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Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
« Reply #60 on: March 08, 2013, 04:28:14 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    If I were to tell you that I fight crime in my spare time, dressed in spandex, would you be tempted to say I was crazy, or "mentally ill"?

    Fighting crime dressed in spandex, talking about myself like I'm a superhero, is NOT NORMAL. PERIOD. It is not the behavior of a sane individual. That much is not open for debate.

    But with recent events in mind, now I know what would happen. Some people on CathInfo would apparently take issue with that label being applied to me, because I'm such a nice person, I run such a great forum, etc.

    They'd boil it down to "pro-Matthew" and "anti-Matthew" and everyone would fall into 2 camps, with few people being able to distinguish between "Matthew with his good works" and "Matthew and his insanity".


    "Let us thank God for having called us to His holy faith. It is a great gift, and the number of those who thank God for it is small."
    -- St. Alphonsus de Liguori

    Offline 1531

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #61 on: March 09, 2013, 02:27:54 AM »
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  • Quote from: suger
    Quote from: JMacQ
    Unbelievable assumption. Surely you don't mean that.

    Instead of inferring that His Grace committed simony (money in exchange for a sacrament or an office in the Church) I think that the simple and real explanation is that he could have never imagined that Bishop Fellay would become the destroyer of the SSPX. Who could have imagined that back then, 25 years ago?

    Indeed I don't mean simony, +Fellay never bargained / purchased his office, and ABL would never have done such a sin.

    What I mean is :

    re. ABL :

    - one fact is that as he was building up the Society from scratch he often was in dire need of money (and things are very expensive in Switzerland), (e.g. check +TdM book)

    -  he intended only to consecrate +Williamson, +Tdm, +de Gallareta

    - this swiss financial backer was influential in changing ABL's mind and having +Fellay additionally consecrated. I assume +ABL saw things like this : this good man and his Swiss friends have helped the Society so much and are still helping so much, and now he is begging for one of his countrymen as a further bishop, I cannot refuse that.

    - both Mr. Lovey and +ABL didn't at any time realise they were making a mistake, they acted in all honesty and good faith.

    Re. +Fellay and the people providing money to Mr. Lovey, I fear things may not be so nice. Now, 25 years later we can know :

    - +Fellay has been betraying the Society for decades (G.R.E.C.), and does clearly not behave as he should

    - the zionist Krah has been exposed

    - and I know other things I can't put here re. the geopolitics of a given lobby

    So it seems to me that the best explanations for all these things, with the hindsight we now have, are:

    - M. Folley and ABL were tricked in a push to have +Fellay consecrated, who then worked on gaining all powers in the Society

    - interestingly +Fellay was the one caring about the financial issues, before taking all power he could first develop a financial construction most suitable to his long-term schemes

    - if +Fellay was pushed like this by financial backers, it is more reasonable to think that he was a mole right from the beginning than he later became soldout

    Let us not forget that +Fellay has been in charge of finances since ABL appointed him in the late seventies, and it clearly never occurred to any (it seems) of the 3 other bishops, or any of the superiors and priests, that one person in charge for so many years with little or no control - a most dangerous and tempting position for anyone, including a bishop, should have been more closely monitored. Money + power = control! Whether +Fellay was a plant from the beginning, or not, is something I don't think we can prove at this stage, but that he was corrupted by the power emanating from his handing of large finances, as well as his continuing as head of the Society for so long, appears to be a fact, at any rate.

    Of course, there is no excuse for that corruption, since he has 'free will' and appears to have used it to his own benefit. After all, one does NOT have to be corrupted, but must be willing to be corrupted. I do not think he "was pushed by financial backers", but a willing pawn, if not a willing partner.

    "- and I know other things I can't put here re. the geopolitics of a given lobby -", as mentioned above, I would be most interested to know about these geopolitics, as I do not doubt that it is a distinct possibility. One would have to have one's head in the sand, to wish that one away.

