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Traditional Catholic Faith => SSPX Resistance News => Topic started by: Kelley on July 19, 2013, 08:23:20 PM

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Kelley on July 19, 2013, 08:23:20 PM
Number CCCXIV (314)   20 July 2013


Nearly 20 years ago, a certain bishop of the Society of St Pius X showed that it was possible to foresee the betrayal of Archbishop Lefebvre’s SSPX which nearly happened in 2009 and 2012, and which still risks happening. Disturbed by the self-admiration and lack of seriousness which he had observed at the SSPX’s recent elective General Chapter, here is a summary (with a few direct quotes) of what he said in the Society’s house in Le Brémien, France, on 17 July, 1994 (See on the Internet: Un évêque s’est levé le Brémien, and you should find the original text in French).

It would be nice to be able to say that in the SSPX we are opening houses everywhere, we are building, we are entering new countries, we have vocations, that everybody is nice and sweet and young and enthusiastic, that we have four bishops, and so on. “But why should the SSPX have any special protection against the forces unleashed today which have swept away thousands of excellent bishops and priests in the mainstream Church ? (...) What are the Society’s qualities, what are its guarantees?” Youth, oh yes, youth is nice, good-looking, physically strong, but what about age, experience and the wisdom of years? How can youth be expected to be wise?

In the 1950s and 1960s the Church appeared to be in good health, heroically resisting the onset of the post-war world. In England and the USA, there were huge numbers of conversions each year, so that the world could seem to be on the point of converting to the Catholic faith. But what happened? Exactly the opposite. With Vatican II, the truth stopped fighting and the Catholic Church surrendered to the modern world.

So let me give you a parallel scenario for the Society. In the 1990s this lovely little Society with all its marvelous little priests is heroically resisting the failings and betrayals of the official Church. There are conversions, and people are realizing that the new Church is false and non-functional, but just when the official Church seems to be on the point of surrendering, what might we see? I do not say we shall see it, but what might we see? The Society surrendering and going over to the official Church. If the Universal Church could collapse, why not all the more a tiny Society?

And here is another consideration. Before Vatican II every Catholic Order and Society had above it the Congregations of the Roman Curia so that “if something went wrong in a Society, not excluding a failure on the part of its leaders, something always humanly possible, then one could always appeal to Rome and Rome could intervene. In olden days it would generally intervene for the best, whereas today it generally intervenes for the worst, so now “it is better not to be under Rome, but watch out, there is a price to be paid, namely that there is nobody above us, and so our General Council, our little Superior-General, are the ceiling! Danger!” The Society is thrown back on its own resources. Now Archbishop Lefebvre was 65 years old when he founded the Society. But how many old men with long experience does the Society have in 1994?

In brief why should the Society be spared the problems of the Universal Church? I do not want the Society to break up, and please God, I shall do nothing to help it do so, but I can only say I would not be surprised if it did break up. God may preserve it, but He may also allow it to go the way of all flesh, to make us realize how little we are capable of by ourselves. We need wisdom, and special help from God.

Kyrie Eleison.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 19, 2013, 08:27:38 PM

. . . . . . . . .  :applause: . . . . . . . . :applause: . . . . . . . :applause: . . . . . .  :incense:

And the name of that bishop was...................................... :scratchchin:

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 19, 2013, 08:52:16 PM
The French websites ( have a lot more color and splash, no?

Un évêque s'est levé!

Forum Catholique Traditionnel



"Les faux prophètes" Sermon de l'abbé Xavier Beauvais


Hommage à Mgr Williamson en l'honneur du jubilé de son sacre épiscopal il y a 25 ans!


Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: s2srea on July 19, 2013, 09:10:59 PM
Quote from: Kelley
( I do not want the Society to break up, and please God, I shall do nothing to help it do so, but I can only say I would not be surprised if it did break up. God may preserve it, but He may also allow it to go the way of all flesh, to make us realize how little we are capable of by ourselves. We need wisdom, and special help from God.

Kyrie Eleison.

A more noble man exists not. God bless you Bishop Williamson!
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Viva Cristo Rey on July 19, 2013, 09:17:27 PM
God Bless Bishop Williamson.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Frances on July 20, 2013, 12:28:47 AM
 :incense: :confused1:------Who's that bishop?  

 :dancing-banana:-------You're funny, Bp. Williamson!
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Charlotte NC Bill on July 20, 2013, 07:14:10 AM
In my heart I've left the SSPX...and I won't be back until:
1. the SSPX ( Bp Fellay-Max Krah owner-operator ) apologizes to Bp Williamson.
2. the SSPX welcomes back all the truth-telling expelled priests.
3. the SSPX stops wasting $$ on a new seminary which, the more they talk about it, soiunds like a new seminary for a new type ( or brand? ) of SSPX priest.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Adolphus on July 20, 2013, 09:24:39 AM
Quote from: Charlotte NC Bill
In my heart I've left the SSPX...and I won't be back until:
1. the SSPX ( Bp Fellay-Max Krah owner-operator ) apologizes to Bp Williamson.
2. the SSPX welcomes back all the truth-telling expelled priests.
3. the SSPX stops wasting $$ on a new seminary which, the more they talk about it, soiunds like a new seminary for a new type ( or brand? ) of SSPX priest.

I would add (and put it in the first place):

1. The SSPX recognizes the authorities' lies and deceptions and apologizes for their effects.  This includes of course the supposed benefits obtained by the Rosary crusades, the preconditions which supposedly were met, the attribution to the Most Holy Virgin Mary of two docuмents which go against the truth and justice...
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Marlelar on July 20, 2013, 04:05:49 PM
Now Archbishop Lefebvre was 65 years old when he founded the Society. But how many old men with long experience does the Society have in 1994?

