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Offline Neil Obstat

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Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2014, 02:16:12 PM »
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    I missed three broken links, two in footnote 3 on page 2 and one in footnote 6 on page 3, and the stupid ink dried AGAIN,  :really-mad2: so I couldn't fix them:

    3.    Fr. Arrupe’s evil work is demonstrated by many sources.  See, e.g., ; ; and .

    6.    Among many other places that “centering” is explained, you can go to this link: .

    Remember, Fr. Pedro Arrupe S.J., was one of the group of Jesuits who survived the nuclear explosion at ground zero in Japan at the end of WWII.  Neither he nor his associates there that day suffered from radiation sickness, and they all lived normal, healthy lives for years into the future.  Fr. Arrupe was later elected to Superior of the Jesuits.

    I just checked the first link and found this note:

    There is currently no text in this page. You can search for this page title in other pages, search the related logs, or edit this page.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #31 on: January 21, 2014, 03:00:07 PM »
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    The Italians and Yugoslavians in San Pedro would call him "PEE-dro Arrupe," just to deliberately not sound Hispanic.

    From the second link in footnote 3:

    Pedro Arrupe, S.J.

    Who is Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J.?
    Arrupe International

    On May 22, 1965, Fr. Pedro Arrupe was elected superior general of the Society of Jesus, the first Basque to occupy this position since the founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola. Comparisons of between the two men, however, extend beyond their common homeland. In the eighteen years of his service as superior general Arrupe oversaw a renewal of the Jesuits so profound that he is revered by many as a “second founder.”

    Specifically, Arrupe lead the Jesuits through their landmark Thirty Second Congregation, a meeting of representatives from all over the Jesuit world, held from December 1974 to March 1975. He was instrumental in promoting the famous “fourth decree,” which defined the modern mission of the Jesuits in terms of “faith that does justice”. In the words of this decree, “Our faith in Jesus Christ and our mission to proclaim the Gospel demand of us a commitment to promote justice and enter into solidarity with the voiceless and the powerless.”

    Arrupe’s belief that the gospel requires effective solidarity with a suffering world had roots in his early years as a priest. Before entering the Jesuits in 1927 he had studied medicine, but an experience of conversion had set him on a different course. After his ordination in 1936 he was assigned to Japan.

    On August 6, 1945, Arrupe was serving just four miles from the center of Hiroshima, close enough to be nearly blinded by the flash of the first atomic bomb and to feel the blast that sent the walls of the seminary crashing around him. The memory of that day and the suffering survivors whom he tended in the following weeks were present to him in each Mass he celebrated for the rest of his life.

    The compassion evoked by this experience developed over time into a conviction that ministry to oppressed and suffering peoples must not remain on the personal level alone. It was necessary also to promote structural changes in the world to alleviate the sources of oppression and violence. Thus, Arrupe was a pioneer in urging the combination of pastoral concern, biblical reflection, and social analysis.

    Arrupe was aware that the Jesuits would suffer consequences for this new understanding of their mission, and he urged them to be prepared for criticism and even persecution. His concern was prophetic.
    Within three years, five Jesuits* had laid down their lives in the pursuit of justice, and criticism was quick to follow. The Jesuits were accused of substituting politics for the gospel, and Arrupe was personally charged with leading the Society astray.

    In 1981, after Arrupe suffered a disabling stroke, Pope John Paul II appointed a personal delegate to serve as interim superior of the Society. Arrupe’s own choice of vicar general was passed over, a fact perceived by many in the Society as a criticism of their beloved superior general. Arrupe himself never expressed any resentment. Two years later, with the election of his successor, he tendered his official resignation. Unable to speak without difficulty, he prepared a farewell statement that was read to the assembled brethren:


    "In these eighteen years, my one ideal was to serve the Lord and his church... I thank the Lord for the great progress I have witnessed in the Society. Obviously there would be defects too - my own, to begin with - but it remains a fact that there was great progress, in personal conversion, in the apostolate, in concern for the poor, for refugees. And special mention must be made of the attitudes of loyalty and filial obedience shown toward the church and the Holy Father, particularly in these last years. For all of this, thanks be to God."


