1 on: February 28, 2013, 03:50:40 PM »
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    Offline vincent M

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #2 on: February 28, 2013, 07:20:26 PM »
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  • Here is my translation : I think English-speaking people might well understand it. English is not my mother tong, but French. The SSPX might be at the eve of the biggest earthquake of its history. Funny that this letter is written just when Pope Benedict XVI resigns. The Providence is watching on us and "everything is grace", even when everything seems lost. Regards.

    To Bishop Bernard Fellay

    Your Excellency,

    As you wrote it recently: "the links which unite us are essentially supernatural". However, you rightly reminded us that the requirements of nature must nevertheless not be forgotten. "Grace does not destroy nature". Among these requirements, there is truthfulness. Yet, these last months, we notice that a part of the problems with which we were confronted come from a grave negligence to this virtue (truthfulness).

    Ten years ago, as Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, you said:
    "Never shall I agree to say: "in the Council, if we interpret it well, if we make it match with Tradition, we could find an acceptable sense." Never shall I agree to say that. That would be a lie; it is not allowed to tell a lie, even if it was a question of saving the Church." (Gastines, September 16th, 2012).

    But since then, you changed:
    "The whole Tradition of the catholic faith has to be the criterion and the guide to understand the teachings of the Vatican II Council, which in its turn enlightens certain aspects of the life and the doctrine of the Church, implicitly present in her, not formulated yet. The assertions of the Vatican II Council and of the Papal Magistery relative to the relation between the Roman Catholic Church and the non-Catholic and Christian confessions must be understood in the light of the whole Tradition." (St-Joseph-des-Carmes, June 5th, 2012).

    At Brignoles, in May 2012, you spoke about this docuмent which "suited Rome" but that "will need to be explained to us because there are statements which are so much on the ridge line that if you have an apprehension or following you put dark or pink glasses, you see them as this or that". Since then, you justified your position in the following way:

    "If we can accept to be “condemned" for our rejection of modernism (which is true), we cannot accept being so because we would subscribed to the sedevancantist theses (which is false); it is what led me to draft a "minimalist" text which took into account only one of both statements and which, therefore, could leave misunderstanding in the SSPX." (Corn Unum 102) "Obviously, when I wrote this text, I thought it was clear enough, that I did enough to avoid - how to say? - the ambiguities. But the facts are there; I am well obligated to see that this text had become a text which divided us, us in the Society. I naturally remove it." (Ecône September 7th, 2012).

    You are thus a misunderstood person who, by condescension, remove a very delicate text which narrow spirits were incapable to understand. This version of the facts is skillful but is it fair? Removing a docuмent and retracting a doctrinal error are not formally the same things. Furthermore, to call the sedevancantist "theses" to justify this "minimalist" docuмent which "suited Rome" seems very well out of place, when at the same time, and for more than thirteen years, you let a priest not quote the name of the pope in the canon, confiding him you understand his choice in front of the scandalous signature of a common docuмent between Catholics and Protestants.

    Bishop Tissier de Mallerais confided a colleague that this "Letter of April 14th" should never be published because, according to him, you would be "definitively compromised and probably forced to the resignation." Which confirms Bishop Williamson's charitable warning: "for the glory of God, for the salvation of souls, for the peace of mind of the Society members and for your eternal salvation, you’d better resign than exclude me." (London, October 19th, 2012) Nevertheless, you took it for an open and public provocation.

    But when Bishop de Galarreta declared, on October 13th 2012 at Villepreux this incredible sentence we can hear but not read because La Porte Latine omitted the on-line transcription: "it is almost impossible that the majority of the Superiors of the Society - after frank discussion, complete analysis of all the aspects, all the ins and outs - it is unthinkable that this majority makes a mistake in a prudential material. And if by chance, it happens, too bad anyway,we are going to do what the majority thinks", in Menzingen, the General Secretary, Father Thouvenot, wrote that he "explained the events of June 2012 with recoil and rise".

    How was the Society able to fall so low? Archbishop Lefebvre himself wrote: "in the day of the judgment, God will ask us if we were faithful and not if we obeyed unfaithful authorities. The obedience is a virtue related to the Truth and to God. It is no longer a virtue but a vice if it submits itself to the error and to the evil." (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter of August 9th, 1986), And Father Berto wrote in 1963: "we have to ‘see further than the end of our noses’, and not imagine that we believe in the Holy Spirit and follow him as far as we believe in the Council ".