This is a good question for today also, I'd never thought about the age of the priests.

In Phx all the priests are young.  When I was in Goldsboro, NC the rotating priests were mostly middle age.

I wonder how many priests there are w/over 25 years experience?

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Frances on July 20, 2013, 06:17:37 PM
 :really-mad2:It seems to me the SSPX expels, exiles, silences, side-lines older priests and gives authority to the young and inexperienced.  Perhaps the powers in Menzingen believe this a good way to keep control.  What would happen to a commercial corporation run on this model?
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 20, 2013, 06:31:44 PM

Frances, it's no small wonder the Dutch re-branding team thought that
HEBF had a bad rep from the get-go.  His M.O. is, he's in a REALLY BIG
HURRY to update the Society before he runs out of time.  Therefore,
he's whacking out the 'old school' element and throwing in the new
blood ASAP to get his transformations into high gear before the fuel
runs out.  This is an INSANE RACE TO DESTRUCTION but HEBF doesn't
see it that way.  He's an amateur swimmer in the IronMan Triathlon®,
and he's trying to cheat his way to the finish line.

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Unbrandable on July 20, 2013, 08:55:39 PM
Quote from: Frances
:really-mad2:It seems to me the SSPX expels, exiles, silences, side-lines older priests and gives authority to the young and inexperienced.  Perhaps the powers in Menzingen believe this a good way to keep control.  What would happen to a commercial corporation run on this model?

And these young priests, placed at the heads of priories, make many mistakes (due to their inexperience), are transferred when their term is up, and the people in that parish have to live with the mistakes they made.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 20, 2013, 09:03:18 PM
+Fellay wasn't qualified for SG when he was elected, either.

He had NO EXPERIENCE as head of a priory, pastor of a
parish, professor in seminary or even as a lousy District
Superior.  All he had ever been was BURSAR.  So he was
keeping track of money.  Big deal.  Now we see how his
inexperience has become a DISASTER and we ALL can

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 12:54:07 PM

Post (
Quote from: Clint

Fr. John Vianney says that the devil stated to him:

"How thou makest me suffer!  If there were 3 men on earth like thyself, my kingdom would be destroyed."

Imagine, if there were three bishops who communicated like Bp. Williamson.

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 01:52:33 PM
Quote from: H.E. Williamson

... If the Universal Church could collapse, why not all the more a tiny Society?

And here is another consideration. Before Vatican II every Catholic Order and Society had above it the Congregations of the Roman Curia so that, “If something went wrong in a Society, not excluding a failure on the part of its leaders, something always humanly possible, then one could always appeal to Rome and Rome could intervene.” In olden days it would generally intervene for the best, whereas today it generally intervenes for the worst, so that now, “It is better not to be under Rome, but watch out, there is a price to be paid, namely that there is nobody above us, and so our General Council, our little Superior-General, are the ceiling! Danger!”

The Society is thrown back on its own resources. Now - Archbishop Lefebvre was 65 years old when he founded the Society. But how many old men with long experience does the Society have in 1994?

In brief:  Why should the Society be spared the problems of the Universal Church? I do not want the Society to break up, and please God, I shall do nothing to help it do so, but I can only say I would not be surprised if it did break up. God may preserve it, but He may also allow it to go the way of all flesh, to make us realize how little we are capable of by ourselves. We need wisdom, and special help from God.

Kyrie Eleison.


Post (
Quote from: Sunbeam
Here is another short commentary from Fr Basilio Meramo touching upon the subject of this thread.

While Sunbeam specifically refers to a different thread, not surprisingly,
its subject is not dissimilar to the current one.

Allowance needs to be made for the facts, firstly that Fr Meramo writes in a satirical style using metaphors that invite reflection, and secondly that the French (at least as it appears to me) is a rather stilted translation from the original Portuguese.


On sait, à présent, pour quelle raison Monseigneur Fellay a dit et affirmé – sans que s’y arrêtent la plupart des clercs, y compris les trois autres évêques (qui ne s’opposent que médiocrement à lui), et des fidèles – qu’il acceptait le concile Vatican II à 95%, aussi inouï que cela puisse paraître. Si on le sait, c’est parce que Mgr Fellay le montre par son va-et-vient dialectique (ou sa danse macabre) en disant qu’on ne doit pas voir une super-hérésie dans le concile Vatican II, alors même que toute la révolution liturgique, morale et doctrinale repose sur ledit concile (cf. sa lettre aux trois évêques du 14 avril dernier).

Ainsi que le déclare en outre notre gourou éclairé par la lumière divine, celle-ci fait voir (révèle) à son âme mystique que l’on a exagéré en imputant à Vatican II les erreurs dues à l’interprétation et à l’application erronées du Concile, ce qu’ont toujours dit le cardinal moderniste Ratzinger et presque toute la mouvance mi-libérale, mi-conservatrice, mais qu’a toujours nié Monseigneur Lefebvre, car les erreurs en question sont dues non pas aux mauvaises interprétations du Concile, mais au Concile lui-même.