    Arrupe spent his final years entirely dependent on others for his daily care. Whereas he had once served God through bold and prophetic leadership, now it was through prayer and patient suffering. As always he set an example of the Ignatian discipline of “finding God in all things.” He died on February 5, 1991.


    This information is from All Saints: Daily Reflection on Saints, Prophets, and Witnesses for Our Time wrtten by Robert Ellsburg

    *[ETA:]  The names of these 5 Jesuits is not given, but they could have been involved with the "Liberation Theology" movement in Latin America around that time, because these words, "criticism was quick to follow. The Jesuits were accused of substituting politics for the gospel, and Arrupe was personally charged with leading the Society astray," are not a bad observation of what followed the deaths of several priests who had taken up arms during the skirmishes of Liberation Theology.

    The parallels between Arrupe and +Fellay are at times most ominous.  One must sometimes wonder if +F has not thought of Arrupe as some kind of role model.

    Arrupe's death preceded ABL's and AdCM's by mere weeks.

    Recall that the method of Ignatian retreats are used in the SSPX at all the retreat centers, and is an integral part of SSPX seminary training.  It is not unreasonable, however, to suppose that the methods of St. Ignatius are sometimes rather short-cut and adapted for modern sensibilities.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #32 on: January 21, 2014, 03:37:56 PM »
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    From page 3:


    Besides Pope Francis’ sermon, your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains a two-page “meditation” from the thoroughly-conciliar so-called “Catholic,” Kathleen Finley. (5)  Page 12.  This “meditation” begins by using what it calls a “centering” technique.  This is syncretism and ecuмenism!  The SSPX is here promoting the vocabulary of yoga, eastern paganism and the New Age! (6)  The “meditation” which the SSPX is promoting here, is directed generically to the “Creator,” so as to offend no one.  The request made to the Creator, is to “experience” Him.  This experiential religion is the heresy of immanentism, and it is rank Modernism!  See, Pascendi, St. Pius X, §14.

    In this “meditation,” there is no kneeling before a Catholic holy image.  Instead the reader is told to sit near a door (to be examined) and focus on a lighted candle.  As the “meditation” continues, it is simply an exercise in naturalism, humanism, careful attention to everyday sensations, and appreciation of what mankind has accomplished.  The reader is told to notice the texture of the door, the details of the doorknob, and appreciate the work of man.

    The “meditation” then quotes several passages from the heretical, protestantized New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.  At this point, the “meditation” enters its second phase, considering how doors are a symbol of our lack of inclusiveness and lack of openness to others.  Finley asks the reader:  “Do you want to ‘open the door’ a bit further to God [and] ... anyone else?”

    I'm sorry, but this Finley 'meditation' would not work at all on many people I know.  They would "light the candle, notice the texture of the door and the details of the doorknob," and would have nothing but accusations against the sloppy workmanship of the doorknob manufacturer, the inadequate skill and wanting diligence of the person who installed it (probably because his chisels were not sharp, his drill bits were not guided properly, his screwdriver was the wrong size, and he was in too big of a hurry, likely because he was on 'piece work'.  The sanding marks of insufficient prep would be noticeable, as would too, that the painter left a holiday right near the lousy doorknob.  Shall I go on?  How can such a one "appreciate the works of man" when he knows that the works of man are all far less than commendable?  

    To add insult to injury, this Finley is likely writing from a part of the world where craftsmanship is of a higher grade, and maybe from a better side of town, whereas the Flying Squirrel is being sent out to readers in India, where doors, doorknobs and paint jobs are an entirely different category of reality.  Let's put it this way:  If Finley was writing from TAMIL NADU, she would have the subject stare at something other than a lousy doorknob, because for one, he might have a hard time finding one, and when he does, it won't be much to look at.

    This Finley obviously has no real world experience.

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    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #33 on: January 22, 2014, 08:45:24 PM »
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    The saga continues..................

    Today TheRecusant posted an item on The Flying Squirrel (publication in India).  There are links to outside sources contained in the article on TheRecusant's website.