    Offline hollingsworth

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #62 on: March 09, 2013, 11:23:03 AM »
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  • 1531:
    Let us not forget that +Fellay has been in charge of finances since ABL appointed him in the late seventies, and it clearly never occurred to any (it seems) of the 3 other bishops, or any of the superiors and priests, that one person in charge for so many years with little or no control - a most dangerous and tempting position for anyone, including a bishop, should have been more closely monitored. Money + power = control! Whether +Fellay was a plant from the beginning, or not, is something I don't think we can prove at this stage, but that he was corrupted by the power emanating from his handing of large finances, as well as his continuing as head of the Society for so long, appears to be a fact, at any rate.

    Are we really to believe that from the late 70s until his death in '91 (12-15 years?) that ABL never saw the inherent dangers in appointing his chief financial officer a bishop, as well?  As Suger and 1531 make clear, money is at the center of the sspx problems.  Money, truth be told, along with the inordinate power it confers on Fellay & Co, is at the root of present divisions.  These men have no moral authority.  IMO, they are not holy and spiritual priests.  They are powermongers manipulated and ultimately controlled by zionist interests. For those reasons, they differ little from the Vatican hierarchy which is also controlled and manipulated by money and zionism.

    Offline Matthew

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #63 on: March 09, 2013, 01:04:48 PM »
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  • Quote from: hollingsworth

    Are we really to believe that from the late 70s until his death in '91 (12-15 years?) that ABL never saw the inherent dangers in appointing his chief financial officer a bishop, as well?  As Suger and 1531 make clear, money is at the center of the sspx problems.  Money, truth be told, along with the inordinate power it confers on Fellay & Co, is at the root of present divisions.  These men have no moral authority.  IMO, they are not holy and spiritual priests.  They are powermongers manipulated and ultimately controlled by zionist interests. For those reasons, they differ little from the Vatican hierarchy which is also controlled and manipulated by money and zionism.

    If that were true, then the SSPX (at least the leadership) would no longer be fundamentally against Rome. They'd probably not have much of a problem with going back to Rome, if they could just arrange things so that there wasn't too much of a fallout when they did.

    It would probably take them a decade or more to place all their willing yes-men into positions of power, and establish a certain amount of control over information distribution in the SSPX. They'd have to forbid all priests to have blogs, establish several propaganda avenues, etc.

    I guess this isn't very likely, because they'd probably have to get rid of Bishop Williamson for it to succeed. How could they ever accomplish that? There'd be a HUGE backlash if they tried to expel him.

    ...Wait a minute! All this is exactly what happened!

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #64 on: March 09, 2013, 02:20:14 PM »
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  • Quote from: suger
    Quote from: Pius IX
    Quote from: Matto
    Quote from: suger
    Mgr. Fellay, is a traitor, either a sellout or a mole right from the begin.

    If Fellay is really a traitor, I hope his treachery is recent and not from the beginning.

    Such charity towards a Roman Catholic bishop!

    Pius IX ,
    - there are many letters by the Society's priests proving that this bishop is a blatant liar
    - he betrayed you by secretly plotting the sellout of the Society for decades (check out the G.R.E.C. plot)
    - he betrayed you by negociating for a pratical agreement although he had pledged that he would not do so unless there would be a doctrinal agreement first
    - etc.

    This is indeed very unpleasant, but this is the truth.
    (and if you only care about charity let me ask you: what are you doing here? why not just joining any of those protestant evangelical churches full of lovely people...?)

