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Author Topic: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....  (Read 3469 times)

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Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
« Reply #30 on: September 28, 2022, 06:35:19 PM »
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  • To seriously endorse this female "politician" as a Catholic is next level delusion and the blatant reason everyone is cucked into crypto-oligarchic machinations of demoralization propaganda via cheese-whiz and hot pockets. Same thing happened with Trump, I would even bet the next move is to further degenerate the basis by pushing a female trump in the USA. Eventually it will be an inexorable grasp of misandry guised as egalitarianism which will have no return in the dominion of you know who and what. 

    "But Praxagora, how could we, a group of women, with women’s brains make convincing speeches?" 
    “The Roman pontiff is the true vicar of Christ, the head of the whole church and the father and teacher of all Christians; and to him was committed in blessed Peter, by our lord Jesus Christ, the full power of tending, ruling and governing the whole church.” Council of Florence, Session 6

    Offline DigitalLogos

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #31 on: September 28, 2022, 06:42:07 PM »
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  • To seriously endorse this female "politician" as a Catholic is next level delusion and the blatant reason everyone is cucked into crypto-oligarchic machinations of demoralization propaganda via cheese-whiz and hot pockets. Same thing happened with Trump, I would even bet the next move is to further degenerate the basis by pushing a female trump in the USA. Eventually it will be an inexorable grasp of misandry guised as egalitarianism which will have no return in the dominion of you know who and what.

    "But Praxagora, how could we, a group of women, with women’s brains make convincing speeches?"

    "But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to use authority over the man: but to be in silence." [1 Timothy 2:12]

    "And I will give children to be their princes, and the effeminate shall rule over them." [Isaias (Isaiah) 3:4]
    "Be not therefore solicitous for tomorrow; for the morrow will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." [Matt. 6:34]

    "In all thy works remember thy last end, and thou shalt never sin." [Ecclus. 7:40]

    "A holy man continueth in wisdom as the sun: but a fool is changed as the moon." [Ecclus. 27:12]

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #32 on: September 28, 2022, 11:00:43 PM »
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  • "Israel" or the Zionist entity for its presence has been worse on the Christians of the Holy Land than the Ottoman Turks.

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #33 on: September 28, 2022, 11:11:53 PM »
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  • Therefore, I invite all faithful Christian leaders and observers, like this Italian lady, for instance, in whatever way or otherwise, to refer themselves first to the Kentucky Mandate, not the so-called state of "Israel", when they want to refer to global policy emissions of plain dealing, from the Holy Land or anywhere. And so it should be in all times and places. God bless Kentucky! Solve vincula reis!

    Offline Donachie

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #34 on: September 28, 2022, 11:13:53 PM »
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  • How many men ever went to a barbecue and would let one man take off the table what's intended for 9/10ths of the people?

    Offline The Composer

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #35 on: October 04, 2022, 12:03:26 PM »
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  • What do you think of this theory about Meloni?

    How can Georgia Meloni paradoxically be pro-NATO but anti-EU?

    Everyone's heard of Italy's newly-elected leader, but how is it that she seemingly holds two very contradictory positions?

    The European Union (EU) is the bureaucratic superstate that governs on behalf of European finance capital. NATO is the military arm of the US's interests within Europe, and was founded for the express purpose of countering (and eventually destroying) Russia/the USSR.

    However, since we have now reached the endgame of NATO's reason for existence (either finally destroy Russia, or become destroyed itself), this is how I propose the US is planning to hedge their bets in the likely event that Russia will win the war.

    As Europe deindustrializes due to being ideologically beholden to the US's foreign interests and abstaining from buying Russian energy, it becomes more attractive for European companies to come to the US and prop up the domestic economy there. This will ostensibly counteract the declining value of the US dollar as a result of China's growing Belt and Road Initiative, and attempt to keep the US competitive against China.

    This wouldn't be the first time the US has thrown its allies under the bus.

    There's precedent for this in the way that the US has immediately stepped in to fill the orders of China when it places trade blocks on imports from US- aligned countries like Australia.

    For example, China stopped buying coal from Australia, after Australia (as a result of being a US vassal state) escalated tensions with China on behalf of US foreign policy interests.

    Immediately after, the US stepped in to sell its own coal, undercutting its supposed 'ally'.

    The US will simply do the same to Europe, and the first step is to intentionally destabilize the EU, while keeping NATO intact to try and destroy Russia.

    Cue 'far right', anti-woke, pro NATO, anti-EU candidates like Georgia Meloni. By playing the anti-woke card, she can pretend to be a populist without actually advocating for things like land reform, nationalisation of industries, and an independent Italian foreign policy, while maintaining allegiance to NATO and continuing to project US foreign policy interests in the region.

