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Author Topic: Declaration of 4 Resistance Bishops at Fatima 2017 - Feast of Christ the King  (Read 1328 times)

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Offline Matthew

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From Bp. Zendejas --

Here is attached the Declaration made by the four Bishops after the Consecration
of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on occasion of the Feast of Christ the
King at the end of our pilgrimage to Fatima.

Declaration on occasion of the Centenary of the Apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal
In the year 2017, both Church and world are in the grip of a crisis without precedent in all human history, a crisis recognized by many people but properly understood by very few, because the Catholic Church is the light of the world and it has been in darkness ever since the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).
The crisis goes back at least 500 years when Martin Luther split Christendom with his false “Reformation,” making possible the organization 200 years later by Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ of the false religion of Liberalism, which exploded in the French Revolution of 1789, designed by its Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, to pull down throne and altar, and by its “rights of man” to replace the rights of God. So successful were Protestantism and Liberalism in remoulding the minds of man that despite the admirable rearguard action of the Church through the XIX century, in 1917, another 200 years later, there exploded in Russia the Communist Revolution which strove to abolish God altogether, and all trace of Him on earth.
However, just months before this gigantic step was taken in Russia towards the godless nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, meant to take over the entire world for the selfsame enemies of God who had promoted Protestantism and fabricated Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, God took action. Through His Mother appearing here at Fatima to three peasant children, God promised to His one true Church, the Catholic Church, a remedy by which His churchmen at any time that they chose from then on, could roll back the worldwide apostasy and obtain a period of peace for all mankind before world´s end.
The double remedy presented by God´s Mother through Sister Lucy of Fatima in the 1920´s, was simple. All that the Catholic Pope had to do was to summon the bishops of the entire world to join him in consecrating Russia (not the world) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And all that the Catholic priests and laity had to do was on each first Saturday of the month to go to Confession, receive Communion, recite five of the fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and meditate for 15 minutes on any of the fifteen Mysteries. Surely such actions are not too much to ask of Catholics, but ever since the 1920´s, the crisis of Church and world has grown only worse in the course of the century since Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima.
Thus in the world, there broke out in 1939 the Second World War with its 66 million human casualties, and in the Church, far worse, there began in 1962 the Second Vatican Council with its thousands of millions of spiritual casualties, reaching from schizophrenic confusion to sheer loss of that Faith which alone can save souls for eternity. To oppose these disasters, in 1970 a true and great man of God, Archbishop Lefebvre, founded a classical Catholic Congregation to form true priests, but for several years now his own successors at the head of his Society of Saint Pius X have been making repeated attempts to submit all Society priests to the Concilarists´control. What a sad example of the corruption of modern man by Liberalism.
No doubt many Catholic Cardinals, bishops, priests and laity, coming from all quarters of the Catholic Church, but confused by the delinquency of the Conciliar Church authorities, have some inkling that Our Lady of Fatima was right, that Archbishop Lefebvre was right, and that Vatican II was wrong, but millions of Catholics are too paralyzed by false obedience to feel able to take action. However, the four Catholic bishops undersigned, declare themselves willing to help any such Catholics as best they can to keep the Faith, in particular to encourage them to heed Our Lady of Fatima by practising the devotion of the First Saturdays, and by striving for Russia´s Consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Thus alone can Church and world be turned off their present disastrous track. Thus alone can her Beloved and Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, be restored to His rightful place at the head of ALL NATIONS.

+ Jean-Michel Faure
+ Dom Tomas de Aquinas
+ Richard Williamson
+ Gerardo Zendejas

Fatima, Feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 2017
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  • Amen. 
    May God bless you and keep you

    Offline Neil Obstat

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  • Re: Matthew's OP ~

    From Bp. Zendejas --

    Here is attached the Declaration made by the four Bishops after the Consecration
    of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on occasion of the Feast of Christ the
    King at the end of our pilgrimage to Fatima.

    Declaration on occasion of the Centenary

    of the Apparitions of Our Lady in Fatima, Portugal
    In the year 2017, both Church and world are in the grip of a crisis without precedent in all human history, a crisis recognized by many people but properly understood by very few, because the Catholic Church is the light of the world and it has been in darkness ever since the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965).