     SSPX Modernism: "The Flying Squirrel" scandal deepens

    Posted by The Editor on January 22, 2014 at 5:15 PM    Comments comments (0)

    A couple of months ago (here), we referred our readers to a new magazine published by the SSPX in India, called The Flying Squirrel. The contents of this magazine are a standing scandal, stark evidence of the slide away from the fight for Tradition, and doubtless a glimpse of what is yet to come in our own District. The whole SSPX is heading in the same direction, even if some districts are lagging behind others in the liberalism stakes.


    As pointed out previously, the magazine is littered with rank liberalism which most of us would be shocked to see coming from an Indult or conservative conciliar publication. If you think this is an exaggeration, please see for yourself here or here.


    An Open Letter was written by some scandalised Catholics concerning the Flying Squirrel. No response has so far been forthcoming from Menzingen. However, from the priest who as prior at the time of publication bears responsibility for the magazine, Fr. Robert Brucciani, the following response has now been made public (here):

        Dear Mr -------,

        Don't worry, we have not gone all liberal. You are not the first to express wonder [about The Flying Squirrel] and so I put together an official statement:

        The Flying Squirrel was conceived and produced by Fr. Christophe Beaublat who is now the prior in India. About 120 copies were printed for distribution in our Indian Mass Centres. The controversial edition [of The Squirrel] referred to in the open letter to Bishop Fellay was printed without my approval one week before Fr Beaublat took over as prior. When I pointed out the controversial parts of the edition (controversial because passages could be interpreted as a sign of liberalism), Fr. Beaublat did not agree with my judgement. I did not insist that the copies be destroyed before they were distributed because I judged:

            That the inclusion of the controversial parts were the result of Fr. Beaublat's charitable and generous interpretation of
                the Pope's utterances
                the apostolic works of modern Catholics
                the benefits of eccentric meditation techniques and alternative medical therapies

            That the few faithful who read the publication would be forgiving or uncomprehending

            That, as I would become his subordinate within the week, it would have made our relationship very difficult.

        Unfortunately, I did not foresee the scurrilous campaign of the dishonourable priests who have the effrontery of calling themselves the "Resistance" or even worse, "The Marian Corps". Fr. Beaublat is not a liberal, he is just indulgent (perhaps to a fault). As far as I am aware, Fr. Beaublat must now submit any further publications to the District Superior before printing.

        Finally, for the record, the Salve Regina magazine used to be the Tamil publication of the priory. When Fr. Valan left India, he continued to publish the magazine without authorisation from his new post in the Philippines, so, instead of his superiors preventing this, they decided that the priory publication should change its name. It was changed to SANCTA MARIA and is still published every two months.

        In Jesu et Maria,

        Father Robert Brucciani


    Note the difference: Fr. Beaublat is not really a liberal. Yes alright, he may print a magazine which contains practically nothing but conciliarism, but that's because he's so generous! It's the Resistance who are the scurrilous ones for objecting to this! Who do they jolly-well think they are?!? And anyway, the faithful are mostly too stupid to notice that they're being fed liberalism, so what's the problem?!


    Lest anyone be tempted by the allure of Fr. Brucciani's tone, we invite you to read the Flying Squirrel for yourself (follow the link above) and to decide for yourself whether its contents are merely "controversial" because they "could [you never know! It's just possible!] be interpreted [after all, some people like to read into things!] as a sign [as in, a faint little hint!] of liberalism" - or whether the publication is a disgrace, containing blatant liberalism, modernism and heresy, whose very existence a standing scandal for which, in the days of Archbishop Lefebvre (or the pre-conciliar Church), heads would have immediately rolled.


    PS - The little attack on Fr. Valan is, we are reliably informed, unfounded.


    PPS - Many people in Great Britain will remember Fr. Robert Brucciani: he was stationed in our District after his ordination and has only been gone six or seven years. Take note. Let this be a salutory warning.