     Charity for Bp. Fellay? True charity is in correcting your brother.
     Please show me where Bp. Fellay or his minions EVER went to the faithful and said:
      " (smiling, always, of course) Hello dears peeples... itsa so nice to bee here after all theeze dayz... we have been soo buzy  lateley, darting back and forth, trying to ezscape  the brick bats and attacks from every side. But-- wee carry on--- we are working hard to get an agreement to get us back into rome-- into the conciliar church of the great big tent-- into the sodomite church of all the ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ cardinals and bishops. We have been working so hard behind the scenes ! (more big smiles) You know, we have had some setbacks( big frown). Our friends in Campos knew what we were doing with GREC, so they just went ahead and made a deal of their own-- now they are ahead of us in the new roman conciliar religion! Plus the Papa Stransay monks-- after we gave them so much support and help, they also found out we were coming back to rome-- so they made a deal also.Imagine that ! The Papa Stransay monks one-upping us also! "
         "Of course ( big, big smile, followed by deep, deep frowns), Fr Lorans works hard with GREC and the French Cardinals to sneak us in; and I have placed into positions of leadership in every district only people who will be "yes-men" for me, so, when times come for us to sign, there will be no resistance ."
         "Fr Rostand does an excellent job in the US-- every time I leak something stupid, he says something stupider to cover it up-- so youze peeples get more and more confused"
        "Yes, dears peoples, I know you heart is heavy-- you are tired of being separated from the sodomites in rome for so long-- so we work hard, but very quietly, for this purpose. In the meanstime, we appreciate your donations and money, so we continue to build schools and chapels, and even now a new seminary. We have a number of conciliar bishops of the new religion who want us to train there fake priests--- this is so good news for us! And it's many, many secret things like this which gives us warm and fuzzy feelings about joining conciliar rome ! And my finance guy-- they just came back from a tour of the secret military bases in Israel-- Everyone in Israel was all very excited in Israel to know that the finances of the Society of Saint Pius X, the Society of the firm anti-Communist and anti liberal Archbishop Lefebvre, who Ratzinger and the israelis absolutely hated,  are all in the hands of a confirmed Israeli, a supporter of the Mossad and  a fund-raiser for Jєωιѕн causes in New York  
    (more big smiles)."
       " Oh, dears peeples, so many things we could tell you we do behind the scenes-- but we can't say too much, because otherwise those traditionalists  like that Williamson, who I triad to bury in London, will hear it and run with it-- criticizing us publicly, and making us embarrassed. Soooo-- we work quietly, dears peeples-- please continue to send in your cash to our Mossad agents , so wees can builds more and more places to impress the romans--- then wees be sure they will give us a good, good deal to come back in ..."

       So-- just tell me where he told his "faithful" the truth-- then we'd all respect him more!  Hugh

    Offline Wessex

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #65 on: March 09, 2013, 02:52:00 PM »
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  • ....zee istory of zee fraternite moderne in zee nutshell ......

    Offline Guga

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    Breaking news: 3 French Priests caught by Mgr. Fellays KGB, to be deported
    « Reply #66 on: March 10, 2013, 10:44:05 PM »
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  • Quote from: Matthew
    Quote from: Guga
    Quote from: Matthew
    Quote from: Matthew
    Quote from: 1st Mansion Tenant
    I hope there is room for them in Pfeifferville.

    I hope they are joining the Resistance, yes.

    I suppose right now the Pfeiffer ranch in Kentucky is the best equipped to house Resistance priests as a sort of "Resistance priory". And priests do need the companionship and moral support of fellow priests in their battles with the world. Abp. Lefebvre knew this, which is why he designed the SSPX around Priories.

    But we should all take heed to not place ALL our hopes in Fr. Pfeiffer. He is an excellent priest and his sermons are downright awesome, but he might have fatal flaws like all of us -- for example, being irrationally loyal to a given layman.

    Such could be his undoing. If that happens, we will have to continue to keep the Faith and not give up.

    Remember in Greek mythology, Achilles was dipped in an "invincibility" potion, but they had to hold him by his heel when they dipped him in it. So he was vulnerable in that one spot -- the Achilles' Heel. Guess where he got shot with an arrow?

    Let's not set ourselves up for massive disappointment by treating Fr. Pfeiffer like he's "The One" or something.

    Would he even want that?

    Since this is CathInfo, I have to spell out everything I'm trying to say (and spell out what I'm NOT trying to say).

    What I advocate: Love, support, and attend the Masses of Fr. Pfeiffer. Spread the word about the Resistance, record the sermons of Fr. Pfeiffer and the other Resistance priests, post them online, and encourage people to attend Masses of all the Resistance priests. Support him with volunteer work, money, and prayers.

