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Author Topic: What will happen when Whites are a minority  (Read 1864 times)

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Offline LaramieHirsch

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Re: What will happen when Whites are a minority
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2018, 12:59:12 AM »
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  • If you're a white Protestant in this country, you have no future.  Period.  That's what Part 4 is all about.  

    The Catholic angle was supposed to be part 4.  But I had to make this post first.  So, looks like the Catholic angle will be part 5.  

    In any event, here is a big black pill for Black Friday.  At least, for the Protestants.

    Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.  - Aristotle

    Offline LaramieHirsch

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    Re: What will happen when Whites are a minority
    « Reply #16 on: November 25, 2018, 03:30:37 AM »
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  • For whoever is interested, here's the conclusion to my series.  This part describes what can happen with Catholics, once whites become a minority and the Republican Party is gone, and no one is fighting for American values any longer.

    Demographics Is Destiny, No More Republican Party: Part 5
    November 25, 2018 - by LH - Leave a Comment
    Again, as I have stated before, simply observing the demographic changes of our society does not mean I advocate white nationalism in the United States.  I do not.  I do however, unapologetically, advocate for the institution of Catholic monarchy here and everywhere.  If I cannot have our government revert to monarchy, then consider me a Catholic nationalist (if there ever were such a thing).
    Refer to the earlier articles below if you have not read them already:
    Demographics Is Destiny, No More Republican Party: Part 1
    Demographics Is Destiny, No More Republican Party: Part 2
    Demographics Is Destiny, No More Republican Party: Part 3
    Demographics Is Destiny, No More Republican Party: Part 4
    * * * * *
    Catholicism Can Save The Empire
    In a short space of time, demographic change is set to erase the presence of the Republican Party forever.  I have covered why this will happen in previous installments of this series.  Many Right-thinking people in the U.S. do not want to face this fact, but they know it’s true on some level, even if they don’t openly admit their fear.  Politically and materially, U.S. society is gradually turning against the legacy of the nation, and the masses are becoming polarized against American people descended from white Europeans.  If you are couched in materialism and politics, there is no bright future for you in the United States.  Everything around you is slowly being physically turned against you.  And unfortunately, in this tyrannical, oligarchical empire in which you live, there is nothing physical you can do to change the wind’s direction.  You must therefore adjust your mind in order to adapt to the new hostile circuмstances.  You must find interior peace and carry it with you wherever you go.
    Oh!  But how?  If only there were some sort of universal standard out there.  If only there was a group out there who had experience with persecution.  If only there was some kind of a collection of people who were pros at transcending the physical world, who could look beyond into a realm of higher things, and who possess the grace to see the big picture.  If only there was a body of people somewhere on the Earth who had the hindsight of all of history, and foresight so far into the future, that they even knew how the world itself would end.  If only we had some sort of recourse to a special tribe of men whom the gods of Olympus has touched.  A special nation to whom Prometheus brought divine fire.  A group who had been communicating with extraterrestrials since the beginning of history.  If only there was something out there as solid as rock and sturdy as a well-built ship to guide us through the travails of this stormy sea.
    This group exists, and in the land of the living, they are called the Church Militant.  But you would probably know them best as simply: The Catholic Church.
    Now I am not speaking particularly about this depraved cadre of pederast men who push for globalism when they aren’t snorting a line of coke off another man in the bedroom of a Vatican apartment.  I’m not referring to a collection of faux prelates who secretly meet at night in parish sanctuaries or abortion clinics to perform black masses with kidnapped nude children and aborted fetuses.  I am not promoting the purveyors of pap and shallow sentimentality, who with their effeminate dance masses and their vacuous youth synods exploit the emotions of ignorant young people—just to keep up a hip public appearance.  These headline-stealing charlatans are a bloodsucking cancer that parasitizes off of a host.  They are not who I’m writing about.
    I am writing about the institution itself.  I refer to the Holy Authority found in the Church that is so prized, that wicked men devote their entire lives to steal that authority, to abuse it and serve evil.  I am talking about a time-tested Tradition that was brought to us by a God who condescended to touch the earthen ground with the feet of a man.  This Church was instituted by a God who operates according to our calendar, speaks in ways we understand, and maintains a public Presence among men in a manner we can more tolerate and approach: the Eucharist.
    It is the Catholic Church that has seen many peoples through great hardships, guiding their hearts and strengthening them through uncertain and dangerous lives.  It is the Catholic people who leave landmarks in both a landscape and a culture.  They have done this for thousands of years, and they will do it again in the United States, long after the colonial English traditions have been mowed over and buried.
    Catholic Government