    [Fr. Pfeiffer has reported in a recent recording that the district superior in India had warned that he would shut down Mass centers where they allow Frs. Chazal or Pfeiffer to say Mass.  Later, after they did come and say Mass at one or more sites, the DS tried to shut down the Masses, but Fr. Valan continued to offer Mass in those places.  This is why the DS then started to issue disciplinary measures against Fr. Valan.  Above, you see one of the measures:  calumny.]

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    Offline Frances

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #34 on: January 22, 2014, 11:48:43 PM »
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  •  :dancing-banana:
    Scurrilous?  The worst word I've heard Fr. Pfeiffer use is "crappy." I've heard the close equivalent in French from Fr. Chazal, but it was spoken in jest about himself!  I've never Fr. Hewko utter a coarse or vulgar word about anyone or at any time, ever!  Bishop Williamson called Bp. Fellay a weasel.  John the Baptist called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers."  Our Lord called Herod "that fox." If the Resistance priests are scurrilous, they are following Christ's example!
    It is very hard to have any respect or trust in a priest who uses his parishioners as pawns instead of confronting his alleged detractors himself.  It is even worse that he uses the Mass and Sacraments as weapons on the pawns.  May he be granted the grace to see his sin and repent of it.
     St. Francis Xavier threw a Crucifix into the sea, at once calming the waves.  Upon reaching the shore, the Crucifix was returned to him by a crab with a curious cross pattern on its shell.  

    Offline stgobnait

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #35 on: January 23, 2014, 04:35:38 AM »
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  • Francis... if Fr Pfeiffer ever decides he wants a P.R. for the resistance... may i nominate your good self.

    Offline cantatedomino

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #36 on: January 23, 2014, 10:53:37 AM »
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  • Quote from: J.Paul
    Quote from: Wessex
    Quote from: J.Paul
    All of this time and effort wasted upon Bishop Fellay. Folks just cannot tear themselves away from him, in one way or another.

    Supporters and detractors, they all keep him in the limelight as though he is so very important.

    I agree  ..... but he represents a certain position held by so many so-called trads to work with Rome and never to atack her. His abilities are devoted to staying in office rather than championing tradition, unless the appearance of tradition is now all that is left of tradition.

    As yet, there is no strong unifying leader on the other side. People are doing their own thing which I suppose is what is meant by 'loose association'. Maybe this is early days and someone will emerge once the size and strength of the resistance reveals itself. But the resistance must define itself clearly because it may not be able to rely on the charisma of another ABL figure to fudge the essentials.

    I think that you raise a good point. Now that the Society has come loosed from its moorings. The structure of the SSPX and its foundational principles of selective resistance and feigned obedience has born its inevitable fruit, one of confusion and disparate energies being cast here and there.
    Without the ruling hand of the "Leader" to attract the moths to a singular flame, now other small flames self ignite with each drawing off followers from the old dimming candle.
    This is the legacy of a failed project which left not a legacy which wass robust enough to not only regroup but one which would inspire the self examination necessary to discern the former's weaknesses which led to its downfall and which are now being re-established outside of the old structure.

    When the building materials of the new home carry the unsoundness of the bricks of the old, given time, will also crumble, as did the first home of resistance.

    It would seem that the original plan was simply to outlast the Conciliar sect's takeover, simply surviving to be considered victory.

    Frankly, I see no hope of change for the future. Just as the old Society was locked within itself, so is the resistance still locked within the vision of the old Society.

    Beautifully stated.

    Offline peterp

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #37 on: January 23, 2014, 01:43:26 PM »
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  • Quote from: Neil Obstat
    1.       For a small, partial catalogue of your increasing liberalism, see an open letter to your subordinate, Fr. Daniel Themann, which is available on, on, and, at the following links: ; ;

    This has already been answered in a threefold rebuttal:

    i) Logic. The society has always, as a principle wanted to submit to the authority of Rome (not to would be schismatic). The society cannot hold two contrary principles in the same sense at the same time (law of non-contradiction);

    ii) Archbishop Lefebvre. The archbishop indicated he was open to an agreement (if the conditions were right): "let them make us such an offer". Further Bishop Tissier de Mallerais recently recalled "Archbishop Lefebvre always sought to take advantage of favorable opportunities to re-establish contacts with Rome and get the return to our canonical approval";

    iii) Theology. The quote used to justify the "no agreement without Rome's conversion" was shown not to be a principle but rather the command of prudence (prudence involves three main elements: counsel, judgment, command).