Ces deux années de conversations et de dialogues axées sur la recherche d’un accord montrent à présent leurs effets dans l’encéphale comprimé de Monseigneur Fellay, qui parvient aujourd’hui à voir et à comprendre ce qui était auparavant inaccessible aux neurones engourdis de sa masse cérébrale, mais qui – passée cette période de dialogue doctrinal – allume l’étincelle l’illuminant désormais, à savoir que ce que d’aucuns dénoncent comme étant les erreurs du Concile provient en réalité d’une incompréhension de celui-ci. EUREKA, s’est exclamé Archimède ! Encore heureux qu’il ait pensé à sortir de l’eau malgré l’extase où l’avait plongé sa découverte…

Et comme si cela ne suffisait pas, il avance une troisième raison qui le conforte un peu plus encore dans sa position suggérée par la grâce de Dieu : il y a des choses plus importantes que le très controversé Vatican II, cette pomme de discorde du Jardin d’Éden (à moins que ce ne soit son succédané suisse, la pomme de Guillaume Tell). En effet, l’Église a des problèmes encore plus graves à résoudre, et nous sommes avant tout les enfants de l’Église, non ceux de la Résistance au Concile.

On perçoit aujourd’hui la dialectique de constant va-et-vient (le double langage) qu’emploie Monseigneur Fellay, cette marionnette mue par des fils invisibles au bout desquels elle se livre à sa danse macabre. Et il menace ou fait décapiter quiconque ne suit pas le rythme de sa mélodieuse musique, car comme le joueur de flûte de Hamelin, il entraîne des rats dans la rivière, où ils se noient.

Ainsi le voit-on exclure des ordinations et du Chapitre Général un évêque, Monseigneur Williamson, et décider au dernier moment de ne pas ordonner des moines d’Avrillé et de Morgon tant qu’ils n’auront pas témoigné de leur loyauté envers lui. J’espère que tout cela n’est qu’un symptôme de ce qu’on appelle dans les Alpes le mal des montagnes (à bon entendeur, salut), surtout si le grand chef est un gourou alpin doté d’une mitre et d’un pouvoir et s’il est soutenu de manière occulte par la Rome apostate et antéchristique, ce qui réalise les prophéties de La Salette devant nos yeux incrédules.

Abbé Basilio Méramo

Bogotá, 5 juillet 2012 (


We know, now, for what reason Bishop Fellay said and asserted -- without stopping himself there -- to most of the clerics, including the three other bishops (who are only moderately opposed to him), and to the faithful -- that (as incredible as it may appear) he accepts 95% of the Second Vatican Council. If we know it, it is because Bishop Fellay shows it by his back-and-forth dialectic (or his dance of death) saying that we should not see a super-heresy in Vatican II, even though the entire liturgical, moral and doctrinal revolution, is based upon the said council (see his letter to the three bishops of last April 14).

As further declared by our guru, illumined by the divine light, it is shown (revealed) to his mystical soul that they have gone too far by imputing to Vatican II errors that are due to the interpretation and the misapplication of the Council, as the modernist Cardinal Ratzinger and nearly all of the half-liberal half-conservative movement have always said; but which has always been denied by Archbishop Lefebvre, because the errors in question are due not to misinterpretation of the Council, but to the Council itself.

These two years of conversations and dialogues, focused on reaching an agreement, now show their effects in the constricted brain of Bishop Fellay, who now manages to see and understand what was previously inaccessible to the benumbed neurons of his brain matter, but which -- after this period of doctrinal dialogue -- lights the spark now illuminating it, to know that what some denounce as the errors of the Council, actually comes from a misunderstanding of it. EUREKA, exclaimed Archimedes! Still happy, despite the ecstasy, that he has thought to get out of the water wherein he had plunged to make his discovery ...

And as if that were not enough, he advances a third reason which confirms him a little more in his position suggested by the grace of God: that there are things more important than the very controversial Vatican II, this bone of contention from the Garden of Eden (unless it is a Swiss substitute for William Tell's apple). Indeed, the Church has bigger problems to solve, and we are primarily children of the Church, not those of the Resistance to the Council.

We perceive, today, the dialectic of constant back-and-forth (the double-talk) employed by Bishop Fellay, the puppet moved by invisible strands after which it surrenders itself to its dance of death. And he threatens or beheads anyone not keeping pace with his melodious music, because, like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he drags rats into the river where they drown.

Thus we see a bishop, Monsignor Williamson, excluded from the ordinations and from the General Chapter [and later so-called expelled from the Society], and the decision at the last moment not to ordain some monks from Avrillé and from Morgon until they have demonstrated their loyalty to him. I hope that all this is only a symptom of what is called in the Alps, “mountain sickness” (a word to the wise, Hello), especially if the great chief is an Alpine guru endowed with a mitre and a power and if he is adequately supported by the occult and apostate anti-christian Rome, which makes real, before our incredulous eyes, the prophecies of La Salette.

Father Basilio Méramo
Bogotá, 5 July 2012


~ the entire liturgical, moral and doctrinal revolution is based upon the Council
~ even so, he now accepts 95% of the same Second Vatican Council
~ his two years of dialogue toward 'agreement' show their effects in his
    constricted mind, where erstwhile Council errors are now 'misinterpretations'
~ he employs a dialectic of constant back-and-forth, double-talk
~ like the Pied Piper of Hamelin, he drags rats into the river where they drown
~ he threatens or beheads anyone not keeping pace with his melodious music
~ an Alpine guru, endowed with a mitre and a power
~ adequately supported by the occult, apostate, anti-Christian Rome
~ makes real, before our incredulous eyes, the prophesies of La Salette

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Capt McQuigg on July 26, 2013, 02:07:40 PM
If only there was a sede chapel nearby, no one would have to mess with the SSPX and it's constant flirting with the novus ordo.  

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 02:23:47 PM

Where is the writer who can stomach all the details and assemble
them into a compendium that everyone can read?

Where is the songwriter who can take these themes and put them
into an art form that everyone can enjoy?  

Where are our artists for whom we are starving?  

Do we have to wait for the next generation?  

