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Author Topic: Eleison Comments - REMARKABLE MESSAGES – III Issue DCCCLXXVI (877)  (Read 876 times)

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Eleison Comments Issue DCCCLXXVII (877)
May 4, 2024

Man scorning God has made our world such a mess 
As God alone can solve, and nobody less.

The third in the series of Messages coming to us from Heaven earlier this year through the little Mission of Divine Mercy in backwoods Texas, is addressed by God the Father again, but this time “to His faithful priests.” The contents stand in marked contrast to the tremendous accusations which He levelled against the bishops and priests of Vatican II in His Second Message – see these “Comments” of last week, EC 876, April 27. Both the Second and Third Messages are particularly relevant to our own dramatic times, highlighting the special good and evil that come from bishops and priests. At Akita in 1973 Our Lady’s solution to all the world’s ills was the Rosary, prayed “for the Pope, for bishops and for priests.” Read on. 

March 1st & 2nd: Write, My daughter, for My faithful Priests. Write for My sons who have kept My Word – My Jesus – as the centre of their being: who imitate My Jesus in His Obedience, in His Offering, in His Love and Trust in His Father. You have clothed yourselves with My Jesus and as such I see you. My faithful sons, keeping watch – tireless watch over My little ones. Help them with your prayers and your sacrifice – the daily offering of yourselves with My Jesus on the Altar. The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Most Holy Offering of My Jesus out of love for Me – and you. The Offering you unite yourselves to. The Offering that I take into My Heart and through which I pour out Mercy and Grace upon My parched people. 

Do you see, My sons, why then there are incessant attacks on this Holy Sacrifice? Why the enemy must destroy It at all costs? Why he works tirelessly to subvert It? And not being able to destroy It in Itself – for he has already been vanquished by It – he must destroy those in whose hands I have placed this Offering: you, My Priests. You see the attacks on My Most Holy Sacrament, the True Presence of My Jesus – with what disdain and disrespect He is treated, abused. You see how these attacks destroy FAITH in the hearts of My children, who no longer believe My Jesus, no longer recognize Him. You see how when FAITH is extinguished, idolatry and despair take possession of the soul. 

You see, My sons, bulwark after bulwark falling, being destroyed. You see the hordes of demons attacking My children. The order I established in My Church for the good of all My children is under siege, My sons. You have experienced the consequences of this siege and the confusion it causes. The terrible, terrible confusion it has brought about. When a mission separates itself from the TRUTH, from Me, it ceases to be useful, and by not remaining in the TRUTH, it becomes an anti-mission. An obstacle. My sons, do you see now what is taking place in My Church? HOW MANY MISSIONS HAVE BEEN SUBVERTED? HOW MANY HAVE THE APPEARANCE OF BEING MINE, BUT ARE IMPOSTORS?

We – you and I – have been in this battle for a long, long time. Warding off constantly the attacks of the Ancient Serpent, the great Accuser. But the battle that looms now, My sons, is far greater, far subtler, far, far more dangerous. And it is why I have reserved Grace upon Grace for these times. My enemy – our enemy – thinks he has the victory in his hand, he sees the destruction and deception he has caused. He is so pleased with himself that his pride blinds him. My sons, I will send My Truth as the great Sign, as the great Light to enlighten the consciences of My children, so that they may see how I see each of you. When I act thus – in an instant, reaching from one end of the world to the other – your Priesthood will become a tremendous pillar and refuge for My children, who will come to you in multitude after multitude to receive My forgiveness and Mercy through you. My sons, ready yourselves. I AM COMING. 

Kyrie eleison. 

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  • My enemy – our enemy – thinks he has the victory in his hand, he sees the destruction and deception he has caused. He is so pleased with himself that his pride blinds him. My sons, I will send My Truth as the great Sign, as the great Light to enlighten the consciences of My children, so that they may see how I see each of you.

    So, once again, the great "Illumination of Consciences" ... ala Garabandal (which is obviously a diabolical manifestation), as well as Medjugorje (a blatant fraud).

    Offline MaterDominici

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  • So, once again, the great "Illumination of Consciences" ... ala Garabandal (which is obviously a diabolical manifestation), as well as Medjugorje (a blatant fraud).
    If this is a recurring theme, how many years have we been waiting for it to happen?

