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« on: January 22, 2019, 10:37:11 AM »
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  • It's Not A Cover-Up: It's An Agenda
    In the second reading today St. Paul tells us, that we have to make the most of our opportunity because the days are evil. We aren't just simply living in days that are evil, we are living in the days that Isaiah spoke about; the days when they will call evil good and good evil. And we have been brainwashed into thinking that evil things are okay. They're not. So from this point forward, what I am about to say is completely politically incorrect, and, you have young ears that you don't want to hear it, you may want to take a fifteen minute walk.
    The Agenda
    In the last couple of weeks, we have heard some pretty unfortunate things. A cardinal of the Church who abused children and young men, and now in Pennsylvania the Grand Jury Report: three hundred-and-one priests violated more than a thousand children. And on top of that, we have the episcopal cover-up. The word episcopal means bishops. So the cover-up by the bishops. And it's not just simply a cover-up. It's an agenda.
    If you listen carefully since 2002 when all of this broke, the bishops keep on coming back to the same point: paedophilia. It’s paedophilia. It’s paedophilia. It’s paedophilia. No it's not. In fact, the John Jay Institute, the group that the bishops themselves hired to look at what was going on came back and said this is a ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ problem. Eighty-six point six percent of all of the abuse cases were on post-pubescent males. And the bishops told them, no, you go back and you rewrite it and you say that it isn't a ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ problem. So they came back and said, well, 86.6% of this is all about post-pubescent males but it's not a ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ problem. Like: really.
    So paedophilia is the violation of pre-pubescent children. Less than three percent of all of these cases were paedophilia.
    Ephebophilia is the violation of post-pubescent children — pederasty particularly; post-pubescent males. That's what we're dealing with here.
    The Distinction
    Now we need to make an important distinction. There are some very, very good people who struggle with a ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ orientation. All of us struggle with different things. That doesn't mean that we're a bad person just because we have certain weaknesses. And the Church recognises that that orientation is not evil. It is the activity which is evil. And so for these men who want to live a good life and are trying to fight against those temptations and the struggles, this is a cross, and it is a huge cross, that they have to carry. In fact, you can think how much God loves these people if He allows them to carry a cross that is that big. It's huge.
    Now, as again we look at our own selves, we can say, all right, there are some people for instance who struggle with alcohol, or people who struggle with pornography. Whatever. If they're really trying to fight against those temptations, these are good people, with a weakness. That's different, for instance, from the drug dealer, or from the guy who is making pornography or the guy who's trafficking the women or something, those people are pigs. The guy who is struggling and trying to live a good life, is a good person with a weaknessAnd that's the distinction that we need to keep in mind.
    And so the Church is very clear that for men with a deep-seated ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ tendency that they are not to go to the seminary. That's not because the Church is being discriminatory or hates these people. But rather because the same principle, if you look at it and say, would you take somebody who is struggling with an alcohol addiction to a bar. It's a point of temptation. We don't allow men into women's convents because it's not going to be long before somebody's gonna be having problems. And that's what the Church is looking at to say this is not good.
    Go back to when I was in college seminary. I was having a conversation with another seminarian. In the midst of the conversation he looked at me and said, "Would you ever consider taking a shower in the women's locker room?" I said, "Certainly not." He said, "Well why not?’" I said, "Well, the temptations and the problems..." He goes, "That’s right! Now you know what I have to go through when I go into a men's locker room." And I thought, oh my goodness. Yuck. This is why the Church says even for these good men who are struggling and trying to overcome this, we don't want to put them in a point of temptation.
    The Infiltration
    So those are not the people that we're having a problem with. The people that we're having a problem with come from two different groups And, understand, there is an intentional and malicious infiltration of the Church for the purpose of destroying Her from within. This is what you need to understand.
    When I was in the seminary, it was one of the worst seminaries in the nation. In 1983 is when our seminary was at its absolute worst. I started there in ’85. It was getting slightly better. But these people were so arrogant. I should point out when I was in the seminary if you were not ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ or radical feminist, you were in big trouble. One of the professors actually was arrogant enough to stand up in front of the class and say, 'Martin Luther had the right idea. But he did it the wrong way. He left the Church. You can't change the Church from the outside. You can only change it from the inside. So we're not leaving.'
    So these are people with an agenda, and what are the two groups? The two groups are: number one, a group of predatory ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs. They started their infiltration of the Church in 1924. You want to look it up? There is a book called The ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ Network written in 1982, so this is twenty years before all of this stuff hit. A man named [Fr.] Enrique Rueda looked at all of this, studied all of their own publications they were publishing every year, the number of seminarians, priests and bishops they had. He traced it back to when they started. It began in 1924.