    During the conference of November 9th, 2012 in Paris, a prior asked you: "at the end of the priestly retreat, two colleagues accused me of being in revolt against your authority because I showed some satisfaction about the text of Father de Cacqueray against Assisi III. What do you think?" Your answer was: "I ignored that there were such things in the Society. I did ask for this statement (of Father de Cacqueray). Moreover, it was published with my permission. I completely agree with Father de Cacqueray." Yet, during the sisters’ retreat at Ruffec, you confided six priests that you did not agree with the text of Father de Cacqueray. Moreover, you complained to him about the criticism that cardinal Levada, for 20mn, did to you about that subject. If you gave him the permission to publish it, it was, did you explain, not to look partial, but you personally disapproved of the contents which you considered excessive. Your Excellency, who does use "fundamentally subversive" means? Who is revolutionary? Who does harm the common good of our society?

    On November 9th, 2012 in Paris, we heard a colleague ask you: "I am a member of those who lost confidence! How many lines of conduct are there in the Society now …" You answered: "it is a grave wound. We underwent serious hardships. It will take time." In front of this elusive answer, another prior asked you then: "Do you reject your answer to the three bishops…" Your answer was still vague: "yes, when I read it again, it seems to me that there are some small errors. But in fact to help you to understand, you have to know that this letter is not an answer to their mail, but to difficulties which I had with each of them separately. I have a lot of respect for Bishop Williamson, even admiration for him, he has genius knocks in the combat against Vatican II, it is a big loss for the Society and it is happening at the worst moment…" But who is responsible for the exclusion? In private, you say many things: "I was at war","Rome lies ", but you have never released the slightest official statement to denounce these claimed lies. Recently, about the ultimatum of February 22nd, you supported the lie of the Vatican.

    Your language has become endlessly vague. This ambiguous way of expressing oneself is not praiseworthy as Father Calmel wrote: "I always loathed the soft or elusive expressions, which can be pulled in all directions, which each one is capable of having meant what he wants. And those expressions are in horror to me, as they cover themselves with ecclesiastical authorities. These expressions appear to me a direct insult to the one who said: "I am the Truth … You are the light of the world. Let your word be yes if it is yes, no if it is not … "

    Lord, you and your Assistants were capable of saying everything and its opposite without fear of the ridicule.

    Father Nély, in April 2012 in Toulouse, declared to several priests that "if the doctrinal relations with Rome failed, it is because our theologians were too pushy" but he said to one of these theologians:" you would have been able to be more incisive."

    Yourself, on November 9th, 2012, you asserted us: "I am going to make you laugh, but I really think that us, four bishops, share the same opinions." Whereas six months before, you wrote them: "about the crucial question of the possibility of surviving in the conditions of a recognition of the Society by Rome, we do not arrive at the same conclusion as you."

    In the same retreat conference at Ecône, you declared: "I don’t think that I did not to go against the chapter of 2006 by doing what I did." A short moment after this statement, about the Chapter of 2012: "if it is the Chapter which sets the rules, it is this law which is valid until the next Chapter." When we know that in March 2012, without waiting for the next Chapter, you destroyed the law of that of 2006 (“no practical agreement without doctrinal solution”), we wonder about the sincerity of the comment.

    In Villepreux, one of your brothers in the episcopate invited us "not to dramatize. The tragedy would be to to give up the Faith. One should not ask for a perfection which is not of this world. You should not quibble over these questions. It is necessary to see if the essentials are there or not. "

    It is true, you did not become Mohammedan (1st commandment), you did not take woman (6th commandment), you simply maneuvered the reality (8th commandment). But are the essentials always here when the ambiguities touch the combat of the faith? Nobody asks you for a perfection which is not of this world. We can well conceive that we make a mistake in front of the mystery of iniquity, because even the chosen ones of God could be deceived, but nobody can accept a double language. Certainly, the big denial, predicted by the Holy Writings, can only disturb us. Who can claim to be unhurt from the traps of the devil? But why deceive us? To every sin mercy, of course. But where are the acts which show the conscience, the regret and the repair of the errors?