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Capt McQuigg on July 26, 2013, 02:50:57 PM
Quote from: Neil Obstat

Where is the writer who can stomach all the details and assemble
them into a compendium that everyone can read?

Where is the songwriter who can take these themes and put them
into an art form that everyone can enjoy?  

Where are our artists for whom we are starving?  

Do we have to wait for the next generation?  

I do think it's important for someone to be keeping copies of original material if possible.  Time passes, materials decay and memories fade.  Time is actually on the novus ordites side.  With each passing year, there are less and less novus ordites who remember when the Church was different and every year there are more and more youngsters (those who decide to attend) who received their catechesis from the flakes.  

I don't think we really need much creativity on the Trad side, we just need to remain faithful to the Catholic Faith.  Sounds easy, and it is so it's really baffling for Bishop Fellay to at least give the appearance of trying to come to an agreement of sorts with the new church.  In the end, he didn't sign a deal so I'm really willing to let it go at that.  

I was tongue in cheek with my sede chapel comment because the St. Louis has a very devout SSPX chapel (as every SSPX chapel seems to be so I'm wondering if people are getting a little hot under the collar) but no sede chapels.  If I was in Cleveland, OH, I would have an SSPX chapel, SSPV chapel and CMRI chapel within a half hour of each other.    
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 03:49:10 PM

Quote from: Capt McQuigg

 If I was in Cleveland, OH, I would have an SSPX chapel, SSPV chapel and CMRI chapel within a half hour of each other.

So THAT'S why Cleveland Catholics are so confused??   :confused1:  HAHAHAHA


Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: John Grace on July 26, 2013, 03:51:17 PM
A fantastic EC.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: John Grace on July 26, 2013, 03:54:27 PM
Do not worry about Bishop Fellay and Dr. Krah. Doctrine and the faith matter more.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 05:11:20 PM
Quote from: Capt McQuigg
Quote from: Neil Obstat

Where is the writer who can stomach all the details and assemble
them into a compendium that everyone can read?

Where is the songwriter who can take these themes and put them
into an art form that everyone can enjoy?  

Where are our artists for whom we are starving?  

Do we have to wait for the next generation?  

I do think it's important for someone to be keeping copies of original material if possible.  Time passes, materials decay and memories fade.  Time is actually on the novus ordites side.  With each passing year, there are less and less novus ordites who remember when the Church was different and every year there are more and more youngsters (those who decide to attend) who received their catechesis from the flakes.  

I don't think we really need much creativity on the Trad side, we just need to remain faithful to the Catholic Faith.  Sounds easy, and it is so it's really baffling for Bishop Fellay to at least give the appearance of trying to come to an agreement of sorts with the new church.  In the end, he didn't sign a deal so I'm really willing to let it go at that.  

I was tongue in cheek with my sede chapel comment..

Well, here you go.. you were tounge-in-cheek (T-I-C) before,
so why wouldn't you be tounge-in-cheek now?!  And therefore,
what you were trying to say would go as follows:  

I don't think we really need much creativity on the Trad side!  Nahh, we just need to remain faithful to the Catholic Faith, that's all!!   Sounds easy, no? -and so it is!  So, it's really baffling to us, y'know, when we see our Big Kahoona Bishop Fellay, when he at least gives the
appearance[/size] of trying to come to an agreement of sorts with Newchurch.  PLUS, he didn't sign a deal, after all -- so I'm really willing to let it go at that.............  NOT!!

How's that?

..because the [sic] St. Louis has a very devout SSPX chapel (as every SSPX chapel seems to be - so I'm wondering if people are getting a little hot under the collar) [more T-I-C, I presume?!?!] but no sede chapels.  If I was in Cleveland, OH, I would have an SSPX chapel, SSPV chapel and CMRI chapel within a half hour of each other.    

Hot under the collar?  HOT UNDER THE COLLAR??  
You wanna see 'hot under the collar'??  

I'll show you hot under the collar --

You call this a PARTY?  The beer's warm, the women
are cold, and I'M HOT UNDER THE COLLAR!  

(Guess who, Kazimierz?)

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Capt McQuigg on July 26, 2013, 05:32:52 PM

Very funny.  I actually went back and reread my post...  I did do that [sic].  

Not trying to take up for Bishop Fellay, but in the end, he didn't a sign a deal and in the end he did stand fast for the Catholic Faith.  Did the actions of the faithful force him to back down?  If so, I hope he learned his lesson.  If his intentions were wrong, I hope he resigns.  If he was merely hoping for the best, perhaps we should be a little more patient.  The devout of the SSPX are a learned and tough lot and they aren't likely to just take in on the chin for the modernists.

As for the hot under the collar comment, that's just slang for people getting their "shorts in a bunch" and "bees in their bonnet"...   "something to do with corn flakes"  

I'm just wondering if the reasons I'm not seeing the problems in the SSPX is because the SSPX chapel in St. Louis is such a blessed and devout place.  At least five families that I know of have family members who have gone the religious route.  (Only drawback to the St. Louis chapel is the lack of a K-12 school).  I have also visited the SSPX chapel in Cleveland, OH and the SSPX chapel in Springfield, MO and they seem on par in the devout category.  

Maybe I'm wrong in being optimistic.

Mind you, now, I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think we're out of the storm.  (By storm I mean the deal with new church.)
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 26, 2013, 06:50:55 PM

Okay, if we're "out of the storm (the deal with Newchurch)" then
let +Fellay come forward and abjure his error.  Let's all see an
OJECTIVE LIST of the things about the AFD for example, that he
abjures -- because there are some things in there that are just
fine for a Catholic so he can't be abjuring those, too.  We need to
have a list of the HERESIES and ERRORS that he abjures.  Let him
admit to the LIES he has obviously committed for going on YEARS
now, identifying them one by one specifically, and let him then beg
forgiveness from the priests of the SSPX, and from his brother
bishop, who he unjustly expelled.  