    Nothing is impossible or beyond the Church.  It has come to the rescue many times throughout history.  Most notably was it’s role in rescuing Europe from complete barbarism after the fall of Rome.  In fact, many acknowledge that America will be destroyed without turning to the Catholic Church. [/color][/b]  So, how could this be done?
    For starters, the Catholic political vehicle for having a stable society has always been a Catholic monarchy.  It is the best form of government, next to the direct theocracy that was personally touched by God in the ancient Old Testament days of the Hebrews.  I have actually written how America’s race issues could be solved though a Catholic monarchy.  I’ve explored the most pollyannish scenario, in which people would come together without much trouble, and then I wrote about how a good king would realistically take measures to stymie any further division between the American peoples:
    * The Kingdom of Católica America Part 7a: Race
    * The Kingdom of Católica America Part 7b: Race – How An American King Would Ideally Unify Us
    * The Kingdom of Católica America Part 7c: How a Catholic Monarch Would Deal With A Racist America
    Essentially, a moral king interested in the unification of his empire would cease all racially divisive initiatives, and he would allow communities to voluntarily segregate from one another if they so chose.  Many groups in this country desire to segregate themselves, and it’s not just whites.  Also, it is no secret that many blacks, Hispanics, and Asian communities already segregate themselves voluntarily from the main populace.
    Forced pluralism has been one of the most destructive novelties imposed upon the American citizenry.  Even American Indians are at least afforded their reservations.  Not so for everyone else.
    Some sort of respectable quartering of different groups would be advisable.  As of now, great tension is being built up among the different tribes throughout the empire, and there is no process, no release valve for anyone.  Dividing the different people up and settling them apart from one another was what God did for mankind after Babel.  Because “good fences make good neighbors ,” as they say.
    God created nations. He created nations out of ethnic groups which he also created. God does not want a world of undifferentiated helpless individuals. The nation is what protects you from other nations.  That’s what God wants.
    – E. Michael Jones
    Believe it or not, before pluralism began to be pushed in the mid-20th Century, and before American prelates started pushing for a pan-Catholic society, the Catholic Church actually supported ethnic enclaves.  It is important for people of the same kind to be able to talk to each other and count on each other’s support.  It is wrong to attempt to break up these groups and atomize people.  It makes the individual citizens susceptible to the ideas of a more hostile culture that seeks to promote vice and sin.  If people cannot speak to each other, then it is impossible to form any trust, and thus, any kind of a community.
    Forced integration by social engineers does not work.  It is destructive.  It destroys the local beauty that a community creates.  It wasn’t until the mid-20th Century that figureheads in the U.S. Catholic Church began rejecting ethnic identity.  You cannot move millions of a certain ethnicity of Catholics from one place into a brand new location filled with a different ethnic group of Catholics.  Just because the two groups would be Catholic, doesn’t mean they will co-exist peacefully.  That is pan-Catholicism, and it is erroneous thinking.  Though their belief and faith would be universal, they are still products of the physical world.  We are not interchangeable spirits.
    To be honest, “segregation” is a loaded word that has a lot of baggage to go along with it.  (We Catholics tend to internalize the vocabulary of our oppressors.)  Those groups who have and still do seek privacy from the other groups are voluntary.  “Segregation” refers to a legal system that enforces racial separation.   A good Catholic monarch wouldn’t have to enforce any kind of racial separation whatsoever—merely stop hindering or imposing upon communities that would prefer to retain their ethnic characteristics.   And, in fact, the whole idea would be that such a king would simply allow what has been prevented and stymied for decades in this country.
    But alas, is a Catholic king truly in the cards?  Certainly not.  So what are the other Catholic options?
    Catholics Working Within The System?
    Can Catholics work within the set of democratic rules already put in place by their Freemasonic Protestant enemies?  For example, as American Lad tweeted earlier this month, what if we created our own Catholic Workers Party?  We could run a campaign on banning usury, ending sɛҳuąƖ liberation, contraception, pornography, and no fault divorce, and we could propose a moratorium on immigration.  Our party would push to abolish student loans, re-institute tariffs, stabilize our foreign policy, and we would prioritize Catholics first.
    Or, better yet, what if we found a candidate whom we really supported?  And we took this man and had him run in an election of either political party—whether or not he truly believed in that political party’s beliefs.  And then, once upon the national stage, our candidate would speak publicly in front of large audiences about the ideals and common sense strategies that could be used to better our country?  After all, Ron Paul did that.  In fact, Ron Paul injected a LOT of ideas into the mainstream with his presidential primary campaigns.  He didn’t win, but those messages of his in 2008 and 2012 campaigns rang through loud and clear, and in a major way, he laid a lot of groundwork for a new resurgence of non-Establishment right-wing thinking that ultimately led to Donald Trump’s presidential election.
    In fact, Donald Trump sort of did exactly what Ron Paul did.  He entered the Republican Party—even though he is leftist when it comes to morality.  And he pulled the GOP kicking and screaming across one victory goal after another, no matter how much kicking and screaming the defiant, uncooperative Republicans were.