    The crisis goes back at least 500 years when Martin Luther split Christendom with his false “Reformation,” making possible the organization 200 years later by Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ of the false religion of Liberalism, which exploded in the French Revolution of 1789, designed by its Liberty, Equality and Fraternity, to pull down throne and altar, and by its “rights of man” to replace the rights of God. So successful were Protestantism and Liberalism in remoulding the minds of man that despite the admirable rearguard action of the Church through the XIX century, in 1917, another 200 years later, there exploded in Russia the Communist Revolution which strove to abolish God altogether, and all trace of Him on earth.
    However, just months before this gigantic step was taken in Russia towards the godless nєω ωσrℓ∂ σr∂єr, meant to take over the entire world for the selfsame enemies of God who had promoted Protestantism and fabricated Fɾҽҽmαsσɳɾყ, God took action. Through His Mother appearing here at Fatima to three peasant children, God promised to His one true Church, the Catholic Church, a remedy by which His churchmen at any time that they chose from then on, could roll back the worldwide apostasy and obtain a period of peace for all mankind before world's end.
    The double remedy presented by God's Mother through Sister Lucy of Fatima in the 1920's, was simple. All that the Catholic Pope had to do was to summon the bishops of the entire world to join him in consecrating Russia (not the world) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And all that the Catholic priests and laity had to do was on each first Saturday of the month to go to Confession, receive Communion, recite five of the fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and meditate for 15 minutes on any of the fifteen Mysteries. Surely such actions are not too much to ask of Catholics, but ever since the 1920´s, the crisis of Church and world has grown only worse in the course of the century since Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima.
    Thus in the world, there broke out in 1939 the Second World War with its 66 million human casualties, and in the Church, far worse, there began in 1962 the Second Vatican Council with its thousands of millions of spiritual casualties, reaching from schizophrenic confusion to sheer loss of that Faith which alone can save souls for eternity. To oppose these disasters, in 1970 a true and great man of God, Archbishop Lefebvre, founded a classical Catholic Congregation to form true priests, but for several years now his own successors at the head of his Society of Saint Pius X have been making repeated attempts to submit all Society priests to the Concilarists' control. What a sad example of the corruption of modern man by Liberalism.
    No doubt many Catholic Cardinals, bishops, priests and laity, coming from all quarters of the Catholic Church, but confused by the delinquency of the Conciliar Church authorities, have some inkling that Our Lady of Fatima was right, that Archbishop Lefebvre was right, and that Vatican II was wrong, but millions of Catholics are too paralyzed by false obedience to feel able to take action. However, the four Catholic bishops undersigned, declare themselves willing to help any such Catholics as best they can to keep the Faith, in particular to encourage them to heed Our Lady of Fatima by practising the devotion of the First Saturdays, and by striving for Russia's Consecration to her Immaculate Heart. Thus alone can Church and world be turned off their present disastrous track. Thus alone can her Beloved and Divine Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, be restored to His rightful place at the head of ALL NATIONS.

    + Jean-Michel Faure
    + Dom Tomas de Aquinas
    + Richard Williamson
    + Gerardo Zendejas

    Fatima, Feast of the Universal Kingship of Our Lord Jesus Christ, 2017
    (If you make copies, delete the following paragraphs):

    I took the liberty of making a few minor adjustments to the text, hoping that maybe someone might like to run off some copies for passing out at Mass tomorrow. It seems to me a lot of Catholics in the "wild" would appreciate finding out about this. Where, I would like to know, would anyone go to get a copy if not by the stack in the vestibule after Mass on Sunday?
    Of course, you won't find any at CMRI, Boston KY, Sanborn's, or the Recusant's hideaway* venues.
    All the more the reason. BTW some such priests have family members that frequent "other sites."
    *includes, catholic(s), et. al.  
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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    You won't find a copy at your local parish, at MHFM, nor at your friendly neighborhood SSPX chapel.
    However, don't be surprised if you find one at the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, NH.
    Let that sink in, tornpage, if it can.
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    Offline Meg

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  • The double remedy presented by God´s Mother through Sister Lucy of Fatima in the 1920´s, was simple. All that the Catholic Pope had to do was to summon the bishops of the entire world to join him in consecrating Russia (not the world) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And all that the Catholic priests and laity had to do was on each first Saturday of the month to go to Confession, receive Communion, recite five of the fifteen Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, and meditate for 15 minutes on any of the fifteen Mysteries. Surely such actions are not too much to ask of Catholics, but ever since the 1920´s, the crisis of Church and world has grown only worse in the course of the century since Our Lady appeared to the children in Fatima.


    To oppose these disasters, in 1970 a true and great man of God, Archbishop Lefebvre, founded a classical Catholic Congregation to form true priests, but for several years now his own successors at the head of his Society of Saint Pius X have been making repeated attempts to submit all Society priests to the Concilarists´control. What a sad example of the corruption of modern man by Liberalism.

    A very good statement from the four bishops, particularly the above two sections, IMO. 
    "It is licit to resist a Sovereign Pontiff who is trying to destroy the Church. I say it is licit to resist him in not following his orders and in preventing the execution of his will. It is not licit to Judge him, to punish him, or to depose him, for these are acts proper to a superior."

    ~St. Robert Bellarmine
    De Romano Pontifice, Lib.II, c.29

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    It seems this Consecration of Russia that the same 4 bishops made in May this year never made it to CathInfo.
    (A link to the PDF version is given here but that copy contains several typos, which are fixed here.)

