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Author Topic: Communique of the Militia Sanctae Mariae (Knights of Our Lady)  (Read 1734 times)

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  • Communiqué n° 18.007 Assumption of Our Lady, 15 Aug. 2019

    The Confraternity of the Knights of Our Lady of the Assumption

    In its July-August 2012 issue no. 208, Fideliter published an eleven-page article on the Order of the Knights of Our Lady, Observance of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. 

    In its n° 249 of July-August 2019, the same magazine proposes an article of six pages on dissidence formed by Father Briols, followed by two former members of the Order, Christian de La Tour and Reynald Berthod.

    This dissent would have adapted the Statutes, which had served for the canonical erection of the Order of the Knights of Our Lady of Chartres in 1964, "with the modifications dictated by experience and the particular circuмstances due to the crisis of the Church". "They were revised and amended by Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais and approved on June 21, 2018 by Bishop Bernard Fellay, then Superior General, who erected "canonically as a Marian Brotherhood to the Order of the Knights of Our Lady of the Assumption" on June 29. "Shortly afterwards, in the Notre-Dame-des-Champs chapel of the Ecône seminary, a small ceremony gathered some priests and faithful around Bishop Tissier de Mallerais for the blessing of the insignia (the Confalon) and the sword for the use of the Order.

    It is this "little ceremony" that Fideliter relates a year later to give publicity to the new Confraternity, apparently still made up of the two knights mentioned above, accompanied by a chaplain (Father Briols), an ecclesiastical superior (the superior of the District of France, whoever he may be) and a Protector Bishop (Mons. de Galarreta).

    This method of splitting, aroused and sustained, makes us curiously think of the ephemeral community formed by some fugitives from Avrillé, who, over the years and for various reasons, left the convent, being grouped in Belgium by Bishop de Galarreta and Bishop Fellay, in spite of the latter's commitment to the Dominicans.

    In the case of the two deserters of our Order, it was Father Briols, firmly supported by Bishop de Galarreta, who in 2012 called them to rebellion, just as Bishop Fellay incited one or the other of these Dominicans to distrust their superiors. Despite the assurances given by Fr. Schmidberger two months after the death of Msgr. Lefebvre, in a circular of May 27, 1991, according to which the Fraternity did not have "the slightest intention of reaching out to the other communities in any way," does not support the communities that it considers insufficiently submissive, much less in recent years, those that did not adhere to the new policy of abandoning the state of necessity and supplied jurisdiction, as if there was no longer any crisis in the Church: so it continues to create copies of these communities for its service.

    Fideliter's article confirms it: "According to the statutes, it is the superior of the district of France, currently Father Benoît de Jorna, who is the ecclesiastical superior of the Confraternity. - Is there a superior of the Order? - No, the present members of the staff do not require the election of a Superior or a Master. It will be provided later when the need arises. Finally, the contact address is that of Father Briols. This shows that this "cavalry" does not at present have any lay superior to lead the struggle in temporary order, as the doctrine of the Two Swords wishes, but is in fact led by a cleric, Father Briols, and de jure by another cleric, the superior of the district of the Fraternity of France. There is no escape! Statutory submission to another institute, something that our Order has never known in its three quarters of a century of existence. When the spirit is gone, coercion replaces it.

    It is also a good confirmation of the change of direction of the Fraternity. Thus, while in order to remain faithful to Faith and Tradition, our Observance of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary was constituted on the margin of the ancient Order that became conciliar, dragged in reverse by the liberal current; the FSSPX raises a "cavalry" that walks with it towards modernist Rome.

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    Re: Communique of the Militia Sanctae Mariae (Knights of Our Lady)
    « Reply #1 on: August 17, 2019, 09:51:43 AM »
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  • For more on the interference of the SSPX in the internal affairs of the exempt religious orders, see CCCC #'s 41 and 87.

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    Re: Communique of the Militia Sanctae Mariae (Knights of Our Lady)
    « Reply #2 on: May 01, 2024, 12:03:47 PM »
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  • I found this short article in the SSPX Canadian 2011 Calendar for the month of MAY -Apostolates
    The Knights of Our Lady
    The Order of knighthood was established long ago to defend and protect Christendom and Christian civilization. It is also the best means to be used today to restore the social and political reign of Jesus Christ. It is a sacramental conferred by a bishop and thus gives an official mission and necessary graces. The knights are active in the fields of charitable action and help, the service to the sick during pilgrimages, doctrinal and physical formation, and the education of the youth. After a minimum of two and a half years postulancy, he receives the white mantle after taking the three private vows: Conversion of life, Fidelity to the Order, and Defense of the Church and Christendom, even at the peril of one's life.