    The author(s) reference this forum three times in the article. They obviously come here and read the threads. Strange how they have not replied.

    Offline Columba

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #38 on: January 23, 2014, 01:47:43 PM »
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  • Quote from: peterp
    Quote from: Neil Obstat
    1.       For a small, partial catalogue of your increasing liberalism, see an open letter to your subordinate, Fr. Daniel Themann, which is available on, on, and, at the following links: ; ;

    This has already been answered in a threefold rebuttal:

    i) Logic. The society has always, as a principle wanted to submit to the authority of Rome (not to would be schismatic). The society cannot hold two contrary principles in the same sense at the same time (law of non-contradiction);

    ii) Archbishop Lefebvre. The archbishop indicated he was open to an agreement (if the conditions were right): "let them make us such an offer". Further Bishop Tissier de Mallerais recently recalled "Archbishop Lefebvre always sought to take advantage of favorable opportunities to re-establish contacts with Rome and get the return to our canonical approval";

    iii) Theology. The quote used to justify the "no agreement without Rome's conversion" was shown not to be a principle but rather the command of prudence (prudence involves three main elements: counsel, judgment, command).

    The author(s) reference this forum three times in the article. They obviously come here and read the threads. Strange how they have not replied.

    If you place yourself under the Freemasons presently controlling the Vatican, you have surrendered to the devil.

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #39 on: January 24, 2014, 05:01:47 AM »
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  • Quote from: Sigfrid
    Quote from: bowler
    Quote from: Sigfrid
    Quote from: Frances
    :The name of this publication and photo of smiling priests  immediately informs me that the contents are nothing...

    More smiling priests, maybe smiling is more ok if it's done while looking uncomfortable?

    Those priests are young, where were they ordained? Is this the new kind of SSPX priests we can "look forward to" having in the future of the SSPX?

    They're resistance priests (in Bogota?) actually.

    These happen to be 3 of the finest priests in the entire universe:  

    (left to right: Dom Raphael Arizaga OSB, Fr. Altamira, Fr. Trincado)

    The devil once told St. John Vianney, that if there were three more priests like him in the whole world,

    his kingdom on earth would be ruined.  

    Well, guess what?  ...........................

    P.S.  Columba, do us all a favor and don't waste your time like that.  

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    Offline JPaul

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #40 on: January 24, 2014, 09:09:14 AM »
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  • peterp,
    i) Logic. The society has always, as a principle wanted to submit to the authority of Rome (not to would be schismatic).

    Again, the Catholic authority of Rome or the Conciliar authority which occupies Rome? You must be clear on this point.

    The society cannot hold two contrary principles in the same sense at the same time (law of non-contradiction);

    But there is the rub isn't it?  They do hold two contradictory principles at the same time, and have plainly done so since 1998.
    They do not submit to the law of non-contradiction.

    Offline peterp

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #41 on: January 24, 2014, 10:09:25 AM »
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  • Quote from: J.Paul
    i) Logic. The society has always, as a principle wanted to submit to the authority of Rome (not to would be schismatic).

    Again, the Catholic authority of Rome or the Conciliar authority which occupies Rome? You must be clear on this point.

    The society cannot hold two contrary principles in the same sense at the same time (law of non-contradiction);

    But there is the rub isn't it?  They do hold two contradictory principles at the same time, and have plainly done so since 1998.
    They do not submit to the law of non-contradiction.

    J.Paul, these questions were already answered: i) there is only one Rome, ii) any refusal to submit is an act of prudence not a principle (hence no contradiction).

    Offline JPaul

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #42 on: January 24, 2014, 12:06:50 PM »
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  • Quote from: peterp
    Quote from: J.Paul
    i) Logic. The society has always, as a principle wanted to submit to the authority of Rome (not to would be schismatic).