    What I advise against: Forming a cult of personality around him. Don't worship the man. He's just ONE priest. And though he is very holy, he may yet have flaws. Not even sins, mind you -- just flaws. Like trusting the wrong person, etc.

    Ok, not one, but TWO people had a problem with THIS?

    Ok, I'm sorry. Nix what I said. "We should worship him. In fact, I'm going to cut up my couch where he sat 2 weeks ago and turn the whole thing into 3rd class relics."

    Happy now?

    Seriously, unless that is how you truly feel, how could anyone disagree with my very Catholic, very balanced post (above)?

    I'm asking out of courtesy. You all should know by now that the moderator can see who thumbed up or thumbed down a given post.

    My guess? Someone is voting out of knee-jerk jingoism. They're voting "for the team". Everything comes down to "team colors" -- Pro-Pfeiffer or Anti-Pfeiffer. Every post is distilled down into one of those 2 simplistic camps.

    I'm amazed that Tradition is still a force to be reckoned with at all, with this level of emotionalism and lack of reason displayed.

    Since I advocated not worshipping him, I guess my post is rounded down to Anti-Pfeiffer? (Actually, I would still disagree: Most of my post is about how we should support him wholeheartedly)


    Why should I be afraid to know that you know I’m the one that gave you thumbs down?  Are you willing to intimidate me because of your moderation authority? Ok my “lord“ I will not disagree with you. Sure!
    What about if I do not agree that there is cult of personality to the person of Fr. Pfeiffer  but a gratitude for his leadership that is also recognized by all the priests from the resistance in North America and many others around the world?
    What about if I think that there are opportunists trying to have the holophotes of the show over their heads taking advantage of a Fr. Pfeiffer’s assistance (possible) grave faults 12 years ago?  Or even more, trying to sabotage Fr. Pfeiffer leadership because of that? Am I allowed to think like that?
    How many people from the resistance would be without the sacraments if it wasn't the hard work of Fr.Pfeiffer?  How many priests and faithful would be in the resistance right now if it wasn't his brave attitude? And you want make me to believe that this fake “Pablo’s gate“ will put me in doubt of his leadership?   And that if I think otherwise I’m worshiping him? It is not a matter of put all our hope in him, I place my hope first in God. I'm grateful for his work, not only because I have a personal benefit of it ( his work has help me to strengthen my faith) but because I can see the good he has done. And that is reality, as Bishop Williamson used to say.
    Trying to put in doubt his leadership without serious reasons do not seem to be a balanced attitude. And I would have no fear of saying that not only him but all the priests I had the opportunity to meet in the resistance are holy men. Not in exaggerated way that you pictured, but in the ordinary sense in which we Catholics call those men that we recognize are deeply concerned about the salvation of souls and faithful to their mission.
    And more, the fact of been the moderator of this forum and having the knowledge of what happened behind the screen also give you the power to know what happen between “pablo the Amateur Exorcist” (can I still say his name in here?)  and his confessor?
    Are you that sure that you have always balanced attitudes?  Why did you stand quiet when “Lepanto Again” implied that “pablo the Amateur Exorcist”, with no prove whatsoever, was “trying to increase the donations for his benefit” when Pfeiffer’s Ville burned down? What a grave accusation, and the moderator did nothing.
    And yes, there is a formation of a “pro“ and “anti“ Fr. Pfeiffer groups, but I have the feeling that it is actually an anti-resistance movement.  I’m sure some of those people in the anti-Fr. Pfeiffer side are doing nothing in the real world but writing in the forums and/or trying to get attention for their websites.
      It seems to me that the “hyenas“ are willing to find a place in the resistance.
    My best wishes

    Yes I'm the moderator of this discussion forum, which means it's my burden to help teach people how to discuss, how to be logical, how to think.
    (And let's face it -- considering I'm a human being, there are no posts I'll be more interested in than my own. But I do attack illogical statements affecting other members' posts too.)