    This group built a structure for all of the pilgrims to be headed their way soon. I hope it's well-built as the time frame seems to be generations rather than months/years.
    "I think that Catholicism, that's as sane as people can get."  - Jordan Peterson

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  • Still no mention of the elephant in the room, the Traditional Movement. Odd that "Our Lady" wouldn't mention that at all, since this is the first apparition since the Movement began.

    It would be like writing to someone in the Middle East (from America) for years, then World War 3 breaks out and nukes start dropping all over the Middle East (and the Middle East only, let's say, for the sake of argument). Electricity and modern comforts become a thing of the past. Eventually, the survivors regroup and eventually a primitive mail service resumes. About this time you send your penpal a letter -- its content being exactly like the good old days, but completely fail to address the recent APOCALYPSE in the Middle East. Wouldn't that be ridiculous? 
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  • Still no mention of the elephant in the room, the Traditional Movement. Odd that "Our Lady" wouldn't mention that at all, since this is the first apparition since the Movement began.

    You'll notice that the recurring themes of Garabandal, Akita, and now this one is that it's bad "bishops", bad "priests" ... without even a token mention of "bad pope" (or, as some of us believe, non-pope or Antipopes) or the Robber Council (or, again, non-Council) Vatican II.  Meanwhile, it's quite clear that the Third Secret referred to the papacy, as Cardinal Ciappi stated that it deals with an apostasy that "begins at the top".

    Those private revelations that are legitimately preternatural (and not just outright fabrications of human invention, which is why I don't even mention Medjugorge) and that fail to mention or even hint at the apostasy from Rome, Vatican II, etc. ... are IMO diabolical frauds, meant to distract from the actual message from Fatima.  And the very timing of Garabandal is highly suspicious, coming shortly after the consternation that arose in the Catholic world over Roncalli's refusal to divulge the Third Secret (likely because it exposed his plans).  While the Third Secret deal with an apostasy that begins "at the top," Garbandal reduced it to bad bishops, bad priests, etc. ... without even a hint at the root cause, bad popes (or non-popes).  There's a subtle implied message of "remain faithful to the popes".

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  • Here's a summary given by one proponent of Garabandal:
    When Our Lady appeared at Garabandal (more than 2000 times) at this time, she wanted to tell us that she was worried about everything that could happen to the Church of that time. The reforms of the Second Vatican Council had a plausible justification, but there were some elements of the same Church who took advantage of this reform to distance themselves from the true doctrine of the Church. In this way, small groups of discord within the Church were created in relation to certain subjects. As a consequence, the Eucharist no longer had the importance it had a few years ago. Some groups in the Church have been very concerned about "modernizing" the Church and its teachings, so some of the fundamental concepts of this doctrine have ceased to be touched, because they are too annoying or "old-fashioned". This was the concern of Our Lady when she appeared in Garabandal at the time of this Council. She had concern for the lives of her favorite children, the priests. And quite rightly, because a priest has a greater responsibility for being a priest. If he does not conduct serious conduct in his priestly life, many souls will also be lost and thus turn away from God. Jesus instituted the priesthood on Holy Thursday, and empowered the priests to give living testimony of Him on the Earth to all the inhabitants of this planet.

    It's about groups that were unfaithful to the "true meaning" of Vatican II, which implicitly would include Traditional Catholics.  No mention whatsoever about the inherently harmful Council and the bad popes or bastardized Mass, even though these alleged apparitions were taking place during the Council.  Garabandal was engineered by the devil to distract from the true message in the Third Secret and fill a vacuum left by Roncalli's refusal to divulge its contents.

    Implicit in the message is the need to remain "faithful to the pope [sic]" and it implicitly rejects Traditional Catholicism.

    Even on a natural level, Garabandal is an epic fail, with multiple failed "prophecies", not to mention the clearly diabolical phenomena such as the children running bizarrely backwards up hills (devil can't help himself with the backwards and upside-down inversions).

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  • If this is a recurring theme, how many years have we been waiting for it to happen?

    This group built a structure for all of the pilgrims to be headed their way soon. I hope it's well-built as the time frame seems to be generations rather than months/years.