Which has a better chance:  that, or a snowball in hell?  

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Elsa Zardini on July 26, 2013, 08:41:56 PM
Now, Capt McQuigg, I had promised myself to go into silence, but could you please let me know if you have indeed been to the St. Louis Chapel and if you have indeed seen on the left hand side of the Altar (looking at the Altar) all the signs of Our Lord's enemies painted on the wall? YES OR NOT. Simple answer.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Unbrandable on July 26, 2013, 09:15:05 PM
Quote from: Capt McQuigg

Very funny.  I actually went back and reread my post...  I did do that [sic].  

Not trying to take up for Bishop Fellay, but in the end, he didn't a sign a deal and in the end he did stand fast for the Catholic Faith.  Did the actions of the faithful force him to back down?  If so, I hope he learned his lesson.  If his intentions were wrong, I hope he resigns.  If he was merely hoping for the best, perhaps we should be a little more patient.  The devout of the SSPX are a learned and tough lot and they aren't likely to just take in on the chin for the modernists.

As for the hot under the collar comment, that's just slang for people getting their "shorts in a bunch" and "bees in their bonnet"...   "something to do with corn flakes"  

I'm just wondering if the reasons I'm not seeing the problems in the SSPX is because the SSPX chapel in St. Louis is such a blessed and devout place.  At least five families that I know of have family members who have gone the religious route.  (Only drawback to the St. Louis chapel is the lack of a K-12 school).  I have also visited the SSPX chapel in Cleveland, OH and the SSPX chapel in Springfield, MO and they seem on par in the devout category.  

Maybe I'm wrong in being optimistic.

Mind you, now, I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think we're out of the storm.  (By storm I mean the deal with new church.)

But the problem now is with this ‘new direction’ of the SSPX.

Fr. Pfeiffer talks about it in an interview with Fr. Hewko on the Doctrinal Declaration, July 13, 2013. “Since last year myself and many other priests are involved in this resistance against the ‘new direction’ of the SSPX.” He talks about how in recent years there has been a shift or change in the path the Society was on, “leading to liberalism within the SSPX and making us no longer stand up clearly against the errors of the Council.”

Look at the branding sermon of Fr. Wegner where the branding company said “The Society is wrong. The strategy of the Society is wrong.”

In the Angelus magazine, January 2012, Fr. Wegner says, “A third characteristic of the new style is its positivity. Bare of any aggressive and imposing element, it commit us to a positive way of writing … The Angelus wants to be attractive by promoting the splendors of Tradition, the beauty of the Faith.”

Fr. Girouard said to Fr. Wegner, “Look at the DICI (SSPX Europe) website; look at the Angelus magazine; look at the website of the SSPX in the United States; look at the website of Father Couture in Asia; look everywhere and you don’t see any spirit of fight anymore against Vatican II and the New Mass! It seems to me that the Society has become a blunt sword in the hands of the Lord! There is no cutting edge anymore, it is useless.” And Fr. Wegner “said that this was a good thing, this change was a good thing!”

Look on the SSPX website and our founder’s (Archbishop Lefebvre) motto: “’I have believed in love,’ that is, in the love of Christ.”

Our chapel is devout and fervent too and a lot of vocations have come from it. We have good sermons on prayer, charity, etc., too. But the danger comes in what they are neglecting to do and say. They are not strongly attacking the errors of the Council and liberalism. They’re putting everyone to sleep with this absence of attacking error and this focus on the beautiful aspects of the Faith, while everyone slides into liberalism.

The people are becoming ‘soft’ and are not fighters anymore, and Fr. Chazal says in his conference, “Why SSPX Marian Corps?” June 8, 2013, that Archbishop Lefebvre intended the Society to be “a little army of fighters.”
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Capt McQuigg on July 26, 2013, 09:54:45 PM
Quote from: Elsa Zardini
Now, Capt McQuigg, I had promised myself to go into silence, but could you please let me know if you have indeed been to the St. Louis Chapel and if you have indeed seen on the left hand side of the Altar (looking at the Altar) all the signs of Our Lord's enemies painted on the wall? YES OR NOT. Simple answer.

I sent you a pm.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 27, 2013, 03:35:51 PM
Quote from: s2srea
Quote from: Kelley
( I do not want the Society to break up, and please God, I shall do nothing to help it do so, but I can only say I would not be surprised if it did break up. God may preserve it, but He may also allow it to go the way of all flesh, to make us realize how little we are capable of by ourselves. We need wisdom, and special help from God.

Kyrie Eleison.

A more noble man exists not. God bless you Bishop Williamson!

I just noticed something.  This EC still goes by the name "Dinoscopus."
See the e-mail addresses, like:

"God may preserve it, but He may also allow it to go the way of all flesh,
to make us realize how little we are capable of by ourselves."

I had a professor in mechanics, who had a lot to say about specialized
lubricants.  Some kinds are only available in very small quantities and are
extremely expensive, and others are available in bulk and are pretty cheap
comparatively, but still cost a lot more than gasoline or diesel, for example,
yet all of it is made up of "dinosaur juice."  (Actually that's debatable, but
let's stay on topic.)  Then he'd like to say that when certain tools, cutting
wheels, warn-out parts get "recycled" and there's no practical re-use for
them, due to hazardous waste or inherent contamination or their being
thoroughly corrupted, he'd say:  "IT WENT THE WAY OF THE DINOSAURS."  