    Again, the Catholic authority of Rome or the Conciliar authority which occupies Rome? You must be clear on this point.

    The society cannot hold two contrary principles in the same sense at the same time (law of non-contradiction);

    But there is the rub isn't it?  They do hold two contradictory principles at the same time, and have plainly done so since 1998.
    They do not submit to the law of non-contradiction.

    J.Paul, these questions were already answered: i) there is only one Rome, ii) any refusal to submit is an act of prudence not a principle (hence no contradiction).

    The questions are answered only within the SSPX/Resistance universe, and not very well at that.
    Your and their contention is that the false religion which controls the seat of power in Rome and elsewhere is the True Catholic Church.
    A church which legislates and teaches according to false doctrines.

    But you see no contradiction in that.

    Offline Neil Obstat

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    Anonymous Open Letter to Bishop Fellay - January 14, 2014
    « Reply #43 on: January 24, 2014, 01:16:32 PM »
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  • This should have been on page one.

    Copied from :


    Open Letter to Bishop Fellay, Superior
    General, SSPX

    Feast of St. Hilary of Poitiers[/font]

    Regarding your SSPX India publication called, “The Flying Squirrel”
    (which is attached below).

    An anonymous letter from the Catholics at .

    Your Excellency:

    We are writing about your Society’s India publication called “The Flying Squirrel.”  You are responsible before God for what goes on in your Society.  Although you do not read all SSPX publications before they are distributed, you have the responsibility and power to choose who writes them.  You have the responsibility and power to publicly correct scandals and publicly punish those committing them.  

    Although we think it is highly unlikely you will ever correct the public scandal recently caused in most English-speaking countries by The Flying Squirrel, here is your chance.  Your Society’s Flying Squirrel has been circulating on several continents.  Based on the past, we doubt you will publicly correct the mortally sinful scandals in your Society’s Flying Squirrel, because you have yourself been leading your Society into the liberalism of which the Flying Squirrel is merely a manifestation. (1)

    First of all, why does your Society’s new publication adopt the name, “The Flying Squirrel”?  Did your Society run out of saints and Catholic symbols (like the Cross), after which you could name this periodical?  Until recently, your Society’s India publication was called the Salve Regina.  No longer.  Does the new SSPX think that

    1.       For a small, partial catalogue of your increasing liberalism, see an open letter to your subordinate, Fr. Daniel Themann, which is available on, on, and, at the following links: ; ; .


    a Catholic name lacks the “freshness” and contemporary “feel” evoked by an irrational animal?  

    On pages 2-3, your Society’s Flying Squirrel publishes a complete sermon of Pope Francis.  Why is that?  Could your Society find nothing more edifying and orthodox than this?  Could your Society find nothing from any source, which was not tainted by the pope’s humanism and liberalism?

    Using conciliar terminology, Pope Francis refers to the “Eucharist” he is celebrating, which is the new mass, of course. Your Society makes no comment about these scandals and evils.  

    Pope Francis’ sermon is empty, conciliar rhetoric – certainly nothing which could help any traditional Catholic.  Yet the Flying Squirrel publishes it.  The pope urges that Christ be the “center” but never says the center of what.  He does say, though, that we should take “paths of searching” and “creative paths” which are “going to the outskirts,” but not take “isolated paths.”

    The pope preaches human service.  This fits with his social worker agenda.  The pope preaches letting ourselves be “conquered” by Christ.  But, he explains, this means “to always reach out to those in front of me.”  This fits well with the pope’s continual themes of naturalism, humanism and social welfare.  For example, Pope Francis says that:  “The most serious of the evils that afflict the world these days are youth unemployment and the loneliness of the old.” (2)  Your Society’s Flying Squirrel shows its solidarity with the pope’s humanism, by its masthead motto:  “Love brotherhood.”