    You said in front of the priors of France: "I am tired of those quarrels of words". Maybe there lies the problem. Who does prevent you from going to rest at Montgardin and enjoy the joys of hidden life there? Rome always used a clear language. Mgr. Lefebvre too. You too in the past. But today, you maintain a confusion by identifying illegally "the Roman Catholic Church, eternal Rome"and"the official Church, modernist and conciliar Rome". Yet, on no account, you can’t change the nature of our combat. If you do not want to fulfill this mission anymore, you have to, as well as your assistants, give up the responsibility that the Society entrusted you with.

    Well, Father Pfluger says he personally suffers from the canonical irregularity of the Society. He confided a colleague in June 2012 "to have been shaken by the doctrinal discussions". At the end of his conference at Saint Joseph des Carmes, he said in a contemptuous way to whom wanted to hear him: "amazing that there is still some people who do not understand it is necessary to sign!". On April 29th 2012 in Hattersheim, after admitting that "the past events proved that the differences concerning the doctrinal questions cannot be filled", he said that he feared "new excommunications". But how can we be afraid of the excommunication of modernists already excommunicated by the Church?

    At Suresnes, Father Nély, on the occasion of a meal for the benefactors announcing that " the Pope had put an end to the relationship with the Society by asking for the recognition of the Mass and the Vatican II Council" added that "Bishop Felay was on his small cloud, it was impossible to make him get it down again". But did Father Nély not sign the monstrous letter to three bishops too? Was he not "on its small cloud" too when, in Fanjeaux, he declared to the Mother Superior, worried about an ultimatum of Rome: "no, feel reassured, everything goes well with Rome, their canonists help us to prepare the statutes of the prelacy … "

    Can you say, in conscience that you and your assistants assumed your responsibilities? After so many contradictory and harmful comments, how can you be able to claim? Who did harm the authority of the General Superior, yourself and your Assistants? How can you claim to speak about justice after hurting it? "What truth can go out of the mouth of the liar?" (Eccli. 34, 4). Who did sow ill-feeling? Who was subversive by lying? Who did scandalize priests and faithful? Who did mutilate the Society by decreasing its episcopal strength? What can well be a charity without the honor and justice?

    We know that we shall be blamed for not respecting the forms by writing you so publicly. Our answer will then be the one of Father de Foucauld to General Laperrine: "I had believed by entering the religious life that I would have to recommend the sweetness and the humility; in time, I believe that what is mostly lacking, it is Often the dignity and pride." (Letter of December 6th 1915). And what's the use to write you in private when we know that a brave and lucid priest had to wait four years to have a reply from you and it was not to read responses but insults. When a District Superior is still waiting for the acknowledgement of receipt of its letter of seventeen pages sent to the General House, it seems that Menzingen does not have other argument than the voluntarism anymore: "sic volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas ".

    Your Excellency, what we go through the moment is obnoxious. The evangelic righteousness has been lost: the Est est, non, non. The Chapter of 2012 did not clarify at all the situation. Father Faure, a chapter member, recently warned us publicly against "letters and statements of current superiors of the Society these last months"? Another one said to a colleague: "it is necessary to recognize that the Chapter failed. Today it is OK for a free Society in the conciliar Church. I was devastated by the level of reflection of some chapter members. "

    Your interventions and those of your Assistants are shady and let us believe that you operated only a simple strategic recoil.

    At the end of 2011, an assistant with a priest favorable to the agreement had tried to estimate the number of priests, in France, who would refuse an agreement with Rome. Their result: seven. Menzingen was reassured. In March 2012, you said that Mr. Guenois of Le Figaro was a very well informed journalist and that his vision of things was fair. Yet, Mr. Guenois wrote: "whether we want it or not, the pope and Bishop Fellay don’t want a doctrinal but ecclesial agreement ". In May 2012, you told the Superiors of the Benedictines, Dominicans and capuchins: "we know that there will be some breakage, but we will continue till the end". In June the ecclesial agreement was impossible. Nevertheless, in October, 2012, in the priory of Brussels, diocesan priests invited by Father Wailliez showed you their wish to see an agreement between Rome and the Society. You reassured them by these words: "yes, yes, that is going to be soon made"? It was three months after the chapter of July.