    Basically, you're giving me a perfect example of the jingoism and team spirit that I was criticizing. You skim my post, guess that it's vaguely "anti-Pfeiffer" and set yourself against it.

    What I'm saying is that you get an F in "reading comprehension".

    How about you judge WHAT I ACTUALLY TYPED and not WHAT YOU INFER from it.

    I never said that Pablo-gate should shatter our trust in Fr. Pfeiffer.

    I never said that Fr. Pfeiffer wasn't brave and a good priest.

    I never said that there was a cult of personality around Fr. Pfeiffer.

    I certainly never raised a false dichotomy of "worship Fr. Pfeiffer" or "lose trust in him over Pablo".

    READ MY POST. Carefully.

    Quote from: Guga
    And yes, there is a formation of a “pro“ and “anti“ Fr. Pfeiffer groups, but I have the feeling that it is actually an anti-resistance movement.  I’m sure some of those people in the anti-Fr. Pfeiffer side are doing nothing in the real world but writing in the forums and/or trying to get attention for their websites.

    1. Fr. Pfeiffer is NOT the resistance. He is a big part of it, but he is not synonymous with it.
    2. Your "feeling" isn't worth anything. "What is gratuitously affirmed can be gratuitously denied."
    3. Even a person who wants nothing to do with Fr. Pfeiffer (personality conflict?) might be fervently pro-resistance. Your opinion is not logical.
    4. You're sure, huh? Guess what!  I know MANY (as in, more than 5) Resistance chapel organizers who are not afraid to criticize Pablo and/or Fr. Pfeiffer. They're just internet warriors hiding behind a keyboard, not doing anything in the real world? How about the exact opposite! We're talking about people who ORGANIZED the Resistance in their local area.

    Anyhow -- my post, as it was written, with no "jumping to conclusions", should have been offensive to NO ONE. It was very carefully worded and written.

    Here's what I want you to do. You can disagree with me (don't worry, I'm not going to ban you), but I want you to QUOTE THE PART OF MY POST YOU DISAGREE WITH.


    You jumped to the conclusion that because I gave you a thumb down the only option left was to worship him“. You also jumped to the conclusion that I was against every thing you sad, and that your post is so well balanced, so divine inspirited, that no one could ever disagree with anything you sad.

    Not setting ourselves up for massive disappointment is something that every catholic should be ready to do, no matter what, where, when or to whom. But them when you start giving names and circuмstances you start putting REAL doubt to that given person.  And that is what I affirm: You are putting in doubt his LEADERSHIP supposedly because he is been “irrationally loyal to a given layman”, and then, “Such could be his undoing”. Someone that acts irrationally is, for sure, someone that does not deservers our hope, especially to be leading anyone.  The rest of your post I don’t care, it is just logical things in your little world.

    Fr. Pfeiffer is NOT the resistance. He is a big part of it, but he is not synonymous with it.

    You're sure, huh? Guess what!  I know MANY (as in, more than 5) Resistance chapel organizers who are not afraid to criticize Pablo and/or Fr. Pfeiffer. They're just internet warriors hiding behind a keyboard, not doing anything in the real world? How about the exact opposite! We're talking about people who ORGANIZED the Resistance in their local area.

    He is not the resistance but his is leading it (at least in North America), it is not a matter of been a big or small part. He is LEADING it! And he has also been accepted by his colleges to do so. If anyone starts to discredit him for personal divergences and/or playing dirty games, it shows that that person only worries about their little independent chapel (and some are already creating sectarian ideas) and/or playing the game of the enemy to divide the already small group of the resistance.

    Your "feeling" isn't worth anything. "What is gratuitously affirmed can be gratuitously denied."

    I don’t mind if it isn’t worth anything and I would actually be glad if you were right, it means that it has no connection to the reality. Believe me, I have no attachment to my feelings.

    (don't worry, I'm not going to ban you)

    Thank you for you kindness, I was really worried about that.