Now, if +W were to teach that class, he'd say "THE WAY OF ALL FLESH."

It's interesting how the topic of dinosaurs is so tied up with the theme of
corruption, and the ultimate end of "all flesh" -- even, that is, human flesh.  

We have a lot more in common with the dinosaurs than we'd like to think.

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 27, 2013, 03:38:02 PM
Quote from: Capt McQuigg
Quote from: Elsa Zardini
Now, Capt McQuigg, I had promised myself to go into silence, but could you please let me know if you have indeed been to the St. Louis Chapel and if you have indeed seen on the left hand side of the Altar (looking at the Altar) all the signs of Our Lord's enemies painted on the wall? YES OR NOT. Simple answer.

I sent you a pm.

I didn't have my glasses on and I thought you said that you had
sent Elsa Zardini a pun.   Now, (I thought to myself) why would
Capt McQuigg want to send Elsa a pun?  

That's what can happen when your glasses ...............

..........go the way of the dinosaurs.

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: John Grace on July 27, 2013, 04:05:36 PM
Quote from: Capt McQuigg

Very funny.  I actually went back and reread my post...  I did do that [sic].  

Not trying to take up for Bishop Fellay, but in the end, he didn't a sign a deal and in the end he did stand fast for the Catholic Faith.  Did the actions of the faithful force him to back down?  If so, I hope he learned his lesson.  If his intentions were wrong, I hope he resigns.  If he was merely hoping for the best, perhaps we should be a little more patient.  The devout of the SSPX are a learned and tough lot and they aren't likely to just take in on the chin for the modernists.

As for the hot under the collar comment, that's just slang for people getting their "shorts in a bunch" and "bees in their bonnet"...   "something to do with corn flakes"  

I'm just wondering if the reasons I'm not seeing the problems in the SSPX is because the SSPX chapel in St. Louis is such a blessed and devout place.  At least five families that I know of have family members who have gone the religious route.  (Only drawback to the St. Louis chapel is the lack of a K-12 school).  I have also visited the SSPX chapel in Cleveland, OH and the SSPX chapel in Springfield, MO and they seem on par in the devout category.  

Maybe I'm wrong in being optimistic.

Mind you, now, I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think we're out of the storm.  (By storm I mean the deal with new church.)

How I would answer this is to refer you to the recent audio of Fr Hewko. Posted on Cath Info.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on July 27, 2013, 04:16:42 PM
Quote from: Unbrandable
Quote from: Capt McQuigg

Very funny.  I actually went back and reread my post...  I did do that [sic].  

Not trying to take up for Bishop Fellay, but in the end, he didn't a sign a deal and in the end he did stand fast for the Catholic Faith.  Did the actions of the faithful force him to back down?  If so, I hope he learned his lesson.  If his intentions were wrong, I hope he resigns.  If he was merely hoping for the best, perhaps we should be a little more patient.  The devout of the SSPX are a learned and tough lot and they aren't likely to just take in on the chin for the modernists.

As for the hot under the collar comment, that's just slang for people getting their "shorts in a bunch" and "bees in their bonnet"...   "something to do with corn flakes"  

I'm just wondering if the reasons I'm not seeing the problems in the SSPX is because the SSPX chapel in St. Louis is such a blessed and devout place.  At least five families that I know of have family members who have gone the religious route.  (Only drawback to the St. Louis chapel is the lack of a K-12 school).  I have also visited the SSPX chapel in Cleveland, OH and the SSPX chapel in Springfield, MO and they seem on par in the devout category.  

Maybe I'm wrong in being optimistic.

Mind you, now, I don't necessarily disagree with you but I think we're out of the storm.  (By storm I mean the deal with new church.)

But the problem now is with this ‘new direction’ of the SSPX.

Yes, and the problem with this 'new direction' is, it's going to be
dragging the SSPX [perhaps kicking and screaming!!] right back to
the nefarious negotiation table!  But this next time, it might not even
be with any fanfare -- we might just wake up one morning and find
the 'deal' has been made -- like Dec. 23rd, 1913, when late at night
the skeleton crew Congress voted in the Federal Reserve System,
which we've been saddled with for 100 years, as of this winter!

That is to say, it may APPEAR that "we're out of the storm," but that's
just our subjective perception.  We can most easily return into the
storm.  The storm is still out there, and this could be merely the eye
of the hurricane.  

Fr. Pfeiffer talks about it in an interview with Fr. Hewko on the Doctrinal Declaration, July 13, 2013. “Since last year myself and many other priests are involved in this resistance against the ‘new direction’ of the SSPX.” He talks about how in recent years there has been a shift or change in the path the Society was on, “leading to liberalism within the SSPX and making us no longer stand up clearly against the errors of the Council.”

Look at the branding sermon of Fr. Wegner where the branding company said “The Society is wrong. The strategy of the Society is wrong.”

In the Angelus magazine, January 2012, Fr. Wegner says, “A third characteristic of the new style is its positivity. Bare of any aggressive and imposing element, it commit us to a positive way of writing … The Angelus wants to be attractive by promoting the splendors of Tradition, the beauty of the Faith.”

Fr. Girouard said to Fr. Wegner, “Look at the DICI (SSPX Europe) website; look at the Angelus magazine; look at the website of the SSPX in the United States; look at the website of Father Couture in Asia; look everywhere and you don’t see any spirit of fight anymore against Vatican II and the New Mass! It seems to me that the Society has become a blunt sword in the hands of the Lord! There is no cutting edge anymore, it is useless.” And Fr. Wegner “said that this was a good thing, this change was a good thing!”