    Till now, the EU has served its purpose by galvanizing Europe to act as a solid financial base and trading bloc against the USSR/the Russian Federation. However, as Russia and China have massively increased their productive forces and economic power, the EU is no longer effective against undermining this, and seen from the US perspective, it no longer serves a purpose.

    Ergo, the dissolution of the EU is in the interests of the US, and as the US empire struggles to survive in this new emerging multi-polar world, it will increasingly cannibalize its vassal states and defacto colonies.

    Offline Nadir

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    Re: BREAKING: Italy Elects Its First Female and Populist Leader in History....
    « Reply #36 on: October 04, 2022, 06:30:49 PM »
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  • [color=var(--color-primary)]DEVELOPING: Is Italy's New Anti-One World Government Prime Minister Just Another Globalist Trojan Horse?[/color]
    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))][color=var(--color-primary)]2nd Smartest Guy in the World[/color]
    [color=var(--print_secondary, var(--print_secondary_on_web_bg_color, var(--print_secondary, var(--color-secondary))))]Sep 29[/color][/font][/size]



    [color=var(--color-primary)]In a recent substack article Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was presented as an anti-globalist crusader that vehemently supports family values and national sovereignty:[/color][/font][/color]

    Comment by Nadir: if indeed she supports family values why does she not marry her “pertner” father of her child. If that is not a double standard, what is?  

    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))]2nd Smartest Guy in the World[/color]

    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))]Italy's New Anti-One World Government Prime Minister Is Being Branded A "Fascist"[/color]
    [color=var(--print_secondary, var(--print_secondary_on_web_bg_color, var(--print_secondary, var(--color-secondary))))]The CIA-run MSM are doing their utmost to frame a nationalist politician that has been fearlessly calling out their bioterrorism and central bankster One World Government agendas as a “fascist.” Watch Giorgia Meloni’s speech below and ask yourselves if anything that she said was in any way “fascistic,” offensive, unreasonable or incorrect…[/color]
    [color=var(--print_secondary, var(--print_secondary_on_web_bg_color, var(--print_secondary, var(--color-secondary))))]3 days ago · 114 likes · 10 comments · 2nd Smartest Guy in the World[/color]
    [color=var(--color-primary)]But what if Meloni is simply yet another WEF puppet “penetrator” using reverse psychology to win the hearts and minds of her nation, when in reality she has been installed into power to surreptitiously advance the Great Reset agenda?[/font][/color]
    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))][color=var(--color-primary)]This substack is a daily battle against evil. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber: it’s 8 cents a day.[/color]

    [color=var(--color-primary)]What if Meloni is just another Rockefeller asset, and member of their Aspen Institute[/font][/color]

    [color=var(--color-primary)]It is worth noting that the Aspen Institute has been awarded contracts by George Soros’s Open Societies Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
    [color=var(--color-primary)]What if was since her teenage years Meloni was a bonafide socialist?[/color][/font][/color]

    [color=var(--color-primary)]What if Meloni is a supporter of the One World Government ɧoɱosɛҳųαƖ comedian pretending to be a straight married man that was installed off of a CIA coup by the CIA and functions as a weaponized money laundering node that is nothing more than a puppet ensuring that PSYOP-UKRAINE-WAR continues to drag on as long as possible while exacerbating all of the other various Cult psyops?

    [color=var(--color-primary)]What if Meloni is the One World Government WEF/UN/CRF apparatchik analogue to Pierre Poilievre, Canada’s new Conservative Party leader?

    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))]2nd Smartest Guy in the World[/color]

    [color=var(--print_on_web_bg_color, var(--color-primary))]ADDENDUM II: CANADA - Pierre Poilievre Now Leader Of The Conservative Party, 68% Of Votes For The Man Who The Establishment Tried To Silence[/color]
    [color=var(--print_secondary, var(--print_secondary_on_web_bg_color, var(--print_secondary, var(--color-secondary))))]Well, it looks like Pierre Poilievre is in fact a One World Government WEF/UN/CRF apparatchik after all.This substack is a daily battle against evil. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber: it’s 8 cents a day. Poilievre appears not only to be a technocommunist asset, but has ties to Bill Gates. He also pushed hard for lockdowns and the DEATHVAX™ unt…[/color]
    [color=var(--print_secondary, var(--print_secondary_on_web_bg_color, var(--print_secondary, var(--color-secondary))))]16 days ago · 60 likes · 38 comments · 2nd Smartest Guy in the World[/color]
    [color=var(--color-primary)]What if just like Pierre Poilievre Italy’s new prime minister supported the draconian PSYOP-19 mandates and was in favor of the COVID-19 passports and associated Digital Green Passport which is nothing more than the full-blown social credit score precursor? 

    For the rest of article (I couldn’t copy more) see

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