    Your Excellency, you have the duty in justice to tell the truth, to repair the lies and to retract the errors.  Do it and everything will be back to normal again. You know how André Avellin, in the XVIth century, became a big saint having been ashamed of a lie which he had committed out of weakness. We simply want that you become a big saint.

    Your Excellency, we do not want you to be the man that deformed and mutilated the Priestly Society of Saint Pius the X.

    Be assured, Your Excellency, of our total loyalty to Archbishop Lefebvre's work,

    February 28th 2013
    37 priests of the SSPX

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #3 on: February 28, 2013, 07:29:33 PM »
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  • Quote from: vincent M
    Here is my translation : I think English-speaking people might well understand it. English is not my mother tong, but French. The SSPX might be at the eve of the biggest earthquake of its history. Funny that this letter is written just when Pope Benedict XVI resigns. The Providence is watching on us and "everything is grace", even when everything seems lost. Regards.

    To Bishop Bernard Fellay

    Your Excellency,

    As you wrote it recently: "the links which unite us are essentially supernatural". However, you rightly reminded us that the requirements of nature must nevertheless not be forgotten. "Grace does not destroy nature". Among these requirements, there is truthfulness. Yet, these last months, we notice that a part of the problems with which we were confronted come from a grave negligence to this virtue (truthfulness).

    Ten years ago, as Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, you said:
    "Never shall I agree to say: "in the Council, if we interpret it well, if we make it match with Tradition, we could find an acceptable sense." Never shall I agree to say that. That would be a lie; it is not allowed to tell a lie, even if it was a question of saving the Church." (Gastines, September 16th, 2012).

    But since then, you changed:
    "The whole Tradition of the catholic faith has to be the criterion and the guide to understand the teachings of the Vatican II Council, which in its turn enlightens certain aspects of the life and the doctrine of the Church, implicitly present in her, not formulated yet. The assertions of the Vatican II Council and of the Papal Magistery relative to the relation between the Roman Catholic Church and the non-Catholic and Christian confessions must be understood in the light of the whole Tradition." (St-Joseph-des-Carmes, June 5th, 2012).

    At Brignoles, in May 2012, you spoke about this docuмent which "suited Rome" but that "will need to be explained to us because there are statements which are so much on the ridge line that if you have an apprehension or following you put dark or pink glasses, you see them as this or that". Since then, you justified your position in the following way:

    "If we can accept to be “condemned" for our rejection of modernism (which is true), we cannot accept being so because we would subscribed to the sedevancantist theses (which is false); it is what led me to draft a "minimalist" text which took into account only one of both statements and which, therefore, could leave misunderstanding in the SSPX." (Corn Unum 102) "Obviously, when I wrote this text, I thought it was clear enough, that I did enough to avoid - how to say? - the ambiguities. But the facts are there; I am well obligated to see that this text had become a text which divided us, us in the Society. I naturally remove it." (Ecône September 7th, 2012).

    You are thus a misunderstood person who, by condescension, remove a very delicate text which narrow spirits were incapable to understand. This version of the facts is skillful but is it fair? Removing a docuмent and retracting a doctrinal error are not formally the same things. Furthermore, to call the sedevancantist "theses" to justify this "minimalist" docuмent which "suited Rome" seems very well out of place, when at the same time, and for more than thirteen years, you let a priest not quote the name of the pope in the canon, confiding him you understand his choice in front of the scandalous signature of a common docuмent between Catholics and Protestants.

    Bishop Tissier de Mallerais confided a colleague that this "Letter of April 14th" should never be published because, according to him, you would be "definitively compromised and probably forced to the resignation." Which confirms Bishop Williamson's charitable warning: "for the glory of God, for the salvation of souls, for the peace of mind of the Society members and for your eternal salvation, you’d better resign than exclude me." (London, October 19th, 2012) Nevertheless, you took it for an open and public provocation.