    Indeed.  Claims that this "Illumination" was mentioned by Edmund Campion and Anna Maria Taigi have been exposed as fabrications/falsehoods.

    Of course, what the devil would accomplish with this is to engender a complacency that people can go on living their sinful lives, until they're given a last-minute warning and opportunity to convert.  Reminds me of those in the early Church who postponed their Baptism until their death beds so they didn't have to abide by the Church's moral law.  Many of these were cut down by surprise.  Any one of us could meet our own judgment at any given time, and it would be contrary to God's intentions to suggest that he would allow them to remain complacent in sin while awaiting a last-second reprieve.

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  • Speaking of fake messages/devotions, did anyone else's priest speak about the Divine Mercy devotion and Sister Kowalska at mass recently?  Mine did yesterday and it was very good.  Even though this topic has come up in the forums, I never cared because I don't have a tendency to focus on these sorts of things.  I learned quite a bit, including the fact that it was originally banned by the Church in 1959 only to be resurrected in 1978 by none other than JPII when he was Bishop of Krakow.
    Revenge not yourselves, my dearly beloved; but give place unto wrath, for it is written: Revenge is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord. (Romans 12:19)

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  • Quote
    So, once again, the great "Illumination of Consciences" ... ala Garabandal (which is obviously a diabolical manifestation), as well as Medjugorje (a blatant fraud).
    Yes, I thought the same thing.  In the Divine Order of things, if God wishes to grant mercy and "wake up" a lazy conscience, He usually uses a Saint, priest, bishop or Pope (by way of a sermon or a spiritual book)...or a parent or superior will admonish the sinner...or through prayer, especially the Rosary.

    This "illumination of consciences" (notice the luciferian imagery) seems to happen outside of the Church's power and authority.  And it will happen to everyone, whether Catholic or not, whether they pray or not, whether they even believe in God or not.  Very odd.  That's not how God works.

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  • It seems to me that most of these modern day apparitions place the blame mostly on bad bishops and priests but lack focus on sin and personal sin of the everyday layman.  Our Lady at Fatima highlighted our basic Catholic doctrine such as,  heaven, hell, purgatory, the Blessed Trinity,  the blessed Sacrament and so on.  She focused on sin with a warning to all to stop offending God.
    Yes, we have bad and evil leaders but as the saying goes, we get the leaders we deserve.

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    Re: Eleison Comments - REMARKABLE MESSAGES – III Issue DCCCLXXVI (877)
    « Reply #10 on: May 06, 2024, 09:15:03 AM »
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  • Yes, I agree with the other comments in this thread.  All of these "Illumination" apparitions always give me that instinctive uneasy feeling.  Bp. Williamson once asked me in seminary what I thought of Garabandal, and I told him what little I knew of the apparition gave me a certain uneasy feeling.  I told him that the children running backwards at near full speed seems a little inverted, almost demonic.  I could tell that he was a little dismayed that I was not on board with Garabandal.    
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    Offline Pax Vobis

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    Re: Eleison Comments - REMARKABLE MESSAGES – III Issue DCCCLXXVI (877)
    « Reply #11 on: May 06, 2024, 09:21:26 AM »
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  • Quote
    All of these "Illumination" apparitions always give me that instinctive uneasy feeling.
    Totally agree.  And why would God give the world an "illumination" of conscience, BEFORE Russia is consecrated to His Holy Mother?  Doesn't such an illumination contradict the entire purpose/message of Fatima?  Our Lady said the world will convert through Russia, not because of some illumination.  The world will convert through a holy pope and the graces from the Church, and the prayers of the Rosary (which she requested at Fatima for sinners), not because of some illumination.

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    Re: Eleison Comments - REMARKABLE MESSAGES – III Issue DCCCLXXVI (877)
    « Reply #12 on: May 06, 2024, 10:53:57 AM »
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  • I could tell that he was a little dismayed that I was not on board with Garabandal.   

    Might the takeaway then be that Bp. W. is one of those who is under ongoing subtle attack, and all the more reason to pray for him. 
    Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you, all things pass away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things. He who has God finds he lacks nothing; God alone suffices. - St. Teresa of Jesus