    What if we somehow gained control of the presidency and 80% control of the legislative branch, and we attempted to introduce the Blanchard Amendments into the U.S. Constitution?  Can we save ourselves that way?  Can America be “preserved” from socialist decay by this sort of an act?  Absolutely not.
    It is unlikely that Catholics will ever be able to gain power or influence in this country through democratic political means.  Democracy lends itself to tyrannical, oligarchical dominance.  To once more quote Samuel Taylor Coleridge, we’ve become “disjoined from all principle,” and the colder-hearted men of our world are now masters of the political economy.  We are governed “by a contemptible democratical oligarchy of glib economists.”  And it is in the interests of these rich and powerful men to make sure that neither the Republican Right, nor any Catholic electorate dare to threaten their power—even though we supposedly live in a “democratic republic.”
    Prelates who push for “The New Springtime of Vatican II” like to ramble on about how this is “the age of the laity,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.  But that doesn’t mean the laity will suddenly win any votes for their causes.
    What Are Catholics Left With, Then?
    So, working within the American electoral system is not likely going to work for us.  Magically getting a Catholic monarchy is a pipe dream.  And so, here you are, a Catholic getting your piece of the American pie from an empire that is diminishing and will never return.  You have your creature comforts now, but will your grandchildren?
    We live in what  Venerable Bartholomew Holzhauser calls: The 5th Age of Men.  And an enormous amount of the ills in this present age are caused by Protestantism and misplaced democracy.  So many people struggle to grasp what’s happening to the world.  Most cannot admit that men threw out Christendom and kept warm with its dying embers, which is Protestantism. Now the Protestant world is dying. Next: faithlessness, abominations, betrayal, and unreliability with social order.  Western democracy and “synodality” are NOT Catholic Tradition, no matter how often the current pontiff say so.  Monarchy is the Catholic Tradition, and yet we are denied this natural state.  So, what to do?
    If you must be politically involved in something, then focus on preserving the the traditional culture of your area.  Your town or your city.  Preserve something historical, contribute to a cause to help a statue or a building endure the wrecking ball.  Donate to a library.  Little things that bring meaning to your small area.  Another option: if you really want an American Catholic monarchy, you could dabble in micronationalism.  After all, isn’t there a Nation of Islam?  Aren’t there various American Indian Nations?  Perhaps if you get enough people signed on, your project would graduate and develop into a stateless nation.  Of course, don’t be too quick to take such an idea seriously.  After all, if it goes nowhere, your “nation” would be about as meaningful as a deed to some land on the moon that you once purchased.
    Ultimately, though, we Catholics have the tools that can help us to transcend our physical circuмstances.  We have the Church.  And this kingdom extends from this world and into Heaven itself.  That is the true home for us.  And that is what we must remember.  We yearn to be citizens of a place that is not in this world.  And because of this, we can have a sort of peace and joy that we will be leaving such a troubled place behind one day.  We have a sort of x-ray vision—a grace given to us by God—that allows us to see the entire mosaic of our world.  What confounds the arrogant is easy for us to grasp.  And this is a gift.
    “When there is nothing to be gotten out of an attack, one must still get oneself out of it–one must come out of it in the first place intact, free from weakening of purpose and from rancor; and then greater, improved by the trial.  Real spiritual strength is intensified in persecution; it murmurs sometimes but its murmuring is like that of every creature which “groaneth and travaileth in pain,” as the Apostle says.”
    -Sertillanges, The Intellectual Life
    America is going to lose the Republican Party.  After that, America will not be herself any longer.  The last remnant of the American nation will be outnumbered, outvoted, persecuted, prosecuted, deplatformed, disemployed, and dragged through the streets.  She will descend into an unrecognizable mess.  All of the citizens of this land will suffer greatly.  There will be a war one day.  And after that, there will be chaos you cannot imagine.  This long process will last over the course of generations.
    American Catholics will be caught up in all of this.  But unlike the wild-eyed Protestants and atheists who surround them, we will have the potential to rise above the fray, calm and collected, and survive the storm with our sanity intact.  We can come out of this without our purpose weakened.  We can come out greater and more improved from the trial.  If we are faithful, our spiritual strength can become intensified from the persecution.
    Let that be our plan.  Let it be our aim to stay well-rounded, interiorly at peace, and focused during that chaotic time that must come.  Pray that you, your children, and your future posterity avoid the Catholic failures of the past.  It is the doom of men that they forget their history.  Let us do well to raise our children and grandchildren, that they not forget the wrongs of this age.  Whether we’re gypsies, exiles, or slaves, let us use those Catholic graces we’ve been showered with to keep the pilot light lit and safe from the wind and rain.[/font][/size][/color]

    Before some audiences not even the possession of the exactest knowledge will make it easy for what we say to produce conviction. For argument based on knowledge implies instruction, and there are people whom one cannot instruct.  - Aristotle