    St. Athanasius Church, Vienna, Virginia (U.S.A.)
    May 12, 2017

       Most Holy Mother of God, Immaculate Heart of Mary, Seat of Mercy, Seat of Goodness, Seat of Pardon, sure door by which souls are to enter Heaven, see on their knees before you four sons of Archbishop Lefebvre, four bishops striving to do what they can to help you obtain from the Pope and bishops of your Divine Son’s one true Church that Consecration of Russia to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart which can alone obtain peace for mankind, now in the shadow of a frightful third World War.
       In Fatima, Portugal, one hundred years ago, you first warned mankind of the Second World War to come, of famine and persecutions, if people would not cease offending God. To prevent these disasters, you promised to return to ask for the Consecration of Russia to your Immaculate Heart, and for the Communion of Reparation of First Saturdays. If your requests were heeded, Russia would be converted, and there would be peace. If not, disasters would follow and Russia would spread its errors throughout the world. Twelve years later you returned as you had promised, and you made the double request.
       However, trusting in human means to solve the Church’s grave problems, the Catholic churchmen did not immediately do what you had requested. Two years later your Divine Son Himself warned mankind through Sister Lucy of Fatima, that since His ministers were delaying to carry out His command, they would suffer grave consequences: Russia would spread its errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church, and the Pope would suffer greatly. Still the Pope preferred his human means of dealing with Russia.
       In 1936 Our Lord explained to Sister Lucy that Russia’s conversion depended upon its consecration to your Immaculate Heart because He wanted the whole Church to recognize that that conversion was a triumph of your Heart, so that devotion to your Heart would rank alongside devotion to His own Sacred Heart.
       Still the churchmen hesitated, so that in 1939 the terrible Second World War broke out, and all over the world Communism extended its power. Immediately after the war your pilgrim statues of Fatima had great success, but still the churchmen would not do exactly as you had requested, and so in 1957 before Sister Lucy was silenced by the churchmen, she expressed your own sadness that neither good people nor bad people had paid attention to the message of Fatima. You said that the good people gave it no importance, while the bad cared nothing about it. But you warned us once more that a terrible punishment was imminent.
       Just there years later that punishment began with the churchmen’s refusal to make public the third part of your Secret message of Fatima, which you had asked them to publish at the latest in 1960. By an almost unpardonable lie they pretended that you had told them, that from 1960 onwards they might publish it, and this effort of thirst to stifle your message of Fatima has continued ever since, culminating in the year 2000.  But you have never given up your attempts to save us, while the churchmen were even more severely punished by the blindness which overwhelmed them at the Second Vatican Council. In the third part of the Secret it is most likely that you had warned against exactly the errors which prevailed at that Council. And now the entire Church is in darkness, and the world is on the brink of the third and most terrible World War.
       Immaculate Heart of Mary, most Holy Mother of God, we cry to you in our distress. Help of Christians, Refuge of Sinners, Comforter of the Afflicted, we trust in you. Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, Mother of the Church, we implore your most loving, maternal and Immaculate Heart to have mercy upon us poor sinners, your children;  hear and answer our plea. We beg of you to obtain from your Divine Son, the graces necessary for the Holy Father and the bishops to fulfill without further delay the longstanding command of heaven, by consecrating with the bishops of the entire world, Holy Russia to your Immaculate Heart, as was requested and in the manner requested by you, on behalf of the Most Holy Trinity so long ago, and which has yet to be accomplished.
       Immaculate Heart of Mary, you know how much suffering mankind would have avoided over the last 90 years if only one of the Popes during that time had heeded your request for the Consecration of Russia. Mother of God you and your Divine Son alone know what a frightful chastisement is now hanging over the heads of mankind if the Popes, for whatever inadequate human reasons, still refuse your request. If it depends upon them, they are liable to prevaricate, although you told us one hundred years ago how much that would make them suffer, Mother of God, your Divine Son can refuse you nothing that you ask of Him. He wishes the Consecration to depend on you, because He wishes your Immaculate Heart to be honored as the source of the Consecration’s triumph. Holy Mother of God, most humbly upon our knees we beg of you to obtain those graces needed by the Pope to perform the Consecration.
       Meanwhile before you here today, we commend, we entrust, and we do whatever lies within our power, to consecrate Russia to your Immaculate Heart, not because we can remotely take the place of the Pope and the bishops of the whole world, but because we wish to honor your requests as far as we can. If only Holy Russia became Catholic once more, the Eastern Church might resurrect the Western Church, presently devastated by materialism and atheism. Mother of God, we commend our own selves also to your protection and to your all-powerful intercession with Our Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings, but Who is at the same time a Son Who infinitely loves His Mother, and will do anything she asks. Beloved and Blessed Mother, we have not a shadow of doubt that in the end your Immaculate Heart will triumph.

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