Look on the SSPX website and our founder’s (Archbishop Lefebvre) motto: “’I have believed in love,’ that is, in the love of Christ.”

Don't forget, that Fr. Pfeiffer's reason for bringing this up is to say that
the actual motto of ABL, in Latin, translates as,

"We have believed in charity."

When you say it accurately, you don't have to explain it.  You don't
have to do any "that is, ..."  Besides, they didn't even get the
Latin translation right.  Just wait till they start that trick with a
vernacular liturgy!!  This is a great example of handing down what
you have received!

Our chapel is devout and fervent too and a lot of vocations have come from it. We have good sermons on prayer, charity, etc., too. But the danger comes in what they are neglecting to do and say. They are not strongly attacking the errors of the Council and liberalism. They’re putting everyone to sleep with this absence of attacking error and this focus on the beautiful aspects of the Faith, while everyone slides into liberalism.

The people are becoming ‘soft’ and are not fighters anymore, and Fr. Chazal says in his conference, “Why SSPX Marian Corps?” June 8, 2013, that Archbishop Lefebvre intended the Society to be “a little army of fighters.”

All true, unbrandable.  All good points!  

This inability to stand up for the Faith of Catholics has far-
reaching implications.  It is getting to be real popular to pay
more attention to the rabbis than to our own Apostles, for
crying out loud!!  This is in a big part the Judaizing of the SSPX.

I mentioned on another thread how this one lady who has some
really staunch pro-Fellay friends is absolutely unable to cope with
any concept of the Jєωs abandoning their faith, or that they're
doing anything wrong by just having secular holidays like the
Remnant seems to be having now with Hanukkah.  Let me see
if I can find it...........



Post (
Quote from: Neil Obstat

A particular Accordista sympathizer I know was prone to defend
the Jєωιѕн practice of Hanukkah, so I asked how they keep the
story of this festival going all these centuries, when it's rooted in
the books of Machabees, which are books that the Jєωιѕн
tradition does not recognize as Scripture?  She attempted to say
that it's merely a cultural tradition that they pass on.  I asked,
well, if the cultural tradition is worth passing on, why isn't the
book that contains it worth passing on - why do they leave the
religious aspect to the Catholic Church?  Isn't that like saying
that the Church is the spiritual authority and the Jєωs are just
play-acting for fun?  All she could say is, "it's a cultural thing."
I said, The very thing they commemorate is a miracle, when the
oil didn't run out for 8 days, which would be impossible by any
natural means, and yet they want to deny there's anything
spiritual about the festival they commemorate?  

"It's just a cultural thing."  

She was a broken record. One answer.

Tele posted an interesting reply to this.

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: inprincipio on August 02, 2013, 09:17:22 PM
I had a thought regarding these very young priests.  They have not been tested....The Society flatters them with positions of forming and teaching young seminarians.  This is big responsibility for one so young and it could tend to flatter them and appeal to a sense of pride which would not be a good thing.  Then everyone else can see much confidence BF has in them.....They, after all were chosen...

This is something the NO used and still  uses to flatter people, making them think they are indispensable and valuable.  Making eucharistic ministers, lectors, and members of committees...Everyone recognizes them and they are important....

Just a thought!

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Charlotte NC Bill on August 02, 2013, 09:53:58 PM
If you still don't think that Bp Fellay needs to resign then you've lost all sensus're a zombies are to people, Fellayites are to real trads..
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Domitilla on August 02, 2013, 09:57:07 PM
Inprincipio, you've hit the nail on the head.  The SSPX has been in the business of promoting young and untried priests beyond their abilities for quite some time.  A young priest (about 30 yrs old) who was ordained four years ago is the USA District Burser.   This young priest came to his former parish, under orders from the USA DS, and delivered a fiery sermon in which he haughtily rebuked the Resistors and ordered them to leave the SSPX. He made quite a spectacle of himself that day.  Needless to say, we "over 50-somethings" were not rebuked; we were outraged! During the time he was our Pastor, many were impressed with his piety and intelligence.  The only thing he accomplished  with his nasty sermon was to be permanently lowered into the "pious fraud" category.  How unfortunate for him and for us.  

These young priests are so flattered by their superiors that they willingly succuмb to behavior that would horrify an older, wiser priest.  No wonder the XSPX loves to promote the young and naive.
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: magdalena on August 02, 2013, 10:09:51 PM
Sad, but true.  I witnessed it.    :sad:
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on August 04, 2013, 04:37:15 PM

I saw these two posts..............

Quote from: inprincipio
I had a thought regarding these very young priests.  They have not been tested....The Society flatters them with positions of forming and teaching young seminarians.  This is big responsibility for one so young and it could tend to flatter them and appeal to a sense of pride which would not be a good thing.  Then everyone else can see much confidence BF has in them.....They, after all were chosen...

This is something the NO used and still  uses to flatter people, making them think they are indispensable and valuable.  Making eucharistic ministers, lectors, and members of committees...Everyone recognizes them and they are important....

Just a thought!

Quote from: Domitilla
Inprincipio, you've hit the nail on the head.  The SSPX has been in the business of promoting young and untried priests beyond their abilities for quite some time.  A young priest (about 30 yrs old) who was ordained four years ago is the USA District Burser.   This young priest came to his former parish, under orders from the USA DS, and delivered a fiery sermon in which he haughtily rebuked the Resistors and ordered them to leave the SSPX. He made quite a spectacle of himself that day.  Needless to say, we "over 50-somethings" were not rebuked; we were outraged! During the time he was our Pastor, many were impressed with his piety and intelligence.  The only thing he accomplished  with his nasty sermon was to be permanently lowered into the "pious fraud" category.  How unfortunate for him and for us.  

