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Author Topic: Canadian newSSPX getting lot attention, Pray for Fr. P. Groche -Um, where are u?  (Read 2295 times)

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Offline Twice dyed

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I met Fr. Patrick Groche in 1988, in Paris. He suggested that I help him in Africa. Thank the Good God that I went to the State of MN instead. !

Interesting article, but sad too, for all the African kids esp., but for everyone involved.  I suspect the Seal of Confession shelters some of these aggressors.. It is what it is. Some of these priest go for a few years to the :Retreat house in Montgardin, Gap, France, nicknamed the "Golden Prison,".

It is very easy to translate a web page. Open the link and click the translate button. You may have to download the app if you want to do offline translations. Firefox Browser translate, excerpt:

"...In an interview, the spokesman of the Collectif de victimes de la FSSPX, Benjamin Effa, wishes to launch an appeal for testimonies in Quebec. His fears are high, knowing that two priests of the Brotherhood targeted by major reports of sɛҳuąƖ assault on minors have stayed in the province for several years.
Patrick Groche
Patrick Groche (Infographic from a web image/La Porte Latine)

He first turned our attention to the abbot Patrick Groche, for whom the Collective had registered more than thirty alleged victims in [my emphasis Ed.] France and Gabon. However, these allegations have not been dealt with by the courts, in particular because of the limitation period. One of his alleged victims, Claude, recounted his eight years of attacks by Groche with the media Jeune Afrique in September 2022...."

La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
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Offline Jr1991

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Isn’t this the case Church Militant reported on a couple of years ago? 

Offline Twice dyed

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Are you thinking of CM and Fr Pierre D.? Hard to find anything on that case. Jassy and her contacts would be a "gold mine" for CM?

Re: a prior case,  I just came across this nugget:

French. To translate more simply select some text, highlight, then in 4 seconds a translate icon appears near the end of the selected text, tap and voila!

"...However, well before the departure of Father Peignot, in 1991, the successive superiors of the Saint-Pie-X fraternity were warned of the attacks committed by this abbot on at least three minor boys in Belgium and France at the end of the 1980s. , without ever notifying the courts. The fraternity was content to move the priest between France and Belgium. It will be necessary to wait until the end of 2009 for an internal procedure to be triggered.

"For SSP X, no protocol was in place to deal with such situations. » However, in 2000, Mgr Fellay, superior of the fraternity since 1994, aware of the dangerousness of Father Peignot, (introduced??, the French word 'casse' means to break ) a first measure prohibiting any apostolate of the priest among young people....[Why was that priest still active at a Scout event in 2002? Ed.]

" the reality of speaking of an adapted measure, confining this priest to the role of simple chaplain, without any activity with the children", tries to convince the fraternity. Measures not respected by Father Peignot. The priest will remain in office with a pack of scouts in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines) until 2002, according to the victim who initiated his investigation..."
La fraternité Saint-Pie-X se défend par la voix de l’abbé Thouvenot : « Dans les années quatre-vingt, et bien que cela soit plus que regrettable, tant Rome que notre société de vie apostolique étaient dépourvues de procédure canonique définie et aucun protocole n’était en place pour faire face à de telles situations. »
A better translation ( unofficial, loose attempt) would be: The SSPX is defended by the voice of Fr. Thouvenot: "In the '80's, and that is what is so regrettable, Rome as well as our Society of apostolic life was deprived of any defined canonical procedure to deal head on with such situations.

La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                 St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

Offline Giovanni Berto

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There is no need for a formal canonical procedure. It is good to have one, but it is not essential.

Any decent superior would be able to discern what to do with a sɛҳuąƖ predator.

Parents have no "canonical procedure", but they know what to do to protect their children from the evils of the world.

Offline Twice dyed

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The truth is important.  Maybe the newSociety could be accused of being too discreet.
 This website has a summary of clergy convicted / accused of immoral acts. But to be fair, when someone is "accused", the justice system still has to presume the accused is innocent till proven guilty, beyond the shadow of a doubt. We have to be cautious about slander, defamation, rash judgement and the rest of it. I think CM learned the hard way. Also, it's important to truly know what the term "allegation" means. Some are so quick to find fault in others, and too often, it's all in their imagination...and could ruin someone's reputation in minutes. They lack the supreme virtue, which is charity of course. 
La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                 St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

Offline Jr1991

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Are you thinking of CM and Fr Pierre D.? Hard to find anything on that case. Jassy and her contacts would be a "gold mine" for CM?

Re: a prior case,  I just came across this nugget:

French. To translate more simply select some text, highlight, then in 4 seconds a translate icon appears near the end of the selected text, tap and voila!

"...However, well before the departure of Father Peignot, in 1991, the successive superiors of the Saint-Pie-X fraternity were warned of the attacks committed by this abbot on at least three minor boys in Belgium and France at the end of the 1980s. , without ever notifying the courts. The fraternity was content to move the priest between France and Belgium. It will be necessary to wait until the end of 2009 for an internal procedure to be triggered.

"For SSP X, no protocol was in place to deal with such situations. » However, in 2000, Mgr Fellay, superior of the fraternity since 1994, aware of the dangerousness of Father Peignot, (introduced??, the French word 'casse' means to break ) a first measure prohibiting any apostolate of the priest among young people....[Why was that priest still active at a Scout event in 2002? Ed.]