    But when Bishop de Galarreta declared, on October 13th 2012 at Villepreux this incredible sentence we can hear but not read because La Porte Latine omitted the on-line transcription: "it is almost impossible that the majority of the Superiors of the Society - after frank discussion, complete analysis of all the aspects, all the ins and outs - it is unthinkable that this majority makes a mistake in a prudential material. And if by chance, it happens, too bad anyway,we are going to do what the majority thinks", in Menzingen, the General Secretary, Father Thouvenot, wrote that he "explained the events of June 2012 with recoil and rise".

    How was the Society able to fall so low? Archbishop Lefebvre himself wrote: "in the day of the judgment, God will ask us if we were faithful and not if we obeyed unfaithful authorities. The obedience is a virtue related to the Truth and to God. It is no longer a virtue but a vice if it submits itself to the error and to the evil." (Archbishop Lefebvre, Letter of August 9th, 1986), And Father Berto wrote in 1963: "we have to ‘see further than the end of our noses’, and not imagine that we believe in the Holy Spirit and follow him as far as we believe in the Council ".

    During the conference of November 9th, 2012 in Paris, a prior asked you: "at the end of the priestly retreat, two colleagues accused me of being in revolt against your authority because I showed some satisfaction about the text of Father de Cacqueray against Assisi III. What do you think?" Your answer was: "I ignored that there were such things in the Society. I did ask for this statement (of Father de Cacqueray). Moreover, it was published with my permission. I completely agree with Father de Cacqueray." Yet, during the sisters’ retreat at Ruffec, you confided six priests that you did not agree with the text of Father de Cacqueray. Moreover, you complained to him about the criticism that cardinal Levada, for 20mn, did to you about that subject. If you gave him the permission to publish it, it was, did you explain, not to look partial, but you personally disapproved of the contents which you considered excessive. Your Excellency, who does use "fundamentally subversive" means? Who is revolutionary? Who does harm the common good of our society?

    On November 9th, 2012 in Paris, we heard a colleague ask you: "I am a member of those who lost confidence! How many lines of conduct are there in the Society now …" You answered: "it is a grave wound. We underwent serious hardships. It will take time." In front of this elusive answer, another prior asked you then: "Do you reject your answer to the three bishops…" Your answer was still vague: "yes, when I read it again, it seems to me that there are some small errors. But in fact to help you to understand, you have to know that this letter is not an answer to their mail, but to difficulties which I had with each of them separately. I have a lot of respect for Bishop Williamson, even admiration for him, he has genius knocks in the combat against Vatican II, it is a big loss for the Society and it is happening at the worst moment…" But who is responsible for the exclusion? In private, you say many things: "I was at war","Rome lies ", but you have never released the slightest official statement to denounce these claimed lies. Recently, about the ultimatum of February 22nd, you supported the lie of the Vatican.

    Your language has become endlessly vague. This ambiguous way of expressing oneself is not praiseworthy as Father Calmel wrote: "I always loathed the soft or elusive expressions, which can be pulled in all directions, which each one is capable of having meant what he wants. And those expressions are in horror to me, as they cover themselves with ecclesiastical authorities. These expressions appear to me a direct insult to the one who said: "I am the Truth … You are the light of the world. Let your word be yes if it is yes, no if it is not … "

    Lord, you and your Assistants were capable of saying everything and its opposite without fear of the ridicule.

    Father Nély, in April 2012 in Toulouse, declared to several priests that "if the doctrinal relations with Rome failed, it is because our theologians were too pushy" but he said to one of these theologians:" you would have been able to be more incisive."

    Yourself, on November 9th, 2012, you asserted us: "I am going to make you laugh, but I really think that us, four bishops, share the same opinions." Whereas six months before, you wrote them: "about the crucial question of the possibility of surviving in the conditions of a recognition of the Society by Rome, we do not arrive at the same conclusion as you."

    In the same retreat conference at Ecône, you declared: "I don’t think that I did not to go against the chapter of 2006 by doing what I did." A short moment after this statement, about the Chapter of 2012: "if it is the Chapter which sets the rules, it is this law which is valid until the next Chapter." When we know that in March 2012, without waiting for the next Chapter, you destroyed the law of that of 2006 (“no practical agreement without doctrinal solution”), we wonder about the sincerity of the comment.