    Quote From OP "...Despite the assurances given by Fr. Schmidberger two months after the death of Msgr. Lefebvre, in a circular of May 27, 1991, according to which the Fraternity did not have "the slightest intention of reaching out to the other communities in any way," does not support the communities that it considers insufficiently submissive, much less in recent years, those that did not adhere to the new policy of abandoning the state of necessity and supplied jurisdiction, as if there was no longer any crisis in the Church: so it continues to create copies of these communities for its service..."
    I remember the story of the founding knights re:
    "which had served for the canonical erection of the Order of the Knights of Our Lady of Chartres in 1964,...".
    If my memory serves me right, the story goes something like this, but I stand to be corrected:
    +Lefebvre and a few others were having lunch in a restaurant in Switzerland, and they were quietly discussing possibilities to find something to start a seminary. After some moments, two gentleman who had overheard some words, in public, approached their table and introduced themselves; then asked + Lefebvre what exactly he was looking for. A passionate conversation ensued. Archbishop explained his desire to start a seminary to train Traditional priests, keeping the Tridentine Mass etc. and they were sort of looking for a suitable property. Right away, the two men, (Guy Genoud? et al.,) full of joy, exclaimed: 'Well look here! We have this ancient property in Écône that once housed the Canons of Great St. Bernard.!!...' The estate was sold to SSPX in 1970. As the saying goes: The rest is history. Good to realize that God used these knights directly, for the preservation of the Catholic Faith.
    Those two men were Knights of Our Lady. Now tell me: why on earth would the newSociety cancel this exemplary Order of Knights that, clearly, Providence had used? (cancelled 2019 maybe?)

    Ecône before the FSSPXedit

    The canons of Grand-Saint Bernard purchased a farm and its outbuildings in 1302[1],[2]. Between 1892 and 1922, there was the cantonal agricultural school there, managed by the canons[1]. In 1968, a group of individuals, including Valais State Councilor Guy Genoud and some members of whom were also Knights of Notre-Dame, purchased from the canons of the Great Saint-Bernard their estate and chapel (Notre-Dame des champs) of Riddes [1],[3]. At that time, which corresponded to a different lifestyle, there were still stables and a henhouse.

    First seminary

    The association of friends sold the estate in 1970 to Marcel Lefebvre who founded the first (international) seminary in Écône of the Priestly Fraternity of Saint-Pie-X[4],[1]. A period of work and modernization of the premises will follow, during which new buildings will be erected (called Saint-Thomas d’Aquin, Saint-Curé d’Ars and Saint-Pie X).

    The Écône seminary is one of the six formation houses of the Fraternity[5], but the name is sometimes used to designate this entire movement. In fact, in French-speaking Switzerland, when we speak of “Écône”, it is generally to evoke the Fraternity as a whole rather than the seminary or the town. Candidates for the priesthood receive spiritual, liturgical, philosophical and theological training there for six consecutive years[5].

              *** May you all have a Holy Month of Our Lady !***

    Photo is pre-2011
    La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
    The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                     St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

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    Re: Communique of the Militia Sanctae Mariae (Knights of Our Lady)
    « Reply #3 on: May 11, 2024, 01:08:33 PM »
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  • Quick unofficial Translation of the plaque shown in the last photo,
     from Link

                      In this crypt
            Notre - Dame  Sous - Terre *


        regular company and militant
              of the knights of Our-Lady

              founded in 1945 by
        Dom Gerard Lafond  OSB
          was  canonically established
         by Monsignor Roger MICHON
                  Bishop of Chartres
    on the Vigil of Christmas  Year of grace 1964
             being Lieutenant Master
          and Dom Gabriel GONTARD
            Abbot of Saint-Wandrille
             being General Chaplain

    * Our Lady of the Underground
    La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
    The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                     St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

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    Re: Communique of the Militia Sanctae Mariae (Knights of Our Lady)
    « Reply #4 on: May 12, 2024, 05:39:59 AM »
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  • How interesting!  Thank you for sharing!
    "Jesus, Meek and Humble of Heart, make my heart like unto Thine!"