" the reality of speaking of an adapted measure, confining this priest to the role of simple chaplain, without any activity with the children", tries to convince the fraternity. Measures not respected by Father Peignot. The priest will remain in office with a pack of scouts in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines) until 2002, according to the victim who initiated his investigation..."
La fraternité Saint-Pie-X se défend par la voix de l’abbé Thouvenot : « Dans les années quatre-vingt, et bien que cela soit plus que regrettable, tant Rome que notre société de vie apostolique étaient dépourvues de procédure canonique définie et aucun protocole n’était en place pour faire face à de telles situations. »
A better translation ( unofficial, loose attempt) would be: The SSPX is defended by the voice of Fr. Thouvenot: "In the '80's, and that is what is so regrettable, Rome as well as our Society of apostolic life was deprived of any defined canonical procedure to deal head on with such situations.
CM had some docuмentary titled “Black Trads Lives Matter “ or something similar. They went bankrupt so there website is down. I’ll try to search the archives when I get home from work. 

Offline Jr1991

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I found the docuмentary. I think this is the same Fr. Patrick Groche.

Offline Twice dyed

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Thank you for finding that video, Black Trads Matter; it watched it all. Makes you wonder, if all these cases are true and terrible, how the perpetrators can live with their lifestyles. I pray they convert and repent...but we are all sinners too, and beg for God's mercy. The devil is busy: you can't make this stuff up! I read that Fr Groche would give a huge discount for school tuition to some Gabonese students, so these students were kindda trapped....At the end of the day, probably 97 % of newSociety priests are decent, morally speaking. Hopefully more will wake up and see the problems with neoSociety doctrinal position. Bp. Faure said that good bishops and priests must act like worthy dogs... bark when danger is present. Otherwise the dog is useless. But it sounds pretty quiet out there in neoSociety land +
La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
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Offline Giovanni Berto

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There are more recent articles showing Fr. Groche being mean to an African man who was abused by him and tried to deliver him a letter.

It seems that since Fr. Pagliarani took charge, Fr. Groche lives comfortably in Lourdes, with only some fictitious restrictions placed on him.

Offline hollingsworth

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Is it not clear at this point to anyone with a brain that SSPX covers up for sɛҳuąƖ predator priests in their midst?  Is it not abundantly evident that they hide errant priests from public scrutuiny, that they reassign them routinely, that they make only feckless attempts to discipline pedo priests when they are discovered?
SSPX lay folk, for the most part, excuse these perverts, arguing that SSPX has validly ordained priests and valid sacraments.  And that simply ends the discussion.  SSPX is a blight on the traditional Catholic landscape.

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Response to Giovanni,
Quote: There are more recent articles showing Fr. Groche being mean to an African man who was abused by him and tried to deliver him a letter.
I don't know if this is the letter in question.
Rough translation

Hand Delivered letter to Abbe P. Groche:
Fraternity St Pius X
Maison St Ignace

Dear Fr. Patrick Groche,
We take this opportunity of the 3 day session of St Ignatius to present this letter.
You  have abused children and adolescents for a period extending at least from 1986 to 2008 at  the Society mission in Gabon, which you founded, and of the school of St Joseph Calasanz.
In the canonical inquiry undertaken by your superiors, you admitted to the facts. Some measures and restrictions, which we think are very insufficient, were adopted. You affirmed that you repent and hope in the divine pardon.
These affirmations have little worth without concrete actions, indispensable to complete the measures and restrictions that were imposed  on you.

This is why we exhort you to publish a personal communiqué, to be read and posted at the Gabon mission.

In this communiqué, you will explicitly acknowledge the sɛҳuąƖ attacks, sɛҳuąƖ aggression and abuse, either  physical or psychological, of which you are the author.
You will find a model of a communiqué attached, so you wouldn't sugarcoat the facts.
Furthermore, you will contact the nearest police to denounce these acts, providing them with an exhautive list of your victims, especially by providing the name and surname of each.
In case you need assistance, we can help compile a list of these victims, so that none are forgotten.
The victims are in fact at the heart of our action and our principal motivation.
Penance and contrition do not consist in residing in a sanctuary, and there is no prescription for Our Lord.
It is therefore indispensable that you accomplish what we strongly recommend in this letter, not only helping the reparation for the victims, but also for the salvation of your soul.
May God uphold your victims.

Posted on website
Jul 31, 2022?

La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                 St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)

Offline Giovanni Berto

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If I remember correctly, there was a video showing the African man trying to deliver the letter and Fr. Groche very rudely going away. Not the attitude of a person who regrets his actions.

I really don't remember if the content of the letter was shown. 

Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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There is no need for a formal canonical procedure. It is good to have one, but it is not essential.

Any decent superior would be able to discern what to do with a sɛҳuąƖ predator.

Parents have no "canonical procedure", but they know what to do to protect their children from the evils of the world.
It is biblical to remove these imposters and reach out to the victims. 
May God bless you and keep you

Offline Viva Cristo Rey

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These sodomites are narcissists.  Most will never repent but will spread their disease of mortal sin.  

The Church is a hospital for sinners who want to be healed.  To sin no more says Jesus. 
May God bless you and keep you

Offline Twice dyed

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 - The wife of a victim presents a letter to Fr. G. , who then turned away. He was not immediately found. ...

La mesure de l'amour, c'est d'aimer sans mesure.
The measure of love is to love without measure.
                                 St. Augustine (354 - 430 AD)