    Your Society’s publication of Pope Francis’ sermon includes the pope’s praise of Fr. Pedro Arrupe, the heretical advocate of liberation theology. (3)  With the pope’s inexhaustible series of grave scandals and errors, how can you say (as you do) regarding Pope Francis, that it is “difficult to arrive at a judgment about his words”? (4)

    2.     10-1-13 Scalfari interview, found at this link: s conversation with scalfari english-67643118/ .
    3.     Fr. Arrupe’s evil work is demonstrated by many sources.  See, e.g., Arrupe ; ; and
    voices/pedro-arrupe-sj/ .
    4.     November 20, 2013 interview, posted at:мents/interview-with-bishop-bernard-fellay-menzingen-november-2013/ .


    Besides Pope Francis’ sermon, your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains a two-page “meditation” from the thoroughly-conciliar so-called “Catholic”, Kathleen Finley. (5)  Page 12.  This “meditation” begins by using what it calls a “centering” technique.  This is syncretism and ecuмenism! The SSPX is here promoting the vocabulary of yoga, eastern paganism and the New Age! (6)  The “meditation” which the SSPX is promoting here, is directed generically to the “Creator”, so as to offend no one.  The request made to the Creator, is to “experience” Him.  This experiential religion is the heresy of immanentism, and it is rank Modernism!  See, Pascendi, St. Pius X, §14.

    In this “meditation,” there is no kneeling before a Catholic holy image.  Instead the reader is told to sit near a door (to be examined) and focus on a lighted candle.  As the “meditation” continues, it is simply an exercise in naturalism, humanism, careful attention to everyday sensations, and appreciation of what mankind has accomplished.  The reader is told to notice the texture of the door, the details of the doorknob, and appreciate the work of man.

    The “meditation” then quotes several passages from the heretical, protestantized New Revised Standard Version of the Bible.  At this point, the “meditation” enters its second phase, considering how doors are a symbol of our lack of inclusiveness and lack of openness to others.  Finley asks the reader:  “Do you want to ‘open the door’ a bit further to God [and] ... anyone else?”

    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains many other scandalous articles.  For example, it includes an article promoting the humanist, naturalistic activities of Opus Dei members, who declare they were inspired by Pope Francis and the founder of Opus Dei.  Their task was to teach boys to play soccer and use computers.  As one Opus Dei member explained:  “Seeing children of different religions play together is something very special and a sign of a bright future”.  Page 8.  Your Excellency, why doesn’t your Society spend more time condemning the errors of heretics and pagans, and reminding readers there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, instead of promoting Opus Dei’s works of interreligious harmony? [see Question, below]
    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains a naturalistic, politically correct article about gender discrimination and the human rights violations of infanticide against baby girls.  Page 8-9.  This article relies on analysis by the “director of a Jesuit centre for human rights” and is full of jargon such as the condemnation of India’s “patriarchal outlook.”  The article laments that women do not often “become professionals or reach important positions.”

    5.     Kathleen Finley (and her book Savoring God), are given credit at the bottom of page 13. For more information about Finley, see, e.g., .
    6.     Among many other places that “centering” is explained, you can go to this link:
    on_grounding.html .


    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article about India’s lack of religious freedom, resulting in the persecution of a “Pentecostal” minister for attempting to “convert” a woman to join his (heretical) sect.  Page 9.  This article misleadingly makes it look as if religious liberty for heretics is a good thing, whereas it is an error of Vatican II.  Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article rejoicing that the conciliar church in India now has a new radio station, through which it can promote its conciliar errors.  Page 9.

    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article promoting a conciliar cardinal who erected a statue of Mary depicted in Indian attire.  The article characterizes this statue as a “masterpiece of inculturation.”  This cardinal is accused of seeking converts for the Catholic Church and he denies this accusation.  Page 10.  The article then adds the commentary of a conciliar priest-sociologist who defends the Catholic Church as a protector of the human rights of indigenous people.  Lastly, the article says that although Indians have different religions, they are unified by culture.

    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article promoting the conciliar bishops of India for joining with government and secular groups to give humanitarian aid to Hindu pilgrims.  Page 10.

    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article about population control and the human rights violation of forced sterilizations.  Page 11.  

    There is no mention of the laws of God or the teaching of the Catholic Church, in this article concerning many millions of abortions, sterilizations and ubiquitous artificial contraception.