    And then five years later, in 1929 the Communists began their infiltration of the priesthood. And the two groups did exactly the same thing. You want to read about the Communist one? There's a woman by the name of Bella Dodd, who was a deep-seated Communist who got out of Communism and converted to the Faith. She testified before Congress in 1953. In that testimony, she said that we got the instructions from the Kremlin in 1929 as to what we were to do. And she said, we were to take the best and the brightest, the guys who were smart enough to live a double-life. Good-looking guys who were sociable so that they would be noticed by their bishops and they would get promoted. They would become vocation directors, they would become bishops, they would become rectors of seminaries, they would have influential positions. And she said, we were successful beyond our wildest imagination. She said, "I am personally responsible for more than twelve hundred seminarians, priests and bishops." And in 1953, mind you again now they started in ’29 — in 1953 she said, "We already have four cardinals in the Vatican." That was 1953. It's way worse today.
    So we have these two groups. If you want to read about her, she wrote a book called School of Darkness. That was published in 1954. You want to understand why all of the promotion, the propaganda, the agenda? Then go back and read another book, it was written in 1932 by a man named William Foster.
    William Foster ran for the President of the United States in 1924, 1928 and 1932 for the Communist Party USA. In 1932 he wrote a book called, Toward Soviet America. And in that book he said, "We aren't being able to get to the Americans because of three things: their morality, their family, and their patriotism." And he said, "So the way that we are going to attack these three things, is through ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity and radical feminism." They have been extraordinarily successful.
    So what are we dealing with? We're dealing with a group of predatory ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖs who became priests, not to serve the Church, but to destroy her from within.
    In this, they are at every level. There's an article that just came out from the Catholic Register, in which six priests from the Newark diocese were interviewed, and they spoke about the ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ network in their diocese. It's in all of them, not just in Newark. They cover up for one another. They share their victims with one another. They do all kinds of horrible things. It is so widespread now that there is actually talk on the federal level of using the RICO [racketeering] laws against the Church, because of this kind of nonsense that's been going on.
    The Silence
    And people ask: 'Why don’t the good priests speak up?' I was talking to a friend of mine the other day. He looked at me and he said I've known about this for fifty years and you've known about it for forty years. Yep. It's about time it's comin' out.
    So why didn't somebody speak up?
    Number one: if I would have stood here even a couple of years ago would you believe what I'm telling you?
    Number two: who were we supposed to go to? It was at everysinglelevel, all the way to the top. If you wanted to be ordained a priest you couldn't say a word. And even as a priest, you can't. Again, these [Newark] priests that were interviewed in the Catholic Register were interviewed only because of anonymity. They required anonymity because they were afraid of what was going to happen to them if the bishops and the people, the chancery found out, who it was that spoke. These people have that, muchpower. And so we need to realise that.
    So, again, just to tell you one quick story about how bad things were. When I was in the seminary, when they would put up their Communist propaganda, I would rip it down. And every time I would do that there would be an announcement: "Whoever's taking the notices off the bulletin board..." When I would put up a notice that says we're going to pray the rosary that would get torn down immediately and there was never anything said.
    Now, having said that, thankfully, the seminary today is way, way better than it was. These young guys are not having to deal with this trash. But that was the climate at the time.
    The Filth
    Now, if we just use the McCarrick situation since that's been in the news, everyone is disgusted with what this man did to boys and to young men, and rightly so. But anybody by the way who thinks that all of this is just great, they're such nice people and they are no different, look at what McCarrick did. That is what predatory ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖity looks like. These are not 'nice people' who are just like everybody else. But as disgusting as all that is, think about the fact that this man was in the pulpit for fifty years. He sat in the confessional. He was in a bishop's office making decisions about priest lives, about diocesan finances, about the direction of the diocese, and so on. He served on Vatican commissions. He was a consultant to the Vatican. He made lots of bishops.
    What kind of advice do you think somebody struggling with some sɛҳuąƖ problem in the confessional would have gotten from somebody like this? What kind of men do you think might have been elevated to be bishops by somebody like this? You now understand why all that we get is fluff and stuff instead of good homilies. You understand why the moral problems in the dioceses of the world aren't being addressed. That's what it's about. Where is the doctrinal integrity? Where's the moral teaching? If somebody's not living it they're not going to teach it.