These young priests are so flattered by their superiors that they willingly succuмb to behavior that would horrify an older, wiser priest.  No wonder the XSPX loves to promote the young and naive.

And the inescapable parallel is the fact that the young Father Bernard
Fellay had no experience as a pastor, or as a prior, nor even so much
as a professor at any seminary.  He had no regular experience in the
mission field, nor as preaching retreats -- nothing but bursar for ABL.  

And he went from that condition directly into becoming a last minute
add-on for Bishop -- a decision by ABL reportedly due to him having
been recommended by one Mr. Lovey, who was a big financial backer
and who wanted the Swiss to be represented with a new bishop.  

From there, 3 years after ABL passed away, suddenly this new bishop
of only 6 years and still no experience as any kind of pastor or teacher,
was mysteriously elected SG when ABL had made it very well known
that position should always be held by a priest, not by a bishop -- but
he had unfortunately failed to put it into writing!!  

This is reminiscent of the Peter Principle, by which a man in the
business world is promoted to his level of incompetence, and there he
remains, to the detriment of the business.  

Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Unbrandable on August 04, 2013, 04:37:31 PM
Quote from: inprincipio
I had a thought regarding these very young priests.  They have not been tested....The Society flatters them with positions of forming and teaching young seminarians.  This is big responsibility for one so young and it could tend to flatter them and appeal to a sense of pride which would not be a good thing.  Then everyone else can see much confidence BF has in them.....They, after all were chosen...

This is something the NO used and still  uses to flatter people, making them think they are indispensable and valuable.  Making eucharistic ministers, lectors, and members of committees...Everyone recognizes them and they are important....

Just a thought!

Here is what a priest - a saint - had to say about the clergy of his day (I've put the full text in the Library)

This should be mandatory reading for all priests.

Extract from "The Spirit of God in Works" by Blessed Antoine Chevrier (1826-1879).

The spirit of God! It’s the greatest treasure that God can give someone. It is also the greatest treasure that God can give to the earth; to give His spirit to a few men, so that others can see it in them and profit of it.

Let us ask for it from God, and let us not cease asking for it for ourselves and for others! … But , we must not have any illusions: to obtain it, we must continually battle against our nature, inclinations, prejudices, knowledge sometimes, and also against the world, which does not understand this spirit and which does not cease to treat as insane and mad all who act in opposition to it (the world).

The spirit of God is not in knowledge, genius, or human elevation; it is also not in exterior things. It is not in lodging, clothing, riches, titles, nor elevated or low positions. Not even in exterior practices of piety, since the Pharisees fasted, prayed and gave alms, and Our Lord condemns all their justice, however great and rigorous it appears to the eyes of men.

It is neither in titles, nor in positions, dignities, or honors; these exterior things assume the spirit of God, but do not give it. One can be a priest, canon, bishop, or religious and not have the spirit of God.

What a gross error do those commit who believe they have the spirit of God, wisdom, and virtue, because they are wearing a cassock, and that behind this deceiving exterior, they can govern with impunity, command as they see fit, as it comes to mind, exploit their title, their position, as if that made them wiser, more experienced, more enlightened, and especially incapable of deceiving!

We especially see young priests act without reserve and prudence, and yet believe themselves to be infallible and demand that everyone bow in front of them and submit to their authority. What madness! How these sorts of people make themselves despised and make the clerical dress they wear despised!

How necessary it is to act with discernment and even with fear, especially when one is young, because one is liable to do many foolish things! How we must be careful not to think that our cassock gives us wisdom and virtue!
Title: Eleison Comments by Mgr. Williamson 20 July 2013
Post by: Neil Obstat on August 04, 2013, 05:30:10 PM

Today's Gospel provides a great model for how vastly different
the ways of Our Lord are from the ways of the modern
Menzingen Fellayites.


St. Mark vii. 31-37*:

31 And again going out of the coasts of Tyre, he came by Sidon to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the coasts of Decapolis.
32 And they bring to him one deaf and dumb; and they besought him that he would lay his hand upon him.
33 And taking him from the multitude apart, he put his fingers into his ears, and spitting, he touched his tongue:
34 And looking up to heaven, he groaned, and said to him: Ephpheta, which is, Be thou opened.
35 And immediately his ears were opened, and the string of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke right.
36 And he charged them that they should tell no man. But the more he charged them, so much the more a great deal did they publish it.
37 And so much the more did they wonder, saying: He hath done all things well; he hath made both the deaf to hear, and the dumb to speak.

were being published, he was outraged, and condemned them
for DISOBEDIENCE, and he expelled those who refused to cease
(their weekly Eleison Comments and) such things, from his Society
as a punishment for their disrespect of his authority.  

*(Cf. Isaias xxxv.1-10; St. Matthew ix. 32-34)

And so, with high regard for the post, above, by unbrandable, it is
precisely this lack of the spirit of God that we see rampant today in
the Fellayite Menzingen-denizens, for it is not a work of mercy and
patience as Our Lord made His example known and which the
Apostles handed down to us from generation unto generation (cf.
St. Luke i. 50:  "And his mercy is from generation unto generation
to them that fear him," and Psalm cxi. 10: "...fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom").

The corollary to this principle is:  lack of the spirit of God is for the
superior of a religious congregation as a curse and the beginning
of folly, for such leadership shall not long endure. "21 Woe to thee,
Corozain, woe to thee, Bethsaida: for if in Tyre and Sidon had been
wrought the miracles that have been wrought in you, they had long
ago done penance in sackcloth and ashes. 22 But I say unto you, it
shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon in the day of judgment,
than for you" (St. Matt. xi. 21-22).