    Your Society’s Flying Squirrel contains an article about the lack of religious freedom and toleration in India.  It contrasts the views of a Hindu leader, with the pluralistic opinions of the president of the “Global Council of Indian Christians.”  Page 11.  

    Your Excellency, your Society’s Flying Squirrel gives the impression that the issues it treats are important – although they are not – compared to what it should be talking about, e.g., condemning heresy, making converts, preaching the Social Kingship of Christ and the Catholic Faith!  The Flying Squirrel is a grave public and international scandal!  Such scandals are not sufficiently corrected except by strong, public measures made known in every place to which the scandal itself extended.


    Your liberalism is manifest in your choice of major superiors

    Based on your track record, we think that your most likely reaction to the Flying Squirrel will be to give a promotion to India’s SSPX prior (who is responsible for this publication) making him an SSPX major superior.

    The ilk of your major superiors is clear.  With very few (and decreasing) exceptions, they actively promote error and liberalism.  To take just one example:  your SSPX district superior for South America, Fr. Christian Bouchacourt, recently stated publicly:  “The Jєωιѕн people did not commit deicide.” 0 1039696144.html

    Fr. Bouchacourt’s statement is a conciliar error which contradicts infallible Apostolic Tradition and the continual teaching of the Fathers, Doctors, Popes and other sacred writers.  For example, St. Thomas Aquinas taught:  “The Jєωs therefore sinned, as crucifiers not only of the Man-Christ, but also as of God.”  (‘et ideo Judaei peccaverunt, non solum hominis Christi, sed tamquam Dei crucifixores.’). Summa Theologica, IIIa, Q.47, a.5 ad3.

    Fr. Bouchacourt’s statement is plainly false for the same reason that our Lady is the Mother of God, viz., she is the Mother of God because she is the mother (in His humanity) of a Person Who is God.  The Jєωs committed deicide because they killed (in His humanity) a Person Who is God.  Thus, they are God-killers – they committed deicide.

    One final thought
    The Flying Squirrel and the rest of the new SSPX remind us of some recent corporate history in the automobile business. GM (the large auto maker) owns the brand name, Oldsmobile.  GM felt that the world had left behind the Oldsmobile brand.  GM felt Oldsmobile’s only chance of survival was to update the brand to make it more contemporary, more youthful and more appealing to modern tastes.

    So GM updated Oldsmobile and heavily advertised its rebranding.  The tag line of these ads was:  “This is not your father’s Oldsmobile!”

    Your Excellency, Archbishop Lefebvre is your “father”, isn’t he? Because of your Society’s liberal makeover and rebranding, it seems to us that you should consider using the tag line: “This is not your father’s Society!”

    Incidentally, Oldsmobile went out of existence not many years after departing from its corporate “traditions”.


    In Him Who is Truth and hates liberalism,

    You can reach us at: Father.Themann.Answered@gmail.


    [pages 7-15 of this PDF are duplicates of the August 2013 Flying Squirrel, #3]

    Question (from page 3):  Your Excellency, why doesn’t your Society spend more time condemning the errors of heretics and pagans, and reminding readers there is no salvation outside the Catholic Church, instead of promoting Opus Dei’s works of interreligious harmony?

    Answer:  (If he were honest, he would say that..) The reason is, he doesn't believe that there is literally no salvation outside the Church, because he has committed his faith to a mental reservation, by which his lifelong BoD exception has caused him to think that just as Baptism of water is necessary but everyone in the Church believes there are exceptions -- in fact, the exceptions are so commonplace that they become the new rule -- so too:  "While it is true there is no salvation outside the Church, there are exceptions, accommodations, ameliorations and excuses for why I don't have to interpret that literally, because, 'This saying is hard, and who can hear it?' (John vi. 61)."

    .--. .-.-.- ... .-.-.- ..-. --- .-. - .... . -.- .. -. --. -.. --- -- --..-- - .... . .--. --- .-- . .-. .- -. -.. -....- -....- .--- ..- ... - -.- .. -.. -.. .. -. --. .-.-.