    The Purification
    Now, there are — after this Grand Jury Report came out a few days ago from Pennsylvania — there are several more states already talking about doing their own Grand Jury investigation. It'll probably go all over the place, so I say that to simply say there's going to be more in the news coming up. And as sad as this is, we need to recognise that it is actually something very good. It is the purification of the Church. And that is going to lead ultimately to her crucifixion.
    Not many are going to remain faithful unfortunately. But when we look at it and say, 'Well, if this is what's going on in the Church, what are we supposed to do?' — we're supposed to look at Jesus and say exactly what St. Peter said, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." Jesus founded one Church. And that one Church is the only institution in the world for the salvation of souls. It was founded for that purpose and it will remain till the end of the world, for that purpose.
    I have spoken with a number of people in the last week or two about what's going on, prayerful holy people, and they have all concurred on the same point. Our Lady's work has finally begun. Praise God. She gave the bishops sixteen years to clean up this mess. And they did nothing. Now, we're hearing from the bishops the same exact thing that we heard back in 2002. 'Oh, we need more policies and we need to do...' Nonsense. We need action, we don't need more policies. But — nobody's listening. It's too late. The bishops are even admitting that they have lost all of their moral authority. Nobody trusts them anymore which is really sad because we do have some really good bishops. And they're going to get lumped in the same group.
    But remember that our faith is not in priests. It is not in bishops or cardinals. It is not even in the pope. Our faith is in Jesus Christ. Period. And we need to keep our focus on Jesus. He is the one who founded the Church. He is the one who promised the gates of hell would not prevail against her.
    So this is a time of trial for the Church. And the Church is going to appear to be destroyed. The Church is Jesus Christ. Look at what happened to Jesus. His apostles had to make a decision. Were they going to remain faithful, all the way up to Calvary, or were they going to run away? You and I now have to make that same decision. Are we going to remain faithful or are we going to run away?
    What we're going through, what we're just beginning, is like a mum with a teenage kid. The mum has told the kid 'clean your room, clean your room, clean your room, clean your room' and they didn't do it. Finally, mum gets tired, grabs a garbage bag and heads toward the teenager's room. At that point the kid panics but it's too late. There's no stopping mum once she starts for that room. And the kid starts out by despairing, thinking mum's going to throw everything away. When it's all done the kid is actually really happy. The room is immaculate. That's what's going to happen.
    I've been telling people for twenty years, that back two thousand years ago Jesus cleaned out the Temple but he did it like a man. He picked up the big stuff in the middle of the room. This time he's sending his mum, and she's going to clean like a woman. There won't be a cobweb left, and there will be no dust even in the corners. She's going to clean the house and it's going to be beautiful. But, it's not going to be pleasant getting there. The resurrection will happen only after the crucifixion. And are we going to remain faithful?
    The Double Standard
    So what has happened, and what is happening, is horrible, is tragic, it's disgusting, put whatever other adjective you want to put in there, to try and describe it, but actually in the Church it's not even the worst.
    Depending on which study you read [about] public schools, anywhere between four and eight out of every ten kids is violated somewhere in their thirteen years in public schools by a teacher. That's all being covered-up too. So you'll notice that the media, the politicians, the educators, they're all focused on the Church because they're trying to keep the focus off of themselves.
    That's okay, because you know what? Read the first letter of St. Peter, he says, 'The purification begins in the house of God.' And he said if this is what happens in the house of God, what's going to happen when it goes outside of the house of God? It's all going down. It just starts in the Church. Praise God. Because it needs to be cleaned up. Our Mother is going to clean the house, and she has begun that work.
    The Opportunity
    Our Lady of Fatima spoke about the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart. And after that Triumph she said there will be a long period of peace and unprecedented growth for the Church. So that's what's coming. It is not a point of despair. It is not something we should run away from. We need to remain faithful. We need to continue to pray and we need to fast because our Lord told us this kind of demon, only prayer and fasting is going to be able to get rid of it.
    So that's a choice we all have to make. We're gonna go through some hard times but we have that resurrection, that Triumph of our Lady's Immaculate Heart. So all I can tell you is: no matter what happens, remain faithful to Jesus. It is just that simple.
    St. Louis de Montfort told us that in these times, the latter times he said, God is going to raise up the greatest saints that we've ever seen. Even to the point, he said, that those saints will tower over the saints of the past the way that a cedar of Lebanon towers over a shrub. Think about some of the great saints we have and they're going to look like shrubscompared to what's coming. And you can be one of those saints. There is no reason why you can't.
    So that's when we again put it in the context of what St. Paul said in the second reading today: This is making the best out of the situation. The times are evil so make the best of your opportunity, he said. Remain faithful to Jesus all the way to the crucifixion and become a great saint.