    In Villepreux, one of your brothers in the episcopate invited us "not to dramatize. The tragedy would be to to give up the Faith. One should not ask for a perfection which is not of this world. You should not quibble over these questions. It is necessary to see if the essentials are there or not. "

    It is true, you did not become Mohammedan (1st commandment), you did not take woman (6th commandment), you simply maneuvered the reality (8th commandment). But are the essentials always here when the ambiguities touch the combat of the faith? Nobody asks you for a perfection which is not of this world. We can well conceive that we make a mistake in front of the mystery of iniquity, because even the chosen ones of God could be deceived, but nobody can accept a double language. Certainly, the big denial, predicted by the Holy Writings, can only disturb us. Who can claim to be unhurt from the traps of the devil? But why deceive us? To every sin mercy, of course. But where are the acts which show the conscience, the regret and the repair of the errors?

    You said in front of the priors of France: "I am tired of those quarrels of words". Maybe there lies the problem. Who does prevent you from going to rest at Montgardin and enjoy the joys of hidden life there? Rome always used a clear language. Mgr. Lefebvre too. You too in the past. But today, you maintain a confusion by identifying illegally "the Roman Catholic Church, eternal Rome"and"the official Church, modernist and conciliar Rome". Yet, on no account, you can’t change the nature of our combat. If you do not want to fulfill this mission anymore, you have to, as well as your assistants, give up the responsibility that the Society entrusted you with.

    Well, Father Pfluger says he personally suffers from the canonical irregularity of the Society. He confided a colleague in June 2012 "to have been shaken by the doctrinal discussions". At the end of his conference at Saint Joseph des Carmes, he said in a contemptuous way to whom wanted to hear him: "amazing that there is still some people who do not understand it is necessary to sign!". On April 29th 2012 in Hattersheim, after admitting that "the past events proved that the differences concerning the doctrinal questions cannot be filled", he said that he feared "new excommunications". But how can we be afraid of the excommunication of modernists already excommunicated by the Church?

    At Suresnes, Father Nély, on the occasion of a meal for the benefactors announcing that " the Pope had put an end to the relationship with the Society by asking for the recognition of the Mass and the Vatican II Council" added that "Bishop Felay was on his small cloud, it was impossible to make him get it down again". But did Father Nély not sign the monstrous letter to three bishops too? Was he not "on its small cloud" too when, in Fanjeaux, he declared to the Mother Superior, worried about an ultimatum of Rome: "no, feel reassured, everything goes well with Rome, their canonists help us to prepare the statutes of the prelacy … "

    Can you say, in conscience that you and your assistants assumed your responsibilities? After so many contradictory and harmful comments, how can you be able to claim? Who did harm the authority of the General Superior, yourself and your Assistants? How can you claim to speak about justice after hurting it? "What truth can go out of the mouth of the liar?" (Eccli. 34, 4). Who did sow ill-feeling? Who was subversive by lying? Who did scandalize priests and faithful? Who did mutilate the Society by decreasing its episcopal strength? What can well be a charity without the honor and justice?

    We know that we shall be blamed for not respecting the forms by writing you so publicly. Our answer will then be the one of Father de Foucauld to General Laperrine: "I had believed by entering the religious life that I would have to recommend the sweetness and the humility; in time, I believe that what is mostly lacking, it is Often the dignity and pride." (Letter of December 6th 1915). And what's the use to write you in private when we know that a brave and lucid priest had to wait four years to have a reply from you and it was not to read responses but insults. When a District Superior is still waiting for the acknowledgement of receipt of its letter of seventeen pages sent to the General House, it seems that Menzingen does not have other argument than the voluntarism anymore: "sic volo, sic iubeo, sit pro ratione voluntas ".

    Your Excellency, what we go through the moment is obnoxious. The evangelic righteousness has been lost: the Est est, non, non. The Chapter of 2012 did not clarify at all the situation. Father Faure, a chapter member, recently warned us publicly against "letters and statements of current superiors of the Society these last months"? Another one said to a colleague: "it is necessary to recognize that the Chapter failed. Today it is OK for a free Society in the conciliar Church. I was devastated by the level of reflection of some chapter members. "

    Your interventions and those of your Assistants are shady and let us believe that you operated only a simple strategic recoil.

    At the end of 2011, an assistant with a priest favorable to the agreement had tried to estimate the number of priests, in France, who would refuse an agreement with Rome. Their result: seven. Menzingen was reassured. In March 2012, you said that Mr. Guenois of Le Figaro was a very well informed journalist and that his vision of things was fair. Yet, Mr. Guenois wrote: "whether we want it or not, the pope and Bishop Fellay don’t want a doctrinal but ecclesial agreement ". In May 2012, you told the Superiors of the Benedictines, Dominicans and capuchins: "we know that there will be some breakage, but we will continue till the end". In June the ecclesial agreement was impossible. Nevertheless, in October, 2012, in the priory of Brussels, diocesan priests invited by Father Wailliez showed you their wish to see an agreement between Rome and the Society. You reassured them by these words: "yes, yes, that is going to be soon made"? It was three months after the chapter of July.

    Your Excellency, you have the duty in justice to tell the truth, to repair the lies and to retract the errors.  Do it and everything will be back to normal again. You know how André Avellin, in the XVIth century, became a big saint having been ashamed of a lie which he had committed out of weakness. We simply want that you become a big saint.

    Your Excellency, we do not want you to be the man that deformed and mutilated the Priestly Society of Saint Pius the X.

    Be assured, Your Excellency, of our total loyalty to Archbishop Lefebvre's work,

    February 28th 2013
    37 priests of the SSPX

    There is something not right here.

    The 3rd paragraph precedes the 2nd in time, yet it begins "But since then you have changed."

    If the 2nd paragraph was from September, how can the authors cite in the 3rd paragraph another quote from June to assert "Since then you have changed?"

    Hmm... :reporter:
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #4 on: February 28, 2013, 07:44:08 PM »
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  • Excellent work, Vincent! Many thanks. Wish I was a fly on the wall watching as Bishop Fellay reads this letter.

    Offline PAT317

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 07:47:36 PM »
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  • Quote from: Seraphim
    Quote from: vincent M
    Here is my translation : .....

    Ten years ago, as Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, you said:
    "Never shall I agree to say: "in the Council, if we interpret it well, if we make it match with Tradition, we could find an acceptable sense." Never shall I agree to say that. That would be a lie; it is not allowed to tell a lie, even if it was a question of saving the Church." (Gastines, September 16th, 2012).

    But since then, you changed:
    "The whole Tradition of the catholic faith has to be the criterion and the guide to understand the teachings of the Vatican II Council, which in its turn enlightens certain aspects of the life and the doctrine of the Church, implicitly present in her, not formulated yet. The assertions of the Vatican II Council and of the Papal Magistery relative to the relation between the Roman Catholic Church and the non-Catholic and Christian confessions must be understood in the light of the whole Tradition." (St-Joseph-des-Carmes, June 5th, 2012).

    There is something not right here.

    The 3rd paragraph precedes the 2nd in time, yet it begins "But since then you have changed."

    If the 2nd paragraph was from September, how can the authors cite in the 3rd paragraph another quote from June to assert "Since then you have changed?"

    Hmm... :reporter:

    I am guessing the date is wrong, because it says "ten years ago" - so the date should probably read "September 16th, 2002."   :confused1:  The mistake does seem to be in the French original though.  

    Ditto to Seraphia's comment, Vincent!  

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 07:49:06 PM »
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  • Thank you for the translation.
    Please pray for the repose of my soul.

    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #7 on: February 28, 2013, 07:49:33 PM »
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  • Quote from: PAT317
    Quote from: Seraphim
    Quote from: vincent M
    Here is my translation : .....

    Ten years ago, as Bishop Tissier de Mallerais, you said:
    "Never shall I agree to say: "in the Council, if we interpret it well, if we make it match with Tradition, we could find an acceptable sense." Never shall I agree to say that. That would be a lie; it is not allowed to tell a lie, even if it was a question of saving the Church." (Gastines, September 16th, 2012).

    But since then, you changed:
    "The whole Tradition of the catholic faith has to be the criterion and the guide to understand the teachings of the Vatican II Council, which in its turn enlightens certain aspects of the life and the doctrine of the Church, implicitly present in her, not formulated yet. The assertions of the Vatican II Council and of the Papal Magistery relative to the relation between the Roman Catholic Church and the non-Catholic and Christian confessions must be understood in the light of the whole Tradition." (St-Joseph-des-Carmes, June 5th, 2012).

    There is something not right here.

    The 3rd paragraph precedes the 2nd in time, yet it begins "But since then you have changed."

    If the 2nd paragraph was from September, how can the authors cite in the 3rd paragraph another quote from June to assert "Since then you have changed?"

    Hmm... :reporter:

    I am guessing the date is wrong, because it says "ten years ago" - so the date should probably read "September 16th, 2002."   :confused1:  The mistake does seem to be in the French original though.  

    Ditto to Seraphia's comment, Vincent!  

    Excellent observation.

    I am betting you are correct.

    Ps: Well done Vincent!
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

    Offline MaterDominici

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #8 on: February 28, 2013, 07:53:09 PM »
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  • I think the 2nd paragraph was perhaps taken from a docuмent or sermon given in Sept 2012, but the quote was from 10 years ago.
    "I think that Catholicism, that's as sane as people can get."  - Jordan Peterson

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    « Reply #9 on: February 28, 2013, 07:59:23 PM »
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  • Wow- Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention.

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #10 on: February 28, 2013, 07:59:44 PM »
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  • Another ground-breaking docuмent, with the voices of 37 priests entering the fight on the side of Tradition...
    Want to say "thank you"? 
    You can send me a gift from my Amazon wishlist!

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    Offline SeanJohnson

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #11 on: February 28, 2013, 08:01:24 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    Another ground-breaking docuмent, with the voices of 37 priests entering the fight on the side of Tradition...

    Gandalf (Lord of the Rings): "Hope is kindled."
    Rom 5: 20 - "But where sin increased, grace abounded all the more."

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #12 on: February 28, 2013, 08:02:48 PM »
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  • To PAT317, Seraphia and Seraphim, thank you. The 2nd and 3rd paragrahs are faithful to the original text. It is weird in French too. Maybe PAT317 you have the answer. The priests who wrote this letter must probably have the answer to this.

    I am aware that this translation is not perfect : some mistakes here and there when I reread. The translation was made quite quickly I would say. Sorry. Somebody professional will make a better job.

    This letter is amazing to me. I am 31 years old. I have been raised in the SSPX and am currently in France, still attending SSPX masses and still agreeing with most of Archbishop Lefebvre's teachings about the dreadfull crisis of the Church, still going on, and not over at all : a lot of catholics are deceived by the current pope and his conservatism. Nothing has basically changed in Rome, in my opinion. The modernists are still teaching the same errors, impossible to accomodate with the teachings of the true catholic faith. Recently, Cardinal Barbarin of Lyon prayed with muslims in a mosque to release French hostages in Nigeria. Impossible to accept for a catholic. Impossible to be governed by such people, impossible to lean on them.

    I have never seen such divisions among SSPX priests. But in my opinion, it was predictable. I believe, like those priests, that Bishop Fellay doesn't look very convinced by what he says.

    Even if he is a bishop and we owe him respect, by reading his writings and listening to his sermons, there is no enthusiasm on my part.

    I don't know about the future. Even if everything looks lost, generally, this is when God shows his power.

    Now, I go to bed. It's very late at night in France. God bless.

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #13 on: February 28, 2013, 09:27:13 PM »
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  • How does a lay-person go about contacting Bishop Fellay?  I've been told not to bother as he will never see a letter or email from a simple "soul-in-the-pew."  
     St. Francis Xavier threw a Crucifix into the sea, at once calming the waves.  Upon reaching the shore, the Crucifix was returned to him by a crab with a curious cross pattern on its shell.  

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    Letter of 37 french priests to Bp Fellay
    « Reply #14 on: February 28, 2013, 10:40:32 PM »
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  • Thank you, InDominoSperavi for posting this.
    "It is impious to say, 'I respect every religion.' This is as much as to say: I respect the devil as much as God, vice as much as virtue, falsehood as much as truth, dishonesty as much as honesty, Hell as much as Heaven."
    Fr. Michael Muller, The Church and Her Enemies